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Rising Energy Prices:

If the price of energy rises, then it will cost more to make

a product, or to ship the product, and the company will then pass on some or all of
this cost to the consumer, which raises prices and thus inflation.

Excise Duty and Service Tax:

Any increase in these taxes will have an

inflationary impact. This would result in further tightening of the monetary policy.

Prices of Raw Materials: Increase in raw material prices makes manufacturers

to increase their product price, this leads to increase in prices across the industry.

Expansion of Private Sector: The expansion of the private sector also tends
to raise the aggregate demand. For huge investments increase employment and
income, thereby creating more demand for goods and services. But it takes time for
the output to enter the market. This leads to rise in prices.

Increase in Exports: When the demand for domestically produced goods

increases in foreign countries, this raises the earnings of industries producing export
commodities. These, in turn, create more demand for goods and services within the
economy, thereby leading to rise in the price level.

Shortage of Factors of Production: One of the important causes affecting

the supplies of goods is the shortage of such factors as labor, raw materials, power
supply, capital, etc. They lead to excess capacity and reduction in industrial
production, thereby raising prices.

Natural Calamities: Drought or floods is a factor which adversely affects the

supplies of agricultural products. The latter, in turn, create shortages of food
products and raw materials, thereby helping inflationary pressures.

Industrial Disputes: In countries where trade unions are powerful, they also
help in curtailing production. Trade unions resort to strikes and if they happen to be
unreasonable from the employers viewpoint and are prolonged, they force the
employers to declare lock-outs.
In both cases, industrial production falls, thereby reducing supplies of goods. If the
unions succeed in rising money wages of their members to a very high level than
the productivity of labor, this also tends to reduce production and supplies of goods.
Thus they tend to raise prices.

Law of Diminishing Returns: If industries in the country are using old

machines and outmoded methods of production, the law of diminishing returns
operates. This raises cost per unit of production, thereby raising the prices of

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