Prose Lesson Plan

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SION (W), MUMBAI 400 022


Name of the School : SIES High School

Name of the Class Teacher : Stephena Rayer

Std. & Division : I B

Teacher Trainee’s Name: Kalpana Aravindh

Subject: Language- Prose

Topic of Study: Who are you ?

Lesson No. : 3 Duration of the Lesson : 20 – 30 minutes

Aim or purpose of choosing the Topic:

1. To enable language development.
2. To express children’s thoughts and feelings in words.

Synopsis of the content chosen / given, Name of the Book & Page No. : Children can relate their
understanding about the Who are they ?
Previous knowledge gained by the children : Children imagine themselves as any character they

Objectives pertaining to the Topic of Study :

1. To enable the child to read and understand the story.
2. To enable children to understand sequence of story.
3. To increase child’s observation, creative thinking, and analytical skills.
4. To be able to listen and understand and answer correctly.
5. To be able to fit ourselves in the real-life situations.
6. To enrich the vocabulary.

Teaching Aids Used: Stick puppets of vegetables , Rabbit and Fox.

Introduction: The teacher asks a child as who you are? starts with a riddle. Today we are going to
read a short story which is going to be very interesting as there are some people who has come to
meet you all. Then starts with the topic.

Content Presentation – Methodology of Teaching and Teacher’s Role

The teacher enacts the story using stick puppets as :

Cabbage: Hello, I am a fresh green cabbage. Who are you?

Rabbit : I am a smart white rabbit, and I eat cabbages….

Cabbage: Aaa…….(Runs away.)

Carrot: Hello, I am a juicy crunchy carrot. Who are you?

Rabbit : I am a smart white rabbit, and I eat carrots….

Carrot: Aaa…….(Runs away.)

Tomato: Hello, I am a big red tomato. Who are you?

Rabbit : I am a smart white rabbit, and I eat tomatoes….

Carrot: Aaa…….(Runs away.)

Green leafy vegetable: Hello, I am a Green leafy vegetable. Who are you?

Rabbit : I am a smart white rabbit, and I eat vegetables….

Green leafy Vegetable: Aaa…….(Runs away.)

Fox: Hello, who are you?

Rabbit : I am a smart white rabbit, and I eat vegetables. Who are you?

Clever fox: I am a super-duper clever fox, and I eat smart white rabbits.

Rabbit: Aaa…….(Runs away.)

Clever fox: Runs after Rabbit.

The teacher ends the enact , children did you all enjoyed the story. Now it’s your turn ,the teacher
asks the children to tell the story one or two line each.

Feedback and Recapitulation: The Teacher asks questions to the children .

1. Who was the first vegetable who came in ?

2. What did the rabbit said to the carrot ?

3. Which vegetable is big and red in colour?

4. What did the green leafy vegetable asked the rabbit?

5. Who came in last and ran behind rabbit?

6. Do you like to eat vegetables?

Evaluation by Teacher Trainee :
a) Objective planned – Achieved to what extent : ______________________________________


b) Organization of content matter:

Good ( ) / Satisfactory ( )

c) Children’s response –
Keen interest shown ( ) / To some extent ( ) / Lack of interest ( )
(State reasons for lack of interest):

d) Evaluation of class performance :

Review of worksheets – Very good ( ) / Good ( ) / Average ( )

Self-Evaluation by Teacher Trainee – Personal Skills

(Rate your performance in the scale of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for each of the criteria given)

a) Sequential planning _______________

b) Clarity in Instructions and Explanation of Content _______________

c) Good Classroom Management _______________

d) Effective Time Management _______________

e) Appropriate Teaching Techniques – Voice modulation / Gestures /

Facial expression / Eye contact _______________

f) Good level of confidence _______________

g) Innovative and creative _______________

Total : _______________________

Sample of Children’s Work / Worksheets / Drawing (to be attached)

Class Teacher’s Comments & Signature & Date :

Teacher Trainee’s Signature: __________________________________________________________

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