Extemporaneous Speaking

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Teenage Pregnancy

Who do you think should teach a teen about sex? Who should teach a teen ways to be safe and prevent
them from getting pregnant? I believe that parents should be the main teachers in the sex talk but unfortunately
they arent always the most effective thus in todays society we have sex education classes. Most teens are
required to take a health class their freshman year of high school. This class was designed to teach teens about
sex, STDs, and to stay abstinent. All those things are something very important for teens to know since statistics
of teen pregnancy keep increasing. They want to prevent this reoccurring matter but only teaching abstinence to
all teens will not help. The teachers are telling them the only way to not get pregnant is to not have sex. Its back
to the spite game with teens, the teacher is telling them not to do something thus most of the time they will do it
Teens arent just having sex because of the spite game. Teens are having sex for many other reasons as
well, such as peer pressure. It may also make teens feel more mature, and even something as simple as it just
feels good. Teaching teens more methods of having safe sex would be more effective for the sex education
classes. If these classes would spend more time teaching ways to have safe sex it would decrease the rate of teen
pregnancy. If they are left with the knowledge of how to be safe during sex I believe the teens would use it to their
advantage. For the kids playing the spite game even they may use the knowledge. They are having sex for spite,
Times are changing and as long as the years go by things will continue changing in everything around us
though some things stay constant. Teens having sex I believe will continue with the years and may increase. The
thing we can change today is to acknowledge teens through the sex education classes on methods of safe sex
rather than just abstinence. I believe I can speak for the teens I know today that have had children and say, they
want their kids to know safe sex methods to help prevent pregnancy if they are going to have sex. We dont want
to rely on the thought all teens are abstinent, so we have to change the teaching of the sex education classes
I am actually an example of how it can be good. I am 18 years old. I have a two year old daughter. If it
weren't for my daughter, I would have killed myself. I actually go to JWU in providence. I graduated highschool.
I'm not broke living on the street. I believe in god, and understand he does things for a reason. My little girl lives
with my parents and her other parent. Is it hard being away at college? Yes, but she inspires me to be better, to
be strong, to show her you can make money from your passion. Being a teen mother made me care, forced me to
take responsibility for my actions. I think that it is a good thing, given the mother actually cares and is willing to
ask for help. I love my daughter, she's advanced in all categories. I have a smart child because I have been
raising her the right and proper way. And before anyone says "You're away from her, how could you be a good
parent?" There are married couples where the father is away in the military, same thing here, we want a future for
our children, and we'd do anything it takes. For me I have to get a college education so that I can support my
child and give her the things she needs. Being a teen mother is not all bad, and I'm tired of people always saying
it is. I'm a living, breathing reason why it's not. Without her, I would be dead.
Terrorist Attacks
Terrorism is the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain
goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or
instilling fear. By terrorism, I mean when non-state militants take the war to attacking civilians and public
property. Manipulating the fear of common people so that they pressure the government to give into your
demands simply so that you will stop murdering the is despicable. But this definition is not acceptable
everywhere. Now in this 21st century we are facing the threat of religious terrorism. Terrorist have taken the
frame of religion to complete their goals by installing fear among people. Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram, ISIS, are
the terrorist organization which justify their act considering Islamic religion. Al-Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin
Laden in 1988; they were the Muslim fighters who fought the soviets, following their invasion of Afghanistan. Now
their objective is to eradicate American military and culture from the Middle East and to form a strict Islamic rule.
Hamas is a group that was founded in 1987 whose aim is to establish an Islamic state in the GAZA strip by
opposing the Israel government. Similar to Islamic terrorism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism has also witnessed
their militant organization. You wont believe but there are 100 to 170 officially designated terrorist organization
throughout the world. But the organization which is making the news recently is ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria). They are in the news recently because they are winning. Their objective is to establish a Sunni Islamic
State in Iraq and Levant region which includes Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, and Southern
Global Warming
Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events
and human activities are believed to be contributing to an increase in average global temperatures. This is caused
primarily by increases in greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Global warming is the term used to
describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that
is believed to be permanently changing the Earths climate. There is great debate among many people, and
sometimes in the news, on whether global warming is real (some call it a hoax). But climate scientists looking at
the data and facts agree the planet is warming. While many view the effects of global warming to be more
substantial and more rapidly occurring than others do, the scientific consensus on climatic changes related to
global warming is that the average temperature of the Earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 C over the past 100
years. The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil
fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the global
warming that has occurred over the past 50 years. Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
carrying out global warming research have recently predicted that average global temperatures could increase
between 1.4 and 5.8 C by the year 2100. Changes resulting from global warming may include rising sea levels

due to the melting of the polar ice caps, as well as an increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other
severe weather events.
