Marketing Class11 SA1 Revision Questions
Marketing Class11 SA1 Revision Questions
Marketing Class11 SA1 Revision Questions
1. What is Consumer Behaviour?
2. What is marketing ?
3. What is the difference between needs, wants and demands ?
4. What is the scope of marketing with examples ?
5. How is marketing a science and art?
6. What is purchasing power?
7. Who is a target customer?
8. Who is a potential power?
9. Who is a rational customer ?
10. Is marketing relevant to an NGO? Why ? / Why not?
11. Which marketing concept is old, marketing or societal marketing?
12. Expand the 4 Ps of the Marketing?
13. Write a note on role of Governments in Marketing?
14. Tabulate and differentiate the various segments of marketing?
15. Why is Consumer important in Marketing?
16. Tabulate your inputs on 4 Os of Marketing / Organization.
17. Write down the ways of target marketing explaining in not more than two lines.
18. Information search plays a vital role in Marketing. Do you agree ? Why ?
19. Take a company of your choice and suggest how they are changing their working to the
changing Marketing Environment in India? In U.A.E.?
20. Marketing is more than promoting or selling things- explain?
21. Explain in your own words, how courtesy and honesty will boost your marketing skill?
22. Give a brief note on Companys Internal and External Marketing Environment?
23. Which department in a company carries the primary responsibility for achieving profitable
A) Accounting B) Product development C) Human resources D) Marketing
24. Marketing things include not only physical goods) but also __________________ ,
______________ , _______________ and _________.
25. How will you categorize the market for refill pens?
It is the necessity of a person , he cannot survive without it .
It's the customers preference , without buying the product , he can survive .
It's the willingness to buy a product , backed up by purchasing power .
Rational customer
He wants to maximize satisfaction with minimum resources .