This document provides instructions for installing and executing a secured blood bank management software project. It lists the required software as Java 1.6.0_03, Tomcat 5.0, and MySQL 5.0. It describes installing these software programs and setting environment variables and file paths. It then explains how to copy necessary files to their proper locations, start the Tomcat server, and access the blood bank management application through a web browser.
This document provides instructions for installing and executing a secured blood bank management software project. It lists the required software as Java 1.6.0_03, Tomcat 5.0, and MySQL 5.0. It describes installing these software programs and setting environment variables and file paths. It then explains how to copy necessary files to their proper locations, start the Tomcat server, and access the blood bank management application through a web browser.
This document provides instructions for installing and executing a secured blood bank management software project. It lists the required software as Java 1.6.0_03, Tomcat 5.0, and MySQL 5.0. It describes installing these software programs and setting environment variables and file paths. It then explains how to copy necessary files to their proper locations, start the Tomcat server, and access the blood bank management application through a web browser.
This document provides instructions for installing and executing a secured blood bank management software project. It lists the required software as Java 1.6.0_03, Tomcat 5.0, and MySQL 5.0. It describes installing these software programs and setting environment variables and file paths. It then explains how to copy necessary files to their proper locations, start the Tomcat server, and access the blood bank management application through a web browser.
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MANAGEMENT Softwares Required: Java 1.6.0_03 Tomcat 5.0 MySQL 5.0
Installation Procedure:
Install the Java software under c:\Program Files
The path is set as follows My computer->Properties>Advaned->Environment Variables-> Variable name: JAVA_HOME Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03 Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin Install the Tomcat 5.0 software under c:\Program Files The port number is 8000 Variable name: CATALINA_HOME Variable value: .. Install the MySQL 5.0 database The password is root.
Process to Execute this Project:
First install the softwares under code folder in the CD
Copy the BloodBank folder under code folder and placed in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps Copy the Jars files under code folder and paste it in the following location C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\common\lib Copy the db under code folder and paste it in the following location Start->Programs->MySQL->MySQL Server 5.0->MySQL Command Line Client Start the tomcat server in the following location
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\bin->startup. bat
Type the following URL in the browser
http://localhost:8000/BloodBank Then the main page of Blood Bank Integration will be displayed. If any error messages are displayed, restart the server and follow the above procedure. Login details are User Name: scott Password: tiger then click the Submit button. Then the home page of the Blood Bank management will be displayed.