Brochure CaringEN

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Caring Entrepreneurship Fund

Activity report
January 2015

The Caring Entrepreneurship Fund wants to promote entrepreneurship in the

Health and Wellness sector in Belgium by supporting starting entrepreneurs
through financial help, networking and mentoring. A special emphasize is put
during the selection of the projects on the potential of job creation the activity
of the company will generate.
It was created in 2009 by Roch Doliveux who strongly believes that
entrepreneurship is key for the vitality of the economy and that the Health and
Wellness sector has an important role to play in the future of a welfare state.
This is even more so in our current situation of aging population that puts extra
strain on the system.
Depending on the projects, the Fund offers financial support through loans or
participations in the capital. We also provide mentoring to the Fellows in the
areas where they need specific help at the different stages of development of
their projects. We create networking opportunities to the entrepreneurs.
Meeting the right person at the right moment is often a crucial boost in the
development of the start-ups.

This brochure will give you an overview of the companies that were helped since
the creation of the Fund. Initially the Fund was mainly distributing grants and
has now adapted its policy to propose loans, participation in the capital of the
company or in-kind help. It has proven more efficient for the entrepreneurs. It is
a trigger to perform but also, it keeps our relationship alive so that we can offer
additional support in terms of expertise or networking. It also ensures that the
money circulates and comes back to the Fund to be reinvested in new exciting
projects. This way, we hope to have the wheel running for a long time!

The Caring Entrepreneurship Fund initiative appeals to

the societal responsibility of anyone who trust that, in our
world, entrepreneurship and business start-ups, especially
in the field of health and wellness with large rising unmet
needs, are a key force for development and progress.
Through the creation of the Fund, I therefore wanted to encourage
entrepreneurship. The societal impact, the wealth creation, the employment
opportunities and the future of the planet reside in the hands of entrepreneurs
those capable, innovative, driven individuals who can effect change and make things

The goal of the CEF is to guide entrepreneurs when they decide to create their
companies, often as soon as they conceive the idea. We usually act in the early
stages, before equity investors become involved.
In this context, assisting new entrepreneurs in the steps they take, by making
available to them the accumulated experience, networks and financial resources, is
not only a moral duty, but also a contribution to social progress.
This project started as a personal initiative as a result of a restructuring I had to lead
in 2008 with the firm goal to help people start their own business and create
jobs. Since then, several Entrepreneurial Philanthropists have joined and I am
appealing to the responsibility of any successful entrepreneur, any successful leader
and financiers to join forces with us, for supporting new entrepreneurs with the
shared ambition to build a better world.
I encourage you to read the stories of the fellows entrepreneurs whom the Caring
Entrepreneurship Fund has supported so far. They should further fuel your desire to

On behalf of the Steering Group and the Investment Committee, I thank you for
your donations whether monetary and/or in kind.
Warm wishes,
Roch Doliveux
Founder of the Caring Entrepreneurship Fund

Apiquiet is active in the development of solutions allowing the elderly to live longer
at home.
Our system is based on sensors that monitor activities inside the home and
seamlessly connects the elderly to their care network. Caregivers and family,
equipped with mobile devices (tablet and/or smartphone), can consult the status of
their resident at any time and receive alerts when unexpected events occur. Alerts
may be activated by the resident himself or by the system which detects an unusual
Our next challenge is to bring our system to the Belgian market and establish a proof
of business. We are currently looking for caregivers willing to deploy our solution in
their daily business. Up until now, we have been testing some prototypes on several
pilot sites.
Date of creation: 2014
Support of the CEF: loan - 20.000 in 2014
Location: Mons
Number of people employed (2014): 1
Turnover (2013): /
Contact person: Gregory Lenoir,

