Training Methodology Reviewer
Training Methodology Reviewer
Training Methodology Reviewer
Session Objectives
At the end of the session, you should be able to:
Plan Training Session is one of the six competencies to be mastered in Trainers Methodology I (TM I). But
before we focus on planning, let us have an overview of the whole training program. In this lesson, you will
learn the role as trainer or assessor. As a trainer or assessor, you need to know what and how to teach, and how
to work effectively with others. We look forward to see you competent enough as you study this course.
Trainees Entry Requirements
It is expected that you will be a Trainer and/or Assessor as you finish this course, Trainers Methodology I (TM
What is a TVET Trainer?
TVET Trainer is a professional who enables a learner or a group of learners to develop competencies to
performing a particular trade or technical work. Towards this end, a TVET Trainer may assume various roles
such as training facilitator, competency assessor, training designer, developer or training supervisor 1.
What is a Trainer / Assessor?
From the Training Regulation, a Trainer is a person who enables group of learners to develop competencies
toward performing a particular trade or technical work while an Assessor is an individual accredited and
authorized to evaluate or assess competencies of a candidate applying for certification or any one of the purpose
of assessment.
Trainer/Assessor is at least NC II holder and who has achieved all the required units of competency identified
in the Trainers Methodology Level I (TM Level I) under the PTTQF. He is also a holder of National TVET
Trainer Certificate Level I (NTTC I) 2. A Trainer is an Assessor; an Assessor is a Trainer 3.
To qualify for this course, a candidate or trainee must satisfy the following requirements:
Graduate of baccalaureate degree or equivalent in training or experience along the field of Technical
Vocational Education and Training
Certified at the same or higher NC Level in the qualification that will be handled (for technical trainers)
Determine the skills and knowledge that a trainer or assessor should have
As you progress through this lesson, you should keep in mind the skills and knowledge required to
become a competent trainer. Remember that awareness of your skills and capabilities will help you
make informed choices.
Basic and Core Competencies
Listed are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required of Trainers Methodology (TM) Level I 1:
Basic Competencies (or skills and knowledge that everyone needs for work):
Session Objectives
At the end of the session, you should be able to:
Define commonly used Competency-Based Training terminologies
Explain ten principles of Competency-Based Training
Differentiate traditional education with Competency-Based Training
Getting the idea on structure and principles embedded in training is important before designing a session
plan. Do you know how to teach a Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) program? That
will be the focus of todays lesson.
The framework in teaching skill-based lesson is called Competency Based Training (or CBT). It
focuses on skills development that is why its approach differs from the traditional education.
In traditional education, the teacher controls the environment (or called teacher-centered approach);
while in CBT, the learners control and manipulate the tools and equipments with the guide of a teacher
(also known as student-centered approach).
In addition to that, learners are not compared among each other, instead their skills are compared against
the norms or standard set by the industry. The training is also self-paced; an example of this is when the
trainer allows the students to study the materials & practice the skill on their own. Lastly, the focus of
CBT is on the outcome or the end product.
CBT Terminologies
The need to understand commonly used terminologies is important before starting this courseware.
Comprehending these terminologies will empower you to understand easily the next lessons.
Knowledge is the cognitive representation of ideas, events, activities or tasks derived from practical or
professional experience as well as from formal instruction or study, e.g. memory, understanding,
analysis 1.
Skill refers to the acquired and practiced ability to carry out a task or job 2.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the acknowledgement of an individuals skills, knowledge and
attitudes gained from life and work experiences outside registered training programs 7.
Qualification is cluster of units of competency that meets job roles and is significant in the workplace.
It is also a certification awarded to a person on successful completion of a course and/or in recognition
of having demonstrated competencies relevant to an industry 7.
It has three components:
o Basic Competency skills and knowledge that everyone needs for work
Competency-Based Training (CBT) is a system by which the student is trained on the basis of
demonstrated ability rather than on that of elapsed time 7.
