PURSUIT Newsletter No. 47, Summer 1979 - Ivan T. Sanderson
PURSUIT Newsletter No. 47, Summer 1979 - Ivan T. Sanderson
PURSUIT Newsletter No. 47, Summer 1979 - Ivan T. Sanderson
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VOL. 12
WHOLE No. 47
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index appears on the back cover of the Fall and Winter issues.
Robert C. Warth
Managing Editor
R. Martin Wolf
Assistant Editor
Steven N. Mayne
Consulting Editors
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Staff Artists
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Cover designed
byR. M. Wolf
The Synchro Channel
by Barbara Jordison ............................................................ 94
Let"s Test the Communication Hypothesis
by Barbara Jordison ............................................................ 95
Between the Plastic Eagle, Between the Mezuzah and the Crucifix, an Article of Faith
by Grace Undapresha .......................................................... 96
by Ivan T. Sanderson .......................................................... 100
More on Extant Dinosaurs
by Dr. Silvano Lorenzoni. ...................................................... 105
Exegesis: Unexplained Data Related to United Flight 389
by E. MacerStory ............................................................ 110
How to "Fingerprint" a UFO and "Hear" Its Light
by Russ Reardon ............................................................. 112
ULF Tree Potentials and Geomagnetic Pulsations
by A. C. Fraser-Smith ......................................................... 114
The Weekend Effect: ULF Electromagnetic Fields, Powerline Harmonics.
and an Interview with Antony C. Fraser-Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... 116
What to Believe-Or. Paring Down the Paradigm
by Dr. Arlan Keith Andrews, Sr .................................................. 119
The One PhYSical Experiment Impossible to Explain
byT. B. Pawlicki. .............................................................. 120
Metrification: Even Pyramid Power Won't Save the Sacred Inch
by Robert J. Schadewald ....................................................... 124
Ornithological Erratics: Winter 1978-1979
by Loren Coleman ............................................................ 125
UFOs Down Under and All Over
by Jon Douglas Singer ......................................................... 127
Symposium ....................................................................... 131
SITUations ...................................................................... 133
Book Reviews
by Robert C. Warth ........................................................... 138
The Notes of Charles Fort .......................................................... 139
2:07 am
IInPU1i to ears
a written record
Input to eyes JW
1. Hynek, J. Allen, and Vallee, Jacques, The Edge of Reality
(Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1975), p. 82
2. Brain/Mind Bul/etin, Volume 3, Number 22. October 2, 1978,
"Unitary Knowing-Intellectual Stage Beyond Science?"
HOSE not bludgeoned by the decade mongering
germane to the mid-sixties nor dematerialized by the
tacit rumbles of the current preface to the eighties, have
found out just how many wholes it doesn't take to fill the
Albert Hall. The generation of stern impartiality, most uncommon to the reflexive consumer, precludes wishful
thinking. To rational, Western man, psy. extra, meti;! or
paranormal forces, are alien forces which the state religion of science resists as theological residue. Yet 10% of
our network programming is devoted to precisely this
ethereal area.
According to the antennas of Time and Newsweek.
Fundamental Christianity is gaining ground faster than
the various brands of Eastern wisdom now showing on
the neighborhood shelves. Given that, one is not prone
to squirming beneath the wrath of commerce or allowing
one's vision to be ellipsed by the profit motive, are Scriptures a fair match for statistics? The relation of the slogan
to the sale is as known to the ad man as the wrinkles in
PURSUIT Summer 1979
Just like the Danbury State Fair, one could see the nonexistent mounties groom the non-existent Clydesdales,
or sample some of Aaron Burr's ectoplasmic preserves.
The teachings are those of the dispersal and acquisition
of power, or the politics of juice and the percentages of
those who short out upon gaining mere proximity to it.
What have the old ways of magic, shamanistic ritual and
prediction to do with new modes of morality and multiple
ideological frameworks? The way one views gods, devas,
toothpaste and reruns of the Twilight Zone, is contingent
upon historical developments. The matrix of the contemporary spectacle is composed of psychoanalysis, the
electronic communications media and the collaboration
of corporations and centralized governmental structures
for the purposes of social management and capital accumulation. "Clairvoyant" in French, means "clear seeing."
To the ancient Egyptians psychics were called "mouthers,"
those through whom information flowed. The Media is
often called "the public educator."
"Whatever you learn of sortilege, calculation, rites
and diagnosis, be clever and learn so as to know it.
If your skill and cleverness of method have not been
perfected by practice, you will not produce medicine, but poison. "
On Saturday, February 18.1978, Murdock's Post told
us that the man there, looking like Dr. John the Nite
Tripper, wearing the Gre Gre hat. was none other than
the archbishop Pangratos of the Greek Orthodox Holy
Sepulchre Church of Graecia Magnesicily. He had empowered an ex-hijacker, thrice divorced, father of three
into the role of Bishop. The newly ordained server of the
Protestant Lord plans to set up ecclesiastical shop in a
castle on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. For the annual dues of $2,000, you too can kiss the Bishop's
$45,000 cognac colored ring at will. Bishops are the conical figures that move on the diagonal either on the black
or in the red. The typographer, upon dropping the lead
is liable to hot line god into dog or place the angle where
the angel should be in terms of linear stimuli pertaining to
the pinhead.
When Galileo let his balls roll down an inclined plane
at his own chosen speed, the light which dawned upon
nated by linear dogma nor by star-trek, Leary-eyed terminology, one might upon having witnessed such phenomena
as The Son of Sam or the rise of the Third Reich, and
conclude that psychic forces are unamenable to human
The first speaker, a shaman who entertains the natives
with magic pictures, foresees an explosion of epiphanies
in the wake of the Star Wars/ Close Encounter fever. The
psi virus, presently creating landing platforms for extraterrestrials in the minds of many, may very well be creating
receptivity for expansive encounters with inner space.
Mr. Parker asserts that the Psi film is going to replace the
Western. Via manipulating aspects of perception, media
can directly engage the psychic structure of the viewer.
According to Parker one could, with appropriate audio
visual stimuli, accelerate the growth of a Third World
country to self-sufficiency within one generation. If the
ranks of the star-spangled, technocratic godhead possessed
sufficient societal dedication, we could 'eliminate hunger
and create immortality.' In citing the example of a proposal to institute T.M. into the New Jersey public schooi
system, which was blocked by the Catholic Church on
the basis of maintaining the division of church and state,
Mr. Parker advocates appropriating Eastern wisdoms as
technology rather than as religion.
Kundalini is neither in the dictionary nor the encyclopedia. It is, according to Mr. Kieffer of the Research Institute, one of the most jealously guarded secrets of mankind
and possibly the Unified Field Theory.
The issue is illumination, and Kieffer's position is to
remove the matter from the domain of spirituality, the
aesthetics of which abhors serenity's disruption by debate,
into the realm of science and to prove the biological aspects
of Enlightenment via examining the blood, spinal fluid
and nerve structure of various subjects. In 1970, Kieffer
read the autobiography of Gopi Krishna which documented
his experience of the awakening of Kundalini, the serpentine energy sleeping at the base of every human being's
spine. Krishna, living in Kashmir, having failed his college
entrance examinations at the age of 17, began a daily
mental exercise of concentration. Seventeen years later,
at the age of 34, Krishna, a minor government clerk,
experienced what is described as 'illumination' in various
ancient scriptures of Egypt as well as India. "Suddenly
with a roar like that of a waterfall, I felt a stream of liqUid
light entering my brain through the spinal cord ... the
illumination grew brighter and brighter and I experienced
a rocking sensation and then felt myself slipping out of
my body entirely enveloped in a halo of light. I felt the
point of consciousness that was my self growing wider
surrounded by waves of Iight. .. I was now all consciousness without any outline .... " etc., etc., etc. The metabolic
entertainment was not just another roadside attraction,
for Krishna began to experience all of the altered range of
PURSUIT Summer 1979
According to the Kundalini Research Institute, Enlightenment is a physiological event. According to Sakya Trizin,
the causes for Enlightenment must be created. When the
historical Buddha was questioned as to whether he had
taught everything which he obtained via his experience
beneath the Bodhi tree, he held forth a blade of grass
proclaiming that as all that was necessary. "Buddha"
means one who woke up. The effects of the attainment
of Buddhahood in this lifetime subsume all of the special
effects attributed to paranormal phenomena with the exception that these 'gifts' were acquired via arduous training
in renunciation and development of proper view, as well
as a quality of compassion which knows no discrimination.