Axinesis is a Spin-off project lead by Julien Sapin in the team of Professor Bruno
Dehez from the Universit Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Its mission is to develop and
put on the market rehabilitation robotic devices for children and adults suffering
from all stage of upper limb motor impairments, with a primary focus on strokes.
Our first product, REAplan, mobilizes patients arm carrying the hand or the forearm
along paths included in a plan. This robotic personal trainer has the ability to
measure and interpret the force exchange between it and the patient, which allows
smooth and continuous interaction with him. It also challenges the patient by
providing assistance only when its necessary. It is adapted for all stages of
rehabilitation and for every patient size.
This multifunctional mechatronics coach can be used for rehabilitation and
evaluation of patients, and stores data to follow and monitor their evolution during
and after the therapy.
REAplan is the perfect therapists companion and is the perfect solution for hospitals
facing shortage in therapist and resources.
Our current challenges are fund raising and obtaining the ISO 13485 certification for
Axinesis and the CE marking for REAplan in order to bring it to market.
Date of creation: 2015
Support of the CEF: participation in capital - 40.000 in 2015
Location: Louvain-la-Neuve
Contact person: Julien Sapin,

DNAlytics, technology for data analysis, allows the implementation of innovative
strategies for personalized and predictive medicine in clinical research and its
applications. The resulting benefits for the biopharmaceutical industry are reductions
of development risk and duration, an increased ROI, as well as the opening of new
avenues of development.
We operate both as service providers for pharma, biotech or In Vitro Diagnostic
companies, and as product developers for clinicians.
We aim at being the data analysis partner of choice in the field of predictive and
personalized medicine at the European level.
Date of creation : 2012
Support of the CEF: loan 50.000 in 2012
Location: Louvain-la-Neuve
Number of people employed (2014): 4
Turnover (2013): 42.000
Contact person: Thibaut Helleputte,

Domobios is a pharmaceutical laboratory active in the development and sale of
products aimed at eradicating domestic pests like house dust mites. Its main product,
Acar'Up, is the leader in the treatment of house dust mites allergies in Belgium. It's a
trap device, very easy to use, designed to extract and kill the allergenic dust mites
living in mattresses, chairs, carpets and other upholstered furniture. Acar'Up is
supported by allergists and sold in all Belgian pharmacies.
Our current challenge is to find a strategic partner to expand worldwide. Up till now,
Domobios has been focusing on developing the Belgian market in order to create a
"proof of business". Belgian market is now a success, we focus on our expansion and
look for strategic partners for our worldwide expansion.

Date of creation : January 2013

Support of the CEF: participation in capital - 50.000 in 2013
Location: Brussels
Number of people employed (2014): 7
Turnover (2013): 260.000
Contact person: Pierre Buffet,

Esperity is a tool dedicated to the cancer community, allowing cancer patients to
interact and exchange valuable information. Esperity is a platform for cancer patients
to share experiences with other cancer patients in order to fully empower each
other. Furthermore, Esperity provides users with a tool for the daily management of
their condition, involving their cancer treatment, symptoms, lifestyle indicators and
an overview of open clinical trials. Through Esperity cancer patients throughout the
world can connect with each other without any language barriers.
Our current challenge is to get traction on the B2B side. Up till now, Esperity has
been focusing on acquiring users on the platform in various languages. Now that
there is traction on that side, the business model needs to be validated.

Date of creation : September 2012

Support of the CEF: convertible loan - 50.000 in 2014
Location: Brussels
Number of people employed (2014): 1
Turnover (2013): /
Contact person: Mitch Silva,

Generous offers a range of delicious handmade, organic and gluten free products.
Today, Generous has a range of 6 different cookies. The cookies are sold in organic
shops and in fine grocery stores.
The company aims to build an international brand by focusing on 3 pillars :
taste: offer the best biscuits using prime gluten-free organic ingredients and
original recipes
gluten-free positioning: increasing demand for free-from-foods
strong brand identity: original packaging.
The company has also developed a second brand Little Pleasures which is
currently sold in the retail stores Delhaize and which is made of 3 different flavors :
lemon, chocolate and speculoos.
Our current challenge is to ensure a sustainable growth by improving the profit
margins, enlarging the current product range, consolidating the current clients and
developing new markets.
Date of creation: 2012
Support of the CEF: participation in capital - 50.000 in 2013
Location: Anderlecht, Brussels
Number of people employed (2014): 6
Turnover (2014): 400.000
Contact person: Christophe Harou,

icoMetrix is an imaging biomarker company. We receive images from our customers,
perform automated measurements on them, and send the results back. These
measurements help doctors and researchers improving their diagnosis and better
understand their patients. Our main product is MSmetrix, software-as-a-service that
calculates brain shrinkage or atrophy. This measurement is of great importance to
improve the treatment and follow-up of patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Our current challenge is to transform from a project to a product company, launching
MSmetrix in the European Union and United States, including regulatory approval
and setting up an adequate sales organization.

