Chalice Newsletter Oct 2016 - St. Francis Episcopal Church

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October 2016

St Francis Episcopal Church

is a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri.
The Chalice is the newsletter of St. F rancis Episcopal Church, Eureka MO and is published at least 10
times per year.


The Chalice

Page 1

Table of Contents




Adult Forum Schedule


Life & Ministry DVD series


ASA Statistics


Moment in Time - Episcopal City Mission


Barn & Bonfire Party


Pastors Corner

Birthdays & Anniversaries


Pet Blessing Invitation

Planning Calendar

Bishops Committee Minutes


Book Group


Prayer for St. Francis


Building Update & Results

Prayer list


Preparing for Sunday

Clergy Conference

Planning for the Inevitable

Consecration Sunday

Recipe of the Month


Contacting Pastor Sally

Roger Shaw says Hello

Crafters Outing & Calendar


Rosies Birthday Photos


Eureka Days Photos


STL World Food Day


Faith Under Construction prayer

Stewardship Thought


Faith Under Construction Update

The Earthy Soul

Financial Update


Upcoming Events

Groundbreaking Invitation


Vicars Calendar

Hunger Knows No Season


Womens Group

Invitational Ministry schedule


Worship Leaders Schedule


Kids Space Photos


Youth Group - Ronald McDonald House


Have we missed an
important date for you or
your family?
Jot a note and put it in the
collection plate. We want to
help celebrate everyones

The Chalice

Page 2

Pastors Corner
Happy at they who dwell in your house! They will always be praising you.
Happy are the people whose strength is in you! Whose hearts are set on the
pilgrims way. Psalm 84:3-4 (assigned for Oct 23, 2016)

Tony and I just returned from 12 gorgeous

days in Colorado. One of the things I enjoy most
about vacation is the opportunity to worship at an
Episcopal Church in a new location. Its a treat to sit
with Tony and pray and sing together. And over the
years Ive borrowed great ideas from other churches
weve visited. The description of how we welcome
children and want them to be themselves during
worship -- (found on page 2, the inside cover of our
Sunday worship bulletins) came from a church we
visited on vacation.

to go for a good brunch, but no one made eye contact

with us. Of the 80 people in worship at that service,
only one man wore a name tag, although we passed a
wall of name tags as we entered the church.
This experience reinforced for me what we
want to do at St. Francis: We want to welcome and
talk to people. We want to wear our name tags.
These are simple things, easy to accomplish. And
they make a world of difference to the newcomer or
the visitor. If theres someone you dont know, introduce yourself at the Peace of after worship. Ask the
person to join us downstairs for food and conversation. Wear your name tag, so that a visitor doesnt
have to remember the name you just told them. They
can sneak a peek at your name tag, making sure they
address you correctly. Jesus welcomed all who came
to him. Lets do the same. Thanks be to God!

The church in Colorado was lovely and the

liturgy was familiar and heartfelt. The most notable
feature of our church visit was that, except for those
immediately around us exchanging the peace of the
Lord be with you during the Peace, no one talked to
us. No one asked our names or where we were from.
No one asked us to stay for fellowship after the service. I had planned on asking one of the locals where

-- Pastor Sally

The Vicars Calendar is On-line

Contacting Pastor Sally

Remember that theres a middle initial, S, in her e-mail


Pastor Sallys calendar is

on our website,
Select Calendar, then Vicars
Calendar. Its the only calendar Pastor Sally uses, so it is
complete and up-to-date.

She wants to respond quickly, so please let her know if

thats not occurring.

October is .
Pastor Appreciation Month

If you call or e-mail Pastor Sally and she doesnt respond,

please let her know. The best number to call is her cell
phone: 314/651-3836.

Clergy Conference Date

December 1, 2016:
Clergy Day at
St. Martin's Episcopal Church
The Chalice

Page 3

Upcoming Events
October 1
October 3
October 6
October 7
October 8
October 11
October 12
October 13
October 15
October 16
October 18
October 19
October 20
October 22
October 26
October 27
October 29

Groundbreaking Service @ 602 Rockwood Arbor Dr. - 10:00 a.m.