CBT includes:
o Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is the specification for a course or subject (module)
which describes all the learning experience a student or learner undergoes. It specifies outcomes
which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as agreed through industry or
community consultations.8
o Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM) refers to the print and non-print instructional
media used as guide in learning workplace activities.
competencies, he will then select another unit of competency, and repeat the competency-based training
Principle One: The training is based on curriculum (CBC) developed from the competency standards
Principle Five: Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum
Principle Six: Assessment is based in the collection of evidences of the performance of work to the
industry required standard.
Principle Seven: Training is based both on and off the job components.
Principle Eight: The system allows Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and or current competencies.
Principle Nine: Training allows multiple entry and exit in the training program.
Principle Ten: Approved training programs are nationally accredited. Programs of each institution or
training center are registered with UTPRAS (Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation
Now it is your turn to refresh memory on how your teacher taught you and compare it on how CompetencyBased Training works. How will you teach skill-based session? Does it have any difference? Will you make that
change for the better? Get a paper and take down notes on its differences.
Competency-Based Training without planning and without determining trainees characteristics will lead
to an unsuccessful session plan.
It is a must for us teachers to know our students their characteristics as adult learners, their educational
background, and their culture - not only because we need data for filing purposes, but for us to use these
data to analyze and determine their training needs.
Who are our learners? What are the characteristics we need to include in their profile? What type of
learners are they? Those are our some highlight questions you might encounter as you proceed in this
Here is a best scenario on how to apply this theory: The trainer enters a class consisting of adult learners. They
are all different in terms of age, educational background, gender etc., but they all have one thing in common they are all adult learners. A trainer, on his conscious state, will then use strategies to meet the needs of adult
A best example of strategy especially in developing working with teams is the use of Situated Learning
Experience (SLE). It would be a very good application of adult learning principles since they are given specific
instruction to achieve and explore solution and course of actions to attain it.
An example is the creation of a tallest tower using limited supply of materials. In this SLE, the goal is to make
the highest tower. The devising of strategies and trying it outgives adult learners autonomy and direct their
own learning, and it also allows the students to bring in their previous experiences and knowledge. When
participants are asked to give their insights on their SLE experience, this allows learners to give respect to their
classmates, as the application of insights becomes practical and self-motivating.
Note that the methods and strategies we construct, consciously and unconsciously, should meet the needs of our
adult learners, and will surely make an effective transfer of learning.
VARK Learning styles, as proposed by Fleming and Mills (1992), is a model that describes how a
person takes-in and gives-out information while learning. These learning styles are visual (learns best by
seeing graphs, charts, and other symbols), auditory (learns best by listening), read/write (learns best by
reading text-based information) and kinesthetic (learns best by doing).
Realize the importance of having pre-training assessment before starting the session
Disengage current competency from the skills required to determine training gap
In differentiated classroom, teachers begin where students are, not the front of a curriculum guide. Carol
Ann Tomlinson, 1999. As quoted by Tomlinson, we start our session based on our pre-assessment, not in
Competency Based Curriculum. Pre-assessment evaluates trainees knowledge, skills, strengths and weaknesses
prior to teaching.
Pre-Training Assessment
Pre-Training Assessment is conducted to recognize current competency (RCC) and recognition of prior learning
(RPL). This assessment is done before the training starts. Listed are reasons why it is needed:
Trainer assesses learners skills and knowledge through pre-test or diagnostic test
Self-Assessment Guide is a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate and assessor determine what evidence is
available, when gaps exist, including readiness for assessment 1.
Portfolio Assessment refers to the process of determining whether an applicant is competent through evaluation
of his or her records of achievement 2.
You can confirm authenticity of evidence of competency by:
Calling or asking personally the signatories and confirm the information listed in certificate of
Pre-Test or Diagnostic Test is a type of formative assessment that involves collecting evidence to diagnose or
identify a training need or performance problem. (NVSC Handbook) Prepare the pre-test/diagnostic test
according to the guidelines written in the lesson Preparing Assessment Instruments.
An assessor can use the portfolio assessment and pre-test results as source of evidences and a tool in verifying
learners current competency and prior learning. Pre-training assessment and analysis is done prior to actual
training program.
