Operations Manual Broke System
Operations Manual Broke System
Operations Manual Broke System
Broke Overview ...............................................................................
Wet Broke ........................................................................................
Dry Broke ........................................................................................
Reject Processing ............................................................................
Wet Broke Overview .......................................................................
Safety Concerns .............................................................................
Valmet Pressure Screens................................................................
HC Cleaners...................................................................................
Defiberizer ....................................................................................
Wet Broke Control Overview......................................................
Wet Broke Tower P&ID.............................................................
WB Screen .................................................................................
Wet Broke HC Cleaner P&ID ..................................................
Wet Broke Thickener P&ID......................................................
Thickener Filtrate.....................................................................
Dry Broke Control Overview ..................................................
Dry Broke Tower P&ID .........................................................
Dry Broke Primary Screen P&ID ..........................................
DB Primary Screen ................................................................
Dry Broke HC Cleaner P&ID ...............................................
Dry Broke Thickener P&ID ..................................................
Thickener Filtrate.................................................................
Screen Reject Chest, P&ID .................................................
Dry Broke Secondary Screen, P&ID .......................................
Dry Broke Tertiary Screen, P&ID...........................................
DB Tertiary Screen .................................................................
Proportioning to the Mix Tank ...............................................
Wet Broke De-Watering, Motor Group Start .........................
Dry Broke De-Watering, Motor Group Start .........................
This manual explains the broke systems for No. 1 Paper Machine from the Dry and Wet Broke
towers to the Mix Chest.
The term broke is used to describe partly or completely manufactured paper that is discarded
rom any point in the finishing process. The term also applies to the stock made from repulping
these materials. Wet broke is taken from the paper machine forming and pressing sections and is
re-pulped in the couch pit. Dry broke is waste from the dryers, calenders, reel and winder. The
pulpers are described in another manual.
During threading and machine breaks, both the wet and dry systems must be capable of handling
maximum tonnage from the machine. The system must also be capable of handling small
amounts of broke on a continuous basis (couch pit trim at the wet end; winder trim and slab off
returns at the dry end).
The manual was written from the following material:
- Process Flow Diagram R1-501-F-2008
- Manual No. 5, TAS340E Pressure Screen TAS200E Pressure Screen
- Manual No. 6, TAP200 Pressure Screen
- Manual No. 8, TAP50 Pressure Screen
- Manual No. 9, Defiberizer & Thickener
- Interlock Diagram 3-501-E-2002, sheets 14.1 to 14.9
- Motor Group Start Diagram 3-501-E-2001, sheets 14.1 & 14.2
You should have these resources available during your study.
The Overview Section briefly explains the purposes and flow paths through the main
components in the broke handling systems.
See Fig. 1-1, Broke Overview
Wet Broke
The left vertical column on the drawing shows the main flow paths of wet broke. From the couch
pit, wet broke stock is pumped to the wet broke tower. It is then pumped from the tower, through
a screen to a thickener. Two reject streams leave the screen: The primary rejects may contain
heavy foreign objects such as rocks, pieces of metal, etc. The primary rejects flow to the High
Consistency Cleaner which removes the foreign objects from the good fibre. The main rejects are
stock clumps that are too large or did not have enough time to pass through the openings in the
screen. The accepts go to the thickener and the thickened stock dumps into the wet broke chest.
Stock from the W.B. Chest is pumped to the mix tank for
another trip to the paper machine.
Dry Broke
The right vertical column shows the main flow paths of dry broke. The flow paths through the
wet and dry broke systems are almost identical. The main difference is the addition of the
Defiberizer to break up the stock clumps that were rejected in the primary screen. Also, the
accepts from the dry broke secondary screen enter before the dry broke thickener.
Reject Processing
Primary rejects from the Wet Broke Screen and the Dry Broke Primary Screen flow through HC
Cleaners and into the Screen Reject Chest. The main rejects from the Dry Broke Primary screen
flows through the Defiberizer and this stock also goes into the Screen Reject Chest. Stock from
the Screen Reject Chest is processed through the Dry Broke Secondary and Tertiary screens.
Accepts from the secondary screen reenter the dry broke main flow path before the thickener.
Accepts from the tertiary screen flow back to the reject chest for another trip through the
secondary screen. Rejects from the tertiary screen go to waste.
Fig. 1-02 shows the approximate physical appearance of the wet broke components.
