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DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy
services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research
in relation to these functions.
DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:
Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and consultancy services.
Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as
the technical basis for DNV offshore services.
Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level
Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.
DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:
A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology
B) Materials Technology
C) Structures
D) Systems
E) Special Facilities
F) Pipelines and Risers
G) Asset Operation

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Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 3

Sec. 1

General................................................................... 5

A. General.................................................................................... 5


Introduction....................................................................... 5
Objectives ......................................................................... 5
Scope and application ....................................................... 5
Other codes ....................................................................... 5
Structure of this RP........................................................... 6

B. Normative References ............................................................ 6

B 100
B 200
B 300

Offshore Service Specifications........................................ 6

Offshore Standards ........................................................... 6
Other standards ................................................................. 6

C. Definitions .............................................................................. 6
C 100
C 200

Verbal forms ..................................................................... 6

Definitions ........................................................................ 6

D. Abbreviations and Symbols.................................................... 7

D 100
D 200
D 300

Abbreviations.................................................................... 7
Symbols ............................................................................ 7
Greek letters...................................................................... 7

Sec. 2

Design Philosophy ................................................. 8



System hoop buckling (Collapse)................................... 14

Propagating buckling ...................................................... 14
Combined loading criteria .............................................. 14
Alternative WSD format................................................. 15
Displacement controlled conditions ............................... 15

F. Fatigue Limit State ...............................................................15

F 100

General............................................................................ 15

G. Accidental Limit State ..........................................................15

G 100

Reference ........................................................................ 15

H. Serviceability Limit State .....................................................15

H 100

Reference ........................................................................ 15

I. Special Considerations..........................................................15


Reference ........................................................................ 15

Sec. 6

Materials.............................................................. 16

A. General..................................................................................16

A. General.................................................................................... 8


A 100
A 200

Objective........................................................................... 8
References......................................................................... 8

B. Material Properties................................................................16

Sec. 3

Loads...................................................................... 9

A. General.................................................................................... 9
A 100
A 200

Objective........................................................................... 9
References......................................................................... 9

Sec. 4

Analysis Methodology ........................................ 10

A. General.................................................................................. 10
A 100
A 200

Objective......................................................................... 10
Reference ........................................................................ 10

Sec. 5

Design Criteria .................................................... 11

A. General.................................................................................. 11
A 100

Objective......................................................................... 11

B. Material Selection................................................................. 11
B 100

General............................................................................ 11

C. Load Effects.......................................................................... 11
C 100

Reference ........................................................................ 11

D. Resistance ............................................................................. 11


Resistance factors ........................................................... 11

Geometrical parameters .................................................. 11
Material strength ............................................................. 12
Titanium correction factors............................................. 13



Scope............................................................................... 16
Application ..................................................................... 16
Material selection............................................................ 16
Process of manufacture................................................... 16
General............................................................................ 16
Chemical composition .................................................... 16
Metallography................................................................. 16
Mechanical properties..................................................... 16
Fracture toughness properties ......................................... 17
Fatigue properties ........................................................... 17
Corrosion properties ....................................................... 18
Environmental conditions............................................... 19
Wear properties............................................................... 20
Weldability ..................................................................... 20

C. Manufacture..........................................................................20
C 100
C 200
C 300
C 400
C 500

General............................................................................ 20
Linepipe NDT level ........................................................ 20
Manufacturing procedure specification and
qualification .................................................................... 20
Production and qualification testing ............................... 21
Non-destructive testing................................................... 21

Sec. 7

Documentation and Verification....................... 24

A. General..................................................................................24
A 100
A 200

Objective......................................................................... 24
References....................................................................... 24

Sec. 8

Operation, Maintenance and Reassessment .... 25

A. General..................................................................................25

E. Ultimate Limit State ............................................................. 13

A 100
A 200

Objective......................................................................... 25
References....................................................................... 25

E 100
E 200

Sec. 9

References ........................................................... 26

General............................................................................ 13
Bursting........................................................................... 13


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 4


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.1 Page 5

A. General
A 100 Introduction
101 This document provides recommended practice regarding criteria, requirements and guidance on structural design
and analyses for riser systems made of titanium alloys and exposed to static and dynamic loading for use in the offshore petroleum and natural gas industries.
102 The basic design principles and functional requirements
are based on the limit state methodology in compliance with
state-of-the-art industry practice.
A 200 Objectives
201 The main objectives of this recommended practice are

308 There are, in principle, no limitations regarding floater

type, water depth, riser application and configuration. However, for novel applications where experience is limited, special
attention shall be given to identify possible new failure mechanisms, validity/adequacy of analysis methodology and new
loads and load combinations.
Guidance note:
For application of this project RP to new riser types/concepts
(e.g. novel hybrid systems, complex riser bundles etc.) it shall be
documented that the global load effects can be predicted with
same precision as for conventional riser systems. This may typically involve validation of computational methodology by physical testing.
As an alternative an appropriate conservatism in design should
be documented.

provide an international standard of safety for titanium risers utilised for drilling, completion or workover, production or injection, or transportation of hydrocarbons
(import or export) in the petroleum and gas industries
serve as a guideline for riser design and analysis; and
serve as a technical reference document in contractual
A 300 Scope and application
301 This RP provides specific aspects related to design criteria, local analyses and material description valid for risers
made of titanium or a mix of titanium and steel. For the latter,
the RP covers only the titanium part of the riser.
302 It shall be pinpointed that the majority of available information discusses results obtained for material group I, described in Sec.5 B, and the calibration of the design
requirements given in Sec.5 will be based on the titanium
grades given in this group.
303 General design philosophy, loads and global analysis aspects valid for all riser materials are covered by DNV-OSF201.
304 The RP is applicable to all new built riser systems and
may also be applied to modification, operation and upgrading
of existing risers.
305 The scope covers design, materials, fabrication, testing
and operation of riser systems. Aspects related to documentation, verification and quality control are also addressed
306 The main purpose is to cover design and analysis of top
tensioned and compliant titanium riser systems operated from
floaters and fixed platforms. The standard applies for permanent operation (e.g. production and export/import of hydrocarbons and injection of fluids), as well as for temporary
operation (e.g. drilling and completion/workover activities).
307 This RP is applicable to structural design of all pressure
containing components that comprise the riser system, with
special emphasis on:
single pipes with a ratio of outside diameter to wall thickness less than 30 (D/t < 30)
riser connectors and other riser components such as tension joints and stress joints.

A 400 Other codes

401 The todays framework within DNV riser standards and
RPs is illustrated in Figure 1-1, and reflects the standards and
RPs that DNV is currently developing.
402 This RP (DNV-RP-F201) interface with the existing
standards for dynamic risers and submarine pipeline systems
denoted DNV-OS-F201 and DNV-OS-F101, respectively, and
shall not be used as a stand-alone document.
403 The close relationship between this RP and DNV-OSF201 and DNV-OS-F101 is illustrated in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-1 Todays framework for DNV riser standards

and RPs


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 6 Sec.1

Sec.6 specifies the requirements for titanium alloys, manufacture, fabrication and documentation of linepipe and components in the riser system in addition to DNV OS-F101.
Sec.7 gives requirements for documentation and verification
of riser systems. The requirements described in DNV OS-F201
Sec.8 apply also to this RP.
Sec.8 provides requirements for operation and in-service inspection in addition to general guidance on structural integrity
assessment of risers to demonstrate fitness for purpose in case
deviations from design appear during operation. The requirements described in DNV OS-F201 apply also to this RP.

