Structural Learning of Attack Vectors For Generating Mutated XSS Attacks
Structural Learning of Attack Vectors For Generating Mutated XSS Attacks
Structural Learning of Attack Vectors For Generating Mutated XSS Attacks
1 Ching-Hao
1,2 Hahn-Ming
1 Department
Web applications suffer from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks that resulting from incomplete or
incorrect input sanitization. Learning the structure of attack vectors could enrich the variety of manifestations in generated XSS attacks. In this study, we focus on generating more threatening XSS
attacks for the state-of-the-art detection approaches that can find potential XSS vulnerabilities in
Web applications, and propose a mechanism for structural learning of attack vectors with the aim of
generating mutated XSS attacks in a fully automatic way. Mutated XSS attack generation depends
on the analysis of attack vectors and the structural learning mechanism. For the kernel of the learning
mechanism, we use a Hidden Markov model (HMM) as the structure of the attack vector model to
capture the implicit manner of the attack vector, and this manner is benefited from the syntax meanings that are labeled by the proposed tokenizing mechanism. Bayes theorem is used to determine the
number of hidden states in the model for generalizing the structure model. The paper has the contributions are as following: (1) automatically learn the structure of attack vectors from practical data
analysis to modeling a structure model of attack vectors, (2) mimic the manners and the elements of
attack vectors to extend the ability of testing tool for identifying XSS vulnerabilities, (3) be helpful to
verify the flaws of blacklist sanitization procedures of Web applications. We evaluated the proposed
mechanism by Burp Intruder with a dataset collected from public XSS archives. The results shows
that mutated XSS attack generation can identify potential vulnerabilities.
According to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) [15], cross-site scripting (XSS) is
already the one of top two vulnerabilities in Web applications. The XSS vulnerabilities are due to using mistrusted data from the out of Web application as the partial contents of HTML pages output and
this attack may result in information disclosure [6]. Furthermore, the implementation of HTML interpreters embedded in browsers incompletely comply with specifications or provide extra functionalities
(e.g., browser-specific HTML tags, attributes, and events). In the above situations, Web application programmers difficultly sanitize the input message for preventing the XSS vulnerabilities by uniform XSS
patterns or detection rules.
In general, an XSS attack can be separated into the attack vector and the attack body [5]. An attack
body is the main code for executing the intention (e.g., it can invoke JavaScript interpreter) after exploiting a vulnerability successfully, and it is often applied by obfuscation techniques beyond the detections.
An attack vector [22, 7] is the medium for introducing the attack body. If imagining a XSS exploit as a
missile, the attack vector is like the guided device of the missile, and the attack body is like the warhead
Salaun, Fu, and Halle (Eds.): Fourth International Workshop
on Testing, Analysis and Verification of Web Software
EPTCS 35, 2010, pp. 1526, doi:10.4204/EPTCS.35.2
Figure 1: A motivation example. There is a XSS vulnerability at line 27 of this page. Someone can
input a string prefixed double quote by variable keyword to trigger the vulnerability. When the form is
submitted, the input string is assessed whether assigning a value at line 5. If true, the input string will be
assigned to variable query. Finally, the variable query becomes the value of attribute value in the
input element, and it is included between double quotes.
of the missile. Hence, an attacker can promote the attack body to be interpreted for malicious intension
by using the right or efficient attack vectors.
In Figure 1, we depict the relationship between the attack vector and the attack body in the example
code. It is noticeable that there is a XSS vulnerability at line 27 of this page. The vulnerability is the result
of the input being used as the value of attribute value in the input element. Someone can input a string
prefixed double quote like, <script>alert(123)</script>, through variable keyword to trigger the
vulnerability. However, the following attack may not work, <script>alert(123)</script>. It is clear
that double quote is the critical character to introduce the attack body (i.e., <script>alert(123)</script>),
and the attack vector is double quote in here. The string ><script>alert(123)</script><a name=
is even better, as it is seamlessly embedded in the page.
Although a lot of previous studies focus on creating attack vectors to identify XSS vulnerabilities,
the involved attack vectors are either generated based on path constraints or equipped a set of attack
payloads. However, when reviewing XSS cheat sheet [21] and public XSS exploits [4], it is quite obvious
that attackers often use special symbols and HTML elements for crafting XSS attacks in some manners.
Thus, we attempt to propose a structural learning mechanism of the attack vector for generating mutated
XSS attacks.