Arctic sea ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer. Each year, the
Arctic sea ice reaches its minimum extent in September. The record lowest extent in the 37-year satellite record
occurred on September 17, 2012 when sea ice extent fell to 3.39 million square kilometers (1.31 million square
miles). During the first ten days of September this year, the Arctic lost ice at a faster than average rate. On
average, the Arctic lost 34,100 square kilometers (13,200 square miles) per day compared to the 1981 to 2010
long-term average of 21,000 square kilometers (8,100 square miles) per day. The early September rate of decline
also greatly exceeded the rate observed for the same period during the record low year of 2012 (19,000 square
kilometers, or 7,340 square miles, per day). By September, the air is cooling and there is little surface melt. This
argues that that the fairly rapid early September ice loss was due to extra heat in the upper ocean. Recent ice
loss was most pronounced in the Chukchi Sea, northwest of Alaska. NSIDC scientists said ice may also relate to
the impact of two strong storms that passed through the region during August.
Many of these greenhouse gases are actually life-enabling, for without them, heat would escape back into
space and the Earths average temperature would be a lot colder. However, if the greenhouse effect becomes
stronger, then more heat gets trapped than needed, and the Earth might become less habitable for humans,
plants and animals. Carbon dioxide, though not the most potent of greenhouse gases, is the most significant one.
Human activity has caused an imbalance in the natural cycle of the greenhouse effect and related processes. One
of John Brunos colleagues, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, talks about the impact climate change will have on ocean
ecosystems. Rapidly rising greenhouse gas concentrations are driving ocean systems toward conditions not seen
for millions of years, with an associated risk of fundamenta and irreversible ecological transformation. Changes in
biological function in the ocean caused by anthropogenic climate change go far beyond death, extinctions and
habitat loss: fundamental processes are being altered, community assemblages are being reorganized and
ecological surprises are likely.
Climate scientists admit that the chances of the world keeping average global temperature at current
levels are not going to be possible (humanity has done little to address things in the past couple of decades that
these concerns have been known about).
So, now, there is a push to contain temperature rises to an average 2C increase (as an average, this means
some regions may get higher temperatures and others, lower).
Even just a 2C increase can have impacts around the world to biodiversity, agriculture, the oceans etc
(detailed further below). But in the lead up to important global climate talks at the end of 2009, some delegates
are skeptical that temperature rises can be contained to a 2C rise (or C0 2 levels of 350 ppm). On October 22,
2009, the British Government and the UKs Met Office (UKs National Weather Service) unveiled a new map,
showing what would happen if we allowed average global temperatures to increase to 4C above pre-industrial
levels (the high end of the UN IPCC projections). In short, we would not be able to cope with a 4C average
increase. Mentioned further above was the concern that more hurricanes could result.
With global warming on the increase and species habitats on the decrease, the chances for various
ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. Many studies have pointed out that the rates of extinction of
animal and plant species, and the temperature changes around the world since the industrial revolution, have
been significantly different to normal expectations. An analysis of population trends, climate change, increasing
pollution and emerging diseases found that 40 percent of deaths in the world could be attributed to
environmental factors.
Water expands when heated, and sea levels are expected to rise due to climate change. Rising sea levels
will also result as the polar caps begin to melt. Rising sea levels is already affecting many small islands. The
WorldWatch Institute reports that [t]he Earths ice cover is melting in more places and at higher rates than at
any time since record keeping began. Rising sea levels will impact many coastlines, and a large mass of
humanity lives near the coasts or by major rivers. Analysis by the World Wildlife Fund has found that many cities
are unprepared for climate change effectsuch as rising sea levels.
An increase in pests and disease is also feared. A report in the journal Science in June 2002 described the
alarming increase in the outbreaks and epidemics of diseases throughout the land and ocean based wildlife due to
climate changes. One of the authors points out that, Climate change is disrupting natural ecosystems in a way
that is making life better for infectious diseases.
The Guardian summarizes a United Nations warning that, One in six countries in the world face food
shortages this year because of severe droughts that could become semi-permanent under climate change.
Drought and desertification are starting to spread and intensify in some parts of the world already.
End Time Signs
When Noah and Lot warned their respective people of God's coming judgment and destruction, the people
would not listen. Instead they treated Noah and Lot as "extremists". Then the destruction that DID come found the
people unprepared.Thus it will be when Jesus Christ returns. As in the days of Noah and Lot, the soon return of our
Lord Jesus will be a snare unto the people who do not heed the warning and surrender their lives to Him who
knows all. (Luke 17:26-30)
What you are about to discover in this site is amazing evidence that we in 2016, are living right in the end
of times for this world as we know it. The prophecy of Daniel 2 alone shows we are in the 'time of the end', and all
the other evidence proves we are in the very end times. The Biblical signs are clear for all to see, and after
reading through this site with open eyes, even the scoffers will struggle to argue against it. Sure, many people
throughout history have been proclaiming that they were living in the last days and the end of the world was nigh,
and some of the Bible signs have always existed from the early days. But never has there been a time before

when ALL these events were evident in so many diverse places and with such frequency and intensity. Our
Generation is the FIRST generation to fulfill ALL the biblical signs. So we will show you from the many following
signs on this and other pages, that without doubt we are living in the final years that the Bible prophesied were to
Christ said Himself ..."So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the
doors" (Matthew 24:33). We know that we cannot fix a date on the second coming of Jesus, but as the above Bible
verse confirms, we CAN know when it is near, EVEN AT THE DOOR!! And the Bible signs have now been fulfilled
like never before in all of history, showing we are the final generation before the return of Christ Jesus. "Verily I
say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." (Matthew 24:34)
Daniel 2 ...'Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image .. This image's head was of fine gold(Babylon),
his breast and his arms of silver(Persia), his belly and his thighs of brass(Greece), His legs of iron(Rome), his feet
part of iron and part of clay(Divided Nations). Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which
smote the image upon his feet.' In Daniel 2, verses 31-45, we have a prophecy of all the different kingdoms that
were to rule the world from the time of Babylon, right up until the end of the world and the second coming of
Christ (destroying rock). You can see from the picture the fulfillment of this prophecy. And where are we today? We
are in the feet of the image. Amongst the divided kingdoms of the world. So this prophecy alone tells us that this
generation is living in the "end times". And when did the "age" of the feet begin? In A.D.476. And as this image
confirms, this is the LAST "age" before the end. So this world has been in the "last age" for over 1500 years! So
we are now in the very toes of the image, awaiting the "destroying rock", which is Christ's eternal Kingdom at the
second coming.
