Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local

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Humanities and Social Sciences

2014; 2(4): 87-95

Published online June 30, 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.hss.20140204.11

Human resource management challenges facing local

Rehema C. Batti
School of Management, Atlantic International University, 900 Fort Street Mall 40 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA

Email address:

To cite this article:

Rehema C. Batti. Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local NGOs. Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 4, 2014,
pp. 87-95. doi: 10.11648/j.hss.20140204.11

Abstract: Partnership with local NGOs has become an important feature in the development sector. Therefore the
management of human resources in local NGOs is crucial as it contributes to the performance and sustainability of the
organizations. However many local NGOs face diverse challenges in the area of human resource management. Local NGOs
have inadequate HR management procedures in the organization and this affects the employees work experiences and overall
performance at individual and organizational level. Many local NGOs due to the size of the organization and scope do not
have a human resource (HR) unit or a human resource manager and therefore they appoint staff to oversee staff issues who
often do not have the required human resource skills and competencies to manage the employees. Another area that is
challenging local NGOs is the fact that many depend on donor funds that are tied to funding cycles that are short term in
nature. This affects the NGOs human resource capacity in terms of the number and type of staff to recruit and employment
duration. The mentorship of management and board members in human resource management could be one way to improve
human resource competence in these organizations. This paper seeks to highlight human resource management challenges
local NGOs encounter and the importance of considering HRM as a strategic process that can contribute to sustaining an
organizations performance.
Keywords: Human Resource Management in NGOs, Challenges in Human Resource, Human Resource Management

1. Introduction
People are an important aspect in all social organizations
and from the perspective of the organization, people are
resources and organizations cannot exist without them. The
importance of people is immense as they support
development of the organizations objectives and
achievements for which NGOs are recognized for.
Organisations are becoming aware that human resources
are an important asset that can provide sustained competitive
advantages. However adoption of effective human resource
management (HRM) practices in many local Non
Govermental organizations (NGOs) is often low in the list of
management priority.
Successful NGOs are those that recognize the significance
of the human element on organizational success and
emphasize on their development, satisfaction, commitment
and motivation in order to attain desired objectives.
Local (NGOs) often do not realize the importance of

effective management of human resources to the well being

of the organization and hence do not invest adequate time or
resources to build their capacity in necessary human
resource competencies.
The lack of attention on the management of human
resource is one of the factor standing between success and
failure in many local NGOs in developing countries.
According to Ulah & Yasmin (2013:2) in the age of
competitiveness organizations cannot afford to bear the loss
of potential human resource.
Sustainable development of an organization depends upon
effective management of its human resources. However little
attention has been paid on the adoption of effective human
resource management practices in many local NGOs in the
development sector yet it is an aspect that can transform
organization staff into a productive and motivated workforce
capable of improving organization services.
Changing expectations of stakeholders, growth in internet


Rehema C. Batti:

Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local NGOs

usage and rapid development of e-commerce is pressurizing

organizations in every sector to make improvements in
service delivery and human resource effectiveness.
The contribution of people to an organization is
unpredictable, unique and has potential for further
development because people have beliefs, values and
different levels of experience that can be tapped for both
individual and organizational benefit.
How effectively local NGOs operate and achieve their
goals depends largely on how professionally and
productively people are managed. Employees are required to
understand the future of the organisation and their own
future in the organisation this helps triggers commitment
and hence sustained productivity.
Hence it is right to say that local NGOs are dependent on
the contribution of the human resource that exists within the
organization and as an organization they have no choice but
to proactively identify and explore opportunities that will
assist in building their competency in managing employees.

2. Overview of Human Resource

Management Definition and Practice
2.1. Definition of Human Resource Management
Human resource management is a core management
function in any type of organization. It creates the most
crucial condition for organizational performance.
Human resource management is a process that assists
organizations recruit, select and develop staff within the
organization. According to Stanley and Albin (2013:209)1
they define human resource management as a management
function within organizations concerned with people and
their relationships at work.
The foundation of HRM is that everyone in the
organization is capable and has the ability to perform and its
the sole responsibility of management to put in place system
and structures to motivate performance.
One of the purpose of the HRM is to build an organisation
with the right persons, in the right positions and at the
right time. The purpose of a Human resource framework is
to guide organizations to achieve this objective. The issues
revolving around managing human resources can be split
into two:
2.1.1. Strategic HRM
Here the focus is on the system as a whole. It targets
long-term issues as concerns organization structure, quality
of service, organizational culture and commitment that exist
and then looks into linking resources with future vision.
2.1.2. Operational HRM
This deals with issues at the individual level, such as
Stanley Vincent, Albin Joseph (2013) Challenges for human resource experts
in Global scenerio. International Journal of advancement in Research and
Technology. Vol 2, Issue 4,April 2013.SciResPub.

