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Role of FDI in Insurance Sector

Adnan Hussain
PGDM No. : 13065
Student PGDM 2013-15, SDMIMD, Mysore

Srilakshminarayana, G.
Assistant Professor-Quantitative Methods and Operations Research
SDMIMD, Mysore

Comments by the Faculty

Foreign direct investment is one important aspect that any nation considers in order to bring in
the investments into the economy. Even the organizations look at the percentage of the FDI
provisions in each sector so that they can invest and enter into the economy of other nations to
play their role. Nations that are developing look for those institutions that can invest to boost
up their economy. It depends on the sectors the organizations consider to invest. Nations open
up the provisions in few sectors that do not make the domestic play loose due to foreign entry
into the local markets.
It is very important to protect the domestic players before nations invite the foreign players in
sectors like retail, power, agriculture etc. At the same time it is very important to encourage the
domestic players to partner with foreign players in order to gain the knowledge in using latest
technology to improve the quality standards. Also, one has to look at the percentage of allocation
to FDI in each budget session so that strategically nations can invite the FDI into the sectors.
Another aspect is to avoid inviting FDI into critical sectors like defence etc. as they form
internal strength of a nation. But, now-a-days it can be seen that most of the nations are inviting
FDI even into defence to improve their strength with latest weapons and technology that other
nations possess.
Insurance is one such sector that nations look at FDI so that new strategies creep in promoting
the products in a proper way. It is very important to take the products to the customers by giving
the details of the products in a more convincing way so that customers prefer their products.
Unlike other products, insurance products in detail marketing so that the benefits of each
product is conveyed to the customers properly and clearly.
Mr.Adnan has considered this project to bring out the advantages of FDI in insurance sector. He
has tried to achieve this through a secondary research as well as a primary research. It is a
good contribution to the existing literature.



Role of FDI in Insurance Sector

Company Profile
IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co Ltd(formerly known as IDBI Fortis Life Insurance) a joint-venture
of IDBI Bank, Indias premier Development and commercial bank, Federal Bank, one of Indias
leading private sector banks And Ageas, a multinational insurance giant based out of Europe.

In this venture, IDBI Bank owns 48% equity while Federal Bank and Ageas own 26% equity

The company offers its services through a vast nationwide network of 2067 partner bank
branches of IDBI Bank and Federal Bank in addition to a sizeable network of advisors and

IDBI Federal endeavour to deliver products that provide value and convenience to the customer.
Through a continuous process of innovation in product and service delivery the company
intend to deliver world-class wealth management, protection and retirement solutions to Indian
customers. Having started in March 2008, in just five months of inception the company became
one of the fastest growing new insurance companies to garner Rs100 Cr in premiums. The
company offers its services through a vast nationwide network across the branches of IDBI
Bank and Federal Bank in addition to a sizeable network of advisors and partners. In only its
first year of operations, as on March 31st 2009, the company collected more than 328 Cr in
premiums highest first year collection in the history of Indian life insurance industry, through
over 87000 policies and over Rs2825 Cr in Sum assured. As on 28th February 2013, the
company has issued over 8.65 lakh policies with a sum assured of over Rs26,591Cr.
IDBI Federal today is recognized as a customer-centric brand, with an array of awards to their
credit. They have been awarded the PMAA Awards (2009) for best Dealer/Sales force Activity,
EFFIE Award (2011) for effective advertising, and conferred with the status of Master Brand
2012-13 by the CMO Council USA and CMO Asia.

Introduction to the Problem

Indias insurance market lags behind other economies in the baseline measure of insurance
density. Insurance density, which is measured as ratio of premium in US Dollar to total population
is abysmally low in India as compared to other countries. Insurance density in India is less
than $70 whereas countries like US, UK, France or Switzerland have insurance density of at
least $4,000. Even low insurance density countries like Thailand and Malaysia have density
greater than $100. Relatedly, insurance penetration, which broadly measures the contribution
of the insurance industry in relation to a nations GDP, is quite minimal. At only 5.1 percent,
India is well behind the 12.5 percent for the UK, 10.5 percent for Japan, 10.3 percent for Korea
and 9.2 percent for the US.
As per the current FDI norms, foreign participation in an Indian insurance company is restricted
to 26.0% of its equity / ordinary share capital. The Insurance Regulator has stipulated that
foreign investment in Indian Insurance companies be limited to 26% of total equity issued (FDI