The floor opened up and questions began to trickle.
The Lama excused himself stating that we wouldn't interfere with his concentration, and prepared himself to give
a Long Life Empowerment. As he climbed up upon the
throne positioned within traditional Tibetan ritual arrangements, the moderator watched as the Lama began his preliminary motions and commented, "And I hope his doesn't
interfere with ours!" The dialogue flew but the fascinating
part was how the beginning of the ritual wove in and out like
a haunting tenor sax, wailing in the distance at a pitch so
high that only gods could hear it. The talking ceased and the
"wang" formally began. The Long Life Wang is a consecration of the Body, Speech and Mind, removing the moral
and mental defilements from the participant, enabling
him to pursue a long fruitful life . The benefits of this ceremony are dedicated to the welfare of all living creatures.
Participants are requested to visualize light issuing forth
from the Lama's heart, shining upon the world. Yes,
folks, it did happen there. A Tantric ritual was held at the
U.N., structured to keep your internal Timex ticking in
tune forever. The Buddha of Limitless Life, Amitayus, is
said to have appeared, radiant, in the form of an ancient
Indian Prince. At the conclusion, participants could approach the Lama to receive special blessings.
by Ivan T. Sanderson
Reprinted from More "Things", Pyramid Publications, Inc .. New
York, New York. Copyright 1969 by luan T. Sanderson, with
the kind permission of Sabina Warren Sanderson.
there are some things like the tuatara, a two-foot Iizardshaped creature from New Zealand, and some millions of
crocodiles which are just as real as the elephants in our
zoos and the cattle in our fields. but which are as old as
the oldest dinosaurs. All the facts. moreover, are on record,
so let us examine them, beginning with what will probably
be regarded as the lunatic fringe.
A well-known South African big-game hunter, delighting in the name of Mr. F. Gobler, returned from a trip to
Angola and announced to the Capetown newspaper, the
Cape Argus, 5 that there was an animal of large dimensions. the description of which could only fit a dinosaur.
dwelling in the Djilolo Swamps, and well known to the
natives as the "chipekwe". He stated: "lts weight would
be about four tons and it attacks rhino, hippo and elephants. Hunters have heard a chipekwe-at nightdevouring a dead rhino, crushing the bones and tearing
out huge lumps of meat. It has the head and tail of a lizard.
A German scientist has photographed it. I went to the
swamps in search of it. but the natives told me it was extremely rare, and I could not locate the monster. Nevertheless, I am convinced the chipekwe does exist. Here
is the photograph."
This, of course, produced a terrific outburst in the
editorial and correspondence columns of the paper. but
the astonishing thing is that the majority of the experts,
both scientific and sporting, and all with much local knowledge, agreed that it might exist. Their reasons will become
abundantly clear later.
I doubt if any of us would believe such a tale, even if
related in all solemnity by the most renowned explorer.
Yet a well-known big-game hunter named Maj. H. C.
Maydon, with over a decade of experience chasing animals
in Africa, has written of this and a number of similar statements: "Do I believe them? Of course; why not? I add
fifty percent for native exaggeration, but I believe there is
more than 'something' in them. I met a man. an old
hunter-prospector, once in liVingstone. Rhodesia, who
swore that he had seen a water monster in Lake Mweru
and had studied its tracks. Why has no one yet seen these
beasts in the flesh for certain or brought one to bag? Because they are forest or swamp dwellers. How many
people have seen a bongo or a giant forest hog or a yellowbacked duiker. and yet they are not excessively rare. "6
The greatest animal dealer of all time, Carl Hagenbeck,
not only believed in such reports but actually invested a
very considerable sum in an expedition which he sent to
Africa under his best professional collector to search for
the creature. A hard-boiled businessman with many years'
experience in buying and selling animals simply does not
do such a thing unless he has very real grounds for expecting concrete returns on his money. Hagenbeck had
such grounds, which he states in his own words as follows:
"I received reports from two quite distinct sources of the
existence of an immense and wholly unknown animal
said to inhabit the interior of Rhodesia. Almost identical
stories reached me, first, through an English gentleman
who had been shooting big game in Central Africa. The
two reports were thus quite independent of each other.
The natives. it seemed, had told both my informants that
in the depths of the great swamps there dwelt a huge
monster. half elephant, half dragon. This however, is not
the only evidence for the existence of the animal. It is
now several decades since Menges, who is. of course,
1. Sanderson, Ivan T., "There Could Be Dinosaurs". The
Saturday ElJening Post. 3 January 1948.
2. Owen. Richard. "Report on British Fossil Reptiles, Part II."'
Report of the British Association for the Advancement of
SCience, Eleventh Meeting, Plymouth. July 1841, pp.
3. Colbert, Edwin H., Dinosaurs: Their DiscOlJery and Their
World. New York: E. P. Dutton. 1961: Men and Dino
saurs, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1968.
PURSUIT Summer 1979
9. Heuvelmans, Bernard. On the Track of Unknown Animals.
London: Rupert Hart-Davis. 1958.
10. See demographic maps published by American Geographical Society.
11. Sanderson. Ivan T., Caribbean Treasure. New York:
The Viking Press. 1939.
12. Sanderson, Ivan T.. Animal Treasure. New York: The
Viking Press. 1937.
13. Lepage. quoted by Lane. Frank W., "Mystery Animals of
Jungle and Forest", National RelJiew (London). July 1937.
Cerro Santa Ana. At its top, a patch of tropical rain forest has remained Isolated
in the desert from the end of the Cretaceous.
.. .
The Roraima from near Santa Elena de Uair{m. Atop this mountain it has been said that unidentified fossils are extant.
Dr. L. Croizat,3 that the definitive isolation of those plateaux dates from the end of the Cretaceous (60 to 80
million years ago) which is exactly the time when the
dinosaurs-at least as a well-distributed and powerful
group of species-became extinct. That in itself constitutes
an additional prop for the hypothesis that their last descendants could still survive on those isolated heights.
Dr. Croizat, however, leads us one step further when he
expounds a theory whereby the Guayanese plateaux
reached their present configuration in a very quick and
almost catastrophic fashion. I shall attempt to sketch,
very briefly, Croizat's theory:
At the end of the Cretaceous most of South America
was formed by a comparatively low and continuous plateau
of pre-Cambrian sandstone that extended roughly from
the Caribbean to the Argentinian pampas. At that time
the rising of the Andes, all along the western edge of the
continent, changed the situation in two ways:
(a) the primeval plateau was lifted-owing to isostatic
forces set up by the appearance of high rock masses to
the west-and presumably cracked.
(b) new rivers and river basins were created-notably
the Orinoco to the north, the Amazonas to the center and
the Parana to the south. As a consequence large water
masses, channeled along the cracks of the primeval plateau,
caused an unprecedented erosion. The result was the
definitive breaking up of the plateau into two parts: Guyana
in the north, and the Brazilian uplands (the "Mato Grosso")
in the south. Guyana, while smaller in extent, is substantially higher above sea level than the Mato Grosso and of
PURSUIT Summer 1979
a much more broken nature, being the land of the fantastic "tepuyes" or flat-topped mountains.
Incidentally. the cracking mentioned in (a) above should
have caused some localized volcanic phenomena and/or
extrusions of igneous rock. I have personally observed
igneous extrusions on the north side of the Auyantepuy
during my last (April, 1976) expedition to that mountain.