B. Normative References
B 100 Offshore Service Specifications
101 The latest version of the following documents applies:
DNV-OSS-301Certification and Verification of Pipelines.
B 200 Offshore Standards
201 The latest version of the following documents applies:
DNV-OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems
DNV-OS-F201 Dynamic Risers
B 300 Other standards
301 The latest version of the following documents applies:
Figure 1-2 Content of DNV-RP-F201 and links to other
DNV standards
404 The limit state design checks for this RP and DNV-OSF201 and DNV-OS-F101 are similar, but due to difference in
the governing failure modes and prevailing uncertainties, some
difference in safety factors exist.
405 In case of conflict between recommendations of this RP
and a reference document, the recommendations of this RP
shall prevail.
406 Where reference is made to codes other than DNV documents, the valid revision shall be taken as the revision that
was current at the date of issue of this RP, unless otherwise
A 500

Standard Specification for Titanium and

titanium Alloy Seamless Pipe.
Standard Specification for Titanium and
titanium Welded Pipe.
NACE MR0175 Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oil Field Equipment.
302 Others applicable normative references is as given in the
standards DNV-OS-F101 and DNV-OS-F201.
Guidance note:
The latest revision of the DNV documents may be found in the
publication list at the DNV website www.dnv.com.

Structure of this RP

C. Definitions

The RP is organised as follows:

Sec.4 provides requirements for global analysis. The analysis

methodology described in DNV OS-F201 Sec.4 apply also to
this RP.

C 100 Verbal forms

101 Shall: Indicates requirements strictly to be followed
in order to conform to this RP and from which no deviation is
102 Should: Indicates that among several possibilities,
one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required. Other possibilities may be
applied subject to agreement.
103 May: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action
permissible within the limits of the RP.
104 "Agreement", "by agreement": Unless otherwise indicated, this means agreed in writing between Manufacturer/
Contractor and Purchaser.

Sec.5 provides the general framework for design of titanium

riser systems including provision for checking of limit states
for pipes in riser systems as described in DNV OS-F201 Sec.5
and with additional titanium specific requirements given in
this RP. This includes a definition of material groups, resistance and load factors and safety factors for explicit limit states.

C 200 Definitions
201 The general definitions are identical to those in DNVOS-F201.
202 Alpha case (-case): Oxygen (or nitrogen) pickup during heat treatment results in a surface structure composed pre-

Sec.1 contains the objective and scope of the project RP. It further introduces essential concepts, definitions and abbreviations.
Sec.2 contains requirements to the fundamental design philosophy and design principles. The design philosophy and design
principles described in DNV OS-F201 Sec.2 apply also to this
Sec.3 defines the loads to be considered in the design of riser
systems. The loads are classified into different load categories.
The load definitions and classifications described in DNV OSF201 Sec.3 apply also to this RP.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.1 Page 7

dominantly of alpha case since both oxygen and nitrogen are

alpha stabilisers. Alpha-case is detrimental because of the brittle nature of the oxygen-rich alpha-structure.
203 Erosion: Loss of material from a solid surface due to
relative motion in contact with a fluid that contains solid particles.
204 Limit state: The state beyond which the riser or part of
the riser no longer satisfies the requirements laid down to its
performance or operation. Examples are structural failure (rupture, local buckling) or operational limitations (stroke or clearance). The following categories of limit states are of relevance
for titanium riser systems:


Serviceability Limit State

Ultimate Limit State
Fatigue Limit State
Accidental Limit State.

205 Linepipe: A single pipe section.

206 Lot: A Lot is defined as pipes or forging from the same
heat, the same manufacturing batch, the same heat treatment
batch and with the same diameter and wall thickness.
207 Load: The term load refers to physical influences which
cause stress, strain, deformation, displacement, motion, etc. in
the riser.
208 Manufacturer: The party who is contracted to be responsible for planning, execution and documentation of manufacturing.
209 Manufacturing Procedure Specification (MPS): A manual prepared by the Manufacturer to demonstrate how the specified properties may be achieved and verified through the
proposed manufacturing route.
210 Pipe, Seamless (SML): Pipe manufactured in a hot forming process resulting in a tubular product without a welded
211 Specified Minimum Yield Stress (SMYS): The minimum
yield strength (stress) at room temperature prescribed by the
specification or standard under which the material is purchased. The tensile stress at 0.2% strain offset of the specimen
gauge length.

D. Abbreviations and Symbols

D 100 Abbreviations
101 The following abbreviations are used:

Accidental Limit States

Crack Tip Opening Displacement
Engineering Critical Assessment
Fatigue Crack Growth
Fatigue Limit State
Heat Affected Zone
Load and Resistance Factor Design
Non-destructive Testing


Serviceability Limit State

Seamless Pipes
Specified Minimum Tensile Strength
Specified Minimum Yield Stress
Three Roll Bending
Ultimate Limit State
Pipe Fabrication Process for Welded Pipes
Pipe Fabrication Process for Welded Pipes, expanded
Working Stress Design

D 200 Symbols
201 The following symbols are used:

Nominal outside diameter

Accumulated fatigue damage or Miner sum
D - 2tnom = Nominal internal diameter
Greatest measured inside or outside diameter
Smallest measured inside or outside diameter
Young modulus
D max D min
Ovality, -------------------------------D
Yield strength to be used in design
Tensile strength to be used in design
Design bending moment
Plastic bending moment resistance
Burst resistance pressure
Collapse pressure
External pressure
Elastic collapse pressure
Local design pressure
Local minimum internal pressure taken as the most
unfavourable internal pressure plus static head of
the internal fluid
Plastic collapse pressure
Vector of resistance
Nominal wall thickness
Design effective tension (force)
Plastic axial force resistance

D 300 Greek letters

301 The following Greek letters are used:




Manufacturing process reduction factor

Material quality factor
Load factor for accidental loads
Condition factor
Load effect factor for environmental loads
Load effect factor for functional loads
Resistance factor to take into account uncertainties
in material properties
Resistance factor dependent on safety class (consequence of failure)
Poissons ratio for pipe wall material
Usage factor
Density of external fluid (e.g. sea water)
Density of internal fluid (contents)

Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 8 Sec.2

A. General
A 100 Objective
101 The purpose of this section is to present the safety philosophy and corresponding limit state design format applied in
this standard.

A 200 References
201 The design philosophy and design principles described
in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.2 applies also to this RP.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.3 Page 9

A. General
A 100 Objective
101 This section defines the loads to be considered in the design of riser systems. The loads are classified into different
load categories.

A 200 References
201 The load definitions and classification described in
DNV-OS-F201 Sec.3 applies also to this RP.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 10 Sec.4

A. General

load effects in connection with design criteria specified in


A 100 Objective
101 The purpose of this section is to provide requirements
for global analysis. Focus is on assessment of global structural

A 200


201 The analysis methodology described in DNV-OS-F201

Sec.4 applies also to this RP.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.5 Page 11

A. General
A 100

102 Unless otherwise stated, the resistance factors applicable

to all limit states are specified in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2.


101 The section provides the general framework for design

of titanium riser systems including provisions for checking of
limit states for pipes in riser systems as described in DNV-OSF201 Sec.5 and with the additional requirements given in the
sections below.

Table 5-1 Safety class resistance factor SC



Table 5-2 Material resistance factor m


B. Material Selection
B 100



Guidance note:


101 Titanium alloys for riser components shall be selected

with due to consideration of the fluid to be transported, loads,
temperature and possible failure modes during installation and
operation. The titanium alloys are divided into the three following groups:
Group I
102 For titanium alloys, as titanium ASTM Grade 23, Grade
23 + 0.05 Pd, or Grade 29, with tested and well documented
properties, the calibration of the design requirements given in
Sec.5 are based on the properties of these alloys. The Load and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) format shall be applied
Group II
103 For related titanium grades holding approximately the
same mechanical properties as for Group I, such as titanium
Grade 9,18,28 or Grade 32 (i.e.Timetal 5111) and for which
the calibrated design equations may be used, the design formulas shall be verified. The LRFD format shall be applied.
Group III
104 For novel titanium alloys holding significant different
mechanical properties, such as for titanium grade 19,20 the applicability of the design criteria shall be proven through a design by testing approach. Individual specific test regimes
shall, by agreement, be performed on a case to case basis.

C. Load Effects
C 100



101 The content of DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5 B applies also to

this RP.

- For SLS, the set of resistance factors can be defined by the

owner, see DNV-OS-F201.
- For ALS, the set of safety factors depends on the frequency of
occurrence and is to be defined from case to case, see DNVOS-F201. In cases, where the inherent uncertainty related to
the accidental load is negligible and, where a conservative estimate is applied, the material resistance factor in Table 5-2
can be reduced to 1.05.
- The safety class resistance factors for pressure containment
are not in compliance with ISO. For compliance, see DNVOS-F101.