limit) with the balance being funded by Indian promoter entities. The limit to foreign investment
includes both direct and indirect investment and has been a cause of significant lobbying by
foreign insurance companies for a change in regulations to increase the FDI limit to 49% of
equity issued. For political parties such as Trinamool Congress who think that insurance is evil
and equate it to all the ills that abounds the health-care of the west, it helps to remember that
insurance in India has a deep-rooted history. Insurance in various forms has been mentioned
in the writings of Manu (Manusmrithi), Yagnavalkya (Dharmashastra) and Kautilya (Arthashastra).
The essential context of the historical reference to insurance in these ancient Indian texts is the
same i.e. pooling of resources that could be re-distributed in times of calamities such as fire,
floods, epidemics and famine.
FDI in insurance sector currently stands at around Rs2500 crore and we can expect it to
approximately double now that the FDI cap is slated to rise by another 23 percent to 49 percent.
Larger FDI would bring in better insurance education, superior product innovation and greater
awareness efforts by insurance companies. For a country like India, an oligopolistic insurance
sector with a large participation by domestic companies isnt necessarily a good idea. There is
phenomenal potential in the insurance sector and unfortunately because of the nature of the
business, large capital investments are required and will be needed in future too to build scale
in a large country like ours. The insurance sector for long has suffered from muted growth and
needs a major breather in the form of higher FDI. The hike in FDI cap would spell good news for
the common man as this would eventually lead to a decrease in insurance premium because of
enhanced efficiency and innovation in the sector.

Need for the Study

Rural and social sectors offer huge potential for improving insurance penetration for the
uninsured sections of our population and this calls for innovations on product design and
distribution, better risk management, introducing superior technology and greater investments.
This evidently justifies greater engagement of global partners in bringing in innovation in
production & distribution, specialized skills, technology and hence there is a strong case to
raise the FDI cap.
Currently, domestic insurance companies cover only two million people out of the total
population of 1.25 billion, whereas in developed nations like the US, three-fourths of the total
population are covered by one company or the other. Larger FDI would mean that the rural and
social sector obligations can be better met by insurance companies. Not only rural penetration
of insurance will increase but with greater investments and enhanced efficiency, insurance will
also become cheaper, which would be in the larger interest of the aam-aadmi.
Insurance industry is witnessing the transformation of insurance agents from mere
intermediaries to advisors. Greater FDI would help in training and skills up-gradation of the
agents. Well trained agents would be better equipped to educate the customers about the
benefits of insurance besides contributing to simplifying the procedure.
Moreover, there is a shortage of expertise and skills in the Indian insurance industry in terms
of underwriting, actuarial, claims management and data standardization. Raising the FDI cap

will enable expertise and know-how transfer that are not available currently. Moreover, the
untapped potential of this sector calls for greater investment to facilitate movement towards
an era of electronic policy issuance and dematerialization. This will reduce the cost of
operations and would address logistical difficulties through use of electronic distribution
channels via mobile phone and internet technologies.

Objectives and Importance of the Study

Primary Objective
To study the benefit of FDI in life insurance sector

Secondary Objective

To find out the role that FDI played in improving the Insurance industry which is dominated
by public enterprises.

To know the product features which is prioritize by customer in making the decision to
purchase insurance product which could be improved by FDI in insurance.

To know the fact whether the recent discussion of hiking the FDI in insurance is in the
favour of common man or not and why many political parties are against it.

