PURSUIT Newsletter No. 42, Spring 1978 - Ivan T. Sanderson
PURSUIT Newsletter No. 42, Spring 1978 - Ivan T. Sanderson
PURSUIT Newsletter No. 42, Spring 1978 - Ivan T. Sanderson
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On the cover:
Drawing by
R. M. Wolf,
lettering from
Exotic Alphabets
and Ornaments,
by William Rowe
(Dover Publications,lnc.,
New York).
l5: A Settlement in Space
by Curt Sutherly ........................................................... 42
Skyquakes-Things That Go Bump in the Night
by Jon Douglas Singer ...................................................... 45
Earthquake lights ............................................................... 48
"Skyquakes"-And Separate Realities
by Dr. David Rind .......... "............................................... 51
Witchcraft and, Weather Modification (Part I)
by George M. Eberhart ...................... : ............................. 55
The Concept of Simultaneity
by Harry E. Mongold ....................................................... 60
The Synchro Data
by "Barbara Jordison ........................................................ 66
Frozen Mammoths: Volcanoes, Comet-storms, or Permafrost?
I. The Berezovka Mammoth Mystery
by Leo '{runt .............................................................. 67
II. Mammoth Problem-Two Solutions
by Member #340 ....................................... _........... 68
Forteana Galactica
by Alan Gray ............... , .............................................. 69
The T ransformist Myth
by Dr. Silvano lorenzoni ................................................... 70
A little Riddle
by Jasper McKee ......................................................... 72
Mr. Berlitz-Again!
by Paul G. Be99 ...................... 73
An Observation on Critics Whose Appraisal of Phenomena
is Undisturbed by Personal Knowledge or Experience
by Charles Berlitz ......................................................... 75
SITUations .................... "................................................. 76
Symposium ...................................................................... 78
Book Review , ................................................................. 80
Whether one believes in the existence of the entities projecting that concept-or believes in them not at all, the
thought is sufficient to give pause. But how, you ask, does
this relate to the proposal of a settlement in space? Quite
simply: the settlement could well be a cure-all or an endall to many of man's present socia-environmental problems. So, with these thoughts in mind, read on ...
Midway between Earth and the mooh is a point referred to as F5, a pivotal area of space influenced by the
gravity wells of the Earth, moon, sun, and to some degree
the outer planets of the solar system. The position l5
honors the noted French mathematician Legrange, who
calculated that anything locked in orbit at this spacial
position would remain so fixed unless deliberately reo
moved. It is at point l5 that O'Neill and O'Leary see the
first of perhaps many space settlements taking shape.
Anyone who has ever viewed the American television
series, The Six Million Dollar Man, which depicts the
adventures of a man refitted with biochemical (bionic)
artificial limbs, is familiar with the program's opening
words: "We have the technology ..... So it is with the
space settlement. The technology to go ahead and build a
vast orbital platform is available. All that is lacking is to
convince national and international governments that the
project is not a waste of money and effort. This is the task
which Dr. O'Neill has set for himself, knowing quite well
the job of convincing hard-headed politicians will be anything but easy.
, In order to complete toe first orbital platform, a'iunar
mining base will first have to be established. From this
station on the moon, ore 'and minerai elements .vital to
construction of the l5 platform will be mined. O'Neill has
diagrammed a unique and rather non-complex method
for getting this ore into orbit: the mineral will be hurled
from the moon by means of a mass accelerator which will
Although we realize the military released a statement in early March of this year admitting that
some of the unexplained sky blasts occurring along
the East Coast were caused by experimental flights,
we feel the explanation offered does not fully explain the recent phenomenon (let alone the historical cases), nor such related events as the light
flashes which sometimes accompanied the blasts.
would then be ignited by static electricity. This explanation seems unconvincing when one considers the fact
that so many uncanny explosions occurred at so many
different places. Are we to accept the notion that a giant
crack or series of cracks suddenly opened all along the
East Coast?
Nevertheless, a similar theory was reported by the
Denver Post. 3 The Post cited an anonymous AP dispatch which mentioned the theory of Dr. Stanley Klemetson, an environmental engineering scientist. and also an
associate professor of civil engineering at Colorado State
University. Dr. Klemetson also suggested that methane
or hydrogen gases had caused the explosio~s. Klemetson's theory differed from Donn's in that the former suggested that the gases originated in submerged deposits of
sludge such as garbage and treated waste deposits. The
gases accumulated, rose to the surface, and then into the
air. The gas, if warmer than the surface air, would then
rise high into the sky, where natural static electricity
would ignite it. Klemetson supported !"tis hypothesis by
noting that the blasts occurred near major coastal cities
such as New York, where garbage is dumped offshore.
An alternate theory was posed by Dr. Donn. According to the San Antonio Express, 4 Donn suggested the
enigmatic explosions were the resu!t of secret military
tests. Donn added that the causes ef the blasts were
probably so secret that various branches of the government didn't know that other government departments
were working on new equipment, such as weaponry,
which would initiate the blasts. However, the Express
was told by the Pentagon that the defense agency had no
knowledge of the skyquakes and that it knew of no military tests which were responsible for them.
Another theory cOJ:)cerning the blasts' origin was suggested to me by Mr. Bob Warth, president of SITu. s He
speculated that some of the blasts may have been caused
by preliminary soundings prior to planned offshore drilling. TJ'tese tests would have been conducted in areas
where oil had recently been discovered (as off the New
Jersey coast), and where oil drilling leases had been
sought by the major companies from the states concerned as well as the federal government.
That hypothesis was dismissed by Dr. Donn, who said
in an article in the San Antonio Express that the blasts
were too powerful to have been caused by offshore
drilling tests. 6
Mr. Warth himself didn't fully accept the idea of the
blasts as the direct result of tests, but added that perhaps the tests might account for gas leaks into the atmosphere from below the ocean floor. He noted that light
flashes in the sky. had been reportedly seen to accompany the blasts on several occasions, and these flashes
did not correspond in time with any recorded seismic
activity in that area according to conversations Mr.
Warth had with Dr. Donn. The flashes of light have given
rise to a number of intriguing theories, some of which will
be discussed below.
PURSUIT, Spring 1978
awakened at 5:30 a.m. by a bright object which consisted of three windows in a cabin. Each window was
square and each was atop the other, as in the Travers'
object. The Richards observed two red lights in front, one
atop the other. The UFO hovered for a while before rushing off beyond a hill.
Later in December. on the 13th, two teenagers repprted a UFO to the police of Long Beach, New Jersey.
The nighttime sighting was also witnessed by the two
policemen, Patrolman Scott and Sgt. Robert Snyder,
who answered the call.
Snyder and Scott allegedly saw peculiar yellowish
lights that flew around in the night sky. Interestingly
enough', these lights had the habit of suddenly vanishing; .
then, just as abruptly, they would reappear. Scott was a
pilot as well as a policeman, so he was familiar with
nocturnal airplane lights. He insisted that these lights
were not from known aircraft. Another odd aspect of this
particular case is that both Scott and Snyder reported a
lot of shooting stars that behaved in an unusual manner.
Pratt did not give any more details about the shooting
stars but did note that the shooting star sightings lasted
about 4 or 5 seconds.