Wet Broke Tower (521T031)
The Wet Broke Tower has a capacity of 2000 m3 to handle major difficulties during paper
machine start up and to provide an un-interrupted supply through the wet broke processing
system. Agitator 521A031 assures uniformity of stock to discharge pump 521P031.
Wet Broke Screen (521E031)
The Wet Broke Screen is Valmet TAS 340E pressure screen. The screening process is similar to a
washing machine on a spin cycle. Stock enters a stationary, perforated cylindrical basket. A
motor driven rotor inside the basket is fitted with foils which force the material through holes
in the basket to the accepts line. Material that is too large to pass through holes are rejected.
Wet Broke HC Cleaner (521E032)
The Valmet HC Cleaner processes the primary rejects from the screen. The HC Cleaner is a
hydroclone; accepts flow into the vortex finder to the screen reject chest. Rejects, consisting of
foreign objects such as nuts, bolts, rocks, etc, gather in the junk box and are dumped to waste on
a timed interval.
Wet Broke Thickener (521E033)
The thickener increases the stock consistency from approximately ___% to ____%. Stock flows
to the inside of the revolving thickener drum. Water drains through the fabric on the drum and
the filtrate (water) leaves from the outside of the drum and falls by gravity into the Filtrate Tank.
Wet Broke Chest (521T032)
Thickened stock from the thickener is stored in the Wet Broke Chest which assures an uninterrupted supply to the proportioning system at the Mix Tank. Agitator 521T032 provides
uniformity of stock to transfer pump 521P032.
Recirculation Pump (521P033)
Pump 521P033 recirculates stock back to the wet broke tower to prevent a high level in the wet
broke chest. For example, the Broke Chest level rises if the mix tank proportioning system is not
taking broke. This causes stock to re-circulate back to the Wet Broke tower; therefore, the wet
broke screening and thickening process is not affected.
Transfer To/From #2 Paper Machine
Wet broke can be pumped from the wet broke chest to #2 Paper Machine, or wet broke can be
pumped from #2 Paper Machine to the wet broke chest.
The dry broke tower gets stock from the Dry Broke Collection Chest. Fig. 1-03 shows the
approximate physical appearance of the dry broke components. This part of the dry broke
processing system is almost identical to the wet broke system just described. The major
differences are:
Defiberizer (521E037)
The addition of a defiberizer to the dry broke system is the only equipment difference between
dry broke and wet broke processing. The Defiberizer looks like a pump. Rejected stock from the
DB Primary Screen must pass through small openings between stationary and rotating vanes in
the defiberizer. This action breaks the pulp clumps into smaller pieces.
Pulp Transfer to #2 PM
There is no provision for dry broke transfer back and forth to #2 Paper Machine.
Rejects Overview
See Fig. 1-04, Rejects Overview
The Components Section explains the construction details and operating principles of the main
components in the Broke Systems.
Valmet Pressure Screens
See Fig. 2-01, Valmet TAP Screen
Fig. 2-02 shows the flow paths through a typical Valmet pressure screen. Stock enters the top
portion of the screen body and flows to the inside of the screen cylinder. Stock pressure forces a
flow through the screen, and flow is further improved by foils on a motor driven rotor inside the
screen cylinder.
The foils are designed so their leading edge creates a slight pressure that penetrates the screen.
The trailing edge of the foil slopes away from the screen which creates a low pressure in this
space. This tends to draw stock back from the accepts side of the screen to purge stagnant
material from the holes. The foils also push the stock downward into the rejects chamber.
Dilution water is pumped into the rejects section to flush out the heavy fractions.
The four reasons why material may not get through to the accepts side are:
1. The particles are simply too large in all dimensions to pass through the holes regardless of
how the particles are positioned.
2. Debris may be thin enough to get through the holes but if the material is too long, and it
doesnt enter the hole at the correct angle, it is rejected.
3. Fibres may cluster or string into groups too large to be accepted. Debris also would not get
through the stock cluster.
4. Material may not have enough time to pass through the screen.
- All screen parts in contact with stock are acid-resistant.
- A rotor consists of a body rotating at approximately 300 rpm inside the screen cylinder. Foils
are attached to the rotor body with screws. The foils shape and position are designed to feed
stock downward against the screen which causes a suction in the trailing edge to help clean the
- Screen cylinders are approximately 900 mm in diameter and 750 mm high. The screen
cylinders are made with acid-proof steel plate and are reinforced with acid-proof steel bands.