D 200 Geometrical parameters

201 The nominal outside diameter D applies in resistance
calculations for all failure modes.
202 For burst and collapse pressure design checks (i.e. E200
and E300) the resistance shall be calculated based on wall
thickness as follows:
Mill pressure test and system pressure test condition
t 1 = t nom t fab


Operational condition
t 1 = t nom t fab t corr


tnom = Nominal (specified) pipe wall thickness

= Fabrication (manufacture) negative tolerance
tcorr = Corrosion/wear/erosion allowance
203 Resistances for all other limit states related to extreme
loading shall be calculated based on wall thickness as follows:
Installation/retrieval and system pressure test
t 2 = t nom



D. Resistance
D 100

t 2 = t nom t corr

Resistance factors

101 The following resistance factors apply, (see DNV-OSF201 Sec.2 C):
Safety class factor SC linked to the actual safety class and
accounts for the failure consequence.
Material resistance factor m to account for material and
resistance uncertainties.
A condition factor c to account for special conditions
specified explicitly at the different limit states where relevant, see e.g. Table 5-11 in DNV-OS-F201.


Guidance note:
t1 is the minimum wall thickness and is relevant for design
checks where failure is likely to occur in connection with a low
capacity. t2 is used for design checks governed by the external
loading and failure is likely to occur in connection with an extreme load effect at a location with average thickness.

204 Variation in pipe wall thickness over the design life of

the riser system shall be considered in long-term fatigue damage calculations (i.e. in-place, operational condition). An average representative pipe wall thickness may be applied in


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 12 Sec.5

nominal fatigue stress calculations. The following approximation may be applied for an environment with uniform wall
thinning due to wear and/or erosion:
t 3 = t nom 0.5 t corr


For fatigue damage calculations prior to permanent operation

(e.g. tow-out, installation etc) the pipe wall thickness shall be
taken as:
t 3 = t nom
D 300


Material strength

301 The material strength parameters and correction factors

are referred to explicitly in the design equations and are given
in this sub-section.
302 The characteristic yield stress fy and tensile strength fu
are given in Table 5-3.
303 The material strength (SMYS, SMTS) is specified at
room temperature. Possible influence on the material properties from the temperature shall be considered at temperatures
above room temperature. This includes:

f u = (SMTS f u, temp) U

is the Specified Minimum Yield Stress at room temperature based on the engineering stress-strain curve.
is the temperature derating factor for the yield stress;
see 303.
is the Specified Minimum Tensile Strength at room
temperature based on the engineering stress-strain
is the temperature derating factor for the tensile
strength; see 303.
is the material strength factor, see 306.

fy, temp
fu, temp

Guidance note:
For reeling the effect of plastic straining after the pipe mill shall
be evaluated and included in the material property.

304 De-rated material properties, i.e. SMYS, SMTS and Emodulus, at design temperatures shall be established as input
to the design and verified under manufacture.
305 If the material shall be used at design temperature
T>50C, the yield strength at Tmax shall be determined according to Sec.6 B405.
Guidance note:
If no other information on de-rating temperature effects of the
strength exists, the recommendations below may be used for a
preliminary design for material Group I, see also Figure 5-1:
For material Group I, the changes in SMYS and SMTS with temperature are given as:

y, temp
y, temp
u, temp
u, temp


1.44 MPa/C
0.97 MPa/C
1.24 MPa/C
0.83 MPa/C

For material Group I, the change in elasticity modulus with temperature is given as


Table 5-3 Characteristic yield and tensile strength

Yield stress
Tensile strength


Likewise, low temperature effects, e.g. during blown down in gas

risers, should be considered when establishing mechanical and
physical material properties.

E = 0.047 GPa / C

yield stress, i.e. fy, temp

tensile strength, i.e. fu, temp
Young's modulus;
thermal expansion coefficient.

f y = (SMYS f y, temp) U

Figure 5-1 De-rating values for yield strength

20C < T < 140C

140C < T < 200C
20C < T < 140C
140C < T < 200C

306 The material selection may include selection of supplementary requirement U according to DNV OS-F101. The supplementary requirement ensures increased confidence in
material strength, which is reflected in a higher material
strength factor U, given in Table 5-4.
Table 5-4 Material strength factor U

Supplementary requirement U

Supplementary requirement U has a testing regime which shall

ensure that SMYS is at least two-standard-deviations below
the mean yield strength and that SMTS is at least three-standard-deviations below the mean tensile strength.
Guidance note:
The increased utilisation may be applied for connectors made of
forging and bolts provided an equivalent testing scheme is adopted.

307 A fabrication factor fab applies to the design compressive circumferential yield stress for hoop buckling, local buckling and propagating buckling limit states. This fabrication
factor shall be documented for pipes manufactured by the
UOE, UO or three roll bending (TRB) or similar deforming
processes. Beneficial effect on this reduction factor due to heat
treatment is allowed if documented.
308 c is a parameter accounting for strain hardening and
wall thinning given by:
c = ( 1 ) + ---(5.7)
( 0.4 + q h )

= ( 0.4 + q h ) ( 60 D t 2 ) 45


for D t 2 < 15
for 15 < D t 2 < 60
for ( D t 2 ) > 60

Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.5 Page 13

( p ld p e ) 2
----------------------- ------qh = p b ( t2 )


Guidance note:
A high degree of compatibility with the DNV-OS-F101 has been
attempted where relevant. In general the same limit states apply
for pipeline systems and dynamic riser systems but the governing
failure modes differ due to different functional requirements between pipelines and risers.
Pressure and functional loads normally govern wall thickness
sizing for pipelines while extreme environmental loads and fatigue govern typical dynamic riser design.
The most important comments that apply to this standard in relation to DNV-OS-F101 are:
- load combination a) in DNV-OS-F101, Sec.5 D300 is not required for dynamic risers. Further, p = 1.0 herein;
- the additional safety class resistance factors for pressure containment for compliance with ISO is not required for dynamic
risers. For compliance, see DNV-OS-F101.
- the hoop buckling (collapse) criterion is formulated in terms
of the wall thickness, t. The minimum (t1) thickness is applied
for pure hoop buckling, whereas the nominal (t2) thickness is
applied for combined loading;
- the propagating buckling criteria is similar but may be relaxed
if the buckle is allowed to travel a short distance;
- anisotropy is not considered explicitly but the effect is implicit in the combined loading criteria for internal overpressure.

for p ld > p e

= local design pressure defined in Sec.3 of

= external pressure
= burst resistance given in E200


c is not to be taken larger than 1.20. c is for illustration purpose given in Figure 5-2 in case of (fu/fy) = 1.18.


E 200 Bursting
201 The local incidental pressure, pli is the maximum expected internal pressure with a low annual exceedance probability, see DNV-OS-F201 Sec.3. Normally the incidental
pressure, pinc is taken 10% higher than the design pressure, pd,
Figure 5-2 c versus D/t ratio and pressure ratio qh for
(fu/fy) = 1.18
D 400

Titanium correction factors

401 Specific material correction factors for titanium are given in Table 5-5.

pli = pld + 0.1 pd

pld = Local internal design pressure, see DNV-OS-F201

Sec.3 B200.
202 Pipe members subjected to net internal overpressure
shall be designed to satisfy the following condition at all cross

Table 5-5 Titanium material correction factors

tb = 1.0 1)
Hoop buckling (Collapse):
tp = 1.1
Moment (bending):

pb ( t 1 )
( p li p e ) ---------------- m SC

tm = 1.1 ------------150t 2



The burst factor for titanium is assumed to be similar as for steel.

E 100



= Local incidental pressure, see DNV-OS-F201 Sec.3

= External pressure

The burst resistance pb is given by:

2 2t
p b ( t ) = ------- ------------ min f y ; ----------- tb

3 Dt

E. Ultimate Limit State



= dummy variable to be substituted by t1 or t2 as appropriate

= Given in Table 5-5

101 The riser pipe shall be designed against relevant modes

of failure listed in Table 5-1 in DNV-OS-F201.


