Industrial Wastewater Treatment of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

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International Journal of Engineering Science Invention

ISSN (Online): 2319 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 6726 ||Volume 5 Issue 8|| August 2016 || PP.15-28

Industrial Wastewater Treatment of Food Industry Using Best

Mohamed Nazih Abdallh1, Walid Sayed Abdelhalim1,
Hisham Sayed Abdelhalim2

Housing and Building National Research Center | Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Department |
Cairo | Egypt.
Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering | Civil Engineering Department | Cairo | Egypt.

Abstract: Food processing industry wastewater poses pollution problems due to its high COD (Chemical
Oxygen Demand) and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand). Compared to other industrial sectors, food industry
requires great amounts of water, since it is used throughout most of plant operations, such as production,
cleaning, sanitizing, cooling and materials transport, among others. The wastewater streams with different
levels of pollution load (low, medium and high contamination) are collected and treated in an on-site
installation or in a municipal sewage treatment plant. Increasing food production will increase the volume of
sewage and the cost of disposal for food processing plants and present difficult challenges for municipal
wastewater treatment plant operators.
The production process includes five production lines were operating, chocolate cake line, three lines of
different biscuits type, and ketchup line. The industry consumes about 141 m3/day for domestic water
activitieswhile the overall total wastewater discharges equal 120 m3/day and 70 m3/day for domestic
wastewater and industrial wastewater respectively.
The main environmental problem of the industry is that the industrial wastewater resulting from the facility is
not meeting the limits of the environmental regulations for the discharge of wastewater to the sewer network.
Accordingly, the industry has to treat the wastewater prior to its discharge to the wastewater sanitary
network.The main objectives of this study are management and control of liquid and solid wastes in the industry
as well as selecting the different possible treatment trains for the wastewater prior to its discharge to the sewer
system in order to protect the environment and to gain benefits as much as possible from the wasted materials
and identify opportunities for introducing pollution prevention measures and best method for waste
minimization as cleaner production system.
A treatability study and analysis was conducted for investigating the feasibility of each of identifying the
different possible treatment trains, selecting the most suitable treatment train, and developing the basic design
for the selected treatment train for the wastewater streams that need to be treated prior to its discharge to the
sewer system. As well as treatment procedure through a bench scale model and treatability study was developed
for the industrial wastewater streams of the industry to study the analysis of waste discharges and investigate
the most appropriate treatment techniques using two proposed streams of techniques; physical-chemical
treatment and physical-chemical treatment followed by biological treatment technique (Coagulation followed by
Sedimentation) or using biological treatment.
Based on the analysis and treatability study of the alternative Physical Treatment by Gravity Settling, it is clear
that the BOD and COD are still not complying with the regulatory limits for the discharge to the sewer system.
Accordingly, equalization and gravity settling is not considered a feasible alternative for treatment of the
industrial wastewater discharge. Moreover, based on the above calculations, mixing with industrial wastewater
after equalization and gravity settling does not assist in complying with the regulatory limits. While through
using Physicochemical Treatment by Coagulation and Sedimentation, it is resulted in reduction of COD and
BOD by 81% and 85% respectively in the 24 hr composite sample. In the 48 hr sample, the reduction is 45% in
the COD and 52% in BOD. Accordingly, the wastewater resulting after coagulation and sedimentation is
complying with the discharge limits to the sewer system.As for the physical-chemical treatment, through
coagulation and sedimentation, it has resulted in reduction of the wastewater pollutants below the discharge
limits. Accordingly, a Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Unit would be considered a feasible alternative as it is
used to remove suspended solids and oil and grease from industrial wastewater. The previous results indicated
that the best process alternative is the coagulation/flocculation followed by Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF)
gives high treatment efficiency of the wastewater. So, the recommended treatment scheme would be carried out
using aeration tank and DAF unit. Accordingly, basic engineering design is conducted for this alternative.
Keywords: Food Industry, Chemical and Physical Treatment, Industrial WastewaterTreatment, Cleaner
Production, Dissolved Air Floatation

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques



The wastewater from industries varies so greatly in both flow and pollution strength. So, it is impossible to
assign fixed values to their constituents. In general, industrial wastewaters may contain suspended, colloidal and
dissolved (mineral and organic) solids. In addition, they may be either excessively acid or alkaline and may
contain high or low concentrations of colored matter. These wastes may contain inert, organic or toxic materials
and possibly pathogenic bacteria. These wastes may be discharged into the sewer system provided they have no
adverse effect on treatment efficiency or undesirable effects on the sewer system. It may be necessary to pretreat
the wastes prior to release to the municipal system or it is necessary to a fully treatment when the wastes will be
discharged directly to surface or ground waters.
The development of industries and extensive urbanization means increased water consumption and pollution
resulting from problems of waste disposal. Unfortunately, in most developing countries, effluent quality
standards imposed by legislation (where they exist) are sometimes easily flouted. Industrial effluents are liquid
wastes which are produced in the course of industrial activities. Over the years, the improper disposal of
industrial effluents has been a major problem and a source of concern to both government and industrialist. In
most cases the disposal or discharges of effluents, even when these are technologically and economically
achievable for particular standards, do not always comply with pretreatment requirement and with applicable
tonic pollutant effluent limitations or prohibitions. The consequence of these anomalies is a high degree of
environmental pollution leading to serious health hazards[1].
Whereas the nature domestic wastewater is relatively constant, theextreme diversity of industrial effluents calls
for an individualinvestigation for each type of industry and often entails the use ofspecific treatment processes.
Therefore, a thorough understanding of theproduction processes and the system organization is fundamental.A
long-term detailed surveyis usually necessary before a conclusion on the pollution impact from anindustry can
be reached. Typical pollutants and BOD range for a varietyof industrial wastes are given in Table-1. The values
of typicalconcentration parameters (BOD5, COD, suspended solids) and pH fordifferent industrial effluents are
given in Table-2 [2].
Table1: Wastewatercharacteristicsfortypicalindustries