Self-Assessment Guide (SAG) a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate and the assessor determine what
evidence is available, where gaps exist, including readiness for assessment. This document can
identify the candidates skills and knowledge;
highlight gaps in the candidates skills and knowledge;
provide critical guidance to the assessor n the evidence that needs to be presented;
provide guidance to the candidate on the evidence that needs to be presented; and
assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is needed or additional information or skills
should be gained prior to the assessment.
Now that you have established the training gap of the learner, you are now ready to prepare the session plan. In
preparing session plan, it is essential to understand the structure of Training Regulation.
Training Regulations contains the prescribed minimum program standards. It is developed by experts and
practitioners from public or private sector (or called as Experts Panel) and is promulgated by the TESDA Board
after national validation1.
Training Regulation
Training Regulation (TR) is a TESDA promulgated document that serves as basis for which the competencybased curriculum, instructional materials and competency assessment tools are developed. This document
represents specific qualification. How the competencies in this qualification can be gained, assessed and be
given recognition is detailed in this promulgated document 1.
All training institution who wants to offer TVET program are required to register under Unified TVET Program
Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) either With Training Regulation (WTR) or No Training
Regulation (NTR) to adhere in competency-based training requirements.
With Training Regulation (WTR) is described as programs that have appropriate promulgated Training
Regulations; examples of WTR program are Computer System Servicing, Food and Beverage Service to name
some. No Training Regulations (NTR) refers to the programs that include skills which are not covered yet by
any promulgated Training Regulations; example of NTR program is those of interior designing 2.
It has four sections:
Section 1 Definition of Qualification refers to the group of competencies that describes the different
functions of the qualification. It enumerates the job titles of workers who are qualified.
Section 2 - Competency Standards (CS) gives the specifications of competencies required for effective
work performance.
Section 3 - Training Standard (TS) contains information and requirements in designing training
program for certain Qualification. In includes curriculum design, training delivery; trainee entry
requirements; tools equipment and materials; training facilities; trainers qualification and institutional
Section 4 National Assessment & Certification Arrangement describes the policies governing
assessment and certification procedure.
Download #4:
Training Regulations
Training Regulations
Training Regulations (TR) a TESDA-promulgated document that serves as basis for which the competencybased curriculum and instructional materials and competency assessment tools are developed. This
document represents a specific qualification. It defines the competency standards for a national
qualification and how such qualification can be gained, assessed and be given recognition.
Competency Standards
Competency Standard (CS), as used in TESDA, is industry-determined specification of competencies
required for effective work performance. They are expressed as outcomes and they focus on work place
activity rather than training or personal attributes and capture the ability to apply skills in new situations and
changing work organization1. Refer to Section 2 of Training Regulations.
Elements are the building blocks of a unit of competency. They describe, in outcome terms, the
functions that a person performs in the workplace.
Performance Criteria are evaluative statements that specify what is to be assessed and the required
level of performance.
Required Knowledge (formerly known as Underpinning Knowledge) refers to the competency that
involves in applying knowledge to perform work activities. It includes specific knowledge that is essential to
the performance of the competency.
Required Skills (formerly known as Underpinning Skills) refers to the list of the skills needed to
achieve the elements and performance criteria in the unit of competency. It includes generic and industry
specific skills.
Range of Variables describes the circumstances or context in which the work is to be performed.
Evidence Guide is a component of the unit of competency that defines or identifies the evidences
required to determine the competence of the individual. It provides information on:
Critical Aspects of Competency refers to the evidence that is essential for successful performance of the
unit of competency.
Resource Implications refers to the resources needed for the successful performance of the work activity
described in the unit of competency. It includes work environment and conditions, materials, tools and
Assessment Method refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when evidence should be collected.
Context of Assessment refers to the place where assessment is to be conducted or carried out.
The CBC specifies the outcomes which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as agreed
through the industry or community consultations.
