Success Principles

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Successful Principles
of Godly Leadership
Understanding The Roles of Leaders
and Those Who Live and
Serve With Them

2009 Lifepoint Church Version

Rick McClure

D. Min., MBA

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

Successful Principles
Godly Leadership

Copyright 2006- Rick McClure

All rights reserved. The copyright laws of the United States of America protect this book/course. This book/course may
not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain of profit. The author grants permission and encourages the use of
short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study. Other privileges will be granted upon
written request and consideration by contacting
Rick McClure of Malvern, Arkansas at PO Box 385 72104, or by calling 501-337-4673.
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New King James Version.
Copyright 1985 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. or New Living Bible Translation Tyndale House Publishers 1996, 2004.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Without leadership no one knows what direction to go.

Without people willing to serve, there is no one to follow
a leader. This course is designed to help you understand
the roles of leaders and those who live and serve with them.
We will define the various attributes of a leader and those
who serve with them. We will look at those attributes and
how they affect our jobs, churches and home relationships.
We will explore the leadership potential in each of our lives.
We will take a look at each of our lives and recognize to a
certain extent that we are all leaders to someone, and are
servants for all. We will identify the many areas in which
we are under some form of leadership in our life and
sharpen our understanding and communication skills
with those leaders and our co-workers.
Not everyone is designed to, or will be, the top leader
in an organization. In fact, we will learn that those
who serve the leader, and understand leaders, are
the most important part of a successful organization.
God has designed you to be an effective witness for
Him regardless of where you are in the organizational
structure of your employment or church. At the end
of this course you will be equipped to be an effective
leader and servant fulfilling your purpose and destiny
while living a quiet and peaceable life.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

Table of Contents
The Worlds Needs Quality Leadership
Becoming A True Servant of God
Becoming A Quality Leader or Servant
What Is Your Leadership or Serving DNA?
Growing Through Developing Yourself and Others
Identifying Loyal and Disloyal Team Members
Are You Ready For The Next Level
The Little Things

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

The World Needs Quality Leadership

We are now blazing through the 21st century. The world is changing at a faster pace
than ever before. Today, more than ever before, our world and the body of Christ needs
well-balanced leaders. A well-balance leader is a person who knows how to follow as
well as to lead. It is not only a challenge it is our responsibility to be Christ-like
examples in the home, the marketplace and in the church.
It is imperative that leaders take their positions at home, in church, and in the market
place, so that Gods plans and purposes will be fulfilled. Exodus 32:34 Now therefore
go, lead the people to the place of which I have spoken to you: Behold, My Angel shall
go before you
Both leaders and those working with them must be properly equipped so they will not
lead others into destruction. Jesus said, Let them alone: They are blind leaders of the
blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14
Today many homes, businesses and churches are in the ditch because blind or untrained
leaders are leading those who were also untrained. Their intentions for the most part are
good, but they were not equipped with the correct tools of success. To be a good leader
takes training with the willingness to learn and to follow. To be a good follower also
takes training. Properly equipped leaders and equipped followers working together in
harmony will make any organization successful resulting in your personal fulfillment.
Barna Research Group in Ventura, CA reports that over the past several years the
average number of pastors leaving the ministry is 1,500 per month. Similar numbers are
also reported by Focus on The Family. On a parity scale, similar percentages are being
reported in the business world of business failures and people resigning from
management or leadership positions. The most common cause of these resignations is
due to not being properly equipped for their position. At home 51% of our marriages
end up in divorce court. Why? The lack of knowledge leads to misunderstandings, hurt
feelings, frustration and burn out. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6
God Speaking to Me

Does working with

your boss make you
feel like this?

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


According to the Webster dictionary, to lead means, To show the way to, or direct the
course of, by going before or along with, by conducting or guiding.
An expanded definition of leading is to guide or direct as
by persuasion, or influence to a course of action or thought.
A leader is then simply someone who has the ability to
involve and influence others to accomplish a certain task.

Leadership is not telling someone what to

do by giving commands. Leadership is
showing the way with the willingness to
go along for the journey.

Godly leadership is the ability to involve other people in

turning a God given dream, a vision, or a desire for the
future into a reality.
Leadership is not about who is out front or who has titles
Leadership is not about who is making decisions
Leadership is carrying out the will of God on earth for your life
which will be an influence to those around you
Before any leader can be fully equipped they must understand that there are major
differences in the philosophy of leaders. These differences do not make one leader right
and another wrong, they are equally important. Different types of leaders, as well as
servants must work together for both to be effective and to accomplish their purpose and
fulfill their potential.
Notes: God Speaking to Me

A leader is simply someone who has the

ability to involve and influence others
to accomplish a certain task.

Yes, God wants you to live

In peace with that strong
leader you married!

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


There are two primary categories of leaders. Within these two categories are very different
styles which we will discuss later. The two major categories of leadership are visionary and
managing. A leader or anyone else for that matter from each of these categories will see things
in one or two totally different perspectives. Understanding one anothers perspective will
create harmony, respect and balance. Not understanding each others perspective will
eventually result in major conflict.
Managing leaders tend to be involved in handling the daily routines of life and business. They
administer and carry on the business of any organization or their family. Managing leaders are
much more common than any other type of leader. The world needs more quality managing
leaders to make sure things get done and run correctly. However, if an organization has only
managing leaders it will tend to get caught in the routine of day to day activities. The strength
of their organization will be consistency, productivity, and efficiency. For the managing leader
any change in routine will come slowly, methodically and with great caution.
Visionary leaders are the minority. They are always looking for a better way and a brighter
tomorrow. They want things done now! The visionary leaders are often times found on the
ground floor of a start up organization. They get it running and hand it off to the managing
leader to improve it and run it right. Their passion for any project creates a synergy among
those they work with. Visionary leaders have an ability to easily involve and influence people.
Then they are off to the next great adventure. If these two types of leaders do not understand
each other there will be problems.
Here are some easy identifying traits of each type of leader.
Managing Leaders;

Managing leaders have good judgment in day to day affairs

Managing leaders do things the right way

In making a decision for an organization which requires a risk, a

managing leader will focus on what they might lose instead of what they
could potentially gain.
Visionary Leaders;
Visionary leaders have good judgment on what needs to be done in the future
Visionary leaders seem to do right things, but may miss some of the details
In making a decision for an organization, the visionary leader will focus on
what the organization can potentially gain in the pursuit of reaching its goals

Good managing leaders do not always make the best growth and development
leaders. Good visionary leaders do not always make good day to day routine
leaders. However, without each other it is impossible for any organization to be
effective in the long term progress of an organization.

