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The passage discusses the raising of global consciousness around the year 2000 and how humanity can choose to utilize this new level of awareness. It also talks about consciousness being at the core of major changes currently happening.

Consciousness is discussed as being at the core of major changes currently happening globally. The text explains how as different kingdoms are 'raised in consciousness', their vibrational content and awareness is also increased.

Rays are described as forces that divide into the measurable powers of light and sound. They are said to contain a specific purpose or quality. The human aura and nature are used as examples of how everything contains the building blocks of light and sound.

A Change Of Heart Can

Change The World

Rays Of Light & Sound

Through this esoteric science, a restorative and
sacred journey begins. The Soul encounters its
true blueprint of perfection.

Number 7


by Lori Adaile Toye

Published by Lenard & Lori Toye, Payson, AZ 1999, I AM AMERICA. All rights reserved.

Light and sound is the core of classic Ascended Master education and is often
presented through teachings on the Rays. Understanding the Rays and utilizing
them opens our world to new potential and possibility and guides our entry into the
fascinating world of Co-Creation. Through this esoteric science, a restorative and
sacred journey begins and the soul encounters its true blueprint of perfection. Adherence to this flawless design releases the individual to the worlds of the super
senses; telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, spontaneous healing and Unity Consciousness.

often worn at funerals in eastern cultures, however it also arrays wedding ceremonies in the west. Sound is no exception to this cultural paradox. Imagine European
settlers hearing what they thought were the unsettling pagan, beating drums of savages which in turn was a spiritual and soothing vibration to the Native American,
simulating the heartbeat of the mother! By these few examples given, it is no wonder
that there is a vast discrepancy in Ray systems, and understanding them becomes
extremely confusing for the beginning Ascended Master student.

Ray Systems

What Is A Ray?
Simply stated, a Ray is a force containing a purpose that divides its efforts into two
measurable and perceptible powers: light and sound. Alice Bailey writes in A Treatise On The Seven Rays, A Ray is but a name for a particular force or type of energy,
with the emphasis upon the quality which that force exhibits and not upon the form
aspect which it creates. This is a true definition of a ray. 1
Light and sound are the building blocks of our universe and everything in our
world of thought, feeling and action contains them. The human aura contains the
twin matrix powers of light and sound, and often a healer with developed psychic
abilities will note certain colors and sound frequencies in the aura of a patient when
rendering a diagnosis. Nature mimics a similar pattern. Foliage of different plants
bloom into a variety of colorful flowers; minerals grow into brilliant crystal facets of
emerald, ruby or diamond and the sweet serenade of each song bird is a melody that
is distinct and characteristic to its particular species. Each specific color and sound
carries a certain vibration creating and producing different results.
In various world cultures, light and sound invoke different attributes and properties that have meaning and import to that society. Throughout the western world,
black is often associated with dark and evil and is a color of mourning and worn at
funerals. Yet, in many Native American traditions, black represents the Great Mystery and is the color often associated with north from the four directions. White is

Most Ascended Master teachings contain varying interpretations and tables on the
Rays, their qualities and different Master Teachers and Archangels working on various Rays. There are a variety of books written on Ascended Master Ray Systems and
I recommend any book written by Alice Bailey. My favorite source book on the Rays
is Law Of Life, Volume Two by A.D.K. Luk. This popular series of books, known by
many as the Yellow Books was written by the former secretary to Guy Ballard. (Guy
and Edna Ballard are the founders of the I AM Activity from which the famous
Green Books were published.) This volume features a wonderful pullout Ray
Scheme on page 382 giving various attributes and features.
Most classic Ray Systems offer seven rays total in defining energy types. However,
I have seen systems offering as many as 40 different energy types, but for the beginner I recommend starting with the basic seven Rays and memorizing them.
Another tip to understand differing Ray Systems from diverse Ascended Master
sources is to focus on the color (as physical light) and throw away the numbering
systems. Through this methodology the Pink Rays attributes are always clearly
shown and not confused by the placement of second or third in order; similarly, the
Yellow Rays attributes come shining through (no pun intended) and order confusion, again is eliminated.
Below is a Ray System that I have compiled using Ascended Master teachings and
Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) laws. Interestingly, Jyotish means, Science Of Light. I
(Continued on page 2)

