Gas Purging
Optimizes Root
In circumstances where welds have to
be designed to withstand stress in service,
special consideration needs to be given to
their metallurgy and profiles.
‘The mechanical properties of welds,
particularly their fatigue properties, ean
be influenced significantly by their shape
and composition. In particular at the weld
oot, a positive reinforcement combined
with smooth transition from weld to base
metal are prerequisites to achieve opti-
‘mum mechanical strength.
Good Practice
Joints of high quality between cylindri-
‘cal sections such as tubes and pipes can
only be made by ensuring that atmos-
ppheric gases are eliminated, and positive,
smooth weld reinforcement is provided.
‘The presence of oxygen, and to lesser
extent nitrogen, around the molten weld
can lead to wide-ranging defects. Discol-
ration is unsightly and in some instances
‘might reflect metallurgical imbalance, es-
pecially with some stainless steels. Gross
oxidation inevitably results in reduction
in mechanical properties and can cause
catastrophic loss of corrosion resistance.
Nitrogen contamination can result in brit-
teness. Gases in the weld may give rise to
cracking during or after cooling.
Itis clear that a reduction in weld sec-
tion at the root, as evidenced by a concave
geometry, will reduce the joint strength.
Perhaps not so evident, but in many ap-
plications of crucial importance is the
presence of notches or cracks, which tend
to appear at the weld/base metal inter-
face. These can propagate in service and
cause failure
Basic Principles
Weld root quality when making tubu-
lar joints can be ensured by applying ap-
propriate safeguards based on removal of
Air from the fusion zone by the provision
of inert gas. This is achieved by gas purg-
ing, and the general principles are shown
in Fig. 1
Purging Gases
‘The most commonly used purging gas
in Europe is commercial quality argon; in
the U.S., helium is in more general use,
being less expensive. For specialized ap-
plications, purging techniques. using
argon-hydrogen and helium-argon mix-
tures and nitrogen have been developed.
‘The materials being joined and the
welding process used are two main factors
in the selection of the optimum gas or gas
mixture. Purge gas flow rate and pressure
also need to be established, and once sé
lected, they should be included in the for-
‘mal welding procedure.
Variation in purge gas quality may arise
during welding, and it may be desirable 10
apply continuous gas monitoring, espe-
cially to control oxygen and moisture con-
tent. For this purpose, dedicated oxygen
analyzers and dewpoint meters are avail-
able commercially.
Purging Procedure
‘The first requirement is to provide gas
‘entry and exit points. Gas is fed through
‘one end seal with an exit hole atthe other
‘end to prevent an undesirable buildup of
pressure. Argon has a greater density than
air, and the gas inlet should be at a lower
clevation than the bleed end so that air is
expelled effectively from the pipe bore
Total Purging
On small pipes and tubes, where the
internal volume is small, the cost of cor
tinuous total purging may not be signif
Purging gas contaminants from the weld area
results in quality pipe welds
cant. Under these circumstances wooden
‘or plastic dises simply taped to the tube
tends will be adequate. Plastic caps em-
ployed, for example, to protect pipe ends
and threads during transit are commonly
used. It is most important that potential
Jeak paths are eliminated and that any
branch pipes are vented to ensure com-
plete removal of air
‘When total purging is impractical, per-
hhaps because the pipe volume is large or
because access is difficult, alternative con-
tainment techniques are available.
Water Soluble Papers
and Pastes
A low-cost and effective solution to
providing gas coverage is to make dises
from water-soluble paper and tape them
inside the pipes to be joined. They should
not be placed in position until after any
preweld heat treatment and be far enough
part, typically 500 mm, to avoid thermal
damage during welding, Purge gas is in-
troduced into the area between the solu-
ble dams by means of a hypodermic tube
through the weld joint line.
On small-diameter pipes, an effective
-an be produced simply by erumpling
the paper and pushing it into the pipe
bore, Soluble pastes are also available and
cean be convenient for small diameters.
(On completion of the welding opera
tion, the paper or paste can be removed
by passing water into the pipe
ing time for it to dissolve the barrier
Thermally Disposable
Water-soluble products are not always
acceptable, and an alternative method is
to.use cardboard discs. These are simply
M. FLETCHERis with Dela Consultants, Carmarthen, UK. Information available from Huntingdon Fusion (,
Carmarthen, UK.
IBER 2006New Equipment, New
bility i
NASCAR fabsFig. 1— Schematic of a setup for purging.
Fig, 2— Purging a 9-deg bend.
[REE won
eee) ee eee a
Fig. 3— Purging a shor elbow.
‘cut to fit the internal diameter of the pipe
‘and, if necessary, taped in position to pro-
vide a gas seal, The distance between discs
should be typically 500 mm to avoid ther-
‘mal damage during welding.
‘The thermally disposable dise solution
is convenient if welding is to be followed
by a postweld heat treatment cycle since
the card is removed effectively by incin-
eration. Otherwise, general heating by
torch isa sound method of removal.
‘The water-soluble and thermally dis-
posable barriers are expedient solutions
‘where access to the tube or pipe bore is
impractical after welding. If access can be
gained, several alternati
‘damming techniques, which
lapsible discs, rubber gasket discs, and in-
flatable bladders, can be considered.
‘These dams are normally placed in the
pipe at the time of joint assembly, the re-
covery cord or rod projecting down the
access route. A spacing of 150 to 200 mm_
will usualy prevent thermal damage dur-
ing welding, but it should be noted that
‘greater spacing is prudent if preweld heat
treatment is to be applied.
Collapsible Disc Barriers
Discs can be made from any rigid sheet
‘material; plywood is a good medium if in-
hhouse manufacture is planned. The discs
are split across the diameter and hinged
Fig. 4 — Purging a Tee piece.
