Modified Skyhook Control
Modified Skyhook Control
Modified Skyhook Control
Hyun-Chul Sohn
Department of Mechanical and Intelligent
Systems Engineering
Pusan National University,
30 Changjeon-dong, Kumjeong-ku,
Pusan 609-735, Korea
J. Karl Hedrick
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720-1740
the road surface and therefore to decrease the resonant peak near
10 Hz, which is the resonant frequency of the unsprung mass. For
a fixed suspension spring constant, the better isolation of the
sprung mass from the road disturbances can be achieved with a
soft damping by allowing a larger suspension deflection. However, the better road contact can be achieved with a hard damping
by not allowing unnecessary suspension deflections. Therefore,
the ride quality and the handling performance of vehicle are two
conflicting criteria in the control system design of suspension
Since the skyhook control strategy was introduced by Karnopp
et al. 1, in which a fictitious damper is inserted between the
sprung mass and the stationary sky as a way of suppressing the
vibratory motion of the sprung mass and as a tool to compute the
desired damping force, a number of innovative control methodologies have been proposed to implement this strategy. The skyhook control can reduce the resonant peak of the sprung mass
quite significantly and thus achieves a good ride quality. But, in
order to improve both the ride quality and the handling performance of vehicle, both resonant peaks of the sprung mass and the
unsprung mass need to be reduced. It is known, however, that the
skyhook damper alone cannot reduce both resonant peaks at the
same time. From this point of view, Besinger et al. 2 proposed a
modification of the skyhook control, which includes both a passive damper as well as a skyhook damper, for the computation of
desired control inputs. Novak and Valasek 3 have proposed a
groundhook control, which assumes an additional fictitious
damper between the unsprung mass and the ground, for the purpose of decreasing the dynamic tire force.
Compared to the various control techniques appeared in the
literature, the issues related to the modeling of suspension systems
are rare. Jonsson 4 conducted a finite element analysis for evaluating the deformations of suspension components. Stensson et al.
5 proposed three nonlinear models for the Macpherson strut
wheel suspension for the analysis of motion, force, and deformations. These models would be appropriate for the analysis of mechanics, but are not adequate for control purpose. In the conventional quarter car model Yue et al. 6, only the up-down
movements of the sprung and unsprung masses are assumed. In
the conventional model, the role of the control arm is completely
the unsprung mass. For the brevity of this paper, the detailed
assumptions made for this model are referred to Hong et al. 9. If
the joint between the control arm and the car body is assumed to
be a bushing and the mass of the control arm is included, the
degree-of-freedom of a 1/4-car system is four. The generalized
coordinates in this case are z s , d, 1 , and 2 . However, if the
mass of the control arm is neglected and the bushing is assumed to
be a pin joint, then the degree-of-freedom becomes two, reducing
the generalized coordinates from four to two, z s and as depicted
in Fig. 2. In Hong et al. 9, the equations of motion for this
model are derived. In this section, the derivation in Hong et al. 9
is modified to fit to the control problem of the semi-active suspension system with a continuously variable damper.
The definitions of the parameters and variables in Fig. 2 are:
Parameters Data: m s is the sprung mass 453 Kg; m u is the
unsprung mass 36 Kg; k s is the spring constant of the coil spring
17,658 N/m; k t is the spring constant of the tire 183,887 N/m;
l A is the distance from O to A 0.66 m; l B is the distance from O
to B 0.34 m; l C is the length of the control arm 0.37 m; is the
angle between the y-axis and OA 74 deg; 0 is the angular
displacement of the control arm at a static equilibrium point 2
Variables: z s is the vertical displacement of the sprung mass;
is the angular displacement of the unsprung mass; l is the relative displacement in the rattle space, and finally f s is the control
damping force generated by the continuously variable damper.
A schematic diagram of the Macpherson strut suspension system is shown in Fig. 1. This model admits the rotational motion of
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
T 21 m s m u z s2 21 m u l C2 2 m u l C cos 0 z s ,
V 2 k s 2a l b l cos cos 2 a l2 a l b l cos
k t z s l C sin 0 sin 0 z r ,
c p b l2 sin2 2
c p l 2
8 a l b l cos
where a l l A2 l B2 , b l 2l A l B , 0 , c l a l2 a l b l cos(),
and d l a l b l b l2 cos().
