Article Synthesis Foundation of Educ.
Article Synthesis Foundation of Educ.
Article Synthesis Foundation of Educ.
Better ICT access means better education for all. Technology nowadays is very in
demand especially in our work as a teacher. Reports, Learners Reference Number,
Cards, and Forms we use technology specially internet. We cant pass our work if we
dont have internet access. In this generation we use ICT as our instructional material to
aid us from many work.
By 2030, the United Nations has set an agenda to end poverty, protect the
planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Sustainable development goals is better access to
education. Education is the gateway to address all other issues, including equality,
environmental preservation, and modernization. Despite higher budget allocations from
the government, the state of education in the Philippines still lags compared to our
Southeast Asian neighbours. Last year, the World Economic Forum ranked the
Philippines 86th out of 140 countries in terms of primary education and health. Longstanding problems such as lack of resources and poor infrastructure all contribute to our
consistent poor performance.
ICT for inclusive education
The Department of Education recognizes the role of ICT in improving the state of
education. The internet can hold an infinite number of resources wherever they may be
in the country. Laptop and projector can be an examples for learning sessions for an
entire classroom. DepEd has launched the Learning Resources Management and
Development System (LRMDS), a portal for online teaching and learning materials
created by teachers and educational partners.
Recognizing the challenges
Today, many schools continue to struggles with limited budget for acquiring
enough desktop computers and laptops. According to a broadband policy brief released
by Arangkada Philippines last year, almost 80 percent of public schools in the
Philippines still do not have access. Computer literacy must become mandatory for
teacher licensure, and in-service ICT training for educators must be continuously
improved. The DepEds 5-year strategic plan acknowledges that the education system
as a whole lacks infrastructure for connectivity and access to technologies.
Global Schools for Filipinos
Through shared connectivity and innovative teaching methods with ICT
integration in the classroom, teachers and school leaders can significantly increase the
quality of learning in the public sector. The DepEd sees the private sector as an
important partner in implementing these strategies. Among the DepEds collaborative
efforts is the Global Filipino Schools Program, a long term educational initiative that
seeks to transform select public schools into centers of ICT excellence and innovative
teaching methods. The program consists of providing schools with online connectivity, a
uniquely-designed collaborative learning space, a Globe Mobile Laboratory package,
and 21st Century Teaching Methods using ICT in the classroom. It is covered by the
DepEds partnership with selected public schools around the country, Globe, Ayala
Foundation, and various tech and device partners.
Do your part
Building a sustainable world does not stop with education in classroom.
Sustainability is holistic mind-set that can be practiced at home, in the office, and in
local communities. Modern technology enables us to create better communication
channels, minimize waste, improve efficiency, and increase access for all. But its up to
dedicated, passionate human individuals to make the whole system work.
different teaching methods in one class; instead, they can adapt to the learning style of
learning curve of every pupil and make use of different online classroom tools.
Opening doors
The full potential for online teaching in the Philippines is still yet to realized. But
knowing that there are options for Filipino teachers outside the classroom is eyeopening and uplifting for those who need it. With the technology, teachers can also
advance their education they can apply in online studies to finish their masters degree.
Because of that teachers should not be contented with their bachelors degree but they
should be hungry to study. Because they say that learning is one click away.
the city have. But let us not forget that teacher also need to handle the changes now in
the DepEd community particularly in using technology, internet and other social medias.
They just have to travel to different city who have available computer with internet to
pass their requirement. They didnt complaint or rather they complaint about the
situation but nobody listen to them. I hope that the budget this year for the new
computers will be given to the provinces whom much needed.
Krista Garcia
Published 12:50 PM, March 21, 2016
Updated 12:50 PM, March 21, 2016
MANILA, Philippines By 2030, the United Nations has set an agenda to end poverty,
protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all.
At the helm of these sustainable development goals is better access to education.
When an individual gains sufficient knowledge and skills, he can make life better, not
just for himself, but for others. Education is the gateway to address all other
development issues, including equality, environmental preservation, and modernization.
Access to inclusive and quality education is global concern. According the UN,
enrollment in primary education in developing countries has reached 91 percent, but 57
million children remain out of school. Worldwide, 103 million youth still lack basic
literacy skills, and more than 60 percent of them are women.
Despite higher budget allocations from the government, the state of education in the
Philippines still lags compared to our Southeast Asian neighbors. Last year, the World
Economic Forum ranked the Philippines86th out of 140 countries in terms of primary
education and health.
Long-standing problems such as lack of resources and poor infrastructure all contribute
to our consistent poor performance.
ICT FOR EDUCATION. For the youth, better access to digital technology means better
access to learning and opportunities. Image from Shutterstock
compared with other countries, because a significant portion of the public school system
does not have Internet access.
of the program is to have a Global Filipino School in each of the 221 DepEd divisions
around the country.
EDUCATION FOR ALL. Digitally-empowered students can become more competitive
citizens and leaders. Image courtesy of Globe
Do your part
Every Filipino who receives a better education is an individual who can contribute to the
Philippines continuous growth and development. Every citizen, then, is a stakeholder in
ensuring that all children can get equal access to this right.
Building a sustainable world does not stop with education in classrooms. Sustainability
is holistic mindset that can be practiced at home, in the office, and in local communities.
Modern technology enables us to create better communication channels, minimize
waste, improve efficiency, and increase access for all. But its up to dedicated,
passionate human individuals to make the whole system work.
Make sure that you do your part.
teachers part, studiesshow that sharing recorded lectures doesnt negatively affect
attendance. Learners appreciate the opportunity to review lectures at their own pace.
Mainstreaming online learning can also expand the variety of material on different
subjects. For example, one girl learned how to dance from watching YouTube videos:
Online, anyone who is skilled and passionate about a particular thing can teach the
subject matter of their choice. Many Filipinos, for example, choose to teach online
English classes because of our deep familiarity with the language.
This setup even provides other opportunities for teachers who, for example, are
pursuing other ambitions while still wanting to teach on the side.
Opening doors
The full potential for online teaching in the Philippines is still yet to be realized. But
knowing that there are options for Filipino teachers to teach outside the classroom is
eye-opening and uplifting for those who need it. So if your passion is to teach, keep in
mind that there are different tools to help you and channels that are open to you. These
days, being a teacher isnt limited to lecturing in a classroom or an auditorium. A career
in teaching is only a few clicks away.
MANILA, Philippines On his way out of the education department, former secretary
Armin Luistro said the next revolution in education would be in technology.
But education officials from the previous administration said that with fundamental
education inputs already accounted for, the Duterte administration now "has the luxury"
to go beyond providing schools with basic information and communications technology
(ICT) packages and look at how ICT will affect or improve teachers'
In Partial Fulfilment of
Foundation of Education
EDU 640
Prepared by:
Karen Christine F. Navarro
September 2016