career planning and activities. Examples of include

employment applications processing, filling open positions,
training supervisors, addressing safety and health problems
and handling salaries.
The HR framework enables organizations to manage their
human resources effectively and tries to link human
resources with the organizations strategic goals. This also
involves taking into considerations internal and external
factors that affect human resources which influence changes
in strategies and practice in human resource management.
2.2. Human Resource Theories
Human resource management principles and techniques
are drawn from various theories found in different
(2012:6-7)2the following are the theories that guide HRM:
2.2.1. Resource Dependency Theory
Scarcities of resources determine policies and procedures
to be adopted by organisations. Employees are scarce
resources, which should be carefully managed.
2.2.2. Competitive Advantage Theory
Organisations should capitalize on competitive advantage
it has over other organisations. An employee is a rare
resource, immutable, non-substitutable, and valuable In
order to gain from competitive advantage, there should be
creation and support of organizational culture that ensures
effective management of training and performance
management functions.
2.2.3. Institutional Theory
Organizational norms, values, attitudes and myths are the
sources of organizational failure or success. These need be
coordinated and managed to ensure effectiveness.
2.2.4. Agency Theory
In this theory the employer and employee have a
principal-agent relationship. As there may be disagreement
between the two, legal implications have to be carefully
considered and, if possible, litigation should be avoided.
2.2.5. General Systems Theory
Organisations are complex systems. Human resource
management is a sub system. Failure/success of each
component will have overreaching impact to the
2.2.6. Human Capital Theory
It is an economic approach which describes people are
valuable assets. This emphasizes investing in people as one
does with other organizational assets.
2.2.7. Organization Life Cycle Theory
Organisations are seen to grow in different stages. They

Armstrong Michael (2012), Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource

Management practice.(12th edition)UK. Ashford Colour Press

Humanities and Social Sciences 2014; 2(4): 87-95

start, grow, mature, decline and revive. This theory links the
human resource management according to the stage of
growth of the organisation.
2.2.8. Role Behavior Theory
The means used by an organisation to send role
information determines role response (behavior).Human
resource management should focus on improving the role
information for employees.
2.2.9. Organizational Change Theory
Organisations pass through different forms, levels of
quality, and states over time. Human resource management
should ensure congruence between stated goals, changes,
and performance.
2.2.10. Transaction Cost Theory
It is an economic point of view of governance structures
in business transactions. It considers costs of establishment,
monitoring, evaluation, and enforcement of exchanges
(contracts). Since managers have limited information for
decision making (bounded rationality) before transactions,
there must be measures to reduce risks. Managers should
seek opportunities to be used by employees. Human
resource management should minimize loopholes in
employment relationships like reviewing contracts, monitor,
and ensure compliance to set objectives, targets and
2.2.11. Strategic Contingency Theory
Organisations have several strategic typologies to adopt.
The choice of typology depends on organizational
environment. Human resource management should depend
on a particular typology chosen.
2.2.12. Organizational Learning Theory
The success of an organisation depends on the ability of
the employees to learn. Human resource management
should ensure continuous learning so that an employees
prior knowledge facilitates learning and gives them the
ability to apply new related learning.
2.3. Human Resource Management as a Strategic
Function within an Organization
Globalisation has increased competition among
organizations and organizations are tasked on how to
accomplish competitive advantage through people. The rise
of globalization, has affected organizations of all sizes as
this has meant they have to interact with stakeholders from
diverse nationalities, religions, cultures, language and social
backgrounds. This requires the HR role to embrace a global
perspective and ensure that policies and procedures are in
line with the global market.
Globalization is also putting pressure on organization to
focus on employee professional development. This involves
providing employees opportunities to achieve their
career-related goals and this also has meant organizations
have to factor this in their HR management.