From Master Kuthumi

GOLDEN HARMONY Received through Lori Adaile Toye

This work of the Gold Ray for the New
Time will help birth the Earth into its new
vibration. I use this word, while it is not
entirely accurate, it is the best to understand.
For you see, the Earth, during this Time of
Great Change, is raising its vibratory rate.
It is the difference, shall we say, of entering
a room where there are many angry and
frustrated people, and moving on to the next room where there
is peace and cooperation. This, I know many of you, dear
ones, dear Chelas, have felt, and the best word to describe the
New Time is that a total vibratory rate will heighten upon the
Earth. This is due to the new energies that are being utilized
by the elemental, vegetable, mineral and animal kingdoms.
And it is important that we assist them too, that humanity
understand the new vibration, so that it may assist in this great

unity, in this great raising, shall we say, of consciousness. Consciousness is at the core of all of this. As it
has been taught before, it is your Point of Perception
that will determine the outcome. Consciousness and
its qualification, how it is utilized, will again be of a
great assistance in this New Time. As you see that
water is comprised of the elemental kingdoms, water
itself then is raised in consciousness. As you see that
the plant kingdoms are raised in vibrational content,
they too are raised in consciousness. So do you see
this greater working that is coming through the Gold
This plan was long determined that around the
year of 2000 AD for humanity, that a greater consciousness, a ray of light would flood the Earth. Now, it is
humanitys choice of how it will utilize this new Ray

The Gold Ray will

bring the light
of a thousand suns
to those whose
hearts are open
and willing.

force. And in the beginning, there may be discomfort and there may be disharmony, but prepare, for
this greater working is to continue your work in consciousness. Stay stalwart and stay focused, dear ones.
Keep in vigilance your prayers for your Sisters and
your Brothers. When there is disharmony among you,
pray simply, Bring harmony forth to my Brothers
and Sisters. Let us be united as ONE, for we truly
are. When you confirm this great law and truth, it
is recognized and therefore acted upon. The Gold
Ray, as it beams forward in its greater illumination
and its greater understanding, will bring the light of
a thousand suns to those whose hearts are open and

Original Map Of Earth Changes

I AM America United States Map

The best known and most detailed.

I consider Lori Toye to be a prophet

and the real McCoy.



This is the United States Earth Changes Map that the Ascended Masters showed Lori Toye in 1983. Since 1989 this important information
has been published and has helped thousands understand the message of prophecy and the Times Of Changes. This map will show you:

The New Bays & Coastlines Of The United States

The Prophesied Series Of Events
The New Weather Patterns
Polar Shifts & The New Equator
Safe Places To Live
The Five Protected Areas, (Golden City Vortexes)

This 24 x 28 map is printed in Soft Colors and is Beautifully Designed. (Many people comment about the beauty of this map and its
Ascended Master Radiance. Art Bell claims it is,The most beautiful thing
I have ever seen. It is perfect for gift giving and framing!) It is printed
on a heavy paper and is unfolded. Laminated and signed posters are
available on request. Shipped to you in a cardboard tube.
Order #001: I AM America Map .................... since 1989 only $15.00


have incorporated the Vedic System alongside the Ascended Master teachings for two reasons: 1) It is the
oldest system containing information on Ray forces that
is available on Earth. Since its roots trace back to 4,000
BC, it has stood the test of time. 2) In practice and
theory, it works. Add to this that the systems are so completely similar and compatible, it is highly likely that
the Vedic System was the system studied by many of the
Master Teachers we are studying today: Sananda, St.
Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Buddha, etc.
You will note that there are two levels of attributes
given. Common qualities and cosmic qualities and a
planet are identified with each Ray force. Planets and
Ray forces are key in understanding how Ray forces work
in our solar system.
Blue Ray Common Attributes: Steady; calm; persevering; transforming; harmonizing; diligent; determined; austere; protective; humble; truthful; self-negating; stern. Cosmic Attribute: Divine Will or Choice.
Planet: Saturn.
Yellow Ray Common Attributes: Studious; learned;
expansive; optimistic; joyful; fun-loving; generous;
proper; formal. Cosmic Attribute: Spiritual Enlightenment. Planet: Jupiter.
Pink Ray Common Attributes: Loving; nurturing;
hopeful; heartfelt; compassionate; considerate; communicative; intuitive; friendly; humane; tolerant; adoring.
Cosmic Attribute: Divine Mother. Planet: Moon.
White Ray Common Attributes: Beautiful; pure; elegant; refined; sensitive; charming; graceful; creative;
artistic; cooperative; uplifting; strong; piercing; blissful.
Cosmic Attribute: Divine Feminine. Planet: Venus.
Green Ray Common Attributes: Educated; thoughtful; communicative; organized; intellectual; objective;
scientific; discriminating; practical; discerning; adaptable; rational; healing; awakened. Cosmic Attribute:
Active Intelligence. Planet: Mercury.
Ruby & Gold Ray Ruby: Common Attributes: Energetic; passionate; devoted; determination; dutiful; dependable; direct; insightful; inventive; technical; skilled;
forceful. Cosmic Attribute: Divine Masculine. Planet:
Mars. Gold: Common Attributes: Warm; perceptive;
honest; confident; positive; independent; courageous; enduring; vital; leadership; responsible; ministration; authority; justice. Cosmic Attribute: Divine Father. Planet:
Violet Ray Common Attributes: Forgiving; transmuting; alchemizing; electric; intervening; diplomatic;
magical; merciful; graceful; freedom; ordered service.
Cosmic Attribute: Divine Grace. Planet: Currently undetermined but some systems place Uranus and/or the
higher vibration of Saturn under this ray force.
Co-Creation Through The Rays:
Gemstones, Mantras, Decrees and Aromatherapy
Working with the Rays for spiritual growth and evolution opens the soul to the process of Co-Creation. When
you begin to access the pure, restorative energy of each
Ray force, many changes will begin in your life. Some