BOD5 mg/l

Sugarrefining Breweries
Canningfruitetc Tanning
Electroplating Laundry

SS,protein,sulphide heavymetals

200 250
2501700 minimal

SS: suspended solids

Table1: Comparativestrengthsofwastewatersfromindustry
Type of waste





Pulp; sulfite














1650 (a)



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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

(a)=CODasKMnO4 mgO2/l
Industrial wastewaters are considerably diverse in their nature, toxicity and treatability, and normally require
pre-treatment before being discharged to sewer. Food processing in particular is very dissimilar to other types of
industrial wastewater, being readily degradable and largely free from toxicity. However, it usually has high
concentrations of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solid [3].Compared to other industrial
sectors, the food industry uses a much greater amount of water for each ton of product [4].
Industrial wastewater characteristics vary not only between the industries that generate them, but also within
each industry. These characteristics are also much more diverse than domestic wastewater, which is usually
qualitatively and quantitatively similar in its composition. On the contrary, industry produces large quantities of
highly polluted wastewater containing toxic substances, organic and inorganic compounds such as: heavy
metals, pesticides, phenols and derivatives thereof, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, halogenated
compounds, etc., which are generally resistant to destruction by biological treatment methods. Food industry
uses large amounts of water for many different purposes including cooling and cleaning, as a raw material, as
sanitary water for food processing, for transportation, cooking and dissolving, as auxiliary water etc. In
principle, the water used in the food industry may be used as process and cooling water or boiler feed water. As
a consequence of diverse consumption, the amount and composition of food industry wastewaters varies
considerably. Characteristics of the effluent consist of large amounts of suspended solids, nitrogen in several
chemical forms, fats and oils, phosphorus, chlorides and organic matter[5].
Food and beverage industry is one of the major contributors to growth of all economies. In EU it constitutes the
largest manufacturing sector in terms of turnover, value added and employment. However, the sector has been
associated with various environmental issues including water usage and wastewater treatment.Food processing
industry wastewater poses pollution problems due to its highCOD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and BOD
(Biochemical Oxygen Demand).Compared to other industrial sectors, food industry requires great amounts of
water, since it is used throughout most of plant operations, such as production, cleaning, sanitizing, cooling and
materials transport, among others. The wastewater streams with different levels of pollution load (low, medium
and high contamination) are collected and treated in an on-site installation or in a municipal sewage treatment
plant. Increasing food production will increase the volume of sewage and the cost of disposal for food
processing plants and present difficult challenges for municipal wastewater treatment plant operators[6, 7].
Currently, in accordance with the legislation of the European Union introduced more stringent controls and rules
concerning pollution of industrial wastewater [8, 9].
Increasing industrialization trend in the worldwide has resulted in the generation ofindustrial effluents in large
quantities with high organic content, which if treatedappropriately, can result in a significant source of
energy.Food industry wastewater treatment by physicochemical method using Zinc Sulphate, FerrousSulphate
and Ferric chloride has been reported. Where the reduction in COD has been obtained 60% withalum dose of
200 mg/L[10].
The food processing wastewater shows large variation in BOD/COD, total solids and suspendedsolids, oil and
grease, starch, sugar, colour, preservatives, total nitrogen, total phosphates, chloride andsodium etc. This is due
to the different additives used for different food products. Wastewater depictedCOD/BOD and SS of 11220
mg/l, 6860 mg/L and 2210 mg/L respectively. From the studies it can be concluded that the food processing
wastewater is easily amenable to physico-chemical treatment. The results obtained show that all the coagulants
used individually or incombination with polyelectrolyte can remove moderate to high degree of chemical
oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids from the food processing wastewater.
Limeindividually also acts as an efficient coagulant and moreover it is very cost effective. Addition 0.3 mg/Lof
anionic polyelectrolyte magnafloc to 200 mg/L of lime resulted in good SS, COD and BOD removals[11].
Anaerobic digestion seems to bethe most suitable option for the treatment of high strength organic effluents.
Anaerobictechnology has improved significantly in the last few decades with the applications ofdifferently
configured high rate treatment processes, especially for the treatment ofindustrial wastewaters. High organic
loading rates can be achieved at smaller footprints byusing high rate anaerobic reactors for the treatment of
industrial effluents[12].A novel anaerobicaerobic integrative baffled bioreactor supplied with porous burntcokeparticles was developed for the treatment of potato starch wastewater by Wang et al. (2009).This bioreactor
was found to be effective for the removal of COD (88,498,7%) and NH3N(50,4 to 82,3%), in high-strength
starch wastewater[13].
Chocolate industry is among the most polluting of the food industries in regard to its large water consumption.
Chocolate is one of the major industries causing water pollution. Considering the above stated implications an
attempt has been made in the present project to evaluate one of theEffluent Treatment Plant (ETP) for Chocolate
waste. Samples are collected from three points; Collection tank (CT),outflow of Anaerobic Contact Filter (ACF)
and Secondary clarifier (SC) to evaluate the performance of EffluentTreatment Plant. Parameters analyzed for
evaluation of performance of Effluent Treatment Plant are pH, COD, andBOD. The COD and BOD removal

