Application of Ultrasonic Waves in Measurement of Hardness of Welded Carbon Steels
Application of Ultrasonic Waves in Measurement of Hardness of Welded Carbon Steels
Application of Ultrasonic Waves in Measurement of Hardness of Welded Carbon Steels
Defence Technology 11 (2015) 255e261
Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeditepe University, 26 Agustos Yerleskesi, 34520 Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Bilgi University, Turkey
Received 7 January 2015; revised 30 April 2015; accepted 4 May 2015
Available online 30 May 2015
The ultrasonic contact impedance technique and ultrasonic wave velocities have been widely used for non-destructive hardness measurement.
Ultrasonic wave velocity shift provides through the thickness average hardness, however, the correlations are performed according to surface
hardness. In order to accept this technique as a particular non-destructive method for determination of hardness, it is necessary to test it with
industrial applications. A widely used joining (welding) technique is selected for this purpose. Samples of carbon steels with three different
carbon contents, but similar composition, are annealed in order to obtain the softened samples with different hardness values. Rockwell B scale
hardness of heat treated samples, which are assumed to be isotropic, are determined and correlated with ultrasonic wave velocity shifts. Effect of
welding process on hardness is investigated using ultrasonic wave velocity shifts, and the results are verified with destructive hardness measurements.
Copyright 2015, China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ultrasonic wave velocity; Average bulk hardness; Welding; Steel carbon content
1. Introduction
Hardness is a measure of the resistance of materials against
the changing effects of external shape. The magnitude of this
property is related to yield strength, tensile strength and
modulus of elasticity of materials. Accordingly, the investigation and measurement of hardness have vital importance.
During the decades, various destructive and non-destructive
hardness test methods have been developed. The nondestructive methods are portable and can be used on materials at the service, but a widely accepted non-destructive
hardness test method, the ultrasonic contact impedance technique, is limited to measure the surface hardness. The pulse
echo ultrasonic waves can be used to investigate the internal
2214-9147/Copyright 2015, China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Parameters for submerged arc welding process.
Electric potential
Torch travel
Table 2
Initial hardnesses of steel samples.
Carbon content (wt. %)
hand, the high order polynomial trends provide good regression analysis results, but provides unrealistic fluctuation. Investigations showed that the best fitting to hardness and
ultrasonic wave velocity relation data is obtained with the
second-order trends, and accordingly the trend of each data is
determined in terms of the second-order polynomial function.
Without heat treatment, no change occurs in the hardness of
the material. At that point the variations of ultrasonic wave
velocity and hardness are zero so that the upper and lower
values of the third coefficient (a3) of the second-order polynomial are limited to zero.
The initial hardness of steel is related to its carbon content,
and its hardness increases with the increase in carbon content.
On the other hand, the magnitude of hardness variation,
related to annealing process, decreases with the increase in
carbon content. There is also a relation between ultrasonic
wave velocity and carbon content of sample. The magnitude
of increase of ultrasonic wave velocity decreases with the
increase in carbon content. Results also show that there is a
relation between ultrasonic wave velocity and hardness.
Fig. 3. The variations of hardness and ultrasonic wave velocity and the correlations between them in steels with 0, 0.092 and 0.478 weight % of carbon contents.
It can be stated that the correlations developed based on ultrasonic wave velocity variations have success on the determination of average hardness.
4. Hardness of welded steel
Ultrasonic wave velocity measurements cannot be performed on weld beam because of the rough surface so that the
ultrasonic and Rockwell hardness measurements are accomplished as close as possible to weld beam, which is at 10 mm
away from weld center, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The measured
results of all three samples are merged and analyzed in a single
Similar to hardening process, the temperature of weld zone
increases up to melting point temperature during welding then
decreases rapidly after the removal of heat source. Phase
transformations and rapid heating and cooling cycles cause the
formation of compression and tension zones in different sections of materials. Consequently, the isotropic structures of
materials cannot be sustained during the welding process.
The welding process causes the formation of residual
stresses within and around the weld beam. The relation between hardness and residual stress was investigated [24,25].
These studies showed that hardness is affected by residual
stress in materials. The ultrasonic waves are also used to
observe the bulk residual stresses in welded steel [26,27].
Similarly, the thickness average hardness is expected to be
investigated for welded materials. Results show that the
hardness of IF steel increases as a result of the welding process
around weld beam, as illustrated in Fig. 5. Hardness increases
around the weld beam. The increase in surface hardness starts
in the measurement points at 40 mm away from the weld
center, but this distance is around 20 mm for the thickness
average hardness.
Low carbon steel has a different hardness distribution
compared to IF steel, as illustrated in Fig. 6. A sharp increase
in hardness around the weld beam is observed. It is a fact that
the carbon element increases the hardnesses of steels. Similar
to hardening process, rapid heating and cooling around weld
beam arise with an increase in hardness. In addition to the rate
of hardening, the rapid heating and cooling cycles during the
welding process result in gathering the carbon atoms around
the heated zone and the hardness increase in that zone.