Lastly, a link between UFOs, and the eerie airquakes
was reported to Pratt by William Hayes, Civil Defense coordinator for Ocean County, New Jersey. He said that
between December 2 and December 21 nine blasts were
recorded along the New Jersey coast, and at that time
many reports of UFOs were made by citizens to the Civil
Defense. The UFO reports coincided with the blasts, but
Pratt gave no details concerning the Ocean County
UFOs may not be the only explanation for the eerie
lights in the sky during the occurrence ofthe blasts, however. According to the Paris News (of Paris, Texas),
lights in the sky such as luminous glows had accompanied many of the blasts heard along the East Coast. 12
The light flashes may be similar to what is known as
pre-earthquake phenomena, when uncanny glows are
seen prior to powerful earthquakes. For example, Geotimes reports that the Idu Peninsula earthquake in Japan
on November 26, 1930, at 4:30 a.m., was accompanied by
reports of luminous glows in the air.13 Similarly, the series
of earthquakes at Matsushiro, Japan, in 1965-7 was also
accompanied by reports of light f1ahes - some of which
were photographed (see accompanying photos). Also in
the Orient, white and red lights were seen during the
T'angshan earthquake at T'angshan, in mainland China,
on July 28, 1976.
Reports of earthquake light flashes also have come
from the United States. In Japuary, 1922, for example, a
northern California quake was accompanied by light.
flashes over the Pacific. The glows were so bright that observers thought a ship had caught fire. Another California quake rocked Monterey in October, 1926. At that
time a flash of brilliant light was also reportedly seen at
sea; more recently, Californians at Santa Rosa were
startled not only by the October I, 1969 earthquake, but
also by a bewildering variety of luminescent phenomena
which accompanied it: lightning, electric sparks, St.
Elmo's fire, fireballs, meteors, and sounds like explosions (italics mine-Author).
Geotimes reported that several scientific studies of
earthquake lights had been made by both Japanese and
American researchers. In the 19305 Japanese seismologists T orohiko Terada and Inkkiti Musya gathered not
less than 1,500 reports of odd lights from the Idu area.
Sheet lightning was reported as well as flashes, aurorallike streamers, beams and columns, or red glows, all of
which occurred in areas 80 and 112 kilometers from the
Another report on earthquakes and lights was made by
Yutaka Yasui, who found that the phenomena of the
Matsushiro quake could not be explained by meteors,
twilight, zodiacal light, arcing power lines, or lightning.
Thus, 18 of the 35 cases he had studied could not be explained.
[The following article is reprinted in its entirety, by permission, from Geotimes, Vol. 22, No. 12, December,
It might be only coincidence, but just prior to the series of uncanny airquakes a series of odd electromagnetic
phenomena was reported. On November 21, 1977,
CBS's "Evening News" (on Channel 2 in the New York
metropolitan area) reported at 7: 15 p.m. that mysterious
radio signals picked up by a computer on board a European weather satellite-bearing rocket, which was about
to be launched by NASA, interfered with the launching to
such an extent that the craft could not take off and the
mission was temporarily aborted. The origin of the
signals was not discovered. Would it be only a coincidence that on November 23 there occurred the first flashand-blast case described above?
Another possible coincidence involves a very weird
case that was reported in the New York Times. ls In
Southampton, England, the Southern Television channel was blocked out by odd bleeps which were replaced
by a man's voice. The man claimed to be Asteron, a representative of the intergalactic mission. He read a message for earth, urging the peoples of earth to learn peace.
Weapons must be destroyed because humanity is entering the Age of Aquarius. Failure to do so would result in
Earth's being banished from the Galaxy. Officials of the
Southern Television company were unable to explain the
event and noted that the equipment necessary for such a
hoax would have to be extraordinarily sophisticated and
expensive. Thus, it seems unlikely that a hoax would be
the cause of such a weird interruption of normal programming, although the name "Asteron" seems phonyAster is Greek for star and the Age of Aquarius is derived from astrology and from the musical Hair. The
whole incident sounds like a bad 1950s sci-fi movie but
people such as college students who might perpetrate
such a hoax would have to be extremely well funded.
Nevertheless, this case reminds SITU members of
another, similar case in which English television transmission was interrupted by -uncanny broadcasts. I'm of
As this article goes to print news reports such as an
article by correspondent John Noble Wilford on p. A9 of
the Friday, March 3, 1978 edition of the New York Times
told of findings of the United States Naval Research
Laboratory concerning the nature of the mysterious skyquakes. Wilford reports that two scientists attached to
the Langley Research Center of NASA in Hampton, Virginia, concluded that military aircraft engaged in combat
maneuvers were responsible for the blasts.
The scientists said that the booms occurred when
supersonic blasts bounced off warmer high altitude air
which deflected the sound to areas 100-200 miles away.
Usually, such sonic booms occur only within a path 15-30
miles wide. The unusual magnification of the sounds was
caused by a combination of the extremely cold weather
conditions with the warmer air at the 20-30,000 foot level,
where supersonic jets fly. The researchers noted that the
blasts did indeed occur at times when jets were conducting practice runs.
The military had at first denied the possibility that
supersonic blasts from jet aircraft were to blame because they had failed to take the freak weather patterns
and air currents into consideration. In other years, the
weather at the time of year during which the blasts had
occurred (December-January) had not been as inclement as it was this year.
While it seems that the current series of skyquakes
may have been explained, at least to the satisfaction of
the press, the government, and the scientific community
as a whole, I'd like to point out that no supersonic aircraft
were in the skies over East Haddam, Connecticut, in
December of 1813, when similar blasts were reported.
That is, in so far as we know....
The End (?)
By Dr. David Rind
(Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory)
Figure 1
not a position one would take a priori, but when events such as
the ones described here occur it is cowardly not. to accept the
possibility that things may not fit into our world view. The business of SITU in this regard then becomes one of circulating
these alien perceptions so as to familiarize us with other reality
In this addition to my article, I would like to respond to the explanations for the "booms" suggested by (1), the Naval Research Lab,
which indicated that the booms were caused by military planes flying
offshore, and (2), the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), which
felt the sounds heard resulted from the flights of the Concorde SST.
Before investigating these theories, a short discussion of sound pro
pagation in the atmosphere would seem appropriate. Due to the
curvature of the earth, sound will propagate only as far as the lineof
sight by direct travel - a very short distance for a source near, say
about ~ mile above the surface. With a source at a greater altitude, say
one at 8~ miles (the height at which the Concorde travels), the
distance lengthens, and will approximate 30 miles. The applicable
formula may be written:
distance x
= 2(T
= = =
Figure 2
-1545.5 EST
DECEMBER 2, 1977
to bend back to the surface, the sound velocity at the reflection level
must be at least as great as that at the surface. (This can be seen by:
constructing a profile in which it is not as great, pit:king a ray, and
constructing its path - you will see it bends back up before it can get
down to the ground.)
For long-distance sound propagation a suitable reflection level is a
necessity, so one must find a level in the upper atmosphere in which
the sound velocity is equal to or greater than the ground level sound
velocity. The sound velocity, in rrVs, is:
V = ../'Y RT + ;Cow
where R is the universal gas constant, 'Y the ratio of specific heats
(CpCv), T the temperature in OK, It a vector in the direction of wave
propagation and it the wind vector. If the wind is in the direction of
wave propagation it adds to the ambient sound velocity; if it is in the
opposite direction it subtracts from it. For signal propagating from
east to west, an east wind aloft will increase the sound velocity and
thus make reflection back to the ground more likely (depending on the
temperature and thus the total sound velocity). A west wind will lower
the sound velocity aloft and make reflection of signal from the east
more difficult.