The perforations through the screen cylinder may be conical shaped holes or rectangular slots.
Holes sizes vary between 0.8 to 3.2 mm and slots between 0.1 and 0.8 mm.
- Mechanical seals are used to prevent stock and water leakage past the rotor. A seal must be
provided with a constant flow of clean water to prevent stock from penetrating the seal and to
cool the seal. The sealing water pressure must be 100 kPa higher than the stock pressure.
- Rotor shafts are mounted in roller bearings and are driven by Vbelts from a large constant
speed motor. The drive pulleys reduce the speed from 1000 rpm at the motor to 310 rpm at the
screen rotor. Grease nipples are provided to add grease to the rotor bearings.
Screen Performance
The performance of a screen is affected by such factors as stock characteristics, screen design,
and operating variables. Stock characteristics are the type of fibre, and the characteristics and
amount of debris.
The screen design is fixed by the manufacturer to give the best performance for a given set of
conditions. Screen design involves the flow paths, type of screen chosen, type of rotor, and rotor
speed. Operating variables are consistency, pressure drop across the screen cylinder, hole
cleanliness, and reject rate. The operator may make changes to these variables to improve
Consistency is the most important variable affecting performance. If the stock is too thick it
tends to gather in clusters which are too large to pass through the holes and production drops. If
the consistency is too low, production also drops.
Accepts consistency is approximately 1.5%. An increase in pressure differential between feed
and accepts is an indication of plugging. The problem may be corrected by closing the valve on
the accepts line. The increase in accepts pressure increases the self cleaning back flow through
the holes into the feed side of the screen.
A constant high pressure differential is an indication of serious hole plugging. The problem may
be solved by reducing the feed consistency to straight water.
Rejects Rate
The rejects rate is defined as the percentage of feed flow that is rejected. Stock quality may go up
if the reject rate is increased; however, an increase in reject rate lowers production.
The Wet Broke Screen is a Valmet TAS 340E screens; the Dry Broke Primary screen is a Valmet
TAS 200E screen. Valmet TAS E screens have a screen plate at the top entrance to the screen
cylinder. The plate prevents large objects from entering the screen cylinder.
Stock enters from the side into the top section of the screen body. Entrance is at a tangent to the
screen body which gives the stock a swirling motion. Fractions that are too large to pass though
the screen plate are thrown outward and flow to the HC Cleaner for further processing.
HC Cleaners
See Fig. 2-04, HC Cleaner
Heavy rejects from the Wet Broke Screen are sent to HC Cleaner 521E032. Heavy rejects from
the Dry Broke Primary Screen are sent to HC Cleaner 521E035. The HC Cleaners remove
foreign objects such as nuts, bolts, rocks, welding rods, etc. that were unable to pass through the
screen plate in the screens.
Heavy rejects from the screen enters the HC Cleaner at a tangent which causes a spinning motion
and sets up a vortex similar to water flowing from the drain of a sink. Centrifugal force throws
the heavy foreign particles to the outside of the vortex where it cannot enter the vortex finder to
the accepts line. The heavy material then sinks by gravity down the outside of the vortex. Good
fibre occupies the inside part of the vortex and flows into the vortex finder to the accepts line.
This principle is easier to understand if you have a basic knowledge of centrifugal force.
Centrifugal force is the outward radial force created by a body travelling in a circular path due to
its natural tendency to travel in a straight line. For example, if a brick is tied to a cord and
whirled around in a circular path, the pull on the cord increases as speed is increased. If the cord
is released, the brick flies off in a straight line tangent to the circle.
Centrifugal Force = mass x velocity2
As seen from the formulae, an increase in mass causes an increase in centrifugal force.
Therefore, the heavy objects are subjected to a greater centrifugal force than the fibres and the
heavy particles are forced to the outside.
Also, centrifugal force varies with the square of the velocity. If the velocity is doubled,
centrifugal force increases by four times. Velocity is caused by the difference in the inlet feed
pressure and the accepts pressure. Therefore a high pressure differential gives a higher cleaning
Centrifugal force also increases when the radius of the cleaner decreases in the cone section. This
can be also be seen from the formulae for centrifugal force. As r gets smaller, centrifugal force
increases. The large increase in centrifugal force in the cone section further concentrates the dirt
and releases good fibre to the accepts flow.