Worship & Music Committee meeting - 6:30 p.m.
Bible study with DVDs at the Lodge - 7:00 p.m.
Staff Meeting - 9:00 a.m.
Pet Blessing - 10:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.
Womens Group at Sue Schmidts - 6:00 p.m.
Eureka Chamber of Commerce luncheon - 11:30 p.m.
Bible study with DVDs at the Lodge - 7:00 p.m.
Invitational Ministry - 9:30 a.m.
Bishops Committee meeting - 12:45 p.m.
Communications & Marketing meeting - 6:00 p.m.
Youth Group meeting at Ronald McDonald House - 5:30 p.m.
Bible study with DVDs at the Lodge - 7:00 p.m.
Fall Barn and Bonfire Party - starts at dusk
Crafters outing - Tours of St. Louis Cathedrals
Bible study with DVDs at the Lodge - 7:00 p.m.
Spiritual retreat at Riverwoods - 10:00 a.m.

"Roger Shaw says hello

to his St. Francis'
family and friends."

November Publications Deadline

The deadline for the November newsletter, calendar &
worship schedule is October 21st. Items not received by
that date may not make the publication.

If you have items for any of these publications, please

send or e-mail to Wendy Rigdon in the parish office

October 2016 Calendar

can be found at

The Chalice

Page 4

St. Francis
Spiritual Offerings during the Week

Prayer List

Mondays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. at the parish house

(210 S. Central) we gather for prayer. We pray for
the people of St. Francis, those who havent joined
us yet, those on our prayer list, the needs of our
community, and the world. We close each session at
6:05-6:15 p.m. with New Zealand Night Prayer.

The Barger Family Parishioners







Judy C.


Judy S.


Tom & John

Sons of Paddy Wrob


Jerry Smiths mother


Brigitte Jungs brother


Carly Champlins sister

Gwen & Rhonda

Rosie & Ernies daughters-in-law


Son of Donna & Joe Bernert


Friend of Sylvia Ahmad

Jamie & family

Friends of the OReillys


Paul Beckers wife


Rich Mayfields daughter


Jack Lauless mother


Sue Schmidts mother


Friend of the parish


Elaine Bookers daughter


Friend of Kathleen OReilly


Friend of Pastor Sally


Friend of parishioner, stationed

in Afghanistan


Parishioner in South Korea


Parishioner in the Philippines

The Chalice

Fridays at 10 a.m. at the Parish House (210 S.

Central) we study the Bible readings appointed for
the upcoming Sunday.
Please join us for this meeting whenever
you can, whether weekly or once in a
while. All are welcome.

Preparing for Sunday

The homepage of our website,, now
contains the icon shown here.
Clicking on this icon brings up the
Bible readings for the upcoming
Sunday. Not only can you read the Scriptures appointed, theres a brief explanation of each passage.
This is a good and easy way to prepare for what
youll hear at Sunday morning worship.

For This Time in Our

Common Life
Let us pray knowing that everything
depends on God our Father, but let
us also work together as if everything depends on us.

Page 5

Prayer for Faith Under Construction

Loving God, we offer our heartfelt gratitude
for a successful capital campaign. May we
find our faith strengthened through sacrificial giving, and help us to be faithful to the
financial commitments that we have
pledged. Be our companion on this journey
as we bring our dream into reality. AMEN.
Faith Under Construction Results
Faith Under Construction, our capital campaign
for the new building, continues to exceed our expectations. As of Aug 24, we have received the
following pledges:
(3-year pledges)


Diocesan clergy
and Episcopal churches

Family/friends of St. Francis

$ 11,770



The Chalice


Building Update
On Sep 23, Church Development Services
(CDS) and the Diocese of Missouri signed the Construction Management agreement. This contract is
what binds CDS and the Diocese into erecting our
church building. It was primarily due to the efforts
of Chancellor Hal Burroughs and the folks at CDS
that this agreement was successfully negotiated and
concluded. This is a huge step forward. We have a
contract to build!
Meanwhile, CDS has been soliciting bids
from subcontractors through their on-line bid
room. The bidding process concludes on Sep 28.
CDS will review the bids, recommend the subcontractors, and create a Refined Preconstruction Estimate (RPE). The RPE will tell us how much it
will cost to construct the building as designed.
Oct 1 is our ground breaking ceremony.
Bishop Smith will bless the ground as we pray and
sing, giving thanks for all that God has already provided and all that God has in store for us.
The Sundays at 9:30 a.m. building updates
will continue throughout the process of constructing the building. So if you have questions about
where things stand, please plan on attending those
informational sessions.