As organizations continue to grow across a global

environment, they strive to find new and effective methods
through which they can increase their competitive advantage
in their sectors of operation. According to Ullah & Yasmin
(2013:3)3the appropriate use of human resources develops
the performance of an organization.
Therefore the HR role is transforming into a more
strategic function with an indepth understanding of the
organizations mission and having the ability to advise
management and leadership on key decisions and policies.
According to Michael Armstrong (2011:6)4 SHRM is the
interface between HRM and SHRM. Strategic HRM is a
process that enables an organization to systematically link
employees and organizational strategic focus. The need for
strategic HRM has increased due to increase in globalization
of business which has caused the rise of a competitive
environment where the only way to remain relevant is to
build and improve the laborforce.
The function of Human Resource is divided into
transactional and strategic tasks. Transactional tasks include
recruitment, training, dealing with people issues, legal
compliance and employee services while strategic tasks
revolve around achievement of the organization goals and
values and involve forward looking HR strategies.
(Armstrong 2011:72).5
2.3.1. Definition and the concept of Strategic-HRM
The development of the term strategic HRM (SHRM) is
linked to integration of HRM into the strategy of the
organization and adaptation of HRM within the
organisation. The field of strategic HRM is still developing
and it tries to systematically link people and integrate HRM
strategies into organization strategies.
Armstrong (2008:35)6 elaborates that the aim of strategic
HRM is to develop capability within the organization to
ensure it has skilled and well motivated employees to
achieve sustained competitive advantage so as to become
flexible than their competitors.
The focus is on aligning of HR practices, policies and
programs with strategic plans of the organization. The
integration between HRM and an organizations strategic
plan is seen to eventually contribute to effective
management of human resources and improve the
organizations performance. Strategic HRM has two core
aspects which include the following:
a) The integration of HRM into the organizations strategy
b) The devolvement of HRM to line managers

Ullah, Ifran and Yasmin Robina (2013) The influence of human resource
practices on internal customer satisfaction and organization effectives. Journal
of internet banking and commerce. August 2013, Volume 18, Issue 2:1-28.
Armstrong Michael (2011), Armstrongs handbook of strategic HRM.5th
edition, London, Kogan Page. E-book collection(EBSCO host) Ipswich MA
accessed 10/April 2014
Ibid (2011:72)
Armstrong Michael (2008) Strategic Human Resource Management: A guide
to action. London. Kogan Page


Rehema C. Batti:

Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local NGOs

3. Challenges facing local NGOs in

Human Resource Management
The objective of this assessment was to identify and
understand the human resource challenges that face local
NGOs in the development sector and to highlight possible
solutions to address the problems. The assessment used
focus group discussions and interviews with staff of selected
local NGOs in the development sector to get the information
The following are the human resource problems identified
within the local NGOs;
3.1.1. Recruitment and Retention of Competant Staff
Many of the sampled local NGOs work with a project
orientation focus which means there is low priority
for investing in nurturing human resource capacities and
staff retention measures due to their short term nature of the
Some organizations are not able to have the right
employees at the right time and place. When they recruit the
staff they face the challenge of retaining them to the end of
the project phase as staff leave before the termination of the
This dynamism experienced in project-oriented
organizations is a great challenge as staff turnovers are often
high and erratic and this destabilizes programming and
eventually the performance of the organization.
Some of the geographical areas where the NGOs operate
are inaccessible or remote and it becomes difficult to attract
staff to work in these sites and they are forced to rely on
temporary staff or unqualified staff to fill the positions.
3.1.2. Inadequate Human Resource Policies or Procedures
Some of the local NGOs sampled do not have in place HR
guidelines that support staff management. Where they exist
they are not utilized and are instead used as tools to get
donor funds.
Much of the staffing management issues are done in an
adhoc manner and it is never clear what the employee is
expected to do at a given time. In some organizations the
policies that exist are not aligned with government labour
policies. For example the government has a policy that a
nursing mother will be given three months leave with pay
but in some organizations they gave either one month or the
policy was not included at all.
Some NGOs did not have contracts, job descriptions or
letter of appointments for the staff. It is therefore difficult to
get records of when staff were employed, what they are
entitled to, length of contract and what their responsibilities
In some organizations because they did not have contracts
some of them went without pay during some months, were
never given leave breaks from work, were deducted some of
their pay for some unexplained expenses by management.
3.1.3. Lack of Capacity to Manage a Diversity of Work