times, the changes are subtle and take time and perseverance. But often they are immediate and the added
support from the Ray brings healing to many aspects of
a persons life: relationship, career, money and health.
At a spiritual level working with the Rays improves and
sharpens the super-senses. Many people have reported
enhanced psychic and telepathic links with Master
Teachers after Mantra and/or Decree work. Mantras and
Decrees for the Rays performed in groups are very healing and produce the fifth dimensional energies of collective consciousness, Oneship, or what the Ascended
Masters call, Unana.
Gemstones are one of the simplest and most effective
ways to correct Ray deficiencies or to enhance and intensify the attributes of a Ray. You can wear the gemstone so it touches the skin (this is classic in Jyotish) or
you can hold a cluster of crystals to intensify a Ray force
while you meditate. You may also use a gemstone elixir
for extra support. Remember that it is best to use a gemstone that is not dyed or heat-treated. (Unfortunately,
today, many are.) So check first before you begin to use
a gemstone for spiritual purposes. Below is a table listing ray forces contained in precious gemstones. There
are many other tables and information available on the
esoteric Ray qualities found in semi-precious gemstones,
remember, this is a just a simple guideline.
Blue Ray: Blue sapphire and blue topaz. Lapis lazuli.
Yellow Ray: Yellow sapphire and yellow topaz. Citrine.
Pink Ray: Pearl and moonstone. Pink tourmaline gives
good results. The best metal for the energies of the Moon,
Divine Mother is silver.
White Ray: Diamond and white sapphire. Very clear,
high quality quartz crystal works well.
Green Ray: Emerald and green tourmaline. Green
peridot works well too.
Ruby & Gold Ray: Ruby Ray: Red coral. Gold Ray:
Red ruby and red garnet are good gemstones for the
energies of the Sun, Divine Father. Good metals are yellow and white gold.
V iolet Ray: Amethyst is best, however I have seen good
results with purple sudualite.
Since the twin appearance of light is sound, this aspect of Rays cannot be overlooked or understated. In a
recent discourse on Ray Forces taught by El Morya, the
Master Teacher of the Blue Ray articulates, Now understand, dear ones, Chelas, that even sound itself works
as a ray. It is through this circular vibration, which we
have explained before as the spiral, that light and sound
join to one another. 2 Mantras invoke the energy of a
Ray force with scientific precision. Dr. David Frawley,
an authority on Vedic and Hindu spiritual tradition
writes, Mantras are seed sounds (the foremost of which
is Om) that contain the laws and the archetypes behind
all the workings of energy in the universe. Applying this
mantric knowledge on different levels, any domain of
existence can be comprehended in its inner truth.
Through the mantra, the rishis were able to be adept in
all fields of knowledge, including Yoga, philosophy, astrology, geomancy, medicine, poetry, art and music. This
root knowledge of the mantra is thus an instrument on

(Continued on page 4)

Freedom Star World Map

The Ascended Masters World Map Of Earth Changes, received through Lori
Adaile Toye. Depicting an inspiring blend of Geographical and Spiritual Prophecies, the Freedom Star World Map expertly charts the course of change for our
planet into the New Millennium. Learn about the prophecies that can change
your life in the times to come:

The Melting Of The Polar Caps

Worldwide Earthquakes On All Continents
The Eruption Of The Ring Of Fire
Continents Of The New Millennium
The Protected Areas & Safe Places To During The Changes

This map is full color and 36 x 52, shipped to you in a cardboard tube. Suitable for framing.
Order #004: Freedom Star World Map ................................................... $25.00

Earth Changes Progression

6-Map Scenario

The I AM America Map shows the United States after the

Earth Changes and the birth of the Golden Age, now you
can learn how the changes could progress during the times
to come! The 6-Map Scenario shows and tells the story of
the prophesied progression of Earth Changes in the United
States. Six different scenarios map Earth Changes Progressions and prophetic possibilities during the Times Of
Changes. Updated Information includes:
The Galactic Web
The New Grand Canyon
The New Dimensions
Earths Grid & Planetary Ascension
Specific Prophecies For Every Region Of The United
The cartographic art of I AM America has received nationwide recognition on NBCs Ancient Prophecies, FOXs
Sightings and Art Bells Dreamland. Full color, unique door
poster, 19 x 62.
Order #022
Six Map Scenario ......................................... $25.00

Audios & Lectures

VE $9.95

Light and Sound coalesce life, by Saint Germain.
Received through Lori Adaile Toye, June, 1998.
Order #549 .......................... $9.95
OF GOBEAN Rays of Shamballa are in each of the
Golden Cities by El Morya. Received through Lori
Adaile Toye, June, 1998.
Order #550 .......................... $9.95
N EW ! THE TIME OF TESTING The Earth Changes
will test our choices by Saint Germain. Received
through Lori Adaile Toye, September, 1999.
Order #711 .......................... $9.95
Sananda and Divine Mother. Received through Lori
Adaile Toye, December, 1994.
Order #500 .......................... $9.95
Received through Lori Adaile Toye, October, 1997.
Order #501 .......................... $9.95
GOLDEN CITIES Saint Germain. Received through
Lori Adaile Toye, November 1994, July 1995.
Order #502 .......................... $9.95
Germain, Sananda, Kuan Yin, Mary. Received
through Lori Adaile Toye, June 1993
Order #503 .......................... $9.95
THE COURAGE TO HEAL Saint Germain and
Sananda. Received through Lori Adaile Toye, June,
Order #007 .......................... $9.95
ALITY Saint Germain.
Received through Lori Adaile Toye, August, 1993.
Order #012 .......................... $9.95
at Bend, Oregon, June 22, 1994. Received through
Lori Adaile Toye.
Order #019 .......................... $9.95
Asotin, Washington, New Years Eve, 1993. Received
through Lori Adaile Toye.
Order #020 .......................... $9.95
SUPER COSMIC PHYSICS A beautiful introduction
on human energy fields and their relationship to
individual thought, feeling and action. Lenard Toye
present basic mystic knowledge with enthusiasm,
humor and practical experience.
Order #011 .......................... $9.95
Lori Adaile Toye delivers prophecies from the Ascended
Masters of upcoming earth changes.
Order #008 .......................... $9.95
Germain, Sananda, Mary, Archangel Crystiel.
Received through Lori Adaile and Lenard Toye, July,
Order #009 ........................ $10.95
BIRTHCHANGES By Lenard & Lori Adaile Toye,
recorded live at the Global Sciences Congress.
Order #010 three tapes ............... $24.95