Same-Sex Marriage
Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage has always been a covenant between a
man and a woman which is by its nature ordered toward the procreation and education of children and the unity
and wellbeing of the spouses. The promoters of s ame-sexmarriage propose something entirely different. They
propose the union between two men or two women. This denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and
psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage. It also denies
the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children. Marriage
is not just any relationship between human beings. It is a relationship rooted in human nature and thus governed
by natural law. Natural laws most elementary precept is that good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be
avoided. By his natural reason, man can perceive what is morally good or bad for him. Thus, he can know the end
or purpose of each of his acts and how it is morally wrong to transform the means that help him accomplish an
act into the acts purpose. It is in the childs best interests that he be raised under the influence of his natural
father and mother. This rule is confirmed by the evident difficulties faced by the many children who are orphans
or are raised by a single parent, a relative, or a foster parent. The unfortunate situation of these children will be
the norm for all children of a same-sexmarriage. A child of a same-sex marriage will always be deprived of
either his natural mother or father. He will necessarily be raised by one party who has no blood relationship with
Gay Marriage will have no impact whatsoever on heterosexual communities, just as racial integration in
the 60's had no negative impact on white communities. This is the same concept with legalization of gay
marriage, it will grant the LGBT community a right that has been immorally denied to them. One of the major
reasons that gay marriage is currently illegal is due to the religious interpretation that " homosexual are sinners."
Such a religious perspective should have no place in federal, legal matters in the US. We live a secular society
that maintains secular views. The Ten Commandments do not define our legal system, so why does the religious
argument "marriage is the union between a man and a women" keep so many gay couples from becoming legally
married? Legalizing gay marriage will have no negative impact on religion and/ or the religious view of others, just
as religion should not have any impact on the issue of gay marriage. In the 50's, interracial marriage was illegal.
But now, modern society understands this to be an unjust law that denied equal rights to couples who loved each
other. The issue of gay marriage is no different. Denying marriage to two individuals who love each other is to
deny them a fundamental freedom. Gay couples are legally allowed to enter into civil union partnership.. but this
is not nearly the same thing as marriage. Marriage licenses grant innumerable rights to married couples, rights
that are not endowed to gay couples in civil unions. It is no excuse to deem that gay marriage is not necessary
because "they already have civil unions...why do they want more?" The financial, medical, and social rights that
are associated with marriage are unfortunately kept away from homosexual couples. One of the main reasons why
teenagers are commit suicide are due to the child being bullied at their school as a result of his/her sexual
orientation. The same acceptance that will come about due to legalizing gay marriage will show teens that
homosexuality is accepted and respected in society. We need to explain to younger generations that being
different is not a social disability, so that they will never feel the need to take their own lives because they are
gay. Legalizing gay marriage will help establish a social norm that includes and respects homosexual lifestyles.
Couples as well as individuals in the LGBT community will seem less "different" from heterosexual lifestyle, so
straight couples and individuals will be more inclined to accept homosexual couples into their communities. Most
adoption agencies discriminate against gay couples and make it incredibly difficult for them to adopt children.
Many agencies will only release children to "married" couples, therefore rejecting stable, loving, homosexual
parents. By legalizing gay marriage in ALL states, adoption agencies will be forced to grant the same respect and
right to homosexual couples. Gay marriage will increase the chances for thousands of foster children to gain
loving parents and families.
Since life begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in
direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human life. Adoption is a viable alternative to

abortion and accomplishes the same result. And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there
is no such thing as an unwanted child. An abortion can result in medical complications later in life; the risk of
ectopic pregnanciesdoubles, and the chance of a miscarriage and pelvic inflammatory disease also increases. In
the instance of rape and incest, proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. Abortion
punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished. Those
who choose abortions are often minors or young women with insufficient life experience to understand fully what
they are doing. Many have lifelong regrets afterwards. Abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and
Adoption is not an alternative to abortion, because it remains the woman's choice whether or not to give
her child up for adoption. Statistics show that very few women who give birth choose to give up their babies - less
than 3% of white unmarried women and less than 2% of black unmarried women. In the case of rape or incest,
forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. Often a
woman is too afraid to speak up or is unaware she is pregnant, thus the morning after pill is ineffective in these
situations. The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive
choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If the government can force a woman to continue a pregnancy, what
about forcing a woman to use contraception or undergo sterilization? Teenagers who become mothers have grim
prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on
public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced.