God Speaking to Me

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


There are certain qualities that make a leader a leader. The position of leadership causes a
person to see things differently than most people. Consequently, it takes certain things working
together to make a leader feel fulfilled and successful.
Both the managing and visionary leaders have some visionary capabilities and need vision to
keep them motivated. For the visionary leader it is vital for them to have a sense of vision.
Both leaders will use to a great extent the terms objectives, purpose, or goals in their
communication. The vision or purpose is the fuel for action within the leader. A leaders vision
is as important for the organization as it is for the leader. The leaders vision (objective or goal)
with the help of the people around them is the destination for where they will go together.
The leaders excitement for the vision results in the leaders ability to attract and energize
people to move toward the visions destination. It is that same excitement for the vision which
enables them to motivate and inspire people to improve themselves by learning all that they
Properly equipped leaders have no fear in taking responsibility and are accountable for their
actions and decisions.
Visionary leaders tend to believe and see the good in other people. They see their assets rather
than their shortcomings. They see people helping them reach the destination or the fulfillment
of the vision in their heart.
Both the managing and visionary leaders that are successful have surrounded themselves with
people they believe in.
Leaders are communicators of what they see in their heart. They are always communicating the
vision that is within them. They have the ability to communicate the vision verbally and in
writing from the perspective they see things.
Great leaders know how to solve problems that will arise along the way to fulfilling a vision.
Leaders have the resolve to confront others when it is needed, yet they neither seek nor avoid
confrontation. When others want to talk about problems, leaders want to solve them. They
sometimes are the fix it people of our society.
Notes: God Speaking to Me

Your only Biblical qualification to be a

leader is your willingness to be available
for unconditional service and training while
carrying out the will of God on earth.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Balancing Strong Leadership Styles With A Heart of A Servant

The personalities of strong leaders make it sometimes difficult for others to see them as a
servant. They many times will appear as arrogant or controlling. In fact, without the balance of
Gods word, the direction of the Holy Spirit in their life, and proper training they can be very
difficult to work or live with. Good leaders not only learn how to communicate the vision or
plan they have, they learn how to be a good servant while being a leader.
It has been said that to be an effective leader people look at your credibility more than your
knowledge. In many cases, people look at a leader to evaluate their concern for others. If they
sense that the leader has a well meaning heart with the best
What you do speaks so loud, I
interest of others in mind, then they are deemed credible. There
is an old saying that has been around for years that says,
cannot hear what you say.
people do not care how much you know until they know
how much you care.
Knowledge is another area in which people are evaluated for their credibility. If you are not
knowledgeable about the area you are leading or serving in it will be difficult to establish
credibility with those you work with.
People many times will develop their own definition of credibility for a leader. Whatever a
persons definition of credibility is, that definition is based on their perception of that leader.
Regardless of how it is arrived at, credibility for the leader is vital.

Without credibility,
it is impossible
to lead.

In one study conducted by Barna Associates, the findings indicated

that 87.5% of people look for credibility, while the other 12.5%
look simply for knowledge. You may be the most knowledgeable
or gifted in a specific area, but if you do not have credibility people
will not listen to or respect you for very long.
God Speaking to Me

You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


As leaders, we must make sure that we are communicating a

message of care for those around us, as well as communicating
the vision that is fueling us. Others must know that we are there
to serve them. The only way to know the need is learning how
to listen and then communicate compassion and solutions.
Great business leaders lead by providing a service needed by
others. Their longevity in business depends on their ability
to meet the needs of others. A business livelihood is simply
serving their clients.


For even the Son of Man did not

come to be served, but to serve, and
to give His life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45

Great church leaders lead by serving those in need. Their ministry depends on their ability to
see a person or group in need and guide them to a better quality of life. Their longevity is
dependant upon them duplicating themselves through others who are committed to serving and
recognizing the changing needs.
Great family leaders serve their families by meeting the needs of those in their own family. In
any marriage it is imperative that each spouse work diligently to meet the needs of the other
spouse. The same is true for serving our children. This is following Jesus example of serving
instead of being served.

Focus On The Correct Thing

Leaders that are so focused on the vision before them, or the passion within, will often
overlook those who are in need around them. Both the visionary and managing leader will
occasionally fall into the pitfall of serving a vision or the task at hand rather than serving
people. We must remember that the purpose of the vision or the task at hand is meeting the
needs of people.
Churches must move from a position where people serve the structure of a church to a
position where its structure serves the peoples needs. C. Gene Wilkes
Another way to say it would be,
Businesses must move from a position of serving an organizational structure that is territorial
to the employee, to the position of meeting the needs of their clients. RCM
God Speaking to Me

Do not miss the presence of God pursuing the promises of God.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


In the church, our purpose is to feed the lambs and tend the sheep. As strong as our
desires for specific areas of ministry maybe, it all comes down to serving Jesus while serving
So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you
love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to
him, "Feed My lambs." He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love
Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My
sheep." He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter was
grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord,
You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Feed My sheep.
John 21:15-17

Most of us would have no objection to

being masters, but servanthood holds
little attraction.
J. Oswald Sanders

When we tend (watch over for the general protection of)

Gods sheep we look for the things that are needed to
provide a healthy life. To feed Gods sheep is to provide a
balanced provision to sustain that healthy life, thus maturing
them into a mature Christian who is able to feed others.
In the business world this is simply called employee
development and empowerment.

At home it is providing an environment in which our children can grow into and fulfill Gods
plans and purposes for their lives. We must learn to serve God and in doing so the first people
we should serve is our family.
When we do not serve the people around us we are serving
our own ambitions. Serving our own ambitions is a
self-centered issue that we need to be careful of. Being
self-centered is not only selfish, it is a form of pride. God
looks at the intent of your heart no matter if you are in
business, church leadership, at home or just following
the leadership of others.
God Speaking to Me

If you were under your own

leadership, could you develop and
mature into a well-balanced person or

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Seven Principles of A True Servant of God Regardless If They Are Recognized As

A Leader or Not
1. Servant leaders must humble themselves and wait for God to exalt them.
(Luke 14:7-11)
2. Servant leaders follow Jesus rather than seek a position.
(Mark 10:41-45)
3. Servant leaders give up personal rights to find greatness in serving others.
(Mark 10:41-45)
4. Servant leaders can risk serving others because they trust that God is in control
of their lives. (John 13:4-11)
5. Servant leaders take up Jesus towel of servanthood to meet the needs of others.
(John 13:4-11)
6. Servant leaders share their responsibility with others to meet a greater need.
(Acts 6:1-6)
7. Servant leaders multiply their leadership by empowering and equipping others
to lead. (Exodus 18:17-23)
(From Jesus On Leadership Becoming A Servant Leader by C. Gene Wilkes 1996 LifeWay Press)

Luke 14:7-12 So He told a parable to those who were invited, when He noted how they chose the best places,
saying to them: When you are invited by anyone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in the best place, lest one
more honorable than you be invited by him; and he who invited you and him come and say to you, 'Give place to
this man,' and then you begin with shame to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit down in
the lowest place, so that when he who invited you comes he may say to you, 'Friend, go up higher.' Then you will
have glory in the presence of those who sit at the table with you. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Mark 10:41-45 And when the ten heard it, they began to be greatly displeased with James and John. But Jesus
called them to Himself and said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord
it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever
desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave
of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
John 13:4-11 Jesus rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that,
He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which
He was girded. 6 Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, "Lord, are You washing my feet?"
Jesus answered and said to him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this."
Peter said to Him, "You shall never wash my feet!" Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no part
with Me." Simon Peter said to Him, "Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!" Jesus said to
him, "He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of
you." For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said, "You are not all clean."

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving



To be successful
we must balance
the dynamics of
strong leadership
with the attitude
of being a servant.


Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving



Many people think it only takes dedication and hard work to lead a church or business. It takes
much more than dedication and hard work, it takes skill. Dedication and hard work are
essential, but without skill your effort is not as fruitful. Skill is not something that is given to a
person in a position of leadership. Skill is not something a person is born with. Skills are
abilities that are taught, learned, implemented and then refined. Focusing your dedication and
hard work on developing different skills equips you to be a successful leader.
As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17
Four Primary Skills That Must Be Developed to Be A Leader
Without communication skills you will not be able to lead people to accomplishing the plans
and purposes of God for yourself or any organization. Your personality does not determine
your communication skill. Some personalities are soft spoken and others more vocal. Outgoing
personalities may be easy to get along with, but have little to do with actual communication
skills. The communication skills we are referring to must surpass basic oratory skills of
communicating in meetings or with large groups. Communication skills must be developed to
make individuals or groups feel comfortable in communicating with you. True communication
is speaking in a way others understand what you say, and listening to understand what is being
said by others. Communication skills must be in a manner that others see what you are
talking about and you see what they are talking about. It does not matter if it is a large group
or an individual, we must learn to effectively communicate the vision in our heart or the task at
We live in a technological age. Technology affects almost every area
of our life in the 21st century. Without basic, functional, technical skills
you will not be able to do an efficient and effective job in leadership.
Without developing basic technology skills with a PC in word
processing, operating automatic checkouts at the retailer, interacting
with a voice prompt when calling a customer service center, or
electronic financial services you will be left behind. Technological
skills are mandatory for the development of the 21st century leader.