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

efficiency of Effluent Treatment Plant were 98.7 and 99.4 % respectively.Hence it is pH is also perform of
29.3% increase[14].
The main course of water pollution in the Alaro river is the direct discharge of food and beverages processing
effluents. The impact of such effluents on the water quality was studied in detail by monitoring selected
physicochemical parameters monthly between January 2003 and December 2007. The combined effluent was
equally monitored. This study provided a detailed data on the quality of the effluent at the designated discharge
point, upstream and downstream locations.The river is a recipient of effluents of poor quality. Some
identifiedpollutants in the combined effluent are organic load, suspended solids, phosphate, nitrate andchloride
which led to significant pollution of the Alaro river water. The receipt of the combinedeffluent has rendered the
river unwholesome for certain beneficial purposes such as cooking,drinking, irrigation and aquatic life support.
Thus the effluent has a profound impact on thephysicochemical structure of the Alaro river and also affects the
consumers of the river water. Itis suggested that discharges from these industries should be given very high
degree of treatmentbefore final exist to the Alaro river[15].
Water usage in the food and drink industry is expressed either in volume of water consumed per finished
product or per raw material processed. For slaughterhouses great variations in water usage per end-product
were observed depending on the animal been slaughtered i.e. 1.5 -10 m3/t, 2.5-40 m3/t and 6-30 m3/t for pig,
and cattle respectively. During the production of potato chips approximately 5 m3 of water are consumed for
each tone of raw potatoes processed. For olive oil production, less water in consumed if the two-phase
centrifuge process is employed instead of the three-phase. Indicative values are 0.25 and 1.24 m3/t of olive oils.
The manufacturing of cheese demands 1.05 3.6 m3 of water per m3 of milk processed while for the
manufacturing of beer 2,5 6,4 hl of water are consumed for each hl of produced beer. Used water is eventually
end up as wastewater except for the proportion which is used as a raw material e.g. for beer production.
Although the pollution load depends on the type of industry, a common characteristic of all food and beverage
sectors studied was the high values of organic content of wastewater. The highest values in terms of COD were
observed for the wastewater occurring from the olive oil production process (400g/L) and from the cheese
production process (77g/L) while high values were also observed for slaughterhouses (2-10g/L, considering
blood is gathered separately), chip production process (4.3-9.3g/L) and beer industry (2-6g/L). Due to the high
organic content, the biological processes are commonly applied for the treatment of wastewater of those
industries. In particular, the application of anaerobic process is the predominant treatment process using UASB


Description Of The Food Industry Process

The industry is a global leader in branded foods and beverages production in Egypt. The industry plant is
operated into three shifts per day. The first shift from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, the second shift from 4:00 pm to
12:00 am, while the third shift from 12:00 am to 8:00 am.The production process includes five production lines
were operating, chocolate cake line, three lines of different biscuits type, and ketchup line.


Statement Of The Environmental Problem

The food industry is committed to reducing environmental impacts of their activities, and to continuously
improve their environmental performance and to meeting or exceeding the requirements of all applicable
environmental laws and regulation.As conclusion of the lab analysis of the industrial wastewater effluent, the
average values of pH, settleable solids, BOD, COD and oil and grease are above the limits of the Egyptian
Environmental Regulation (Decree 44/2000), while values of TSS, settle-able solids, phosphorous and total
nitrogen are within the limits. Accordingly, the industry has to treat the wastewater prior to its discharge to the
wastewater sanitary network.


Objectives Of The Study

The main objectives of this study are management and control of liquid and solid wastes in the industry as well
as selecting the different possible treatment trains for the wastewater prior to its discharge to the sewer system in
order to protect the environment and to gain benefits as much as possible from the wasted materials and identify
opportunities for introducing pollution prevention measures and best method for waste minimization as cleaner
production system. The study is taking into account all types of waste production including wastewater and solid
waste during the production processes activities.
The main objective is achieved via verifying some of sub-objectives such as reduce pollution load in terms of
volume and concentration of wastewater through point source treatment, investigating the activities carried out
in the industry and identifying the different wastewater discharge streams, identifying the characteristics and
flow rates for each wastewater stream, selecting the wastewater streams that need to be treated prior to its
discharge to the sewer system, identifying the different possible treatment trains for the wastewater, conducting

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

treatability analysis for investigating the feasibility of each of the identified trains, selecting the most suitable
treatment train, and developing the basic design for the selected treatment train.


