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Piezonuclear Neutrons From Brittle Fracture:

Early Results of Mechanical Compression Tests1

A. Carpinteri*, F. Cardone and G. Lacidogna*
*Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy

ISMN CNR Via dei Taurini 19, 00187 Rome, Italy

Neutron emission measurements by means of helium-3 neutron detectors were

performed on solid test specimens during crushing failure. The materials used were marble and
granite, selected in that they present a different behaviour in compression failure (i.e. a different
brittleness index) and a different iron content. All the test specimens were of the same size and
shape. Neutron emissions from the granite test specimens were found to be of about one order of
magnitude larger than the natural background level at the time of failure. These neutron emissions
were caused by piezonuclear reactions that occurred in the granite, but did not occur in the marble.
This is because of the fact that in granite the release rate of accumulated elastic energy DE exceeds
the power threshold for the generation of piezonuclear reactions, Wstrong = 7.69 1011 W.
Moreover, granite contains iron, which has been ascertained to be the most favourable element for
the production of piezonuclear reactions when the nuclear interaction energy threshold,
E0,strong = 5.888 10)8 J, is exceeded in deformed space-time conditions.

KEY WORDS: catastrophic failure, neutron emission, piezonuclear reactions, rocks crushing failure,
size-scale effects in compression

From the studies by Diebner [1], Kaliski [2, 3] and
Winterberg [4], it is known that piezonuclear reactions can be obtained in solid radioactive materials
in which neutron production is catalysed by pressure. Later on, Arata [5, 6] conducted experiments
showing the possibility of piezonuclear reactions
taking place in gaseous materials made up of deuterium gas, and Taleyarkhan [7] showed that neutron-emitting piezonuclear reactions may occur in
deuterium-containing liquids with radioactive substances dissolved in them. Finally, piezonuclear
reactions with neutron emissions were produced in
iron-containing inert liquids without deuterium and
without radioactive substances [810]. Accordingly,
tests were conducted to assess neutron production
from piezonuclear reactions in solids subjected to
compression till failure. These experiments are based
on the following phenomenological analogy. In the
tests described in [7, 9, 10], the pressure of ultrasonic waves in a liquid was seen to cause the cavitation of the gases dissolved therein, resulting in the

Presented at the Turin Academy of Sciences on December

10, 2008.


speed of energy threshold for nuclear interaction

Wstrong being exceeded, with the ensuing production of piezonuclear reactions [7, 8] and neutron
emissions. It was hypothesised that the fracture of
solid materials was able to reproduce the cavitation
conditions of liquids and hence lead to the production of piezonuclear reactions, provided that the
materials were properly selected. The materials
selected for the tests were Carrara marble (calcite)
and green Luserna granite (gneiss). This choice was
prompted by the consideration that, test specimen
dimensions being the same, different brittleness
numbers [11] would cause catastrophic failure in
granite, not in marble. The test specimens were
subjected to uniaxial compression to assess scale
effects on brittleness [12]. Four test specimens were
used, two made of Carrara marble, consisting mostly
of calcite, and two made of Luserna granite, all of
them measuring 6 6 10 cm3 (Figure 1). The same
testing machine was used on all the test specimens:
a standard servo-hydraulic press with a maximum
capacity of 500 kN, equipped with control electronics (Figure 1B). This machine makes it possible
to carry out tests in either load control or displacement control. The tests were performed in piston
travel displacement control by setting, for all the

 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

j Strain (2009) 45, 332339

A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone and G. Lacidogna : Piezonuclear Neutrons From Brittle Fracture

Figure 1: The test specimens analysed, two in Carrara marble (P1, P2) and two in Luserna granite (P3, P4), measured 6 6 10 cm3
(A). Baldwin servo-controlled press used for the compression tests (B). Helium-3 neutron detector placed in the proximity of test
specimen P1 during the test. The detector is enclosed in a polystyrene case for protection against possible impacts as a result of test
specimen failure (C)

test specimens, a velocity of 10)6 m s)1 during

compression. Neutron emission measurements were
made by means of a helium-3 detector placed at a
distance of 10 cm from the test specimen and
enclosed in a polystyrene case so as to prevent the
results from being altered by acousticalmechanical
stresses (Figure 1C). During the preliminary tests,
thermodynamic neutron detectors of the bubble
type BD (bubble detector/dosimeter) manufactured
by Bubble Technology Industries were used, and the
indications obtained persuaded us to carry on the
tests with helium-3 detectors.

