Acting Methods
Acting Methods
Acting Methods
Part I
Francois Delsarte
Statue of Quintilian in the main plaza of Calahorra
Delsarte system
Elements of an Action
Stanislavski divided action into several parts:
The Magic If
Given Circumstances
Concentration or Attention
Truth and Belief
Emotional Memory
The Magic If
Stanislavski did not think an actor could honestly believe in the
truth and reality of events on stage, but said an actor can
believe in the possibility of events by asking What would I do
if I were in Romeos position or Juliets position?
This transforms the characters aim or goal into the actors aim
or goal, giving him or her a strong stimulus to physical actions
that will generate the required emotions
The Magic If leads the actor to use imagination and
thought to create logical actions, and correctly executed
logical actions trigger correct emotions
Given Circumstances
Given Circumstances refers to everything an actor encounters as
he creates the role
Just as physical and psychological behavior is subject to the
external influences of the environment they occur in, an actors
choice of actions are subject to the environment they occur in, an
actors choice of actions are subject to the environment they
occur in
We build characters based on these given circumstances, so the
actor must become extremely familiar with the given
circumstances of the play by studying the play thoroughly
Imagination plays a big part in transforming the story of the play
into an artistic reality
An actor needs:
To be able to think on any theme or subject
To be an observer of the world around him
To learn to dream (to create scenes and take part in them)
Imagination also contributes to an actors interpretation of the
lines, filling them with the meaning behind the lines or the
subtext of the lines
Using imagination an actor can create interesting meanings,
thoughts or intentions behind the words and, in combination
with the actions he or she takes before, during, and after the
words are spoken, he or she can create a character that is
expressive and interesting to watch and hear
Everything an actor imagines for his or her character (actions
and subtext) must be precise and logical (proceed from the
given circumstances of the play)
Concentration of attention
Stanislavski believed actor must concentrate on what is
taking place on stage in order to eliminate distractions
that occur beyond the stage
But actor must not try to forget the audience because
forgetting the audience defeats the purpose of the theatre
Actor can create public solitude by giving maximum
attention to physical actions and to the use of imagination
in creating physical actions
A concrete thought and the expression of that
thought through a concrete physical action can and
should be the focus of the actors attention on stage
Communion refers to the communion between actors
on stage
The actor must be in communion with his partner, not
an imaginary person
To be in communion with another person on stage
To be aware of that persons presence
To make sure that he/she understands what you tell
To make sure that you understand what they tell you
Called mutual influence
Mutual Influence
The actor must see images and transmit those images
to fellow actors in order to actively transmit his/her
lines and impress on his fellow actor(s) what he/she
wants them to see and hear
The actor must absorb what other actors tell him/her;
their words, their actions, their thoughts must come
through to him/her as if they were seeing and hearing
them for the first time
Actors influence other actors through concrete actions
that make use of imagination and concentration and stir
concrete reactions from other actors to achieve strong
Adaptation is the overcoming of a physical obstacle in
the pursuit of a goal or objective
Once an actor has chosen an action (What do I do?)
within the given circumstances (Why do I do it?), an
adaptation answers the question How do I carry out
the action?
The action and the given circumstances can be
considered and decided on beforehand, but the
adaptation depends on the actors partner(s) and
his/her/their behavior
To be interesting, an adaptation must be imaginative, in
good taste, strong, and sharp
There is an individual tempo-rhythm in every person
and every situation. An actor must find it for the
character he portrays
Every action on stage has a certain tempo-rhythm and
should be executed accordingly
Tempo-rhythm must correspond to given
If the correct tempo-rhythm is not carried out, the
truthfulness of the actions is lost (If actions are too
slow or too fast, they are not believable)
Emotional Memory
Experience on stage is different from experience in
life because an actor lives on stage as a character but
also as the actor who creates the character.
The circumstances and experiences of the character
influence the choices the actor makes in creating the
character just as the real life experiences of the actor
influence how he or she carries out the creation of the
character on stage.
Stanislavski believed that the actor creating the
character on stage must create true stage experiences.
The actor cannot create true experiences on stage
because the actor on stage lives a repeated
experience, not a primary experience.
