Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local
Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local
Human Resource Management Challenges Facing Local
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Abstract: Partnership with local NGOs has become an important feature in the development sector. Therefore the
management of human resources in local NGOs is crucial as it contributes to the performance and sustainability of the
organizations. However many local NGOs face diverse challenges in the area of human resource management. Local NGOs
have inadequate HR management procedures in the organization and this affects the employees work experiences and overall
performance at individual and organizational level. Many local NGOs due to the size of the organization and scope do not
have a human resource (HR) unit or a human resource manager and therefore they appoint staff to oversee staff issues who
often do not have the required human resource skills and competencies to manage the employees. Another area that is
challenging local NGOs is the fact that many depend on donor funds that are tied to funding cycles that are short term in
nature. This affects the NGOs human resource capacity in terms of the number and type of staff to recruit and employment
duration. The mentorship of management and board members in human resource management could be one way to improve
human resource competence in these organizations. This paper seeks to highlight human resource management challenges
local NGOs encounter and the importance of considering HRM as a strategic process that can contribute to sustaining an
organizations performance.
Keywords: Human Resource Management in NGOs, Challenges in Human Resource, Human Resource Management
1. Introduction
People are an important aspect in all social organizations
and from the perspective of the organization, people are
resources and organizations cannot exist without them. The
importance of people is immense as they support
development of the organizations objectives and
achievements for which NGOs are recognized for.
Organisations are becoming aware that human resources
are an important asset that can provide sustained competitive
advantages. However adoption of effective human resource
management (HRM) practices in many local Non
Govermental organizations (NGOs) is often low in the list of
management priority.
Successful NGOs are those that recognize the significance
of the human element on organizational success and
emphasize on their development, satisfaction, commitment
and motivation in order to attain desired objectives.
Local (NGOs) often do not realize the importance of
Rehema C. Batti:
start, grow, mature, decline and revive. This theory links the
human resource management according to the stage of
growth of the organisation.
2.2.8. Role Behavior Theory
The means used by an organisation to send role
information determines role response (behavior).Human
resource management should focus on improving the role
information for employees.
2.2.9. Organizational Change Theory
Organisations pass through different forms, levels of
quality, and states over time. Human resource management
should ensure congruence between stated goals, changes,
and performance.
2.2.10. Transaction Cost Theory
It is an economic point of view of governance structures
in business transactions. It considers costs of establishment,
monitoring, evaluation, and enforcement of exchanges
(contracts). Since managers have limited information for
decision making (bounded rationality) before transactions,
there must be measures to reduce risks. Managers should
seek opportunities to be used by employees. Human
resource management should minimize loopholes in
employment relationships like reviewing contracts, monitor,
and ensure compliance to set objectives, targets and
2.2.11. Strategic Contingency Theory
Organisations have several strategic typologies to adopt.
The choice of typology depends on organizational
environment. Human resource management should depend
on a particular typology chosen.
2.2.12. Organizational Learning Theory
The success of an organisation depends on the ability of
the employees to learn. Human resource management
should ensure continuous learning so that an employees
prior knowledge facilitates learning and gives them the
ability to apply new related learning.
2.3. Human Resource Management as a Strategic
Function within an Organization
Globalisation has increased competition among
organizations and organizations are tasked on how to
accomplish competitive advantage through people. The rise
of globalization, has affected organizations of all sizes as
this has meant they have to interact with stakeholders from
diverse nationalities, religions, cultures, language and social
backgrounds. This requires the HR role to embrace a global
perspective and ensure that policies and procedures are in
line with the global market.
Globalization is also putting pressure on organization to
focus on employee professional development. This involves
providing employees opportunities to achieve their
career-related goals and this also has meant organizations
have to factor this in their HR management.
Ullah, Ifran and Yasmin Robina (2013) The influence of human resource
practices on internal customer satisfaction and organization effectives. Journal
of internet banking and commerce. August 2013, Volume 18, Issue 2:1-28.
Armstrong Michael (2011), Armstrongs handbook of strategic HRM.5th
edition, London, Kogan Page. E-book collection(EBSCO host) Ipswich MA
accessed 10/April 2014
Ibid (2011:72)
Armstrong Michael (2008) Strategic Human Resource Management: A guide
to action. London. Kogan Page
Rehema C. Batti:
Rehema C. Batti:
4. Recommendations
Based on the listed challenges in managing human
resources. Local NGOs in the development sector need to
adopt a strategic focus in human resource management and
replace the traditional forms.According to Khavul etal
(2009:1)7HRM in small organizations is often ad hoc, and
often a reflection of the backgrounds of founders and
I see there is a need for local NGOs to borrow and
contextualize best and promising HRM practices used by the
business sector to improve organizational HR management.
This will address the issues that arise as a result of having
adhoc HRM practices that are influenced by the founders of
the local NGO or are not contextualizad to fit the context in
which an organization operates.
The following are posible solutions that would be relevant
if adopted and implemented to address the current
challenges that local NGOs have in managing human
resources.There is evidence that the earlier small
organizations adopt HRM approaches and the extent to
which they invest in the practices and people, have
long-term impacts on organizational growth and survival.
(Khavul etal 2009:2)8
4.1. Develop Relevant (Context Based) Human Resource
Guidelines or Policies
Many of the local organization either lacked HR policies
or a manual to guide management of employee or had
Khavul, Susanna; Benson, George S.; and Datta, Deepak K. (2009) "Human
Resource management and international new ventures from emerging,"
ed on 23/4/2014
Ibid (2009:2)
Adair John Eric (2011) The John Adair Lexicon of leadership.The definitive
Rehema C. Batti:
I would like to appreciate the invaluable support I
received from my University advisor Dr Valcin and the
university team.
5. Conclusion