Experimental Set-up
The servo-hydraulic press
The servo-controlled press employed works by means
of a digital type electronic control unit. The management software is TESTXPERTII by Zwick/Roel
(Zwick/Roel Group, Ulm, Germany), while the
mechanical parts are manufactured by Baldwin
(Instron Industrial Products Group, Grove City, PA,
USA) (Figure 1B). The force applied is determined by
measuring the pressure in the loading cylinder by
means of a transducer. The margin of error in the
determination of the force is 1%, which makes it a
class 1 mechanical press. The stroke of the press

platen in contact with the test specimen is controlled

by means of a wire-type potentiometric displacement

The neutron detector

The neutron detector used in the tests is a helium-3
type with electronic of pre-amplification, amplification and discrimination directly connected to the
detector tube, which is of the type referred to as long
counter. The helium-3 gas supplies the neutron
detection signal through the phenomenon of recoil
protons from the anelastic scattering of the neutrons
against the nuclei of the helium-3 atoms; the protons
supply the electric signal which is read by the electronics equipping the detector. Low-voltage power for
the detector electronics is supplied via a Nuclear
Instrument Module (NIM); this is a standard device for
the electronics used in nuclear physics applications for
the management of the circuits dealing with the electric signals generated by a radiation detector. The
helium-3 detector is powered with 1.3 kV, supplied via
a high voltage NIM. The signal reading electronics
analogue output is analysed during the tests by means
of an oscilloscope, to keep the signal shape under
control. The logic output producing the through the
lens pulses is connected to a NIM counter. The logic
output of the detector is enabled for analogue signals

 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

j Strain (2009) 45, 332339


Piezonuclear Neutrons From Brittle Fracture : A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone and G. Lacidogna

exceeding 300 mV. This discrimination threshold is a

consequence of the sensitivity of the helium-3 detector to the gamma rays ensuing neutron emission in
ordinary nuclear processes. This value was determined
by measuring the analogue signal of the detector by
means of a Co-60 gamma source. This detector was also
calibrated for the measurement of thermal neutrons;
its sensitivity is 65 cps/nthermal, i.e. the fluency rate of
thermal neutrons was 1 thermal neutron (s cm2))1,
corresponding to a count rate of 65 cps. The neutron
background was measured at 600 s time intervals to
obtain sufficient statistical data with the detector in
the position shown in Figure 1C. The average background count rate was:
3:8  102  0:2  102 cps

Table 1: Physical characteristics of the test specimens





(g cm)3)


6 6 10

Carrara marble




6 6 10
6 6 10

Carrara marble
Luserna granite




6 6 10

Luserna granite



rate measurements are given in Figures 4 and 5

together with the diagrams of the force applied to the
test specimens as a function of the time elapsed since
the beginning of its application.

Neutron Emission Measurements

corresponding to an equivalent flux of thermal neutrons of

5:8  104  0:3  104 nthermal s cm2 1 :

The Tests
Neutron emissions were measured on four test specimens, two made of marble, denoted with P1, P2, and
two of granite, denoted with P3, P4 (see Figure 1A).
The test specimens were arranged with the two
smaller surfaces in contact with the press platens,
with no coupling materials in-between, according to
the testing modalities known as test by means of
rigid platens with friction. The mass and density of
each marble and granite test specimen are given in
Table 1.
The electronics of the neutron detector were powered at least 40 min before starting the compression
tests to make sure that the behaviour of the device
was stable with respect to intrinsic thermal effects.
Then, background measures were repeated for 600 s
to make sure there were no variations. The acquisition time was fixed at 60 s and the results of count