which all knowledge can be revealed by a shifting of

scales. 3
Try this experiment with the bija (which means
one) seed mantra, Om. While slowing chanting Om,
place your forefinger and thumb on your cheekbones.
You should feel a vibration through your cheeks and
resonating within your skull. This vibration effects your
spine and thus your entire chakra system. Inevitably,
this sound vibration supports the light vibration and will
appear in your light field, or aura. I once prescribed a
ruby ray mantra for a client. This, she ardently chanted
before sitting for a kirlian photographer. To her amazement, her auric photograph came back filled with red
and ruby light! Here is a chart of the classic bija seed
mantras for each of the Rays.
Blue Ray: Om Sham or Om Shanti
Yellow Ray: Om Gum
Pink Ray: Om Som
White Ray: Om Shum
Green Ray: Om Bum
Ruby Ray: Om Ung
Gold Ray: Om Sum
V iolet Ray: Om Hue
Decrees are another form of working with the Rays
and their energies. Violet Flame decrees are used worldwide by thousands of Ascended Master students. They
can be spoken individually or used in groups to generate the benefits of the Violet Ray - mercy, compassion
and forgiveness. One of my favorites is the simple Violet
Fire decree by Mark Prophet, I AM a being of Violet Fire!
I AM the purity God desires! Decrees or mantras are
often said rhythmically, in groups of seven or in rounds
of 108. (i.e. A mala - similar to a Catholic Rosary.)
Decrees and mantras can also be repeated silently in your
mind, similar to a prayer, in preparation for meditation.
El Morya lends further insight, And it is when this is
consciously applied by the Chela, through the work of
the Violet Flame or other mantra work that they may
engage in, that light is then bonded to sound. For
ultimately this is the intertwining of consciousness with
action. Simply stated, sound activates light and together they command the Ray force into conscious activity.

The Scent Of A Ray

Certain scents also contain the essence of a Ray force.
Often, before the appearance of an Ascended Being or
Angel, a fragrance will frequently imbue the area. Since
these highly evolved, spiritual beings have focused their
energies upon certain, specific Ray energies, the scent
carries the same vibration of the Ray, much in the same
way as light or sound. Very often this aroma holds a
healing energy or heightens the energies in the room
for the appearance of the Master Teacher. This explains
appearances of Mother Mary often accompanied by the
strong scent of roses, or Kuan Yins scent of neroli, (orange blossom). Saint Germain often leaves a fragrance
of lavender.
Today it is popular to burn certain incenses and
smudge a room with sage to purify the energies. These

traditions that have come from shamans and different

religious ceremonies are also enhancing and reinforcing Ray energies! Here are some aromas associated with
Ray forces.
Blue Ray: Myrrh, Frankincense, Cedar and Juniper.
Yellow Ray: Sandlewood and Lotus.
Pink Ray: Jasmine and Gardenia.
White Ray: Rose and Nag Champa.
Green Ray: Mint, Wintergreen. (Sage is also good for
the Green Ray - it also vibrates to the Gold (Sun) Ray.)
Ruby Ray: Musk and Camphor.
Gold Ray: Ginger and Cinnamon.
V iolet Ray: Lavender and Lilac.

The Great Central Sun,

Movement Of The Rays
In Ascended Master teachings, the energies of Rays
originate from The Great Central Sun. This is a larger
sun that exists away from our Solar System. It is a Master intelligence, and through it the Rays are sent to Earth
and mankind is educated and perfected through their
influence. The same premise is addressed in Hindu Astrology, however this great sun is known as The Galactic
Center. It is known as Brahma, which means creative
force or the navel of Vishnu. From The Galactic Sun
emanates the light which determines life and intelligence
on Earth and which direct the play of the seven rays of
creation and the distribution of karma. 4
In the Vedic tradition, the energies of the Galactic
Center are transmitted to our solar system by the planet
Jupiter. Mars initiates the Ray force energy and the Sun
then stabilizes the Rays.
According to Ascended Master Teachings, Ray forces
enter our solar system by emanation to our Sun. (Hence,
the use of Om before each bija seed mantra.) Ray forces
move by two principles, emanation and radiation. From
the Sun, the energies radiate to the core of the Earth.
From the center of the Earths core, Ray forces emanate
to the Earths surface. Emanation means to flow out,
issue, or proceed as from a source or origin. Radiation
is defined as the emission and diffusion of rays of heat,
light, electricity or sounds. When we personally apply
the energies of the Rays through gemstones, mantras
and scents we are utilizing the second principle of Ray
movement, radiation.

Archangels, Ascended Masters,

Ray Forces
All Ascended Beings and Archetypes of Evolution have
applied the Rays to achieve higher states of perfection.
Through their knowledge of the grand interplay of the
Rays, they have overcome karmic reaction and retribution, opened the doors of liberation and have achieved
higher states of consciousness and perfect enlightenment. Each Ascended Master individualizes themselves
upon a Ray force when in service as a Master Teacher to
humanity and the qualities and attributes of their teaching will clearly reflect the energies of that particular Ray.
Very often before Saint Germain speaks, he will qualify