102 This section provides design checks with emphasis on

load controlled conditions. Design principles for displacement
controlled conditions are discussed in 700.

203 The burst criterion is valid if the mill pressure test requirement in DNV-OS-F101 has been met. If not, a corresponding decreased utilisation shall be applied.


If the design is based on:

load controlled (LC) conditions

design loads based on global riser analysis
linear elastic and ductile materials,
accumulated plastic deformation is considered unlikely and
shake-down can automatically be assumed.

Guidance note:
The burst criterion is expressed in terms of the resistance for
capped pipe ends. Note that the burst criterion is formulated in
terms of the local incidental pressure rather than a local design
pressure. Hence, the bursting limit state designs explicitly
against the extreme pressure loading condition over the lifetime
in compliance with standard ULS design checks. The allowable
utilisation is however in compliance with recent industry practice
for well-known riser types.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 14 Sec.5

The nominal thickness is given by:

t nom = t1 + t corr + t fab
when the negative fabrication thickness tolerance is absolute,
tfab, and
t nom = (t1 + t corr) / (1 %t fab)
when the negative fabrication thickness tolerance is given as a
percentile of the nominal thickness, % tfab.
The minimum required wall thickness for a straight pipe without
allowances and tolerances is given by:

t 1 = ------------------------------------------------------------fu
min f y ; -----------

------- ---------------------------------------- + 1

3 m SC li p e )

System hoop buckling (Collapse)

301 Pipe members subjected to external overpressure shall

be designed to satisfy the following condition:

pc ( t1 )
( p e p min ) ------------------ SC m


305 The initial ovality shall not be taken less than 0.005
(0.5%). Maximum ovality from fabrication is given in DNVOS-F201 Sec.5 G200. Ovalisation caused during the construction and installation phase is to be included in the ovality. The
ovalisation due to external pressure or moment in the as-installed position shall not be included.

E 500 Combined loading criteria

501 Pipe members subjected to bending moment, effective
tension and net internal overpressure shall be designed to satisfy the following equation /1/:

p ld p e 2
T ed
c { SC m } ---------- 1 ------------------ + -------- +
pb ( t2 ) Tk

pmin = minimum internal pressure

Guidance note:
pmin is the local minimum internal pressure taken as the most unfavourable internal pressure plus static head of the internal fluid.
For installation pmin equals zero. For installation with waterfilled pipe, pmin equals pe.

302 The resistance for external pressure (hoop buckling),

pc(t), is given by:

D max D min
f0 = -------------------------------D

E 400 Propagating buckling

401 No design requirement has been developed for titanium
risers, see to DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5 D400 for steel risers.


E 300

304 The initial departure from circularity of pipe and pipe

ends, i.e., the initial ovality is given by:

p ld p e 2
----------------- 1
pb ( t2 )
Md = design bending moment, see DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5
Ted = design effective tension, see DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5
pld = local internal design pressure, see Sec.3 B200
pe = local external pressure
c = condition factor to be taken according to Table 5-6
Mk is the (plastic) bending moment resistance given by:

( p c ( t ) p el ( t ) ) ( p c ( t ) p p ( t ) ) =



p c ( t ) p el ( t ) p p ( t ) f 0 ---t

M k = f y tm c ( D t 2 ) t 2

Guidance note:
Solution of the equation above can be found DNV-OS-F101


tm is given in Table 5-5.

Tk is the plastic axial force resistance given by:


303 The elastic collapse pressure (instability) of a pipe is

given by:

t 3
2 E ----
p el ( t ) = ---------------------- tp

tp is given in Table 5-5.


pb(t2) is the burst resistance given by Eq. (5.10).


The plastic collapse pressure is given by:

p p ( t ) = 2 ---- f y fab tp

Tk = fy c ( D t2 ) t 2


Table 5-6 Condition factor c for bending, torsion and internal

Guidance note:
The failure modes controlled by this limit state comprise yielding, gross plastic deformation and wrinkling due to combined
The design criterion may be viewed as a (plastic) Von Mises criterion in terms of cross sectional forces and plastic cross sectional resistance. It is equivalent to the plastic limit bending moment


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.5 Page 15

capacity (including the effect of strain hardening and wall thinning) for (Ted/Tk) <<1. It reduces to the traditional wall thickness
Von Mises criterion, see e.g. API RP 2RD, for pressure and effective tension load effects only.

604 Pipe members subjected to bending moment, effective

tension and net external overpressure shall be designed to satisfy the following equation:


502 Pipe members subjected to bending moment, effective

tension and net external overpressure shall be designed to satisfy the following equation /2/:

{ SC
{ SC

p e p min 2
M T e 2
------- + ------ + ----------------------
c 2


E 700 Displacement controlled conditions

701 See DNV-OS-F201.

T ed 2 2
2 Md
m } ---------- + -------- 13 +


2 p e p min
m } ---------------------- 1
pc ( t2 )


F. Fatigue Limit State

pc(t) = Hoop buckling capacity given by Eq. (5.12)

Guidance note:
The failure modes controlled by this semi-empirical limit state is
yielding and combined local buckling and hoop buckling due to
combined bending, tension and external over-pressure.
System effects should be considered for installation methods involving many pipe sections being exposed to a similar loading
condition. If detailed information is not available a condition factor C = 1.05 multiplied with SC m apply.

F 100 General
101 The riser system shall have adequate safety against fatigue within the service life of the system.
102 The design criteria for fatigue of steel riser pipes given
in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5 E, are assumed to be valid for design
of titanium risers, with the exception of the actual fatigue
curves given in Appendix B E.
103 The fatigue properties valid for titanium pipes are given
in Sec.6 B600.


E 600 Alternative WSD format

601 As a more easy-to-use alternative the following working
stress design (WSD) format may be used for the combined
loading check for pipes with D/t ratio less than 30. The present
WSD is based on explicit limit states for combined loading and
provides results on the conservative side compared to the corresponding LRFD limit states.
602 For the WSD format the design load effects equals the
corresponding characteristic load effect, i.e. the load effect factors and resistance factors equals unity: F = = A = SC = m
= 1.0. Instead, the basic usage factor shown in Table 5-7 apply.
Table 5-7 Usage factor h for combined loading

G. Accidental Limit State

G 100 Reference
101 The content in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5 F applies also to
this RP.

H. Serviceability Limit State

H 100 Reference
101 The content in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5 G applies also to
this RP.


I. Special Considerations

603 Pipe members subjected to bending moment, effective

tension and net internal overpressure shall be designed to satisfy the following equation, where all parameters are defined
in 500.

T 2 p ld p e 2
p ld p e 2
- 1 ----------------- + -----e- + -----------------


b 2
b 2

I 100
101 The content in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.5 H applies also to
this RP.



Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 16 Sec.6

A. General

B. Material Properties

101 This section specifies the requirements for materials,

manufacture, fabrication and documentation of linepipe and
components in the riser system, with regard to the characteristic properties the materials shall obtain after heat treatment, expansion, final shaping and assembly. The requirements are
relevant both for pressure containing and for load carrying

B 100 General
101 Requirements for titanium making in general shall be
according to approved and documented practice.
102 Requirements to pipe manufacturing, type and extent of
mechanical testing and NDT are given in C, and suggested test
programs for both qualification testing and production testing
are given in Table 6-5. All mechanical and corrosion testing
shall be conducted in accordance with relevant parts of DNVOS-F101 Appendix B.