When competency standards do not exist, curriculum developers need to clearly define the learning outcomes
to be attained. The standard of performance required must be appropriate to industry and occupational needs
through the industry/enterprise or specified client group consultations1.
Understanding the Course Design
Competency-Based Curriculum consists of Course Design and Module of Instruction. Course Design
serves as the blueprint and sets the structure in delivering the training program, while Module of Instruction
serves as the course outline, and is derived from the course design, and contains detailed information on what
and how to teach each unit of competency.
Course Design is based on competency standards set by the industry or recognized industry sector. Learning
system is driven by competencies written to the industry standards1.
The first page includes the following:
Course Title refers to the name of the program to be offered. It is usually derived from the qualification title
of the training regulations or it takes the qualification title of the training regulations if the program is
designed to cover the entire qualification2.
Nominal Duration refers to the estimated training period usually expressed in hours wherein the learner is
expected to complete the whole training program.
Course Description refers to the brief statement of scope, coverage and delimitation of the course.
Entry Requirements refers to the minimum and must qualifications of a trainee to a training program that
will ensure effective and efficient training.
Course Structure is a course matrix, and includes details on module title, learning outcomes and nominal
hours per unit of competency.
Unit of Competency is a component of the competency standard stating a specific key function or role in a
particular job or occupation serving as a basis for training an individual to gain specific knowledge, skills
and attitude needed to satisfy the special demands or requirements of a particular situation1.
Module Title is the name of the module derived from the unit of competency.
Learning Outcomes are the set of knowledge, skills and/or competencies an individual has acquired and/or
is able to demonstrate after completion of a learning process either formal, non-formal or informal 3.
Nominal Hours refers to the estimated training period usually expressed in hours wherein the learner is
expected to complete a particular training module of program 2.
Resource is the part where recommended tools, equipment and materials to be used are listed.
Assessment Methods refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when evidence should be collected1.
Course Delivery refers to the classroom teaching methodologies that can be applied for the entire module
Trainers Qualification refers to the identified minimum experience and competencies the trainer for the
course must possess.
Competency-Based Curriculum
Sample: Competency Based Curriculum
Module Title describes the outcome of unit of competency. Gerund is used as subject. (e.g. Maintaining
Computer Systems)
Module Descriptor refers to the brief statement of scope, coverage and delimitation of the module.
Nominal Duration refers to the estimated training period wherein the learner is expected to complete a
particular training module of program 1. (Procedures Manual on Program Registration)
Summary of Learning Outcomes refers to the consolidated statements of desired end result to be
attained after each session.
The succeeding pages of Module of Instruction are the following:
Assessment Criteria is the standards used to guide learning and to assess learner achievement and/or to
evaluate and certify competence 2.
Contents are the topics and activities which make up what is learned by an individual or group of
learners during a learning process 3.
Condition outlines situation and context under which learners will be assessed.
Methodologies refer to the list of methods to be used in a particular session.
Assessment Method refers to the technique/s used to gather different types of evidences.
Derive learning outcomes using Competency Standard (CS) and Module of Instruction (MOI)
Distinguish training method and approaches according to learning activities, purpose, learning style, and
practice-based learning
An organized training session is the key to meaningful learning; thus, a prepared session plan is needed to make
every lesson a success. Each session plan is derived on Competency-Based Curriculum, and anchored on
Competency Standard to ensure that the training provided is world-class, high-quality skills education.
Listed below are the guide questions that we need to address at the end of the lesson:
How to select appropriate training method according to learning activities? Purpose? Learning styles?
Practice-Based Learning?
Grab your pen as we study the most important module in this competency. We assure that it will empower you
to prepare an effective session plan that efficiently addresses training gap.
7. Learning Activities is used to support learning. It conveys content, create meaning, and support
development and transfer of skills/knowledge through practice and experience 3.
o Learning Content refers to the topics and activities which make up what is learned by an
individual or group of learners during a learning process 4.
o Teaching Methodology refers to the list of methods to be used in a particular learning content.
o Presentation shows instructional materials and or methods to be used in introducing the content.
o Practice shows instruction sheets and self-check test to be used by the learner in applying and
concretizing learning.
o Feedback includes evaluation of performance and reference to the answer key.
o Resources includes list of tools, materials and equipment to be used per learning content.
o Time refers to the estimated minimum training period usually expressed in hours wherein the
learner is expected to complete a particular learning activity.