For the two generalized coordinates q 1 z s and q 2 , the
equations of motion are:
m s m u z s m u l C cos 0 m u l C sin 0 2
k t z s l C sin 0 sin 0 z r 0,
m u l 2c m u l C
b l
sin 0 z r
k s sin
c l d l cos 1/2
l B f s .
f 1
x 2 f 1 x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ,x 4 , f s ,z r ,
x 3 x 4 ,
x 4 f 2 x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ,x 4 , f s ,z r ,
a 21
a 23
a 41
a 43
m 2u l C2 sin x 3 0 cos x 3 0 x 24
g 1 x 3 m s l C m u l C sin2 x 3 0 ,
z z x 1 ,x 2 ,z r x 1 l C sin x 3 0 sin 0 z r .
160 Vol. 124, MARCH 2002
xx e
k t l C sin2 0
m s l C m u l C sin2 0
m s k t l C cos 0
m s m u l C2 m 2u l C2
sin 0
cos x 3 0 z m s m u l B f s ,
g 3 x 3 b l
c l d l cos x 3 1/2
f1 f2
zr zr
m s m u k s sin x 3 g 3 x 3 m s k t l C
g 2 x 3 m s m u l C2 m 2u l C2 sin2 x 3 0 ,
xx e
m s m u l C2 m 2u l C2 sin2 0
l B f s cos x 3 0 ,
l B cos 0
m s l C m u l C sin2 0
m s m u l B
B 2 0
f1 f2
fs fs
g 2 x 3
xx e
B 1 0
m u l C2 sin x 3 0 x 24 k s
g 1 x 3
f 2
x 0 x 0
a 21
k t l C sin2 0
m s l C m u l C sin2 0
Transactions of the ASME
a 23
m s l C m u l C sin2 0 2
cos 0
k b
2 s l c l d l cos 1/2
d l2 sin
k s sin cos 0
2 c l d l cos 3/2
b l
c l d l cos 1/2
a 41
a 43
m s k t l C cos 0
m s m u l C2 m 2u l C2 sin2 0
m s m u l C2 m 2u l C2
sin 0
b l
c l d l cos 1/2
d l2
2 c l d l cos 3/2
m m u k s cos
2 s
z s
F 1 z s
y f ilter ,
F 2 z s
m s m u k s
m s k t l C2 cos 0
m s m u l C2 m 2u l C2 sin2 0
sin sin 0 b l
m m u m 2u k s l C2
2 s
c l d l cos 1/2
Remark 2: Comparing the linearized Eq. 4 with the conventional model Yue et al. 6, in which only the vertical movement
of both the sprung and the unsprung masses is considered, the
transfer function of the conventional model and that of 4 become
identical if l B l C , l B l A cos , and 0 0 deg. Therefore, the
conventional model is a special case of this new model in the
sense that the same transfer function can be achieved by restricting l B l C and 0 0. For the detailed comparison, Hong et al. 9
is referred.
Now, because z s is measured, the output equation by defining
yz s is derived as follows:
y t Cx t D 1 f s D 2 z r ,
C a 21 0 a 23 0 ,
D 2
D 1
l B cos 0
0.002 ,
m s l C m u l C sin2 0
k t l C sin2 0
0.494 .
m s l C m u l C sin2 0
b l sin
, f , .
2 a l b l cos 1/2
l0. Now, after a brief discussion on the control law, the issues
related to the road estimation, gain scheduling, and filtering are
described in Sections 3.33.6, respectively.
1) Ideal Skyhook Control. Among the many control methods
developed, the skyhook control introduced by Karnopp et al. 1
is known most effective in terms of the simplicity of the control
algorithm. Their original work uses only one inertia damper between the sprung mass and the inertia frame. The skyhook control
is applicable for both a semi-active system as well as an active
system. However, the original strategy did not pay attention to the
unsprung mass vibrations and therefore might deteriorate the handling performance of vehicle due to the excessive vibrations of the
unsprung mass. In order to overcome the demerits of the original
skyhook control, various modified approaches have been proposed
in the literature Besinger et al. 2, Novak and Valasek 3.
2) Skyhook-Groundhook Control. The groundhook control
by Novak and Valasek 3, which assumes an additional inertia
damper between the unsprung mass and the ground, was proposed
for the purpose of reducing excessive motion of the unsprung
mass. This strategy can compromise the two conflicting criteria,
the ride quality and the handling performance of vehicle. From
Fig. 2, the control force of the skyhook-groundhook model
uc sky z s c p lc gro z s l C
where c sky , c p , and c gro are the damping coefficients of the skyhook damper, the passive damper, and the groundhook damper,
respectively. However, because the value of has to be used, this
strategy is not suitable in our case.