The proposed mechanism presents an automated technique for generating mutated XSS attacks to
test XSS vulnerabilities in Web applications. First, the system automatically crawls public XSS attacks
existed in URLs, and extracts the elements of XSS attacks. Next, the structural learning module builds a
structure model based on a hidden Markov model (HMM) while generalizing the structure of the model
by Bayes Theorem. Finally, according to the structure model, the system generates mutated XSS attacks
based on Viterbi algorithm to enlarge the detection capability of the testing tool.
The challenge in generating mutated XSS attacks is how to compose the right element in the right
position of the structure to exploit the specified vulnerabilities. If the attack vector can not pass through
the internal procedures (e.g., sanitization function, string manipulation function) of the Web application,
the XSS attack maybe fail. There are many possible ways to invoke the JavaScript interpreter according
to W3C and browser specifications. In such situations, it is impractical for an expert to spend much time
identifying a vulnerability. Hence, learning the manners and elements from the known XSS attacks is
helpful for mutated attacks generation.
The goal of the proposed technique, different from previous works of Web applications testing, is
aimed at learning the elements and the implicit structure which are presented within the XSS attacks.
Thereby, learning from public XSS exploits can benefit from the common weaknesses of Web applications that cannot be handled well, and increasing the probability of identifying XSS vulnerabilities in
black or white-box testing. In the other hand, learning the structure of attack vectors could enrich the
manifestations of XSS attacks. In summary, the contributions of our proposed approach are as following:
1. can automatically learn the structure of attack vectors from practical data analysis to modeling a
structure model of attack vectors.
2. can mimic the manners and the elements of attack vectors to extend the ability of testing tool for
identifying XSS vulnerabilities.
3. can be helpful to verify the flaws of blacklist sanitization procedures of Web applications.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: First, the proposed approach for generating mutated
XSS attacks in Section 2. The experiment design and the evaluation are given in Section 3. After that,
the related work will be introduced in Section 4. Finally, the conclusion will be briefed in Section 5.
The goal of our proposed approach is to learn the structure of attack vectors and generate mutated XSS
attacks. The proposed mechanism consists of three components, the attack vector tokenizer, attack vector
inducer, mutated attack generator, and one attack vector profile.
Mutation involves two phases, a structure learning phase and an attack generating phase. In the
structure learning phase, the attack vector tokenizer attempts to extract the elements of attack vectors
from known XSS URLs. Next, the attack vector inducer profiles the sequential relations among the
attack elements and the attack vector profile records these sequential relations for mutating XSS attacks.
In the attack generation phase, the mutation mechanism based on the XSS attacks, and transforms them
into a sequence of tokens by passing it through the attack vector tokenizer. Subsequently, the mutated
attack generator based on the structure of referred XSS attacks and the attack vector profile to generate
mutated XSS attacks from raw corpus. Thus, the proposed approach is an automatic way from learning
the structure of attack vectors to generating mutated XSS attacks. An overview of the structural learning
mechanism is depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Generation of Mutated XSS Attacks. In the structure learning phase, the attack vector tokenizer
crawls the XSS URLs as input, and produces a profile of the attack vector as an output. In the attack
generating phase, the mutated attack generator estimates the most possible state sequence of referred
XSS attack based on the attack vector profile, and acquires the relative elements from raw corpus for
generating mutated XSS attacks.
The XSS attack locator is responsible for identifying an XSS attack from a XSS URL. Malicious users
are familiar with obfuscating their crafted XSS attacks to evade the detection mechanism. HTML entity
codes, URL encoding, Base64 and double encoding are frequently observed obfuscation techniques.
Consequently, if the XSS attack locator directly processes these obfuscated XSS URLs, not only it easily
fails to identify the XSS attack, but the token extractor will also lose a lot of structural information about
the attack vector. To obtain the original structure of the attack vector, the XSS attack locator handles the
decoding of HTML symbol entities and URL encoding, besides system control characters.
After decoding, the XSS attack locator examines the entire XSS URL to identify where the XSS
attack is. According to URI syntax [25], essentially three delimiters are considered in splitting the entire
URL to recognize the position from the values. The term value in here is the value of a parameter in a
URN. The XSS attack locator complies with the delimiters to obtain one or more values in a XSS URL,
and estimates the most possible value where the XSS attack existed by six weighted features.
The token extractor is responsible for transforming a XSS attack into a sequence of tokens. The types
of token are as follows: start tag, attribute, the value of an attribute, plain text, end tag, and comment.
