Usher Manual

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BETHEL CHURCH USHER TRAINING 2012-13 FULL TEXT A NOTE FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR/CHIEF USHER: Firstly, thanks so much for joining the ushering team at Bethel! Its folks like you that help us love God passionately and serve others significantly on Sunday mornings. oull find !elo" all the content that is !eing taught at our training sessions. #ust read through it and you should have a pretty good idea of ho" "e do things here every "eek! $ont "orry a!out the fact that the slides are a little small% I assure you their content is "ritten out !elo" them! &lso, in the case of the t"o diagram slides, I have made those a little larger so you can get an idea of "hat "e "ere illustrating. 'ave any (uestions) Feel free to talk to your team captain, or just contact me directly% % !y e*mail+ !etheladmin, % !y phone+ -./*/001 2nce you have completed reading it, please do let me kno" so I can add you to the list of folks "ho have !een trained. 3hanks again, and God !less you all in your ministry! #anet 4ee 5hief 6sher and 5armen Gauvin*2$onnell 5hurch &dministrator


Last updated: 11 Sep 12

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T.E.A.R.S! Team Excellence Authenticity Relevance Solidarity

Service Congregation and Visitors Leadership Safety Heart Work day

These are Bethels values: o Team o Excellence o Authenticity o Relevance o Solidarity shering is not only a!out handing out !ulletins and ta"ing up the offering #ts also a!out service on a Sunday morning: o Service to the congregation and visitors o Service to the leadership that leads to a great $orship experience for everyone #ts also a!out safety: if a fire alarm goes off% do you "no$ $hat to do& 'hat if you sa$ a man youve never seen follo$ a child into one of the !athrooms& (our heart for service and e7cellence is often the first thing a ne$ person $ill see $hen they come to Bethel) (our service $ill !e a *$or" day+: you can expect to miss a lot of the service in $hatever time slot youre in that day, Thats $hy $e have many usher teams% so that youre not *$or"ing+ more than a!out 1 Sunday every - $ee"s. (ou can also attend the other service as $ell to ma"e up for it)

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Arrive 20 minutes before the service Usher ta!s " Read the service order and bulletin #oors unloc$ed% &indo's o(ened% Early arrival%
bulletin any needs%

/veryone on the team should arrive at least 20 minutes !efore the service so that some can stay at the doors $hile the others do any other needed stuff Put on an * sher+ tag 1 ne$ usher name tags are to !e "ept upstairs and are not to !e left on the ta!le 2$here anyone could ta"e one and pass themselves off as an usher3. 4ead the service order and !ulletin so you "no$ $hat $ill !e happening 5onfirm that the doors have !een unloc"ed% $indo$s opened etc. #f not% do that. #f someone arrived early and is already seated in the sanctuary, o ma"e sure they have a !ulletin o see if they need anything !efore the service starts% especially if theyre ne$) 6s of 7cto!er 2010% !"" #$%"&'() !'( *+%)* &%'(#,"- ,+ .!/01! L!)& !)& U2S,'((, 2i.e. they are not staying in for the !eginning of the service3% so feel free to tell any ne$ families $here to ta"e them. 6lthough if families $ant their children to remain $ith them for $orship% thats o"ay too. See 6ppendix 6 to "no$ $here all the children go during the first service. SLIDE 3 ART II: DURING THE SERVICE

Someone in the foyer at all times After the offering) t'o (eo(le 'al$* +hec$ classrooms,nursery +hec$ bathrooms u(stairs

Someone stays in the foyer at all times to $elcome late arrivals and "eep an eye on peoples property and limit access to the office area upstairs 6fter the offering% t$o people periodically $al" around the church: o Ta"e a loo" into each classroom8nursery to ensure everything is o" 2no need to actually enter3
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o 5hec" all the !athrooms 2the only adults $ho should !e using the do$nstairs 2 pStreet3 !athrooms during services are the Sunday school staff3. 6ll others should !e told to use the main foyer !athrooms. o 9o upstairs and chec" things out there as $ell. SLIDE 4 ART II: DURING THE SERVICE 5#+),6&7

Someone comes in late?

lead them to a seat -unless the church isn.t busy -i.e. holidays/ 'hen they 'ill easily be able to see s(aces in the (e's/. 01 (ointin!!

#f someone comes in late and needs to !e seated% o lead them to a seat 2unless the church isnt !usy 2i.e. holidays3 $hen they $ill easily !e a!le to see spaces in the pe$s3. o :7 ;7T :7 T<#S: $al" do$n% find them a spot and then point at them to come sit. 6s" them to follo$ you $hile you find them a seat% as they may !e em!arrassed a!out $al"ing in late to !egin $ith so $e dont $ant to do anything more to call attention to them. SLIDE 8 ART II: DURING THE SERVICE 5#+),6&7

#on.t hesitate to as$ someone already in a (e' if they can shuffle over a bit so the ne'comers can sit. 2f necessary) before the service be!ins) don.t hesitate to tell a staff member or 'orshi( leader to as$ the con!re!ation to s3uee4e in so 'e have more room!