the discourse (teaching) through the Ray force. A typical greeting is, I AM Saint Germain, and I stream forth
on the Mighty Violet Ray of Mercy, Compassion, and
Similarly, Archangels also work on a specific, qualified Ray force. Here are the seven Archangels and the
Rays that they represent. Following is a Master Teacher
for each ray force. (Please note that a Master Teacher
may, at times work with all seven Rays to achieve a
specific mission. However, it has been noted that certain Master Teachers primarily work with certain rays
and they are often identified with that Ray force and
are listed as an example for teaching purposes. Each
Master Teacher listed is an example only as there are
many Master Teachers working on all of the Rays.)
Blue Ray: Archangel Michael. Master Teacher El Morya
Yellow Ray: Archangel Jophiel. Master Teacher Lanto
Pink Ray: Archangel Chamuel. Beloved Mother Mary
Green Ray: Archangel Raphael. Master Teacher
White Ray: Archangel Gabriel. Master Teacher Serapis
Ruby & Gold Ray: Archangel Uriel. Master Teacher
Kuthumi (Lord Sananda is often identified with this
Ray, as well as the Green Ray.)
V iolet Ray: Archangel Zadkiel. Master Teacher Saint
Germain. (Kuan Yin is often identified with this Ray, as
well as the Pink Ray.)

The Esoteric Science Behind

Chakra & VVortex
ortex Systems
Since Ray forces are present everywhere, their esoteric science is generating and directing all of creation.
At the moment of your birth a snapshot is taken of your
astral (light and sound) body. This same information
when converted into the mathematical formulas of Ancient Vedic Rishis becomes your Rasi, or natal Jyotish
(Hindu Astrology) chart. When approached through the
language of the Rays, Astrology becomes the logic of the
astral body, astral~logic. Each soul chooses the moment of birth so that it has the proper amount of light
and sound (the Rays) to fulfill the purpose (dharma)
and experiences (karma) of the individual life. The
Seven Rays of creation indicate their interplay in every
chart, through weaknesses and strengths, manifesting
the destiny and actions of the soul. This is why women
in childbirth experience short and/or long labors as the
soul is picking the perfect moment of birth!
Light and sound is dispersed through the circular
movement of the chakras. Clockwise movement indicates a healthy chakra, and it is taking energy in.
Counter-clockwise movement may indicate disease, or
the chakra is removing energies. The septanate order of
the Rays is also found in the human energy system; seven
chakras and seven layers to the auric field. Each of the
seven chakras also relate to each of the Rays. However,
in practice unless if the chakras are perfected or balanced, they will emanate many different colors. The
table below shows the relationship of the seven chakras
to each of the Rays. This segment of information is

(Continued on page 6)

Prepare For The Changes

Know The Safe Places

I AM America US
Golden Cities Map
Throughout the years many of you have
inquired about the exact locations of the
Golden City Vortexes, (also known as the safe,
protected areas). During the Times Of
Changes, many people are relocating and
want to enjoy the benefits of living in a
Golden City Vortex. This map features the
five Golden Cities of the United States. The
professional, detailed, full color cartography
towns and the road system to get you there.
CONTAIN MANY BENEFITS you can experience
now, with or without Earth Changes.
CITY AREA as featured on the I AM America Map.
UPDATED PROPHECIES explain the continued
role of the Golden Cities during the Times Of
Changes and the blessing of divine intervention.
LEARN ABOUT VORTEXES Clear and concise
information explains the sacred geometry of a
Golden City and the energies of the four doorways.
Golden City Vortex, their qualities and Ray Force.

Beautiful full color, unique door

poster. Size: 20 x 64

Order #110 Golden City Map ........... $30

Golden City Energies

Based On The Alchemcial Formulas Of St. Germain
Understanding Higher Knowledge
Assimilating Higher Knowledge
Golden Age Knowledge
Knowledge For Prosperity
Healing & Regeneration

4 FL Ounces ....................... $19 ea.

I AM America
Maps Receive


Offer Good Until

Dec.31, 99
US Only

Call for more information or for aFree Brochure



Readings & Personal Appointment

Vedic Astrology Consultation
Natal Chart Analysis
A personal taped interpretation of your natal
chart with Lori Toye. Time is approximately 1 1/2 to
2 hours. Chart printout includes:
Chandra Lagna
Shad Bala
Vimshotarri Dasa/Bhukti system.
This introductory reading will focus on the Lagna
(sign of first house or ascendant); personal
Nakshatra sign of Lagna and Moon; planetary placements through sign and bhavas (houses); the difference between sidereal (Eastern) and tropical
(Western) astrology; Gochara (transits) and Dasa/
Bhukti planetary periods. (Vimshotarri Dasa system
is the 120 year long, nakshatra based planetary forecasting system developed by Parasara.)
A special emphasis will be placed on upayes (remedial measures) using Mantra (sound) and Gemstones (light). Recommendations will be made for
your chart.