Michael Chekhov
Nephew of Anton Chekhov
Admitted to the MAT in 1912
Used Vakhtangovs justification
Believed Stanislavski slighted
the use of imagination in the
creation of a character
Rejected Emotional Memory as restricting and
believed actor could use imaginary events and
images to help stimulate emotions
Chekhov used qualities as substitutes for emotion
Extended system to include the psychological
gesture or physical action which reveals inner
feeling and personality of character
Gestures illuminate inner character (similar to actions
illuminating emotion)
Vsevolod Meyerhold
1903- left the MAT to start a theatre of his own
1905- returned and set up in studio of his own
Studio failed (lost money) but compelled Meyerhold
to rethink his ideas:
Realized actors lacked physical expressivity
Wanted to do away with the fourth wall and challenge the
audience directly
Not interested in the theater of personal feeling:
Emotion came from actions but did not want actors to be
overcome by feeling; actor was to be in control of his
body and his feelings
Quintilian, Delsarte, Stanislavski concerned with expression of
authentic feeling/emotion in actor; Meyerhold more concerned
with creation of feeling in audience
Revolutionary Ideas
Meyerhold wanted to create a revolution in the theatre and a
revolution for the actor
Realized that in order to break free of the restraints of
realism, he needed to approach acting in a purely
physical way
Stanislavski had created an internal-external approach
Meyerhold attempted to create external-internal/surface-core
Borrowed from the techniques of Commedia del arte
(extended lazzi or bits), pantomime (strong and flexible
actors), the circus (clowns use of masks, exaggeration and
foolishness) Kabuki and Noh theater (centers of gravity)
Idea was to celebrate the theatrical, excite and challenge the
audience and free the actor from the prison of natural
Needed actors to be capable of carrying out the actions required
Required training in boxing, tumbling, dancing, climbing, etc.
Rejected idea of fourth wall; actor should be fully aware of the
audience and deliberately acknowledge and play for them
Freed actor from prison of natural behavior but required actor to
submit to rigorous training regimen called Biomechanics
Exercises included The Leap from the Back, Dropping the
Weight, Throwing the Stone, The Slap in the Face, Carrying
the Sack, Shooting the Bow, etc.
First rule of these exercises is for the actor to find his/her
center of balance
Second rule is for the actor to find for his/her body an
expressive position in space
The Method
Stella Adler
Original member of the Group Theatre
Had trouble with Strasbergs use of
affective memory
Had very little problem finding
and communicating proper
emotion for scene
Met Stanislavski in Paris in July, 1934
According to Adler, actors job is to defictionalize the fiction
which is an act of imagination (consistent with Magic If)
Emotion should ideally come from commitment to circumstances
An action is something you do
Adler broke actions down into parts:
Activities (small actions) in support of larger action
Overall action
Justification for action
Activities and actions must be justified in support of
overall action
Example: Pilot flying airplane in war
Adlers focus was authors text (not just words but
character and circumstances)
Goal was uniting actor and part within context of the
First step toward characterization is thorough understanding of
Next step is to narrow focus to circumstances of character
Good character background illuminates subsequent behavior of the
Tempo-rhythm and observation of animals plays part in Adlers approach
to characterization:
Example: Easily distracted character with limited powers of
Actor observes puppy and transfers attitude of puppy to human
Once believable behavior is mastered, actor puts the character in
circumstances within and without the scene
Once behavior is found, voice falls into place (or vice-versa)
But characteristics are not character
Words only have meaning within a circumstance
Find actions logical to circumstances of play and
character and paraphrase dialogue with your own
Look at authors words
Whatever has been left out is not understood
Paraphrase when you do understand important points
author is making
Play truth and logic of circumstances, live and act
imaginatively within them, and the dialogue will flow
Sanford Meisner
Became original
member of Group
Theatre in 1931
Wanted to transcend
casual realism and find
a way to use
Stanislavskis work to
create more stylized
Inspired by Strasberg
and Adler, began
teaching in the mid1930s
Definition of acting:
Living truthfully under imaginary circumstances
Disturbed by extensive use of paraphrasing at Group Theatre
(valuable tool for Adler)
Paraphrasing put actor too much in his head
Acting came from the heart
Affective memory led to actors loss of connection with his or her
scene partner
Believed connection between actors was vital to the life of
the scene
Strasberg introverted the introverted. All actors like all
artists are introverted because they live on whats going on in
their instincts, and to attempt to make that conscious is to
confuse the actor.
When emotion is not engaged, must use
Stanislavskis Magic If
Make the if conscious
3. Pick up on impulses not cues
Do not wait to react until partner has finished their
React with face, body, or with action when
the impulse occurs
But actor is obligated not to say line until partner is
4. Character
Character is behavior
Playing a character does not mean that you leave
yourself behind but does not mean that you only
play yourself
Stanislavski: Actor uses himself when he plays
Meisner: Actor uses preparation and