In the event Croizat's theory is correct, the credibility
of the possible survival of purportedly "extinct" species
on those lone heights would be strongly enhanced. I have
been able to collect two further pieces of information:
(a) During a recent trip (September, 1978) to the SaIto
Angel area4 I was informed by the local indians that in the
vicinity certain "unusual size lizards" exist. One may justifiably wonder what they may be.
(b) A report on fossils, supposedly seen atop the Roraima, has been made. 5 No "official" report has ever been
made of fossils in the Guayana area.
Quite apart from the above, Croizat's theory has some
other interesting consequences. In particular, any formations, however small, made up of pre-Cambrian sandstone
which is to be found north or west of the Orinoco, should
.. .
.... "
to me as to the possibility of Fortean findings in the biological field in South America in general and in Venezuela
in particular. While some of this evidence-specifically
that which refers to sightings and second hand reportsmay turn out to be pure hearsay, I think it is highly unlikely that it will a/l prove to be without a basis. I feel quite
certain that a systematic exploration of the areas mentioned would be richly rewarding. Such a systematic
study I have myself slowly begun, even though within the
all-tao-narrow margins of my extremely scarce free time.
The radar tape processed by SAGE must indicate a malfunctioning of equipment.
The odd behavior of this equipment must be due to
some problem with the continuously-oscillating time
standard or some time demodulation program computerlinked to this constant electromagnetic pulsing.
It is significant that the crash of Flight 389 seems to
have been caused by the irrational behavior of three experienced commercial pilots who, while engaging in casual
conversation with the control facilities in Chicago about
their ordinary altimeter setting, failed to level off their. aircraft normally, and instead directed it downward, making
a surprise nosedive into Lake Michigan. Previous conversation with the Chicago Approach Control seems to
indicate that the instruments in the plane were working
normally, and that this uncontrollable crash landing was
the result of some inexplicable human error or sudden
equipment failure.
I was standing out looking at the stars one evening last
summer, when a bat flew at my head. It flew back and
forth from my head to the house se.veral times, seemingly
trying to get a bearing on my alien height in comparison
to the familiar dimensions of the building.
Perhaps this bat felt that a measure of my height might
be a measure of my identity.
Like the U.S. Air Force Defense Command, bats use
a "radar" device which bounces signals off physical objects.
It is not any direct impression of the object itself which
reaches the bat, but a variation of its own original ultrasonic probe. Bats use ultrasonic rather than electromagnetic test probes of their vicinity. A bat which had ceased
to remember the original signal which it emitted would
lose directional orientation, due to a lack of any ability to
make an approximate comparison between the original
remembered signal and current ultrasonic signals bounced
back from the object.
Memory malfunction in the bat would manifest as spacial disorientation. It would start flying into objects. It
might even make a nosedive directly down into the obvious blue surface of a lake. thinking that it was flying
As in measuring a human being against a house to find
the comparative height of the object, the only way to correlate the mental state of the pilots in charge of Flight
389 with the unusual radar tracking of this ill-fated flight
is to compare these two unlike malfunction events in
terms of what they may have in common. It seems to me
that in both cases there has been a significant "memory
by E. Macer-Story
1978 E. Macer-Story
malfunction." The radar mechanism forgot how to process the data correctly, and three experienced pilots
forgot for a moment how to fly their plane. Or the equipment in the plane forgot for a crucial moment how to fly
itself automatically.
What sort of phenomenon could cause a memory
malfunction in both a machine and a trained human being,
and/ or two pieces of electronic equipment situated miles
apart geographically? Certainly, this long-distance coincidence is not just a psychological error on the part of
the flight crew. It has to involve a very palpable sort of
mutual phenomenon or the radar equipment would not
have gone haywire at the same time, and scanning the
same area, as an inexplicable nosedive into Lake Michigan.
What sort of physical phenomenon could both throw off
the time standard of the radar mechanism and alter the
consciousness of the flight crew of United Flight 389?
Since the nervous system, like the continuously-oscillating time standard in a radar sensing system, is basically
an electrochemical mechanism, clearly this mutuallyexperienced phenomenon is something which alters the
electromagnetic atmosphere in the area where these
unusual effects are occurring, otherwise the radar and
the mental capacities of the crew would not both be independently affected within the same time/space frame.
This would also be true if the equipment within the
plane and not the sensibilities of the flight crew had been
affected by some unknown phenomenon: in order to
logically link the malfunction of the radar with the crash
itself, it is necessary to postulate some more general electromagnetic change in the crash area, which was being
routinely scanned by the U.S. Air Force Air Defense
Command when the unusual effects were recorded on
the radar tape.
There is only one problem as concerns this supposition about a changed electromagnetic atmosphere in the
area of the crash. The crash and the radar mechanism
were not in the same small geographical area. Therefore
the pilots and/or their equipment and the continuouslyoscillating time standard of the SAGE radar network
were not independently affected within the same time/
space frame.
They were, however, independently affected with
reference to the same unusual event, an inexplicable
plane crash.
Clearly, there must have been something very particular
which both caused the plane to take a nosedive and bolex
up the radar. Suppose, for example, that Flight 389 entered a pocket of altered molecular-electronic density at
the termination of radar track A039.
Once inside this area of altered structural density,
the plane itself would "disappear" to the radar, since the
area surrounding the plane would be an area of matter
which was structurally different from the electronic density
of the surrounding atmosphere, and therefore non-reflective to a conventional electromagnetic radar pulse.
Of course, any accelerated craft which entered such a
pocket of altered molecular density unexpectedly could
not be expected to survive this transition intact. Sup Altered structural density is a quality involving a change in the electronic bond which binds together the basic molecular structure of mailer.
An alteration of basic molecular-electronic density would change the
electromagnetic structure of any large object.
pose that at some point the wreckage of Flight 389 preCipitated out of this area of altered density and into Lake
Michigan. Further suppose that at the beginning of radar
track K047 a craft of an unidentified nature emerged
from this area of altered molecular density and continued
on about its esoteric business, then re-entered this same
continuum of altered molecular density, vanishing to
The flight data recorder of Flight 389 has never been
recovered. If I were now plotting a science fiction story,
I might now order these speculations in such a way as to
indicate that a craft which was able to navigate using
energies of an electronically "strange" density, and which
also possessed a more sophisticated knowledge of the
"time" continua than we currently do in the U.S.A., had
darted out into the skies over Lake Michigan just long
enough to recover the evidential flight data recorder . . .
before or during the crash descent.
This would account for the unusual acceleration recorded by track K047, if the SAGE mechanism was not
malfunctioning. However, I am not at this moment plotting
a science fiction story. We will never know exactly what
happened to Flight 389. Either the radar device was malfunctioning, or it was not malfunctioning. If it was malfunctioning, it is extremely interesting that the misbehavior
of the continuously-oscillating time standard occurred
within the same half hour as the inexplicable air crash
which it was tracking.
If the SAGE mechanism was not malfunctioning, then
something unusual indeed happened in the vicinity of Flight
389. It is within the realm of real possibility that United
Flight 389 hit a pocket of altered structural density, which
affected not only the relationship of the molecular structure
of the aircraft to its environment, but also the electrochemically regulated perceptual mechanism which they
were consulting. Clearly, the unusual event of the crash
itself had some effect on the time/space perception of the
radar mechanism, most particularly the time perception
of this mechanism, which abruptly dropped one track,
only to begin another track several minutes later, happily
continuing this anomalous second track for several minutes
after the time of the crash as witnessed, only to abruptly
discontinue recording a solid target over twenty miles
from the crash site. indicating the termination of the flight
in an area where no wreckage has been recovered.
If the reader finds the foregoing information difficult to
understand, that is because it makes no sequential sense.
During all of these various stop/start times, there was
only one aircraft in the scanning area, and this aircraft
was seen by eyewitnesses to explode into the water at a
time well before track K047 had ceased recording.
