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Cohort study

Exclusive bottle feeding of either formula or breast milk

is associated with greater infant weight gain than exclusive
breastfeeding, but ndings may not reect a causal effect
of bottle feeding
Michael S Kramer

Department of Pediatrics and of

Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and
Occupational Health, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec,

Correspondence to
Dr Michael S Kramer
Department of Pediatrics and of
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and
Occupational Health, McGill
University, 2300 Tupper Street,
Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3H 1P3;

Commentary on: Li R, Magadia J, Fein SB, et al. Risk of bottle-feeding for rapid weight gain during the
rst year of life. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2012;166:4316.



The paper by Li et al addresses a topic that has been

much studied and debated over the last several decades:
the relationship between type of infant feeding and
growth in the rst year of life. This study adds a new
twist, however: the consideration of bottle feeding, even
among infants who receive breast milk via the bottle,
rather than formula. Although formula and other nonhuman milk can be provided only by bottle, breast milk
can be provided either via the breast or the bottle. Many
breastfeeding mothers, particularly those who choose to
or are obligated to return to work during breastfeeding,
will pump their milk to provide bottled breast milk for
their infants during their absence.

The authors found that bottle feeding itself, even with

breast milk, was associated with a higher rate of weight
gain over the rst year of life (adjusted mean difference
of weight gain velocity in infants who were fed breast
milk by bottle versus those breastfed only=88.8 (95% CI
13.2 to 164.5 g/mo)).

This study uses a longitudinal (cohort) design beginning
at birth. Mothers of infants born 35 weeks gestational
age with birth weights 2250 g were mailed 10 questionnaires at approximately monthly intervals during
the rst year. Although 3033 mothers completed neonatal questionnaires, only 1899 motherinfant pairs provided valid weight and feeding data to be included in
the analysis.


Evidence-Based Medicine June 2013 | volume 18 | number 3 |

The major strengths of this study include its longitudinal
design and its sophisticated statistical analysis, which
takes into account the repeated observations in the
infants, the shape of the weight curve as a function of
age, and a variety of potentially confounding covariates.
The analytic model does not, however, adjust for regression to the mean: the tendency of infants who are
heavier at the start of an interval to gain less weight
during that interval.
Like most previous authors, Li et al assume that
associations between infant feeding and growth reect
causal effects of the former on the latter. The fact that
babies fed with bottles, even bottles containing breast
milk, gained weight more rapidly than those receiving
breast milk only from the breast does not necessarily

mean, however, that the bottles caused the infants to
gain more weight.
Infant feeding is a dynamic process determined largely
by the infants demand and the mothers supply. The
larger the demand, the greater the potential supply,
because the infants suckling stimulates maternal milk
production. Infants who are growing along a slower trajectory may well be satised with breastfeeding only, do not
get hungry between breastfeedings, and thus are less likely
to receive a bottle.1 In other words, the authors have not
considered the reverse causality relationship: faster growth
may lead to bottle feeding, rather than bottle feeding
leading to faster growth. Indeed, we have shown that a
randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a breastfeeding promotion intervention yields very different results for infant
growth when analysed by intention to treat (as randomised) than when analysed observationally (as fed).2
It is difcult to study the receipt of breast milk via
bottle versus breast using an RCT. Some mothers will be
unwilling to bottle-feed their infants, others will be
unwilling to proscribe the use of bottles if they seem
needed, and many will be unwilling to accept randomisation. Until RCT evidence is produced, however,
attempts to replicate these ndings in other cohorts
would be worthwhile. Animal studies could shed light
on possible biological mechanisms, if faster growth is
observed in those who receive bottle feeding.

Breastfeeding is superior to formula feeding with

respect to risks of gastrointestinal and respiratory infection, atopic dermatitis in infancy, necrotising enterocolitis in preterm infants, and sudden infant death
syndrome, as well as long-term neurocognitive development.3 4 Benets for the mother include prolonged
contraception and reduction in future risk of breast
cancer and perhaps ovarian cancer.3 Which of these
health benets for the mother and child depend on
breastfeeding or also accrue to infants who receive
breast milk by bottle remains an open question.
Competing interests None.
1. Kramer MS, Moodie EEM, Dahhou M, et al. Respond to
Causation or noitasuaC? Am J Epidemiol 2011;173:
2. Kramer MS, Guo T, Platt RW, et al. Breastfeeding and infant
growth: biology or bias? Pediatrics 2002;110:3437.
3. Ip S, Chung M, Raman G, et al. Breastfeeding and maternal and
infant health outcomes in developed countries. Evidence Report/
Technology Assessment No. 153. Rockville, MD: Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ Publication No.
07-E007, April 2007.
4. Kramer MS, Aboud F, Mironova E, et al. Breastfeeding and
child cognitive development: new evidence from a large
randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008;65:57884.

Evidence-Based Medicine June 2013 | volume 18 | number 3 |


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