=eel free to as" someone already in a pe$ if they can shuffle over a !it so the ne$comers can sit. #f necessary% !efore the service !egins% dont hesitate to tell a staff mem!er or $orship leader to as" the congregation to s>uee?e in so $e have more room)

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T'o stay in the main foyer to say !oodbye &hile the cro'd is leavin!) ma$e sure no !rou(s form u( that bloc$ the exits -a fire ha4ard/5 $ee( everyone movin! smoothly

T$o ushers stay in the main foyer to say good!ye as the main cro$d leaves@ once the larger part of it has left 2smaller groups that are chatting are o"ay)3% chec" $ith the team captain to ma"e sure nothing else is needed 1 then youre done) 'hile the cro$d is leaving% ma"e sure no groups form up that !loc" the exits 2a fire ha?ard3, "eep everyone moving smoothly% !oth in the foyer and in the sanctuary aisles 2i.e. do invite them to go chat at 5offee and 5onversation in the gym)3 Tidying: o 5ollect any left-over !ulletins from the pe$s and return them to the foyer for re-use if theyre still good o Thro$ out old communion cups o Tidy the pe$s% putting anything in lost and found 2anything more valua!le% such as a cell phone can !e left on the des" in the office upstairs3


7st Sunday of each month Usher teams 'ill usually serve communion See dia!ram 7 on next slide for usher (ositions for communion

CO;;UNION o is the 1st Sunday of each month% unless notified other$ise

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sher teams can assume they $ill serve communion except occasionally $hen the elders and their $ives do it. They $ill !e told !eforehand. o See diagram 1 on next slide for usher positions for communion


Communion Ta !e

" # East Pews Centre Pews %

West Pews &

Vesti u!e()e*eption +rea 'ohnson Street

Pic"ing up the 2!enevolent3 offering8Serving the communion service SLIDE 11 ART V: SAFETY AT BETHEL


6etro 8ar$in! 9ot is rende4:vous area for families T'o ushers for the sanctuary T'o others 'ill stand
corner of ;ohnson and <arrie <roc$ and <arrie to direct the con!re!ation to the 6etro.

The children * Sunday school staff and elders,deacons

FIRE SAFETY: IF THE FIRE ALAR; GOES OFF DURING A SERVICE o The evacuation assem!ly area for the congregation is the A/T47 ST74/ P64B#;9 L7T one !loc" over
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o T$o ushers are to ensure that people in the sanctuary leave in an orderly and safe manner. o T$o others $ill stand% one at the corner of Cohnson and Barrie% the other at Broc" and Barrie to direct the congregation to the Aetro. o The children $ill !e loo"ed after !y Sunday school staff and elders8deacons SLIDE 12 EVACUATION SLIDE


T#is is $#% $e as& %o' to $al& a(o'n) t#e c#'(c#* Remain +i,ilant- .'t /olite:
Someone %o' )on0t (eco,ni1e #an,in, o't an%$#e(e .'t in t#e sanct'a(%2? A c#il) $al&in, a(o'n) t#at /(o.a.l% s#o'l)n0t .e?

This is $hy $e as" you to $al" around the church. Since it is open during services% anyone could come in !y the side door or front doors% $ithout us "no$ing a!out it. The safety of our children and vulnera!le persons demands that $e remain vigilant% !ut polite:

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o See someone you dont recogni8e hanging out outside the sanctuary area during a service 2i.e. any$here !ut in the sanctuary3& 6s" them if you can !e of assistance. Aa"e sure youre satisfied $ith their ans$er !efore moving on. o See a child $al"ing around that pro!a!ly shouldnt !e& 6s" them $here theyre going and ma"e sure they get there. SLIDE 14 ART VI ;ISC<

OFFERING AND OFFERING "LATES = brass (lates on the shelf in the main foyer " 2 on the ri!ht front corner of the sta!e floor 2 on the left front corner of the sta!e floor 7 each are (laced at the to( of each of the stairs to the balcony

7==/4#;9 6;: 7==/4#;9 PL6T/S o The 2!rass3 plates are on the shelf in the main foyer 1 there are D of them: T$o are placed on the right front corner of the stage floor T$o are placed on the left front corner of the stage floor 7ne each are placed at the top of each of the stairs to the !alcony SLIDE 13 ;ISC< 5C+),6&7

O33e(in, 4cont0)2 The offerin! -', oran!e cards/ 6onthly benevolent offerin! : u(stairs An% ot#e( items /lace) in t#e /lates

7ffering 2contd3 o The offering 2including any orange cards3 is placed in the !lac" !ag and given to the tellers for processing o The monthly !enevolent offering is placed separately upstairs in the office supplies room% to !e counted later !y staff. o 6ny other items placed in the plates,
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, are given to the person for $hom they are intended. 'hen in dou!t% Eust put it in 6mys !ox $ith a note along the lines of *this $as left for Pastor Aar"% !ut he $asnt here today+

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A ENDIX A LIST OF CHILDRENS MINISTRY LOCATIONS THIS IS POSTED IN THE FOYER CHILDREN6S ;INISTRIES = BETHEL NOTE TO THE USHERS FALL>.INTER 5hildren up to grade F go directly to their ministry area 2listed !elo$3 for $orship !eginning at G:00 a.m. There are no childrens ministries other than a nursery at the 11:00 a.m. service. SU;;ER 5hildren are dismissed to their areas follo$ing the offering. AGE 0-2 yrs --H yrs B-9r. F 9r. D-I LOCATION ;ursery% in the /ast 'ing 2left-hand side of the !uilding as you face the front of the sanctuary3. 5hildren may !e dropped off at any time. 'aum!a Land% also in the /ast 'ing pStreet% in the !asement of the 'est 'ing 2right-hand side of sanctuary% do$n the stairs on the right3 The youth sit together in a reserved area in the t$o front ro$s of the left !alcony. They usually leave after the offering% going either to the ;e$ 9ym in the 'est 'ing% or directly up to the (outh 4oom in the /ast 'ing% second floor.


Last updated: 11 Sep 12

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