When the token extractor receives the XSS attack, it disassembles the XSS attack into a sequence of tokens and saves the original substrings to the raw corpus. The raw corpus records the mapping information
between the type of token and the original substring.
vectors and these relations can be regarded as a type of implicit regular grammar that defines all possible
combination of elements.
In the SLAV, we apply probabilistic models for discovering the implicit meaning behind observed
elements, and the model is regarded as the structure model of attack vectors. Briefly, the structural learning procedure is comprised of three steps as follows.
1. Incorporate each token sequence into the current structure model.
2. Adjust the state topology of the model to match all of the data.
3. Output a profile of the structure model when finishing to incorporating all data.
These steps are described in full detail in the following subsections.
To infer the general forms of attack vectors from token sequences, the attack vector structure learning
(or saying AVSL) intends to model stochastic sequences within an finite states based on HMM. Also,
this structure model of attack vectors is adjusted until it is general enough to describe all XSS attacks by
Bayes Theorem. Thus, the entire structure model can be viewed as a probabilistic automaton [3]. In a
probabilistic automaton, each production rule is assigned a probability, and it implies that some attack
vectors are more likely to be generated than others. In a HMM, each state represents a non-terminal
symbol, each observation represents a terminal symbol in grammar, and all paths that are possible routes
from the starting state to the final state denote all possible production rules with non-zero probability (i.e.,
the product of initial probability, transition probability and emission probability). The HMM benefits the
model capturing the sequential relations of tokens and obtaining the implicit grammatical manners for
generating mutated XSS attacks.
For generalization, the Bayes Theorem can be expressed by the following equation.
P(M|X ) =
P(M)P(X |M)
P(X )
Here, M is the structure model, and X is a set of training token sequences. Both X and P(X ) are constant
and can be ignored in the computation. In order to maximize the a posteriori probability P(M|X ), the
product of P(M) and P(X |M) requires to be maximized. P(M) is the prior probability of the model and is
assigned by the Dirichlet distribution. P(X |M) is the probability of a set of training token sequence given
the model and can be calculated for a model topology (i.e., state transition and emission probabilities)
with a various probabilities and performances for a fixed training tokens. Thus, Bayes Theorem is
used to find the balance between P(M) and P(X |M) and to decide the appropriately general model for
representing the form of XSS attacks without bias.
The goal of the AVSL is building a structure model with the highest generalization for describing
the relations of all elements. Model-building starts with an empty structure model without any tokens.
In step 1, when a token sequence coming, it is initially modeled as a HMM [19] and incorporate into
the current structure model. Then, in the current structure model, all of the possible pairs of states are
merged and examined by Bayes Theorem for obtaining a merged model with the maximum posteriori
probability in step 2. In step 3, if the a posteriori probability of the merged model is less than that of
the current model, then the current structure model is replaced with the merged model. After repeating
above steps to each token sequence, a profile of the current structure model is published. For details of
the complete process, the readers are referred to [23] and [24].
Once the structure model has been built, an attack vector profile is published. An attack vector profile
that describes all parameters of the structure model. These parameters contain a set of hidden states, a
set of tokens, the initial probability of each state, the transition probabilities that record the likelihood of
transitioning from one state to next, and the emission probabilities that record the probability distribution
over the possible tokens in each state. The existing of the attack vector profile provides the information
of the structure model, that is followed to generate mutated XSS attacks.
In this section, we evaluated the proposed approach by the experiment that is designed for generating
mutated attacks to penetrate the vulnerabilities of PHP Web applications. The used dataset and the
experiment design concept are mentioned in Subsection 3.1. The evaluation metrics are described for
evaluating the performance of proposed approach in the aspect of vulnerability discovering are given in
Subsection 3.2. The experiment results and case studies are given in Subsection 3.3. Finally, we discuss
the proposed approach in Subsection 3.4
Table 1: The characteristics of Web applications (The Vulnerabilities column lists the number of XSS
vulnerabilities mentioned in [11]. The Downloads column lists downloads counted by Sourceforge [8]
at June 6th 2010.)
Program (Version)
Vulnerabilities Downloads
webchess (0.9.0) [20]
schoolmate (1.5.4) [13]
and so on). Second, we built the structural model of attack vectors from the public dataset and used the
model to generate XSS attacks based on the attack information (i.e., the relative parameters and the attack
body). Third, the Burp Intruder [16], a famous tool for automating attacks against Web applications and
allowing for importing customized attack payloads, run the XSS attacks generated by proposed approach
against the target Web applications. Finally, we investigated manually to check the results of XSS attacks
that were reported as successful attacks whether really trigger attack bodies.