Cyber Bullying and School Bullying
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include
mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing
pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Cyberbullying can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a
kid even when he or she is alone. It can happen any time of the day or night. Cyberbullying messages and images
can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes
impossible to trace the source. Deleting inappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures is extremely
difficult after they have been posted or sent. Cell phones and computers themselves are not to blame for
cyberbullying. Social media sites can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family,
helping students with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people.
Whether done in person or through technology, the effects of bullying are similar. Kids who are cyberbullied are
more likely to use alcohol and drugs, skip school, experience in-person bullying, be unwilling to attend school,
receive poor grades, have lower self-esteem, and have more. health problems. Cyberbullying can take many
forms. It may include repeatedly sending e-mails to people who have said they do not want contact with the
sender. It can also include sending threats, making sexual remarks, using offensive language or labels, or posting
humiliating photos or videos, as well as spreading rumors or lies about the victim. Cyberbullies sometimes set up
a website to make fun of a victim or forward private e-mails from the victim without permission. Cyberbullies also
try to get others to join in the behavior; they urge chat room members, for example, to gang up on someone else
by making fun of them or refusing to let them participate in discussions. Girls are more likely than boys to
experience cyberbullying. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities are four
times more likely to experience cyberbullying than their non-LGBT peers. Analysts offer various reasons for the
pervasiveness of cyberbullying. Some see the behavior as an online version of the teasing and cruelty that
commonly exist in schools. Others point out that the Internet offers anonymity to bullies, while simultaneously
providing them with the opportunity to reach a huge audience. To bullies, posting photos or videos can seem like
a way to achieve celebrity and status. In addition, by using electronic communications to demean their victims,
cyberbullies are removed from the real consequences of their actions. They are not present to deal with their
targets reaction or response. The prevalence of social networking contributes to social conditions that make
cyberbullying possible. Because adolescents spend so much time communicating with their peers online, they
may be losing the social skills needed for real interactions with others. According to this view, the Internet makes
friendships seem more like abstractions or commodities than real human relationships. In these circumstances,
cyberbullies can regard their behavior as a casual thing without consequences in the real world.
School bullying is a type of bullying that occurs in an educational setting. Bullying can be physical, sexual,
verbal, or emotional in nature. A victim, in the short term, may feel depressed, anxious, angry, have excessive
stress, have learned helplessness, feel as though their life has fallen apart, have a significant drop in school
performance, or may commit suicide(bullycide). In the long term, they may feel insecure, lack trust, be extreme
sensitivity (hypervigilant), or develop a mental illness such as psychopathy or PTSD; they may also desire
vengeance, sometimes leading them to torment others in return. Proactive aggression is a concept for children to
a bully among other children, each individual has a role to defend. Some children act proactively but only show
aggression to defend themselves if they are provoked, while others react aggressively if they are provoked but
tend to never be the ones to attack first.
Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a persons social and moral
traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief, most of the
time based on racism, that different races should remain segregated and apart from one another. Racism has its
roots in the belief that some people are superior because they belong to a particular race, ethnic or national
group. The concept of race is a social construct, not a scientific one. Racism is destructive. It disempowers people
by devaluing their identity. It destroys community cohesion and creates divisions in society. It is the opposite of
the democratic principle of equality and the right of all people to be treated fairly. Racist attitudes and beliefs are
misconceptions about people based on perceived racial lines and are often founded on the fear of difference,
including differences in customs, values, religion, physical appearance and ways of living and viewing the world.
This includes negative attitudes towards the use of different languages, 'foreign' accents or the use of nonstandard variations of a dominant community language. Examples of racist behaviour include ridicule, racist
abuse, property damage, racial harassment, racist propaganda, racial vilification and physical assault. It also

includes practices that exploit or exclude members of particular groups from aspects of society. Extreme
examples of racist behaviour include ethnic cleansing and genocide. Racism has existed throughout human history.
It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of
that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.
During the past 500-1000 years, racism on the part of Western powers toward non-Westerners has had a
far more significant impact on history than any other form of racism (such as racism among Western groups or
among Easterners, such as Asians, Africans, and others). The most notorious example of racism by the West has
been slavery, particularly the enslavement of Africans in the New World (slavery itself dates back thousands of
years). This enslavement was accomplished because of the racist belief that Black Africans were less fully human
than white Europeans and their descendants. This belief was not "automatic": that is, Africans were not originally
considered inferior. When Portuguese sailors first explored Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries, they came upon
empires and cities as advanced as their own, and they considered Africans to be serious rivals. Over time, though,
as African civilizations failed to match the technological advances of Europe, and the major European powers
began to plunder the continent and forcibly remove its inhabitants to work as slave laborers in new colonies
across the Atlantic, Africans came to be seen as a deficient "species," as "savages." To an important extent, this
view was necessary to justify the slave trade at a time when Western culture had begun to promote individual
rights and human equality. The willingness of some Africans to sell other Africans to European slave traders also
led to claims of savagery, based on the false belief that the "dark people" were all kinsmen, all part of one society
- as opposed to many different, sometimes warring nations.
