The 7S Model and Change

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The 7S model and change: increasing your chance of organisational success

The 7S model, developed by Mckinsey Consulting, can describe how effectively one
can organise a company, holistically. It is based around seven key elements of any
organisation, with the view that in order for it to operate successfully, all the
elements in this model must align synergistically together.

The factors are split into two groups: hard or soft.

The hard elements are those that can physically be seen when in place, whereas the
soft are more intangible and cannot readily be seen.
Shared values are the pinnacle of the model and therefore in any organisation. They
form the underpinning culture, strategy, effectiveness and performance, linking to
every other element in this framework. They link all that is of the organisation: how
people behave, the structure, its systems and so on.

Getting this balance right means getting the culture right.

In addition to the Central Values alignment, each of the other six elements has an
important role in designing the correct organisation and is just as important as the

Structure: The line of reporting, task allocation, coordination and supervision levels

Strategy: The top level plan top create competitive advantage

Systems: The supporting systems and process of the firm, like Information systems,
financial reporting, payment systems, resource allocation etc

Shared Values: These are the core values of the company and form the
underpinning culture and how the business behaves and is perceived to behave in
the wider context of the community

Style: the overarching style of leadership adopted within the organisation

Staff: the number and types of employees within the organisation

Skills: the skills and competencies of the employees Its Uses

The change agents task therefore, is to understand the goal of the organisation and
optimise each of the seven factors in line with the corporate goals.

The framework can be used to understand where gaps may appear in the
organisation, which is creating

imbalance and what areas of the business to align and improve to increase
performance. It can be used

in a variety of corporate situations, like:

Understanding a system change and the affects to the organisation as a whole

Planning for a process change, A smaller change will result in a new balance of the
7S Model

Creating Strategic and fundamental culture change

Align departments and processes during acquisition/merger

Using the Model to Suit You

Using the 7S model, the change agents task is to start with the end in mind.

That is to understand the change needed, working backwards, asking questions as

to how the organisation can best be aligned across all the seven elements of the
model, to achieve that objective.

Remember, this model is based around the theory that for an organisation to
perform well and achieve its objectives, all seven elements must be aligned,
mutually enforcing progress towards the objectives of the firm.

It comes as no surprise, therefore, that, if you understand the goal of the

organisation, then the next step is to look at each element and work to realign them
to create synergy.

You can use the 7S model to help analyze the current situation, a proposed future
goal and then identify gaps and inconsistencies between them. Its then a question
of adjusting and tuning the elements to ensure that your organisation works
effectively and well towards achieving that end goal.

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