Technological skills are

mandatory for
the development of the 21st
century leader and servant.


Communication and technical abilities must be balanced with a strong spiritual life. Without
prayer and Bible study skills you will not be able to have the mind of Christ, which keeps you
in peace during difficult times. Without prayer and Bible study, you will not be able to make
good decisions. Prayer and Bible study is basic self-discipline and time management all rolled

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

into one. Without these skills you will find developing your communication and technical
skills will be very difficult. With these skills developed, God will give you the ability to be
able to do all things. His plans and purposes within you will be released and flow through your
developed skills.

These strengths are the three basic skills a person needs to develop in order to be a quality
leader. In fact, these same abilities developed will cause anyone to live a happier and
successful life. In a later session, we will discuss in more detail different areas and principles
that you will also need to develop if you are to be a balanced and successful leader.

4. Delegation Skills
Leaders who are successful delegate authority to others to complete a task. It is the leaders
responsibility to communicate clearly what is expected of the person receiving the delegated
authority. Too often, leaders who are visionary, delegate authority to a manager or managing
leader without clearly communicating the details of the delegation. The visionary leader
assumes others see what they see. In many cases, this will lead to a conflict over the manner in
which the delegated authority is carried out in achieving a task or meeting a goal.
Why Are Leaders So Hard to Get Along With At Times?
Great leaders are always surrounding themselves with great people just like you. They realize
they need the talents and abilities in those who are around them. Knowing that they need those
skills and abilities, leaders have a tendency to become very protective of those possessing
those abilities. Surrounding yourself with people of various skills is a major key to successful
Leaders will defend and fight for people who help make them a great leader. As iron sharpens
iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17
A great leader will surround themselves with people who have great strength in the areas
where they have the greatest weakness. Insecure leaders will surround themselves with people
who are very similar to themselves. Thus, the result is major areas of strengths that succeed
and major areas of weakness that fail. Surrounding yourself with people who have skills in the
areas you are weak equips you with the ability to build good leadership teams.
When in the mode of defending those around them, leaders sometimes give the impression of
being controlling or manipulating. In their eyes, they see it as defending and utilizing the gifts
of a leadership family. Leaders must be very careful not to communicate exclusiveness to those
not in the leadership family.
The entire focus of Godly leadership is to be inclusive and not exclusive.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

Leaders get 80% of the credit

and 80% of the blame for what
those around them do.


When a leader delegates authority, they will receive 80 % of

the credit when the person who is delegated does something
that is successful. When the person who is delegated does
something that is unsuccessful, the leader will receive 80%
of the blame.

Successful leaders will courageously persist through obstacles

and resistance that stand in the way of completing a task or
Innovation can produce
fulfilling a vision. This persistence becomes the breeding ground
competitiveness and jealousy if
for innovative ideas and a tenacious attitude. Innovative ideas
not rooted in Gods Word
bring new methods, which often leads to competition, jealousy,
and fear of change. This competition, jealousy, and fear of change
usually will start with similar ministries/businesses in the same
local area trying to out perform one another. Satan sometimes
will attempt to use these same feelings to divide a leadership team.
It is the leaders responsibility to keep communication flowing in a manner that is clear,
appreciative, exhortative, and keeps the purpose of the vision in everyones mind.
1. Leaders are not born they are made by learning necessary skills.

2. Leaders are avid learners, consuming information in many forms.

3. Personalities may create a position, but skills create a leader.
God Speaking to Me

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


What Is Your Communication DNA?

We need to understand who we are before we try to understand others.

In order to lead others, there must be a balance between your leadership
DNA, the task at hand, and the people who are working with you.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Finding Your Communication DNA

There are four primary styles of communication and leadership listed below. Look at the brief
explanation of each style. Then circle the number that most represents you between Passive
and Aggressive. The more passive you are, the closer the number to passive. The more
Aggressive you are the closer the number to Aggressive. Repeat the same process for Task
Oriented and People Oriented. There are no right or wrong answers. Just be honest with
yourself. Now that you have selected two numbers, draw a line between them.

Task Oriented
You like things organized and done correctly




You believe that you have

the right idea most of the time

You are a good listener

and like things peaceful

What Is Your
Leadership DNA?


People Oriented
You want to be liked by those around you
You like social activities


Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


What Is The Difference Between My Spiritual

Communication DNA and My Personality?
Every one of us is designed by God with a spiritual communication DNA. It is the
core of who we are. It is ground zero of our feelings. It is the filter in which we
make most decisions. It is how we see and how we feel about life.
As we journey through life the experiences we face develop an outside shell
called a personality. Our personality does not always reflect who our core being
is. Our personality usually is a coping mechanism we develop to handle the
circumstances we are in. Our core is what we are when all of our defenses are
down and we are completely comfortable.
Often times we see a persons personality and think that they are really outgoing,
when on the inside they are quiet and reserved. They may have developed an
outgoing personality to cope with their environments or the professions they
found themselves in. Other times we see someone who may be really aggressive in
their personality, but in their spiritual DNA they are a caring and sensitive
person. This may result from a person being hurt some where in life and to
defend themselves they developed an aggressive personality.
Another example of this would be male athletes who are in competitive sports.
They may be very aggressive participating in sports, which is a developed
personality, but at home they may be a soft teddy bear. On the other extreme
the quiet passive athlete who becomes aggressive in sports, may be someone
whose quiet personality was shaped by their environment as a child, but inwardly
they are very aggressive.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While we have that one core spiritual communication DNA,

we also know we have a secondary communication DNA. It is not as strong as our

core communication style, but it is there and easy for us to operate in. As we
learn more about Gods Word, and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives we will
see elements of all the communication styles begin to appear. As we become more
Christ like we have the ability to become all things to all people We also learn to
laugh when other laugh and cry when others cry. While our core communication
DNA does not change we become skilled in learning how God created others and
communicating with them in way they are comfortable. We also learn that our
personalities and communication styles become more similar to one another.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Task Oriented








People Oriented

Not intended to provide any psychological analysis. Not intended to be personality or temperament analysis.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


In any group you will find more Nurturers than any other group. In most cases they will make up about 60% of any
group. Gary Smalley affectionately calls the Nurturer the Golden Retrievers of life because of their unconditional
love and affection for people.

The Nurturer
Or Responder

Normal Behavior-They are dependable. They develop relationships

easily. They are usually considered to be great friends and family
members. They Feel, Then They Act, Then They Think- EMOTIVE FEELERS.
Their motto, Is everyone alright?


Weaknesses -

They are good listeners

They love to work with a team, but do not necessarily want
to be the leader.
They are usually good at following through and finishing
a project.
They will get advice before making a decision.
They are very considerate of others feelings and situations.
These are the people that keep groups together.
They are usually huggers and their touch shows nurturing.
They are people pleasers and they want people to be happy.
They can become oversensitive they get their feelings hurt
When they become too sensitive they are slow to make
Under stress they let others control them
Under stress they are indecisive
Their touch can be misinterpreted

How To Deal With Them

Be informal with them. Always be sincere in what you are doing, they sense when you are selfish.
Listen to what they have to say. Do not get in a hurry. Set clearly defined and easily obtained
goals. Help them develop their areas of interest. They want to be accepted for who they are.