The type of research is exploratory and descriptive in nature. The target population for the
study is those individuals who have awareness about the insurance companies and their
products. The population is also aware of the benefits of FDI in insurance sector.
The sample size considered for the study is 75. The sampling unit for the study is mainly white
collar people. The research is mainly carried out in Jammu and Kashmir. Apart from J&K, the
sample also consists the respondents from various north region such as Delhi, Gurgaon,
Chandigarh, and Haridwar.
The technique used for sampling is Cluster samling( i.e units in the population can often be
found in certain geographic groups or cluster), a part of random sampling.
The customers are from different type of businesses like government officials, manufacturing
companies, banks, SMEs, and corporates etc. The data collection was done by means of
questionnaire that was administered by means of face-to-face interview, online questionnaire,
and telephonic interview.

The survey was carried out for 75 people.

20 face to face interviews were conducted.

15 telephonic interviews were conducted.

Online questionnaire were sent to 50 people only 40 of them replied back.


The approach to the problem had been divided into three parts which are as follows:

Part One
Collection of secondary data for the benefit of FDI in insurance, for studying the
factor influencing customer to buy insurance product and the problem faced by
government in hiking of FDI insurance from newspaper, internet, , magazines, articles, company
websites etc.

Part Two
On field study by taking face to face interview, telephonic interview, online
questionnaire etc.

Part Three
Compilation and analysis of the findings in the research by applying appropriate statistical
techniques and offer suggestion to the IDBI FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

1. To find out the benefits of FDI and its impact on insurance sector. We had created
a single itemized scale of 5 from strongly agree to strongly disagree on various
factors that benefits the company in various ways receiving the FDI. The various factors
are as:
a. FDI is helpful in receiving the best mangement expertise practised by their lender.
b. Foreign expertise management helps in retaining the customer.

FDI create employment and can lead to technological development.

d. Hiking of FDI would be good for customers in terms of better product, good infrastructure
and best service levels

FDI is helpful in enhancing employees lifestyle and standard of living


FDI takes longer to set up and has a permanent footprint in the country


FDI increases return for lender from ownership advantages and hence not profitable
for common man.

h. FDI improves the quality of the product and reduces the input cost.

Understanding from the Figure

Almost 75% of our respondent believes that FDI brings in best management expertise.

Half of our respondent believes that the foreign expertise management helps in retaining
the customer.

More than 60% of my respondent believes FDI creates employment while 40% denies it.

FDI provides better product with least cost as it is justified by more than 70% of our
respondent population.

It is not very clear whether FDI improves standard of living of recipient country with
increased taxes by our study as only 40% of respondent agreed it while majority is neutral
and minority respondent disagreed.

The only factor in our study that is largely agreed (more than 90%) by our respondent is that
FDI takes long time but is permanent.

2. Having found out the various benefit and impact of FDI in insurance sector, our intention
is to know the whether the brings in benefit by FDI is favourable to the customer or
not while purchasing a life insurance policy. The various factor which we thought based
on secondary data that is mostly preferable by the customer while purchasing
insurance product are as:
a. Price of insurance policy

b. Options available for premium payment whether annually, biannually, quarterly, and

Brand name of the insurance provider.

d. Product visibility in the market.


Rate of return and estate creation.

The following figure are the ranking of parameter based on the scale of 10 as ranking1, 2,


Understanding from the figures:

The price is the most important factor in deciding the insurance product to be purchased
by the company as we can see from the above figure more thn 70% of my sample popupalation
marked it as the important one feature. Hence, by bringing in FDI gives the company
good quality product at least price as the foreign company have better experience in the
respected field.

Preferences of Customer Based on Premium Payments

Understanding from the figure:

More than 50% of our respondent rank the parameter on the top 3 criteria, so that we can
conclude that it plays an average role on purchasing the insurance products.

Preferences Based on Brand Name

Understanding from the figure:

The majority gives the average ranking as more than half of respondents mark it as rank 3
to rank 5. So, therefore, we conclude brand name does play an average role in purchasing
insurance products

Preferences Based on Product Visibility

Preferences Based on the Rate of Return


Preferences Based on Estate Creation.

Understanding from the figure:

Based on the responses of our respondent, the insurance product should be easily available
in the market

More than 60% our taken sample agree that it provides good quality product with least
cost, helps in retaining the customer, improves technological advancement and the standard
of living ot company emloyees. And hence giving the incresed rate of return.