A 100

A 200



201 This standard applies to risers and riser components fabricated from linepipes and forging made of titanium meeting
internationally recognised codes for titanium alloys, manufacturing, coatings, fabrication and NDT methods and procedures
in general with the exceptions given in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.7
and in B and C of this section.
202 The requirements in this section are applicable for risers
made of titanium only or a mix of titanium and steel. In case of
mixed riser systems, the section only covers the titanium part
of the system.
A 300

Material selection

301 The selected titanium grade shall be proven suitable for

the intended use during the entire service life. The materials for
use in the riser system shall have the dimensions and mechanical properties, such as strength, ductility, toughness, corrosion- and wear-resistance, necessary to comply with the
assumptions made in the design.
302 The titanium alloys are divided into three groups, Group
I to Group III, as described in Sec.5 B100.
A 400

Process of manufacture

401 The linepipe shall be manufactured according to one of

the following processes:
Seamless (SML) linepipe
402 Linepipe generally manufactured by a hot forming process, normally hot-extruded or hot rotary-pierced, without
welding and followed by annealing. In order to obtain the required dimensions, warm sizing or swaging may follow the hot
forming. Other manufacturing methods may be used based on
agreement between purchaser and manufacture.
Welded (SAWL) linepipe
403 Linepipe manufactured by forming from plate and with
one longitudinal seam formed by the GTAW, GMAW or PAW
welding process. Other welding methods may be utilised if
sound weld connections can be documented. An intermittent or
continuous single pass tack weld may be made by the gas metal
arc welding method. Final annealing is required for stress relief. To obtain the required dimensions, the forming may be
followed by warm sizing or swaging.
404 The components shall be forged. The requirements to
design, manufacture, fabrication, testing and documentation of
riser components are given in DNV OS-F101 Sec.7.

B 200 Chemical composition

201 The chemical composition of the titanium alloy metal
covered by this recommended practice shall conform to the requirements of the chemical composition utilised as ASTM
grades or equivalent recognised, but more supplier specific,
Guidance note:
Extra Low Interstitial (ELI) grades shall be strongly recommended compared to non-ELI grades.

202 Homogeneous composition of pipe shall be confirmed

during MPQT through analyses of specimens from both pipe
ends. Homogeneous composition of girth welds, particularly
with regard to interstitial elements, shall be confirmed during
WPQT through analyses from both the 12 oclock and 6
oclock positions.
203 Alloy composition determines the susceptibility for
crevice corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. See also 700.
204 In case of contact between two dissimilar titanium alloys, the crevice tend to obtain the crevice corrosion resistance
of the more noble (resistant) alloy because of galvanically induced anodic protection.
B 300 Metallography
301 The microstructure is closely linked to the material
properties and shall be regarded as an essential parameter.
302 For each combination of material and method of manufacture, a set of typical and limiting acceptable microstructures
shall be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer and documented as part of the MPS (see C300).
303 A homogenous microstructure in linepipe shall be confirmed during MPQT through examination of the entire pipe
wall thickness on specimens from both pipe ends and in two
different directions.
304 Homogeneous microstructure in girth welds shall be
confirmed during WPQT through examination of the entire
weld area on specimens from the 12 oclock and 6 oclock positions in addition to microhardness profile testing.
305 A metallographic examination shall be performed after
final heat treatment. The examination shall be conducted at
both 100 X and 400 X magnification.
306 The linepipe surfaces and weld surfaces shall be free
from alpha ()-case.
B 400 Mechanical properties
401 Mechanical properties for a number of titanium alloys
applicable for riser components are given in Table 6-4. Project
specific requirements to mechanical properties may be agreed


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.6 Page 17

402 All alloys in material group I and II shall confirm to the

following requirements:
Maximum actual yield stress in longitudinal direction
shall be decided on a project basis.
Actual yield stress to actual ultimate tensile strength, YS /
UTSratio, shall not exceed 0.92.
403 For pipe OD 300 mm, all mechanical testing shall be
conducted in the longitudinal direction. For pipe OD > 300
mm, tensile properties shall be tested in both transverse and
longitudinal direction to the pipe axis.
404 For weldments, tensile testing of all-weld and crossweld specimens shall be conducted in addition to face- and
root-bend testing.
405 If materials shall be used at a design temperature above
50C, the yield strength at the Tmax shall be determined by testing during the qualification of the manufacturing procedure
specification (MPS) given in C300.
Guidance note:


The tensile properties at room temperature will be reduced

at elevated temperatures. For titanium alloys, a decrease in
strength of typically 20 to 40% of the room temperature value is expected at 200C. At 60C, a reduction of room temperature strength with up to 12% shall be expected.
For material Group I, the change in elasticity modulus with
temperature is given as E = - 0.047 GPa/C.

thereby also identify possible variations in texture and directionality.

507 Defect assessment of crack like defects should normally
be performed in accordance with BS 7910 3B; Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD), i.e. a tearing analysis based on the material specific FAD. This requires the full stress strain curve for
both base metal and weld metal in order to construct the appropriate FAD.
508 Time effects on the fracture toughness of the material, in
terms of sustained load cracking, shall be considered.
B 600 Fatigue properties
601 Adequate fatigue life of both base metal and weldments
should be verified by fatigue analysis. The fatigue analysis
may be based on either the Fatigue Life S-N curve approach or
the Fracture Mechanics Fatigue Crack Growth (FCG) approach.
602 The FCG approach is mainly relevant for situations
where fatigue crack growth is the dominating part of the fatigue life or when in-service crack inspection is considered
(Damage Tolerance Design Approach).
S-N curve approach
603 By the fatigue life S-N curve approach, the fatigue life is
expressed in terms of the number of cycles to failure N. The SN curve gives the number of cycles to failure N at stress range
S. The S-N curve is given as
log10N = log10a mlog10S


406 For components to be subjected to static loads, long term

mechanical properties, and possible degradation of these in
terms of cold or warm creep, shall be considered.
B 500 Fracture toughness properties
501 Pipe members, including components and girth welds,
shall have adequate safety against unstable fracture both during the installation and during the service life of the riser.
502 For titanium alloys considered appropriate for riser applications and listed in Table 6-4, no marked drop in impact or
fracture toughness should be expected at subzero temperatures.
503 The Fracture Toughness shall be characterised by J-R
testing according to BS 7448 and ASTM E1820.
Guidance note:
- The test conditions for Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
(LEFM) are usually not fulfilled for wall thickness relevant
for riser applications. The use of the LEFM measure for Fracture Toughness, KQ/KIc, is therefore usually not appropriate
and JR-testing is the recommended test method.
- The above standards recommend to use Single Edge Notched
Bend (SENB) or Compact Tension (CT) specimens for the
testing. These specimens give large Crack Tip Constraint and
hence usually conservative measures of the fracture toughness. If it can be shown that the constraint in the riser component under consideration is lower than in the standard test
specimen, it is permissible to test specimens with a constraint
closer to the real structure, e.g. the Single Edge Notched Tension (SENT) specimen.


S-N curves are sensitive to the presence and size of defects. It

is therefore necessary to assure that the quality of the welds in
the riser conforms with the weld quality of the tested samples.
604 The characteristic S-N curve for use in design is traditionally defined equal to the so-called mean-minus-twostandard-deviations curve as obtained from a log10S-log10N
plot of experimental data. With a Gaussian assumption for the
residuals in log10N with respect to the mean curve through the
data, this corresponds to a curve with 97.7% survival probability. It is common to require this curve estimated with at least
95% confidence when its derivation is based on limited data.
605 Characteristic S-N curves for use in design need to be
validated for the material and weld in question, e.g. by laboratory fatigue tests and NDT testing.
Guidance note:
In case specific characteristic S-N curves are not available for the
material in question, a set of default characteristic S-N curves is
given in Table 6-1 /3/. These default characteristic S-N curves
may be used for preliminary design. The default characteristic SN curves may be used for final design provided it is verified that
the characteristic fatigue life of the material in question is equal
to or better than that given by the relevant default S-N curve.
Table 6-1 Default characteristic S-N curve for titanium of
Material Group I /3/
log10 a 1)
Base metal

Values are conditioned on stress ranges S given in units of MPa.


