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National Board of Accreditation: Compliance Report Format (Tier - I/Tier - II)

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Compliance Report Format

(Tier – I/Tier – II)
PART- A: Institutional Information
(To be filled only once for all the programs under consideration)

A1. Name and Address of the College:-

City: - State:-

Pin Code:-

Phone No (including STD Code):- Fax

Website: - E-mail:-

A2. Year of Establishment:-

A3. First Approval Letter No.: Date:

A4. Head of the Institution:-

Name: - Designation:-

Nature of Appointment:-

Phone No: - Mobile:-

E-mail:- Fax No:-

A5. Name and Address of the Affiliating University:-

State: - Pin Code:-
Website: - E-mail:-
Phone No (Including STD Code):- Fax:-

A6. Type of the Institution:

Institute of National Importance Autonomous
University *Any other (Please specify)
Deemed University

*Provide Details:

A7. Ownership Status:

Central Government Trust
State Government Society
Government Aided Section 25 Company
Self-financing *Any Other (Please specify)

*Provide Details:

A8. Students Admissions (Institute level considering all UG programs):


Item Total
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15

Sanctioned intake

Number of students admitted (Corresponding to

sanctioned intake)
% of Students Admitted over last three assessment years
(Total Admitted/Sanctioned Intake )
Kindly note that the year mentioned here is exemplary, institute has to consider the academic years as per the definition of CAY given
in the document and according to the prevailing year.
Table A8

CAY: Current Academic Year

CAYm1: Current Academic Year minus 1 = Current Assessment Year
CAYm2: Current Academic Year minus 2 = Current Assessment Year minus 1

A9. Details of the Students actually admitted through Lateral Entry/Separate Division
Item CAY CAYm1 CAYm2
Number of students
admitted through
Lateral Entry
Number of students
admitted through
Separate Division
Total Number of
students admitted in the
second year
Note: Provide student details of the second shift (if applicable)

A10. Provide separate Information for each of the program(s) for which compliance is to be
Name of
Name of the
Name of
the program Year Intake Increase Year of Accredita
2rogram to be of in intake, increas tion
Depart Approval
being considere Start if any e Status*
offered d

* Write applicable one:

 Granted provisional accreditation for two /three years for the period(specify period)
 Granted accreditation for 5 / 6 years for the period (specify period)
 Not accredited (specify visit dates, year)
 Withdrawn (specify visit dates, year)
 Not eligible for accreditation
 Eligible but not applied

PART B- Program Information

B1. Name of the Program ____________________________________

B2. Faculty Information and Contributions
Please provide the list of faculty in the department according to the below format as Appendix I
Date on which Associated
S. PAN Designated as (Y/N)
Name Qualification of Designation
No. No. Professor/ Date of Leaving
Associate Professor (In case Currently
Associated is “No”)

B.2.1. Student Faculty Ratio (No of Faculty as per the sanctioned intake):-
(To be calculated at Department Level)
No. of UG Programs in the Department (n): __________
No. of PG Programs in the Department (m): __________
No. of Students in UG 2nd Year= u1
No. of Students in UG 3rd Year= u2
No. of Students in UG 4th Year= u3
No. of Students in PG 1st Year= p1
No. of Students in PG 2nd Year= p2
No. of Students = Sanctioned Intake + applicable lateral entry, if any
(The above data to be provided considering all the UG and PG programs of the department)
S=Number of Students in the Department = UG1 + UG2 +UG3 + PG1 + PG2
F = Total Number of Faculty Members in the Department (excluding first year faculty)
Student Faculty Ratio (SFR) = S / F
Year CAY CAYm1 CAYm2
UG1 u1.1+u1.2+u1.3 u1.1+u1.2+u1.3 u1.1+u1.2+u1.3

Ugn un.1+un.2+un.3 un.1+un.2+un.3 un.1+un.2+un.3
PG1 p1.1+p1.2 p1.1+p1.2 p1.1+p1.2
PGm pm.1+pm.2 pm.1+pm.2 pm.1+pm.2

Total No. of Students in the UG1 + UG2 +.. +Ugn UG1 + UG2 + .. +Ugn UG1 + UG2 + ..
Department (S) + PG1 + …PGm=S1 + PG1+… + PGm=S2 +Ugn + PG1+… +
No. of Faculty in the F1 F2 F3
Department (F)
Student Faculty Ratio (SFR) SFR1=S1/F1 SFR2= S2/F2 SFR3= S3/F3
Average SFR SFR=(SFR1+SFR2+SFR3)/3

B2.2. Faculty Details of the Department (UG+PG):

2016-17 2017-18
S.no. Designation With PhD. With PhD.
Without Without
Contra- PhD. Regular
Contra- PhD.
ctual ctual

a. Professors

b. Associate Professors

c. Assistant Professors

Total number of
Faculty in the
d. Department

B2.3. Faculty Cadre Proportion

The reference Faculty cadre proportion is 1(F1):2(F2):6(F3)
F1: Number of Professors required = 1/9 x Number of Faculty required to comply with 20:1
Student-Faculty ratio based on no. of students (N) as per B2.1
F2: Number of Associate Professors required = 2/9 x Number of Faculty required to comply with
20:1 Student-Faculty ratio based on no. of students (N) as per B2.1
F3: Number of Assistant Professors required = 6/9 x Number of Faculty required to comply with
20:1 Student-Faculty ratio based on no. of students (N) as per B2.1

Year Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors

Required F1 Available Required F2 Available Required F3 Available
Average RF1= AF1= RF2= AF2= RF3= AF3=