Materials And Methods

There are two wastewater drainage networks and two end-of-pipe discharge points in the industry, one for
industrial wastewater and the other for the domestic wastewater. The industrial wastewater end-of pipe
discharge points include wastewater discharges from cleaning of equipment and production units, boiler
blowdown, and the chiller open cycle discharged water, they all discharge at one manhole within the premises of
the plant. The domestic wastewater discharge points include wastewater discharges from the wastewater
generated from the washing of equipment at the end of the shifts, and wastewater discharges from all domestic
sources within the industry, including toilets, restaurant, irrigation, cleaning, etc.As for the domestic wastewater,
it is mixed with the industrial wastewater outside the premises of the plant prior to its discharge to the public
sewer system.
Due to the great variation in the quality and quantity of wastewater produced, a continuous monitoring program
was carried out to identify the quality and quantity of wastewater discharged. Samples have taken from the
process and end-of-pipe industrial wastewater and other point of industrial wastewaters discharge during the
process activities to perform a preliminary assessment of the environmental status of the facility.
To achieve the required objectives, the study is conducted following some steps and approaches as evaluate the
current environmental conditions in the production and service units to determine the industry required to
upgrade these units in order to reduce pollution load in the final effluent, data collection including the collection
of information relevant to the different activities in the industry including qualitative and quantitative estimation
of solid and liquid wastes, collecting composite wastewater samples from the end-of-pipe industrial effluent (the
samples were analyzed by specialized laboratory and the results are used for selection of the most appropriate
alternative schemes), check on the compliance with national environmental regulation and legislation and
description of the existing environmental situation in the industry, and studying the different approaches for
pollution prevention and suggesting possible end-of-pipe treatment modules.
5.1 Water balance and Wastewater Discharge of the industry process:
The production process includes five production lines were operating, chocolate cake line, three lines of
different biscuits type, and ketchup line. The industry consumes about 141 m3/day for domestic water activities
while the overall total wastewater discharges equal 120 m3/day and 70 m3/day for domestic wastewater and
industrial wastewater respectively.There are two wastewater drainage networks and two end-of-pipe discharge
points in the industry, one for industrial wastewater and the other for the domestic wastewater. The industrial
wastewater end-of pipe discharge points include wastewater discharges from cleaning of equipment and
production units, boiler blowdown, and the chiller open cycle discharged water, they all discharge at one
manhole within the premises of the plant. The domestic wastewater discharge points include wastewater
discharges from the wastewater generated from the washing of equipment at the end of the shifts, and
wastewater discharges from all domestic sources within the industry, including toilets, restaurant, irrigation,
cleaning, etc.
Based on the data provided by the plant on domestic water consumption the domestic wastewater flow rate is
calculated assuming that 85% of the domestic water is discharged as wastewater.The following table illustrates
the industrial wastewater discharges of the process.
Table 1: Industrial Wastewater Discharges of the Process
Wastewater Discharge Sources
Washing of equipment and production units
Chiller water
Boiler blowdown

Wastewater discharge m3/day


Table 2: Domestic Water Consumptions and Discharges

Domestic Water Consumption (m3)
1st shift
Total : 141 m3/day
Domestic Wastewater discharge (m3)
1st shift
Total : 120 m3/day

3rd shift

3rd shift

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

According to the following table the relation between the domestic and industrial wastewater in each of the three
shifts is presented. It is clear that in the three shifts the domestic wastewater is higher than the industrial
Table 3: Relation between Domestic and Industrial Wastewater Discharge
Domestic wastewater
Industrial wastewater

Wastewater discharge (m3)

1st shift
2nd shift
3rd shift

Total per day


5.2 Sampling and characterization of wastewater

The main objective of the analysis is to investigate the compliance of the wastewater with the limits for
discharge to the public sewer system, and in case of noncompliance identify and evaluate alternatives for
management of the wastewater to reach compliance.
For investigating the compliance of the discharged wastewater and identifying possible alternatives for its
management, the sampling and analysis carried out for the wastewater in the industrywas conducted as
composite samples and analysis of the compiled industrial wastewater for each of the three operating shifts as
well as grab samples and analysis of the mixed industrial and domestic wastewater in each of the three operating
shifts.In addition, filtrations of the samples were carried out and the BOD and COD were analyzed before and
after filtration.The analyses were carried out according to the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and
Wastewater [17] and covered Temperature, pH, Chemical and Biological Oxygen Demand (COD and BOD),
Total Dissolved and suspended solids (TDS and TSS), settle-able solids, and Oil & Grease.
Moreover, in order to investigate the effect of removing the suspended solids in the wastewater, through
physical treatment, on the BOD and COD, filtration was carried out, and the BOD and COD were analyzed
before and after filtration.
5.3Treatability Study andTreatment Procedure
A treatability study and analysis was conducted for investigating the feasibility of each of identifying the
different possible treatment trains, selecting the most suitable treatment train, and developing the basic design
for the selected treatment train for the wastewater streams that need to be treated prior to its discharge to the
sewer system. As well as treatment procedure through a bench scale model and treatability study was developed
for the industrial wastewater streams of the industry to study the analysis of waste discharges and investigate the
most appropriate treatment techniques using two proposed streams of techniques; physical-chemical treatment
and physical-chemical treatment followed by biological treatment technique (Coagulation followed by
Sedimentation) or using biological treatment.


