Item 023 PDF
Item 023 PDF
Item 023 PDF
(edited and introduction by Wyant Lamont) For the first The Big One! OP 1666, the encyclopedic reference
time in the free world, complete practical and tech- work formerly selling among rare book collectors and
nical information is given on the only weapon in history ordnance students for as high as $50 and more, now
to be produced in an estimated 30,000,000 units, the reprinted in its entirity, not one word or detailed
AK-47 Assault Rifle and its variations. With over 150 illustration left out. This monumental work was the
pages and over 100 illustrations (most of which never result of an exhaustive study of German explosive
before released), this comprehensive volume covers ordnance conducted by US Army Technical Intelligence
all aspects of these excellent weapons, from history, experts after WWII, a volume so thorough and definidentification of AK-AKM-& RPK model variations and itive it still is the official reference source in the
production origin, detailed parts nomenclature and field of German explosive ordnance, and stands
description withtext and photos,functioning, disassem- unequalled by any volume ever written on this subject.
bly, inspection, preparing for firing, use and handling,
Nearly 360 large 8X10" pages, nearly 320 detailed
stoppages and immediate action, right through to illustrations, many of which are composite photos
accuracy checks, cleaning and lubrication, storage, illustrating two or more specimens. It's all covered,
ammunition identification and firing tables, and train- from hand grenades to the A-10 rocket which was
ing. Includes exclusive complete translation of official slated to attack New York City from the coast of Nazi
Russian technical handbook.
occupied France.
A must book for every serviceman who might
Hundreds of devices are covered in illustrated
use the AK weapons, andfor every student or collector detail; how they are identified, designed, constructed
of military arms. A salient volume on the Communist and deployed. Virtually all are shown in detailed
Bloc's standard infantry rifle, and the world's most cutaway views, including: Bombs (light anti-personne
widely issued weapon, $3.50
torpedo, anti-tank, incendiary, pyrotechnic, high explosive, everything from 2 Kg to 4000 Kg), Fuzes
(for all types of explosive ordnance), Rockets (solid
Considered by many to be the best infantry rifle in and liquid fuel, ram-jet, the works, everything from
production today, the FN-FAL auto rifles have been air-to-air mini-rockets and bazookas to the infamous
adopted by more divergent powers and more of the V-1 and V-2 missiles that devastated London), Land
emerging new nations of the world than any other Mines (antitank, anti-personnel), Igniters (pressure,
weapon in history. For sale by the FN plant in Belgium pull-release, friction, magnetic, chemical, electrical;
in a great number of configurations, this rifle is a boobytrap devices, clockwork, anti-lift devices), Grenmost interesting and noteworthy weapon.
ades (variations of the notorious 'Potato Masher,'
This comprehensive manual illustrates and de- 'Egg' and 'Shaving Stick' types, even anti-tank hand
scribes the various models as offered for sale by grenades,
smoke and gas grenades, rifle grenades
the FN plant, including the semi-auto version once sold including AT, anti-personnel, illuminating and prop
in the USA for sporting and police use,' and military aganda, and pistol grenades).
match shooting. Also illustrated are the various modWithout a doubt, the most thorough volume ever
els which have been produced by other countries under compiled on German
Explosive Ordnance, a monumenlicense from FN, such as the British SLR and Canadian tal work that will never be equalled. The Big One,
C-1, and the ill-fated US T48 that lost out to the only $12.95, and a bargain at twice the price.
controversial M-14 rifle. All aspects of this rifle are
covered in illustrated detail: from general characteristics, functioning and technical data, to loading, firing, A quality reprint of TM 9-1211, on all models of the
zeroing, stoppages and immediate action, grenade famous BAR. Since its first appearance in WWI, this
launching, cleaning and maintenance, complete dis- weapon has been in use constantly all over the world,
assembly and assembly, special disassembly details and still serves on both sides of the war
in Viet Nam.
for heavy-barreled, lightweight and folding stock mod- Manufactured in many variations
in many countries
els, and a complete parts and accessory list. The and one of the outstanding weapons of its type ever
whole cheese. An important volume for every serious developed, the BAR models 1918, 1918A1, 1918A2
student of military arms, or soldiers using this weapon, M1922 are identified and thorough instructions and
over 180 clear illustrations, over 140 pages plus a given on complete disassembly and assembly, detail
large removeable fold out chart, only $3.00
inspection, maintenance and repair, includingtooIs for'
inspection and repair. Rebuilding of every part of
The Uzi submachine gun was designed by Uziel Gal, the weapon is delineated in illustrated detail, with
of clear illustrations, over 80 pp., only $2.00
and saw its first production in 1951, in Israel. Since
that time, as produced by the FN plant in Belgium, it
has grown to be the most widely distributed com- The official handbook issued during the civil war for
mercial SMG in production, and it is one of the best. the 'management
and cleaning' of the 'Rifle Musket,
This comprehensive volume gives fully illustrated Model 1863? This is a quality reprint of this fascindetails on both the wooden and folding metal stocked
ating relic, nearly 50 fine wood-cut illustrations, 28
models, from functioning, detail disassembly andparts pages of history, instruction, and fun reading, $1.00
description, technical specifications and data, to
loading, firing, handling, zeroing, stoppages and immediate action, cleaning and maintenance and accessories. The most comprehensive volume in print on
the world's most widely distributed commercial SMG.