504 Due to the, normally, relatively large scatter in stable

crack growth obtained, it is recommended to use the multiple
specimen procedure according to BS 7448 and a minimum of
8 specimens.
505 All relevant locations of possible defects i.e. base metal,
weld metal and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) shall be tested.
506 The fracture toughness testing shall be carried out in all
relevant directions of loading and crack orientation and will

The default S-N curves represent a synthesis of data for a range

of titanium grades and a range of manufacturers and form a set of
robust curves for their purpose. One common curve for base metal and one for weld, regardless of environment and titanium
grade, reflect that the available data are statistically too limited to
allow for separate curves for separate environments and separate
grades. Because the default S-N curves are based on limited data,
the requirement of 95% confidence implies that the default S-N
curves come out a little more conservative than the central-estimate mean-minus-two-standard-deviations curves would indicate.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 18 Sec.6

The default S-N curves are based on data for stress ranges in excess of 250 MPa for base metal and for stress ranges in excess of
175 MPa for welds. The available data indicate a standard deviation in the residuals of log10N of about 0.2.
The default characteristic S-N curves are valid for Material
Group I. For Material Groups II and III, reference is made to Table 6-5. The numbers quoted in Table 6-1 are valid in air or seawater, and for temperatures up to 150C. The numbers quoted for
base metal are valid for machined surfaces. The numbers quoted
for welds arise from test data for fusion welds with ground surfaces, no surface-breaking pores greater than 0.2 mm, and no internal pores greater than 0.5 mm.
No stress concentration factor is incorporated in the default characteristic S-N curves.
When verifying that the fatigue life of a material in question is
equal to or better than that given by a default characteristic S-N
curve, at least three fatigue tests at each of two different stress
ranges should be carried out. The fatigue test data by these tests
should be interpreted with respect to a characteristic S-N curve
defined as the curve with 97.7% survival probability with 95%
confidence. The verification should demonstrate that this characteristic S-N curve gives a fatigue life equal to or higher than that
given by the default characteristic S-N curve.

606 The fatigue criterion, which is to be satisfied in design,

may be written as

- Selection of S-N curves shall match the weld detail and quality
- The specified default characteristic S-N curve is given as a
one-slope S-N curve, valid for all S values, and thus ignoring
a possible endurance limit. Titanium is traditionally known to
exhibit an endurance limit under constant amplitude loading,
i.e., a value of the stress range S below which the number of
cycles N to failure will approach infinity. It will be conservative to apply the one-slope S-N curve for S values below the
endurance limit. When the endurance limit can be determined
with confidence, contributions to fatigue damage from S values below the endurance limit may be ignored for constant
amplitude loading. For variable amplitude loading the endurance limit may be suppressed and it is recommended to use
the one- slope curve for all S values, unless a two-slope S-N
curve can be established, supported by data or test results.

Fatigue Crack Growth

608 DNV OS-F201 Sec.5 E300 gives general guidance for
fatigue assessments by crack growth calculations.
609 Crack growth parameters (characteristic resistance)
shall be determined as mean-plus-two-standard-deviations.
The environment and testing frequency must be relevant for
the application. For high cycle situations it is most important
to determine the fatigue crack growth parameters in the nearthreshold region.
Guidance note:

D fat DFF 1.0


in which
Dfat = the accumulated fatigue damage calculated from the
stress range distribution and the characteristic S-N
curve according to the Miners sum, see DNV-OSF201 Appendix B.
DFF = the design fatigue factor, see DNV-OS-F201 Table 59.
Guidance note:
The stress range distribution used for calculation of the accumulated damage Dfat needs to include a relevant stress concentration
factor, when the characteristic S-N curve it is combined with in
the calculation does not incorporate any stress concentration factor.
Stress concentration factors are usually geometry-dependent. In
cases where stress concentration factors are also stiffness-dependent, extra caution should be exercised as then known stress
concentration factors applicable to for example steel details cannot necessarily be transported to apply to titanium details with
the same geometry.

607 Testing has shown that size and distribution of flaws in

the weld and the surface condition of both base metal and weld
may have an influence on the fatigue properties. It should be
verified by testing that the actual base material and welds behave in a similar manner as existing fatigue data used for design before the final design is carried out.
Guidance note:
- When test results in terms of existing fatigue data are used as
basis for fatigue analyses, the tests shall have been conducted
on materials with fatigue properties equal to those of the chosen material and in a representative internal/external environment (including corrosion protection if relevant).

- The fatigue crack growth rate, for similar stress ranges, is normally higher in titanium than in steel. This must be appreciated when assessing situations where fatigue crack growth is
the dominating part of the fatigue life or when in-service
crack inspection is considered (Damage Tolerance Design
- When determining crack growth parameters in the near
threshold region it is important that the testing is carried out
with care. E.g. erroneously optimistic crack growth parameters may be obtained due to retardation effects if the load
range is decreased too rapidly during the testing.
- Relevant and realistic initial flow sizes must be determined
taking the capability of the NDT system and other aspects of
the fabrication methods into consideration.
- When calculating the fatigue life based on fatigue crack
growth, the final crack size must be determined based on a
given failure criteria, e.g. leakage or fracture.

Full scale testing

610 Full scale testing is suggested as final verification of fatigue properties. This is particularly relevant for girth welds of
materials in material group III and for qualification of new
welding methods.
B 700

Corrosion properties

Stress corrosion and crevice corrosion

701 For line pipes to be used for fluids containing hydrogen
sulphide (H2S) and defined as sour service according to
NACE Standard MR0175 (Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant
Metallic Materials for Oil Field Equipment), all requirements
to materials selection, properties, and manufacturing and fabrication procedures given in the standard shall apply. An overview of titanium alloys approved for sour service according to
MR0175-2001 is given in Table 6-2. In case of approval of
new grades for sour service, the last updated version of
MR0175 will be the decisive document.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.6 Page 19

Table 6-2 Titanium alloys approved for sour service according

to NACE MR0175-2001 and corresponding DNV material
DNV material
45 HRC
36 HRC
Grade 2
100 HRB
Grade 12
Grade 19
42 HRC
Grade 29
35 HRC
Grade 28
32 HRC

702 Use of line pipe materials not listed for sour service in
NACE MR0175 shall be qualified according to the guidelines
given in the said document.
703 Alloy resistance to chloride crevice corrosion shall be
demonstrated when riser service temperature exceed ~75C
and the alloy is exposed to hot produced brine fluid or/and seawater.
704 To prevent crevice corrosion and mitigate the susceptibility to chloride stress corrosion cracking, Pd/Ru enhanced alloys shall be selected when maximum temperature exceed
~75C and alloys are exposed to seawater or hot produced
brine fluid.
705 Crevice or pitting corrosion testing shall be performed in
external environment. SCC testing shall be performed in internal environment.
706 For specimen containing welds, possible corrosion on
base material will be tested simultaneously.
Guidance note:
- Dependent on the environment and the temperature, no testing might be considered necessary if Pd/Ru-enhanced alloys
are requested.
- Pd/Ru-enhanced titanium alloys as ASTM Grade 28 and
Grade 29 are already fully qualified for high temperature
brine/seawater service up to at least 260C.

Galvanic Corrosion
707 The titanium alloys listed in Table 6-4 are generally immune to galvanic corrosion in contact with other structural materials and are compatible with nickel alloys and stainless
708 When in contact with less noble metals such as aluminium, carbon steel and magnesium alloys, accelerated galvanic
attacks can occur.
B 800 Environmental conditions
Liquid Metal Embrittlement
801 Risk for Liquid Metal Embrittlement (LME) due to liquid mercury from the well stream shall be considered. For temperatures <150C, liquid mercury does not appear to affect
titanium unless wetting of freshly exposed surface occur, e.g.
under wear conditions. For temperatures >150C, low resistance to liquid metal embrittlement from liquid mercury might
be expected.
Guidance note:
- Since mercury is not able to wet titanium surfaces covered
with oxide films, due to low surface tension/high contact angle, larger patches of oxide damage need to be present for this
to be a problem.
- Titanium and its alloys are resistant to solutions of mercury
salts over the pH range 3-11.