Page 6

During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, November 13, 2016 we are asking our attendees and members to make their financial commitments to our
churchs missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world.
Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate
of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning
worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who feel strongly opposed to completing a card.
The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels
personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill
out a card.

Congregations that approach financial stewardship from

a Biblical perspective do not view the money Christians
give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a
way to help people grow spiritually in their relationship
with God by supporting their churchs mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes.

We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship our guest leader
will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration,
climaxed by members making their commitments as a
confidential act of worship.

Our congregations Finance Committee has selected the

New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a
way to teach the Biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this
New Consecration Sunday is based on the Biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her
own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the
church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat
people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give
unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration
Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and
systematic giving in response to the question, What
percentage of my income is God calling me to give?

We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday

events through the Consecration Sunday team and Bishops Committee members. Since we will make no follow
-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will
make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship.
Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in
Consecration Sunday events.
Senior Warden,

Donna Bernert


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose
under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
In September, St. Francis had a three-part Adult Forum series on planning for the end of ones life. We discussed medical advance directives, funerals, and funeral service planning. While not an enjoyable topic, this is
all very important. Good planning for the end of ones life can be an act of great kindness for those who one
leaves behind.
A super-quick summary of the sessions is:

Research the issues

Decide what you want
Tell the people in your life about your choices

If you missed the sessions, or want to follow up on them, there are a series of useful links.
Advance Directives form provided by the Missouri Bar Association:
Handy forms from Schrader Funeral Home:
Funeral planning document for St. Francis Episcopal Church:
The Chalice

Page 7

St. Francis
Womens Group
Tuesday, October 11th
6:00 P.M.
Sue Schmidts House
Were having our own Oktober Fest!
Pray for good weather so we can sit outside
around the fire pit.
Sue is planning to make bratwurst and some potato
pancakes. If you can bring wine or a side dish or dessert that complements the menu, please do. If cookings not your chief gift, please just come. We have such a nice time and theres always PLENTY to eat.
NOTE: This is the second Tuesday in October, the 11th. This is a change from the traditional
first Tuesday.

Planning Calendars


Tutoring weekly ministry

Tutoring weekly ministry

Invitational ministry concludes until spring 2017

Nominating Committee formed

Oct 1 Groundbreaking Ceremony

Finance Committee develops 2017 budget

Oct 8 - Pet blessing

Pick up items to wrap from Agape House

Oct 9 Vicars Forum

Nov 6 All Saints Day observed

Oct 13 Book Group

Nov 6 Adopt-a-Family begins

Oct 16 Oxfam lunch for World Food Day

Nov 13 Consecration Sunday & Stewardship brunch

Oct 22 - Schmidts Barn Party

Oct 23 Stewardship program begins

Nov 18 & 19 Diocesan Convention in St. Louis


Oct 26 Parish-wide outing by Crafters

Cathedrals: Christ Church, the New, etc.