Most of the respondent agrees with the fact of estate creation bygiving the high ranking to
prefernces based estate creation.

At the last, we study the corelation of FDI and economic benefit as FDI allows free flows of
money and the standard of living of recipient country improves by higher taxes imposed on the
company receiving the benefit. And the government of india hike the FDI to 49% in the union
budget 2014 and whether it would be helpful for common man or not.
The value of Karl Pearson co relation(r) is found to be +.87. It means that there is high degree
positive correlation between the FDI (Life insurance) and Economic Development as, FDI has an
important impact on countrys trade balance, increasing labour standards and skills, transfer
of technology and innovative ideas, skills and the general business climate. FDI also provides
opportunity for technological transfer and up gradation, access to global managerial skills
and practices, optimal utilization of human capabilities and natural resources, making industry
internationally competitiveness, opening up export markets, access to international quality

goods and services and augmenting employment opportunities. The reliance on FDI is rising
heavily due to its al round contributions to the growth of the economy. FDI to developing
countries since 1990s is the leading source of external financing.
The rise in FDI volume is accompanied by marked change in its composition. The hike in FDI cap
in insurance is expected to help patients as well as the pharma industry, say experts. According
to the experts, the benefits of all kinds of FDI investments are likely to be seen only in the future.
FDI and its results is a long term process and it will reap the benefits after a few years of
initiating it. As we know, the government has approved as much as 49% of foreign direct
investments in the Indian insurance sector from 26%. This is an extremely positive sign! Now
more and more key players on global insurance market will make their debut in the very active
Indian insurance market. Present foreign companies will increase their shareholding, benefiting
the investors all the more.
The hike will not provide any benefit to the common man unless it is accompanied by stringent
regulation and should be in the control of government of India.

1-most important .10- least important
Q1: Please rate the following attributes while purchasing an insurance policy?


Price of the Product

Premium Payment (Annual,Half Yearly,Monthly,Daily)

Brand Name

Product Visibility in the Market

Ease of Availability of the Product

Rate of Return

Estate Creation


Q2: Please follow the instruction below:The section deals with your opinion regding the benefits of FDI in insurance sector. Please,
show to what extent you think the following features is appropraite to the respected reason of
FDI in insurance sector.



FDI is helpful in receiving the best

mangement expertise practised by
their lender.

Foreign expertise management helps

in retaining the customer.

FDI create employment and can

lead to technological development.

Hiking of FDI would be good for

customer in terms of better product,
good infrastructure and best
service levels.

FDI is helpful in enhancing

employees lifestyle and standard
of living.

FDI takes longer to set up and

has a permanent footprint in
the country.

FDI increases return for lender

from ownership advantages and
hence not profitable for
common man.

FDI improves the quality of the

product and reduces the input cost.

Strongly agree

neutral Disagree Strongly


Q3: Is FDI allows free flow of money that results in competitive advantage for the rescipient



Q4: Does the standard of living of recipient country improves by higher taxes imposed on the
the company receiving the benefit?



Q5: Insurance products are looked as a means of tax evasion and saving only and the main
benefit of insurance are often ignored?



Q6: In developing country like india, is it necessary for the govt. to take control over the
domestic saving instead of allowing foreign investor to take control over the indian saving?



Q7: What is your thinking from the following option about why many opposition parties are
against the hiking of FDI from 26% to 49% in India?

It is beneficial to the speculative market and not good for the country.

It is long term investment

There are some deffered risk in this sector

Not beneficial for the common man as it can increase the price of the current product.

yuvadesh. (n.d.). Retrieved from
IDBI Life insurance. (n.d.). Retrieved from Policy Bazaar:
Indian Insurance Sector. (n.d.). Retrieved from Deloitte:
Vision and Values. (n.d.). Retrieved from IDBI Federal:
Effect of FDI in indain insurance. (n.d.). Retrieved from termpaperwarehouse: http://
FDI hike in insurance. (n.d.). Retrieved from moneylife:
fdi in insurance. (2014). Retrieved from Your article library:
FDI in insurance sector in India. (n.d.). Retrieved from slideshare:

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