A challenge facing local NGOs is how to manage diverse

groups that exist in the workforce to ensure they are
committed to the organizations mission. Many face
challenges in the motivation of people of diverse age and
gender and many of the organization still use outdated
methods to manage the staff.
For example there is rise in the recruitment of younger
better educated staff and this has contributed to tensions
between the older experienced staff. Therefore there was
lack of delegation of work in a clear and systematic way due
to conflicting approaches to work and suspicion among the
two groups.
Sometimes the lack of educated and skilled labour force
within a location affected recruitment as some organizations
had to hire part time staff or work with volunteers yet the
organizations did not have relevant policies to engage with
the groups effectively.
In other instances it was a challenge especially where they
had those who were employed /appointed by the community
and those who used the formal system of recruitment.
3.1.4. Mismatching of Employee Qualifications with Jobs
or Positions
In some organization a staff was placed in a position that
they did not have the required competency or the skills to
perform the tasks adequately. For example a staff trained in
procurement was recruited as an accountant or an engineer
as a program coordinator in a health project.
In other scenarios those holding management positions
did not have the relevant skills or knowledge to support the
other staff they supervised. These scenarios resulted to poor
performance in the organizations as the staff was not able to
undertake their duties effectively.
Local NGOs need to understand that they cannot succeed
if employees perceive they are underutilized or are utilized
at the wrong time or in the wrong position.
3.1.5. Inadequate HR Management Skills among
The size of many of the local organizations is small. In an
organization of 3-10 organizations many do not have a HR
unit or a HR manager and this may not be a practical idea
due also to the cost implications.
The HR function is therefore in these NGOs is handled by
either a project manager or another staff who may not have
the necessary HR skills and this creates conflicts in
This lack of HR skills affects the day-to-day management
of the organization and has in some instances led to conflicts
over responsibilities between management and staff over
who should implement what activities.
3.1.6. Organization Program Strategies Affect Staffing
Many local NGOs are entering into alliances and
partnerships with either National or international
organizations, business or government, and these
engagements require them to recruit or restructure their
human resources to exploit the new opportunities. This

Humanities and Social Sciences 2014; 2(4): 87-95

means staff appointments are sometimes project based,

contractual and for specified periods.
In some organizations there exist 2-3 projects supported
by different donors who may unfortunately implement
different salary schemes and work practices and this creates
conflicts within the organization and creates management
Where organizations are in partnership with a donor
agency and the donor does not provide funds to hire
additional staff then the existing staff are sometimes
required to take up multiple roles without having the
necessary skills required. This causes an increase in
workload, stress, dissatisfaction among staff and eventually
causes underperformance of the entire organization.
3.1.7. Inability to Offer and Provide Competitive Employee
Incentives and Benefits
This issue is most challenging in NGOs because offering
competitive benefits to employees has high cost implications
and local NGOs do not have the financial resources to do so.
The salaries or incentives provided are dependent on the
donor funds received or the income generated through an
enterprise activity undertaken by the organization.
This sometimes impacts heavily on the staff morale and
performance within these organizations.


organizations do not plan for this.

In situation where training opportunities were available o
the relevant staff was not given opportunity to attend and
instead another staff is sent for training or the supervisors
attend the trainings yet they are not directly involved in
project implementation activities.
In project-oriented organizations there is no certainty of
growing in ones career as the funding duration is normally
short term and funds or opportunities to support
development of human resources capacity are normally few
or not available.
3.1.10. Difficulties in Maintaining Balance between
Employee and Organization Needs
Another challenge facing organizations is the alignment
of employee expectations with the organizations strategic
focus. Local NGOs constantly face the difficult task of
trying to balance between employee concerns and
organizational strategic and financial goals.
Employees perceived that their concerns and needs were
not being addressed by the organizations and were
overshadowed by the organizations need to please donors.
Employees eventually lacked motivation to work towards
fulfilling the organizations objectives or core mission.
There is also limited investment in people who have been
around for long periods in the organisation to counter the
sense of dissatisfaction and distancing from the vision.

3.1.8. Inadequate Performance Management Systems

Managers and employees are required to develop
performance targets and output that define individual tasks.
However many staff and management acknowledged that
this process does not exist in their organizations. There were
no tools or mechanisms to support staff appraisals and hence
it meant that it was not easy to track staff performance.
Yet some of the reasons management would give for
firing a staff would be due to poor performance but with
further inquiry how that was determined there is no
documented evidence of the poor performance.
Managers who did not set work targets and this
de-motivated staff. Many staff feel frustrated about the lack
of constructive feedback on their performance often because
it is unclear what is expected of them.
Many local NGOs have not embraced a performance
culture within their organizations. This results in low or poor
performance in terms of achievements of the planned
organizational mandates.