Assessment Plan is the overall planning document for the assessment process and includes a
range of information to guide trainer on the method of assessment to use and its
Teachers Reflection is the part where the trainer documents or records what has occurred
during training and includes notes on sufficiency of learning content, training
instructional material and evaluation methodology to improve
session plan. It may also
consist of observed skills performed outstandingly,
learners feedback while using
Competency-Based Learning Materials
(CBLM), and teachers feedback regarding
results of evaluation.
Download #5:
Sample Session Plan
A trainer knows well that a single method will not be sufficient to make each adult learning session successful.
A skilful teacher must use various methods and techniques necessary to hold the attention of adult learners to
improve their learning efficiency.
Listed below are training methods according to learning activities, purpose, learning styles, and practice-based
According to Learning Activities
Learning Activities
Group Activities
simulation, role play, games, small group discussion (no more than 7
participants), brainstorming, buzz group (2-3 participants), debate, group
dynamics, group reporting, focus group discussion
To give information and knowledge lectures, readings, written and oral instruction
To give examples, To show task &
Learning Style
picture pages, film viewing, lecture packed with flowcharts, diagrams, pictures or
read notes aloud, discussion pairs or groups, question and answer, recorded lectures
and stories
lecture packed with list, glossaries and its definitions, learning activity that requires
transcribing diagrams or pictures into writing
Reflector Reflecting on it
time out, observing activities, paired discussion, feedback from others, coaching,
Practice-Based Learning
Rules of Evidence
It is not good enough to just collect any evidence. Just as the way we collect evidence is guided by the
principles of assessment, the way we collect evidence is guided by the rules of evidence.
Evidence must...
- Address the elements and performance criteria
- Reflect the skills, knowledge and context described in the competency standard
- Demonstrate the skills and knowledge are applied in real or simulated workplace situations
- Demonstrate the candidate's current skills and knowledge
- Comply with current standards
5S is a system for instilling order and cleanliness in the workplace. The Ss stand
1. Seiri or sort
2. Seiton or straighten
3. Seiso or shine
4. Seiketsu or standardize
5. Shitsuke or sustain
As translated, the Japanese terms mean the following:
1. Seiri Put things in order (Remove what is not needed and keep what is needed)
2. Seiton Proper arrangement (Place things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they
are needed)
3. Seiso Clean (Keep things clean and polished; no trash or dirt in the workplace)
4. Seiketsu Purity (Maintain cleanliness after cleaning perpetual cleaning)
5. Shitsuke Commitment (A typical teaching and attitude toward any undertaking to inspire pride and
adherence to standards)
An alternative translation and meaning of these terms may be found in The Improvement Book by Tomo
1. Sorting Good and bad, useable and non-useable
2. Systematic arrangement Once sorted, keep systematically to have traceability
3. Spic and span Keep arranged things always ready-to-use, dirt-free and tidy
4. Standardize Make a process for the above three stages, create measures and review them
5. Self-discipline Individual commitment
Qualification refers to the group of competencies that describes the different functions of the qualification
Competency standards- gives the specifications of the competencies required for effective work performance
Training standards- contains information and requirements in designing training program for certain
Curriculum design
Training delivery
Trainee entry requirements
Tools & equipment & materials
Training facilities
Trainers qualification
Institutional assesment
Training design- a systematic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in a
consistent and reliable fashion.
Instructional design or instructional Systems design
Types of Test
Time to finish a
15-30 seconds
30-60 seconds
60-90 seconds
2-5 minutes
30-60 seconds
1-4 minutes
2-4 minutes
Short essays
15-20 minutes
15-25 minutes
20-30 minutes
Extended essays
35-50 minutes