3) A Modified Skyhook Control With Gain Scheduling. A
modified skyhook control, which proposes the inclusion of a variable damper besides a skyhook damper, can still achieve both
control objectives by assigning most appropriate damping coefficients at various road conditions. The following law is proposed:
uc sky z r z s c v z r l
where both the skyhook gain c sky and the variable damper gain c v
depend on the road estimate z r . The scheduling of gains is discussed in Section 3.5. Even though the calculation of control input
is carried out by 9, the generation of control input should be
carried by the variable damper itself. Also, because of saturation,
the actual control force from a CVD is limited as follows:
f s
f s* ,
if f s* u
if f s * u f s*
f s*
if f s * u
where f s* and f s * denote the maximum and the minimum damping forces available at a given relative velocity. For large control
inputs, the actuator saturation would be unavoidable. Therefore,
the control performance of a semi-active damper would be less
perfect in severe road conditions.
The characteristics of a typical CVD are depicted in Fig. 4. The
solid line in the middle section denotes the damping force characteristics of a typical passive damper. The dotted line of highest
slope denotes the characteristics for 0 Ampere current input,
which is the most hard case. The triangles overlaid on top of the
dotted line represent the lookup table values of the maximum
damping force. The dotted line of lowest slope denotes the minimum damping force characteristics for 1.6 Ampere current input.
Again, the squares denote the lookup table values of the minimum
damping force. The damping forces in the extension region the
first quadrant in Fig. 4 are larger than those in the compression
region the third quadrant.
3.2 Current Generation. The damping force generated in a
hydraulic-type semi-active damper depends on two things: the
size of valve opening, i.e., the current input to the solenoid valve,
and the relative velocity in the rattle space. To determine the current input to the solenoid valve, it is necessary to know the damping force characteristics of the valve versus the current input at a
given relative velocity. For this, two approaches can be pursued.
One is an analytic approach, which investigates a mathematical
expression for the entire hydraulic system including the cylinder
and valve dynamics. However, the mechanism of a semi-active
damper is very complicated and the damping force characteristics
in the expansion and compression strokes are different because the
volumes of compression and reaction chambers are different and
some valves allow the fluid to flow only in one direction. It is also
difficult to measure the parameter values and furthermore the viscosity of oil and gas mixture may vary in temperature and time.
Another approach is an experimental approach, which is more or
less straightforward. The damping forces for various input currents for a specific relative velocity can be measured in a test rig.
In this paper, the experimental approach is adopted.
The experimental data can be either tabulated as a look-up table
or approximated as a polynomial equation by using the least
squares method. After dividing the relative velocity range into
four different sections, the polynomial equations made for individual sections are tabulated in Table 1.
As far as the final results are concerned, as seen in Fig. 4 where
the number of cases for the lookup table is N p 51, there is not
much difference between these two approaches. However, a
smaller access time is possible with the polynomial approach.
This is very important because the entire control algorithm should
be coded in a 16-bit microprocessor. Figure 5 compares the access
time of the two methods for the relative velocity range within
1.4 m/s. It is seen that the access time to the polynomial equation is constant, but the access time to use the look-up table in-
Fig. 4 Damping force characteristics of a typical CVD: comparison between lookup table and polynomial
if c
if c
Note that once the vehicle speed V is fixed, the following relationship holds also see Table 2.
Fig. 5 Access time comparison: lookup table and polynomial
S i1 f 4S i f ,
if c
if c
w t z r
TF i TF min 2
BA i BA min
w a z r
TF maxTF min
BA maxBA min
2 Nd
z r m e j 2 km/N s A rk jB rk ,
k0,1, . . . ,N s 1
A rk
Fig. 7 Conflicting behavior between the ride comfort and the
handling performance of vehicle
B rk
where TF and BA denote the RMS values of the dynamic tire
force and the body acceleration; w a (z r ) and w t (z r ) are two
weighting factors, respectively. The selection of the weighting
factors is subjective, but the rougher the road is, the larger w t (z r )
is suggested. It is also noted that the gains should be selected in
such a way that the dynamic tire force is smaller than the static
tire force. Finally, the optimal gains determined for all ISO roads
are tabulated in Table 3.