This sort of discontinuous information is common
among individuals who have experienced precognition or
other altered states of informational consciousness, associated with dreams, drugs and/or ESP. It is unique to
have a tape from a radar mechanism which perhaps may
demonstrate the same purposefully-discontinuous mode
of perception.
Associationally, then, whatever caused Flight 389 to
take an abrupt nosedive into the water seems to be in
effect quite similar to the "bio-plasmic" or "pranic" phenomena accompanying a strong ESP impression or poltergeist haunting.
PURSUIT Summer 1979
on Flight 389:
Gourley, Jay, The Great Lakes Triangle, Fawcett, 1977
on bats:
Griffin, Donald R., Listening in the Dark: The Acoustic Orienta
tion of Bats, Yale University Press, 1958
on radar timing devices:
Chance, Britton, Electronic Time Measurements, Dover. 1966
on molecular electronic density:
Ballhausen, C. J. and Gray, H. B., Molecular Orbital Theory,
W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1965
Analytical Chemistry magazine, Vol. 50, No.4, April 1978
r- MANUAL sa
1-~-1 I-INPUT
Figure 1- Schematic diagram of the electronics circuit designed to generate the isointensity contour
plot. PMT: photomultiplier; source: excitation light source.
Excitation Wavelength, nm
i .
, ... j
! .,
':.: .. 1..... i ..
i .." ..~ .
. -;
Figure 2 - A UFO light "fingerprint" would be printed out like this by the photomultipliers' pen
contour plotter.
PURSUIT Summer 1979
;:: ",. i:
1.0"; .
t. :
... .:.;~:. .
'. .I
Figure 1
Spectrograms of a series of Pc 1
geomagnetic pulsation events recorded at Stanford, California, using
tree potentials (a) and a conventional solenoid antenna (b). Short
intervals of a 1 Hz calibration signal
appear at the start of each hour.
The vertical lines in the upper spectrogram are c~used either by local
electromagnetic transients or by
natural sferics; similar lines occur
in the lower spectrogram, but they
are not as obvious because the
background noise is comparatively
1. Jacobs, J. A. Geomagnetic Micropulsations 15 (Springer,
New York, 1970).
2. Campbell. W. H. Proc. IEEE 51,1337-1342 (1963).
3. Tepley, L. R. J. geophys. Res. 66, 1651-1658 (1961).
4. Lokken, J. E., Shand, J. A. & Wright, C. S. J. geophys.
Res. 68,789-794 (1963).
5. Lokken, J. E. in Natural Electromagnetic Phenomena Below 30 Kc/s (ed. Bleil, D. F.) 373-428 (Plenum, New York 1964).
6. Buxton, J. L. & Fraser-Smith, A. C. IEEE Trans. Geosci.
Elec. GE-12 109-113 (1974).
7. Troitskaya, V. A. J. geophys. Res. 66,5-18 (1961).
8. Heacock, R. R. & Hessler. V. P. J. geophys. Res. 67,39853995 (1962).
out there and modifying the Van Allen radiation belt particles and through them modifying a lot of other thingsin fact modifying many things out there in the radiation
belt region that we had always thought were completely
free of human effects.
'This finding coincided very nicely with my work, because the only possible explanation I could see for the
weekend effect I had been observing was that it was caused
by power line harmonic radiation, the reason being that
there's less power used during weekends from the big
power-producing regions, so the radiation from there is
less. Assuming the power line harmonic radiation suppresses the natural processes that produce geomagnetic
activity, there should be more activity on weekends.
"I guess the feeling that comes out of all our work is
that everything is tied together rather more closely than
we thought in the past. Helliwell was observing effects in
his very-low-frequency (VLF) range, and I was observing
effects in the ultra-low-frequency (ULF) range that were
all produced by the one source: 60 Hz and 50 Hz harmonic radiators on the earth. We are quite sure these
effects are occurring now and that they are really quite
important scientifically.
"The proliferation of sources of electromagnetic fields
in recent years has begun to worry me. My work indicates that there is now no place on earth where geomagnetic activity is unaffected by human activities. And then
there is the huge increase in electromagnetic fields produced in the San Francisco Bay area by BART. Physicists are very well aware of the fact that electric fields add
up. They may also subtract, but if they are in the same
direction they will add up. It doesn't matter what their
frequency is, they always add and subtract.
"Any cell in my body is exposed to the electric fields
from: the student transmitter here at Stanford; the electric fields generated by the BART fluctuations; electric
fields generated by microwave radiation; electric fields
generated by fluorescent lighting; and all these things
have a general tendency to increase the overall level.
'This room. for example, is full of all sorts of electromagnetic radiation. Every cell in my body has a level of
electric and magnetic fields around it, and I know that
once the electric field reaches a certain level it is possible
to disrupt some of the structure within the cell. So it worries
me generally that we are being exposed to an increaSing
total of electromagnetic fields and that people investigating
particular types of radiation may not be fully aware of
other types of radiation and how they may all interact.
'The problem is, we have a situation where there are
so many sources of electromagnetic radiation that there's
no way of minimizing it anymore. The whole world is becoming contaminated. At the moment there's no real
effort being made to minimize it."
.. .
HAT do
believe? As a
reader (and preWsumably
a Fortean of sorts) you are exposed to an
"scientists," he has caused predictably unproductive research into "key-bending," diverting time and funds from
other PK research. A simple reality-check with James
Zwinge and Yascha Katz (respectively, a magician and
Geller's former manager) would have saved thousands of
man-hours and millions of words in magazines and journals. But the damage is done, and continues. And supposedly, robots from Hoova continue to direct Uri toward
Messiahship ...
"Everything is possible" is a common Fortean statement. Whether it is a true sentiment or not, we do observe that everything is not equally probable. This process of categorizing probabilities gives us our meaning of
'reality." It is much more probable, in my paradigm, that
Adamski's saucers were chicken brooders. than that the
far side of the Moon is inhabited, or that Venus is a nice
as close together as technologically feasible. Under observation, the electron passes through one hole or the other,
registering the event as a splat on a sheet of photographic
film directly behind the target screen. The Young Experiment proves that the electron is a particle.
But whEm the same experiment is performed in the dark,
the electron passes through both holes at the same time.
The event registers on the photographic film as a diffraction wave pattern of concentric circles expanding from
each aperture, and a wave interference pattern where the
two intersect. The Young Experiment proves conclusively
that the electron is a structure of waves. This experiment,
producing contradictory data, is called the one fact of
physics impossible to explain, by Nobel prizewinner Richard
Now, phYSiCists have tolerated the wave/particle paradox since at least the time of Newton, so one more experiment is regarded as inconsequential. The Young
Experiment, however, is not merely another paradox to
molder in the scientific closet, but a fatal disaster to the
entire philosophy of science. The foundation of scientific
conception is the axiomatic belief that the universe is an
objective reality that unfolds according to regular laws
regardless of observation. The significance of the Young
Experiment is not another example of the wave/particle
paradox, but the conclusive fact that the action of light
converts a wave structure into a particle structure. This,
in itself, is a momentous discovery which no respectable
professional scientist, with the exception of Tom Bearden,
is willing to countenance. And now that Bearden is calling
attention to the experiment, the profession does not want
to countenance Bearden.