Fig. 3 shows the variation with height of sound velocity from the east
in the atmosphere as a function of temperature alone, and also
temperature-plus-wind for mean summer and winter conditions. The
winter conditions are properly representative of this past winter.
Remember that for sound to be reflected back to the ground the
sound velocity at the reflection lelJel must at least equal that at the
ground. For signal from the east in winter this is not possible until
Trace Velocity:
V=Vo/Sin io
=V1/Sin 11
=V 2 /Sin
approximately 110 km. Any sound that is thought to have propagated . heat-conductivity effects in the atmosphere (as well as for other
from a long distance offshore in an east-to-west direction wilt thus reasons), which in turn vary as a function of sound frequency squared.
have to have been reflected from this height or higher.
Due to dissipation alone, in the lower atmosphere this means that
Now, sound amplitude decreases with distance from the source for propagation of audible sound is limited to about 50 miles for 1000 Hz
several reasons. As the energy,spreads out cylindrically from a plane, frequency (near the peak range of human audibility), increasing to
the amplitude will vary as v'distance due to this geometric spreading 100,000 miles at 20 Hz (the lowest audible frequency). The dissipation
alone. Furthermore, sound dissipates due to viscosity and grows in the upper atmosphere, however. inversely proportional to
....... .. ..... -.
.. .
,, ,
...... .
-.. ..........
.. -
1 ..-......
, ..-
Figure 3
the density (which decreases exponentially with increasing height). reasonable temperature increase, even if it were to have been present,
For reflection at SO km, the 20 Hz signal will have only a small would have allowed sound from the east to have been reflected.
percentage of its energy left; by 110km, the 20 Hz signal would be Without low level reflection, the sound would have to travel into.the
totally dissipated in about 3 feet, while infrasound, too Iowa frequency. upper atmosphere, come back from l00+km - with the result, as we
to be heard (but not to be/elt), of .2 Hz would be able to be reflected have seen, of no boom.
with almost ~ its amplitude intact. One must then calculate the energy
Both seismic and acoustic arrays indicated that the sound traveled
lost due to the geometric spreading. As the amplitude A is from due south, not from the east offshore. In this case the planes
proportional toVdiSi'ciTi"C"e, if near the plane (say 1 km away) the would have had to be right near the coast - if they were further south,
pressure amplitude is 1 millibar (mb), at 100 km away it will be. 1 mb or say south of Florida, the signal would once again have to go to l00+km
100 microbars (~b).
before the majority of its energy was reflected - and, again, no boom
After sound has propagated up to 110 km, come back down, and would be possible. But the Navy, the FAA and everybody else deny
traveled about 250 km in all directions horizontally, one can see that that there were planes flying supersonically right along the coast. For
only small amplitudes would remain. The sonic boom generated by this to have occurred so frequently over a three month period does
the Concorde, which follows this path, comes down in our vicinity seem unlikely. Furthermore, the areas in question are well traveled,
with a few p.b pressure, having been reduced by both geometric and no one saw such planes. The only hope remaining for military
spreading and dissipation. Furthermore, the sound wave stretches as planes was the longdistance propagation theory from offshore, and,
it propagates to these high levels, and thus the frequency drops as we have seen, this was not. possible under the prevailing conditions.
As noted by Jeremy Stone, the head of FAS, although the armed
sound which initially started out at 3 Hz near the plane returns with a
frequency near .1 Hz. This fact alone prevents audible sound from forces have had planes capable of flying supersonically in these same
returning to the ground after such a trip; of course, the dissipation training areas for the past 15 years, it is only suddenly - for the past
factors mentioned above indicate it is- quite impossible anyway. In few months, that they created booms. Dismissing this as implausible,
order to shake windows in a house a pressure perturbation of a few he instead suggested that the Concorde SST, which began flying into
millibars would be necessary .- an impossibility for signal reflecting New York at the end of November, was causing the booms. But the
from 100+ km unless the source was WOO times more powerful than Concorde flies supersonically from England to New York east and
the Concorde sonic boom.
north of the areas affected. To get the sonic boom to propagate from
offshore it would once again have to reflect from the 100+km
atmospheric levels, and it would therefore return with an amplitude
much too small to produce a boom. The distances of propagation
With this discussion in mind, we can evaluate the proposed
Stone imagines are 400 km for the New Jersey booms and 1000 km for
explanations. The Naval Research Lab concluded that the booms
the Charleston booms, so it is not as if the Concorde were flying
were caused by their planes, with the potential to fly supersonically,
nearby at the time it supposedly produced the booms. Furthermore,
flying 100-200 miles offshore, combined with anomolous sound
the sound appeared to come from the south, not from the Concorde's
propagation conditions. There was, they explained, a level of warm air direction.
above the cold surface air, which allowed the sound to propagate.
Neither explanation fits even the facts it attempts to explain, let
further than it ordinarily would have. This condition apparently lasted alone the ones it has ignored (the flashes, which were observed, the
for several months, which on the surface appears to be an ionization counters which activated, etc.). Uttered with the air of
improbability. But let us look more closely.
officialdom by those who are in a position to know, either can pass as
December was a relatively warm month along the East Coast, the scientific explanation for the general public. But an inspection of
with temperatures in South Carolina in the mid-60's. While January the details of those arguments indicate they are mostly conclusions
and February both were colder, there were no unusual inversions with very little science, probably because conclusions were what was
(layers of warm air aloft), as was evidenced by the major snowstorms being demanded. Yet it is this type of attitude (not an uncommon one),
throughout the period (with warm air aloft it would have rained). More which maintains the illusion that everything we see is scientifically ex .
importantly, the winds at the supposed reflection levels (20,000 feet)
plainable, an illusion which prohibits us from opening up to other
were very strong from the west -southwest, on the order of SO rn/ s (100
aspects of reality.
knots). Inspection of the sound velocity formula indicates this would
reduce the sound velocity from the east sufficiently so that no
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These must be in U.S. currency.
By George M. Eberhart
When you can use the lightning, it is better than cannon. -Napoleon
Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything ~bout it. -Mark Twain
Mark Twain would be surprised to learn that weather
modification is a big business in America today. Ever
since 1946 when General Electric Research Labor
atories discovered that silver iodide and dry ice particles
will encourage rainfall in certain types of cloud, meteorologists and farmers have used the services of professional "cloud-seeding" companies to dampen droughtstricken areas. Other seeding methods aimed at hail
PURSUIT, Spring 1978
suppression, hurricane diversion, and lightning suppresrain. Two especially gifted wizards drew blood from their
sion have also been moderately successful. Recent Conforearms, and this blood was sprinkled on the assembled
gressional legislation establishing a national program to " tribesmen while the wizards threw handfuls of down in
develop new weather modification techniques will hopethe air to symbolize clouds. Then everyone knocked
fully find a way to minimize the effect of bad weather on
dOlAm the hut where the ceremony took place by butting
the American economy without disrupting our ecology.l
their heads against it: "the piercing of the hut with their
But weather changers in the past have not always ~n
heads symbolises the piercing of the clouds; the fall of the
countered the same level of popular acceptance. Magical
hut, the fall of the rain."4
attempts to control the weather, while deeply rooted in
In China the gods were formerly blamed" for bad
the folklore of many agricultural societies, began to be reweather, but sometimes they could be supplicated suc-"
garded as pure superstition in classical antiquity and by
cessfully. If a rain god did not r~pond promptly, howthe Middle Ages were seen exclusively as the work of
ever, his images" were desecrated. In April, 1888, when
magicians and witches. Even in modern times such rainthe god Lung-wong failed to stop a downpour, his statue
makers as Charles Hatfii:!ld and Wilhelm Reich (see
was locked up and ignored for five days; this measure
below) were treated as quacks and con-men.