Mostly earth tones, pastels, and white

NT Bible Characters Mary, John and Jesus More women than men.
They recharge themselves by being around one or two close friends or family.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


The Nurturer has key words or phrases that help you communicate with
them more effectively. Their Communication style is casual. They are
emotive thinkers.
1. They want to know how you Feel.
2. They want to know what you are Sensing.
3. They need you to Listen!
4. They like to Help and be Helped.
5. They are sensitive to peoples Hurt or being Hurt.
6. It is important for them to know you Understand them.
7. When you are talking with them they like things Small or
Little as big things tend to overwhelm them a bit.
8. They like to know you accept them for who they are.
9. It is very important that for them to be liked.
10. They like to know that we are in this together or as a
Example: This is what a manger, supervisor, church or civic leader who has been asked
to make some major changes in their area of responsibility might say to their group in
order to communicate effectively.

The president of our company (or pastor of our church) after listening to what
you have said feels that we need to make some small changes. These
changes will help each of us do our jobs in a better way. They understand
that some may think this may hurt some, but in the long run everyone
will be better off. We can do this if we work together.
Most common type of professions is those that take care of people, especially children,
or take care of things. Examples:
Health Care
Religious workers
Bereavement Services

Elem. & Jr. High Teachers

Customer Service
Social Services
Food Services

Coaching Kids
Admin. Assistants
Some Law Enforcement
Helps Ministries

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


The Engineer or The Contemplator

Normal Behavior- Engineers are very cautious

with their actions in life. They are deep thinkers who analyze all information
available to them. They are very logical and love routines. These are primarily the
managing leaders of a group. Gary Smalley calls this group the busy beavers.
About 25% of any groups will have the Engineer style of communication.
They Think First, They Act, Then They Feel-COGNITIVE THINKERS.
Their motto is, Let me think about it.


1. Their life is totally built around a plan

2. They are systematic making them dependable
3. They are well organized-even if it looks unorganized to
4. Their decisions are well calculated and deliberate
5. They are very detailed oriented in their decisions
6. They are precise and accurate in anything they do


1. They can be perfectionist about details

2. They are critical of others feelings

3. They are usually limited in emotional responsive

4. They may do things right, but they may not do the right
5. thing
6. They get frustrated when their seems to be no plan of
action or reasoning in place
7. Under stress they are very stubborn, they do not make
quick decisions
8. Under stress they withdraw from relationships

How To Deal With Them

When discussing something with them you need to use facts, and not explain your
feelings. They are very cognitive and want things in a step-by-step format. For
something new to take place in their life it must be well thought out and tied to
the old. Dont push them to make quick decisions. They want detailed information
and do not need pictures to understand a concept.


Earth tones, green, beige, black, navy, grey, and white

NT. Bible Characters

Maratha, Thomas and Jesus. More men than women.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


They recharge themselves by being alone or around one or two close friends or family.
The key words for the Engineer will reflect their cognitive thinking approach. Their
communication style is very analytical. The Engineer is the processor of information.
They like things to fit into a category, or to fit into box. They love order. They know
where things are in their closet. They love a plan that is based on factual information.
Because they are analytical and passive, they are not easily swayed from what they
know to be the facts Due to their analytical nature their feelings will be based upon
their opinion of the facts more than the emotion of a situation.
1. They like to review Studies and how they were conducted.
2. They love Research because it provides them information that supports
or refutes a position.
3. While they like the bottom line, they enjoy just as mush the Data that
went into the bottom line.
4. They need just the Facts.
5. They love Reports because it provides them data and facts.
6. They believe the answer is in the facts, so they are constantly
Evaluating information.
7. They love to think, think and then Analyze the facts.
8. Since facts are so important then it is imperative that the information
given to them be Correct.
Example: This is what a manger, supervisor, church or civic leader who has been asked
to make some major changes in their area of responsibility might say to their group in
order to communicate effectively.
The Pastor (or president of our company) has received the reports that you have
completed. The research team after much evaluation of the data has determined we
need to correct some areas. These corrections when made will make our jobs more
productive. After a period of six months data will be reviewed to determine if further
changes are necessary to increase productivity.

Most Common Types of Professions;

Shipping and Receiving
Editor s
Mechanical Designers
Assembly Line Workers
Teachers of Math & Science
History Teachers
Medical Labs

Inventory Control
Delivery Services
Writers / Authors
Building Trades

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


The Entertainer
or Influencer

Normal Behavior -They are very interactive with those they are around. They love
social activities. They have never met a stranger. They have the tremendous
ability to influence individuals and groups in any direction. In the Gary Smalley
model they are called the Otter as they enjoy life to its fullest. Entertainers are
next to the smallest group of people at about 10% of any group.

They Act First, They Then Feel, Then They Think. They communicate with Kinetic energy.
Their motto is Lets do something!

Weaknesses -

They have lots of energy

They are true motivators of any group
They are very innovative
They are very persuasive
You always know what they think, because they will tell you without you asking
They look to the future
They make decisions quickly
They are the life of any event
Great in front of people
Natural cheerleaders
They have little concept of details because details ruins the fun they are having i
They typically have short attention spans
Their spontaneous decision-making often leads them to bad decisions
They tend to exaggerate
They do not like being told no
They tend to be forgetful-Where are my keys?
Under stress they become sarcastic
Under stress they become superficial and aloof
Their mouth can keep them in trouble

How To Deal With Them

The Entertainer requires great flexibility. No rigid agendas for these people.
To communicate with them you must be positive. Let them talk, talk, talk
and talk. They will be direct and demonstrative in their communication
style. Give the Entertainer pictures and charts, but not spreadsheets to
communicate ideas.

NT. Bible Characters

Bright colors or anything that reflects the mood they are in.
Peter, and Jesus

They recharge themselves by being around people.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


The key words for the Entertainer need to reflect their positive, fun
and outgoing approach to life. Their communication style is
optimistic and casual. They like for things to be comfortable and
FUN! They are kinetic or full of energy. They are passionate about
anything they want to do.
1. They like anything that is New. New clothes, car, house, jewelry or anything they
can interpret that generates optimism.
2. They like things that Great.
2. They view normal life as Wonderful.
3. Dont ask these people to do detailed long lasting task. They will find an Easier way
to do it. (Shortcut)
4. Entertainers need things to happen Soon.
5. If things are not Fun there is no use doing it.
6. Money is a motivator for the Entertainer.

Example: This is what a manger, supervisor, church or civic leader who has been asked
to make some major changes in their area of responsibility might say to their group of
Entertainers in order to communicate effectively.
Example; The Pastor (or president of our company) wants to make some new
exciting changes that will provide a great opportunity for everyone. These
changes that will take place very soon, and will help make your job easier
and more fun. These wonderful changes will allow everyone to eventually
make more money and have more time off.

Most Common Types of Professions;

Sales of Any Kind
Motivational Speakers
Coaches of Children
Fund Raising
Creative Arts
Demonstration Leader
Rally Leaders


Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


The Director
Normal Behavior- The Director is very goal and bottom line oriented. They have
dominant personalities that push them to completing whatever desires are in their heart.
The have the ability to think like and engineer, inspire like an entertainer and make
leadership look easy. In Gary Smalleys model they are called the lions. These are
primarily the visionary leaders of a group. These people are the minority of any group.
They will compose only about 5% of the entire group. They communicate with cognitive
thought processes and kinetic energy.
They Think First, Then Act, Then Reflect On Their Feelings.
Their motto is Lets get it done! 0r Why are we doing this?