Flush Water
Flushing water is applied to the ring between the separation tube and the top gate valve. This is
just a small flow to stop stock rotation. Another water flushing line enters just below the top gate
valve. The junk box has a sight glass to allow proper adjustment of flush water. By using a spot
light behind the glass tube and the junk trap sight glasses, the lower flushing water is adjusted
until there is a visual separation between clear water and stock.
If the flush water flow is too low, stock gathers in the junk box. If there is too much flush water,
the heavy material is forced into the accepts flow to the vortex finder. There must be a small
visual flow of clear water (no heavies) up in the junk box.
Automatic Reject Dumping
Periodically, the top gate valve to the junk trap is closed and the bottom valve is opened to flush
the debris to waste. This is explained in detail in the controls section of the manual.
See Fig. 2-05, Thickener
A thickener is installed between the Wet Broke Screen and the Wet Broke Chest. Another
thickener is installed between the Dry Broke Primary Screen and the Dry Broke Chest.
Thickeners increase the consistency of accepts from the screens from about ___% to ___%. The
increase in consistency reduces the necessary size of the broke chests.
Stock from the screen enters the inside of a large hollow drum in the thickener. Water from the
stock drains through the wire mesh on the drum and drains by gravity into the Thickener Filtrate
Tank (not shown on drawing).
Some filtrate is pumped back to the thickener as shower water to clean the drum fabric.
Thickened stock forms a mat on the inside of the drum. The pulp mat is peeled off into a trough
and then falls by gravity into the stock chest (not shown on drawing).
The drum is driven through speed reduction gears from a variable speed motor. Motor speed is
controlled with frequency. Filtrate level outside the drum is under automatic level control. The
output from the level controller controls both drum speed and a control valve in the filtrate line.
The graph shows the relationship between drum speed and filtrate level outside the drum. An
increase in drum speed lowers the filtrate level because the pulp mat inside the drum becomes
thinner. This allows a faster flow of filtrate through the mat and drum screen.
See Fig. 2-06, Debiberizer
The Defiberizer receives rejects from the Dry Broke Primary Screen and breaks up the stock
clumps before the stock goes into the Dry Broke Reject Chest. The stock is repeatedly
accelerated and decelerated from the sharp changes in direction as the stock passes through the
spaces between the inter-messing lugs on the rotor and the casing. The resulting shear forces
loosen the bonds between the fibres and break the clusters into individual fibres. There is also an
increase in pressure as the stock passes through the Defiberizer. Typically, the inlet pressure is
about ___ kPa and the discharge pressure is about ____ kPa.
The Controls Section explains each process and control system that together make up the broke
handling systems.
Wet Broke Control Overview
See Fig. 3-01, WB Control Overview
There are ten major control points in the wet broke flow path:
1. Consistency from the tower to the screen is controlled at approximately ___ % with dilution
water to the suction of 521P031.
2. The screen feed pressure is controlled at approximately ___ kPa by controlling the speed of
pump 521P031. Pump speed is controlled with frequency control.
3. The broke chest level is controlled with a valve in the accepts from the screen and another
valve in the recirculation back to the tower. The recirc valve is normally closed and the
accepts valve is normally open. Therefore, as the level increases, the recirc flow increases
and the accepts flow decreases.
4. The reject flow from the screen is controlled as a set ratio to the accepts flow. The ratio may
be adjusted.
5. Air and light reject material are discharged from the top of the screen to waste on a timed
6. A hand control station (at the video displays) controls the accepts pressure from the HC
7. Tramp material from the HC Cleaner junk box is discharged to waste on a timed interval.
8. The thickener filtrate level is controlled with a valve in the discharge line and also with the
thickener rotor speed. An increase in rotor speed causes a decrease in filtrate level.
9. The Mix Chest level controls the flows of Wet Broke, Dry Broke, Long Fibre and Short Fibre
10. The flow of wet broke into the Mix Tank is controlled as a percentage of the total. The set
points for the various flows into the Mix Chest are normally set by the paper quality control
Wet Broke Tower P&ID
See Fig. 3-02, Wet Broke P&ID
Process Description
The Wet Broke Tower has a 2000 m3 capacity to handle any major upsets in paper machine
operation. Wet broke stock from the couch pit, with approximately 4% consistency, is pumped to
the top of the tower. Agitator 521A031 provides uniformity of stock to pump 521P031. The
tower may be by-passed with HIC-2002 which opens the Couch pit stock directly into the pump
suction. This is done when ______ ????
