African Literature
African Literature
African Literature
literature consists of a body of work in different languages and
various genres, ranging from oral literature to literature written in
colonial languages (French, Portuguese, and English).South
African literature
Oral literature, including stories, dramas, riddles, histories, myths,
songs, proverbs, and other expressions, is frequently employed to
educate and entertain children. Oral histories, myths, and
proverbs additionally serve to remind whole communities of their
ancestors' heroic deeds, their past, and the precedents for their
customs and traditions. Essential to oral literature is a concern for
presentation and oratory. Folktale tellers use call-response
techniques. A griot (praise singer) will accompany a narrative with
Some of the first African writings to gain attention in the West
were the poignant slave narratives, such as The Interesting
Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Olaudah Equiano or
Gustavus Vassa, the African (1789), which described vividly the
horrors of slavery and the slave trade. As Africans became literate
in their own languages, they often reacted against colonial
repression in their writings. Others looked to their own past for
subjects. Thomas Mofolo, for example, wrote Chaka (tr. 1931),
about the famous Zulu military leader, in Susuto.
Since the early 19th cent. writers from western Africa have used
newspapers to air their views. Several founded newspapers that
served as vehicles for expressing nascent nationalist feelings.
French-speaking Africans in France, led by Lopold Senghor, were
active in the ngritude movement from the 1930s, along with
Lon Damas and Aim Csaire. French speakers from French
Guiana and Martinique. Their poetry not only denounced
colonialism, it proudly asserted the validity of the cultures that
the colonials had tried to crush.
arts into their work and often weave oral conventions into their
writing. p'Bitek structured Song of Iowino (1966) as an Acholi
poem; Achebe's characters pepper their speech with proverbs in
Things Fall Apart (1958). Others, such as Senegalese novelist
Ousmane Sembene, have moved into films to take their message
to people who cannot read.