1. They a true global perspective of situations

2. They view life as a pioneer or entrepreneur
3. They organize things easily
4. They delegate authority with a concern for efficiency
5. They are very decisive after obtaining information
6. They are task oriented and get things done
7. They are professional and business like
8. They are team builders
9. They look for the bottom line with a concern for results
10. They are best value quality conscious
11. They are loyal to those on their team
12. They are practical, relevant and known as realist
13. They just seem to do the right things

1. They have a tendency to be controlling

2. They can become impatient easily
3. Drive themselves and others too hard
4. They can be poor listeners
5. They tend to over delegate
7. Give the appearance of being insensitive
8. They have little use for those not on their team
9. Under stress they become like a dictator
10. Under stress they become very critical
11. When doing right things, they may not do them correctly
12. When communicating a plan they tend to swing from being
micro managing to overlooking the details because they are looking
at the big picture.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Royal blue, navy, black, red, grey, and white. They will move from bold
colors to business colors depending on the situation.
NT Bible Characters
James, Paul and Jesus
Recharge They recharge themselves in solitude meditation and prayer.
How To Deal With Them-The Director is the most misunderstood of all the communication

styles. Others will often view them as being controlling or pushy. While that is not their
intention it is often received this way.
When talking with them, get to the point. Make sure you have accurate information. Do not be
pushy with the Director, unless you are ready for them to push back. Be open minded because
they will make suggestions and many times will communicate a plan to achieve those
suggestions. They can easily plan your project or life if you allow them to.
They will see you as a part of their team if you support their goals. They like to be innovative
and creative with new ideas or projects. If you are critical of their well thought-out goals, you
will crush their desire to move forward. They are able to easily comprehend both spreadsheets
and charts. They can easily catch someone elses vision and support it.
When communicating with the Director/Shaper make sure you focus your communication in
the following areas.
1. It is imperative for them to know what the objective of any event or
organization is.
2. They are very comfortable with well defined goals
3. The Director/Shapers life is a life of productivity even if it is achieving the
objective of non productivity.
4. Efficiency- They want to know what is the quickest way to achieve the goal?
5. Advancement- No status quo for these people. They MUST SEE progress!
6. Any activity must have a form organization or they will not participate.
7. They are always looking for the right opportunity.

Example: This is what a manger, supervisor, church or civic leader who has been asked to
make some major changes in their area of responsibility might say to their group of Directors
in order to communicate effectively.
Our pastor (or president of our company), in order to achieve our goals, will be making some
organizational changes. These organizational changes will enhance our ability to meet
objectives and improve company efficiency. This reorganization will also present the
opportunity for several of you to receive promotions.
Most Common Types of Professions
CEO-Chief Executive officer
President of any organization
Teacher of adults
Revolution Leader
Rulers of the Universe
Music Director

COO-Chief Operations Officer

Career Counselor
Development Groups
Movie or Production Director

Military Leader

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

Growing Through Developing


Any church or business will grow only to the extent that skilled leadership is in place to handle
quality decision-making. Long term growth in a church or a business will be only to the extent
that skilled leadership is in place to develop new leaders and to build multiple levels of
leadership. As a church we must realize that God will not send His children/lambs to a place
where they cannot be fed and taken care of. The responsibility of taking care of and feeding
Gods children/lambs is the responsibility of the leadership team beginning with the pastor.
However, the pastor is only one person and must be surrounded by a quality team. The larger
and better trained the team is, the more effective the team will be in caring for those God has
entrusted to them. Just as a large hospital has more tools and more experts and various areas,
the larger ministry team will most likely possess people who are skilled in many different
areas. That is why one of the most important reasons that the multiplication of leadership must
take place in the church in order to care for the children of God.
If a business is not able to provide quality service that takes care of their customers, they will
not be able to stay in business for very long. Businesses must also develop multiple levels of
leadership in order to take care of their customers. If they do not develop new people to
provide customer care and provide quality service, the business will only have the number of
customers that those currently in charge of providing customer care can take care of properly.
To grow a business you do it through service, not sales. Quality customer service leads to easy
sales. Poor customer service leads to little or no sales.

Aspiring Leaders
In any organization there are people who desire to move to the next level of leadership or what
we often refer to as climbing the corporate ladder. Their focus many times is on the process
of promotion instead of meeting the needs of those they are serving and serving with. Focusing
on a promotion itself will rarely result in a promotion that will bring contentment for yourself
and those you serve with. There are certain things a person must do to qualify themselves for a
promotion that is lasting and satisfying.
For example, if you are a leader of ten and desire to be a leader of fifty, you must be able to
equip and empower successfully five leaders of ten. This must happen in order for those who
you have been leading to be taken care of successfully. In other words, do not allow those God
has put you in charge of to be without a quality covering. This is a much different concept than
becoming the bosss favorite employee. Too often people who lead ten want to be a leader of
fifty but cannot because:
1. They are not practicing good leadership skills with the ten God has given
them. We must be faithful with what God has given us in order to receive.
Mathew 25:15-30

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

2. They are unwilling or do not know how to equip and empower others to
replace themselves. Luke 11:1


3. They fear losing control and want things done the way they want them done.
Luke 16:10, Matthew 25:21

Pulling In The Same Direction

It does not matter if you are leading ten or a thousand everyone must be focused on
pursuing the same direction, goals or objectives to reach the maximum success. No one is
allowed personal agendas when working on Gods team! Our primary focus is to be working
together to accomplish His will for us.
Our personal preferences should never be involved when making decisions in
leadership. If we include our personal preferences in decision-making, we will be limited to
only those who agree with our preferences. Our personal gifts/talents and callings should
never be involved when making decisions in leadership. If we
focus on our own gifts or callings we will be more concerned
Our personal
with what God is doing through us, rather than if we are
preferences should
accomplishing His will. Unfortunately there are many in the body
never be involved when
of Christ that take this self-centered approach. We should focus
making decisions in
entirely on feeding the lambs and tending the sheep in the manner
God established.
In business, we should focus on providing service for
customers of our business in an ethical manner. We should be
treating them in a way that they will never have a desire to take
their business to anyone else. When we treat our customers in
this manner they will become loyal to your business.
It is so easy for a developing leader to misplace their priorities. They become so focused
on what God has called them to do they take their current priorities and elevate them to a place
that they displace their long term top priorities. The new priorities push down the previous top
priorities, many times leaving God and family at a lower priority. These long term priorities
have helped you through many situations. You have only two life long commitments, to God
and to your family. Our families should be treated in a manner that is better than how we treat
others in church or in business. Our families are a higher priority than our church or business.
Friends and customers will come and go, but families are for a lifetime. Treat them with the
highest respect and you will find that God will often use them to meet your needs.

The Multiple Leadership Principle

God has a design of leadership that we will call The Multiple Leadership Principle.
In both the Old Testament and New Testament, God outlines The Multiple Leadership
Principle as His plan for the delegating of duties in the church. In the New Testament Jesus
set the example by choosing three of the twelve disciples to be closest to Him. Jesus then

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


appointed seventy and sent them out two by two. (Luke 10:1) Then on the day of Pentecost the
Holy Spirit was poured out on one hundred and twenty. Acts 1:15
Throughout the New Testament, we see Deacons, Elders, Bishops, Pastors and Apostles
all being used in various capacities of The Multiple Leadership Principle. Without some
form of The Multiple Leadership Principle in operation, a person in leadership will subject
themselves to burnout if they are not extremely careful. Once burnout sets in, the family of the
leader, the leader, and those being led will all suffer. Burnout most often occurs when a leader
tries to do everything themselves. Another area that creates burnout is the person who is able
to delegate, but takes on more than they can effectively delegate out and follow up on. In both
these areas, the Multiple Leadership Principle will relieve burnout, and stress, while allowing
the organization to be more effective and efficient.
Signs of burnout are, withdrawing from activities, irritability and an often overlooked
sign is the over delegating of too many duties. Even quality biblical leaders can experience
burnout. The Multiple Leadership Principle is one of Gods safeguards to protect both the
leader and follower. Exodus 18
God Speaking to Me

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving



The Multiple Leadership Principle

Only one out of thousand go to this level. This

is most often a visionary leader.
That is Gods design.