Control Loops
Process Description
The wet broke screen is a Valmet Model TAS 340E pressure screen. Feed stock from pump
521P031, at approximately ____ kPa pressure and ____% consistency, has a side entry near the
top. The 340E screen is fitted with a primary screen to trap large objects before the stock enters
the screen basket. The junk, together with some stock, is piped to the HC Cleaner for further
The remaining stock flows to the inside of the screen cylinder (basket) where foils on a motor
driven rotor inside the basket force the material through the screen openings and into the accepts
line. Material that is too large, or did not have enough time to pass through the holes is rejected.
The rejects are taken from the bottom of the screen basket.
Dilution water is pumped into the rejects (bottom) section of the screen. The water sluices any
stock clumps and thick stock from the reject chamber to prevent plugging.
Control Loops:
PIC-2005 & SIC-2000
Thickener 521E033
WB Screen 521E031
Process Description
Heavy rejects from the screen enter the HC Cleaner at a tangent which causes a swirling motion
and sets up a vortex. Centrifugal force throws the heavy tramp material to the outside of the
vortex and the impurities sink by gravity to the junk box.
Accepted stock flows into the vortex finder in the cleaner and continues on to the Screen Reject
Chest. Periodically, the top gate valve to the junk box closes and the bottom valve opens to
discharge the junk to waste.
Control Loops
PI-0021 & PI-0022
WB Screen 521031
Process Description
The thickener is a Valmet TD-200/4 thickener which increases stock consistency from ___ % to
___%. Accepted stock from the screen, under broke chest level control, flows to the inside of the
thickener drum. Water from the stock passes through the fabric to the outside of the drum and
flows by gravity, under level control, to the Broke Thickener Filtrate Tank.
Pump 521P034 re-cycles the water in the filtrate tank back to the thickener where the water is
used to clean the fabric on the drum. Thickened stock comes off the drum fabric and falls by
gravity into the wet broke chest.
Hand Valves
Hand valves are provided to by-pass the thickener and put the screen accepts directly into the wet
broke chest. Another valve allows the filtrate to be drained into the wet broke chest.
Control Loops
controls wet broke chest level by controlling accepts flow from the screen
to the thickener. The signal from LIC-2035 goes to LV-2035B on the
accepts line and LV-2035A to re-circulate stock back to the tower. A
decrease in chest level tends to close the recirc and open the accepts.
- high level to avoid overflow
- low level to avoid pump problems and stopping of agitator
LIC-2032 & SIC- control filtrate level with a control valve in the drop leg to the filtrate tank
and also with rotor speed. An increase in rotor speed reduces filtrate level
outside the drum. For example, if the filtrate level increases, the signal
from LIC-2032 increases flow through the drain valve and increases the
output from SIC-2030 which increases rotor speed.
- high level to avoid overflow
- low level
controls shower water flow.
HIC-2025& HIC- from the video displays, allows hand control of wet broke flow to or from
#2 Paper Machine as required.
controls the consistency from pump 521P032 by controlling white water
to the pump suction. The consistency must be closely maintained at 3.2%
for proper proportioning control into the Mix Chest.
Agitator 521A032
stops and cannot start if signal from LIC-2035 (chest level) is less
than ____%.
when the rotor motor starts, interlocks are removed from:
HV-2033 (also interlocked with filtrate pump)
Wet Broke Screen 521E031 motor
521P031 - WB storage pump (tower)
521P033 - WB recirculation pump
Pump 521P032
when started, removes the interlocks from:
NV-2036 (also interlocked to remain closed unless the dilution
water pump 521P114 is on).
NT-2036 - consistency transmitter
FT-2453 - wet broke proportioning into the Mix Tank
FV-2453 - wet broke proportioning into the Mix Tank
Pump 521P033
when started, removes the interlock from LV-2035A.
Thickener Filtrate
Process Description
The wet and dry broke thickeners share the same filtrate tank. Pump 521P034 re-cycles the water
to the thickeners where it is used for cleaning sprays. Filtrate is also used for dilution to the wet
broke screen and the dry broke primary screen.
The filtrate tank level is controlled by pumping excess filtrate to the white water tank. If the
filtrate tank level is too low, make-up is taken from the white water header.
Control Loops
controls filtrate tank level with LV-2034A and LV-2034B. The valves
are calibrated for split range. At very low level and zero output from
LIC-2034, valve B is wide open and A is closed. At 50% signal,
B is closed and A starts to open. At 100% signal, A is wide open.
