Experimental Evaluation of Cracks in Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and J.M Chandra Kishen
Experimental Evaluation of Cracks in Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and J.M Chandra Kishen
Experimental Evaluation of Cracks in Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and J.M Chandra Kishen
T Sri Kalyan 1, a and J.M Chandra Kishen 2,b
srikalyan.thontepu@gmail.com, bchandrak@civil.iisc.ernet.in
Abstract. With a sudden surge in demand for the usage of non-destructive testing of modern
structures for their evaluation and health monitoring, various NDT techniques are developed to
identify cracks that are potentially dangerous. In this present work the most widely used NDT
technique namely ultrasonic pulse velocity is implemented for the evaluation of the cracks and their
effects on the nature and strength of concrete. The ultrasonic equipment used in this study for the
evaluation of the concrete properties was the portable ultrasonic non-destructive digital indicating
tester (PUNDIT). Detailed analysis of the effect of cracks and their extent in deteriorating the elastic
modulus and compressive strength of the concrete is studied. Various methods of probing are used
for studying these effects in every possible direction of various types of samples. Evaluation of the
depth of surface cracks using the ultrasonic pulse velocity method is studied which produced some
interesting results. A comparison between the effect of the surface cracks and internal micro cracks
on the compressive strength of concrete is also done. Directional effects of surface cracks on the
experimental results are also analysed.
Keywords: Non-destructive testing, ultrasonic pulse velocity, PUNDIT, elastic modulus of
concrete, compressive strength of concrete, surface cracks.
1. Introduction
With a sudden pulse of increment in the construction of new infrastructure facilities all across the
developing countries there is an increasing need to assess the condition of a structure to determine
their safety and reliability [1]. The major problem faced in ensuring the safety of these structures is
the presence of the defects in the materials which can act as cracks. To detect these faults various
non-destructive techniques (NDT) are developed to detect potentially dangerous cracks developed
in the critical sections of structures. This process is traditionally done by visual inspection and
simple procedures such as the tap test. These defects can then either be repaired or the component
can be replaced. Thus NDT can increase the reliability of the structures under consideration [3]. Of
the various NDT techniques available, depending on the state of component to be tested the type of
NDT is to be decided accordingly, as all the NDT techniques have their corresponding advantages
and disadvantages. The four criteria that need to be taken into consideration while deciding the type
of NDT to be used are: Material type, defect type, defect size, defect location.
In many studies it is indicated that ultrasonic waves were used mainly to predict and evaluate
concrete strength and its properties [3]. However, this method can also be used to detect the internal
defects of concrete such as cracks. Thus ultrasonic pulse velocity method is employed as the NDT
technique in the following experimental setups since velocity of the pulse generated is almost
independent of the geometry of the material through which they pass and depends only on its elastic
properties [2]. Facaoaru [7] reported that ultrasonic wave velocity (UPV) into concrete is directly
proportion to concrete strength and age. Mathematical models were also developed to predict
Ultrasonic pulse velocity in concrete were developed based on experimental studies. The
relationship between ultrasonic wave velocities measured using direct and indirect methods was
evaluated by Yaman et al. [8]. The results indicated that the direct and indirect methods can be used
interchangeably in evaluating the properties of the concrete.
2. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
As stated earlier this is one of the most popular techniques used for the detection of flaws in a
specimen. The ultrasonic pulse is generated by an electro acoustical transducer. Now since
ultrasonic waves do not travel through air or vacuum a couplant like grease is used to get the
transducer in contact with the specimen [3]. When the pulse is induced into the concrete from a
transducer, it undergoes multiple reflections at the boundaries of the different material phases within
the concrete. A complex system of stress waves is developed which includes longitudinal
(compressional), shear (transverse) and surface (Rayleigh) waves. The receiving transducer detects
the onset of the longitudinal waves, which is the fastest. The material without any defects results in
a higher velocity than that of the damaged ones. Thus by calculating this velocity one can assess the
properties of the structural concrete.
3. Experimental Setup
As a part of the experimental setup a PUNDIT tester was used to evaluate ultrasound wave
velocity in various types of concrete specimens prepared. Concrete specimens prepared have
variability in the strength, surface notches and interior cracks so as to check the feasibility of using
UPV to detect these cracks.
3.1 Sample specifications and Probing method
Four concrete cubes of dimensions 150mm*150mm*150mm with different concrete strengths
were casted and a dog-bone specimen with dimensions (described later) is also cast. One of the
concrete cubes is damaged by loading it to 45% of its ultimate strength and the other up to 65% of
its ultimate strength resulting in the development of micro cracks. A normal undamaged cube of
strength 25MPa is considered to be the standard reference case in our experiment. Three different
types of probing methods are done to record the experimental values:
1) Direct or Cross Probing: The receiver and the transmitter are opposite to each other on either
side of the cube.
2) Indirect or Surface Probing: The receiver and transmitter are on the same face of a cube.
3) Semi direct Probing: The transmitter and the receiver are on any two perpendicular faces of a
FIGURE 1: Pictorial representation of various positions of the transmitter and receiver probes [4].
3.2 Formulation
I) Elastic modulus of Concrete is calculated using the below stated formula in BIS 13311Indian Standard code for the non-destructive testing of concrete [5]
II) Formulas employed for evaluating the velocity of ultrasonic pulse to characterize the
concrete properties [5]:
1) Calculated velocity =
E = Dynamic Youngs Modulus of elasticity of concrete in MPa
= Density in kg/m3, and
V = Pulse velocity in km/second.
4. Evaluation of Concrete material properties
Pulse velocity readings are recorded at different positions on the cube of size
150mm*150mm*150mm and Poisson ratio of 0.32 as shown in Fig 2(All dimensions in metres (m))
The representative numbers on the face of the cube indicate the different position of probes at which
the pulse velocity readings were taken.