One important feature of racism, especially toward Blacks and immigrant groups, is clear in attitudes
regarding slaves and slavery. Jews are usually seen by anti-Semites as subhuman but also superhuman: devilishly
cunning, skilled, and powerful. Blacks and others are seen by racists as merely subhuman, more like beasts than
men. If the focus of anti-Semitism is evil, the focus of racism is inferiority -- directed toward those who have
sometimes been considered to lack even the ability to be evil (though in the 20th century, especially, victims of
racism are often considered morally degraded).
In the second half of the 19th century, Darwinism, the decline of Christian belief, and growing immigration
were all perceived by many white Westerners as a threat to their cultural control. European and, to a lesser
degree, American scientists and philosophers devised a false racial "science" to "prove" the supremacy of nonJewish whites. While the Nazi annihilation of Jews discredited most of these supposedly scientific efforts to elevate
one race over another, small numbers of scientists and social scientists have continued throughout the 20th
century to argue the inborn shortcomings of certain races, especially Blacks. At the same time, some public
figures in the American Black community have championed the supremacy of their own race and the inferiority of
whites - using nearly the identical language of white racists.
All of these arguments are based on a false understanding of race; in fact, contemporary scientists are not
agreed on whether race is a valid way to classify people. What may seem to be significant "racial" differences to
some people - skin color, hair, facial shape - are not of much scientific significance. In fact, genetic differences
within a so-called race may be greater than those between races. One philosopher writes: "There are few genetic
characteristics to be found in the population of England that are not found in similar proportions in Zaire or in
China.those differences that most deeply affect us in our dealings with each other are not to any significant
degree biologically determined."
Philippine Sports
Sports in the Philippines is an important part of the country's culture. There are six major sports in the
Philippines. These are badminton,boxing, football, billiards, tennis and volleyball. Despite being a tropical nation,
ice skating is a popular sport in the Philippines. Sports such as athletics, weightlifting, aerobics, and martial arts are
also popular recreations. Among the others there are: basketball, baseball, bowling, swimming, taekwondo,
wrestling, underwater diving,kayaking, sailing, windsurfing, cockfighting, horse racing, Cricket, Australian rules
football, motor racing, sepak takraw, and jai alai are also appreciated. With the sport of cockfighting being wildly
popular in the Philippines, attracting large crowds who bet on the outcome of fights between the birds, and the
sport itself a popular form of fertility worshipamong almost all Southeast Asians. Such sports activity as the sport
of cockfighting, related to ritual forms of worship as practices and rituals of ancient worship intended for the
blessings of the supernatural, as "in Indus Valley and other ancient civilizations, mother goddess had been
invoked for fertility and prosperity which included that religiouscockfight lay as a prime example of "cultural
synthesis of 'little' and 'great' cultures due to religious syncretisms causing the loss for some of religious
significance and hence a sport, while remaining for some as a form of fertility worship and still for others as Baal
or Baalim. On July 27, 2009, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed Republic Act No. 9850 into law, declaring
Modern Arnisas the Philippine National Martial Art and Sport. Sports remain a popular aspect of Philippine culture.
As such, the country's government has had several attempts at improving its athletics program through various
Republic Acts and Senate Bills. Meanwhile, each sporting community hosts/joins both local and international
tournaments with the purpose of building itself and/or gauging itself against its peers.
Philippine Government
The Philippines is a republic with a presidential form of government wherein power is equally divided
among its three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. One basic corollary in a presidential system of
government is the principle of separation of powers wherein legislation belongs to Congress, execution to the
Executive, and settlement of legal controversies to the Judiciary. The Legislative branch is authorized to make
laws, alter, and repeal them through the power vested in the Philippine Congress. This institution is divided into
the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Executive branch is composed of the President and the Vice

President who are elected by direct popular vote and serve a term of six years. The Constitution grants the
President authority to appoint his Cabinet. These departments form a large portion of the countrys bureaucracy.
The Judicial branch holds the power to settle controversies involving rights that are legally demandable and
enforceable. This branch determines whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
or excess of jurisdiction on the part and instrumentality of the government. It is made up of a Supreme Court and
lower courts. The Constitution expressly grants the Supreme Court the power of Judicial Review as the power to
declare a treaty, international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction,
ordinance or regulation unconstitutional.