The observation that the action of light can convert
a wave phenomenon into a particle phenomenon is selfevident and superficial, however novel it may be. It takes
no heavy sweat to formulate a set of equations to accommodate the fact and fit the mechanism into the scientific
- - ---+---
realities of the undifferentiated field. The problem, like all
good scientific pursuits, is elevated to a higher level. How
and why does light define our reality? It is at this point
that the solution to the Young Experiment terrifies scientific
philosophy and the Experiment becomes a proper subject
of Fortean enquiry. In my previous article, I presented
evidence showing that frequency of radiant energy determines the state of conscious perception. The frequency
that is consciousness is experienced as light. Therefore,
consciousness is a phase defined space; the current pursuit of consciousness as a phenomenon of purely frequency
is a red herring. It follows that the phase angle to which
a consciousness is tuned creates the physical body of the
perceiver from the matrix of the universal hologram along
with all of the objects of perception. In other words, everything perceived as real is a physical extension of each
person's own mind. The fact that we share a common
reality is due to the fact that we are all tuned to the same
phase. All education is determined to reinforce the reality
extension. What we recognize as consciousness is defined by phase focussing to such a fine angle of perception that the distinction between form and field can be
seen only as squarely abrupt. Persons experienced in
tuning their heads to alternative states of consciousness
testify to a gradual defocussing of phase with a commensurately gradual loss of definition between form and field.
As phase focussing increases its acceptance angle, the
light spreads into the dark of the field until everything is
lost in its brilliance. This is what the divine light is all about.
All human enterprise is ambiv~lent. The scientific curiosity is as terrified of learning as it is eager to know. It is in
its attempts to serve both passions that science has become
complicated, ritualized and obscurantist. The Young
Twin-Slit Experiment has been put aside as insoluble not
because it is refractory but because its solution is altogether
WINTER 1978-1979
by Loren Coleman
OME unusual winter visitors have been Sighted in the
United States during 1978-1979, especially as viewed
from my vantage point in the Northeast.
In October and November 1978, most of the focus was
on Rhode Island. There, in a field in South Kingstown on
November 11th, an unidentified hunter shot and killed a
European barnacle goose which was among a flock of
Canada and snow geese. Barnacle geese winter in Scotland and Ireland. Around the same time, a South African
shelduck of a sort which usually travel between Cape
Town and the Transvaal was Sighted in the South Kingstown-Charlestown, Rhode Island area. Most "experts"
felt the shelduck was an aviary escapee. They were not
so certain about the barnacle goose. "It's just an unusual
year," Charles Wood of the Audubon Society of Rhode
Island said. 1
Around the same time, also in Rhode Island, a white
pelican made an appearance, and the speculation was
the pelican was working his way home to the Gulf of
Mexico via Little Compton and Newport. l Perhaps, for in
October-November, 1978, another white pelican was
Sighted on Cape Cod. 2 Or perhaps not; the white pe Iican
sighted in Rhode Island was the first one seen there since
1946. 3
Meanwhile in the Chicago area, on five occasions from
November 19 to December 1, bird-watchers spotted a
Ross's gull. This was only the second time the Ross's gull
had been reported in the continental United States. In the
spring of 1975, an estimated 3,000 people viewed the
bird from a beach near Boston. The gull is a native of the
Arctic and breeds in Siberia. It has been sighted in northern Europe twelve times. Dr. William Beecher, Director
of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, commented on the
recent sightings: "The bird has gotten here and it's rare.
Aside from that we can't hinge any facts on it."4.5
Some Arctic birds tend to be infrequent visitors to the
United States during the colder months of the year, but
the 1978-1979 season appears to be exceptional.
A phenomenal number of Arctic owls have been reported in the northeast since November 1978. Snowy
owls have always been well-known Arctic viSitors, and
Marcia Litchfield, naturalist for the Massachusetts Audubon Society, told me usually one or two are reported in
New England every year. But this year, as of the 30th of
January 1979, she noted "conservatively" fifteen snowy
owls have been seen in Massachusetts alone. 2 For example, a snowy owl was observed guarding its prey,
a pigeon, on a building in downtown Pittsfield in November; a snowy owl was seen near runway 4 at Logan Airport
in December; and two snowy owls were viewed near Salisbury in January, all in Massachusetts. 6 .7.8 Snowy owls
were sighted in increased numbers throughout the northern
United States.
Another Arctic owl, the hawk owl, was being reliably
reported from the northern extremes of the northeast.
Four, maybe five, were seen in Maine, and two were
Sighted in New Brunswick during November-December
1978 and January 1979. 2 During the last week of January vague sightings of a hawk owl. near Seabrook, New
Hampshire, and Salisbury, Massachusetts, were recorded
by the Massachusetts Audubon SOciety. 8
Great gray owls, yet another Arctic interloper, were
also seen throughout the northeast. Three were Sighted
in upstate New York, and during mid-January, one was
seen on Long Island. The Long Island incident was viewed
as extremely rare as the great gray owl is hardly ever seen
that far south. 2 During the third week in January, one of
these owls was' frequenting Hancock, New Hampshire,
and in the last week of that month, great gray owls were
seen concurrently at the Audubon SOCiety headquarters
in Falmouth, Maine, and the Ipswich Wildlife Sanctuary
at Topsfield, Massachusetts. 2.8.9 In February, a great gray
owl was Sighted around Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Marcia Litchfield, Audubon SOciety naturalist, felt all the
Arctic owls were being forced southward by the lack of
food, and noted the sheltered nature of the sanctuaries
gave them an oasis for survival. 2
The rarest specimen to be spotted in the invasion of
Arctic owls is the boreal owl seen at Salisbury, Massachusetts, on December 31, 1978. This Arctic owl is a native
PURSUIT Summer 1979
1. Boston Sunday Globe, 26 November 1978, p. 112
"Three rare birds show up in Rhode Island"
2. Litchfield, Marcia, 30 January 1979
Personal Communications, Massachusetts Audubon
Society. Lincoln, MA
3. New York Times, 26 November 1978, p. 62
"Rhode Island is Baffled as Rare Birds Appear"
4. New York Times, 3 December 1978, p. 26
"Rare Gull Excites Chicago Bird Watchers"
5. New York Times, 17 December 1978. p. 49
"Follow-Up-A Rare Bird"
6. Boston Globe. 17 November 1978, p. 3
"Predator and Prey"
7. Boston Globe, 30 December 1978. p. 13
"Bird Sightings"
8. Boston Globe, 3 February 1979, p. 12
"Bird Sightings"
9. South Middlesex News, 25 January 1979, p. 5A
"Rare Visitor"
to. Boston Globe. 6 January 1979, pp. 3,17
Boreal Owl Drops in on Salisbury"
11. Decatur (lL) Herald, 29 January 1967
"Rare Owl Found Here"
12. WICS-TV, Springfield.lL. 8 January 1971
News Program
You'llfind this newly published
a convenient key to reference reading
and investigative insight.
We are pleased to announce that a comprehensive Pursuit index has been compiled
by member George Eberhart. This index is an exhaustive listing of materials published
in Pursuit from 1967-1978 (Volumes 1-11). So complete is this index that it is 60 pages
We had hoped to publish the index as a special issue free to current members. But
due to skyrocketing postal rates, and in order to cover handling and printing costs, we
are obliged to charge interested members a nominal fee. The price is $1.50. Members
who are interested in obtaining a copy ofthe 60-page index please send $1.50 to: SITU,
P.O. Box 265, Little Silver, NJ 07739.
PURSUIT Summer 1979
BUilding. Her daughter Kerry also saw it. Although the
article added that a similar object was sighted over Jersey
City, no additional details were given. It appears that in
the New York metropolitan area, the UFOs suddenly
faded from the news as rapidly as they had swept onto
the front pages and screens. The wave, which had rushed
forward from the shadows, once again had receded.
Was the 1978-79 flap over, or had it only subsided for
Whatever the truth may be behind the current wave of
UFO sightings, a few points should be brought up which
may present clues to our persistent cosmic mystery.
First, the December-January Flap began only a few
months after Valentich disappeared in a bizarre fashion.
The fact that the wave began in Australia and New Zealand may be of added significance.
Second. the wave of sightings began as NASA's spaceprobes were approaching Jupiter and other probes had
already landed on Venus.
Third, these sightings came almost precisely on the
anniversary of previous UFO sightings in New York State,
Pennsylvania. and New Jersey's shore area which ocurred a year earlier in conjunction with those enigmatic
high-atmosphere booms called "skyquakes." (None of
those anomalous supersonic booms were reported in
conjunction with these UFO sightings, however.)
