Sharing The Planet

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Leading to a Bright Future

Year 1 Thu Thiem / Thao Dien Unit of Inquiry 1 Overview

Sharing the planet:
Transdisciplinary Theme Sharing the planet:

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with
living things; communities and the relationships within them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict
Central Idea
Interactions between living things are essential to our environment.
Causation, Connection, Responsibility
Related concepts
Impact, interactions, living things, Growth Cycles
Lines of Inquiry

How environmental factors influence living things

Human impact on the environment
Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary

Hear, read and write initial letter sounds.

Know the name and most common sound associated with every letter in the English alphabet.
Use knowledge of sounds to write simple regular words, and to attempt other words.
Spell familiar common words accurately, drawing on sight vocabulary.


Join in with reading familiar, simple stories and poems. Demonstrate an understanding that one spoken word
corresponds with one written word.
Know that in English, print is read from left to right and top to bottom.
Read a range of common words on sight.
Use phonic knowledge to read decodable words and to attempt to sound out some elements of unfamiliar
Talk about events in a story and make simple inferences about characters and events to show understanding.


Compose and write a simple sentence with a capital letter and a full stop.
Write simple information texts with labels, captions, lists, questions and instructions for a purpose.

Form letters correctly.

Speaking and Listening

Show some awareness of the listener through non-verbal communication.


Recite numbers in order (forwards from 1 to 100, backwards from 20 to 0)

Read and write numerals from 0 to 20

Count on in 2s beginning to recognise odd/even numbers to 20 as every other number

Use more or less to compare two numbers, and give a number which lies between them

Give a sensible estimate of some objects that can be checked by counting, e.g to 30

Use the = sign to represent equality


Know all number pairs to 10 and record the related addition

Know doubles to at least double 5

Addition and Subtraction

Understand addition as counting on and combining two sets; record related addition sentences

Add a single-digit number by counting on/back

Find two more or less than a number to 20, recording the jumps on a number line

Add a pair of numbers by putting the larger number first and counting on
Length, Mass & Capacity

Compare lengths by direct comparison, then by using uniform non-standard units

Estimate and compare capacity by direct comparison, then by using uniform non-standard units

Use comparative language, e.g. longer, shorter, heavier, lighter

begin to understand and use some units of time weeks, months. - TIME
Problem Solving

Choose appropriate strategies to carry out calculations explaining working out

Explore number problems and puzzles

Make a sensible estimation of a calculation and consider whether an answer is reasonable

Physical Education
During the second unit of inquiry, students in Physical Education will be involved in a variety of minor games including
running and tag games. These will be used to develop the students ability to follow instructions, awareness of other
players and their own gross motor skills of running and evading players.

Vietnamese Language and Culture (VNC)

Vietnamese Language and Culture (VLC)


Year 1 will continue their next VLC topics with
Numbers and Feelings. During VLC lessons, the
students will learn how to count to 20, introduce
their age and express their feelings in
*Culture focus:
Important celebration in a Vietnameses life-part 1:
Tic y thng (One month old celebration

The Year 1 students will be singing songs

connected to living things focusing on the Music
Elements of Duration (staying time to a steady
beat) and Pitch (singing in tune). Songs will include
'The Butterfly Colours Song', '5 Little Speckled
Frogs' and 'Each of us is a Flower'.

Bjorn Billson, Jo Hendren

Year 1 Teachers Thao Dien Campus

In unit 2, year 1 VNC will be continued on

Vietnamese phonics, the alphabet, story-telling,
- Phonics, alphabet and handwriting: i, k, l, m,
n, o, . , p

Story-telling: Ra v th - story about

the rabbit and the turtle / kh v ra-story
about the monkey and the turtle/ Chia
phn story about sharing

Line and Shape
Central Idea: Shapes can be found in art and in the
environment. Artworks can contain both geometric and
organic shapes.
Lines of Inquiry:

How do shapes help to express ideas and tell a

story in works of art?

What is the difference between a line and a


Where can I find two-dimensional shapes in

everyday life?
Loretta Wayth, Taylor Oughton
Year 1 Teachers Thu Thiem Campus

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