802 Titanium is inert to most oilfield chemicals, the exceptions are hydrofluoric acid and methanol.
Hydrofluoric Acid
803 Hydrofluoric acid, which may be used for acidising
wells, attacks titanium very quickly. This shall be prevented,
either by preventing hydrofluoric acids from flowing into titanium lines or by use of suitable inhibitors.
804 Procedures for use of methanol in conjunction with titanium risers must be established, specifying the minimum water
content in the methanol.
Guidance note:
Methanol, used for dissolving and suppressing hydrates in well
flows, causes stress corrosion cracking of titanium in presence of
chlorides. However, water content above approximately 2-4%
nullifies the deleterious effect of methanol.
A guideline for minimum water content required to prevent
methanolic SCC of different titanium alloys, is given in Table 63.
Table 6-3 Guideline, giving minimum water content
required to prevent methanolic SCC
Minimum water content
required (wt%)
Titanium alloy
ASTM Grade 9
ASTM Grade 19
ASTM Grade 23
ASTM Grade 28
ASTM Grade 29


Hydrogen embrittlement:
805 Hydrogen absorption and long-term damages of titanium alloy components should be prevented by design strategies
that lead to prevention of atomic hydrogen on the titanium surface as;
applying polymeric coatings to seawater-exposed metal
shift the impressed cathodic potential to levels positive to
0.850 mV
electrically isolate the titanium alloy component from cathodic protected steel structures via insulating flanges and
806 Hydrogen absorption may occur when titanium is cathodically charged for extended periods at potentials more
negative than 850 mV (Ag/AgCl) in seawater imposed by
C.P. systems that protect mating steel structures.
Guidance note:
- Hydrogen damage of titanium alloys is manifested as loss of
ductility (embrittlement) and /or a reduction in the stress-intensity threshold for crack propagation.
- The damage is caused by hydrides, which forms as hydrogen
diffuses into the material during exposure with either gaseous
or cathodic hydrogen.
- The temperature limit where now significant hydrogen absorption is expected for the titanium when exposed to seawater is dependent on the chosen titanium alloy and the amount
of hydrogen present.

807 In cases where hydrogen absorption can not be prevented, testing shall be carried out in order to characterise the frac-


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 20 Sec.6

ture and fatigue crack growth properties under representative

conditions of hydrogen charging.
B 900 Wear properties
901 Titanium in contact with itself or other metals exhibits a
tendency to gall resulting in excessive wear on titanium and/or
result in accelerated corrosion through fretting action. Simple
lubrication is often sufficient to overcome this problem, however, the effect of lubrication need to be documented.
902 Wear/erosion/galling resistance shall be considered,
particularly for drilling risers or other wear exposed components. Adequate wear resistance shall be verified and documented by analyses and/or testing.
Guidance note:


Titanium alloys resist solids-free seawater erosion to velocities as high as 30m/sec, and silt-laden seawater flow to at
least 5-6m/sec.
Testing simulating wear between a titanium riser and a steel
drill string has shown a relatively high degree of wear of the
titanium surface if not protected by a suitable liner.

B 1000 Weldability
1001 Welding and repair welding procedures, welding personal, handling of welding consumables, and the execution of
welding shall be based on the requirements given in DNV-OSF101 Appendix C. For welding consumables, titanium specific
recommendations as those given for steel in Appendix C, C100
to C300, shall be agreed upon.
1002 The weld metal shall, as a minimum, have strength,
ductility and toughness meeting the minimum requirements of
the base material.
1003 Weldability of linepipe shall be verified during MPQT.
Requirements for weldability testing and WPQT of longitudinal welded titanium pipes and girth welds are given in Table 65 and Table 6-6.
1004 Weldments with high fatigue loads shall be identified,
and extended NDT of these shall be considered. Extended
NDT can take place in the form of spot checks performed by
other qualified operator.
Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)
1005 A PWHT procedure shall be determined and verified as
part of the procedure qualification program.
1006 The effect of residual stress reduction after PWHT, as
input to Engineering Criticality Analyses, shall be evaluated.
1007 If the PWHT is performed in air and T > 480C, a metallographic examination, carried out subsequent to the PWHT,
may replace a mechanical or chemical removal of the surface
layer if no alpha-case is observed at the surface.
1008 If the PWHT is performed properly in a vacuum furnace or in an inert atmosphere for T > 480C, formation of alpha-case at the pipe surface is not expected.

C. Manufacture
C 100 General
101 The following requirements are applicable to the manufacture of risers and stress joints made of titanium alloys.
102 Linepipe manufacture shall fulfil the requirements of
DNV-OS-F101 Sec. 6 E when appropriate.
C 200 Linepipe NDT level
201 All linepipe shall fulfil the requirements to NDT Level I

and supplementary requirement D in DNV OS-F101.

C 300 Manufacturing procedure specification and qualification
301 In order to distinguish between several suppliers, a prequalification program may be established. The content of the
program shall be established on a project specific basis, and
should contain testing of critical properties. Results from the
prequalification may be used as part MPQT.
302 Before production commences, the manufacturer shall
prepare a Manufacturing Procedure Specification (MPS). The
MPS shall demonstrate how the specified properties may be
achieved and verified through the proposed manufacturing
route. The MPS shall address all factors that influence the
quality and reliability of production. All main manufacturing
steps from control of received raw material to shipment of finished pipe, including all examination and check points, shall be
covered in detail. References to the procedures established for
the execution of all steps shall be included.
303 The MPS shall as a minimum contain the following information:

plan(s) and process flow description or diagram

project specific quality plan
manufacturing process (see A400)
manufacturer and manufacturing location of raw material
raw material scrap content including allowable variation
titanium making process, casting process, alloying practice
rolling or working condition and heat treatment, including
target values and proposed allowable variation in process
target values for chemical composition, including a critical
combination of intended elements and proposed allowable
variation from target values
pipe forming process
alignment and joint design for welding and production
WPS (see DNV OS-F101 Appendix C);
final heat treatment condition
method for cold expansion or sizing or finishing, target
and maximum sizing ratio
NDT procedures
pressure test procedures
list of specified mechanical and corrosion testing
dimensional control procedures
pipe number allocation
pipe tracking procedure
marking, coating and protection procedures
handling, loading and shipping procedures
reference to applicable supplementary requirements (see
DNV-OS-F101 Sec.6 B200).

304 The MPS shall be subjected to agreement and shall be

confidential between the manufacturer and purchaser.
305 The MPS shall be qualified for each linepipe size. Each
Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test (MPQT) shall include full qualification of two linepipes from two different
306 The minimum type and extent of chemical, mechanical,
and non-destructive testing are given Table 6-5 and the acceptance criteria for qualification of the MPS are given in this section.
307 Testing shall be performed as described in DNV-OSF101 Appendix B and Appendix D.
308 Qualification of welding procedures shall be performed
in accordance with DNV-OS-F101 Appendix C.
309 Additional testing may be required (e.g. weldability testing, analysis for trace elements for titanium made from scrap,
etc.) as part of the qualification of the MPS.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.6 Page 21

310 The validity of the qualification of the MPS shall be limited to the titanium-making, rolling, and manufacturing /fabrication facilities where the qualification was performed.
311 If one or more tests in the qualification of the MPS fail
to meet the requirements, the MPS shall be reviewed and modified as necessary, and a complete re-qualification performed.

406 The production testing shall include chemical analysis,

tensile testing, bend testing and macro or micro examination as
described in Table 6-5.

C 400 Production and qualification testing

401 The tests required for qualification of the MPS are denoted Q and the tests required for production testing are denoted P.
Qualification testing
402 The qualification testing of the titanium grades in material group I and II shall include the testing shown in Table 6-5.
403 Testing of new upcoming titanium grades in group III
shall be subjected to agreement, however, the testing should,
as a minimum, incorporate the testing stated in Table 6-5.
404 Subject to agreement, relevant experience in connection
with materials in Group I, can be utilised to demonstrate fulfilment of the specification with reasonable margins. The experience shall be fully documented and relevant with regard to
manufacturing process, pipe dimensions and alloy. Additional
testing shall be performed in order to verify the experience data. The amount of testing is dependent on the documented experience and shall be subject to agreement.
Production testing
405 Production testing shall be performed on one randomly
selected pipe or forgings from each lot.