Fourth, the New York Daily Metro of September 24,
1978 reported that Takeshi Urata, an amateur Japanese
astronomer, had discovered a new asteroid which he
named "Mizuho" after his daughter. 22
Fifth, the New York Times of December 24, 1978,
reported that scientists from Western Washington University had built a device which could carry messages on
previously elusive neutrino beams directly through the
earth, an hitherto difficult task. Dr. Peter Kotzer felt that
the neutrino beams could ultimately be used in a worldwide communication network. He added that he felt extraterrestrial civilizations, if they exist, may have already
used such beams, and that if radio astronomers failed to
detect intelligent radio signals from space, perhaps they
could use the neutrino beams. Indeed, he even suggested
that neutrino beams carrying messages from various extraterrestrial civilizations could already be passing, by chance,
through the earth and that we could eavesdrop on those
conversations. 23
Lastly, it should be pOinted out that Barnegat Bay,
New Jersey, is no stranger to Fortean phenomena. In
their fascinating book, The Jersey DelJil,24 James F. McCloy and Ray Miller, Jr., describe a strange man-sized,
bat-winged, flying creature that supposedly haunts the
remoter regions of New Jersey's rural districts. The creature,
whose existence is as hotly debated by New Jersey savants
as is the UFO enigma, has been Sighted from the early
1700s onward right up to the mid-Twentieth century.
Commodore Stephen Decatur, the great naval hero, is
said to have not only see the creature over Barnegat Bay
but, since he was testing cannon balls at the time, he was
able to fire a few shots at the airborne monstrosity. Decatur
1. New York Post. Thursday, November 2, 1978, p. 15, "UFO
Stops By The Park."
2. For an account of the Valentich Incident. see New York
Daily Press, Wednesday, October 25. 1978, p. 4, "Hunt Pilot
Who Called In UFO."
3. Fate Magazine, February, 1979. p. 32, "It isn't an Aircraft,"
by Curtis Fuller.
4. op. cit. p. 4.
5. City News. (New York), Wednesday. October 25, 1978,
p. 2. "Dad Fears UFO Raiders Kidnapped Pilot," p. 2.
6. New York Post, Friday, October 27. 1978. "Swept Away
by UFO? No, Says Flier's Girl."
7. op. cit, p. 2.
8. op. cit, p. 4.
9. New York Times, Sunday, December 17, 1978, Section 1,
10. New York, Pinnacle Books, Inc., 1974, pp. 162-7.
11. New York Post, January 2, 1979. p. 5, "New Zealanders
Are in a Spin Over Flying Saucer Sightings."
12. Daily News. January 2, 1979, p. 4, "New Zealand on Alert
Over Reports of a UFO."
13. New York Post. op. cit.
14. New York Post. January 2. 1979, op. cit.
15. New York Post, Friday, January 5, 1979. "UFOs, UFOs,
16. New York Post, Thursday. January 4, 1979. p. 11. "Jersey
UFO Upstages New Zealand."
17. New York Post, Friday, January 5, 1979, op. cit.
18. ibid.
19. ibid.
20. Daily News, Friday, January 5, 1979, "UFO? Jersey Cop
Saw Circle of Light in Sky."
21. New York Post, January 4. 1979, op. cit.
22. New York Daily Metro. Sunday. September 24. 1978,
"New Asteroid Discovered."
23. New York Times, Sunday, December 24, 1978, Section 1,
p. 1, "Scientists Forecasting Beam Through Earth 10 Transmit
Messages," by Malcolm W. Browne.
24. Wallingford, Pennsylvania, The Middle Atlantic Press, 1976.
25. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1975.
PLANNING A MOVE SOON? If you expect to change your address please allow at least six weeks for address change to
become effective in our records. Send card showing both old and new address to SITU Membership Services, RFD 5, Gales
Ferry, CT 06335. If new address is an apartment be sure to include apartment number in addition to street address, city, state
and ZIP.
PURSUIT Summer 1979
Comments and Opinions
. ..
(New Entries)
3039 CA
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210 MA
2741 MN
2610 (corr.) MN 56248
2503 NJ
1976 NY
3070 OH
6025 WY
1692 B.C., Canada
2714 England
AM, U, AN, E, R, X
G, M, X, FA, PS, AH, Z
AG, C, H, PM, SK
F. L. M, UA, X
AA, AP, AT, C, lA, L, M, H
G. U, M, F, H, 0,
R (corr.), IT
Current Pursuits: Wanted: Information on erratic zoological specimens (great gray owls to alligators). Also, specific
data on the locations and associated folklore for (1) Fortean places with "devil" names, (2) walled structures such
as Fort Ancient, Ohio, and (3) mounds. Please send
ideas, clippings, references to: Loren Coleman, 115
Chilton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, telephone 617354-7412. I will appreciate your assistance, and reward
you with a Fortean surprise envelope of news items.
PURSUIT Summer 1979
aka #755
This section of our journal is dedicated to the reporting of curious and unexplained elJents. Members
are encouraged to send in newsclippings and responsible reports they feel should be included here.
Remember, local newspapers often offer the best (or only) information concerning some elJents.
Please be sure to include the source of reference (name of newspaper, periodical, etc.), the date the
article appeared and your membership number (or name, if you prefer to be credited that way).
Dr. John Gibbins, a British scientist,
claims that a newly discovered, 3-footlong iguana he found on a deserted island
in Fiji is the "missing link" indicating how
animals got from South America to the
South Pacific.
Gibbons said that the iguana is similar
to South American species with a crested
back and extraordinary color change
powers. The scientist feels that the find
indicates that iguanas floated to the Fiji
islands on rafts of vegetation washed out
to sea millions of years ago.
SOURCE: The Tennessean
CREDIT: Member #380
Puzzling Circular stone formations are
scattered on remote hilltops and in valleys
throughout Saudi Arabia, reminiscent of
those found in Europe. The "mysterious
rings" are formed by stone walls one to
Dr. Andrei Aksenov, deputy director of
the Soviet Academy's Institute of Oceanography, said that scientists aboard a
survey ship 200-300 miles west of Portugal have taken eight underwater photographs that show a horshoe-shaped
group of flattop mountains and "vestiges
of walls and great stairways."
Aksenov told reporters that Soviet
oceanographers believe it could be the
ruins of Atlantis. "Yes, the Soviet oceanographers believe it could be true, considering ocean-floor tectonics. The geologists think it quite possible that this horseshoe was a rather large archipelago that
submerged as a result of geological unrest," he said.
Aksenov said the photographs would
be made public in Moscow, but that more
Dr. Mary Leakey, noted anthropologist,
recently discovered, in East Africa, humanlike footprints in hardened volcanic ash.
The footprints are the first concrete proof
that man's ancestors walked upright more
than 3 million years ago!
At a National Geographic SOCiety news
briefing, Dr. Leakey stated that fossil
remains of 22 individuals did not indicate
large heads, there was no evidence of
tools at the site, and therefore the prints
seemed to indicate that walking upright
preceded development of a large brain
and toolmaking. "The finds are of greatest
importance in the picture of human evolution, " she said. "They establish that
man reached bipedal, free-striding gait
(upright walking) much earlier than was
known for certain. "
SOURCE: HeraldNews (NJ), March 22, 1979
CREDIT: Fred Wilson
During the first week of 1979, fifty-six
sperm whales beached themselves and
died near the Baja California town of
Mulege. The accompanying photo shows
some of the ocean-going mammals as
PURSUIT Summer 1979
January 8. 1979. Scientists from the United States and Mexico examine some of the 56 sperm whales that beached
themselves and died near the Baja California town of Mulege. Los Angeles Times photo by Bill Varie.
well as some of the scientists from the
U.S. and Mexico who went to examine
the creatures.
The phenomenon is not unique; each
year whales and their smaller relatives the
dolphins are found dead or dying from
strandings on beaches around the world.