- high level to avoid overflow
- low level to avoid pump problems
PIC-2037& SIC-2038
Pump 521P034
when started:
- allows LV2034-A to open
- allows HV-2023, WB thickener shower valve, to open
- allows HV-2073, DB thickener shower valve, to open
- opens HV-2053, DB Prim. Screen dilution valve
The main control points in the dry broke flow paths are almost identical to the wet broke system
as previously described. The descriptions are repeated, however, as a reinforcement of previous
There are ten major control points in the dry broke flow path:
1. Consistency from the tower to the screen is controlled at approximately ___ % with
dilution water to the suction of 521P035.
2. The screen feed pressure is controlled at approximately ___ kPa by controlling the speed
of pump 521P035. Pump speed is controlled with frequency control.
3. The broke chest level is controlled with a valve in the screen accepts line and another
valve in a recirc line back to the tower.
4. The rejects flow from the screen through the Defiberizer is controlled as a set ratio to the
accepts flow. The ratio may be adjusted.
5. Air and light rejects from the screen are discharged to waste on a timed interval.
6. A hand control station (at the video displays) controls the accepts pressure from the HC
7. Tramp material from the HC Cleaner junk box is discharged to waste on a timed interval.
8. The thickener filtrate level is controlled with a valve in the discharge line and also with
the thickener rotor speed. An increase in rotor speed causes a decrease in filtrate level.
9. The Mix Chest level controls the flows of Wet Broke, Dry Broke, Long Fibre and Short
Fibre stocks.
10. The flow of wet broke into the Mix Tank is controlled as a percentage of the total. The set
points for the various flows into the Mix Chest are normally set byu the paper quality
control system.
Process Description
The Dry Broke Tower has a 2000 m3 capacity to handle any major upsets in paper machine
operation. Dry broke stock from the Dry Broke Collection Chest, at approximately 4%
consistency, is pumped to the top of the tower. Agitator 521A034 provides uniformity of stock to
the pump 521P035.
Control Loops
PIC-2045 & SIC-2040
Agitator 521A034
Process Description
The dry broke primary screen is a Valmet Model TAS 200E pressure screen. Feed stock from
pump 521P031, at approximately ____ kPa pressure and ____% consistency, has a side entry
near the top. Entry is at a tangent which gives the material a swirling motion and tends to
separate the heavier junk particles. The junk, together with some stock, is piped to the HC
Cleaner for further processing.
The remaining stock flows to the inside of the screen cylinder (basket) where foils on a motor
driven rotor force the material through the screen openings and into the accepts line. Material
that is too large, or did not have enough time to pass through the holes is rejected. The rejects are
taken from the bottom of the screen basket and are piped to the Defiberizer. Dilution water is
pumped into the screen rejects (bottom) section. The water sluices any stock clumps and thicker
stock from the reject chamber to prevent plugging.
Control Loops:
PIC-2045 & SIC-2040
valve to operate,
HSV-2053, dry broke screen dilution valve
FV-2078, Defiberizer flow control valve
KSV-2058, deaeration sequence
HV-2063, HC Cleaner accepts valve
KS-2064, HC Cleaner reject sequence
521P035, Dry Broke Tower pump
521P037, Dry Broke recirculation pump
is interlocked with the tower pump, 521P035
(White is interlocked with the tower pump, 521P035
Water to Defiberizer)
Dry Broke HC Cleaner P&ID
See Fig. 3-10, HC Cleaner P&ID
Process Description
The HC Cleaner is a Valmet Mini-Cleaner designed to remove heavy foreign objects such as
nuts, bolts, rocks, welding slag, etc. Rejects from the screen enter the HC Cleaner at a tangent
which causes a swirling motion and sets up a vortex. Centrifugal force throws the heavy tramp
material to the outside of the vortex and the impurities sink by gravity to the junk box.
Accepted stock flows into the vortex finder in the cleaner and continues on to the Screen Reject
Chest. Periodically, the top gate valve to the junk box closes and the bottom valve opens to
discharge the junk to waste.
Control Loops:
PI-0061 & PI-0062
Process Description
The thickener increases stock consistency from ___ % to ___%. Accepted stock from the screen,
under broke chest level control, flows to the inside of the thickener drum. Water from the stock
passes through the fabric to the outside of the drum and flows by gravity, under level control, to
the Broke Thickener Filtrate Tank. Pump 521P034 re-cycles the water in the filtrate tank back to
the thickener where the water is used to clean the fabric on the drum. Thickened stock is taken
from a trough inside the drum and falls by gravity into the wet broke chest.