Nov 19 City of Eureka tree lighting

Oct 29 Spiritual retreat

Nov 20 Blessing of knitted items (scarves, gloves,

hats) and ingathering of groceries

Nov 20 Bishops Committee meeting 2017 budget


Nov 23 Thanksgiving Eve worship @ 7:00PM

Nov 27 Advent begins

Nov 27 Adopt-a-Family concludes/wrap gifts for

Agape House @ Adult Forum

Nov 30 Parish-wide outing by Crafters

Old St. Charles

Adopt-a-Highway date TBA

The Chalice

Page 8


submitted by Kathleen McDonald

The graphic above is the logo of the Green Anglicans organization, one of many faith-based creation care missions around the world. More than
any other Ive seen, it expresses what I believe
about Gods magnificent gift of creation and about
our responsibility to care for it.
Living plants are represented in this graphic and so
many different animals! I kept looking for a nice
unisex drawing of a human being until I realized
that the hands holding up creation are not Gods
hands, but ours. Even as we are part of Gods good
creation we are stewards of it too, responsible for
caring for this remarkable gift. The book of Genesis teaches that God put us in the Garden to work
it, watch over it and protect it. (Gen. 2:15)
Because life is what it is and because we sometimes fail to watch over the Garden and protect it,
sometimes there is not enough food for the people
of the world. Weve seen through presentations
during Adult Forum what happens to babies in Africa denied proper nutrition nutrition that is easily
supplied within their own nations with help from the
Peanut Butter Project. As a parish, weve shared
missions to help alleviate hunger in our own community and in the city: weekly, for about twenty
years, we have brought groceries to fill the red
wagon with food for clients of the interdenominational Eureka Food Pantry. We have, for
almost the same period, shared in an faith-based
ministry to provide hot lunch for the hungry people
who live near the Central West End and who otherwise do not have access to a full, delicious, healthy
meal. We have, for six or eight years, focused on
world food supplies by Oxfams World Food Day in
mid October. Every summer for six or so years, we
have tended a community garden and helped deliver the fresh, organic vegetables to different food
pantries. All these are practical responses that Im
proud of, responses to Jesus command that we
feed the hungry.
Is there more that we can do?
Right now, as a member of the diocesan Task
Force for the Hungry Committee, I am very aware
of the hunger that is a frequent or near-constant
state of people who live in Missouri, people who
are our neighbors. This is despite the abundant
The Chalice

gifts of congregations like ours across the state

who give what they can of their time, their talents,
and their groceries to feed their neighbors.
Since this is Hunger Awareness Month, Id like us
to focus on two projects that I believe will boost the
amount of food that can be provided to those in
1. Give a donation this month to the Task Force
for the Hungry. Every cent of your donation will
be given to parish ministries in the Diocese of
Missouri. The TFH gives annual grants to those
ministries who request them to feed both the
urban and the rural poor. The grant-recipient
we know best is Trinity, CWE. We have seen
how that money is used. The logistics for your
donation are in the article on p. 10 or you can
see Kathleen McDonald.
2. Improve your awareness of food waste in your
own household. We are taught to be grateful for
the food we get, yet we let it go to waste. We
are taught to feed the hungry yet we are throwing perfectly good food away. We are taught to
protect the earth, our common home, yet we
cause harm, often without thinking about it. We
are hurting the people and the planet. We can
do better.
October is Hunger Awareness Month, and it is our
annual recognition of World Food day. Well have
a special lunch at coffee hour on October 16th, following a sermon that connects the scriptures and
our attention to the needs of Gods Creation. In the
meantime, Ill try to remember to focus my prayer
on gratitude to God for the wonderful world I live in
as well as asking what more I can do to follow the
scriptures frequent and ancient directives to serve
and guard the earth, and to share its abundance
with those in need. Will you join me?

Page 9

October is Hunger Awareness Month!

The Task Force for the Hungry has designated October as
Hunger Awareness Month for the Diocese of Missouri.
Your Task Force is busy raising awareness of the issues
of hunger within the borders of our diocese, and raising
funds to serve our parish ministries that feed the hungry.
100% of the money raised by the Task Force goes to parish ministries in the Diocese of Missouri. We have no
overhead or paid staff. All the time and treasure to run
the Task Force is donated.
To help us feed the poor among both our rural and urban
parishes, please consider making a donation in the month
of October to the Task Force.
You can write a check to the Diocese of MO, with Task
Force on the memo line and drop it in your collection
Or you can donate on line at <> and
scroll down the page to Task Force for the Hungry and
donate there. Its very secure. All donations are 100%

Thank you, and God bless!

-The Task Force for the Hungry Committee

Service opportunity for Diocesan Youth

Who: Youth in gr ades 6-12, and adult volunteers
What: Assembling over 200,000 nutritious meals
for hungry children and families in St. Lou
is as well as for a school-based feeding pro
gram in Tanzania
When: Fr iday, October 14th , 2016 at 6 pm
Where: J ohn Bur r oughs School
Why: To be an example of Christs love in the
world and to have fun with youth from the

Youth Group

at Ronald McDonald House

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016
On Wednesday, Oct 19 the Youth Group will
make dinner for the people at Ronald McDonald House at
4381 West Pine in the Central West End. We plan on
serving at 6 p.m. The teens welcome your help, so if
youd like to join us in preparing and serving a meal for
families with a seriously ill child, contact Pastor Sally or
Michael Booker.
The Chalice

Page 10

If any youth (and adult volunteers) are interested,

please let Loren Lasch know at and then register at
http://www.stlwfd. org/ for the 6pm slot. Make
sure to specify to be grouped with Episcopal
Youth Group. (if you would like for the youth of
your parish to work together, please specify your
specific church rather than "Episcopal Youth
The cost for youth is $10, adults $20.
After the event we will meet at St. Peters, Ladue
for pizza and discussion!
Register today before the spots fills up!