FIGURE 2: A 3-D view of the normal cube with probes positions numbered
The various cases under consideration are listed below:
Case 1: Cube with compressive strength of 25MPa and without any Damage
Case 2: Cube with compressive strength of 25MPa and damaged by loading it up to 45%
of its ultimate strength
Case 2: Cube with compressive strength of 25MPa and damaged by loading it up to 65%
of its ultimate strength
In the cases 2 and 3 the cube is damaged so as to develop internal cracks to some extent. By this
one will be able to assess the effect of cracks in deteriorating the strength of the concrete. Firstly,
the ultimate strength is found using a material testing system and then the cube is loaded up to 45%
and 65% of this ultimate strength. The ultimate strength is found to be 587kN. The estimated elastic
modulus of Concrete and the recorded pulse velocity values are given in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Summary of estimated concrete properties using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
Velocity (km/s)
Est Elastic
% Reduction
Strength (MPa)
% Reduction
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Also the compressive Strength of the samples is estimated from the plot represented in Fig 3.
with the help of recorded velocity values.
FIGURE 3: A graph showing the variation of compressive strength (MPa) with calculated pulse
velocity (km/s) from experimental data
5. Evaluation of the depth of surface cracks
In order to evaluate the depth of surface cracks using ultrasonic pulse velocity method two cases
were considered as mentioned below:
Case 4: Undamaged Cube with compressive strength of 25MPa with a single notch
Here, a notch of width 4mm and depth of 50mm is introduced into a cube for evaluating the
effect of the surface cracks in the measurement of velocities using ultrasonic pulse velocity method.
Direct probing is employed on surface B and Surface probing is used on surface C to include the
effect of notch. The observed readings are given in Table 2.
FIGURE 4: A 3-D view of the cube with a single notch and numbered probes positions.
TABLE 2. Summary of calculated velocities at different probing locations in a cube
with a single notch
B (Direct Probing)
C (Surface Probing)
Velocity (km/s)
Travelled (m)
Average Time
Velocity (km/s)
Travelled (m)
FIGURE 5: A 3-D view of the compact tension specimen along with probe positions.
6. Theoretical evaluation
A mathematical expression is proposed [6] to theoretically predict the depth of surface cracks and
it includes comparing the time-of-flight of an ultrasound wave through a sample without any cracks
to the one around a crack and it is considered that the velocity of the longitudinal wave in the
concrete is the same in both cases. Assuming the wave travel path presented in Fig. 6 [6], the crack
penetration depth h can be evaluated by using Eq. 4 [6]
represents the travel time around the crack;
is the surface travel time in sound
concrete, and x is distance between the transducers and the crack, measured on the surface of the
concrete and
is the calculated depth of the notch by the given equation and h real is the real
depth of the notch. The experimental values are compared with that of theoretical ones and
presented in Table 3.
hreal (cm)
Case 4
Case 5
7. Discussion
By comparing the obtained elastic modulus values of concrete we can see that the elastic modulus
obtained in case where the cube is damaged up to 45% doesnt show much difference from the
standard undamaged sample whereas the elastic modulus of sample damaged up to 65% almost got
reduced to half of the standard one. This implies that the internal cracks developed in case of
loading up to 45% doesnt affect the path in which the waves the travel to a large extent that is the
cracks developed are not so significant that they can change the path of waves whereas in the other
case where there is a reduction in the elastic modulus there are surface cracks developed which can
have profound effect on the propagation of the waves through the material. Thus we can say that the
ultrasonic pulse velocity method negates the effect of micro cracks in the measurement of elastic
modulus of material. So a more sensitive method is to be preferred for the measurement of the
compressive strength and the elastic modulus.
On analysing the results obtained in case 4 and case 5 it is found that the effect of the notch in
case of direct probing measurements is negligible and there is only a slight change in the velocity
whereas there is a drastic change in case of surface and semi direct probing. Thus for the detection
and evaluation of surface cracks indirect probing is to be preferred.
From the calculations of evaluation of crack depth it is observed that the calculated depth values
and theoretical values mismatch with each other and there is a large difference in case of the cube
with a single notch than that in compact tension specimen. From the large difference observed in the
theoretical and experimental values in the cube with single notch case we can say that the path of
waves cannot be approximated to a straight line without any constraints. Thus we can say that with
increase in specimen size we can expect the calculated value of crack depth to be in proximity with
theoretical value. The reason could be that with increased size of specimen the path of the waves
can be nearly approximated to be a straight line while in case of smaller specimen this cannot be
done since the distance is too small for valid approximation.
8. Conclusions
Based on this study for evaluation of the effect of cracks on the properties of concrete using
ultrasonic pulse velocity method the following findings were made:
1) Velocity of the waves increases as we go down the depth in the direction of casting. This can
be attributed to the compaction differences and difference in aggregate settlements.
2) The effect of surface cracks in changing the direction of the path travelled by the waves is
much more than that of internal cracks. The ultrasonic pulse velocity negates the effect of
internal cracks and micro cracks in evaluating the elastic modulus and compressive strength
of concrete.
3) Effect of the surface cracks in changing the velocity is negligible in case of direct probing.
Thus for the evaluation of their effect indirect or surface probing is to be implemented which
shows a profound change in the velocity values.
4) With increase in the size of specimen or structure the path of the waves can be approximated
to be a straight line and thus can be used for the evaluation of the depth of surface cracks.
Thus from these results we can say that ultrasonic pulse velocity can be employed for the
detection of cracks and for evaluating their effects but this cannot be used solely and should be
accompanied by other NDT techniques for better accuracy and identification of the cracks and
evaluation of the properties of concrete.
9. References
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