Mansions of Madness Second Edition Conversion Kit Rules

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"Our means of receiving impressions are absurdly few, and

our notions of surrounding objects infinitely narrow. We see

things only as we are constructed to see them, and can gain
no idea of their absolute nature. With five feeble senses we
pretend to comprehend the boundlessly
complex cosmos"
H. P. Lovecraft, From Beyond
The contents of this Conversion Kit are designed to
integrate the investigator figures, monster figures, and
map tiles from first edition products into the second
edition of Mansions of Madness.
If you own any first edition products, players can play
the investigators from those products and the monsters
and map tiles from those products can be used by the
app when generating maps or spawning monsters.
Before playing your first game, input which products
you own in the collection manager in the app. You can
access the collection manager from the main menu by
selecting "More" and then selecting "My Collection."
To enable a product or expansion, select the specific
product and press "Disabled."

^^ 16 Investigator Cards
^^ 33 Monster Tokens
^^ 4 Person Tokens

Second Edition Game Design: Nikki Valens
First Edition Game Design: Corey Konieczka
Conversion Kit Design: Nikki Valens with Daniel Lovat
Clark and Nathan I. Hajek
Graphic Design: WiL Springer with Evan Simonet
Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg
Production Management: Megan Duehn and Simone Elliott
Executive Game Designer: Corey Konieczka
Executive Producer: Michael Hurley
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
Quality Assurance Coordinator: Zach Tewalthomas
Playtesting: Brad Andres, Audrey Bailey, Samuel W. Bailey,
Dane Beltrami, Chiara Bertulessi, Simone Biga,
Ian Birdsall, Forrest Bower, Joseph Bozarth, Nayt Brookes,
Frank Brooks, Chris Brown, John D. Curtis,
John W. Curtis III, Kathleen Curtis, Caterina DAgostini,
Andrea DellAgnese, Julia Faeta, Jason Glawe,
Branden Haines, Matt Holland, Alene Horner,
Jason Horner, Julien Horner, Evan Johnson,
Justin Kemppainen, James Kniffen, Matthew Landis,
Mark Larson, Lukas Litzsinger, Andrea Marmiroli,
James Meier, Kathleen Miller, Heather Minke,
Maegan Mohr, Michelle McCarthy, Anton Torres,
Janie True, Quentin True, Jason Walden, Paul Winchester

Each of these components functions identically to the

corresponding components in second edition. This
Conversion Kit does not include any plastic figures;
you will need to own the corresponding first edition
products to use these Investigator cards and Monster
tokens with the second edition of Mansions of Madness.
To integrate these components into your second edition
game, add all investigator figures, monster figures,
and map tiles from your first edition products and the
corresponding Investigator cards and Monster tokens
from this Conversion Kit to your existing pool of second
edition components. If you own the Call of the Wild
Expansion, also add the four Person tokens.

Indoor & Outdoor Rooms

Each room is either indoor or outdoor and each
space within a room shares this quality. On second
edition tiles, a room's name tag indicates if it is
indoor or outdoor.

Street 2

Indoor Name Tag

Outdoor Name Tag

The distinction between indoor and outdoor rooms is

not indicated on first edition tiles. Instead, refer to the
alphabetical lists of indoor and outdoor rooms below:
Indoor Rooms: Abandoned Shack, Attic Loft,
Attic Stairs, Attic Storage, Barn, Basement Landing,
Basement Stairs, Basement Storage, Bathroom 1,
Bathroom 2, Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3, Cave Bend,
Ceremony Room, Chapel, Chasm, Coat Room,
Control Room, Corner Hallway 1, Corner Hallway 2,
Covered Bridge, Crypt, Dining Room, Dungeon Cave,
Dungeon Cell, Entryway, Foyer, Freezer,
Front Porch, Furnace Room, Gallery, Generator Room,
Greenhouse, Guest Bedroom, Hallway 1, Hallway 2,
Hallway 3, Hallway 4, Hallway 5, Hidden Laboratory,
Holding Cell, Kitchen, Kitchen Storage, Laboratory,
Library, Master Bedroom, Medical Storage, Morgue,
Mud Room, Nursery, Observation Room, Office,
Operating Room, Operating Theater, Outhouse,
Quarantine Room, Rooftop, Root Cellar,
Rotted Porch, Saw Mill, Secret Passage,
Spruce Grove, Storage Closet, Storage Shed, Study,
Torture Chamber, Tower Room, Tower Stairs
Outdoor Rooms: Back Path, Backyard, Barnyard,
Campsite, Cave Entrance, Dark Path, Forest Edge,
Front Path, Front Yard, Garden, Graveyard,
Graveyard 2, Hilltop, Marshland, Mill Yard,
Old Forest, Old Oak, Old Orchard, Old Well, Patio,
Pigpen, Pond, Ritual Site, River Bend 1, River Bend 2,
River Crossing 1, River Crossing 2, River Rapids 1,
River Rapids 2, Rotted Path, Scarecrow, Waterwheel

Product Icons
Each of the components in this Conversion Kit
is marked with one of three product icons which
corresponds to the product in which it
originally appeared.

Mansions of Madness First Edition

Forbidden Alchemy Expansion
Call of the Wild Expansion

2016 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. No part of this product may be

reproduced without specific permission. Apple and the Apple logo are
trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and/or foreign
countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a
trademark of Google Inc. Fantasy Flight Supply is a TM of Fantasy
Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games, Mansions of Madness,
Arkham Horror, and the FFG logo are of Fantasy Flight Publishing,
Inc. Fantasy Flight Games is located at 1995 West County Road B2,
Roseville, Minnesota, 55113, USA, 651-639-1905. Actual components
may vary from those shown. Made in China. THIS PRODUCT IS

Eldritch Horror is a new board game of global

terror and adventure in which players take the roles
of globetrotting investigators working to gather
clues, solve mysteries, and protect the world from
otherworldly threats.
With twelve unique investigators, 250 tokens,
and over 300 cards, Eldritch Horror presents an
epic, world-spanning adventure with each and
every game. Do you have the courage to keep
evil at bay?

2015 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Eldritch Horror

and Arkham Horror are of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

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