soon brought "clear skies. The next year there was a
Silver iodide seeding is not the ultimate in weather
drought throughout China and when the inhabitants
modification - there is still controversy about its capprayed for rain they were" answered by a flood which
abilities and side-effects. With this in mind it might be
killed sixteen in Hongkong and destroyed a large sector
helpful to review the prehistory of ~ather control as a
of Canton. s
legal, sociological, parapsychological and, of course,
Prayer is a common rain-compelling ceremony in India
meteorological exercise. For if one man can cause a
and "Nepal, and a variety of other rituals designed to
storm by dancing, praying, psi-ing, or pointing metal
control the weather are still in use there today. Specialist
tubes at the sky - why use ~hemicals?
raindoctors (basitondo) of the "Bai"otse in Zambia can
ward off undesired storms and direct either lightning or
rain to a particular place. They use special incantations
and wave around f1ysticks or horns to flick "away the
Non-western agricultural societies often used various . stOrJ"(l. The basitondo possess powers for both good and
evil and can also treat bums or wounds caused by light,
forms of imitative magic to control the weather. Usually
ning. As a contrast, the Kgatla tribe in Botswana betribal shamans ("medicine ~n") took on this responsibility. When the cornfields of the Omaha Indians were
lieved that their chief had sole rainmaking powers - any
withering from drought, members of the sacred Buffalo
enterprising shamans who tried to conjure up a storm
Society would fill a pot with water and dance around it
were banished as traitors. 6
four times. One of the men then drank some of the water
The weather modification lore of European countries
and spat it into the air to imitate the desired rainfall. After" was directly ancestral to many of the practices attributed
this the pot was overturned and the dancers drank the
to witches in the Middle Ages and after. Demonic powers
water off the ground, squirting it into the air again.
were frequently blamed for storms, and the inherent
The Zuni Indians of New Mexico still perform a rain
power of objects and places to ~hange the weather was
stressed more than in non-western cultures.
dance every summer solstice. The dancers paint themIn Pomerania, for example, contrary winds could be reo" "
selves with yellow mud from a sacred lake and dress up in
spruce twigs, eagle feathers, and live tortoises. They"
versed by throwing an old broom without a handle in th~
direction from which a wind was desired. But this pracdance four times in the morning and four times in the
tice was said to cause unmanageable tempests because
afternoon at a different place each time. Every summer
the strength of the wind could never be predicted.
the Tesuque Indians at Santa Clara Pueblo hold a similar
rainbow dance which is expected to produce rain.
Mariners of Normandy believed that favorable winds
could be produced by reciting an irreverent prayer and
Certain Sioux shamans had a natural talent for weather
modification: around 1900 there was a duel between two
immersing a statue of St. Anthony in the sea. The inhabof them, Bull Shield and He Crow, to test each other's
itants of Grenoble believed they could stop storms by
meteorological magic. Bull Shield's ability to disperse
pouring a flask of oil into a stream that ran into the sea.
clouds allegedly triumphed over He Crow's power to proMany sacred springs throughout France had a reputaduce them. 2
tion for influencing rain and stQrms, and in times of
drought the peasants would make pilgrimages to them.
Greenland Eskimo women were said to have the
This originally pagan practice was later incorporated by
power to turn back storms, but only when they were in
Christianity which hastened to "rename the springs after
labor or shortly after childbirth. The woman would go
outdoors, fill her mouth with air, an9 blow it out again
appropriate saints. 7
after coming back inside.3
Sacred wells in Scotland and Wales were also credited
Most other peoples of the world have developed
with the ability to attract or allay storms. A lake called
methods for producing or subduing winds and rain. Some
Dulyn on Snowdon in North Wales could be relied "on to
rituals imitated the desired conditions, while others were
produce rain if som~one threw water on the furthest stepdesigned to appease whatever god was in charge of the
ping-stone that extended into it. On the isle of Inishmuratmosphere. The Wotjobaluk Aborigines" of Victoria,
ray off County Sligo, Ireland, there was a well called
Australia, wetted bunches of hair and" twirled them
Tobernacoragh that could calm a tempest if its waters
around, making a rain-like spray. In Central Australia the
were drained into the sea. 8
Dieri staged a blood ceremony to appease their ancesMagic stones also had weather-wOrking powers. A
tral spirits (Mura-muras) who had the power to cause
rock known as the Kempock Stane on the Firth of Clyde
PURSUIT. Spring 1978
Scandinavian witches causing a storm at sea. Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus (1555).
(1489), Geiler von Kaysersberg (1517), the Abbot Trithemius (1508?), and Paulus Grillandus (1525), also condemned demonic weather modification. 37
Trials and burnings for storm-raising continued
throughout the 15th century. A number of female hail and
storm-makers were burned in Metz in the summer of
1488. Elena Dalok, a skandi/izatrix and incantatrix, was
1. The Significance Attached to Physical Obseruabies. Operationism deals with words or statements
about the physical world. A word or phrase (referring to
the external world) has meaning, according to this
school, only in physical operations symbolized by it.
It follows from this proposition that we should reject
concepts (of objective reference) of what may not be
observed by any known principles of science. However,
there are concepts of things found unobservable that we
may accept. Concepts of unobservables are conveniently described by Dingle as: practical, physical, and logical. 2
Until the flight of Lunik III a convenient example of the
-;-::-The profitableness of ... operational awareness was perhaps firstforcecl on the
attention of physicists by the special theory of relativity of Einstein and later hy
quantum mechanics.'"
By Harry E. Mongold
, ' . -~
Figure 1
this time. What we see them do after E cannot be definitely located in time by us, says Russell. because we
know only that some time has elapsed between their
events and our seeing of them. We cannot say that these
events actually took place before or after E.
Meanwhile we have allowed the special light signal to
reflect to Mars. This event is also E, since the reflection
from our instrument will be at the instant of reception.
We will be sure that events we see there are after E when
we know that they have seen the reflection. However, we
cannot know the latter has happened until we receive the
images from Mars that signal their reception of it. Here I
have added somewhat to Russell's description. for he
writes as though he considers some observer able to be in
both locations. He refers to Sirius and observers there
and here who can see each other:
Anything which he do~s, and which I see before the
event E occurs to me, is definitely before E; anything he does after he has seen the event E is definitely after E. But anything that he does before he
sees the event E, but so that I see it after the event E
has happened, is not definitely before or after E.
Since light takes many years to travel from Sirius to
the earth, this gives a period of twice as many years
in Sirius which may be called 'contemporary' with
E. since these years are not definitely before or after
The observer on Earth, we must decide, has no way of
knowing, according to the operationalist mode of interpretation, that the light reflection has been seen on Mars
(or Sirius) until after the return signal has arrived on
Earth. Thus events on Earth beginning with E and ending
with the arrival of the return signal are "contemporary"
with the period of events on Mars, according to the
second operationalist concept of simultaneity.