Chart Printout
Around 30 pages of information based on your
natal chart. Includes all Varga (divisional charts);
Vimshotarri Dasa/Bhukti periods; current transits
and general readings. This is a good choice for the
student wishing to study Jyotish and gain selfknowledge and insight into the Vedic System.

In order for your chart to be calculated you
must supply accurate birth data. This includes
Birth Date, Birth Place and Time Of Birth. It is best
to use the Time of Birth as recorded on your birth
certificate. Please call the I AM America office to
schedule your appointment. Call Toll Free: (800)
930-1341. Personal consultations are offered by
phone, (phone call is paid by client) or in person
at our office in Payson, Arizona. Appointments
are available according to our schedule.

Payments by personal check, Visa, Mastercard,
American Express and Discover Card. Fees are paid
prior to reading.
Natal Chart Analysis ................... $150*
Chart Printout ................................. $35

Lori TToye

I AM America
(800) 930-1341
P.O. Box 2511 / Payson, AZ 85547
*A Natal Chart Analysis is usually completed in an hour and
a half. A ninety minute tape is provided for your reading.
Once your consultation runs longer than the tape you will
be advised to take notes. Consultations running over 2 hours
will be billed $75 per hour in fifteen minute intervals.


purely Vedic. (You will note that two Ray forces identify with the heart chakra - the Blue Ray and Pink
Ray. These blends of energies depict the perfected state
of the heart center - open and receptive (Pink Ray)
yet, imbued with the qualities of justice, order and
detachment - the ability to act without bias (Blue
Blue Ray: Heart Chakra
Yellow Ray: Third Eye Chakra
Pink Ray: Heart Chakra
White Ray: Sexual Chakra
Green Ray: Throat Chakra
Ruby & Gold Ray: Root Chakra (Ruby) Solar Plexus
V iolet Ray: Crown Chakra
On Mother Earth, Ray energies are dispersed through
the circular movement in a Vortex. Scientifically, a
vortex is a polarized motion body which creates its own
magnetic field, aligning molecular structures with phenomenal accuracy. Nature has basically two types of
motion. One is centripetal and the other centrifugal.
Those motions have a definite geometrical pattern when
they are generated by natural means. This geometrical
form is called The Vortex. A vortex is the three dimensional form by which all mediums like water, air, solids,
electricity, magnetism, sound, light, etc. are generally
maintained and dissipated. They give birth to and disperse our planet and all particles of matter. 5
There are many vortices covering our planet. Some
are small and some are very large. Smaller vortices are
classified as either electrical or magnetic. Yet, all vortices are electromagnetic and contain many unique
energy anomalies. Richard Dannelley, author of Sedona
Power Spot, Vortex and Medicine Wheel Guide writes,
Their energies affect both our physical and spiritual
bodies; expanding the consciousness, and healing the
body...Vortex energy is sometimes referred to as psychic
energy. This is because we know that the electromagnetic Earth energy of the Vortices is capable of stimulating our minds in a manner that triggers psychic phenomena i.e., events which can be considered to be paranormal - beyond the normal experience of life. 6
In the I AM America prophecies, a Golden City Vortex
is very unique. In the early work of the late 1980s,
Saint Germain described their locations as Safe Places
before, during and after Earth Changes. He stated,
These gateways, or Vortex areas are protected areas for
interaction with spiritual energy. 7 He also prophesied
that after the Earth Changes that Master Teachers would
appear in each Golden City Vortex to minister, teach and
heal humanity for a twenty (20) year period. Then the
Earth would enter into a Golden Age of Spiritual Enlightenment, Prosperity and Peace. Each Golden City
Vortex contains individual attributes along with alignment to a Ray energy. A Golden City is a very large vortex and is approximately 270 miles across and 250 miles
high. There are 51 Golden City Vortexes total, covering
Mother Earth, who is often called Beloved Babjeran by
the Master Teachers. In the table that follows are the 10
Golden City Vortices for the United States & Canada, the

