Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428
Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428
Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428
2013 - ISSUE 5
Dear Church, Last Saturday, I spoke at the Bar Mitzvah ceremony of a family friend. It took place at Temple Israel here in Long Beach, a place where I have experienced wonderful welcome and hospitality on several occasions. The Bar Mitzvah ceremony included many beautiful prayers and readings. One in particular reminded me of my own search for mindfulness, which Ive shared with you several times during this Lenten season. I feel that God is calling me to be more present, to pay attention to the present moment, and that Lent is a time to focus on just that.
The reading referred to the Shema (Deut 6:4), which begins: Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one It is based on writings by Rabbis Harold Kushner and Jack Reimer, and I share it with you now, in the hopes that it helps you in your own search for mindfulness this season: Judaism begins with the commandment: Hear, O Israel! But what does it really mean to hear? The person who attends a concert while thinking of other matters, Hears but does not really hear. The person who walks amid the songs of birds thinking only of what will be served for dinner, Hears but does not really hear. The person who listens to the words of a friend, or mate, or child, and does not catch the notes of urgency, Notice me, help me, care about
me, Hears but does not really hear. The person who stifles the sound of conscience saying, I have done enough already, Hears but does not really hear. The person who listens to the rabbis sermon and thinks that someone else is being addressed, Hears but does not really hear. The person who listens to the news and thinks only, How will this affect me? Hears but does not really hear. On this Shabbat, O Eternal, strengthen our ability to hear. May we hear the music of the world, the infants cry, the lovers sigh. May we hear the call for help of the lonely soul, and the sound of the breaking heart. May we hear the words of our friends, and their unspoken please and dreams. May we hear within ourselves the yearnings that are struggling for expression. May we hear you, O God.
For only if we hear You, do we have the right to hope that you will hear us. Hear the prayers that we offer to you today, and help us to hear them too. Blessings, Pastor Danny
You still have time. Orders for your Easter Lilies will be taken until this Sunday, March 17. Order forms can be picked up in the office or narthex. The cost is still $6.05.
What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover??? OK, OK, I know you're itching to find out the answer to that riddle (hidden somewhere in this article), but first let me remind you of our annual camp fundraiser event: The St. Paddy's Day Potato Bake is this Sunday - March 17th, on St. Patrick's Day, so be sure to wear some green! Immediately following Worship Service, Christian Education, along with help from our youth, invite you to join us for lunch. We'll be serving the biggest baked potatoes in the state, with all the toppings you love: chili, cheese, butter, sour cream, & more. Salad, dessert, and a beverage too, all less than $5 for adults & $3 for children! answer to the riddle: a rash of good luck! We want everyone to come, so whatever you're able to give is appreciated. This is a time for fun, fellowship, entertainment, music, lots of laughter, and of course......great food for a great purpose! Come and be Irish for a day! Hope to see you. O'Scheri Dubon Christian Education
March came in like a Lamb but today is showing lion like tendencies! The music department is still reveling in their great fundraiser proceeds from Ash Wednesdays pancake supper. Arent the Improv for God kids great! They are working weekly to bring us mini skits during lent! Pay attention as the next newsletter will have a trivia question/answer section with prizes for the winner.
us during service. They are an octet so make sure to ask them who the eighth Man is! Palm Sunday is right around the corner and with it a wonderful musical offering from the Chancel Choir. We will be singing a compilation of music in the style of a cantata with Scriptures and bring to you a worshipful way to start Holy Week. Bring a friend to church for a wonderful worship experience. Blessings one and all Barb Peebles
Worship at 10:15
Coming up quickly is St. Patricks Day and the potato fundraiser for CE. We will be honored that day to have a group of 7 young men, Gods Guys sing for
Prayer Concerns:
Ester Troxel, Sumbal Sardar, Shirley Dickison, Keri Clark, Ed Bremel, Elizabeth Edwards, Sean May, Nargis & family in Pakistan, Betty Rollos granddaughter, Kathryn OConner, Scheri Dubon
Founders Day at Chapman University is a twoday event highlighting the connection between Chapman and the church. Chapman University is in covenant with both the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. This year, you will have the opportunity to hear a series of lectures by Brian McLaren, one of the most influential leaders of the reformation that is currently underway. In addition, Rev. Geoffrey Black will preach, and Mildred Butler, pastor of United Christian Church in Los Angeles, will be honored as the Disciples Church Leader of the Year. More info can be found at Registration deadline is Wednesday, March 13!
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July 22
Spring Fling T hing (April 12-1 4) is a special leadership wee kend camp for high school youth at Loch Leven. All high school youth ar welcome to at e tend. More in fo coming soon .
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Former congregation member, Mary Tucker, sent a card with a lovely note to her friends of BKCC. Take a moment to read her note that is posted in Fellowship Hall.
A monthly gathering of praise, prayer, conversation and table fellowship where every persons faith story and questions are honored. The next Rekindle is March 17, 6:12pm.
It's happening! Loch Leven Camp & Conference Center will break ground for the Campbell Lodge Renovation Project on Saturday, April Ross House patio.
Join us every Wednesday in March for our pay-what-you-can dinner at BKCC. Our Wednesday night dinners help us get to know one another, and meet people who we havent yet met, so bring a friend!
Make plans to attend this years General Assembly July 13-17 in Orlando, Florida! The discount for early registrations expires April 1. More info can be found at
a bible quiz
1. What little girl was referred to as Talitha by Jesus? Matthew 9:18-25 2. What wise king made an alliance with Egypt when he married the pharaoahs daughter? 1 Kings 3:1 3. Who is the only king in the Bible referred to as the Mede? Daniel 5:31 4. What short man ran to see esus but could not because of his height? Luke 19:4 5. What harlot became a hero for saving the life of Joshuas spies and was so honored in later days that she is listed in the genealogy of Jesus? Joshua 2:, 6 6. What servant woman was ordered out f the house by Sarah? Genesis 21:10-14 7. Who was Abrahams wife after Sarah died? Genesis 25:1
The Fellowship News A publication of Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church) 1240 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90807 Editor: Monica Lanz 562-426-0428 fax 562-426-0429 Pastor: Daniel Bradfield The Fellowship News is published twice monthly.
8. What king of Israel had a reputation as a fast and furious chariot driver? 2 Kings 9:20 Check us out on Facebook 9. What king did Esther marry? Esther 1:1 10. Who defied her royal husband and was replaced by a foreign woman? Esther 1:11
(Disciples of Christ)
SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday closed
BOARD OFFICERS: Ken Brown Pastor Daniel Bradfield -Board President -Minister Leo Dittemore Monica Lanz -Vice President -Church Secretary Pat Cohen Barbara Neal-Peebles -Secretary -Music Director/Organist Angela Hillig Christine Perkinson - Treasurer - Church Child Care Chrysan Naw Suzie Romero - Financial Secretary - Custodian -Church Clerk