For the evaluation, the dataset (denoted as XSSed10) was collected from XSSed project1 , and the
duration of the collection was between 2009/05/16 and 2010/03/13. Totally, the XSSed10 had 3019 XSS
attacks for this work and several obvious characteristics were in XSSed10. For example, one or more
special symbols were outside of tags (e.g., >><script>) and encoding techniques were in favor.
In the structure model, we obtained totally 11 states, 1031 tokens and 192 unique token sequences
from the XSSed10.
The testing target were the two PHP open-source Web applications listed in Table 1. The schoolmate [13] is a Web solution for assisting the elementary, junior and senior high school to provide the
administration of school affairs. Another testing target naming Webchess [20] is an online chess game.
There have been several identified vulnerabilities in these two open-source PHP Web applications, and
hence, they were suitable to be used for evaluating the effectiveness of mutated XSS attacks whether they
could trigger the practical vulnerabilities or not.
The referred information of XSS attacks were from [11], and they were base XSS attacks for mutation. There were many XSS vulnerabilities identified by these XSS attacks in schoolmate and webchess.
Before the system generated mutated XSS attacks, the base XSS attack was tokenized as a token sequence. Then the system obtained a sequence of hidden state according to the token sequence by Viterbi
algorithm. Finally, mutated XSS attacks were generated by composing the elements of raw corpus.
Especially, each mutated XSS attack contained attack body, <script>alert(123)</script> for test oracle.
Table 2: The Recall of our approach (The higher Recall rate denotes that the set of mutated XSS attacks
really contain the manners to identify XSS vulnerabilities.)
Application Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities Rate
Recall rate is used to measure the ability of mutated XSS attacks about identifying vulnerability in
Web applications. In here, the numbers of total vulnerabilities were collected from [11] with 18 and 13
vulnerabilities respectively. So, the Recall rate is shown as Equation 3. The higher Recall rate means
that the set of mutated XSS attacks are with much more capability to identify XSS vulnerabilities.
Recall =
# o f f ound vulnerabilities
# o f whole vulnerabilities in target Web application
Table 3: The performance of our mutated XSS attacks (The lower FP rate denotes that the set of mutated
XSS attacks were with more threats to the target Web applications.)
True Positive False Positive Reported Successful False Positive
Table 4: The samples of mutated XSS attack (The attack vectors are separated by commas, and the attack
bodies are denoted as italic.)
Mutated XSS Attack Samples
1. >, alert(123)<iframe/src=>alert(123)</scrihttp://pt>alert(123)
2. >, ></div>alert(123)<input><script>alert(123)</script></marquee>alert(
3. >>, </p>alert(123)<marquee><script>alert(123)</script></title>alert(123)
4. />, </ScRiPt>alert(123)<title><script>alert(123)</script></SCRIPT>alert(
5. >>, </form>alert(123)<b><script>alert(123)</script></input>alert(123) t
type=hidden />
Internet Explorer 8. An attacker assigns most likely the malicious Web site as the value of the attribute
src to trigger drive-by download attack without any knowledge of client if both of the size of width and
the height of iframe tag equal to zero. The drive-by download attack [18, 17] is a serious security threat
in recent years, because this type of attacks could be downloaded the spywares, computer viruses, like
Trojan horses and bot programs, by exploiting Web browser vulnerabilities. In the case of the second
attack, the attack vector was the same as the first one, but the attack body showed the common attack
behavior that invokes JavaScript interpreter. It was worthwhile to notice the single input tag in second
attack that showed an input field in the page which was rendered by the browsers of Microsoft Internet
Explorer 8 or Google Chrome. We thought that input field could be utilized to entice clients into input
personal confidential data through social engineering, like phishing attacks.
The attack vector of the third attack was >> that could be seamlessly integrated with the HTML
page because the first > was as the value of an attribute, and in the meantime the second > was as
the indicator of ending a tag. The combination of digital value (or characteristics), value delimiter, and
end-tag-indicator (e.g., 1>) is the popular style to make subsequent tags or attack bodies be correctly
rendered by Web browsers. For example, in the third attack, the marquee tag and attack body (i.e.,
<script>alert(123)</script>) have effectiveness to scroll the following texts (e.g., the reader images
the XSS is here instead of alert(123)) and popup a dialogue window respectively. The fourth attack
string was different with the third attack vector, and the difference was no prefixed characteristic or value
because the /> was as end-tag-indicator. The fifth attack string >> was as well as the third attack vector,
but former was suffixed with </form>, that was often used in input field, while inputs were output in
a form block. In such situation, attackers could close the original form block for creating another form
block to convince clients enter their own data and redirect the input data.