To visualize this (see figure 1) the reader may diagram
time as traveling from left to right and designate Earth
only by "E" and Mars by a dotted line pointed in the direction of time. The dotted line should be directly over or
under the point E. He will then have elements of a
triangle. The left end of the Mars line may be marked" A."
This represents the moment that a Martian first shines a
light at us. It should be connected by another dotted line
to E, to represent the travel of the photons and the sight
of A by an observer on Earth at a later moment, namely
the moment of E. A is the earliest distant event that can
be called simultaneous to E, and just after the latest that
an event on Mars could be considered before E. A third
dotted line now may close the triangle from the right end
(B) of the Mars line, to E. This represents the travel of
light from E to the planet. The moment the observer
there sees it is the last moment that a Martian can
consider simultaneous to E, but on Earth we must wait
longer. To show this, of course, another line must come
from B, parallel with the line that came from A to E. It
reaches F. An Earth travel-line EF completes a double triangle.
PURSUIT, Spring 1978
4. Assessment 0/ the Second Concept. The diagram
of light reflections between Earth and Mars indicates a
time lapse at each planet, if we follow Reichenbach's
story with Russell's. It is surely meaningful, i.e., useful, to
say that lapses are the same duration. ** The operationalist interpretation seems to lead to the concept that the
lapses we have labeled AB and EF are contemporary and
equal. It also follows that the beginnings of these lapses
are contemporary, and also the endings. But if any event
of either series is simultaneous to any event of the other,
the operationalist interpretation is very close to being a
naive refusal to admit that light takes time to travel, although this conclusion has been reached by circuitous
reasoning that does tqke into account travel time. The
offset in times shown by our diagram has no significance
according to the operationalist definition of "time of
occurrence," but is only part of the theoretical structure
by which we have argued ourselves out of the assumption of travel times. The observer on Earth experiences E
and is permitted to assume that A is simultaneous to it,
thus neglecting the light travel time. When experiencing
F he may consider B simultaneous to that.
Although it specifically denies it, the second operationalist concept of simultaneity subtly assumes the idea
of simultaneity between two single moments and
assumes it to be increasingly calculable with increasing
knowledge of the circumstances, except that the velocity of light gives the best possible knowledge and leaves
a physical limitation. (That is, if we had not already decided this, we would still be seeking faster signals, to get
closer to one to-one simultaneity.) As operationalists,
relativists assert that the physical limitation defines the
concept, that to speak of any simultaneity other than
what could be directly measured is meaningless. Yet,
their depiction (even in this second concept) must
employ the notion of a simultaneity between two single
moments, one moment in each location.
Let us run through the explanation of this concept
The theorist. as an operationalist. denies this, saying that where nothing exists
(because operations cannot be devised to locate it) there is no ignorance involved.
For example. Gr'unbaum says that "Einstein's denial of the existence of indef
initely rapid causal chains ... deprives the concept of absolute simultaneity of its
phySical meaning even within a single inertial system." The question here is, must
we assume that light may travel with a different velocity when going one direction, .
from what applies in the reverse direction'~"
Because it takes the same time for a flash to leave Earth and reflect back from
Mars as it does for one to leave Mars and reflect back from Earth. This despite any
arbitrary assumptions about the velocity of light in one direction as compared with
the velocity in the reverse direction.
( 4 )
( b)
( C )
----Ie .......--
'A 1 -
An extension of this is made by Bergmann, in his discussion of events as seen by observers on the moving
train and on the ground:
much less convincing, but theoretically the same distances would be covered from each signal source to the
moving observer. These distances are measured on
slanting lines that represent his calculation of what happens simultaneously. They are measured to lines drawn
so that they look just like the end of Einstein's train. However, as explained in Section 5, this brings up problems
that reduce the concept to absurdity.
8. Conclusion_ Operationism seeks to make our thinking more exact by reminding us of the operations that
underly the terms we use. If a limit is established this is a
very useful practice. The limit must be where we begin to
consider a human operation to be more real than space
and time themselves. The only logical result of crossing
this boundary is to reject the reality of even people; i.e.,
we then are solipsists.
We must, then, agree to accept a few physical unobservables. If absolute simultaneity were not observable in
principle it would nevertheless need to be assumed. It
happens, however, that absolute simultaneity is observable in principle. Where relativity mathematics seems to
help prediction it should be used, but its theory cannot be
true as presently stated.
1 Bridgman, P. W., The Nature 0/ Some 0/ Our Physical Concepts, Philosophical Library, 1952. p. 8
2 Dingle, Herbert, The Scientific Adventure, Philosophical Library, 1953, pp. 220 ft.
3 Ibid, p. 235
4 Einstein, Albert, Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, ed. by
Paul A. Schilpp, Tudor. 1951, pp. 613 f.
S Reichenbach, Hans, The Rise 0/ Scientific Philosophy. U. of
California, 1953, pp. 153 f.
6 Russell, Bertrand, The ABC 0/ Relativity, Mentor, 1959. p. 44
(Harpers, 1925, p. 62)
7 Grunbaum, Adolf, art. "Logical and Philosophical Foundations of the Special Theory of Relativity," printed in "Philosophy 0/ Science," Meridian. 1960, p. 405.
8 Reichenbach, H., The Philosophy o/Spaceand Time, Dover,
1958, p. 126
9 Relativity, the Special and General Theory, Crown. 1961, p.
See Reference 4
Einstein, Out 0/ My Later Years. Philosophical Library,
1950, p. 43. Also Dover, 1916, same pagination.
12 Bergmann, Peter G., Introduction to the Theory 0/ Relativity, Prentice-Hall, 1942, pp. 30-32
13 Einstein, The Meaning 0/ Relativity, Princeton U. Press,
1945, p. 28
14 Op cit, p. 30
" 10
This space, like many others in this issue, could be filled
with advertising. Since we prefer to fill our journal with
articles instead, we must rely on additional support from
our members. Please send a donation when and if you
can. Remember, they are tax-deductible ....
Frequency Distribution for the Synchro Data
for 5Minute Intervals of the Hourly Period, based
on research conducted between 19721976
Minute Interua/s
10 - 14
15 - 19
20 - 24
25 - 29
Number 0/
Synchronous Euents
30 - 34
35 - 39
45 - 49
50 - 54
55 - 59
The other conversationalist is represented by reading,
at the same time. This is input channel #2 of E. T., input to
the visual network.
It takes concentration to catch the synchronous word
pairs between the two input channels at first, so add the
necessary 10% persistence and keep practicing. After a
while, hopefully, you'll get your input channels in synch.
and will find that the signal increases. Once you've
entered the acausal dimension of human experience, I
cannot guarantee the results.
So keep a record notebook. The data to record are: (1)
the sources of E.T. you monitor, (2) the time of occurrence of a word in synch, (3) the word itself (with any prefix or suffix differences), and (4) the length of time it takes
your data to run.
Table 1 should give you some idea of the synchro
data's occurrence pattern hiou11 notice data lurk in advertisements and news updates) during a one-hour inter-
1 Cosmic Trigger, by Robert Anton Wilson, And/Or Press,
Berkeley; introduction by T. Leary (copyright 1977 by Robert
Anton Wils~:m).
2 The I Ching or Book of Changes, trans. by Richard Wilheim,
rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes, Bollingen Series XIX
(copyrighted 1950 and 1967 by Princeton University Press).
Volcanoes, comet-storms,
or permafrost?
