Architects - Risk Management in The Tendering Process PDF
Architects - Risk Management in The Tendering Process PDF
Architects - Risk Management in The Tendering Process PDF
Tendering Process
Tender Processes
Selection of Contractors
Contract Risks
European Operations
Be open with client about these explaining impact in terms of potential construction / delivery
delays and any cost impact
Be open with tenderers regarding incomplete any design aspects, taking care not to
misrepresent - enticement to bid / quote low can cause claims
European Operations
Contract Drawings: Make clear to what extent changes are necessary between tender
and contract drawings, and what can be left to post-tender variations
Construction Drawings: ideally issue any variation instructions with the contract
drawings prior to any subsequent construction-related instructions
Retain whole of design information: not just tender documents but also related
preparatory docs, sketches, industry literature
Risks in this area greatly reduced if earlier design stages incl. feasibility are thorough
European Operations
Conflicts: Consideration of independence and conflict / potential for conflict and deal
with any issues arising openly
Tender Invitation: procedures for preparing tender lists, collating tender documents,
establishing the tender period/due date, defining or reviewing criteria for selection to
ensure objectivity and transparency
European Operations
Document Check: on issue / return to ensure none missing (protects both parties)
Detail Check: rates, quantities, totals, exchange rates if relevant, page totals etc.
industry design responsibilities clarify which and liaise closely to confirm detail
European Operations
Balance objectivity and experience of track record with the design team
Past performance with design team therefore needs to be part of the selection criteria rather
than applied as a factor that negates any original objectivity afterwards
If tender value exceeds client budget then beware risk of rushing through design
changes to accommodate budget
Try to avoid letters of intent that might cause blurring around award of contract / part of
contract (reconcile with contract in any case)
European Operations
Reconcile tender documents and contract documents and be clear about any
changes in the interim
Review any items that could not be measured as part of tender process and clarify
with contractor
Ensure legal check of contractors T&Cs, any letter of intent and contract documents
Clarify preliminaries
European Operations
Ensure site supervision and inspection responsibilities are clearly understood - whos
role is to do what, when / to what frequency and to what standards?
Ensure those tendering know if their work must be subject to independent inspection
and at what stages / to what quality standards.
If any of above not clear at tendering or contracting stage, flag for early clarification.
European Operations
QA Approach
Remedial Action
Learning Culture
Blame Culture
European Operations
RMEQ Essentials
European Operations
European Operations
benchmark their firm against a highly developed set of risk criteria using our comprehensive quality
assurance questionnaires
get instant results and report on prioritised recommendation to help them improve their risk profile
monitor and track risk improvement status and provide QBE underwriters with automated updates
on their risk profile
obtain CPD credits for time spent on risk assessment and consideration
European Operations
European Operations
Recommendations Graph
European Operations