Hand Valves
Hand valves are provided to by-pass the thickener and put the screen accepts directly into the wet
broke chest. Another valve allows the filtrate to be drained into the wet broke chest.
Control Loops
Agitator 521A035
Thickener 521E036
controls the dry broke chest level by controlling accepts flow from
the screen to the thickener. The signal from LIC-2075 also goes to
LV-2075A to re-circulate stock back to the tower when the broke
chest level is abnormally high.
At low chest level and zero output signal from the level controller, the
recirc valve is shut and the accepts valve is wide open. As the chest
level rises, the accepts valve begins to close and the recirc valve
begins to open. (Please verify if this is the way the valves are set up)
- high level to avoid overflow
- low level to avoid pump problems and stopping of agitator
control filtrate level with a control valve in the drop leg to the filtrate
tank and also with rotor speed. An increase in rotor speed reduces
filtrate level outside the drum. For example, if the filtrate level
increases, the signal from LIC-2032 increases flow through the drain
valve and increases the output from SIC-2070 which increases rotor
- high level to avoid overflow
- low level
controls shower water flow.
controls the consistency from pump 521P036 by controlling white
water to the pump suction. The consistency must be closely
maintained at 3.2% for proper proportioning system control into the
Mix Chest.
stops and cannot start if the signal from LIC-2075 (chest level) is less
than ____%.
when started, allows:
- HV-2073 to open
- LV-2072 to open
- LV-2075B to open
- Dry Broke Primary Screen to start. The interlock may be bypassed.
Pump 521P036
Thickener Filtrate
See Fig. 3-12, Thickener Filtrate P&ID
Process Description
(repeat of description given for wet broke) The wet and dry broke thickeners share the same
filtrate tank. Pump 521P034 re-cycles the water to the thickeners where it is used for cleaning
sprays. Filtrate is also used for dilution to the wet broke screen and the dry broke primary screen.
The filtrate tank level is controlled by pumping excess filtrate to the white water tank. If the
filtrate tank level is too low, make-up is taken from the white water header.
Control Loops
controls filtrate tank level with LV-2034A and LV-2034B. The valves
are calibrated with a split range. Valve B goes from wide open to
shut with a level controller signal range from zero to 50%. Valve A
goes from shut at 50% signal to wide open at 100% level controller
signal. In other words, if the level controller output is less than 50%,
make-up water is taken from the White Water Header. If the signal is
greater than 50%, the excess water is pumped to the White Water
Process Description
The screen reject chest has a 80 m3 capacity and is the collection point for stock feed to the dry
broke secondary/tertiary screen system.
Six stock lines enter the reject chest as follows:
1. accepts from the wet broke HC Cleaner combined with the rejects from the wet broke
2. accepts from the dry broke HC Cleaner,
3. Defiberizer stock,
4. accepts from the dry broke tertiary screen,
5. secondary screen feed line bleed (HS-2084)
6. tertiary screen feed line bleed (HS-2098)
Pump 521P032 feeds stock from the chest to the secondary screen. Accepts from the secondary
screen re-enter the main dry broke flow path at the inlet to the dry broke thickener. Rejects from
the secondary screen feed the tertiary screen. Accepts from the tertiary screen flow back to the
chest for another attempt at being accepted in the secondary screen. Rejects from the tertiary
screen are rejected to waste on a timed interval.
Control Loops
FI-2071 & FFIC-2078
Agitator 521A036
FI-2071 measures the accepts flow from the dry broke primary screen.
FFIC-2078 controls flow of dry broke primary screen rejects through
the Defiberizer. The reject flow is controlled as a ratio to the accepts
flow FI-2071.
- low flow alarm on FFIC-2078
controls feed consistency to the dry broke secondary screen by
controlling water from the white water tank to the suction of 521P032.
is interlocked with pump 521P032. The valve opens slowly after the
pump starts to prevent pressure shocks in the system.
is a pulp sampling point
controls reject chest level by controlling accepts flow from the
secondary screen.
- high level to avoid overflow
bleed air from the feed lines when the pump is started and depressurizes the screens when the pump is stopped. The valves are
interlocked with their respective screen motors to open when the
motor stops and close shortly after the motor starts.
stops and cannot start if the signal from LIC-2081 is less than ____%.
