46 Lasiurus Cinereus en Honduras
46 Lasiurus Cinereus en Honduras
46 Lasiurus Cinereus en Honduras
The hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) is an
unmistakable colorful vespertilionid that inhabits
Colombia and Venezuela; Central Chile, Bolivia,
Uruguay, Paraguay, and Central Argentina; Hawaii
(USA); Guatemala and Mexico throughout the USA to
Southern British Columbia, Southeastern Mackenzie,
Hudson Bay and Southern Quebec (Canada);
Galpagos Islands (Ecuador) (Simmons 2005) and
Panam (Reid 2009). Distribution of the hoary bat in
Central America is patchy; it has been reported from
two localities in the highland pine-oak forest of
Guatemala, and the Cordillera Central of western
Panama (Reid 2009). Herein, we report the first record
for L. cinereuss from Honduras. This is not a range
extension report but a confirmation of the expected
presence of this species in another Central American
The hoary bat is a very well-known species and
its size and coloration are unmistakable. Dorsal color,
including the uropatagium, is a mixed brown-gray
Centro Zamorano de Biodiversidad, Departamento de Ambiente y Desarrollo, Escuela Agrcola Panamericana, Honduras,
email jmora@zamorano.edu
Consultora Ambiental, ecologa acutica y macroinvertebrados acuticos, email luciaisa2@gmail.com