The numbers involved, as well as the circumstances involving the beachings,
however, are still confusing to scientists
seeking an explanation for the phenomenon.
A mysterious series of such events
occurred during a two-week period in
July, 1976 in Florida. It began when
residents living near Siesta and Casey
Keys, small barrier islands along the
southwest coast of Florida near the town
of Sarasota, heard strange sounds the
night of July 13. About 10 p.m., residents reported hearing high-pitched
sounds, almost like bird cries. Looking
toward the ocean they saw between fifty
to a hundred dolphins, each about six
feet long and weighing about 150 pounds,
heading for the beach.
All night long the residents, assisted by
officers of the Florida Marine Patrol and
representatives of the National Marine
Orlando; Dr. Daniel Odell from the Rosenthiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Science at the University of Miami; Drs.
Robert Schimpff and Nicholas Hall,
neuroscientists from the University of
Florida, and Carroll Woodard, veterinary
pathologist, also from the University of
Florida-could find no apparent cause
for the beaching.
Earlier work by Dr. Mead had shown
that the pilot whale, a related species,
plays host to a parasitic worm which infests the middle ear sinuses, the brain and
the central nervous system. This causes
extensive damage by impairing the animal's echolocation system and foodfinding capabilities, which sometimes
causes the mammal to become disoriented
and to head for shore, followed by the
others in the group. Although he felt this
might be the case with the dolphin beach
ing on Siesta and Casey Keys, the autop
sies showed no such clear-cut conclu
sion was possible.
According to Ed Aspar, "Mentally those
animals had died. But as far as their necropsies went, those animals looked very,
very good." He was referring to two survivors who were brought to the lab but
__. -
were found to have lost their "sonar" capability. As a result, they would swim into
the walls of the natural pen. After being
kept there 24 hours for observation, they
were taken to Sea World for further tests.
They died a short time later. The animals,
although seemingly healthy, were suffering
from what Aspar termed a "stranding
shock syndrome," and they were unable
to recover from it.
Nine days later, July 22, another marine mammal stranding occurred approximately 50 miles further south. Five
whales, at first thought to be pilot whales
and later identified by Ed Aspar as Pseu
dorcus (false killer whales, a porpoiselike mammal 13 to 16 feet long, weighing
1,000 to 2,000 pounds, and very rare on
Florida's gulf coast), had beached themselves on sandbars in Pine Island Sound
near Upper Captiva Island in the Fort
Meyers area. Dr. Odell again performed
an autopsy on one of the whales which
had died. His report indicated there was
no food substance in the stomach or
intestines and that those organs showed
the presence of a type of parasite. Preliminary findings, he indicated, were
similar to those of the Casey Key dolphins. The other four whales were taken
to Sea World for observation, where it
was noted that lung worm infestation was
also present. All four mammals subsequently died.
Just three days later, 24 false killer
whales were found stranded on Loggerhead Key. a small island in the Dry Tortugas, about 65 miles west of Key West.
This time rescue workers managed to
head all but one back to sea and scientists were able to secure the brain of the
dead whale within two hours after death.
Although hundreds of inch-long parasitic worms were found in the ear canals
of the Loggerhead Key casualty, Dr.
Odell, who spoke with SITU representatives in February, 1979, feels there was
not sufficient organic damage to have
caused the whale to become disoriented
enough to head for shore.
No one really knows what causes the
dolphins and their whale cousins to strand
themselves on land. A report issued by
the health center at the University of
Florida in January, 1977, indicates no
evidence of brain disorders or parasitic
infestation in the Casey Key dolphins
which would account for the stranding.
Those findings agree with those of Ed
Aspar, who believes the stranding occurred because the dolphins came too close
to shore, perhaps following food sources
which were depleted in their normal environment. thus causing them to search
in a wider range. The long sloping continental shelf on the gulf coast might have
confused them. by tending to absorb the
sound. "If they don't get a feedback.
there is a good possibility that their im-
Geologists. hunters and Siberian natives
have all reported sightings of a snakeheaded. animal-eating creature, said to
inhabit the frigid waters of Lake Labinkir
in the Siberian province of Yakutia, 250
miles north of the Soviet eastern coast.
The creature, well-known to local residents, has enjoyed wider attention, thanks
to a best-selling book about Siberia, "The
Oymyakonsky Meridian," by Soviet journalist Anatoly Pankov. Pankov said the
first trustworthy sighting of the creature
came in the 1950s when a group of geologists saw, rising from the surface of the
lake. a long-necked creature with a snakelike head. The creature glided about and
made a sound "like a child's cry" before
it disappeared into the 150-foot-deep
Other geologists, while walking on ice
over the lake, claimed to have seen a long,
grayish. unidentified animal under the
Another incident involved a group of
reindeer herders who claimed they saw
"a giant pair of jaws" emerge from the
water and "snap up" a bird flying along
the lake's surface.
But, according to Pankov, the most
spectacular sighting occurred when a
hunter sent his dog into the lake to retriev~ a goose he had shot. Suddenly a
creature rose and caught the goose and
PURSUIT Summer 1979
the dog. Undaunted, the hunter made
a fire, placed some fiery coals atop a
buoyant animal skin and shoved the
'offering' into the lake. The creature rose
above the surface, snatched the prey in its
mouth and submerged. Shortly thereafter
it reappeared, making terrible noises and
thrashing around wildly.
So far, the creature has eluded scientific explorers. Many expeditions have
traveled to the lake since the 1960s, but
all have failed to come up with any concrete evidence proving the 'monster's'
SOURCE: The Star Ledger (Newark. NJ).
April 9. 1979
CREDIT: Bill Wirtis
Edward Lunguy holds the glassy object he thinks may be a remnant from
a UFO. A steel tool used to chip away samples for testing was itself chipped
in the process.
(Although this report is from 1975, we
consider it an oldie but goldie -ed.J
According to students from Lautoka
Methodist Mission School, about 8 mysterious little figures two feet in height and
covered with black hair have been seen
near the school. The figures, believed to
be dwarfs, hastily moved away into nearby bushes when the children began to
approach them. As the news spread,
scores of neighbors rushed to the scene.
The "dwarfs" could not be found upon
further investigation, and seemed to have
jumped inside a pit near a bush.
Since the first sighting, dozens of people
have gathered near the pit in the hopes of
seeing the dwarfs. Some sat there for
hours with sticks and torches, in the event
the 'little men' might be harmful.
The head teacher of the Methodist
School, Mr. Narayan, said he threatened
the children with punishment for madeup stories. "but they remain firm in whatever they have said about the mysterious
Apparently six different students. ranging in age from 10 to 14, actually saw the
figures while returning home from school.
One student said: "I saw his white gleaming eyes and black hair. I was frightened."
"One showed me his teeth and then
ran away," claimed another student.
David, a student who apparently saw
eight of the little people, wanted to speak
to them but as he approached them,
"the little ones ran away."
Mr. Peniasi Tora, a long-time villager
who went to the scene after hearing the
news, mentioned that when his forefathers first came to Fiji, they saw little
men already living here.
SOURCE: Fiji TImes, July 19,1975
CREDIT: Malcolm Smith. Australia
At 8 p.m. December 6, 1978 a 21-yearold Norway, South Carolina farmer, his
wife and two companions saw a circle of
white light, approximately 10 feet in
diameter, hovering atop the trees over a
hog pen.
The farmer, Richard Fanning, later
said of the incident: "I have no doubt
at all. I'll tell anyone. I was scared and
I'm not scared of many things .... Never
seen anything like it. It's the weirdest
thing I've ever seen in my life. I'm an
outdoorsman and I wouldn't have said
nothing unless the other three people saw
it too."
According to the four witnesses, after
arriving at the scene they saw the large
hovering light. and below it were two
pairs of green and red lights each the size
of a car headlight. The lights were accompanied by no noise whatever.
Fanning said, "That doesn't look right.
