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46 Lasiurus Cinereus en Honduras

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First Record of the Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus, Vespertilionidae) for Honduras

Jos M. Mora1 and Luca I. Lpez1,2

Abstract. The distribution of the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) extends from Canada to Chile, and it includes several islands
in the Caribbean, Atlantic and Pacific oceans including Hawaii. The species seems to be a rare visitor to Central America
where it has been reported from Guatemala and Panama. Here we report the first record for the hoary bat from Honduras
which confirms its expected presence in other countries of the region. The specimen was found at a vegetation open area on
Cerro de Hula, Santa Ana Municipality; 20 km south of Tegucigalpa, Honduras capital, on July 27, 2012.
Key Words: Acoustic detection, Central America, Cerro de Hula, migratory, Zamorano.

Primer Record del Murcilago Canoso (Lasiurus cinereus, Vespertilionidae) en Honduras

Resumen. La distribucin del murcilago canoso (Lasiurus cinereus) se extiende de Canad a Chile e incluye varias islas en
el Caribe, el Atlntico y el Pacfico, incluso Hawai. La especie parece ser un visitante raro en Centroamrica donde ha sido
reportado de Guatemala y Panam. Aqu hacemos el primer registro del murcilago canoso para Honduras lo que confirma su
presencia esperada en otros pases de la regin. El espcimen fue encontrado en un rea de escasa vegetacin natural en Cerro
de Hula, Santa Ana, 20 km al sur de Tegucigalpa, capital de Honduras, el 27 de julio de 2012.
Palabras clave: Centro Amrica, cerro de Hula, deteccin acstica, migratorio, Zamorano.

with a heavy white tinge, which gives this bat a frosty

appearance or hoary effect (Shump and Shump 1982).
Each individual silky hair is basally dark, medially
yellowish, and distally black with white tips. Its venter
is not heavily frosted but its throat has a distinct
yellow patch. The hair on the elbow, at the base of the
clawed thumb, and the upper arm is also yellowish.
Ears are yellow with black edges and brownish fur
extends out on the underside of the wing nearly to the
wrist (Anderson 2002).

The hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) is an
unmistakable colorful vespertilionid that inhabits
Colombia and Venezuela; Central Chile, Bolivia,
Uruguay, Paraguay, and Central Argentina; Hawaii
(USA); Guatemala and Mexico throughout the USA to
Southern British Columbia, Southeastern Mackenzie,
Hudson Bay and Southern Quebec (Canada);
Galpagos Islands (Ecuador) (Simmons 2005) and
Panam (Reid 2009). Distribution of the hoary bat in
Central America is patchy; it has been reported from
two localities in the highland pine-oak forest of
Guatemala, and the Cordillera Central of western
Panama (Reid 2009). Herein, we report the first record
for L. cinereuss from Honduras. This is not a range
extension report but a confirmation of the expected
presence of this species in another Central American
The hoary bat is a very well-known species and
its size and coloration are unmistakable. Dorsal color,
including the uropatagium, is a mixed brown-gray

Description and Discussion

A male hoary bat was found recently dead at a bat
study site at Cerro de Hula in Santa Ana Municipality
(1356'19.94" N, 8714'56.94"W, 1658 msnm), 20 km
south of Tegucigalpa, Honduras on 27 July 2012. The
site is a highly disturbed area with little scattered
natural vegetation. The area is used for agriculture,
cattle ranching and some human housing in the
neighborhood. The specimen is a male without any
reproductive symptoms; testes measured 64 32 and

Centro Zamorano de Biodiversidad, Departamento de Ambiente y Desarrollo, Escuela Agrcola Panamericana, Honduras,
email jmora@zamorano.edu
Consultora Ambiental, ecologa acutica y macroinvertebrados acuticos, email luciaisa2@gmail.com



Ceiba, 2010. Volumen 51(2):89-90


Volumen 51(2) julio-diciembre 2010

50 25mm. External measurements (mm) and mass

(g) are: length of head and body, 83.1; length of tail,
50.0; length of hind foot, 10.0; length of ear, 18.0;
length of forearm, 51.1; mass, 20.0. The specimen
was prepared as a study skin and skull and is deposited
at Zamorano Museum Collection, Honduras (collector
number JM52-2012, collection number EAPZ-06.
The hoary bat seems to be abundant at some
places and as such it is listed as Least Concern by the
IUCN. This is due to its wide distribution, presumed
large population, existence in a high number of
protected areas, tolerance to some degree of habitat
modification, and because it is unlikely to decline at a
unfavorable rate to lead the species to a threatened
category (Gonzalez et al. 2012). It is an aerial
insectivore (more difficult to capture) and seems to be
a rare visitor in Central America (Reid 2009). These
two facts may explain why this species has not been
reported previously in Honduras.
Although there is evidence to support the
assumption that this bat migrates, specific migration
patterns have not been plotted (Anderson 2002). There
is no information about this behavior in Central
America. The male hoary bat in Honduras was found
during the northern hemisphere summer, presumably
not a member of any latitudinal migratory population.
It is known that some hoary bat individuals often
have trouble finding their way out of the caves and die
there (Anderson 2002). Also accidental impalement on
barbed wire fences is a common occurrence (Shump
and Shump 1982). The hoary bat found in Honduras
was in an open area and judging from its condition,
probably died after an accident with a human-made
structure. It has been reported that this bat forages
around lights in towns and rural areas (Furlonger et al.

Several other species of bats have been identified

at the study site in Santa Ana Municipality by means
of mist netting and acoustic detection. The list
includes Lasiurus intermedius, L. ega and L.
blossevillii. Acoustic detections of bats conducted in
the study area have not provided any recording of the
hoary bat call.
References Cited
Anderson, S. 2002. Lasiurus cinereus (On-line), Animal
Diversity Web. Downloaded 8 November 2012 at
Furlonger, C.L., H.J. Dewar and M.B. Fenton. 1987. Habitat
use by foraging bats. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65(2):
Gonzalez, E., R. Barquez and J. Arroyo-Cabrales. 2008.
Lasiurus cinereus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of
<www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 11 November
Reid, F.A. 2009. A field guide to the mammals of Central
America and Southeast Mexico. Second edition. Oxford
University Press, New York. 346 p.
Simmons, N.B. 2005. Order Chiroptera. Pp. 312-529. In
Wilson D.E. and D.M. Reeder. Mammal species of the
world, a taxonomic and geographic reference, Third
edition. Volume 1. The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Baltimore, Maryland.
Shump, K.A. and A.U. Shump. 1982. Lasiurus cinereus.
Mammalian Species 185:1-5.

Received for publication on May 28, 2013.

Accepted for publication on July 1, 2013.


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