Date of creation : 2011

Support of the CEF: participation in capital 50.000 in 2011
Location: Leuven
Number of people employed (2014): 15
Turnover (2013): 800.000
Contact person: Dirk Loeckx,

Marjore is an innovative application that aims to raise awareness about diabetes in a
fun and interactive way. Marjore also gives the patients a tool to inform their
environment about their own disease.
We give the users an opportunity to connect with the diabetes online community
through the game and at meet-ups. With the game, the users learn about the impact
of diabetes in a persons life and connect with the global health community.

The challenges ahead of us:

Further coding of the wireframes/apps
Continue the re-launched market research
Date of creation : 2012
Support of the CEF: grant 11.250 in 2012
Location: Brussels
Number of people employed (2014): 1
Turnover (2013): /
Contact person: Margot Vanfleteren,

Mimique is a skincare line of 4 products: Cleansing Milk, 2 Liposomal creams for the
face and a Body Lotion. It is distributed through the independent local and online
pharmacies in Flanders. It is 100% based on biomimicry science: innovation inspired
by nature. They are skin-identical creams: the structure & composition of the
Mimique creams are almost identical to the natural structure and composition of our
skin. They are free from all preservatives, the probability of contact allergies is
thereby minimized. The products focus on safety and efficacy/effectiveness. Also
suitable for the ultra-sensitive skin of cancer patients (during/after
chemotherapy/radiation). Unisex and 100% safe, also suitable for babies and
Our current challenge is exploring International markets, like the Scandinavian
countries (more open to this kind of disruptive skincare).
Date of creation : 2014
Support of the CEF: loan - 20.000 in 2014
Location: Gent
Number of people employed (2014): 1
Turnover (2013): /
Contact person: Nisha Van Wanzeele,

Peachtree BioResearch Solutions is a boutique Contract Research Organization
headquartered in Atlanta, USA with over 20 associates. We assist medical device and
pharmaceutical companies in North America and Europe by delivering quality clinical
development services and innovative resourcing solutions in an efficient and cost
effective manner.
The current challenges are to sign new clients and projects, to develop one additional
preferred provider relationship for 2015 and to expand our current preferred
provider relationships into new service areas and/or projects.

Date of creation : 2009

Support of the CEF: loan 50.000 in 2009
Location: Atlanta (USA)
Number of people employed (2014): 18
Turnover (2013): 1.800.000$
Contact person: Kristy Nichols,

Qualenica is an innovative pharmaceutical company specialized in compounding
Our main customers are:
- Pharmacies: Qualenica supports the pharmacists in their compounding activities
and in helping them make a range of profitable, private label products.
- Retirement home distributors: Pharmacies who distribute products to retirement
homes can ask help from Qualenica for making half and unique dosed capsules for
individual packed medicines.
- Hospital pharmacy: Without any investment, Qualenica can help to make the
compounding activities profitable with the highest possible quality.
- R&D institutions: We have machines and people with a broad experience at
disposal for research projects.
The challenges ahead of us are to optimize our processes and build our salesforce.
Date of creation : 2013

Support of the CEF: loan 30.000 in 2014

Location: Antwerpen
Number of people employed (2014): 6
Turnover (2013): 30.000
Turnover (2014): est. 285.000

The SiiN Institute

The Scientific Institute for Intelligent Nutrition was founded in partnership with
doctors, scientists, academics in order to promote on a large scale a long term
healthy way of eating, which we call Intelligent Nutrition. SiiN is based on a scientific
committee, who is gathered into an International College for an Intelligent Nutrition
in order to build legitimacy, independency, scientific rigor and an ethical approach.
On a concrete basis, SiiN offers a lot of practical services, so that we can all have
access to Intelligent Nutrition more easily. For example, SiiN is a certified training
organization, allowed to train health care professionals, doctors, pharmacists,
dieticians to convey the messages. SiiN also offers training and coaching of chefs,
whether from restaurants or institutions such as private hospitals, retirement
homes anywhere where people eat so that everyone can have access to Intelligent
Nutrition on a daily basis. SiiN actively supports the Intelligent Nutrition IN, a healthy
way of eating, good for humankind and good for the planet, the IN approach which is
certified by an independent European certification organization.