Only one out of hundred go to this level. This

is most often a visionary leader.
That is Gods design.



Only one out of fifty go to or through this level. They
may be either managing or visionary leaders.







Only one out of ten go to or through this level. That is Gods design.
of Ten x5

of Ten x5

80% of us will
serve the Lord
with joy for our
entire life at this

At some point we all start

here. We are called to serve
others in leadership. That is
Gods design.

of Ten x5

of Ten x5

of Ten x5

of Ten x5

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


WHO CAN I TRUST? Identifying Loyal & Disloyal Team Members

One of the most important traits of Christian service is loyalty. Loyalty is a requirement
regardless if it is in the church, or in business. It does not matter how gifted and talented
you are, loyalty is far more important than either. Throughout the Bible, we see God using
men and women that may not have been the most talented, but were loyal. They were first
loyal to God and they were loyal to those they served. We see David loyal to Saul, Esther was
loyal to her husband the King, Nehemiah was loyal to the king and the list could go on and on.
Flattery may get the attention of man, but loyalty gets the attention of God. We must
depend on God to open and close the doors we need in life. One of the biggest challenges in
any level of leadership is identifying those who are loyal and those who have motives that are
self-serving. In other words, who can you trust?
A person who is loyal to those in authority over them is the one that God can entrust His work
through. When David had sinned and realized that his relationship with God had changed, he
knew the only way to restore that relationship was through a pure heart. That is the reason why
David cried out, Lord create in me a clean heart. Psalms 51:10 David knew to be used by
God he first had to be totally committed with a pure heart.
David became loyal to God and to those around him.
Recommended reading; Loyalty and Disloyalty by Dag Heward-Mills
Published by Parchment House ISBN 9988-7798-4-4

Many people want to

serve God, but only as

Who You Can Trust - Identifying Those Who Are Loyal

A leader or a team that is loyal to a purpose and to leadership can accomplish anything.
Matthew 18:18-19 A team that has disloyal members looking for their own personal
preferences has many challenges ahead of it. Matthew 12:25
Each member of a team becomes an ambassador for that team. They become a representative
of the purpose of the team and of the individual leaders of the team. There are certain
indicators that help us identify those who will be a loyal ambassador for the team and to
leadership. Loyalty demands the full persuasion of a team member. A loyal team member that
is a good ambassador member will;
1. Follow Instructions. A loyal team member has a genuine heart and supports the
leaders of a team. Luke 16:12
2. Genuinely Respect. They are sincere in their respect of those in leadership.
2 Chronicles 18:1
3. Listen. A loyal team member is anxious to hear the things that need to be done.
They also welcome ideas on how to become a better team member. Psalms 143:10

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


4. Deafness. They refuse to listen to gossip and complaints about those in leadership.
Scripture is clear that an accusation must be with two or three witnesses and
verification. 1 Timothy 5:19
5. Current. Keep current with the desires of the leaders they serve. They understand
the times they live in. Deuteronomy 17:10
6. Protect. A loyal servant will protect and defend the leaders from problems arising
within the team.
7. Understanding. Understand that those in leadership are human and will make
mistakes. Proverbs 16:16
8. Eager. They are eager to help the leaders rectify any problems. They are quick to
help resolve any mistakes made by the leadership team.
9. Input. Provide wise counsel and not simple flatteries for those in leadership. They
little regard for personal preferences and focus on the need. Proverbs 24:6
10. Contentment. Be content in the position they are in. They are not seeking
advancement for the purpose of recognition or control. Proverbs 18:16

There are only two tents in life,

contentment and discontent.
Which tent will you live in?
Who You Cannot Trust - Identifying Those Who May Become Disloyal
Many leaders and organizations have suffered because of the actions of disloyal team
members. Disloyalty rarely happens overnight, it is a process that takes time. A good
leader learns to recognize the signs of the seeds of disloyalty and takes actions. A person who
is beginning to become disloyal can be turned around if identified in time. (John 2:24-25)
Team members who are in the process of becoming disloyal will show signs of;
1. Independent Thinking. The opposite of being a part of a team is being independent.
More often than not, disloyalty begins in those who have an independent way of
thinking. This is very subtle and often missed because of the fact that their
independent thinking is most often seen as bringing a balance to the rest of the team.
Independent thinkers have a tendency to do, what is right in their own eyes.

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


2. Take Offense. The second seed in the process of becoming disloyal is taking
offense, when those in leadership do not agree with them. Their independent style
often sets them at odds with seeing the big picture. Matthew 24:10
3. Passivity. Another sign to watch for is when active team members become inactive.
Their lack of involvement is a sign of the person not being in agreement with
leadership. 2 Samuel 13:22
4. Critical. While the loyal team member will provide wise counsel to leaders, the
disloyal team member will provide criticism of leadership to other team members.
They call it constructive criticism. Their selective criticism is designed to erode
the leaders integrity and ability to lead. Numbers 12:1
5. Influence. As we discussed earlier every team member is an ambassador or
representative of leadership, thus they have some type of influence. A sure sign that
disloyalty has entered the team is when a team member attempts to persuade other
teams members that the leadership is wrong or out of order. They set themselves
up as the representative of whats right and to correct whats wrong. This is
most often done in private conversations or with email.
2 Samuel 15:6
6. Deception. Many of those who have reached this point think that they are better
equipped to lead than those in leadership or that it is their duty to get new leadership.
While in their own minds they may not be thinking mutiny, those who they have
convinced to see things their way are thinking, How can we get control?
John 13:16
7. Rebellion. The last stage of disloyalty is open rebellion. During this stage, the
disloyal person has analyzed the merits and demerits of those in leadership. It is their
viewpoint that someone must do something and it should be them. They begin
meeting in small groups and discussing strategy to implement their view points. It is
at this point that the chances of this person returning to loyalty are very thin.
2 Samuel 16:11
God Speaking to Me

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Makers and Breakers-The Little Things
Over the years, it has been proven time and time again that it is the little things that work
together to propel you in leadership or stop you in your tracks. Many of the things we have
discussed in previous sessions that go into the making of a successful leader can be
summarized simply that a leader is a CARE giver. Remember the old saying, People do not
care how much you know until they know how much you CARE. The acrostic we can use for
CARE to help us remember this is:
C-Communication, A-Appreciation, R-Recognition, E-Encouragement
People only know that you CARE when you communicate the love of Christ to them. CARE
requires ACTION. Praying for someone is good, but they will never know it unless you
communicate with them. There are many types of effective ways to communication CARE
such as;
1. Phone calls
2. Cards or e-cards
3. Notes
4. Email (Email is rapidly surpassing many of these other forms of communication as
the number one preferred method of communication. With email it is like a note, a
card and a voice mail all wrapped into one, to be opened at the addressees


Text Messaging-Becoming as popular as email.

Voice Mail

Depending on your leadership and communication style,

you may find that some forms of communication come
easier for you than others. For example, the Nurturer
will find it much easier to give a hug or smile than to
send an email. The Director will find it easier to send
an email than to give a hug. The important thing to
remember is to communicate. Others will easily accept
what you will give in affirmation, as long as you will give it.

After forty years of marriage, a

couple went for counseling because
their marriage was having
difficulty. The wife with tears in
her eyes explained that the
husband never told her he loved
her. The husband replied, I told
you I loved when we got married.
If I change my mind I will let you
Remember to communicate your
CARE for others!