By Leo Trunt
I have been thinking about Ivan T. Sanderson's mystery of the Berezovka Mammoth for several years now.
Although I like the theory offered by Sanderson, I think I
may have a more complete answer.
I kept wondering how a mammoth could get buried in
the muck which surely should be as.frozen as solid rock. I
will offer you my theory, which borrows heavily from Sanderson's; I hope SITU members will find it satisfactory.
In his book More Things, Sanderson stated that these
animals were located in "muck," but there was no explanation for this. Sanderson indicated that, through volcanic eruptions, the dust and gases emitted would have
cooled and come down in violent cold blobs which froze
anything in their path and offered destruction to anything in the vicinity of the falling blobs: very good, but I
have a very different approach.
What if the eruptions gave off a high concentration of
carbon dioxide and other similar gases? This would
create a greenhouse effect which could, in a very short
period of time, have heated the Northern Hemisphere
(and perhaps the entire earth) by an incredible amount.
Subsequent explosions and eruptions could then have
blown enormous quantities of dust and other gases into
the atmosphere, thus giving rise to the "cold" blobs that
Sanderson suggests.
The mammoths in Siberia could have been on a northerly migration, indeed. Suddenly, while walking in (quite
possibly) two or three feet of watery "slew" above the
frozen permafrost, the heat wave struck. This could have
occurred in a short period of time, anywhere from a few
hours to a few days, with the temperature probably
reaching around 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Then came
more eruptions.
In a very short period of time, the atmosphere would
By Alan Gray
Even if the late, great Charles Fort is swimming in the
Super-Sargasso Sea, or chortling about some blithering
inconsistency in the great beyond, he has doubtless
taken time out from his mirthful romp to notice this one.
He would give it a prominent place in The Book of the
The high priests of orthodox astronomy are trying to
bury a persistent preposterousness.
An article entitled "Reflecting On Superluminal Velocities" appears in the December 10, 1977, issue of
Science News, and contains an account of three quasars
that are behaving "improperly." TheY'are either going
faster than light, or behaving in such a way that they seem
to be going faster than light, and going faster than light for
any reason is taboo.
"The response of most astronomers is that it is just an
appearance and must somehow be explained away," reports Science News and goes on to say "The most popular explanations to date seem a bit contrived ... "
And a gentleman named Lynden-Bell has contrived
such an accounting for this anomalous phenomenon,
bringing a mirror of sorts into the fray.
He says that flashes emitted by these rogue quasars in
some way are admixed with infalling matter being drawn
into a black hole. In some manner a flash of light is produced by this cosmic confection, and that flash yields a
By Dr. Silva no Lorenzoni
One of the foremost myths of our time is "evolutionism" - or, more exactly, transformism - in its strictly
darwinian form. And when I use the word "myth" to indi~te transformism, I do so with full intent, because that
word can have two equally acceptable meanings that are
different but not necessarily exclusive: (a) a myth may be
simply something that is false; (b) a myth can be the
"force-idea" behind some action or ideology. And transformism/ darwinism is both a falsity and an important
force-idea at the base of the structure of modern times.
Let us start by setting a few "landmarks" that will be (a)
semantic, (because semantic confusions are and have
always been a battle-horse of decadentists), and (b) historical; we shall then continue with a direct criticism of
darwinism and transformism.
Terminology, therefore, should be our first concern.
Let us begin by examining the following terms:
(a) Euolution: Strictly speaking, the term "evolution"
refers to the simple acknowledgement of the fact that, at
least on the basis of a certain set of geological and
palaeontological data and observations, the living forms .
in the world have not always been the same as geological
ages gone by. The same observations would also seem to
indicate that the changes in question were in a direction
of lesser to greater organizational complexity, at least
from the viewpoint of anatomical and biochemical structure. To use the term "evolution," although standardized by usage, to indicate these changes is, in myopinion, inadequate because it carries implicitly a certain idea
of "betterment"; and this kind of judgment (ethical or
moral) should always remain outside the sphere of positive, empirical and natural sciences. For the moment,
however, I shall be content with having set down the
meaning of the term.
(b) Trans/ormism: It is that doctrine whereby the successive living forms that have appeared in the world had
their origin by trans/ormation of older or pre-existing
forms. Such transformations would have crossed boundaries not only between species, but also between gender, family, order and even type of phylum.
(c) Darwinism: It is that theory about the reasons 0/
trans/ormism postulates natural selection as the cause of
the transformations which are, in turn, postulated by that
doctrine. Its name comes from the fact that it was structured and generalized in its present form by an Englishman, a certain Charles Darwin, author of the now (unfortunately) famous two books, The Origin 0/ Species by
Natural Selection (1859), and The Descent 0/ Man
(1871), the latter of which contains his well-known suggestion that man is descended from the ape.
In formulating his "origin of the species," Darwin based
his theory fundamentally on (a) the work of a much less
fortunate predecessor of his, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck,
author of Philosophie zoo/ogique (1809) in which, even
though by somewhat different ways from Darwin's, he
arrived at a "natural selection"'not lOO unlike its darwinPURSUIT, Spring 1978
I shall not consider here the problem of why darwinism has had the phenomenal success it enjoys - that I
have done elsewhere.4 Let it suffice to note here that darwinism has become to all intents and purposes a dogma,
acquiring therefore (as is its concomitant right) its own
priests who have dutifully constructed for it a whole
theology and, what is more, a theodicea5 - over and
above their normal preoccupation of hurling curses
against the "gentiles" who do not believe in the Word of
the new M::>~siah, Charles Darwin. As scientific facts
mount against darwinism, the ~rwinists - entrenched
in well-paid positions of power within official academic
and university circles - pile up additional hypotheses
and strange kabalas to mend it; and when they cannot
uses to establish new types of organization ... along currents of oriented euolution." Similar conclusions had
been reached much earlier by a distinguished Italian
transformist, Piero Leonardi.8
'Transformism is not
su pported by facts.'
By Jasper McKee
Question: What do all the following phenomena
have in common:
1) Spontaneous human combustion
2) Dowsing
3) Hauntings
4) Poltergeists (taking the word of some that these
are different from hauntings)
5) Inexplicable condensation of liquids in strange
places (e.g. mineral oil on ceilings, or steady falls of
rain on one particular tree for days on end)
6) Bizarre falls from the sky (e.g. frogs, ice, rocks,
Answer: They frequently take place in the immediate vicinity of some specific wooden object, such as a
frame house, piece of furniture, particular living tree,
or even a forked stick.
The purpose here, rather than to declare any firm or
final conviction, is to enlist the thoughtful review of an
audience familiar with the literature of these occurrences. One problem is that many published descriptions tend to be rather subjective and haphazard, and
even the most scholarly reports do not concern them-
selves with a highly detailed account of the surroundings. To the student ofthese matters, however, some
patterns do emerge.
First, there is the matter of localization. This is easily
established with any phenomenon which repeats itself
over a period of time: either it happens all over, or it
only happens in a very few repeated places. In regard
to falls from the sky, Fort called attention several times
to the repetition of bizarre falls in the same localities.
Haunting phenomena are also frequently repetitive,
and clearly localized. Presented with the fact of localization, one must wonder whether the localization is
connected with some particular object.
Second, for all these phenomena, whether repetitive or one-shot, it seems clear that they do associate
themselves with houses, typically, or other wooden
objects. They seldom occur in busses, airplanes,
sports stadiums, open fields, or steel and concrete
high rises.