Date of creation : 2009

Support of the CEF: grant - 30.000 in 2012
Location: La Bruyre (Namur)
Number of people employed (2014): 3
Turnover (2013): 95.000
Contact person: Genevieve Moreau ,

Skinoo is a new, patented invention to help mothers enjoy their breastfeeding. Many
women suffer from chapping and cracks which can be very painful and force them to
abandon breastfeeding.
The rings are placed on the nipple in the bra between the breastfeeding sessions. It
to protect nipples from rubbings and irritating contacts with fabrics,
to prevent nipples from getting crushed and avoid skin folds in the bra,
to let the skin breathe in order to prevent maceration and promote healing,
to enhance oils, gel, creams or breast milk drop penetration by preventing
absorption through pads or fabrics.
The company was created by Jasmine De Wulf, a 43 years old mother of 4. The
breastfeeding rings were designed on the basis of her own experience and with
advice of doctors. They were developed with the help of a research center specialized
in medical devices. In the future, Jasmine would like to develop a new range of
innovative products to meet the particular comfort needs of new mothers.
Date of creation : 2013
Support of the CEF: loan - 25.000 in 2013
Location: Izel (Province Luxembourg)
Number of people employed (2014): 1
Turnover (2013): 5.000
Contac person: Jasmine De Wulf,

TALOS Health Solutions

Talos Health Solution (THS) is a virtual web congress solution dedicated to
healthcare. Its mission is to develop innovative web solutions dedicated to
healthcare, centered on patients and business ethics, and to address the
unprecedented challenges in healthcare around the world.
Our vision is to become a patient-centric global leader in medical preventive
education. We provide consulting and cost effective web solutions to stakeholders
for turning actions into results for the wellbeing of the patients. THS has the ambition
of bridging the knowledge gap that exists between patients/public, healthcare
personnel and pharmaceutical companies by creating virtual events around healthrelated topics. THS has created and developed a unique in-house web bi-directional
3D platform ( translated in 11 languages and replicating the
ergonomic layout of a physical convention center. This cutting edge technology and
forum gives patients and caregivers the ability to have a voice and become more
involved in the treatment and decisions which impact their lives.
Date of creation: 2011
Support of the CEF: participation in capital - 30.000 in 2011
Number of employees: 1 + independent consultants
Turnover (2013): /
Location: Brussels
Contact person: Jerome Pradier,

Zebra Academy
Zebra Academy offers a telemedicine solution for stroke care. The Zebra stroke
treatment redesigns the stroke care process by integrating pre-hospital and inhospital procedures. We provide in-ambulance telemedicine to bring real-time stroke
expertise to patients with acute stroke during emergency transportation to the
hospital. Using a portable device in the ambulance and a mobile bidirectional audiovideo connection, stroke experts can evaluate patients from head-to-toe, facilitate
early medical interventions and share critical stroke information with the in-hospital
team. By speeding up the diagnostic and therapeutic processes and by providing
stroke expertise already in the pre-hospital arena, we aim to improve the chances of
favorable outcome for stroke patients and to reduce the cost for hospitals and
Society at large.
Our current challenge is to evolve from a research and development project into a
company. We are looking for investors and/or partners to support the business
Date of creation: foreseen Q4 2014 Q1 2015
Support of the CEF: grant - 10.000 in 2010
Location: foreseen in Brussels
Number of people employed (2014): 1
Turnover (2013): /
Contact person: Raf Brouns, brounsraf@skynet.b

Zen Your Life

Zen Your Life is an innovative concept in the health and wellness sector. We offer a
total package with a personal and professional approach. A wide range of treatments
using natural products tailored to the customer: nutrition, naturopathy, life coaching,
massage, foot reflexology, body in motion ...
In addition, we also offer a luxurious private spa and sauna, which can be hired for a
few hours or a day and the possibility to stay overnight in very modern comfortable
Located in Groot-Bijgaarden, just 10 minutes from Brussels and yet in an oasis of
Profound therapeutic treatments or just a moment to pamper...
Date of start business activities : 2012
Support of the CEF: Grant - 15.000 in 2012
Location: Groot-Bijgaarden (Brussels)
Number of people employed (2014): 3
Turnover (2013): 96.906
Budget 2014: 153.500
Contact person: Nadia Delens,

Since the creation of the Fund, many other projects have been supported by grants.
Hereunder you will find an overview of them.