These results reveal that mutated XSS attacks can manipulate the face of response pages by HTML
tags and trigger the JavaScript interpreter by inducing additional script-inducing constructs. This is
helpful to Web application programmers to know what combination of HTML tags and special symbols
they must handle carefully.
3.4 Discussion
Our mutated XSS attacks can be used to test XSS blacklists in the Web application. This type of sanitization functions define a set of restricted XSS patterns for filtering the input. For example, phyMyAdmin,
a popular administration of MySQL database in Web applications, had a blacklist bypass vulnerability
in version 2.8.0 to 2.9.2. The cause resulted from ignoring the end tag, </SCRIPT>, and only checking the end tag, </script>. This vulnerability can break the section of JavaScript to interrupt original
processing. Hence, an attacker can send an attack, like </SCRIPT><script>alert(123)</script> and
invoke the JavaScript interpreter for popping a warning window on the clients browser. The attack can
be generated by our proposed approach, and exists in XSS cheat sheet. It is clear that the structural
learning of attack vectors is efficient and benefited from the real XSS exploits. On the other hand, we
ever tested the public XSS detection rule against the mutated XSS attacks, but the result showed that all
mutated XSS attacks were detected. Because the detection rules filter all characters that range between
a to z, between A to Z and % between < and >, this may detect all XSS attacks, but the false positives
were still high. We believe that the the testing ability of mutated XSS attacks generated by the proposed
approach is as well as the XSS cheat sheet made by experts.
Related Work
Generally, three techniques are used to identify the XSS vulnerabilities in different locations and phases.
These three techniques include static analysis [9, 27], black-box testing [2, 14] and hybrid testing [1, 11].
Different techniques are appropriate at different usages with their own characteristics ( strength and
Static analysis could take the whole possible values of a variable into consideration based on the
source code of the Web application without executing the application. However, some fundamental
problems result in more higher false positives and fail to prove the feasibility of vulnerabilities.
Black-box approach detects vulnerabilities by sending inputs to an application without priori knowledge about the target applications. Generally, the testing tools are equipped with a lot of attack payloads
for triggering specified vulnerability. This type of testing not only mimics real-world attacks from malicious users, but also provides cost-effective testing for identifying a range of serious vulnerabilities.
SecuBat [10] utilized attack patterns (e.g., SQL and XSS vulnerabilities) and injected them into
entry points. Then the responses from the server were analyzed to identify the vulnerabilities of the
web application. However, SecuBat used fixed attack patterns for identifying SQL injection or XSS
vulnerabilities and ignored knowledge about the filter functions of applications. On the other hand, our
approach learns evasion techniques from real-world attacks and they are able to extend the ability of
black-box testing. McAllister et al. [12] performed in-depth testing of web applications against XSS
attacks by leveraging usage-based information, modifying them with attack test cases, and replaying
them back. Similar to our approach, we collects attacks that are practical and malicious, and generates
attacks with malicious intension.
Hybrid testing combines static and dynamic analysis to verify whether identified flaws are real vulnerabilities by executing test data. In order to enlarge the scope of testing and speed up the testing period,
an automated attack-testing mechanism is required.
The above works need to maintain a corpus of XSS attacks collected from public sources or suggested
by experts. These XSS attacks are examined for their attack specifications or patterns to identify XSS
vulnerability. However, attacks generated in such way did not benefit from the sources, for example,
the structures or elements of XSS attacks. To implement an attack, it must be crafted specifically for a
certain weakness of a web application.
We have proposed a technique to automatically generate cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks for identifying
XSS vulnerabilities in Web applications. For simulating the manner of crafting attacks used by attackers,
this technique takes the archives of XSS attack as input, and is based on hidden Markov model (HMM)
as well as Bayes Theorem for learning the general structure of the attack vectors. Thus, generation
mechanism takes the advantage of structure model to produce mutated XSS attacks like the behavior of
the attackers. In our experiments, the technique effectively produces the XSS attacks that trigger XSS
vulnerabilities in target applications, and gives a help to provide a set of various mutated XSS attacks,
which are essentially taken into consideration by web programmers.
This work was supported in part by Taiwan Information Security Center at NTUST(TWISC@NTUST),
National Science Council under the grants NSC 99-2219-E-011-004, and by the National Science Council of Taiwan under grants 96-2221-E-011-064-MY3. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions of the reviewers, which have improved the presentation.
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