Probably I should stop here, but I yield to the temptation to mention one thing more. Perhaps the secret
of the pyramids may be buried within in the form of a
gigantic wooden infrastructure ... and that the whole
purpose was to erect and protect a large, precisely
configured' wooden frame. After all, the roofs of
houses frequently come to an apex, as do dowsing
By Paul G. Begg
Two years ago Charles Berlitz's book The Bermuda
Triangle (1) was published. Although it was not the first
Triangle book it was undeniably the most popular, going
straight into the best seller lists and notching up five mil
lion sales worldwide. It created a popular legend, telling
the story of a roughly triangular patch of ocean in the
western Atlantic, where ships, aircraft and people have
disappeared in mysterious circumstances, leaving no
wreckage and no survivors, and where weird phenomena take place - wildly spinning compasses, fire
balls, inexplicable breakdown of electrical power, strange
objects seen in the sky and traced in the depths of the
ocean, and so much more. It is all very exciting and very
disturbing, particularly to those of us who take our cocoa
to bed every time there is a late night horror movie on tv.
Now Mr. Berlitz continues the story of the Bermuda
Triangle with a new book Without A Trace (2), reviewed
in Pursuit (Vol. 10 No.3 Summer 1977):" ... master Fortean Charles Berlitz has been meticulously pursuing new
leads ... Without A Trace covers new ground ... In addition to detailed descriptions of many new and interesting
cases, it painstakingly examines all the possible explanations ... The professional anti-Triangle critics will have
difficulty in finding flaws in his arguments .....
I am not antiTriangie. I am anti- those Forteans who
manufacture and/or perpetuate mysteries through care
less or nonexistent research. I want facts and if they can
be presented in an entertaining manner then so much the
better. However, as I have said in a previous article (3), it
seems that much of what is written about Fortean matters is far from factual, and this particularly applies to the
Bermuda Triangle.
Perhaps because of its enormous success The Bermuda Triangle gained the attention of Triangle investi
gators and critics and has borne the brunt of the criti
cism, though not without good cause. Lawrence David
Kusche (4) and others - most notably in Britain the
B.B.C. (5) - haveshown that few, if any, of the incidents
happened as Mr. Berlitz deScribed them. It" is therefore
surprising to find Without A Trace so briefly reviewed in
Pursuit, the reviewer ignoring Mr. Berlitz's track record
for accuracy (which is abysmal and doesn't inspire confidence) and without making any apparent attempt to
check even a few of the claims he makes. So, at risk of
being labeled anti-Triangle ... let's begin a~ the beginning.
On page five Berlitz tells of a Nat,onal Airlines 727 flying to Miami which was lost on radar for 10 minutes, duro
ing which time the pilot reported flying through a thick
fog. Upon landing it was found that all time-keeping
equipment on board, including the watches of the pas.
sengers and crew, were all 10 minutes behind real time.
No date, time, or flight number is given for this incident
and checks with FAA, Miami Airport, and Eastern Airlines have failed to produce any record of such an event.
An Eastern Airlines official told Graham Massey (6): "If
that had happened, we'd sure as hell know all about it."
Sea Venture's skipper managed to run his ship aground.
It was in a valiant attempt to reach the mainland that several men set out in the Sea Venture's longboat. They
were never seen again - which is hardly surprisingj it's a
long way to the mainland from Bermuda, and once there
they would have had to face Indians. There is nothing
mysterious about the wreck of the Sea Venture and as
for Shakespeare's involvernent, he was apparently inspired to write The Tempest by the wreck of the Sea Venture, but his'line 'the still-vexed Bermooths' more probably refers to the treacherous coral reefs which surround Bermuda (and which claimed many Spanish vessels), than a supernatural force.
On page 37 Berlitz tells the old story of the DC-3 airliner which vanished when approaching Miami after sending a radio message: "We are approaching the field ... We
can see the lights of Miami now. All's well. Will ~tand by
(1) Berlitz, Charles, The Bermuda Triangle (New York:
Doubleday & Co., 1974, London: Souvenir Press,
1975) (2) Berlitz, Charles, Without A Trace (New York:
Doubleday & Co., 1977, London: Souvenir Press,
1977) (3) Begg, Paul G., "False Facts," Pursuit, Vol. 9, No. 2,
April, 1976. (4) Kusche, Lawrence David, The Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solued (New York: Harper & Row, 1975, London: New English Library, 1975) (5) The Case 0/ the Ber
muda Triangle, BBC2lV Feb., 1976: A documentary written
and produced by Graham Massey and featuring Charles Berlitz, Richard Winer, and others associated in some way with the
By Charles Berlitz
I am not aware that the Bermuda Triangle has been
"blown sky high" nor apparently is anyone else who has
had access to the newspapers during recent months especially January 1978.
As far: CiS so-called experts who have never visited the
Bermuda Triangle area, I have but little to add to what I
said in Without a Trace:
... mention should be made of a book written by a
librarian in Arizona named Lawrence Kusche (The
Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solved), which
expressed the point of view that the mystery had
on investigative techniques which would immeasurably simplify the work of detectives, police,
research investigators, and explorers throughout
the world_
Some of the ships mentioned in the above work as never
having existed could have been easily located if the
investigator had known where to look for their records,
This section of our journal is dedicated to the reporting of curious and unexplained
euents. Members are encouraged to send in newsclippings and responsible reports
they feel should be included here. Remember, local newspapers often offer the best
(or only) information concerning some events. Please be sure to include the source of
reference (name of newspaper, periodical, etc.), the date the article appeared and
your membership number (or name, if you prefer to be credited that way).
e:.:-..- ----0.
ing the same description after a big snow- . an alleged Bigfoot sighting in Sussex
storm in the third week of January. When County (northern New Jersey) last year,
she discovered similar prints under a heard shrieking sounds coming from a
broken window of a company trailer, she wooded area_ The sounds, lasting for at
guessed the animal may have tried to least half an hour, could be compared to
break into the trailer.
those of a woman in pain or distress. The
The Hughes couple concluded that the local people there with JlS, upon hearing
beast, about the size of a lynx but pure the sounds, told us these were similar to
black, and smaller than an ocelot, must the screams heard during the period in
be a medium-sized black panther. The which a number of members of the famquestion remains, however: why, in ily had encountered a large bipedal hairy
northern Illinois, should such a creature creature near their house. -Editor
appear in a location where it is not known
to habitate?
It might also be noted that Mrs.
Hughes attributes to the animal the
The Soviet News Agency Tass claims
"high, unsettling shrieks" and noises specialists at the Yakutia Institute of Lan"almost human and resembling the guage, Literature and History have been
screams of a desperate woman," which evaluating testimony of Siberians who
were heard on three different occasions a claim to have seen the so-called "Chufew years earlier. The Hughes were told chunaa," meaning "fugitive" or "outthat cats the size they claim to have seen cast." The man-like creature has been
are known to make shrieking sounds.
seen in the vast expanse of forest, mounCREDIT: Joliet Metro East HeraldNews, 10
tains and tundra in northeastern Siberia.
March, 1978. SOURCE: Member 11985.