The measurements of neutron emissions obtained on

the marble test specimens yielded values comparable
with the background, even at the time of test specimen failure. Figure 2 shows two views of the marble
test specimens after failure. The neutron measurements obtained on the two granite test specimens,
instead, exceeded the background value by about one
order of magnitude at the test specimen failure. Two
views of the granite test specimens after failure can be
seen in Figure 3.
After 20 min, test specimen P1 reached a peak load
of c. 180 kN, corresponding to an average pressure on
the bases of 50 MPa; after 15 min, test specimen P2
reached a peak load of ca 200 kN, corresponding to
an average pressure on the bases of 55.6 MPa.
Test specimen P3 reached at time T(P3) = 32 min a
peak load of c. 400 kN, corresponding to an average
pressure on the bases of 111.1 MPa. When failure
occurred, the count rate was found to be
28:3  102  0:2  102 cps
corresponding to an equivalent flux of thermal
neutrons of

Figure 2: Views (A) and (B) of test specimens P1 and P2 in Carrara marble following compression failure


 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

j Strain (2009) 45, 332339

A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone and G. Lacidogna : Piezonuclear Neutrons From Brittle Fracture

Figure 3: Views (A) and (B) of test specimens P3 and P4 in Luserna granite following compression failure

Figure 4: Load versus time and cps curves for P1 and P2 test
specimens in Carrara marble

43:6  104  0:3  104 nthermal s cm2 1 :

Test specimen P4 reached at time T(P4) = 29 min a
peak load of c. 340 kN, corresponding to an average
pressure on the bases of 94.4 MPa. When failure
occurred, the count rate was found to be
27:2  102  0:2  102 cps
corresponding to an equivalent flux of thermal neutrons of
41:9  104  0:3  104 nthermal s cm2 1 :
Notice how the above neutron measurements
occurring in P3 and in P4 failure are well beyond the
background interval and how the value obtained on

Figure 5: Load versus time and cps curves for test specimens
P3 and P4 in Luserna granite

P3 is greater than the value measured on P4. We

believe that this event, albeit with the due caution,
may be ascribed to the unstable failure of these test
specimens and the greater quantity of energy released
by P3 compared with P4 at the time of failure.
Figures 4 and 5 summarise the evolution of the
neutron count rates together with the load versus
time curves for the four test specimens.

Factors Involved in Controlling Rock

Experimental data from rocks tested in compression
generally indicate that this is a brittle material,
because it exhibits a rapid decrease in load-carrying
capacity when deformed beyond a peak load. When

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j Strain (2009) 45, 332339


Piezonuclear Neutrons From Brittle Fracture : A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone and G. Lacidogna

the softening diagram is very steep, or even shows

simultaneously decreasing strain and stress values,
the material is said to present a snap-back or catastrophic behaviour. This is in contrast with ductile
materials which retain considerable strength beyond
the peak as shown in Figure 6.
Even though in the post-peak phase the loadcarrying capacity of the material may decrease
considerably with increasing strain (i.e. the material
softens), in actual practice this behaviour can be
important to the overall performance of a rock or
concrete structure.
In laboratory studies, the external loading system is
the testing machine. Depending on its design, the
machine may have a relatively soft or stiff characteristic compared with the test specimen. A stiff frame
and electronic servo-controls are required to observe
the post-failure behaviour of brittle materials [14].
By programming a linear increase in axial displacement with time, the complete stressstrain
curve for rock is obtained (Figure 7). Generally,
strains increase linearly with time even though the
specimens fail and the system undergoes a progressive reduction in load-bearing capacity during the
process. Such specimens are said to exhibit stable
failure characteristics.
However, if the complete stressstrain curve does
not monotonically increase in strain, the linear

Figure 6: Ductile, brittle and catastrophic behaviour

increase can only be achieved along the OACDE

curve shown in Figure 7. As the material behaviour is
represented by the OABDE curve, excess energy,
proportional to the shaded area, is released by the
specimen and the result is uncontrolled violent failure. Such specimens are said to exhibit unstable
failure characteristics.
This suggests that certain types of catastrophic
failure cannot be controlled without feedback control
of the testing machine. According to this principle,
the control of rocks failure is optimised when the
feedback transducer is located for maximum sensitivity in detecting failure. In such uniaxial compression tests, the displacement transducer will be most
sensitive to failure development if it is mounted in
the direction perpendicular to the loading axis. Only
in these conditions is it possible to control rock failure automatically when the stressstrain curve does
not monotonically increase in strain [14].
In this framework, Carpinteri showed, adopting a
cohesive crack model for a concrete-like material in
tension, that the slope of the stressstrain response
changes substantially by varying the size-scale while
keeping the geometrical shape of the structure
unchanged [11, 12]. Controlling the loading process
by displacement, the softening branch becomes
steeper when the size-scale increases, and a critical
size-scale exists for which the softening slope is infinite. In such a case, the load-carrying capacity drastically decreases for relatively small displacements
increments. Then, for size-scales larger than the
critical one, the softening slope becomes positive and
the loading capacity will present a discontinuity with
a negative jump.
Very recently the same author, by analogy with the
cohesive crack model [11, 12], has proposed the overlapping crack model to describe the size effects in
compressed materials [16]. For both traction and
compression behaviours, the size-scale transition
from ductile to brittle behaviour is governed by a nondimensional brittleness number, sE, which is a function of material properties and structure size-scale.