B2.4. Faculty as participants in Faculty development/training activities/STTPs

Details of the participation

(Faculty development/training
Name of the Faculty activities/STTPs)

B2.5. Research and Development

Academic Research

Number of quality publications in Ph.D. guided /Ph.D. awarded

Name of the
refereed/SCI Journals, citations, during the assessment period while
Books/Book Chapters etc. working in the institute
After evaluation After evaluation
As provided in As provided
(till the date of (till the date of
compliance report) compliance report)

B2.6. Sponsored Research/Consultancy

(B) Details as provided in the SAR previously
Name of Project Project Type Funding Amount Duration
the faculty Title Research/Consultancy Agency

(II) Details after evaluation (till the date of Compliance Report)
Name of Project Project Type Funding Amount Duration
the faculty Title Research/Consultancy Agency

B.3. Students’ Performance

Student Intake Table
Item CAY CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3
(Information to be provided cumulatively for
all the shifts with explicit headings, wherever
Sanctioned intake of the program (N)

Total number of students admitted in first year

minus number of students migrated to other
programs/institutions, plus no. of students
migrated to this program (N1)

Number of students admitted in 2nd year in the

same batch via lateral entry (N2)

Separate division students, if applicable (N3)

Total number of students admitted in the Program

(N1 + N2 + N3)

Academic Performance Table

Year of entry N1 + N2 + N3 Number of students who have successfully
(As defined graduated
above) I Year II Year III Year IV Year
CAYm5 (LYGm1)
CAYm6 (LYGm2)

B3.1. Success rate without backlog in stipulated period
SI= (Number of students who graduated from the program without backlog in the stipulated period of course
duration)/ (Number of students admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2 nd year via lateral
entry and separate division, if applicable)
Latest Year of Latest Year of
Latest Year of
Item Graduation minus 1, Graduation minus
Graduation, LYG
LYGm1 2, LYGm2
Number of students admitted in the
corresponding First Year + admitted
in 2nd year via lateral entry and
separate division, if applicable
Number of students who have
graduated without backlogs in the
stipulated period
Success Index (SI)
Average Success Index

B3.2. Success rate with backlog in stipulated period of study

SI= (Number of students who graduated from the program with backlog in the stipulated period of course
duration)/ (Number of students admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2nd year via lateral
entry and separate division, if applicable)
Item LYG (CAYm4) LYGm1(CAYm5) LYGm2 (CAYm6)

Number of students
admitted in the
corresponding First
Year + admitted in
2nd year via lateral
entry and separate
division, if applicable

Number of students
who have graduated
with backlogs in the
stipulated period

Success Index (SI)

Average Success Index

B3.3. First Year Academic Performance
Academic Performance = ((Mean of 1st Year Grade Point Average of all successful Students on
a 10 point scale) or (Mean of the percentage of marks in First Year of all successful
students/10)) x (number of successful students/number of students appeared in the
Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the second year.

Academic Performance CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3

Mean of CGPA or Mean Percentage of all successful

students (X)

Total no. of successful students (Y)

Total no. of students appeared in the examination (Z)

API = x* (Y/Z) AP 1 AP 2 AP 3

Average API = (AP1 + AP2 + AP3)/3

B3.4. Academic Performance in Second Year

API = ((Mean of 2nd Year Grade Point Average of all successful Students on a 10 point scale)
or (Mean of the percentage of marks of all successful students in Second Year/10)) x (number
of successful students/number of students appeared in the examination)
Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the Third year.

Academic Performance CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3

Mean of CGPA or Mean Percentage of all successful students


Total no. of successful students (Y)

Total no. of students appeared in the examination (Z)

API = X* (Y/Z) AP1 AP2 AP3

Average API = (AP1 + AP2 + AP3)/3

B3.5. Academic Performance in Third Year

API = ((Mean of 3rd Year Grade Point Average of all successful Students on a 10 point scale) or (Mean of the
percentage of marks of all successful students in Third Year/10)) x (number of successful students/number
of students appeared in the examination)
Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the final year.

Academic Performance CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3

Mean of CGPA or Mean Percentage of all successful students


Total no. of successful students (Y)

Total no. of students appeared in the examination (Z)

API = x* (Y/Z) AP 1 AP 2 AP 3

Average API = (AP1 + AP2 + AP3)/3

B3.6.Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship

Item CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3

Total No. of Final Year Students (N)

No. of students placed in companies or Government Sector (x)

No. of students admitted to higher studies with valid qualifying

scores (GATE or equivalent State or National Level Tests, GRE,
GMAT etc.) (y)

No. of students turned entrepreneur in engineering/technology (z)


Placement Index : (x + y + z )/N P1 P2 P3

Average placement= (P1 + P2 + P3)/3

PART C. Criterion wise Compliance Status

S.N. Criteria Observations made by NBA Compliance Status

(During the last accreditation visit) (Action taken by the

1 Vision, Mission & PEOs

1.1. Formulation
1.2. Dissemination
1.3. Assessment
1.4. Any other observations of the

2 Course outcome and Program

2.1. Formulation
2.2. Mapping
2.3. Any other observations of the NBA

3. Curriculum Design, if
3.1. Process to identify the gap, if
applicable and action taken
3.2. Curriculum Structure &
Component (as applicable)
3.3. Any other observations of the
4 Details of the Action taken on the Observation of NBA during last visit:

It is hereby declared that information provided in this Compliance Report is factually correct. I
understand and agree that an appropriate action against the Institute will be initiated by the NBA
(which may include debarring the institution for three years), in case any false
statement/information is observed during the assessment of the compliance report.

Date: Signature & Name

Place: Head of the Institution with seal


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