The creature has been varioosly deIt is interesting to note here that seuscribed: about six and a half feet tall, with
eral of us from SITU, while investigating
long arms hanging below its knees, dark
Although the following event took
place several years ago, we are including
it here because the photographic evi
dence of a faDen chunk of ice is very un
It was a lNarm summer evening and a
thunderstorm was approaching from the
northwest. The sky was still clear over
head, however, and the witness, who had
just gone into his kitchen after tending
the outdoor grill, was startled by a very
loud noise in his backyard. He was quite
unnerved to find that a large chunk of ice.
had faUen almost exactly at the spot upon
which he had just been standing.
The police, who were called to the
scene at 8:05 p.m. August 5,1967, said
that the chunk of ice might have weighed
25 pounds before breaking up as it landed
at the residence on Waverly Place, Long
Branch, New Jersey.
Neighbors three houses away. it was
reported, came running frorri their
homes at the sound of the impact. The
chunk of ice made an 8-inch depression
in the ground near the griD, after passing
through (and damaging) a silver maple
tree. The icecontaminated grass died.
SOURCE: The Long Branch Daily Record, Long
Branc:h,NJ, 7 August,I967. CREDIT: Member 11432.
A youth, 13yearold Doug Pritchard of
Lenoir, North Carolina, was taken to Dr.
Amor Bouraouie on January 20, 1978, to
have a foreign object removed from his
foot. The object, reported to have caused
the boy pain for several weeks, had been
wearing out shoes worn on that foot.
'The object removed by the doctor, ina
rare case of genetic misdirection, was a
tooth, fully grown and with roots. Dr.
Bouraouie, it is stated, kept the tooth as a
Although an opposite variation of the
effect is frequently employed, this is the
first account we have of someone putting
their mouth in their foot.
CREDIT: UP!, 22 January 1978.
Comments and Opinions
No doubt SITU members have heard about a new film
of an alleged Sasquatch taken in the Mt. Baker area of
Washington State toward the end of last year. John
Green, Rene Dahinden and I have viewed the footage
many times. It is an obvious fake.
Frank White, the man who eventually produced the
footage, originally came to Rene last April wanting to
know all about "Bigfoot," and asking to be introduced to
Ken Cooper at the Lumni Indian Reserve. He said he
would like to cruise the roads at night (as Rene and I had
done for six weeks the year before).
Rene took him there, introduced him, and even spent a
night or two with him to show him where most of the
sightings had occurred. White and his wife then spent
several nights cruising around the reservation on their
A few weeks later, they decided to rent a movie camera
and take a run up by Mt. Baker, "to film the colors of
Fall." Apparently, they decided to stop along the highway
(one of the most traveled tourist highways in the state) to
have their lunch. As they walked about 600 feet into the
woods looking for a nice place to eat, guess what stepped
right in front of their rented camera!
According to them, they hurriedly left the area, but
stopped a short way down the road to talk it over, then
returned. But, try as they might, they were unable to find
the location again. Later, at their home, Frank White told
me he thought he could now re-Iocate the spot_ Would I
like to go with him to look the area over?
I told him I certainly would, and to bring along the film
because I had a stop-frame projector and we could
therefore all study the film, frame by frame, together. By
I}OW, I ,a~r~a.dy sl.!spected the film was faked; I therefore
PURSUiT, Spring'1978
Many members have asked us why Pursuit was not
mailed out earlier last 'time. Besid~s the 'serious weather
problems, there was anc)ther very good reason for our
late mailing. Because we are non-profit, we must make
the best use of ,our bulk mailing permit. Tha~ means that
we have to wait for renewals to come in before mailing out
the copies of our journal. It would help us all if members
would send in. their renewals by die end of the year.
Mr. T. B. Pawlicki's articles in the Winter, 1978, Pursuit
(Vol. 11, No.1) have interesting id,eas, .but he gets so excited he forgets to thin~' cautiously. FQr 'ins~ance, we
need more evid~pce that "f~eld: is identical to spa~e."
Time of travel is a method of measuring space. Unless
some sort of field is necessary for every motion, a roct<.
hurled across a chasm would reach the other side as soon
if there were no fields in the space as with them.
He says movement is behavior, and behavior is intelligence, although only the movements of animal muscles
We are still processing names for the new Membership Directory. Since we will be attempting to have it
ready soon, all members who would like to be included
should contact Martin Wiegler, 694 Stuyvesant Ave.,
Irvington, NJ 07111 by July 1, if possible. Give him your
membership number and address (print clearly!) and
area(s) of interest, and he will do the rest. It is hoped that
the Directory will enable members to engage in a productive exchange of information and interest. .
We would like to include more of these in the pages of
Pursuit, and all members are invited to contribute. Submissions of up to 500 words, or in some cases longer, will
be considered for publication; but we prefer shorter reviews wherever possible, as this will allow more coverage
of the many new books concerning unexplained phenomena coming into print. Include the author, title, publisher and price of the work; and please be sure to specify
with your review. whether you would like us to print your
name or simply your mernhership number.
PURSUIT, Spring, 1978
New American Library (Signet Books), New York,
N. Y., 1971, 168 pages, $1.50 (paperback).
D. S~ott Raga has written eleven previous books and
numerous articles on virtually every aspect of parapsychology. He now turns his attention to UFO's, as well
as other types of unexplained phenomena. It is Rogo's
contention that UFO researchers are generally not wellread on parapsychological matters and may fail to notice
parallels between psychic manifestations and UFO
That there is a psychic element to UFO reports (or
some of them, at least) seems undeniable. However,
Raga has perhaps assumed and speculated too much in
his attempt to explain UFOs in paraphysical terms. His
basic knowledge of the UFO subject is, in many cases,
sadly and obviously lacking. For instance, Rogo
summarizes the case for UFOs as follows: "Unlike ESP
and psychokinesis, which can be studied in the laboratory, the evidence for the existence of UFOs, miracles,
weeping pictures, and teleportation still rests only on
disjointed observations." Aside from lumping UFOs in
with more esoteric phenomena, Rogo's statement is
certainly open to question.
But just exactly what does he think UFOs are? "I have
no doubt that such things as UFOs and 'monsters' are
physical realities ... realities totally apart from our minds.
But I believe that they are psychic realities as well. These
enigmatic creatures and vehicles are haunting our planet,
but through the power 01 our minds we are imitating
them and creating more and more of them. For every
UFO that flits through the sky, many more are created by
the psyche."
One would think that, somewhere in the book, Raga
would give his opinions as to what sort of "physical
realities" may be responsible for the "real" UFOs. He
does' not. He finds the theory. of physical space vehicles
inconsistent with the evidence because "no one has ever
downed one, shot off a part of one, or captured one on
the ground. "That assertion is highly debatable, to say the
In discussing the Hickson/Parker UFO abduction
case, Raga says at one point that the two fishermen were
"completely oblivious" to the other UFO reports from
the Pascagoula, Mississippi area on the night of their
experience. Yet, a few pages later, he suggests that "the
UFO activity which was prevalent that night could have
served as the prototype suggestion from which Hickson
molded the terrifying drama."
The book contains several other factual errors and
generally reflects Raga's unfamiliarity with his subject. By
failing to thoroughly research the UFO literature, Rage
has hurt his case, while giving us a book which seems to
be just one more quickie "pot-boiler" paperback.
- Lucius Farish
PURSUIT, Spring 1978
Robert C. Warth
R. Martin Wolf
Albena E. Zwerver
Steven Mayne
Gregory Arend
Susan Malone
(The following notice is included here in response to a number of
inquiries conceming the procedure for submitting manuscripts.)