Results And Discussion

6.1: Characterization of Liquid Wastewater and Assessment of Compliance of Industrial Wastewater

For investigating the compliance of the discharged wastewater, the sampling and analysis carried out for the
wastewater in the industry was conducted as composite samples and analysis of the industrial wastewater with
and without the Presence of the chiller water.
Composite sampling and analysis for the industrial wastewater was carried out for the production process
includes five production lines were operating, chocolate cake line, three lines of different biscuits type, and
ketchup line. The samples were taken for the collective industrial wastewater stream, which includes wastewater
from cleaning of equipment and production lines, boilers blow down, and the chillers recycling water. The
results of the analysis for the industrial wastewater for the three shifts are summarized in the following table and
Analysis of Industrial Wastewater Characterizations with the Presence of the Chiller Water:
Table 4: Characteristics of the Industrial Wastewater Characterizations with the Presence of the Chiller Water
Total Nitrogen
Settleable solids
after 10 min
after 30 min
Oil and grease



1st shift

2nd shift

3rd shift

Decree 44/2000 limits






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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

Figure 1: pH Analysis of Industrial Wastewater

Figure 3: BOD & COD Analysis of Industrial


Figure 2: Settleable Solids Analysis of Industrial


Figure 4: Oil and Grease Analysis of Industrial


As results from the above analysis, it concluded that for pH analysis of the first two shifts is within the
allowable limits, as for the third shift the pH is lower than the allowable limits. For the samples of the three
shifts the pH is more towards the acidic range on the pH scale, for the settleable solids, samples from the second
and third shift is complying with law limits, as for the first shift both the setlleable solids after 10 min and 30
min are above the limits, for the BOD, the second shift is within the limits, while the first and third shifts are
above the stipulated limits. Similarly for the COD, the second shift sample is within the limits while samples of
the other two shifts are not complying, fFor oil and grease, samples of the first two shifts are within the
stipulated limits, while sample for the third shift is not complying.
As a conclusion, the above results obtained from the analysis indicated that the average values of the pH,
settleable solids, BOD, COD and oil and grease are above the limits of Decree 44/2000, while the values of the
other parameters are within the limits, and accordingly cannot be discharged directly to the sewer network.
Analysis of Industrial Wastewater Characterizations without the Presence of the Chiller Water:
In case the chiller water cycle is fixed and converted to a close loop cycle, water will not be discharged from the
chiller. The following table presents the results for calculations of BOD and COD concentration in the industrial
wastewater after the removal of the chiller water.
Table 5: Industrial Wastewater calculated BOD&COD after Chiller Water Removal


1st shift

2nd shift

3rd shift

Decree 44/2000 limits


From the table above, it is clear that the concentration of the pollutants has increased in the industrial
wastewater after the removal of the chiller water, and accordingly it is not complying with the limits and cannot
be discharged directly to the sewer system.

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

6.2: Treatability Study and Identification of Possible Treatment Schemes
Alternatives for management and treatment of the discharged industrial wastewater to the limits of the Egyptian
Environmental Regulation (Decree 44/2000) will be identified and assessed to investigate their feasibility from
environmental and technical perspectives. Special attention will be given to low cost alternatives due to the
limited budget allocated by industry for the wastewater management.
Pollutants in the domestic wastewater are expected to be lower than that of the industrial wastewater,
accordingly mixing of the industrial and domestic wastewater is expected to dilute the pollutants discharged
from the industrial wastewater. According to the laboratory analysis carried out for the mixed wastewater
stream, it is clear that the pollutants concentration has decreased but it is still not complying with the regulatory
discharge limits.
As stated above, the non-complying parameters for the industrial wastewater are the pH, settleable solids, BOD,
COD and oil and grease. After mixing with the domestic wastewater, the same parameters remained noncomplying except for the oil and grease.
Table 6: Analysis of Grab Samples from Mixed Industrial and Domestic Wastewater
Total Nitrogen
Settleable solids
after 10 min
after 30 min
Oil and grease


1st shift

2nd shift

3rd shift

Decree 44/2000 limits






Figure 5: pH Analysis of Industrial and

Domestic Wastewater

Figure 6: BOD & COD Analysis of Industrial

and Domestic Wastewater

Figure 7: Settleable Solids Analysis of Industrial and Domestic Wastewater

As results from the above analysis, it concluded that for pH, as with the industrial wastewater, the pH in the
third shift is still not complying, for settleable solids, noncompliance has been witnessed in the first shift for the
industrial wastewater, and the noncompliance of the same shift remained after the mixing with the domestic
wastewater, for both the BOD and COD, the second shift is within the limits, while the first and third shifts are
above the stipulated limits, for the industrial wastewater before mixing with the domestic wastewater. After
mixing, the noncompliance of the two shifts remained. But as for the oil and grease, it is the only non-