year of their activation is listed (this is when the energies are mature enough and developed for use); The
Master Teacher, Archangel or Elohim for the area; the
geographical location; and the Ray force.
Gobean. 1981. El Morya. Arizona/New Mexico.
Blue Ray.
Malton. 1994. Kuthumi. Illinois/Indiana.
Ruby & Gold Ray.
W ahanee. 1996. St. Germain. Georgia/S. Carolina.
Violet Ray.
Shalahah. 1998. Sananda. Idaho/Montana.
Green Ray.
Klehma. 2000. Serapis Bey. Colorado/Kansas.
White Ray.
Pashachino. 2002. Soltec. Alberta/British Colum
bia. Green Ray.
Eabra. 2004. Portia. Yukon/NW Territories.
Violet Ray.
Jeafray.. 2006. Archangel Zadkiel & Beloved Holy
Amethyst. Quebec. Violet Ray.
Uverno. 2008. Paul The Venetian. Manitoba/
Ontario. Pink Ray.
uthor.. 2010. Hilarion. Greenland. Green Ray.
Over the last ten years, the Master Teachers have
shared many details concerning the Golden City Vortices and our knowledge has significantly increased on
this topic. Since Ray energies emanate from the central
core of the Earth to the Earths surface, the energy of the
Ray radiates from the center (apex) of the Vortex and is
dispersed through the circular motion as described in
chakra energy movement. Therefore the centers of
Golden City Vortices, which the Master Teachers call
Stars are enormously charged with the beneficial Ray
energies. Stars are approximately 40 miles in diameter,
but the high energies can be sensed up to 60 miles. Living in a Star area of a Golden City Vortex will produce
self-knowledge and self-empowerment. In the New
Times, the Stars of each Golden City Vortex will be used
as ceremonial grounds and their energies are good for
self-renunciation, meditation, and spiritual liberation.

Benefits Of W
orking With
Golden City Ray Energies
Working with the Ray force in a Golden City Vortex
can produce some remarkable benefits.
Physical, third dimensional benefits generates a harmonious connection to Mother Earth, producing:
1)Longevity (Slower Aging Process). 2) Greater Healing Abilities (Health & Well Being). 3) Physical Regeneration (Cell Replication)
Fourth Dimensional benefits generates a connection
to invisible kingdoms, including the gnomes, fairies, and
elementals producing: 1) Telepathic Ability. 2) Psychic
Abilities (Development of the Super-Senses). 3) Lucid
Dreaming (Dimensional Awareness)
Fifth Dimensional benefits open our connection to
Master Teachers and fully integrate the energies of the

Ray force that serves each city. This process enables Spiritual Evolution and initiates the soul into Unana, the
Oneship or Collective Consciousness. This dimension
also connects the soul seamlessly and timelessly to other
Archetypes of spiritual community including other
Golden City Vortices and opens the gates of Shamballa.
At this level the service of the Rays have completed their
mission and the divine blueprint of perfection is fully
expressed. Physical re-embodiment is no longer required
and after completing the Ascension, the individual soul
graduates to the realm of the Ascended Masters, united
in service to the upliftment of humanity.

As our ears are opened and our eyes begin to

see, let us join as ONE LIGHT, in our hearts and
minds. May this light of wisdom serve all. May this
light of truth and justice prevail. May this law be
written in hearts and joined through harmony,
brotherhood and love.
Timelessly and agelessly, the unknown poet
sings, O, let not the flame die out! Cherished age
after age in its dark cavern - it its holy temples
cherished. Fed by pure ministers of love - let not
the flame die out! ~ Master K.H. 8

1. Alice Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, (Lucis Publishing Co., 1962,

New York, N.Y.), page 316.
2. Lori Toye, The Blue Flame Of Gobean, (Seventh Ray Publishing, 1998, Payson, AZ), transcript pg. 5.
3. David Frawley, The Astrology Of Seers, (Passage Press, 1990,
Salt Lake City, Utah), page 38.
4. Ibid., page 48.
5. Solutions To Our Global Crisis, (Causes Newsletter, 1962, New
Mexico, January, 1989), Issue No. 13.
6. Richard Dannelly, Sedona Power Spot, Vortex And Medicine
Wheel Guide,(Richard Dannelly, 1989, Sedona, AZ), Page 19 & 24.
7. Lori Toye, New World Atlas, Volume 1, (Seventh Ray Publishing, 1991, Payson, AZ), Page 23.
8. Lenard & Lori Toye, New World Atlas, Volume 3, (Seventh Ray
Publishing, 1996, Payson, AZ), Page 75.








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