C 500

407 Intervals for production testing of girth welds shall be

agreed upon. Test regime for production testing shall be in accordance with Table 6-6.
Non-destructive testing

501 Linepipe shall be subjected to non-destructive testing

(NDT). Requirements for personnel, methods, equipment, procedures and acceptance criteria for NDT are given in DNV OSF101 Appendix D.
502 The procedures shall allow for inspectability characteristics of the titanium alloys concerned.
503 NDT for qualification of MPS and during production
shall be carried out according to Table 6-13 in DNV-OS- F101
Sec.6 E900 to E1000 for NDT level 1.
504 All fatigue critical weldments shall be subjected to
100% high definition radiography in addition to ultrasonic inspection.
505 The weldments with higher dynamic loadings shall be
identified, and extended NDT of these welds shall be considered. Extended NDT can take place in the form of spot checks
performed by other qualified operator.
506 Workmanship shall meet the requirements in DNV OSF101 Sec.6 E1000 in addition to the actual product standard or

Table 6-4 Titanium alloys for riser applications, general mechanical properties according to ASTM 1)
Common alloy Nominal composition Alloy type
Mechanical properties
(wt %)
0.2% YS
mum UTS modulus
ASTM Grade 9 2)
UNS R56320
ASTM Grade 18 2) Ti-3-2.5-Pd
Ti-3Al-2.5V-0.05Pd Near-alpha
UNS R56322
ASTM Grade 28 2) Ti-3-2.5-Ru
UNS R56323
ASTM Grade 32 2) Timetal 5111
ASTM Grade 23
UNS R56407
(0.13 max O2)
Ti-6-4 Pd
Grade 23+0.05Pd
(0.13 max O2)
ASTM Grade 29 2) Ti-6-4 Ru
UNS R56404
0.1Ru(0.13 max O2)
ASTM Grade 19 2) Ti Beta-C
759 3)
793 3)
93-96 3)
15 3)
UNS R58640
(1103) 4)
(1138) 4)
102 4)
5 4)
ASTM Grade 20
Ti Beta-C/Pd
15 3)
UNS R58645
(1103) 4)
(1138) 4)
102 4)
5 4)





Requirements for the most commonly used titanium grades for riser applications, according to ASTM B861;Standard Specification for Titanium
and Titanium Alloy Seamless Pipe and ASTM B862;Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Welded Pipe.
In connection with forgings, the mechanical properties given in ASTM B381 Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Forgings shall be
Project specific requirement to mechanical properties may be agreed upon, ref. Sec.6 B401.

Material Group I : ASTM Grade 23, ASTM Grade 23+0.05Pd, ASTM Grade 29
Material Group II: ASTM Grade 9, ASTM Grade 18, ASTM Grade 28, ASTM Grade 32
Material Group III: ASTM Grade 19, ASTM Grade 20

Properties for material in solution treated (ST) condition


Properties for material in solution treated and aged (STA) condition


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 22 Sec.6

Table 6-5 Seamless and longitudinal welded linepipe - Qualification and production testing of linepipes
Qualification (Q) Samples
Test conditions
production (P)
Chemical analysis
1 sample representing the BM
1 sample representing the WM
Tensile test
OD > 300 mm:
1 sample in longitudinal direction, BM and WM
1 sample in transverse direction, BM and WM Test temperature: RT 2)
OD <= 300 mm:
1 sample in longitudinal direction, BM and WM
Q: 2 samples, in two directions, from both pipe
ends 1) in both WM and BM
P: 1 sample in both WM and BM
Magnification: 100X and 400X
For WM, a macro examination shall be performed.
Hardness measurement
Hardness profile through the entire weld on one
Fracture toughness test
For BM:
One set equals 8 specimens.
1 set in longitudinal direction
For pipe materials:
(J-R testing, multiple
1 set in transversal direction
Testing shall be performed at min. and max.
specimen method)
For WM:
design temperature.
1 set transversal to weld direction
For welds:
For HAZ:
Testing shall be performed at either min. or
1 set transversal to weld direction
max. design temperature.
S-N fatigue testing 4)
Each set of 3 specimens to be tested at two
2 sets representing BM 3)
different stress levels.
Surface: real surface finish
Environment: air
FCG-test 5)
Near threshold regime testing
3 specimens representing WM
Environment to be agreed upon.
Bend test
Q: Wt < 20 mm: 2 root bend and 2 face bend
Q: Wt > 20 mm: 4 side bend
Only for WM
P: Wt < 20 mm: 1 root bend
P: Wt > 20 mm: 1 side bend
Corrosion testing
Pitting corrosion
Depends on environment and temperature
Crevice corrosion
Test temperature = Design temperature
Wear testing
Depends on environment.
To be agreed on a case to case basis


Representing the entire wall thickness

Qualification (Q) test: If the material shall be used at a design temperature T > 50C, the yield strength at Tmax shall be determined.
Is to be performed at different stress ranges in order to verify the validity of the design curve.
The quoted number of tests is valid when verifying an established design curve. For establishing a new design curve for a novel situation,
e.g. use of an alloy of Material Group III or a welding method where test data do not exist, relevant and statistically significant testing
shall be agreed upon and performed.
Only testing when relevant according to Sec.6 B602


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.6 Page 23

Table 6-6 Girth welds Qualification of welding procedure

Qualification (Q) Samples
production (P)
2 sample representing the WM
Tensile test
OD > 300 mm:
2 sample in longitudinal direction
2 sample in transverse direction
OD <= 300 mm:
2 sample in longitudinal direction
Macro examination
1 sample from weld start/stop area
1 sample from weld 6 oclock condition
1 sample from weld start/stop area
1 sample from weld 6 oclock position
Fracture toughness
1 set transversal to weld direction
(J-R testing, multiple
specimen method)
S-N fatigue testing 3)
2 sets representing WM 2)

Bend test
Corrosion testing

3 specimens WM 2)

Test conditions

Test temperature: RT 1)

The sample shall cover the entire wall thickness

WM and HAZ
Magnification: 100X and 400X
One set equals 8 specimens.
Testing shall be performed at either min. or
maximum design temperature.
Each set of 3 specimens to be tested at two
different stress levels.
Surface: as manufactured
Environment: air
Near threshold regime testing
Environment: to be agreed upon.

Q: Wt < 20 mm: 2 root bend and 2 face bend

Q: Wt > 20 mm: 4 side bend
P: Wt < 20 mm: 1 root bend
P: Wt > 20 mm: 1 side bend
Pitting corrosion
Depends on environment and temperature
Crevice corrosion


Qualification (Q) test: If the material shall be used at a design temperature T > 50C, the yield strength at Tmax shall be determined.
Is to be performed at different stress ranges in order to verify the validity of the design curve
The quoted number of tests is valid when verifying an established design curve. For establishing a new design curve for a novel situation,
e.g. use of an alloy of Material Group III or welding method where test data do not exist, relevant and statistically significant testing shall
be agreed upon and performed.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 24 Sec.7

A. General
A 100 Objective
101 This section gives requirements for documentation and
verification of riser systems during design, fabrication, installation and operational phases.

A 200 References
201 The requirements to documentation and verification described in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.8 apply also to this RP.


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Sec.8 Page 25

A. General

risers to demonstrate fitness for purpose in case deviations

from design appear during operation.

A 100 Objective
101 The objective of this section is to provide requirements
for operation and in-service inspections. This section also provides general guidance on structural integrity assessment of

A 200


201 The requirements for operation, maintenance and reassessment described in DNV-OS-F201 Sec.9 apply also to this


Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F201, October 2002

Page 26 Sec.9

/1/ O.Aamlid, K.J.Mrk, K.Aaronsen Combined Loading Criteria
for titanium Risers OMAE2002, Oslo, Norway
/2/ K.Mrk, M.Z.Chen, S.Spolton, C.Baxter Collapse and buckling Design Aspects of titanium Alloy Pipes, OMAE2001, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
/3/ K.O.Ronold, S.Wstberg Characteristic S-N curves for Fatigue
Design of Titanium Risers OMAE2002, Oslo,


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