Episcopal City Mission presents

Spiritual Retreat at Riverwoods

October 29, 2016
Join us for a day of refreshment and reflection, a spiritual retreat:
Saturday, October 29
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Riverwoods 984 Charrette Lane Washington, MO
Breakfast foods and drinks and full
lunch provided

Suggested donation of $20 per family to

defray expenses
Our retreat leader will be the owner of
Riverwoods, the Rev. Dr. John Kilgore,
an Episcopal priest. Complete with a
separate chapel and flower-lined walkways, Riverwoods is a beautiful, pastoral
place overlooking the Missouri River. A
sign-up sheet will be available downstairs at the Lodge by mid-Oct.

Touching Lives with Hope and Healing

Just what is a Moment in Time?

For the chaplains of Episcopal City Mission, a moment in time is the space in which relationships are
formed with children in detention. It is the opportunity to hear a story, offer support, or invite a new
A Moment in Time can be brief. It can be simple.
And it can change everything.
Make plans now to join Episcopal City Mission (ECM)
for its annual Moment in Time Gala, Touching Lives
with Hope and Healing.

Moment in Time is moving to a new, central location

Greenbriar Hills Country Club

Thursday, October 13
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The evening will include a cocktail reception, a sumptuous three-course sit-down dinner, and live and silent
auctions. Music for your enjoyment will be provided by
the talented pianist, Roy Pennington and the Just in
Time Band.

ECM Board members are busy selling raffle tickets

each Sunday for a gorgeous square diamond and white
gold pendant donated by Igal Anon of Mavrik Fine Jewelry.
If you miss the representative at your church, please
contact the ECM office to purchase raffle or gala tickets
at 314-436-3545.

The Chalice

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Fall is full of traditions, all of which seem warm, welcoming, and an invitation to
let the summer go and to get ready for the big holidays. One of St. Francis favorite traditions is the annual fall barn party at Sue and John Schmidts house. This
is our chance to get together and to eat, drink and talk without a 20 minute timelimit.
Sue has said that she and John will serve hot dogs and some light drinks. Tradition has it that the guests bring a dish to share and anything special that they like
to drink. Weather permitting, therell be a bonfire or two. Whatever the weather,
there ll be delicious food and great camaraderie. Come on along!
What: Fall Barn and Bonfire Party
Where: Sue and John Schmidts house (directions available )
When: Saturday, October 22 at dusk. Party needs to end before dawn. Come on, people!
Bring: A dish to share
Portable lawn chairs if you have them.

St. Francis
Book Group
Thursday, November 17th
at the Parish House. Book is
available at St. Louis County
Library and at

This exciting and easy read is one that will be surprising and yet familiar to most of our readers.
The story is a dramatic (and surprisingly droll)
coming-of-age tale in which ignorance breeds malice, with brutal results. Tallgrass is based on
Amache, a real-life World War II internment camp
near Granada, Colorado. The book was selected,
both for its compelling story and its short format
for a quick read.
Heres a summary from Kirkus Reviews:
A Colorado beet farmer and his family are sorely
tried by events of WWII. When the U.S. government establishes a Japanese-American relocation
camp in Ellis, Colo., in 1942, Loyal Stroud takes a
view apart from most other townsfolk. Having "the
enemy in their midst" riles the locals, but Loyal believes the whole thing is plain wrong. Aside from
The Chalice

civic issues, Loyal has to figure out how to harvest

his beets, what with Buddy, his son, enlisted,
along with his farm hands. Against prevailing sentiment, Loyal hires three young men from the camp.
And although Rennie, 14, the last child home, worries about her father's decision, she and her mother, Mary, come to love the boys, who are from California farm country. And when Mary's heart ailment finally gets bad enough for her to take the
rest cure the doctor advised, the Strouds hire Daisy, the sister of one of the boys. Daisy works hard
and speaks in a Hollywood tabloid lingo that
charms the whole family. Their domestic harmony
is rocked by news that Buddy is missing in action
and-shockingly-that Rennie's school friend Sally is
found raped and murdered. Everyone except the
Strouds and the sheriff believes "the Japs" did it,
and the tension in town builds to the point of nearanarchy, when the local bigots get liquored up and
try to take the law into their own hands. Throughout all this drama, a community of quilters, known
here as the Jolly Stitchers, come and go, bringing
cakes, covered casseroles and gossip to the sick
and grieving. The parallels of a country at war then
and now give this story a layer of poignancy.
Kirkus Reviews