3.1.11. Lack Induction and Coaching Mechanisms for

New Employees
Many local NGOs made the assumption that the staff they
recruited had the skills required to perform their duties. Yet
many fail to realize that the staff recruited need to
understand the organization mandates and projects for them
to work effectively.
Many young people joining local NGOs felt that there is
not enough mentoring or clear career direction, while at the
same time there is a pressure to learn and deliver on the
project outcomes.
Staff in some of the local NGOs felt their supervisors did
not give them clear guidance about the day to day tasks
required to perform their roles and this scenerio was made
worse where there were no job descriptions. This resulted in
supervisors setting unrealistic demands on the staff or the
staff ended up not undertaking the tasks as required.

3.1.9. Inadequate Career Development Opportunities

Another challenge facing staff in local NGOs is the lack
of career enhancement opportunities. This would involve
continuously working towards creating new job
opportunities and supporting staff to develop within the
organization to keep up the morale.
In the past organizations equipped employees to fulfill
organizational requirements through training and
developmental interventions. However the scope and cost of
training and development has risen with the reality of trained
employees quitting before making significant contribution
to the organization after the training and therefore many

3.1.12. Presence of Leadership Gaps/Crisis

Many of the local NGOs face leadership crisis. Once a
management position falls vacant, many of the organizations
were seen to have difficulties in getting a replacement and
there are instances when this position remains vacant for
over a period of 6 months to one year.
There are also challenges faced when the founder
members hold management positions within the
organizations and they do not give opportunity or build the
leadership capacity of other managers or staff within the
Many local NGOs focus more on building their technical


Rehema C. Batti:

Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local NGOs

skills and knowledge but fail in planning for development of

leadership or management structures. This aspect often is
often not seen as a priority but many suffer the consequences
of serious leadership vacuum in the organization.
3.1.13. Inadequate or Clear Structures for Rewarding
Many staff felt the organizations did not reward or
recognize staff for good or exemplary performance and
sanctions against poor performers was something that many
of the organizations failed to address or ignored. Some staff
felt that as long as the staff was linked or perceived to be
loyal to management poorly performing staff would
remain in service for long without any action being taken.
This caused tensions among those who felt they worked
extra hard to contribute to achievement of organization
objectives yet they were not recognized for their efforts.
It was noted that the criteria for allocation of benefits was
not clear and was mostly associated with loyalty to
management rather than performance.

4. Recommendations
Based on the listed challenges in managing human
resources. Local NGOs in the development sector need to
adopt a strategic focus in human resource management and
replace the traditional forms.According to Khavul etal
(2009:1)7HRM in small organizations is often ad hoc, and
often a reflection of the backgrounds of founders and
I see there is a need for local NGOs to borrow and
contextualize best and promising HRM practices used by the
business sector to improve organizational HR management.
This will address the issues that arise as a result of having
adhoc HRM practices that are influenced by the founders of
the local NGO or are not contextualizad to fit the context in
which an organization operates.
The following are posible solutions that would be relevant
if adopted and implemented to address the current
challenges that local NGOs have in managing human
resources.There is evidence that the earlier small
organizations adopt HRM approaches and the extent to
which they invest in the practices and people, have
long-term impacts on organizational growth and survival.
(Khavul etal 2009:2)8
4.1. Develop Relevant (Context Based) Human Resource
Guidelines or Policies
Many of the local organization either lacked HR policies
or a manual to guide management of employee or had