One reason that positive communication is important is that

people need to know that their labor of love is of value to the
leader and to God. In most cases a simple, Thank you, or
a job well done go a long way. We all need to be
acknowledged as a person of value. Showing your appreciation both individually and in a
group setting is important. When appreciation is not shown people have a tendency to think

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


that their efforts are of no value. They will develop an attitude of, Who cares? People will
work harder with you and for you if they feel appreciated for what they do.
We must also be aware that it is not only what we communicate to others, it is how we
communicate it. Our communication of CARE is much more than the words we choose. It is
the way we use those words.
The words we choose are only 25-30% of our total communication
Our tone of voice is 50% of our total communication
Our body language is 20-25-% of our total communication.
We can say the right things, but not say it correctly. This will often result
in the same response as saying the wrong thing.
Other forms of non-verbal communication make up how and
what we communicate to others. Our dress, hairstyles, body
language and hygiene all communicate our self esteem, our
preferences, and priorities. These forms of non-verbal
communication can cause others to profile a person before
the person ever opens their mouth. If a person is not sensitive
to those around them, their non-verbal communication can
greatly diminish their effectiveness before they ever open their

Non-verbal communication
can greatly diminish our
effectiveness before we
ever open our mouth.

Hebrews 6:10-12 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown
him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this
same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. We do not want you to
become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been
promised. (NIV)
The Other Side of CARE
If you are a leader, do not expect the same type of CARE from those you are leading.
You will be disappointed. In leadership you must be a CARE giver. Your ability to
CARE as a leader comes from spending time with God. As leader, you will feel lonely
and overwhelmed unless you spend time with God. Quality time with God gives you
your CARE from the Master.
God Speaking to Me

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Are You Ready For The Next Level?

God did not give all of us the desire to be promoted or to climb the latter of management. In
fact, as we saw in the Multiple Leadership Principle most of us will not be in a leadership
position beyond leading groups of ten. However, if you are not passionate about leadership
someone you live with or work with most likely is. In this chapter we will look at the
indicators that tell us if a person is ready to make that step to the next level of leadership.
If you feel called to be in leadership the chances are that you have prayed for God to bless you
and promote you. That is perfectly fine, because God placed that desire in your heart. We pray
and then we look for God to bless and promote us. Yet, are we fully prepared to move to the
next level or living in unrealistic expectation?
If you are in a leadership position at some point you will be involved in selecting other people
to be in leadership. We can use the same indicators to evaluate our self or to evaluate others for
determining if we are ready for promotion. Are you or is the person you are about to promote
ready to move to the next level?
Proverbs 18:15 Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for
knowledge. NLT
Psalms 37:3-5 Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and
prosper. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. 5 Commit
everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. NLT

Eight Indicators of Promotion Readiness:

Many people say they are believing for a promotion or praying for a promotion, but their
actions will tell you if it is just a thought, a wish or a fleeing passion. Rarely do people
decline a promotion when it is offered to them. That does not mean they were the person
for the promotion or that they were prepared for the promotion.
A person who has true desires to be at the next level prepares themselves to be at the next
level. One of the primary indicators of desire is effort. They are welling to do what it takes
in working long hours to get what is in their heart.
Another way to determine desire is time. What separates true desire and a short term idea
or dream is time. Many people get discouraged when they put forth effort and do not get a
QUICK return. Our society is driven by quick return mentality. True desire pushes through
that mind set. This is what separates a good idea and a God given passion. A God given
desire will remain in a persons heart regardless of circumstances. If the desire in a person
has survived the challenges of 12-24 months then there is a very good chance that desire

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


was placed in a persons heart by God. They have shown that they are not distracted by
other opportunities or by obstacles.
True desire be could characterize by a commitment to excellence. They are not satisfied
with going through the motions. True desire can be characterized by faith and creative
ability to overcome all the forces that Satan will launch against you to stop you. As a
leader never put a person in a position of leadership if they have not shown they have
desire and tenacity.
Proverbs 28:19 Hard workers have plenty of food; playing around brings poverty. NLT


Are They Able To Communicate?

Any position of leadership requires communication. You have to communicate with those
above you and with those you supervise. Communication is the key to any successful
relationship. Without communication instructions cannot be received or followed
resulting in a world of assumptions, which is always bad. Assumptions are always
followed by emotions taking over leading bad decision making processes.
Communication must be the ability to receive (LISTEN) and communicate (Speaking,
writing, body language) information. Too many people like to give instruction, but few are
willing to receive instructions. You may be anointed and called, but without
communication you will not be received. People who are ready for leadership position
themselves stay current with the events of what is happening in their area through good
listening and communication.
Proverbs 18:13 What a shame, what folly, to give advice before listening to the facts! NLT
You can tell how well a person communicates by how they get along with others. They
may have talent and anointing, but if they cannot get along with other people they will
not bear the fruit God has called them to bear. Everyone will be discouraged.


Before You Lead Gods House, You Need To Lead Your House

The order of the home is a direct reflection of how a person will lead. If a person does not
make an effort to keep his personal business life in order, they will not keep the affairs of the
ministry in order. If they continually make bad business decisions for their own family how
can they make them for the family of God?

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Public ministry begins at home. Spouse- How is their marriage? They must be supportive
of a promotion. Disagreement at home will affect a persons ability to make good decisions
in leadership. However, we must understand that no marriage is perfect either. ChildrenAre their children below the age of adolescent and in open rebellion to all authority?
Finances-Are they known for keeping their personal finances in order or are they always in
difficulty? Are they known to be a poor credit risk? Their Home - You can tell how
someone will take care of Gods house by taking a look at how they take care of the house
God has given them. We all have different ideas of hose keeping, but there things that give
us insight. How is the long term maintenance of the home? How is the long term cleanness
of the home? The type, size or value of the home is irrelevant. Are they taking care of what
God has given them?
1 Timothy 3:5 For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of
God's church? NLT


How Does The Person Handle Change?

If a person does not handle change easily, then how will they handle the change of a
promotion? If change is difficult for a person, how will they handle changed asked of
them or they need to make in their area of responsibility?
A person who is reluctant to change is usually not suited for a changing environment
that is so often required by many leadership positions. On the other hand there are
supervisory positions that require a commitment to routine activities that they will flourish
Proverbs 24:3 Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common
sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts. TLB


How Does A Person Handle Correction?

If a person does not receive correction well, they may not be a team player. You will
notice this if a person is always arguing with their superiors or always trying to justify their
actions. No one enjoys correction, but all needed it. If we refuse it we put ourselves in a
place of rebellion.
Heb 12:6 For the Lord disciplines those he loves NLT

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving



What Is Their History?

Why did they leave their previous job or ministry position? How you leave one
opportunity will determine how you enter a new opportunity. Bad attitudes and habits
will follow you.
Never hire or promote someone who is trying to get away or be delivered from something
or someone. Do not accept an opportunity only for the reasons you want to get away from a
person or a situation in your current position. Difficult circumstances can be a motivator,
but cannot be the only reason to change a position or job.
Matthew 12:33 "A tree is identified by its fruit. Make a tree good, and its fruit will be good.
Make a tree bad, and its fruit will be bad. NLT


Are They Faithful To God and The Ministry In Their Financial


You can find out a persons priorities and their motives by looking at their giving. If
they are not faithful with their giving, why should a ministry take the resources that
were given by those who were faithful and give to the unfaithful?
Matthew 25:21 The master was full of praise. 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more
responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!' NLT


How Is Their Spiritual Life?