Size-Scale Effects in Compression

Figure 7: Energy release and stable versus unstable stress

strain behaviour


Stable and unstable behaviours, although some

materials are intrinsically more brittle than others,
both depend on the specimen size and shape [1113,
16]. The problem of the size-effect on the brittleness
of heterogeneous materials such as concrete has been
investigated extensively. However, it is very difficult
to study this phenomenon for compression loading,
because the strength and the behaviour of concrete

 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

j Strain (2009) 45, 332339

A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone and G. Lacidogna : Piezonuclear Neutrons From Brittle Fracture

depend to a considerable extent on friction between

the specimen bases and the loading platens of the
testing machine, as well as on specimen slenderness
[13, 16].
Size-effects also influence the post-peak softening
branch of the stressstrain diagram. Experimental
tests evidenced that, in the softening regime, ductility is a decreasing function of size-scale and slenderness, whereas it increases with increasing friction
The stressstrain relationships usually assumed
consider an energy dissipation within a volume, but
they are absolutely ineffective in describing size-scale
effects on specimens ductility. On the contrary, a
close observation of the stress versus post-peak
deformation curves shows that a strong localisation
of deformations occurs in the softening regime. This
suggests that, in the softening regime, energy dissipation takes place over an intermediate domain
between volume and surface. In this context, the
application of fractal concepts to compression
behaviour gives a theoretical explanation of size-scale
effects on compressive strength, as well as on dissipated energy density [12, 13, 16].
Thus, it can be stated that energy release modalities
during compressive tests depend on the intrinsic
brittleness of the material of the test specimens, as
well as on test specimen dimensions and slenderness.
Furthermore, it may be assumed that energy release
rate also depends on the velocity setting of testing
machine piston travel.
Based on the foregoing concepts, further tests could
be carried out on test specimens made of different
materials and having different dimensions and slenderness ratios, as well as by setting different piston
travel velocities. These tests would make it possible to
assess the influence of size-scale and loading rate on
energy release rate in compression, and hence on the
possibility of producing neutron emissions.

Discussion and Remarks

In this study, all compression tests were conducted
through feedback control of the axial displacement
of piston travel on test specimens having the same
dimensions. The complete specimen collapse process
was observed only for P1 and P2 marble specimens,
whose behaviour was seen to be ductile compared
with the brittle catastrophic failure behaviour displayed by granite specimens P3 and P4. For the latter
two, in fact, failure occurred instantaneously, without showing the descending branch of the loadtime

By taking into account only the positive derivative

branch of the loadtime curves, from the evolution of
the load in the four test specimens it can be seen that
failure occurs when peak compressive load is reached
(Figures 4 and 5). The elastic strain energy accumulated in the test specimens up to failure, DE, is given
in Table 2. Moreover, for each test specimen, it is
possible to draw some conclusions on the release rate
of the elastic energy accumulated, considering that
granite displays brittle, catastrophic failure behaviour, while marble is characterised by a more ductile
One of the conditions to be met for piezonuclear
reactions to take place is that the ratio, r, between the
power of released energy, W = DE/Dt, and the power
threshold [8, 9]:
W strong 7:69  1011 W


be greater than or equal to 1 [8, 9]:

r W=W strong  1:


Accordingly, based on the data obtained from the

tests, the time interval of released energy, Dt, in
granite test specimens in which piezonuclear reactions have occurred, should satisfy the following
DE=Dt  W strong ;


and hence:


0:5  109 s 0:5 ns

W strong 7:69  1011

Equation (4) was written by considering the energy

accumulated in P3, which was greater than the
energy accumulated in P4. For the marble test specimens, in which peak load is clearly followed by a
softening branch, energy release surely occurred over
a period of time too long to permit the production of
piezonuclear reactions. Accordingly, neutron emissions in granite may be accounted for by the fact that
Table 2: Elastic strain energy at the peak load, DE
Test specimen


DE (J)


Carrara marble



Carrara marble



Luserna granite



Luserna granite


 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

j Strain (2009) 45, 332339


Piezonuclear Neutrons From Brittle Fracture : A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone and G. Lacidogna

the power threshold for piezonuclear reactions is

exceeded, as well as by the type of catastrophic failure
that occurs, which entails a very fast energy release,
over a time period of the order of a nanosecond.
Furthermore, with these assumptions, energy release
time being the same, it is possible, albeit with the
necessary caution, to ascribe the greater neutron
emission from P3 compared with P4 to the fact that
r(P3) > r(P4).

Conclusions and Prospects

From this experiment, it can be clearly seen that
piezonuclear reactions giving rise to neutron emissions are possible in inert non-radioactive solids, in
addition to liquids [9, 10]. Anyhow, it is also evident
that the availability of an amount of stored energy for
the reactions exceeding the microscopic nuclear
deformed space-time threshold
E0;strong 5:888  108 J
is not sufficient per se [17]. The energy must be contained in a space and time (and energy) hypervolume
such that r 1, i.e. such that the phenomenon will
actually develop in deformed space-time conditions
[8, 9]. From Table 2, in fact, it can be seen that it was
DE > E0,strong in all the test specimens loaded in
compression, but r was greater than 1 only in granite
test specimens. Hence, even for piezonuclear reactions in solids, the notion of stored energy must be
combined with the notion of speed of energy release
as is the case for liquids [9].
Another factor to be taken into account is the
composition of the materials in which piezonuclear
reactions may be produced. It should be noted, in
fact, that Carrara marble is basically made of calcite, i.e. a crystalline form of calcium carbonate
CaCO3, whereas in general granite is made of
quartz, alkaline feldspar, plagioclasium and even
biotite and horneblend, of which the last two
minerals contain iron in greater or lesser quantities.
The fact that the marble used in the tests did not
contain iron, and granite instead did, could be
another factor contributing to the phenomenon in
question, by analogy with the case of piezonuclear
reactions in liquids. In fact, piezonuclear reactions
with neutron emissions were obtained in liquids
consisting of iron chloride or iron nitrate subjected
to ultrasounds and cavitation [9, 10]. Based on the
appearance after the experiments of aluminum
atoms [9], our conjecture is that the following
piezonuclear fission reaction could have occurred:


26 ! 2Al13 2 neutrons.

[Correction added after online publication 20

March, 2009: F30
26 was corrected to Fe26 ]
The present natural abundance of aluminum
(78% on the Earth), which is less favoured than
iron from a nuclear point of view, is possibly due to
the above piezonuclear fission reaction. This reaction less infrequent than we could think would be
activated where the environment conditions (pressure and temperature) are particularly severe, and
mechanical phenomena of fracture, crushing, fragmentation, comminution, erosion, friction, etc.,
may occur. This could be another factor, together
with the speed of energy release, to be considered to
account for the emission of neutrons from granite
and not from marble, and to open up prospects for
future experimental investigations into materials
that fail in a catastrophic mode (cusp catastrophe)
[11, 12]. A subsequent investigation may be conducted both on brittle iron-free materials and on
ductile materials containing iron, or on iron itself.
Finally, after selecting the materials, it would be
necessary to analyse test specimens having different
dimensions and slenderness ratios, possibly by setting different piston travel velocities on the testing
machine. These studies would contribute to an
understanding of the influence of test specimens
dimensions and loading rate on neutron emission
during fracture.

The authors wish to thank A. Zanini, L. Visca and

O. Borla (INFN) for their valuable assistance with the
neutron detection process. They are also grateful to
A. Manuello for his active collaboration to the execution of mechanical compressive tests. The authors
express their gratitude to F. Pistella (former CNR
President) for having discussed with them the results
of neutron measurements.
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 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

j Strain (2009) 45, 332339


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