The 'Trapdoor' Springfield, the first official standard
Nearly 50 pages, nearly 60 clear illustrations, plus
breech loading rifle in the US Military Service, and
large removeable fold out chart, $1.50
the rifle Custer had at the battle of the Little Big Horn,
KRAG RIFLE AND CARBINE the famous 'Peacemaker' .45 Colt revolver, and the
SWAT 'Schofield' .45 revolver --the guns that were used
Here's one for all the Krag rifle fanciers -- a reprint
in most of the Indian Wars, truly the guns that tamed
of the original 1893 manual on the first model of the the west. The description, use and maintenance
famous Krag-Jorgensen rifles to be adopted in the these famous arms is covered in detail with excerpts
US military service, the Model of 1892. This is the
from the official Army handbooks, issued inthe1800's.
manual issued to soldiers and armorers, to provide
Full of accurate and colorful details, from firingtables
instruction in the use and repair of the Krag. Over 130
to instructions for refinishing and re-browning the
fine illustrations, 36 pages, only $1.00
rifles. 64 fine illustrations, nearly 50 pages, $1.50
An excellent general treatise on the subject of explosBOOBYTRAPS
ives. Chapter one starts with general definition and
classification of explosives, explosions and deton-
(FM 31-50) Effective
(Bert 'Yank' Levy) This volume needs little introduction, as it is the classic how-to work on irregular
and partisan fighting which served as a text to train
the English Home Guard when England was threatened
by Nazi invasion. Written in an easy to understand
style for those citizens with little military experience
who find themselves suddenly faced with occupationby
a foreign aggressor, Levy explains how a relatively
untrained but determined citizenry may successfuly
oppose and destroy a heavily armed aggressor.
Levy flavors his book with personal experiences
and observations from three decades of participation
in a multitude of civil wars, revOlutions and gun running
forays. Sabotage, ambushes, demolition, scouting,.
stalking, street fighting, and anti-tank tactics are but
a few of the topics that 'Yank' discusses at length.
'Guerrilla Warfare' is necessary background material for students of guerrilla and irregular warfare.
'This is straightforward, simple stuff, and the
author, very much a man of action, had only two main
aims; to cover the subject as comprehensively as
possible, and to get the message across. He succeeded admirably.' (Irish Defense Journal)
'This is a how to do it book.' (Army Times)
The classic volume on guerrilla warfare, $2.00
(Adapted from Australian Military Forces publication)
Ambushing, which is perhaps the oldest tactic in the
long history of war, has in recent times become the
most widely used insurgent technique in Communist
Revolutionary warfare, because successful ambushesachieve results far out of proportion to the number of
men deployed and permit the ambushers to melt away
quickly before normal retaliatory action can be mountThis concise and comprehensive Australian
military text covers the subject admirably, studying
the topic as follows:
AMBUSHES: General Considerations (introduction,
ambush sites., types, principles), Planning (general,
factors, layout, action after springing ambush, withdrawal, administrative, alternative plans), Preparation & Occupation (reconnaissance, orders and rehearsals, occupation, lying in ambush), Execution
(springing, subsequent action, withdrawal, ambushes
at night), Small Deliberate Ambushes (grouping, layout), Large Deliberate Ambushes (size, problems,
reaction and counter, static ambushes, mobile ambushes), and Training.
COUNTER AMBUSH: General Considerations (introduction, responsibilities), Counter Ambush when on
Foot (avoidance, breaking out, whole force ambushed,
part of force ambushed, counter ambush by night,
special points), Counter Ambush for Vehicle Convoys
(general, action before contact, action on contact,
drill, road blocks., debussing, training), Counter Ambush for Watercraft (types of boats, security, drill),
plus appendixes. Very fine coverage of an important subject. 80.pages, illustrated, $2.00
Prepared by the US Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, this guide is an aid for use in identifying small arms ammunition up to and including
14.5mm. It enables the user to identify specifically
both the caliber and country of manufacture of any
currently used round, on the basis of shape, size,
markings. Also explains the headstamping practices of 60 countries, lists the principal weapons
chambered for each of the 60 calibers, and includes
a listing of the identifying markings in Use by each
country. Covers all military cartridges manufactured
since 1930! 79 illustrations, 151 pages, $3.00
(Captain S. J. Cuthbert, Scotts Guards) This manual,
Prepared 15y a committee
by Jay
by Bill Jordan, 'US Border Patrol (pub, by the author).
Be first or be dead...there is no second place winner,
in a gun fight! And the subject of this book is the way