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September 26, 2016

Dear Mindful Musubi Ohana,

We have been in school for almost four cycles with your child, and
we have really enjoyed getting to know your child better. Our days fly
by so quickly; and your child is beginning to learn and practice the
routines in the studios, cafeteria, and playground. We have been
talking with the class about STAR-ing our behaviors so that we can
make more thoughtful decisions about our actions. You may want to
ask your child what STAR means and how he/she can use it in their
lives. (S=Stop, T= Think, A=Act, and R=Review).
On Tuesday, Kumu Ane joined us in our studio for Mele class with
our students. She taught the students about the Hawaiian culture,
language, and songs. Kumu Ane ended the class reading Too Many
Mangoes by Tammy Paikai, and you may want to ask your child what
the story is about and what he/she learned from the story. The story
was about two children who learn about sharing from their grandfather
when he teaches them to share their abundance of mangoes with others
in the neighborhood. As the children shared mangos throughout the
neighborhood, each neighbor shared a gift in return; and their mangoladen wagon came home filled with many gifts.

In language arts, we began looking at the character of Cinderella

in depth. As I read out loud the classic fairytale, Cinderella, I asked
the students to be detectives and to listen for evidence of Cinderellas
physical appearance, her actions, and what is said about her by her and
by others. We then used a graphic organizer to help us analyze and
understand the character of Cinderella. They shared their evidence,
and we began to make inferences about the character of Cinderella.
Wednesday, September 21, was International
Peace Day; and so we read and talked about the
story, The Peace Book by Todd Parr. You may want
to ask your child what the book was about. The
brightly illustrated story describes many ways of
looking at the concept of peace in our world. One of this weeks
homework assignment asks your child to reflect upon the concept of
peace and what it means to him/her.

In Fridays Japanese class with Omizo Sensei, the children learned

about the teru teru bozu doll. You may want to ask your child what
the Japanese children would do with these special dolls. When the
weather is rainy, children would hang their dolls up on a tree and wish
for the sun to come out again. Our
children made their very own teru
teru bozu dolls in class, and I think
they are working! The weather has
been very sunny!
Another book we read was The Important Book by Margaret Wise
Brown, and you may want to ask your child what this story is about.
The students talked about how the author looks at ordinary everyday
things, like a spoon; and she describes what is
important about that object. We then had the
students start creating their own Importance
Books about themselves. They were all very
excited to share what makes them important!
In math this week, we learned more about subtraction and its
relationship to addition. We began the week looking at separating
stories (starting with a whole and separating a part, and that equals

another part) and comparing stories (how much more/less is there than
the other). We finished the week looking at the relationship between
addition and subtraction, and the students realized that we were
working with fact families.
We have just finished our first week of Word Science, and your
child took his/her quiz on Friday. We generally return the quizzes on
Mondays and hand out a new Sort for the students to practice
throughout the week. Your child will use his/her new words to practice
and complete his/her homework for the week, and then we give a quiz
on Fridays. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
OnTuesday morning, Kristina joined us and we
celebrated Lukes birthday with delicious glazed
donuts from Kamehameha Bakery. The children were
thrilled with the special morning snack!


Star of the Week:

J. D.
9-19-16 to 9-23-16

Important dates/information:
- Wednesday, September 28, is HTYs Anime Momotaro. Please
have your child wear footwear and a Punahou t-shirt or colors.
- Wednesday, October 5, is our Class Picnic at Ala Moana Park.
We will be meeting all of the families at the beach from 8:30 12:30. If you plan on taking your child home from the picnic,
please be sure to see me and sign your child out before leaving.
Your child is always so ready for a new adventure each and
every day. His/her positive energy and attitude make each day so
enjoyable for us!
Thank you,
Caryn Matsuoka

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