Discrimination In Cuba
Racism in Cuba refers to racial discrimination against Afro-Cuban or mulatto communities. Official Cuban
census figures say black and mixed-heritage people are about 35 percent of the islands population, but a quick
stroll around any Cuban town will provide visual confirmation of just how many Cubans of color deem themselves
white when the government is asking. That may not be surprising, given that race is not an objective scientific
category, but rather an organizing principle of political power both before and after the revolution that brought
Fidel Castro to power. The black and mixed-heritage share of Cubas population is closer to a two-thirds majority,
according to other sources, including the U.S. State Department (which puts the figure at 62 percent), the
University of Miamis Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies (also 62 percent) and Cuban economist and
political scientist Esteban Morales Domnguez (who says it may be as high 72 percent). Most of these
assessments break down the population into roughly equal blocs of white, black and mixed. Even the dominant
Cuban terminology signals the issues knotty intricacy: the decidedly un-PC term mulatto is used tenderly in
conversation, defiantly on official documents, and derisively by the concerned neighbor who asks what color skin
a robber had. his conversation is new. Cuba pre-Fidel had been a place where multiracial alliances coexisted with
persistent, entrenched racism and vast racial inequality. The last pre-revolutionary president, Fulgencio Batista,
was a mulatto who may have had some Chinese and Indian blood. While he may have firmly ruled that system of
inequality, he was, demographically speaking, more inclusive than were the white revolutionaries who overthrew
him. From its start, Fidel Castros revolutionary movement was dominated by middle-class white men. So white
were its ranks, in fact, that during initial clashes with Batistas army, the government men were shocked. When
Captain Yaes came upon Castro hiding asleep in a boho, it will be recalled that the soldier who found them cried:
Son blancos! They are white! It is not clear how many of the rebel army in the Sierra were black but a
majority certainly were not, and Almeida, a mulatto, was the only officer of importance who was, wrote Hugh
Thomas in his encyclopedic history tome Cuba, or, the Pursuit of Freedom. But once the rebels won and tens of
thousands of the wealthiest whites fled to Florida, Castro emphasized independence from American capitalism,
improvements in healthcare, and literacy drives and he also told American journalists in January 1959 that his
new government would work to erase racial discrimination once and for all. In 1962, a North American survey
found that 80 percent of black Cubans were wholly in favor of the revolution, compared to 67 percent of whites.
The ensuing years saw visible gains towards social equality. The entire country was literate, regardless of color,
and the 1980s, in particular, saw a generation of young black Cubans whose parents had been sugarcane and
service workers enter the workforce as doctors, engineers and professionals. Still, despite major economic and
social gains, black Cubans apart from General Juan Almeida Bosque remained unrepresented in the political
leadership. In the years between Castros ascendance and the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, race was an
issue kept under the rug. Racism in Cuba has been concealed and reinforced in part because it isnt talked
about, wrote Roberto Zurbano, editor of the government-owned Cuban Casa de las Amricas publishing house, in
a 2013 The New York Times op-ed. Before 1990 to question the extent of racial progress was tantamount to a
counterrevolutionary act. This made it almost impossible to point out the obvious: racism is alive and well.
Presence of American Bases In The Philippines
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Thursday that U.S. troops and military equipment would be sent
on regular rotations in the Philippines and that the two countries had started joint patrols in the South China Sea
as China increasingly asserts its territorial claims. The initiatives are designed so that the United States does not
increase its permanent footprint in its former colony, but they demonstrate that the two countries are increasing
security cooperation amid joint concerns over China's actions in the region's disputed waterways. The Philippines
is one of the oldest U.S. allies in Asia, and hosted permanent U.S. military bases until 1992. But the country's
Senate voted to evict the United States in 1991, and the two countries' military cooperation dwindled. The leftwing Bayan (Nation), an umbrella group of Philippine nationalist and anti-U.S. organizations, dismissed the earlier
deal, called the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, as a move by the U.S. military to create a permanent
presence in the Philippines as a platform from which it could dominate the region. "Our dispute with China can
never be used as a reason to allow another country to violate our sovereignty," its secretary-general, Renato
Reyes, said in a statement. "It cannot be used to justify the return of U.S. bases under a questionable and openended agreement."
Culture Shock
Culture shock isn't a clinical term or medical condition. It's simply a common way to describe the confusing
and nervous feelings a person may have after leaving a familiar culture to live in a new and different culture.
When you move to a new place, you're bound to face a lot of changes. That can be exciting and stimulating, but it
can also be overwhelming. You may feel sad, anxious, frustrated, and want to go home. It's natural to have
difficulty adjusting to a new culture. People from other cultures (whom you'll be hanging out with and going to
school with) may have grown up with values and beliefs that differ from yours. Because of these differences, the
things they talk about, the ways they express themselves, and the importance of various ideas may be very
different from what you are used to. But the good news is that culture shock is temporary. To understand culture
shock, it helps to understand what culture is. You may know that genes determine a big part of how you look and
act. What you might not know is that your environment your surroundings has a big effect on your
appearance and behavior as well. Your environment isn't just the air you breathe and the food you eat, though; a

big part of your environment is culture. Culture is made up of the common things that members of a community
learn from family, friends, media, literature, and even strangers. These are the things that influence how theylook,
act, and communicate. Often, you don't even know you're learning these things because they become secondnature to you for instance, the way you shake hands with someone when meeting them, when you eat your
meals each day, the kind of things you find funny, or how you view religion. When you go to a new place, such as
a new country or even a new city, you often enter a culture that is different from the one you left. Sometimes your
culture and the new culture are similar. Other times, they can be very different, and even contradictory. What
might be perfectly normal in one culture for instance, spending hours eating a meal with your family might
be unusual in a culture that values a more fast-paced lifestyle. The differences between cultures can make it very
difficult to adjust to the new surroundings. You may encounter unfamiliar clothes, weather, and food as well as
different people, schools, and values. You may find yourself struggling to do things in your new surroundings that
were easy back home. Dealing with the differences can be very unsettling; those feelings are part adjusting to a
new culture.