Page 12

Crafters Outing

Crafters Outings
Calendar 2016
November 30:
Old St. Charles and lunch
(Christmas shops and Lewis and
Clark Discovery Center)

October 26th
Cathedral Basilica, St. Louis

Octobers Wednesday Outing is planned for Wednesday, October 26th. Well meet at 10:00 at the Parish House and then
carpool and caravan to the Central West End. Sue Schmidt
has arranged an official tour of the Cathedral to begin at
11:00. When we finish, well plan to go to lunch somewhere
close by. Do come, and bring your friends and family. It
should be some very interesting history, art, architecture and
lunch, like our outing to the downtown library a couple of
months ago.
Heres a question to whet your appetite for this trip:
Which Cardinals hat are you most likely to find
hanging in the cathedral?
Ozzie Smith
Carson Palmer
John Glennon

Come to the Cathedral and see for yourself!

Crafternoon at the Boathouse

August 31, 2016

Pack your bags. Were going on a

journey into the world of
Jesus - his birth, his young adulthood, and his teaching ministry.

Submitted by Skip Moreland

Please join us and discover why
Jesus turned the world upside
down with his compelling call to
follow him. The insights you gain
will transform your reading of the
Gospels and inspire a deeper faith
The Chalice

These activities are open to anyone

who would like to join us --friends,
spouses, any adult who would
enjoy it.

Beginning on October 6th, the St.

Francis bible study group will listen, learn and discuss the Life and
Ministry of the Messiah, centered
around 6 DVD learning sessions
presented by teacher and historian
Ray Vander Laan, as part of the
That the World May Know film
There are no books to read. Each
session will begin with a 20 minute
DVD lesson in the Life and Ministry
of the Messiah, filmed on location
in Israel so that we can gain a
Page 13

sense of the land and the culture.

The presentations are well done,
and the discussions that follow will
help us more fully appreciate those
times and places, and then talk
about how the power of the Word
resonates in our lives today.
Thursday evenings at the Lodge
from 7:00 to 8:00pm

In the Shadow of Herod

The Time had Fully Come
No Greater Love
The Rabbi
Language of Culture
Misguided Faith

Adult Forum Schedule

Prayer for St. Francis

We pray for the witness, renewal, and
growth of our parish family. Living
God, infuse us with your love. Enable us
to proclaim the good news of Jesus
Christ to all whom we meet through our
actions, our thoughts, our words. Make
St. Francis' Church a place of invitation
and welcome, a safe harbor and a beacon
of the light of Christ. Amen.

Adult Forums are held on Sundays

from 11:55 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The complete Adult Forum calendar is on
our website at
- select Christian Education, Adults.
October 2
October 9
October 16
October 23
October 30

What is YOUR heaven like?

Vicar's Forum
The Death Penalty: Legal framework
The Death Penalty: Ethical issues
Ghoulies and ghosties

St. Francis In-Depth

If you would like more details about St. Francis
finances, the Bishops Committee meetings, and
the Vicars activities, please see the bulletin
board in the lower level of the Lodge. There you
will find two months worth of:

Bishops Committee meeting minutes

Monthly financial reports

Treasurers commentary

Vicars activity reports

November 6
November 13
November 20
November 27

Saints of your life

Consecration Sunday
Diocesan Convention report
Wrapping gifts for Agape House

Invitational Ministry - Schedule for October

On Saturday mornings (weather permitting), we gather at 9:30 am at the Parish House,
210 S. Central, to go door to door in Eureka neighborhoods. We conclude by 11:30 am.
If you have questions are interested in helping with this ministry, please let
Deacon Rebecca know. (713/515.5676)
October 1
October 8
October 15
October 29

The Chalice

Pastor Sally
Steve Strathearn

Page 14

Deacon Rebecca
Brenda Russell

Financial Update - September 2016

Actual for

Budgeted for

YTD 2016

YTD 2016

August 2016




Total Income

$ 8,337

$ 11,275

$ 116,103

$ 90,200

Total Expenses

$ 11,275

$ 11,201



$ (2,938)



$ 89,527

Faith Under Construction

602 Brewster Building
Total Income



Total Expenses

$ 16,842


Checking Account - Rockwood Bank


Custodial account held by the Diocese


St. Francis Building Account


Vicars Discretionary Account

Land Costs602 Rockwood Arbor Dr.