Process Description
The dry broke secondary screen is a Valmet TAP 200 pressure screen. Stock is fed from the top
to the inside of a perforated cylindrical basket. Foils on a motor driven rotor inside the basket
force stock through the perforations. The accepts flow to the dry broke thickener. Material that is
too large to pass through the drum perforations is rejected. The rejects are fed to the tertiary
screen for further processing.
Control Loops
is a vent valve to rid the feed pipe of air during start up and to
depressurize the screen during shut down. The valve is interlocked to
close shortly after the screen motor starts and to open when the motor
is stopped.
indicates the accepts pressure, both locally and at the video displays.
It alarms on low pressure.
indicates the rejects pressure, both locally and at the video displays. It
alarms on high pressure.
indicates pressure difference between accepts and rejects. It alarms on
Process Description
The dry broke tertiary screen is a Valmet TAP 50 pressure screen. Stock is fed from the top to the
inside of a perforated cylindrical basket. Foils on a motor driven rotor inside the drum force
stock through the perforations. The accepts flow to the screen rejects chest for another attempt at
being accepted by the secondary screen. Material that is too large to pass through the drum
perforations is rejected. The rejects are discharged to waste on a timed interval.
Control Loops
FI-2089 & FFIC-2088
DB Tertiary Screen when started removes these interlocks:
- FT-2092
- FV-2092, dilution control valve. HSV-2094, deaeration valve, closes
10 seconds later.
- PV-2098, accepts pressure
- KSV-2090, rejects sequence
- HSV-2093, DB Sec. Screen dilution valve. Both screens must be
running to open this valve.
Process Description
The short fibre pulp, long fibre pulp, wet broke, dry broke and recovered fibre from the disc
saveall are fed to a common header into the mix chest. For accurate proportioning, all stock
components must have the same consistency. The design consistency is 3.2%. The total stock
flow is determined by the signal from the Mix Tank level controller, LIC-2455 which sends a
signal to four Fraction Flow Indicating Controllers (FFIC). Each FFIC may be operated in:
the output to the control valve is manually adjusted by the
Automatic Local Set Point the control station maintains a constant flow rate equal to the
operator adjusted set point
Automatic Cascade
Stock to Saveall
OBA Dosing Cellier is injected into mix tank inlet header. The
____ is used to ???. The chemical flow is controlled by FFIC3050 which controls chemical flow according to short fibre pulp
flow. When FFIC-3050 is on remote control, the set point is
determined by the paper quality control system.
Pump 521P029 is used to send sweetener stock to the Disc
Saveall. The pump suction is positioned so that short fibre is used
for sweetening. The sweetener stock is used to form a pulp mat on
the discs. The fibres in the white water get trapped on the mat and
are recovered. The recovered stock from the Saveall is pumped
into the mix tank inlet header under level control from the
Recovered Stock Chest. There is no flow measurement in the line
from the Recovered Stock Chest since this flow has already been
measured as part of the SF flow.
When wet broke pulp chest pump, 521P032 starts:
flow control valve 521FV-2453 may open
interlocking of flow transmitter 521FT-2453 is removed
consistency transmitter 521NT-2036 starts
consistency control valve 521NV-2036 may open if
consistency control pump 521P114 is running
When pump 521P032 stops, the valves close, the consistency
transmitter stops and the flow transmitter is interlocked.
Fig. 3-17, GS 14A shows the motors in Group Start 14A. When the start command is given, the
following motors start providing their interlocks are satisfied:
wet broke tower agitator
wet broke thickener
wet broke screen after a 40 second delay
The following motors start with a 60 second delay after the start command is given for either GS
14A or GS 14B:
dry broke thickener
screen reject chest
reject chest pump
dry broke secondary screen
dry broke tertiary screen
All motors in GS 14A, except the Wet Broke Thickener, stop immediately when the stop
command is given. The wet broke thickener stops after a 50 second delay.
Fig. 3-18, GS 14B,shows the motors placed in Group Start 14B. All motors in the group may be
started with one command from the DCS.
When the start command is given, the following motors start providing their interlocks are
dry broke tower agitator
dry broke primary screen starts after a 40 second delay
broke defiberizer starts after a 30 second delay
dry broke tower pump starts after a 30 second delay
dry broke chest agitator starts after a 30 second delay
dry broke recirculation pump starts after a 60 second delay
All motors stop immediately when the stop command is given except the dry broke primary
screen. This motor has a 40 second delay.