Industries in Telangana
Industries in Telangana
Industries in Telangana
2 Industry (2015)
When you innovate, you create new industries that boost your economy.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
from 0.13 percent of 2013-14 at constant (2004-05) prices due to the incentives being offered
under the new Governments Industrial Policy Framework, 2014.
During the decade 2004-05 to 2014-15 the State registered an average
The figure below depicts the conceptual plan of the Government for
development of districts based on their industrial strengths.
Investment limits were enhanced with the enactment of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006.
Government of India has unveiled a policy best suited for Micro and
Small enterprises with the objectives of achieving 15% annual growth
rate; increasing employment generation; creating congenial and hasslefree environment; helping the Small Scale Industries (SSI) sector to
acquire new technologies and skills; improving export performance;
promoting linkage between large and small sectors; and promoting
appropriate institutional mechanisms to revive sick industries.
During the period 2001 to 2015 (up to January, 2015), 40,894 MSMEs
were established in Telangana with an investment of Rs.22520.63 crores,
providing employment to 5,65,496 persons.
Infrastructure Support
The following are envisaged in the policy with reference to infrastructure
1. Provision of Rs.100.00 Crore budget every year for promotion of
quality infrastructure like roads, power, water, waste management
etc. under Industrial Infrastructure Development Fund (IIDF) Scheme.
2. Promotion of National Manufacturing Investment Zone (NMIZ) along
National Highways to capitalize on the strengths in line with
Government of India initiatives for value addition within the State.
3. Promotion of Industrial Corridors to leverage the existing strengths
for optimum utilization of resources
4. Reservation of 30-40% of the land for MSMEs in the upcoming
industrial estates developed by Telangana Industrial Infrastructure
Corporation (TSIIC).
5. Allocation of 15.44% of plots to Scheduled Caste Entrepreneurs and
9.34% of plots to Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs in new Industrial
Estate and preferential allotment to SC/ST entrepreneurs in existing
Industrial Estates.
Thrust Areas
The Government recognizes the following 14 sectors as thrust areas,
investments in which will be accorded a higher priority over others.
Industrial Infrastructure
Special Economic Zones
Six SEZs in the fields of IT/ITES, Aerospace, Biotech, Formulations have
been developed in the State of Telangana.
As a part of Government initiative of developing IT Park in tier-2 cities,
the State IIC has developed SEZ at Madikonda (village) in Warangal
Land Identification for Establishment of New Industrial Parks
TSIIC had surveyed 2.50 lakh acres of waste/ barren land and has
identified an extent of 234064.35 acres, fit for industrial use readily.
Development of Women Industrial Park
There are 3 Reconnaissance Permits for Gold, Diamonds, Base metals, 18
prospecting License and 521 Mining Lease for Major Minerals (Industrial
Minerals), 1186 Quarry leases for cut and dressed blocks of Granites and
1429 Quarry leases for other Minor Minerals (Construction Minerals)
have been issued with an extent of 535805 hectares, 5633 hectares,
79478 hectares, 2764 hectares and 3611 hectares respectively.
Mining for Coal, Limestone falls under large scale mechanized sector,
while Granite, Dolomite, Quartz, Feldspar, Clays and Barytes etc., fall
under semi mechanized medium sector and the other minerals fall under
semi mechanized small sector.
Nearly 90% of the mines fall under small sector and remaining under
medium and large sectors.