‘Table 1 — Purge Times for Various Pipe Diameters and Flow Rates
Purge Times for Gas Tungsten Are Welding of Steel Pipe
Pipe Diameter Flow Rate
in mm Limin
ape » 0
4 100 » 0
Bes, 2 0
6 130 ee)
6 aa gos aa
He 200 see cs Pe
2m »
AR as) 0) a
» oo 80) 7
Purge Time Vent Diameter
3 % 15,
3 a ot
5 Mas
6 x3
5 ee
B Me,
B ed
6 cu, Sp
3 ee
‘Nove: Purge ime and fow ates wore those required 10 reduce the onyen o 1% or om Based on caloure of
12. (900 mm) in length, When ensure exceed 12 in, length inrease flow tne proportional,
{Upon completion of parsing cee reduc fw rate o maintain sigh poste pressure during wok
and a sealing pad of synthetic foam
bonded to the periphery. Cords attached
to the discs are used to collapse the dam
after welding and to remove the discs from
ithe pipe.
Rubber Gasket Dam
A rubber disc can be sandwiched be-
‘tween a pair of wooden or metal dises and.
some adjustment to diameter can be ef-
fected by applying axial pressure. Ths gas-
ket technique is not collapsible, and after
‘welding the discs must be pulled out past
the weld root, an operation which may
‘cause difficulties.
Inflatable Bladder Dam
‘An efficient purge gas containment
method is to use inflatable dams such as,
the Argweld system. This has been devel-
‘oped specifically to provide a reusable so-
lution to gas purging. It is easy to use and
WELDING JOURNAL EEre purge time Ve pipe ciameter
eS ht ga 8 8
SSS CO ee ee aoa
Fig. 5 —Prepurge time vs. pipe diameter. Time is fora 12-in. Fig. 6 — Time to reduce oxygen content to below 1%.
pipe ata flow rate of 50 fh (23.5 Limin). To calculate the
‘prepurge time for any length of pipe, multiply the value ob-
tained from the chart by the length of pipe. For example, find
the time for prepurging 200 ft (60 m) of S-in. (127-mm) pipe.
From the char, it takes | min 1o purge 12 in. ofa Sin. pipe.
“Hence, it takes 200 min (3 h 20 min) to purge 200 ft of S-in.
economical when several similar joints
need to be produced,
‘The bladder, which has suficent length
to ensure sound sealing, is manufactured
from rubber with a protective canvas cover.
‘One is placed on each side of the joint and
inflated using either compressed airor the
purge gas itself. The latter is much pre-
ferredsinceit overcomes any problems that
tight arise from leakage of the bladder.
Figures 2-4 illustrate the bladder concept.
‘Variationson the basicequipment are com-
‘mercially available.
Purge inlet and outlet pipes can be in-
corporated in the bladder to allow the full
circumference to seal against the pipe wall.
High-temperature covers can be pro-
vided to afford protection during weld pre
Inca eyeles, and single bladders can be used
for closed end joints. Inflation and purging
{8 pressures can be separately controlled.
Longer or shorter spinal connecting
tubes are availabe, and provision can be
‘made for continuous alteration in gas flow
rate up to 20 Limin.
The Prepurge Process
A prepurge is used to displace air pres-
ent in the pipework system or dam vol-
‘ume. Numerous factors control the pre~
purge time such as pipe diameter, purge
‘volume, and maximum permitted oxygen
level. A common misconception is that
increasing the purge flow rate will reduce
FE peceneen 2006
the purge time. This is a fallacy. An in-
crease in flow rate increases turbulence
and results in unwanted mixing of purge
gas and air and can actually extend the
urge time.
‘As a general rule, the prepurge flow
rate and time should allow for about five
‘volume changes in the pipe system or dam
volume, but a typical gas flow rate will be
in the region of 20 L/min. Figure 5 is an
illustration of the relationship between
repurge time and pipe diameter based
on a pipe purge length of 300 mm. For
different purge lengths, itis reasonable
to use a prorata calculation. Table 1 pres-
cents examples of purge times for differ-
cent pipe diameters and flow rates.
‘Weld joints that require a root open-
ing or have poor fitup, both of which char-
acteristics provide an unwanted leak path
for the purge gas, can be sealed by taping.
Onygen and moisture levels in the
purge gas should be checked using appro-
priate equipment with checking taking
place at the outlet point. Where dam in-
serts are being used, the outlet point needs
tobe extended with a flexible pipe to acon-
venient access position. I this is impracti-
cal, a system that has the purge inlet and
‘outlet in the same dam unit should be used.
Figure 6 gives times to reduce the dam
‘volume oxygen content to below 1% using
inflatable bladders. While 1% residual
‘oxygen is a suitable working level for ma-
terials such as stainless steels, the level
needs to be as low as 20 ppm when weld-
ing the more sensitive alloys based on ti-
tanium and other reactive metals.
The Weld Purge Process
Once the quality of the gas in the
dammed volume has reached the required
level, gas flow can be reduced to about §
‘Limin for the welding operation. On a
‘more practical level, it should just be pos-
sible to feel the gas flow from the exit
point. Excessive flow can cause the inter-
nal pressure in the pipe to rise and create
concavity inthe weld root geometry and
‘nmore extreme cases can cause complete
ejection of the molten weld pool
‘To restrict leakage on joints not fully
sealed, a higher flow rate will be neces-
sary to avoid contamination. Toward the
‘end of the weld run, however, asthe joint
‘becomes permanently sealed, the gas flow
rate will need tobe reduced to avoid over-
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