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

complying parameter that has reached compliance after mixing with the domestic wastewater. Accordingly, it is
clear that the direct mixing of the domestic wastewater with the industrial wastewater would not be considered a
feasible alternative as the mixed wastewater is not complying with the discharge limits of Decree 44/2000.
There are two treatment schemes identified based on the characteristics of the wastewater. The first scheme is
physical-chemical treatment, while the second is by physical-chemical treatment followed bybiological
First Scheme: Physical-Chemical Treatment
Physical/chemical treatments are techniques to remove the coarse fraction from the wastewater, and accordingly
reduce the concentration of pollutants.
Through the physical-chemical treatment, chemical coagulants are added to the wastewater to coagulate the fine
suspended particulates, and facilitate their removal from the wastewater. The removal process can be through
sedimentation or flotation. In the sedimentation, the coagulated suspended particulates are allowed to settle, and
the participated suspended solids are removed as sludge. In the floatation, a fine gas (usually air) is introduced
in bubbles to the liquid phase, and the bubbles attach to the particulate matter and rise to the surface. Once the
particulates have been floated to the surface, they can be collected by skimming. The flotation also facilitates the
rising of particles with lower density than the wastewater, such as oil and grease.Thus, since the physicalchemical treatment main objective is removing the suspended solids in the wastewater, the filtration of the
wastewater carried out in the laboratory where the suspended solids were removed is used to give an indication
on the effect of the physical chemical treatment.Based on the laboratory results, the filtration did not result in
reduction of the BOD and COD to reach the regulatory discharge limits.
Table 7: Effect of Filtration on BOD & COD
Industrial Wastewater after Filtration
1st shift
2nd shift
3rd shift
Mixed Industrial and Domestic Wastewater after Filtration
1st shift
2nd shift
3rd shift

Decree 44/2000 limits

Decree 44/2000 limits

Although the filtration is only an indication of the effect of the physical chemical treatment, however since the
filtration did not results in decreasing the pollutants in the wastewater to reach compliance. It is not
recommended to further investigate the physical-chemical treatment.
Physical Treatment by Gravity Settling: Most of the oil and grease in the industrial wastewater is not free but is
combined with the solids. Accordingly the removal of the oil and grease together with the associated suspended
solids was carried out through sedimentation rather than flotation.
Gravity sedimentation was performed to remove the settleable solids as well as part of the suspended solids,
gravity settling after 24 hrs has resulted in both of the 24hr composite sample and the 48 hr composite sample
has resulted in 100% removal of settleable solids and 3% removal of suspended solids in the 24hr sample and
27% in the 48 hr sample. However, BOD and COD after removal are still not complying with the regulatory
limits for the discharge to the sewer system.

Figure 8: Effect of Gravity Separation on the

24 hr Composite Sample

Figure 9: Effect of Gravity Separation on the

48 hr Composite Sample

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

Based on the above it is clear that the BOD and COD are still not complying with the regulatory limits for the
discharge to the sewer system.Accordingly, equalization and gravity settling is not considered a feasible
alternative for treatment of the industrial wastewater discharge. Moreover, based on the above calculations,
mixing with industrial wastewater after equalization and gravity settling does not assist in complying with the
regulatory limits.
Physicochemical Treatment by Coagulation and Sedimentation: Chemical coagulant is used to break the
suspension and allow the settling of the suspended solids with associated oil and grease. Accordingly, ferrous
sulphates were added to the industrial wastewater after adjusting its pH with 0.4 gram NaOH.