Sunday Worship
Attendance Statistics


Balance in Diocesan Investment Trust


$ 139,475.04


15 Pentecost



16 Pentecost



17 Pentecost



18 Pentecost



19 Pentecost



If you have further questions, talk to the Vicar.

Pastor Sally values input and is happy to have a
conversation at any time about St. Francis.
I am continuing to separate the capital campaign income and building project expenses from the
bottom lines of our operating income and expenses. Doing this is providing a clearer view of
month to month operating vs. building expenses.
None at this time.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Jones, Treasurer
The Chalice

Page 15

St. Francis Episcopal Church

Bishops Committee Minutes
Sep 25, 2016

Members Present: Donna Ber ner t, Kevin Br oom, Michael Booker , Sally Hader , J ack Lauless, Kathleen
McDonald, Kathy OReilley, Pastor Sally Weaver, Deacon Rebecca Barger, Treasurer Suzanne Jones
Opening business
The meeting opened at 12:45 with a prayer offered by Kathleen McDonald
Sharing of joys and concerns followed.
The August 21 BC minutes had been sent electronically to all members. It was noted that the name of Jack
Lauless was missing from the Members Present section even though Jack was there. A motion was made by
Michael Booker to accept the minutes into the record, and the motion was seconded by Jack Lauless. The
motion was approved by all.
Treasurers report
Treasurers report. Suzanne Jones announced that plans are underway for the annual Stewardship campaign. She
asked for volunteers from the congregation to give the 2-minute stewardship messages. Approval of Aug financial results Motion: Michael Booker adopt reports pending audit. Second, Donna Bernert. Discussion.
Approved all
Faith Under Construction results - Income continues to come in regularly from parish pledges.. Good thing!
Expenses are also occurring.
Vicars report
Ground breaking on Sat., Oct 1 at 10 a.m. Kevin Selle will use a pickaxe to soften the ground before Saturday.
Pastor Sally will bring stick-on name tags for all St. Francis members to make us more identifiable for help to
Kathleen OReilly reported that the set-up crew will be there by 8:15 to set up tables, tents, and a few
Donna Bernert will bring a ladder and a camera to capture photos of this long-awaited day.
Jack & someone he recruits will move the sign to make it more visible from the road, now that the roadbed
has been re-configured.
Cheryl Foster has arranged for a bell peal to celebrate the occasion. Bell team will be on-site at 9:15.

Pet blessing on Sat., Oct 8 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. It will be on the porch and in the upper parking lot of the Lodge.
All are welcome as well, of course, as their pets.
Property update
Turnkey agreement. CDS will be accepting bids according to the Construction Management Agreement.
Clark, our diocesan architect has been in frequent contact with CDS on these matters.
After much discussion and back-and-forth, the Construction Management agreement was signed this past
Friday. CDS and Diocese have agreed.
Permits are needed for ground disturbance City of Eureka, MDNR. We go before the Eureka Council on
October 4th.

The Chalice

Page 16

Pastor Sally explained that the Travelers Aid, Discretionary Fund is up and running through the Eureka Police
Station. This Discretionary fund program is funded by St. Francis, Eureka Methodist and Sacred Heart

Kathleen McDonald then asked the BCs advice on approval on a Task Force for the Hungry grant offered
through the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. The grant would be to purchase a refrigerator to be used for the
Eureka Food Pantry, which is operated by the three congregations mentioned above. A plan was sketched out
and Kathleen will follow-up.
Strategic Plan
Daycare need more help:
Legal: We need to meet with Mike Doster about this before signing any kind of contracts,
but first need to meet with the diocese about whether or not we, St. Francis, are able
to sign on our own or only through the diocese.
Admin. Kathy Regnier, Michael Booker, Kathleen McDonald.
Personnel Kathy Regnier
Food preparation equipment & space: discussion on this topic can be deferred until
close to completion of the building
Furnishings Sue Schmidt, Donna Bernert
Fiscal management
Playground Donna Bernert, Sue Schmidt, Barb Sacco, Kathy Regnier, Linda Doolittle,
Kathleen McDonald
Kevin Broom suggested that we find a way to put our plans for building the Childrens Program and all its important
details into the strategic plan.
Other reports
Wardens reports:

None offered

Concerns, comments? None Offered

Closing business
Temperature check - all well.
Closing prayer at 1:50 offered by Michael Booker.