Khavul, Susanna; Benson, George S.; and Datta, Deepak K. (2009) "Human
Resource management and international new ventures from emerging,"
ed on 23/4/2014
Ibid (2009:2)

policies that were not aligned to the organizations context or

government policies.
Where a manual existed it was not approved by
management and therefore the guidelines were not
The organizations need to develop detailed HR polices
that reflect the existing organizational environment and then
go beyond developing the policies to institutionalize them.
4.2. Development of HRM Plan Linked to Organization
Strategic Focus
Human resource planning is important for management of
human resources in local NGOs. This process will ensure the
NGOs have the human resource capacity required to achieve
their organizations goals and deliver results effectively in
the present and in the future.
Most of the local NGOs have financial and strategic plans
that guide achievement of the organizations mission.
However development of human resource plans is not a
common organizational practice. A human resource plan
will enable the organization identify and match staff with the
relevant positions planned for within the organization and
avoid uphazard recruitment of staff which is more often
donor driven and not organization focused.
This will also address the issue of having many
conflicting staffing structures due to having different donor
supported projects and ensures alignment in the
management of employees within different donor projects
Local NGOs although they have few staff should develop
a HR plan to guide HR decisions that are focused and
centred on the organizations vision and not necessarily on
the donor.
4.3. Develop Mechanisms That Support Identification,
Development and Utilization of Staff Capacity
Local NGOs need to develop structures and create
opportunities that will fully utilize the potential of their
employees. According to Shilpika (2012:612) 9the reality is
that people are undervalued, not adequately trained,
underutilized and poorly motivated in many organizations
and consequently perform well below their true capability.
Many employees feel they are wasted and not given the
opportunity to develop their capacity or use the knowledge
they have gained in similar previous positions.
Local NGOs need to use different approaches in job
design/redesign and placement so that they can adequately
utilize their existing staff capacity.
Organizations need to employ talent management
processes that involve instituting initiatives to utilize and
develop capacity of personnel.
The local NGOs can develop simple human resource
information database which they can use to record and store
Shilpika Pandey (2012)Future trends in HRM ,VSRD International journal of
business and management research Vol 2,No 12,Dec

Humanities and Social Sciences 2014; 2(4): 87-95

data related to their employees. This will help in tracking the

skills available that are not utilized and those that are lacking
and need to be developed.
4.4. Conduct Mentorship on HR Management for Board
Members and Project Managers
There is need for HR competency among project
managers and board members within local NGOs. Many
local NGO management level staff do not have skills in
managing people. This leads to conflicts, underperformance
and underutilization of employees.
Local NGOs should invest in providing basic HR skills to
their management staff and this can be done by budgeting
for training sessions or exploring ways to ensure that the
competencies exist within the organization.
The board members also need to be aware of the basics
that are required to have an effective HR management
structure. This is because many of these local NGOs are
small and do not have a human resource department. This is
a role that board members need to take up especially where
the organization is still growing.
According to John Adair (2011:96) 10 , he states that
leaders provide an environment in which people can give
their best hence creativity and innovations emerge. Local
NGO leaders will need to proactively manage their human
resource operations so as to sustain high staff performance
over time.
4.5. Develop and Implement Staff Performance
Management System
Organizational success comes from employees total
commitment to the organizational mission, goals, objectives,
and values. It is the task of the management to induce and
encourage that commitment.
Many organization face the challenge of having
unmotivated employees whose poor performance affects the
growth and survival of the organization.
Introduction of performance based incentives (monetary
or non monetary forms), within local NGOs will go a long
way to boost employee motivation.
4.6. Develop Management/Leadership Succession Plans
Planning for future management and leadership needs is
linked to strategic focus of the organization. This is because
of the dynamics of an aging workforce that is approaching
retirement and transition of management to other
This involves identifying employees within an
organization who have the capacity to take up key strategic

Adair John Eric (2011) The John Adair Lexicon of leadership.The definitive

guide to leadership skills and knowledge. London. Kogan Page


positions that may fall vacant or may be created in the future.

Some components of planning include: replacement
planning, identify high-Potential employee, assessment of
employee input and development of programs to build
specific competency requirements.
Organizations that target on leadership succession and
development are more flexible in the event of an unforeseen
leadership change, because they will have the staff capacity
to fill leadership vacancies.
Organizations must further consider ways to fill the gap
by identifying as many options as possible to reduce the risk
of strategic failure through integration of leadership
development into the organizations overall strategic plan.
4.7. Developing a HR Risk Management Plan
Human resource engagement and management poses
risks to local NGOs. It is therefore important for an
organization to identify the HR risk factors and develop
mechanisms to minimize the sources of risks to avoid costly
lawsuits brought on by federal and state organs or
Some NGOs are sometimes caught unawares on some
legal contractual obligations as they develop contracts for
employees and other risks that occur as a result of engaging
staff in an organization.
4.8. Outsourcing HR Functions
Local NGOs that are small and lack the adequate funds to
have a HR unit and find the different HR functions intensive
and complex to manage from within can consider
Some key HR functions that can be outsourced may
include; development of organizational policies and
practices, career development, staff counseling, recruitment
and selection.
This is especially important for local NGOs whose size is
not too large to warrant having an internal HR team.
4.9. Undertake Annual Organizational Knowledge Matrix
This involves identification of key competencies for jobs
required in the organization and assessing what is available
or lacking among the staff.
This exercise will assist the local NGO management
identify the competencies and skills that exist and the ones
lacking. This will also encourage peer to peer learning
among organizational individuals and help to avoid relying
on one person who has all the skills.
This exercise is useful because organization strategies and
approaches to project implementation change and evolve
overtime. This will reduce instability in program
implementation when staff transition as competencies will
be periodically monitored and developed within the