One-Child Policy In China
The one-child policy was a policy implemented by the Chinese government as a method of controlling the
population. The one-child policy was introduced in 1979 in response to an explosive population growth, and
mandated that couples from China's Han majority could only have one child. This was intended to alleviate the
social, economic and environmental problems associated with the country's rapidly growing population. Families
can be fined thousands of dollars for having more than one child. Those who volunteer to have just one child are
awarded a "Certificate of Honor for Single-Child Parents." It has been estimated that since 1979, the law has
prevented approximately 250 million births. In certain cases, families can apply to have a second child for
extenuating circumstances such as the death of the only child due to a natural disaster. In rural areas, families
can apply to have a second child if the first child is a girl, or if the child has a physical or mental disability.
In 1979, Deng Xiaoping implemented the one-child policy after a party official named Song Jian calculated
what he saw as China's optimal population: 700 million people, which the country had surpassed in 1965. The
impact of this social experiment is difficult to measure. In 2006, a Chinese official claimed that 400 million births
had been averted. UNC Chapel Hill professor Yong Cai and Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy director
Wang Feng challenge that claim, putting the number at 200 million. Despite recent reforms to the one-child policy,
China is not getting any younger. Rather than betting on a baby boom, investors should explore opportunities in
the healthcare sector, which is growing rapidly and increasingly open to foreign investment. Caution is
recommended, though, as corruption is rife, and political uncertainty is rising. Couples who comply with the One
Child Policy, and only parent one baby, are given a certificate stating that they only have a single child. This
certificate buys them some pretty good benefits. Some of these include completely interest free loans, subsidies
for education and housing, and a much longer maternity leave. All of these things are very beneficial to the
Chinese people. The problem of overcrowding wasnt just a matter of space. Jobs became very sparse, as well as
food and other resources necessary to live a comfortable and healthy life. Because of the huge growth in people,
many were living in extreme poverty conditions. After the one child policy took effect, the poverty rate slowly
began to decline in the country.
The biggest issue with the One Child policy in China is the alarming rate at which children are being killed
or abandoned, mostly girls. Since only one child can be had, the overwhelming majority want to have boys. Boys
provide labor, money making potential, and a namesake for the family. This fact has surged the amount of infant
children, majority girls, who are abandoned or even killed after they are born. Later term abortions are also very
common, once the gender of the baby is revealed. Abortion rates are also tremendously high because if a couple
already has a child, they are forced to abort if they become pregnant with another. Having an only child, or
being an only child, means that the attention and resources of the parents are focused solely on them for their
entire lives. This has caused multiple problems among the youth in China. Obesity being one of the most
concerning. The child is catered to, over indulged, and given just about anything that they want. This has resulted
in lazy and overweight children in most of China. Another issue is the overall attitude of these one child policy
offspring. They have a feeling of entitlement and feel as though they are emperors. Hence, little emperor
syndrome. If you are your parents only child, many responsibilities and pressures fall upon your shoulders. All of
the expectations that your parents have are left for you to achieve, especially when it comes to education and
careers. The suicide rate in China is much higher than most other countries because of this stress. Another
problem that these children face as they grow older is the fact that they are the only person that can take care of
their aging parents and grandparents. This has resulted into a bit of a disaster for China, which is being referred to
as the 4-2-1 problem. In Chinese culture, the child takes care of the elders in the family when they are no longer
able to take care of themselves. This leaves four grandparents, two parents, and only one child to take care of
them all. The majority of the population in China is male due to the fact that people can only have one child, and
a boy is the only one that can provide money making potential and carry the families name forward. A major
imbalance in males and females has resulted for the country. This will cause problems in the near future because
it will become increasingly harder for a man to find a wife to bear him children.
Prostitution In Thailand

Prostitution is not strictly illegal in Thailand, though solicitation and public nuisance laws are in effect. In
practice it is tolerated and partly regulated. Prostitution operates clandestinely in many parts of the country. Local
officials with commercial interests in prostitution often protect the practice. The precise number of prostitutes is
difficult to assess; estimates vary widely and are subject to national and international controversy. Since the
Vietnam War, Thailand has gained international notoriety among travellers from many countries as a sex tourism
destination. In July 2016 it was reported that the Thai government intends to abolish the sex industry. Ms Kobkarn
Wattanavrangkul, the tourism minister, said "Tourists don't come to Thailand for [sex]. They come here for our
beautiful culture" and that "We want Thailand to be about quality tourism. We want the sex industry gone". The
documented history of prostitution in Thailand goes back at least six centuries, with overt and explicit references

by the Chinese voyager Ma Huan (1433) and subsequently by European visitors (Van Neck, 1604; Gisbert Heeck,
1655 and others). It is certainly not a new phenomenon, though it may have been exacerbated by the Japanese
occupation during World War II and by the extensive use of Thailand as a "Rest and Recreation" facility by US
forces during the Second Indochina War (c. 1963 - 1973) Thailand has an ancient, continuous tradition of legal
texts, generally described under the heading of Dhammasattha literature (Thai pron., tam-ma-sat), wherein
prostitution is variously defined and universally banned. The era of traditional legal texts came to an end in the
early 20th century, but these earlier texts were significant in regard to both the writ and spirit of modern
legislation. In the twentieth century a variety of laws relating to the sex industry were passed, including the
Contagious Diseases Prevention Act of 1908 and the Entertainment Places Act of 1966. Prostitution itself was
made illegal in Thailand in 1960, when a law was passed under pressure from the United Nations. The
government instituted a system of monitoring sex workers in order to prevent their mistreatment and to control
the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The 1960 law was repealed by the Prevention and Suppression of
Prostitution Act, B.E. 2539 (1996).