Next meeting:

Sunday, Oct 16

Submitted by Kathleen McDonald, Clerk

The Chalice

Page 17

Acorn Squash Lasagna

Pureed acorn squash and ricotta cheese make a rich,
creamy filling in this tasty alternative to traditional lasagna.
Using no-boil noodles reduces the preparation time by
about 30 minutes.

Olive oil, for baking dish
4 cups Basic Acorn Squash Puree, or 2 packages (12 ounces each)
frozen winter squash puree, thawed
1/2 teaspoon dried rubbed sage
Coarse salt and ground pepper
1 container (15 ounces) part-skim ricotta cheese
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
8 no-boil lasagna noodles, half of an 8-ounce package
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Brush an 8-inch square baking dish with oil; set aside. In a
medium bowl, mix squash puree with sage, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper.
In another bowl, mix ricotta with 1/2 cup Parmesan, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Set aside.
2. Lay 2 lasagna noodles in the bottom of prepared dish; spread with half the squash mixture.
Layer with 2 more noodles, and spread with half the ricotta mixture. Repeat layering with
remaining noodles and mixtures. Sprinkle top (ricotta mixture) with remaining 1/2 cup Parmesan.
3. Cover baking dish with foil; place on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake until lasagna is heated
through, about 45 minutes; remove foil, and continue baking until golden on top, 20 to 25
minutes more.

The Chalice

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The Chalice

Page 19

Birthday by Rosie
- Cake by Jackie

From the Kids Space

Submitted by Kathy Regnier and Aundrea Bach

The Chalice

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Bob Smith

Tim Booker

Laurie Dailey

Paddy Wrob






Paddy Wrob

Michael Booker

Kevin Selle


Bob Smith

Sue Schmidt

Laurie Dailey

Paddy Wrob

Barb Sacco




Barb Sacco

Paddy Wrob

Michael Booker

Kevin Selle


Kevin Selle




Barb Sacco

Jerry Smith

Rich Mayfield


Katy Jones


Sue Schmidt

Annette Carr


Jerry Smith

Jack Lauless

John Schmidt

Barb Sacco

Jack Lauless

Bob Smith

Brigitte Jung

Brigitte Jung

Linda Doolittle

Brigitte Jung

Jerry Smith

Jerry Smith

Sue Schmidt

Linda Doolittle

Annette Carr

Annette Carr

Annette Carr

Annette Carr

Annette Carr

Sue Schmidt

Sue Schmidt

Sue Schmidt

Sue Schmidt

Sue Schmidt

Rich Mayfield

Michael Booker

John Schmidt

Joe Bernert

Bob Champlin

Kevin Broom

Suzanne Jones

Rich Mayfield




Joe Bernert

Bob Smith

Kevin Broom

Bob Smith

Paddy Wrob


Patti & Skip



Sue Schmidt



The Chalice

Kevin Selle

Sally Hader

Page 21

October Birthdays
Joe OReilly


Dan Merideth


Kathleen OReilly


Wedding Anniversaries
Paddy Wrob &
George Vits

October 3

Holy Eucharist
Sunday Services are 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.
at 616 Stockell Drive, Eureka MO
Office: 210 S. Central Avenue, Eureka MO 63025
Phone: 636-938-3733


The Rev. Sally S. Weaver

Cell: 314-651-3836
Home: 636-938-7773

The Rev. Rebecca Barger

Cell: 713-515-5676
Home: 636-778-0799

Bishops Committee:
Donna Bernert, Sr. Warden
Sally Hader
Bob Champlin, Jr. Warden
Sylvia Ahmad
Kathleen McDonald, Clerk
Jack Lauless
Suzanne Jones, Treasurer Michael Booker

Rich Mayfield
Sue Schmidt
Kevin Broom

Convention Delegates:
Suzanne Jones

Kevin Selle

Linda Doolittle-Alternate

Annual Meeting
An Annual Meeting is held each year at the end of January at which new
Bishops Committee and Convention Delegates are elected.
The Chalice

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