Let's leave." As he began the drive homeward, he said, the light followed at the
height of the car. keeping about 50 yards
distant as the green and red lights moved
Here are a couple of Men-In-Black cases
from folklore, one from Norway and one
from Monterey, California.
On page 310 of the AMS Press, Inc.,
reprint of Peter Munch's book. Norse
Mythology (New York, 1970), the author
describes a kind of goblin known as vettir
in Telemark, Norway. They are no bigger
than a child of ten, and they wear gray
clothing with black hats. Note well, they
have herds of cattle called huddekroeter
(Huldre cattle). A Huldre is a type of goblin. They also have certain types of dogs
called huddebikkjer (Huldre curs).
Another, weirder case comes to us from
Randall A. Reinstedt's Ghostly Tales and
Mysterious Happenings of Old Monterey
(Ghost Town Publications, Carmel, California, 1977). On pages 47-49, Reinstedt
mentions the mysterious Dark Watchers
of the Santa Lucia Mountains of Monterey
County, California. The Dark Watchers
have been reported since before the
1930s. The author claims that famous
writers such as John Steinbec;k knew of
the Dark Watchers and that that author
described them briefly in his story, "Right."
The Dark Watchers appear as solitary
male human-appearing beings who dress
in antique clothing, sort of like Zarro.
They wear black hats, black clothes, black
boots and either black capes or long black
coats. One case of a Dark Watcher was
reported as recently as the mid-1960s by
a respected retired high school principal
on a hunting trip. Interestingly enough,
the Dark Watcher vanished like a ghost
when the startled hunter turned to point
the being out to his companions.
CREDIT: Jon Douglas Singer
The two frightened foresters in Phillips,
Wisconsin, were treed for two hours, but
it was the black bear that put them there
that wound up with the red face. The
250-pound animal sprayed itself in the
face with a paint sprayer the men were
using to mark timber. Roy Gilge and David
Bentley were working in Flambeau State
Forest when the bear appeared and sent
them scrambling up a couple of trees.
The bear rummaged through their backpacks and managed to set off the sprayer
loaded with red paint, then wandered off.
SOURCE: Herald-News (NJ) June 3, 1979
CREDIT: Fred Wilson
PURSUIT Summer 1979
THE ANDES LINES by Tony Morrison and incor-
by Robert C. Warth
our own Ivan T. Sanderson are mentioned; they were involved in the intrigue of this now legendary event, the
author reports.
Mr. Moore will surely receive some criticism for the
numerous assumptions or speculations he presents in the
absence of hard facts, but he freely admits that much
information may still remain unissued. There is no doubt
that as the circulation of this book increases, new reports
will come forth to tie together the answers to a number of
questions yet unanswered.
An Reg
Bib. Brit
E. Haddam
European Mag.
Jour Soc
L. An. Sci
Annual Register
Archives of Universal Science
The Book of the Damned
Brooklyn Eagle
Bibliographie British?
East Haddam
European Magazine
Inferior Conjunction
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
L 'Annee Scienti/ique
Mems. Boston Soc Nat Hist Memoirs 0/ the Boston Society 0/ Natural History
Philosophical Magazine
Q. Jour Roy Inst
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Institute
Religio-Phil Jour.
ReligioPhiiosophical Journal
SI. Bart
Aug 11
Jan 2-3
Jan 20
BA 1911).
[Reverse side) Retrospect of Discoveries 1806/357.
Feb. 24- midnight, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Small earthquake. BA 1911.
[Kiesewetter / / Feb. 24-25 - (Should be
March 24-25).)
Mar 25 / Mexico / great q / [BA) '11.
March 30 Great earthquake in Peru. BA
[Kiesewetter / / March 30
(The great
quake described in Peru occurred March
30,1828, not 1806).)
Ap.9-1O / Calabria, Italy / I / [Small
quake / BA 1911).
/ Volc / Lemongang / Java /
C.R. 70-878/ N.M.
May 17 / Metile? / Basingstoke, Hants /
May 17 / See Aug., 1806. / Glastonbury,
Somerset / stone 21/2 Ibs / Phil
Mag 4/8/459.
May 19 / At meeting of French Acad,
Ap. 16, 1838 (C.R. 6-514), M.
Daussy gave data for thinking that
there was a submarine volcano off
Cape Verde about 0.20' S., and
22 W. (west of Paris?). If so,
[Reverse side) abo 20 west of
Greenwich. Reported by a sea
captain, a column of smoke, 12 or
15 miles in N.W., he at 2.43'S.
and 22.55' W. / Next-see
Ap 12, 1831.
/ Ship shocks / See Nov 8-9.
[Reverse side) Feb 5. 1842 / Ap.
12, 1831 / Feb 20, 1861 / Sept.
10, 1868/ Oct. 13. 1878.
May 29ab./ Vesuvius / BA 54.
June 19, / Italy / I / [Small earthquake /
BA 1911).
July 17 /8 p.m. / broad daylight / Great
met / 1/4 diameter of moon, over
London / European Magazine
50-74 / BA '60.
[Reverse side) BA '60.
July 26 / Ball lightning down chimney and
out by door / An Reg 1806/43.
Aug 8
/ Krasnojarsk, Siberia / Tremendous shock. Violent storm. A
mountain replaced by
[Reverse side) a lake. "The country
was covered with volcanic ashes." /
BA 1854 / BA ' 11 = III [Violent
Aug 26- / Severest q in Rome since 1703 /
Sept.23 / Stonefall at Weimar, according to
Baumhauer's Catalog but
[Reverse side) questioned in
Oct. 6
/ (q) / Gerace, Calabria /
BA '54/64.
Oct 14
/ Swansea, etc. / Met, great light /
Nov 1
/ Spain and San Salvador / great
q / [BA) '11.
Dec 17 / Ulm / q / BA '54/65.
Nov-Dec / China / I [Small quakes /
BA 1911).
PURSUIT Summer 1979
Dec 1
Dec 22
Jan 14-15/ Pau / (q) / BA 54/65.
Jan 22
/ China / I / [Small quake / BA
March 4 / Op. Mars / (A 1).
March 6 /9:45 p.m. / Metero / "immense
ball of fire" / Glasgow / Scots'
Magazine 1807-235.
March 6 / Geneva / Fireball / BA '60.
March 13 / Ichnow (Smolensko) / Metite /
March 25 / [Meteor)ite / Timochin,
Smolensk, Russia / F /
[Reverse side) See Bib. Brit.
March 30 / France / I / [Small quake /
BA 1911).
/ Nurenberg / Fireball / BA 60.
Aug 9
/ Shore at Brighton and all the
watering places on S. coast of
England covered with ladybirds. /
[Reverse side) Sci Gos. 2/ 169.
Sept. 6 / Vole / Goentoes / Java / N.M. /
C.R. 70-878.
Sept 30 / Comet / appeared 1st near sun /
London / comet like star 1st mag i
set nearly due west about 8 p.m. /
European Mag., 52-319 / In
France seen first. on 26th ( p.
[Reverse side) See Venus, Oct 15.
/ [London Times), 3-d / Obj neat
Oct 27
sun / 29-2-a / [Nov.) 2-2-c /
7-2-d / 14-3-d / 31-2-b / Dec.
28-2-d / at Orkney / Comet.
Oct. 15 / Inferior conjunction Venus-Sun /
Oct 23
Nov. 10
Nov 18
Dec. 14
Dec. 22
Dec. 22
1808 and
/ See Feb. 27, 1828.
[BCF, p. 409 / See 1802//.)
/ all year / / Pignerol, etc.
/ At Carniola, Germany. red snow
fell to a depth of over 5 feet. /
B Eagl, 1891, Oct 25-14-6.
/ Mexico / II [Medium earthquake! BA 1911).
Feb 8
Robert C. Warth
R. Martin Wolf
Susan Malone
Greg Arend
Steven Mayne
Albena E. Zwerver