Figure 10: Effect of Physical-Chemical Treatment

on the 24 hr Composite Sample

Figure 11: Effect of Physical-Chemical Treatment

on the 48 hr Composite Sample

The physico-chemical treatment resulted in reduction of COD and BOD by 81% and 85% respectively in the 24
hr composite sample. In the 48 hr sample, the reduction is 45% in the COD and 52% in BOD. Accordingly, the
wastewater resulting after coagulation and sedimentation is complying with the discharge limits to the sewer
The amount of ferrous sulphates (FeSO4.7H2O) used is 0.067 kg/m3 , accordingly the daily amount needed
from ferrous sulphates will be about 6.7 kg.This alterative will entail an equalization tank, a mixing tank,
sedimentation tank as well as a filter press.
Second Scheme: Physical-Chemical Treatment followed by Biological Treatment
The discharged industrial wastewater is biodegradable as it is high inorganic content. The BOD/COD ratio in
the three shifts is higher than 0.7 indicating high biodegradability of the wastewater. The suggested alternative
treatment trains to be investigated through the treatability analysis are oil and grease removal and biological
treatment. These trains will be carried out in phases; the first phase will entail the investigations of the oil and
grease removal, while the second would entail biological treatment. Based on the result of the first phase,
decision will be taken whether to proceed to the second stage.
First Train : Oil and grease removal and Equalization
Oil and grease concentration in the industrial wastewater analysis is high and accordingly by the removal of the
oil and grease other non-complying parameters such as the BOD and COD will decrease. Therefore, this train
would entail equalization of the industrial wastewater and removal of the oil and grease.Accordingly, a
composite sample is suggested to be taken from the industrial wastewater stream over a period of 24hrs to give
an indication of the equalization carried over 24 hrs.
The analysis show that the quality of the industrial wastewater varies greatly from one shift to the other based on
the production and cleaning activities carried out, the time schedule of these activities being variable. Moreover,
the quantity of the industrial wastewater discharged per day is small, 17.5 m3/day, and accordingly the
equalization tank for 24 hrs will be approximately 21m3. Therefore, it is suggested that the equalization be over
24 hours rather than per shift.
Based on the results of the proposed treatability analysis after oil and grease removal is would be decided
whether to discharge the industrial wastewater directly or mix it in the manhole with the domestic wastewater
before discharge. However, if the treatability results prove that the effect of oil and grease removal is minimal
and did not help in reaching compliance with regulatory limits, the second treatment train will be investigated.
Second Train: Biological Treatment
Based on the analysis of the industrial wastewater, it is clear that it is biodegradable, since the BOD/COD is
above 0.7 in the three shifts.In the treatability, both the biological treatment through simple aeration and

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

activated sludge will be investigated for composite samples of the industrial wastewater.The results of the
treatability analysis, whether for the first or second train, will assist in identifying the specification and capacity
of the needed treatment unit, and accordingly developing the basic design and identifying the estimated cost.
Moreover, prior to the treatability analysis of the industry should work on adopting housekeeping practices that
will assist in decreasing the concentration of pollutants in the industrial wastewater. Examples of such practices
- Ensuring that all solid waste and powder in the production units is vacuum cleaned and disposed as solid
waste rather than being swept with the industrial wastewater.
- During maintenance of equipment, the used oil should be collected and discharged separately, and not
discharged with the wastewater.
As for the physical-chemical treatment, through coagulation and sedimentation, it has resulted in reduction of
the wastewater pollutants below the discharge limits. Accordingly, a Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Unit
would be considered a feasible alternative as it is used to remove suspended solids and oil and grease from
industrial wastewater.
The recommended treatment scheme would be carried out using aeration tank and DAF unit. Figure (8) below
illustrates the proposed treatment schemes.

Figure 12: The Proposed Treatment Schemes

6.3: The engineering design and cost analysis for proposed alternatives
The previous results indicated that the best process alternative is the coagulation/flocculation followed by
Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) gives high treatment efficiency of the wastewater. Accordingly, basic
engineering design is conducted for this alternative. The suggested treatment sequence of the end of pipe
effluent wastewater from the industry, as shown in figure 12, shall comprise the following:
Collection Sump: The wastewater from the gravity sewers inside the factory is collected in underground
Collection Sump which contains two Submersible Pumps to discharge the collected wastewater to the
Equalizing Tank.
Equalizing and Aeration Tank: The wastewater discharge from the collection sump is collected in new
Equalizing Tank to adsorb any fluctuations in the influent flow-rate or characteristics, so that downstream
treatment plant operates at a equalized wastewater flow.
Diffused Flotation Unit "DAF Unit": Equalized Wastewater is pumped at average flow by equalizing tank
duty/standby submersible pumps to the treatment plant. The treatment starts with the pipe flocculator, where the
waste is chemically conditioned by dosing of flocculant and coagulant to enable colloidal suspended matter to
be removed from the wastewater. This process takes place in the pipe flocculator to perform proper mixing of
At the end of the flocculator the pretreated wastewater is mixed with a part of the very fine dispersed air /
recycle water-flow-mixture. The other part which recycles water flows directly in the mixing zone of the
flotation tank where pressure is reduced in a nozzle. This results in the formation of finest air bubbles, which
stick to the particles and flocks and then floats. The produced fine air bubbles stick to the flocks formed in the
flocculator, which causes buoyancy of the unwanted contents. This results in the floated material to be gathered
in a sum layer at the surface of the solution.