Health and wellness:

Sapienza Consulting (advice on stress and sleep);
Grundung eines Wschefachgesftes (swimsuits for overweight people);
Space Oasis (esthetic help for people with reduced mobility);
Toujours belle (beauty advice for women with cancer);
Wynants (catering service).

Diagnosis and therapeutic follow-up:

Medithermo (promotion of medical thermography);
Flux Medical (offers and innovative treatment for ventricular fibrillation).

Support to Clinical research:

Patient Recruitment Integrated Solutions (provides advice in order to recruit
patients for clinical trials);
Biometrica (offers statistical services to support clinical trials from pharma
Privilge (creates partnerships between the pharma industry and specialized

ICT in Health:
Computerspeil zur Complianceverbesserung jugendlicher Type-1-Diabetiker
(interactive game for diabetic patients);
Feops (improve stent implantation).

Coaching and education:

Aquatic psychomotricity (specific classes for overweight children);
Support to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) persons and their
On-line platform for patients with hypertension;
Majores (administrative help to elderly people);
Sport-O-Top (e-coaching for fitness programs).

Living space:
Parador (interior design for persons with limited mobility);
Huize De Graef (spatial design in a house dedicated to mental disabled teenagers);
ChiChou (children care that can accept disabled children);
Care and Home (a company that offers housing to homeless people).

The Steering Committee

The Caring Entrepreneurship Fund is managed by a Steering Committee. It is
responsible for general supervision of the activities of the Fund and for defining its
overall and investment strategy.
The Steering Committee reviews and amends the investment policy periodically,
based on developments and on the experience gained through the activities of the
It is responsible for the "portfolio management" for the Fund, which means the
guidance provided and overall monitoring of all the organisations supported by the

The composition of the Steering Committee as of January 2015 is as follows:

Roch Doliveux, Founder, Chairman Vlerick Business School,
Honorary CEO UCB

Cyril Janssen, Financire de Tubize
Bernard Majoie, Prsident, Fondation Fournier Majoie
Donald Niesten, Partner, Deloitte
Jean-Pierre Pradier, Ex Executive Vice-President HR, UCB
Sofie Staelrave, Cordinator Health Community, VOKA
Luc Tayart de Borms, Managing Director, King Baudouin Foundation
Caroline Ven, Managing Director, VKW (het Ondernemersplatform)
Luc Weverbergh, Head Private Equity, BNP Paribas Fortis

The Investment Committee

The Caring Entrepreneurship Fund benefits from the expertise of senior business
people who offer their time graciously to analyze the proposed projects and select
the ones they believe most appropriate for support by the Fund.
The Caring Entrepreneurship Fund organises two selection processes each year.
In this context, the Investment Committee meets twice a year for a plenary session.
At these meetings the IC:
Interviews the candidates who received positive appraisals during the written
Review the results of enterprises that have been supported;
Discuss improvements that need to be made in methods or procedures and
any requests for involvement by members of the Committee;

The composition of the Investment Committee as of January 2015 is as follows:

Roch Doliveux, Founder, Chairman Vlerick Business School,
Honorary CEO UCB
Franois Blondel, CEO, KitoZyme
Karel Boone, Ex- CEO and Chairman, Lotus Bakeries
Nadia Delens, Founder and Managing Director, Zen Your Life
Pierre Mottet, Chairman, IBA Cyclotron Solutions
Karin Pierre, Marketing Manager, Bruxelles Pionnires
Jean-Pierre Pradier, Ex Executive Vice-President HR, UCB
Claudia Put, Founder and Managing Director, BrandNewHealth
Martine Vandenpoel, IGLC Program Director and Executive Coach, INSEAD

We are helped by sponsors and donors thanks to whom we can provide help to those
young dynamic entrepreneurs. We are extremely grateful for their support.

Would you be interested to offer some support to the Fund, do not hesitate to
contact us.
The Caring Entrepreneurship Fund is managed by the King Baudouin Foundation.

For all information, please contact:

Anne-Catherine Chevalier
Rue Brederodestraat 21
1000 Brussels
tel: 02/549.61.85

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