Sex is a big-profit industry in Thailand. It is an accepted investment, even for respected businessmen, just
as frequenting brothels is an accepted pastime. Baan 150 and the stories of the girls who work there reveal in
microcosm the outrage of child prostitution in Thailand. Such conditions exist because the government denies
their existence and because police are bribed to turn their backs to them. They are conditions rooted in a history
of slavery, polygamy and concubinage, and they are nourished today by cultural biases attaching low esteem to
women in general and to the people of a particular region of the country, Thailand`s northern peasants. Child
prostitution exists all over the world, from Bombay to Atlanta. Nearly everywhere it happens because people with
money and power are allowed to accrue more at the expense of people who have neither. In Thailand it appears
to have gone furthest. The official government stand is that child prostitution does not exist. Yet studies of that
situation abound. The Anti-Slavery Society, a respected British human-rights group, estimated that 30,000
prostitutes aged 15 and under worked in Bangkok in 1984. Col. Sornsee Suthisorn, a deputy commander of the
Crime Suppression Division of the Thai police who investigates international child pornography rings, told a
visiting reporter that there is indeed child prostitution in his country. But, he added, the child prostitutes come
from the north, where the people don`t mind the sex trade. ``In the north it is the custom,`` he said. ``Every
month, many tens of millions (of baht, the Thai currency) flow up to their families in the north. Economic
conditions are much improved. I have seen a very poor family with three beautiful daughters make a very big
house and buy land for growing rice and vegetables.``
According to Thai government figures from mid 2000s there are about 200,000 prostitutes in Thailand, with
between 50,000 and 80,000 of them are under 18, and one percent of women in Thailand have been prostitutes
at some point in their lives. These numbers reflect only the prostitutes monitored by the government (there are
many that arent). According to other estimates, perhaps as many 1 million women work in Thailands sex
industry and as many as 20 percent of all Thai women have worked as prostitutes at one time. Many of
Thailands prostitutes are from the poor provinces in the northeast. In the early 1990s, many of the non-Thai
prostitutes were from the hill tribes in northern Thailand and Burma. These days many girls are from southern
China. Many of the Chinese girl service Chinese and Taiwanese men in Thailand on business or vacation.
Prostitution is considered by some as an easy way to make money. If a village woman goes to work in a large city
or resort when she was in her late teens and twenties and sends home reasonably large chunks of money and
returns when she in her thirties with enough money to live comfortably it is at least implied that she worked s a
prostitute while she was away from her village.
Corruption In The Philippines
Corruption, cronyism and nepotism are serious problems in the Philippines. They pervade public life,
keeping tax revenues low and hurting efforts to alleviate poverty. Charges of corruption, graft, and cronyism are
common among government officials at all levels. These problems are so entrenched that Filipinos have come to
accept cronyism and the diversion of a small percentage of funds as natural. The Philippines ranked 94th out of
177 countries in Transparency International's 2013 corruption index, rising from 129th two years earlier, after Mr.
Aquino pursued corruption charges against former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and former Chief Justice
Renato Corona, both of whom maintain their innocence. Some blame the Philippiness corruption problem on the
merging of Filipino traditions with American institutions. One Filipino political scientist told Smithsonian magazine,
Americans taught us the idea of honesty and integrity in civil service but local culture conflicts with the
democratic model. With no tradition of civil service and the prevalence of strong family and community ties,
bribery and nepotism have seeped into the system. According to business-anti-corruption.com: Corruption is said
to take place at all levels of the government, but it is more rampant among high-level civil servants. For
businesses, it is important to note that the country's complex, sometimes contradictory regulatory regime leaves
room for corrupt civil servants to attempt to extract bribes. Several surveys have also shown that companies
generally have little confidence in the Philippine judicial system. The main reasons include the allegedly
incompetent court personnel, corruption and long delays of court cases. There is a lack of transparency in the
Philippines' public procurement, and bribes are often demanded from companies wishing to win government
contracts, as shown by the Survey of Enterprises on Corruption 2014. Another sector in which companies are
particularly vulnerable is obtaining licenses and permits; the Survey of Enterprises on Corruption 2014 shows that
the most common type of private sector corruption was bribing local government officials in return for licenses
and permits in 2012 and 2013. Contracts with the Philippine government are usually overpriced by at least 20
percent to facilitate kickbacks, a former senior state official told a Senate inquiry into corruption. Manny Mogato of
Reuters wrote: In emotional testimony, Rodolfo Lozada reiterated previous allegations that the Philippines' top
election official had demanded $130 million as his cut for an eventual $329 million telecoms deal with China's
ZTE, double the usual kickback.
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