If the other seven areas have been answered in a way that is pleasing to God, then this step
is already answered. If you have a question about a person or yourself, then find out about
their personal spiritual life. Does the person study Gods word alone independently? Does
the person have a sincere and active prayer life?
1 Corinthians 2:12 And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world's spirit) so we
can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. NLT
Ephesians 3:19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never
fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes
from God. NLT

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

The Little Things-Makers and Breakers


There are many quality people in leadership with God given dreams that never seem to
quite fulfill their purpose. This often results in frustration and disappointment in their
walk with God. One reason for this is that they never adopt godly leadership principles
as a lifestyle. Every big dream is built upon the foundation of little things. We must be
diligent with Gods work and in His principles.
Eccl 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave,
where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
The following keys of success in operation will put you in the position of an effective
leader. The following areas undeveloped or seldom used will leave you as an ineffective
leader. We, by nature do not want to develop our weak areas. Our weak areas left
undeveloped will contradict or cancel out many of our strong areas, thus rendering us
Twenty-Five Keys of Leadership Effectiveness
1. Life of prayer-Without individually seeking God for direction all your plans
will be your plans and not Gods plans. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD
with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your
ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.
2. Be patient-We must be patient with others as well as ourselves. James 5:7
Therefore be patient, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. See how the
farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and waiting patiently for it,
until he receives the early and latter rain. (NKJV)
3. Be a good listener-People pick up quickly if you care about what they have
to say. They may have something to say that can help you or provide
information to complete the big picture. Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and
accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. (NIV)
4. Be positive about your endeavors-People need to know that it is a good
thing to follow your leadership and to support you. If you are not positive
about your endeavors no one else will be either. Proverbs 15:30 A cheerful
look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health. (NLT)

5. Learn to laugh-Learn to laugh at yourself, others are going to anyway.

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a
persons strength. (NLT)

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


6. Be transparent-Be open and allow others to see your humanness. This is not

to be confused with portraying your every weakness to others who would

have no confidence in you. Just be real. Jeremiah 12:3 But thou, O LORD,
knowest me: thou hast seen me, and tried mine heart toward thee: ... (KJV)
7. Be responsible-You may delegate to others, but you are still responsible.
Exodus 18:26 So they judged the people at all times; the hard cases they brought to
Moses, but they judged every small case themselves. (NKJV)

8. Be accountable-Be willing to give an account for your actions without being

defensive. 1 Timothy 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which
are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. (KJV)
9. Be a problem solver- Leaders sometimes create their own problems. A
leader must be a problem solver or they will have no one to lead. (Solomon)
10. Be a servant-Remember it is all about feeding His lambs and tending His
sheep. (John 21:15-17)
11. Encourage others-remember the importance of encouraging others. Hebrews
3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that
none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. (NIV)
12. Lifestyle of positive attitude- We need to be excited about more than just
our endeavors. We need to be excited about life. Attitude is contagious. What
are others catching from you? Numbers 13:30 And Caleb stilled the people
before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well
able to overcome it. (KJV)
13. Global perspective-Remember it is not your ministry it is Gods. God sees
everything from the perspective of eternal consequences. He is all knowing.
Be careful not to get caught in the daily circumstances and loose focus of
your goals. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our
faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the
shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (KJV)
14. Delegation-Apply the Multiple Leadership Principle of leaders of tens,

fifties, hundreds and thousands. Remember you are not on a one person
mission. (Exodus 18:14-27)

15. Punctuality-God is never late, why should you be? Being late is a sign of

disrespect for the effort of others you lead or serve. It also sends the subtle
message that you do not put a high value on a particular activity. Avery
Johnson Coach of the Dallas Mavericks said, If you are on time, you are

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

late. If you are early, you are on time Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come
boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to
help in time of need. (KJV)
16. Return phone calls and emails promptly-Others need to know that you

value their time and questions. If you do not have an answer for them, let
them know. When you do return emails and phone calls you send a signal that
you simply do not care. Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee,
and show you great and mighty things, which you know not. (NKJV)
17. Keep verbal and written commitments in a timely manner-Be faithful to
your word. If you are not, others will not be faithful to you. Matthew 20:2 He
agreed to pay the normal daily wage and sent them out to work.
18. Maintain integrity and credibility-Remember it is impossible to lead
without integrity and credibility. Proverbs 28:18 Whoso walketh uprightly
shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once. (KJV)
19. Conflict resolution-Unresolved conflicts usually become volcanoes of
negative emotion. Defuse the volcano before it erupts. Proverbs 18:19 A
brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions
are like the bars of a castle. (KJV)
20. Equipping and empowering others-Elijah duplicated himself through

Elisha. In order for you to delegate as you should you will need to equip and
empower others to do what you do. You will have to trust them. II Kings 2:1314 He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood
by the bank of Jordan; And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and
smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also
had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over. (KJV)
21. Organization-Lack of organization leaves the impression that you do not

know what you are doing. Even when you may not have all the answers a
simple organizational plan will bring confidence to those you are serving
with. Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and
make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. (NKJV)

22. Do not fear failure-The leader sits at the front of the boat. That is where the

best view is. It is also the place that takes on the waves of the storms and
adversity. Hold on to God and you will be safe from the storms that come
against you. I John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving

fear: because fear hath torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.

23. Persistence-Push through the storms to smooth sailing. The calm after the
storm. Refuse to give up. (Luke 18:1-18)
24. Longevity- The longer you are in a position of successful leadership, the

easier it is for others to follow you. Proverb 3:1 My son, do not forget my
teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, (NIV)
25. Communication-Remember the ripple effect. Everything a leader says and
does effects every one else in the organization to some degree. Acts 4:20 For
we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." (NIV)
God Speaking to Me

Remember to stay focused on what God has called you to do. One way to do that is by reviewing this syllabus, listening to the CDs, or
watching the DVDs every twelve to eighteen months. This will enable you to identify the little things that need to be worked on in
order for you to be the leader God has called you to be. Remember to mount up with wings of eagles and soar to the prize that God has
set before you.

About The Author

Rick McClure

Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Rick McClure serves as Lead Pastor of Lifepoint Church in Malvern, AR. Pastor Rick is well
known for his teachings in areas of unity among the churches and practical Christian
living. This series is being used in Bible Schools, churches and businesses across the United
It is Pastor Ricks desire to see all churches working together for the kingdom of God. His
adopted motto for the churches in the central Arkansas area is, We do not compete with each
other, we complete each other. He is a frequent speaker at various churches, conferences and
corporate functions. He is a current board member for Central Christian University, The
Mentoring Centrex, Team Delta Force Ministries and works with churches world wide
assisting them to fulfill their vision. Other recent releases are a, A Seal of Blessing with
many positive reviews and endorsements recently release of Finding Your Purpose In Life.
Pastor Rick and his wife Cindy, who a public school educator, reside in Malvern, Arkansas
near the Hot Springs and Little Rock metro areas. They have four children and four grandchildren. Pastor Rick has an earned Master of Divinity degree through Central Christian
University and a Doctorate of Ministry degree from Christian Leadership Seminary.

To contact the author or to order any of his books contact;

Lifepoint Church
P. O. Box 56
Malvern, AR 72104

In the 21st century the definition of leadership

is evolving. The role of the leader may be the
same, but the expectations of a leader are
Successful Principles of Godly Leadership and Serving


Do you know how to serve God and at the same

time be a strong dynamic leader? Do you know
what your leadership style is?
Do you know how to identify the leadership style
of others? This popular seminar, now in book
form, will help you will learn how to;

Become A Servant Leader

Become A Quality Leader With Integrity

Find Out What Your Leadership DNA Is?

Growing Through Developing Others

How To Identify Loyal and Disloyal Team


Find Out The Little Things That Make or

Break Your Leadership Effectiveness

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