3.5 Road Detection and Gain Tuning. In this section, using the data z s measured, the estimation of road roughness and the
determination of the controller gain for the estimated road are
described. The transfer function from z r (s) to z s (s) is derived
from 4 and 5 as follows:
G rs s ,
where A AB 1 H, C CD 1 H, (A,B 2 ,C,D 2 ) are from 4
5, and H satisfies f s c p lHx, where H,c p 0 0 l/
l/ ( 0,0, 0 ,0) . It is noted that H has been introduced to
avoid possible roots on the imaginary axis. In this work, H
0 0 0 614 has been used. Therefore, using the transfer function above, the road input can be estimated as follows:
G rs
s z s s
z r m cos
N s 1
z r m sin
S f bn A r1
B r1
2 km
2 km
k1,2, . . . ,
k0,1, . . . ,
S f wn A r5
B r5
S f bn
z r s
N s 1
z s s
C sIA 1 B 2 D 2
z r s
N b ,N w
S i f bn
f bn N b
S f wn
S f wn
S i f wn
f wn N w
1.5,1.5 ,
2,1.5 ,
2,2 ,
for 2 f bn V
for 2 f bn V2 f wn .
for 2 f wn V
Fig. 8 Estimation of the ISO B, C, and D road classes simulation results: sampling time T 10 msec
S i1 f bn o
S f
g i log
g i1
g o
log S i1 f bn log S i f bn
z s
where 0.707 and n 0.1 Hz. Equation 23 performs as a differentiator below 0.1 Hz and as an integrator above 0.1 Hz. Consequently, this filter will provides a satisfactory absolute velocity
of the sprung mass by excluding a possible DC offset.
2) Relative Velocity of the Sprung and Unsprung Masses.
The relative velocity of two masses is estimated using the model
of suspension dynamics. Assume that 0 0 and is sufficiently
small. Then, the following approximations hold:
hor 0,
z u z s l C ,
z u z s
ll B z s z u .
where m s , c p , and k s are the suspension parameters. It is noted
that a low pass filter 1/(1 s) has been added for eliminating
noises, where 1/2 l , 0.707, and l 1520 Hz.
where g io and g i1
are the optimal gains for ISO ith and (i
1)th roads, respectively.
z s F 1 z s
l B z s z u
m ss
z s
lF 2 z s
z s
l C c p sk s 1 s s
Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations
The CVD unit has been used for the hardware-in-thesimulations HILS. The purpose of the HILS is to consider the
actuator dynamics neglected during the stages of modeling and
control system design. Therefore, the nonlinear characteristics of
the damping force together with the time-delay and the neglected
dynamics of the solenoid valve can be fully incorporated during
the HILS. Figure 9 shows the configuration for the HILS.
MATLAB/SIMULINK MathWorks Inc. is used as a computeraided control system tool, i.e., a programming environment, and a
dSPACE board digital signal processor board of dSPACE GmbH
Inc. is used as a rapid control prototyping tool for implementing
the plant dynamics and control laws.
The input current, generated by the PWM voltage signal from
TMS320P14, changes the damping force of the CVD. The relative
velocity of the sprung and unsprung masses is made by the MTS
test rig, which consists of a hydraulic actuator, a loadcell, a LVDT,
etc. The procedure for the HILS is summarized as follows:
1 The control algorithm is first of all designed off-line using
2 Using the Real-Time-Workshop, a C-code of the control algorithm from its block diagram form is generated. The C-code is
again downloaded to the target DSP board using the Real-TimeInterface. Therefore, the dynamic models developed can be reused
easily for the HILS.
3 The PWM voltage signal related to the damping force and
the relative displacement stroke calculated from the dynamic
model in the computer are transmitted to the damper drive unit
and the MTS control unit, respectively, through D/A converters.
4 The damper drive unit transforms the PWM voltage signal
into a current signal from 0 Ampere to 1.6 Ampere and supplies
the current signal to the CVD. The PWM voltage signal has 2 kHz
carrier frequency and the duty ratio of the PWM voltage signal
This work was supported in part by the Korea Research Foundation under Grant KRF-2000-EA0096. The second author was
supported in part by the Brain Korea 21 Program of the Ministry
of Education and Human Resources, Korea.
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