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

Suspended material in the wastewater is floated and discharged by means of fine air bubbles during flotation
Wastewater is replenished with fine air bubbles in that way that treated wastewater from the flotation tank is led
to a centrifugal pump as return water (recycle flow). In this pump, this works under pressure, the absorbing air
Clear water produced from the DAF unit is further neutralized by dosing acid to meet the required PH disposal
Sludge Treatment: Floated sludge transferred from DAF unit into a sludge compartment integrated to the DAF
unit. Sludge then gravitates and collects into a sludge collecting tank to place underneath the DAF unit. From
this sludge collecting tank, the Sludge is pumped by duty/ standby progressive cavity eccentric helical pumps
and fed to the dewatering system. Prior to entering the dewatering system, sludge is conditioned by dosing
polyelectrolyte solution and then passed through an in-line static mixer to perform homogeneity. Dewatering is
affected using recessed plate filter press. After each batch, the filtering plates are manually shifted and
dewatered sludge falls down into a suitable sludge collection skip for further disposal. The filtrate water from
the filter press is directed to public sewer.
Collection Sump:this depend on one cylinderical tanks with volume 2 m3 and retention time 40 minutes
supported by Two submersible pumps (5m3/h/each)
b) Equalization and Aeration Tank:this depend on one concrete rectangular tank with volume 100 m3
supported by Two submersible pumps (5m3/h/each) and Diffused Air Supply system (Blower + Diffused
Nozzles) with capacity 120 m3/h and head 350 mbar.
c) DAF Unit: Steel unit with total capacity of 5m3/hrincludes pipe flocculator, air supply system; compressor,
air vessel, recirculation pumps, pipe connection, valves, fittings, alum and lime dosing system, and all
needed accessories
d) Sludge Treatment Sludge Dewatering Unit:Sludge and scum from the DAF Unit shall be passed to the
sludge collection sump. The sump shall be circular concret with volume not less than 3 m3. The sump shall
be equipped with two submersible pumps each with flow 3.0 m3/hr one working and the second is standby.
The sludge pumps shall be pumped the raw sludge to the filter press with capacity of 231 kg/day. the
dewatered outlet sludge should contain a minimum of 16 20 %. The following table illustrates the cost
assessment for recommended industrial wastewater treatment system

Table 8: Cost Assessment for Recommended Industrial Wastewater Treatment System

Collection Sump
Equalization Tank
DAF Unit
Chemical system
Sludge Collection Sump
Dewatering Unit
Measuring and control instruments
Connecting Pipes and valves for all plant
Total Cost

Cost (Egyptian Pound)

30, 000
150, 000
220, 000
55, 000
15, 000
170, 000
50, 000
10, 000
700, 000

The following figures illustrate the basic engineering drawings for the best process alternative.

Figure 13a: The Suggested Treatment Process - Part1

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

Figure 13b: The suggested Treatment Process Part2

Figure 13c: The suggested Treatment Process Part3


Conclusion And Assessment Of The Treatment Alternatives

Alternatives for management and treatment of the discharged industrial wastewater to the limits of the Egyptian
Environmental Regulation (Decree 44/2000) will be identified and assessed to investigate their feasibility from
environmental and technical perspectives. Special attention will be given to low cost alternatives due to the
limited budget allocated by industry for the wastewater management.
Pollutants in the domestic wastewater are expected to be lower than that of the industrial wastewater,
accordingly mixing of the industrial and domestic wastewater is expected to dilute the pollutants discharged
from the industrial wastewater. According to the laboratory analysis carried out for the mixed wastewater
stream, it is clear that the pollutants concentration has decreased but it is still not complying with the regulatory
discharge limits.As concluded from the treatability study, the non-complying parameters for the industrial
wastewater are the pH, settleable solids, BOD, COD and oil and grease. After mixing with the domestic
wastewater, the same parameters remained non-complying except for the oil and grease.
Based on the analysis and treatability study of the alternative Physical Treatment by Gravity Settling, it is clear
that the BOD and COD are still not complying with the regulatory limits for the discharge to the sewer
system.Accordingly, equalization and gravity settling is not considered a feasible alternative for treatment of the
industrial wastewater discharge. Moreover, based on the above calculations, mixing with industrial wastewater
after equalization and gravity settling does not assist in complying with the regulatory limits. While through
using Physicochemical Treatment by Coagulation and Sedimentation, it is resulted in reduction of COD and
BOD by 81% and 85% respectively in the 24 hr composite sample. In the 48 hr sample, the reduction is 45% in

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Of Food Industry Using Best Techniques

the COD and 52% in BOD. Accordingly, the wastewater resulting after coagulation and sedimentation is
complying with the discharge limits to the sewer system.
As for the physical-chemical treatment, through coagulation and sedimentation, it has resulted in reduction of
the wastewater pollutants below the discharge limits. Accordingly, a Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Unit
would be considered a feasible alternative as it is used to remove suspended solids and oil and grease from
industrial wastewater.The previous results indicated that the best process alternative is the
coagulation/flocculation followed by Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) gives high treatment efficiency of the
wastewater. So, the recommended treatment scheme would be carried out using aeration tank and DAF unit.
Accordingly, basic engineering design is conducted for this alternative.
A comparison of the proposed treatment alternatives is carried out in Table (8).
Table8: Comparison of the proposed treatment alternatives
Treatment Methods
Dissolved Air Flotation

- Aeration tank DAF unit
- Filter press



Physical and Chemical

Treatment in Tanks

Aeration tank
Anaerobic fermentation
approximately 300 m3
Sludge perpetration tank
capacity 120 m3
Mixing tank and lamella
Chemical dosing pumps
Filter press or centrifuge

Financial Aspects
Cost of aeration tank,
DAF unit and filter press
are approximately
Cost of the unit is
EGP 1,500,000

Cost of the unit is

EGP 600,000- 800,000

Technical Aspects
Completely automated and
will reduce both free oil
and grease and suspended
Effect of the oil and grease
available in an emulsion
form, needs to be further
investigated as it can
negatively impact the
biological treatment
Operation is not fully
automatic and requires
skilled labor


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