Asme B16 (1) .5
Asme B16 (1) .5
Asme B16 (1) .5
At temperatures above 200C (400F) for Class 150 and above 400C (750F) for other class
designations, flanged joints may develop leakage problems unless care is taken to avoid imposing
severe external loads, severe thermal gradients, or both.
Hydrostatic Testing
Flanged joints and flanged fittings may be subjected to system hydrostatic tests at a pressure of 1.5
times the 38C (100F) rating rounded off to the next higher 1 bar (25 psi) increment. Testing at any
higher pressure is the responsibility of the user, taking into account the requirements of the applicable
code or regulation.
a. The pressure class ratings covered by ASME B16.5 are: 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500
b. The standard finish for raised face flanges per ASME B16.5 is: 125 to 250 / inch
c. Socket weld and threaded flanges
temperatures if thermal
cycles are involved: 50 5000F
8.2.5 Acceptance. No visible leakage is permitted through the pressure boundary wall.
Fitting Local Areas. Local areas having less than minimum wall thickness are acceptable provided
that all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) The area of sub-minimum thickness can be enclosed by a circle whose diameter is no greater than
0.35 dtm, where d is the tabulated fitting inside diameter and tm is the minimum wall thickness as
shown in the tables listed in para. 6.1.1.
(b) Measured thickness is not less than 0.75 tm.
(c) Enclosure circles are separated from each other by an edge-to-edge distance of more than 1.75