Mba 3 Tax
Mba 3 Tax
Mba 3 Tax
3) Income from farm house. The income from a farm house is treated as
agricultural income if the following conditions are satisfied.
(a) It is situated on or in the immediate vicinity of the agricultural land
(b) The building is, by reason of his connection with the land, used as
dwelling house or a store-house or an out-house by the cultivator
or receiver of rent-in-kind
(c) The land is either assessed to land revenue in India or is subject to
local rate assessed and collected by the officers of the government,
or alternatively
(d) If the land is situated in ‘non-urban’ area, i.e, an area which
though, is with in municipality or cantonment board jurisdiction,
has a population of less than 10,000 or is beyond a notified
distance (maximum 8 kilometer) from the local limits of any such
municipality or cantonment board.
B. a) If he is in receipt of gratuity
House self-occupied for part of previous year, let out for part of previous
year[Sec. 23(2)(b)]
House self-occupied for part of the previous year and let out for part of the
previous year. Sec. 23(3): The annual value of the house shall NOT be nil.
Such a house will be treated as let-out house annual value will be determined
u/s 23(1).
B. a) If he is in receipt of gratuity
MUNICIPAL VALUE 15,000 18,000 20,000 -
House self-occupied for part of previous year, let out for part of previous
year[Sec. 23(2)(b)]
House self-occupied for part of the previous year and let out for part of the
previous year. Sec. 23(3): The annual value of the house shall NOT be nil.
Such a house will be treated as let-out house annual value will be determined
u/s 23(1).
b) Tax planning on leave salary: If a Govt. employee is due for retirement
shortly, it is better for him not to encash his salary while he is in service.
This is because he can avoid paying tax on leave encashment which he
receives at the time of retirement. Even an employee in private service gets
exemption for a major part of the amount received as leave encashment. In
this connection employee should also consider the loss of interest on the
amount which is not taking to save tax.