Rehema C. Batti:

Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local NGOs

4.10. Conducting Periodic Organizational HR

A periodic HR assessment will measure the effectiveness
of an organizations HR management practices and ensure
legal compliance. This will help improve, established HR
documentation practices, identify strengths and weaknesses
in staff appraisals and other HR practices.
An audit will improve HR practices within the
organization especially where they may not have an HR unit
or manager.
Organizations can set aside a budget to support this
exercise just as they set aside money to conduct financial
audits. Those who are being supported with institutional or
capacity development should be proactive to negotiate for
funds to undertake such an assessment.
Local NGOs need to regularly assess their organization
HR management practices and regulations to protect the
organization and its employee's best interests.

at community level. There is need for donor and

government agencies to become more sensitive and
pro-active in understanding the human resource challenges
of partner implementing organisations and offer more
support to build capacity in HR management in addition to
providing funds and registration of the organizations.

I would like to appreciate the invaluable support I
received from my University advisor Dr Valcin and the
university team.


Adair John Eric (2011) The John Adair Lexicon of leadership.

The definitive guide to leadership skills and
knowledge .London. Kogan Page


Armstrong Michael (2008) Strategic Human Resource

Management: A guide to action. London. Kogan Page.

The aim is to provide employees with a conducive working

environment. A strong organizational culture can be a great
foundation for motivation and commitment among the
employees. Where a strong and cohesive organization
culture exists, core values are widely shared and employees
identify themselves with their organization.
This can help minimize staff turnover that occur due to
dissatisfaction among staff with organizations management


Armstrong Michael (2011), Armstrongs handbook of

strategic HRM.5th edition, London, Kogan Page.


Armstrong Michael (2012), Armstrongs Handbook of

Human Resource Management practice.(12th edition)UK.
Ashford Colour Press.


Brock, Meagan and Buckley M. Ronald,(2013) Human

resource functioning in an information soceity. Practical
suggestions and future implications. Public personnel
Management (serial online) June 2013;42(2)272-280.

5. Conclusion


Dartey- Baah, Kwasi,(2010) Technology transfer and Human

resource constraints and challenges .A note to developing
world. Academic Leadership (15337812) Volume 8,Issue 1


Ekta Srivastava, Dr. Nisha Agarwal (2012) The Emerging

Challenges in HRM International Journal of scientific &
technology research volume 1 issue 6,July 2012.


Fottler, Myron& Fried, Bruce (2008) Human resources in

health care: Managing for success. Health Adminstration


HR focus: Turnover, globalization among emerging


4.11. Develop Strong Internal Organization Culture

The market environment for competant and skilled

personnel is becoming increasingly competitive and costly.
The constant pressure for change has forced some local
NGOs to realize that events within and externally affect their
performance and survival. Local NGOs need to be aware that
competent employees together with effective HR systems
and practices are factors essential for securing sustainable
competitive advantage in their market space or niche.
This requires local NGOs to be proactive in continuously
seeking to improve their human resource management
practices. Adoption of organizational development process
can support local NGOs develop strategies that introduce
planned and systematic HR management practices.
Organizational systems, processes and activities are
integrated and synergized through a strong organizational
culture.A crucial task for local NGO leadership is to evaluate
the extent to which organizational culture ensures the
strategic integration and adoption of human resource
practices to make sure employee potential is harnessed and
developed for the benefit of both the individual and
Donor agencies and governments are an important part in
the local NGOs lifecycle as many organizations receive
support from the two institutions to undertake development

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