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treatability study was developed for chemical product Polymers

industry to study the analysis of waste discharge. The main objective
of this study is management and control of liquid and solid wastes in
the industry in order to protect the environment and to gain benefits as
much as possible from the wasted materials and identify opportunities
for introducing pollution prevention measures and best method for
waste minimization as cleaner production system. The study is taking
into account all types of waste production including wastewater and
solid waste during the production processes activities.

Raw Materials
The main raw materials used in the industry are naphthalene, Conc.
Sulfuric acid, Formaldehyde, Sodium Hydroxide, Calcium Oxide,
Sodium meta Bisulfate, oil. The main product of the industry is sulfated
naphthalene formaldehyde which used as a super plasticizer material
to achieve improved concrete properties. The chemicals used during
the manufacturing processes are very toxic, hazardous and has severe
impact on the environment and health of the workers. The liquid waste
was found to be extremely soluble in water and very hardly
biodegraded; accordingly it is very difficult to treat.
The industry produces 2500 ton liquid / month or 1100 ton powder /
month of sulfated naphthalene formaldehyde. The raw materials used
in the industry are naphthalene, Conc. Sulfuric acid, Formaldehyde,
Sodium Hydroxide, Calcium Oxide, Sodium Meta- Bisulfate, oil. The
main product of the industry is sulfated naphthalene formaldehyde
which used as a super plasticizer which is a synthetic organic
compound used in modern concrete construction technology and it is
used to increase the amount of concrete admixtures. Wastewater
produced from the manufacturing processes is discharged into a bond
inside the industry& the wastewater produced from sanitary purposes
is discharged into public sewerage network. There are two types of
wastes produced due to the manufacturing process; liquid wastewater
and solid waste.
Study Objective

The main objective is achieved via verifying some of sub-objectives such as following:
- Reduce pollution load in terms of volume and concentration of wastewater through
point source treatment and process modifications and recommend possible low cost
pollution prevention measures, waste minimization, and cleaner production options.
- Improve the industrys operational efficiency through the application of waste
minimization and cleaner production technology.
- Identify and provide information on any improvement measures with low costs and
short pay-back periods in order to reduce waste at the source.
Study Methodology
Due to the great variation in the quality and quantity of wastewater produced, a
continuous monitoring program was carried out to identify the quality and quantity of
wastewater discharged. Samples have taken from the process and end-of-pipe industrial
wastewater and other point of industrial wastewaters discharge during the process
activities to perform a preliminary assessment of the environmental status of the facility.
To achieve the required objectives, the study is conducted following some steps and
approaches as following:
Evaluate the current environmental conditions in the production and service units to
determine the industry required to upgrade these units in order to reduce pollution load in
the final effluent.
Data collection including the collection of information relevant to the different
activities in the industry including qualitative and quantitative estimation of solid and
liquid wastes.
Collecting composite wastewater samples from the end-of-pipe industrial effluent. The
samples were analyzed by specialized laboratory and the results are used for selection of
the most appropriate alternative schemes.
Check on the compliance with National Environmental regulation and legislation and
description of the existing environmental situation in the industry.
Studying the different approaches for pollution prevention and waste minimization in
the industry and Suggesting possible alternative remedial integrated schemes including
in-process, in-plant modifications and end-of-pipe treatment modules.
Suggesting possible alternative remedial integrated schemes including in-process, inplant modifications and end-of-pipe treatment modules.
Conducting technical and economical cost benefit analyses to select the preferred
integrated scheme (PIS).

Waste Sources
Retained Water Discharge in Filter Press

The quantity of retained water discharged is 6 m3/day. This wastewater is currently

discharged to the floor under the filter press and then to the wastewater collection pond
via collection gutters. This water is contaminated with chemicals used during the
manufacturing processes which are very toxic, hazardous and it increases the pollution
load in wastewater violating the National standards and limits set by Ministerial decree
4.1.2 Washing Water of Reaction Vessels (reactors)
The total amount of washing water is estimated to be 75 m3/45 days. This washing water
represents a major environmental problem in the industry since it contains raw materials
and product.
4.1.3 Cooling System for the High Pressure Pump
The high pressure pump is used for spray drying of the product to change it from liquid to
powder "option". This water is estimated to be 24 m3/day. The cooling process is an open
cycle and the cooling water discharged directly to the pond via collection channel. Also,
the temperature of this water is too high which violate the standards and the limits set by
the Ministerial Decree 44/2000.
4.1.4 Leakage of raw material and products, and water
The raw, process and feeding pumps suffer from martial leakage. These materials
discharged to the drain and then to the pond. Also, the pumps used in spray dryer suffer
from clean water leakage. This water is contaminated with chemicals which used during
the manufacturing processes and products materials which are very toxic, hazardous and
has severe bad impact and increase the pollutant in the wastewater.
The main sources of the leakage are as the following:
- Escape of products from the existing 9 pumps. This discharged to the drain and then to
the pond. This represents a major problem for the contamination of the floor and then to
the end-of-pipe. It is estimated to be 0.02 m3/day.
- Leakage of raw materials from the feeding pumps, Naphthalene, Concentrated Sulfuric
acid, Formaldehyde, Sodium Hydroxide, and Castor-Oil pumps. It is estimated to be 0.01
- Leakage of water from feeding pumps of spray dryers; it is almost 2 m3/day.
4.1.5 The Solid Waste (Cake) Disposal
As a result of the manufacture process, a semi solid waste (Cake) has been produced
during the separation of the final product from the mother liquor using a filter press. The
weight of the cake is almost 15 t/day. This cake is daily discharged to a dumping site.
Laboratory analysis indicated that the cake contains 21% as final product, CaSO4 salts,
water, and traces of sodium salts. Therefore, the main purpose of this part of the study is
to utilize the entrapped products (21%) and the residual solid which is CaSO4. Pendent
on the industrial audit and the analysis of the liquid and solid wastes in the industry it can
be seen that there are many factors aggravate the high contamination and pollution load
in the industry among these factors are the bad house keeping; leakage of raw materials,
and product from the pumps auxiliaries storage tanks, spills Twelfth International Water
Technology Conference, IWTC12 2008 Alexandria, Egypt

of the cake which is highly contaminated with product. Also, floor washing contribute
greatly to the organic and inorganic loads in the final effluent.
As a general, the industry also lacks sufficient maintenance. All these factors aggravate
the environmental problems and it can be overcome by introducing the pollution
prevention and waste minimization measure.
Figure 1 illustrates Process Flow Diagram of the Existing Filter Press Water Streams and
Solid Waste (Cakes) Disposal.

Wastes Samples Collection and Analyses

The purpose of this section is to quantify the major pollutants
(Temperature, pH, BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, Settleable matter and oil &
grease) of the final effluent discharged to the public sewer system.
Wastewater from the end-of-pipe as well as the sludge cake from filter
press were collected and analyzed. The monitoring program had
focused on measuring the flow rate of the final discharge effluent
during 48 hours started during daily shifts. Also, the monitoring
program had focused on the quality of final wastewater discharged into
a public sewer system. The collected sample was analyzed for
Temperature (T), pH, Total suspended solids (TSS), Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODcr), Oil & Grease, and
total dissolved Solids (TDS) and Settleable matter. T and pH were
considered as field measurements, while the rest items are considered
as laboratory analysis.

Treatment Procedure Lab Scale

4.4.1 Physical Treatment Gravity separation
Acidified Sample (>2 pH) pour in a separate funnel and live withstand for 73 hrs then
supernatant are taken for check the considered pollutants.
4.4.2 Chemical Treatment Chemical Coagulants
Pour 500 ml sample in a 1000 ml beaker and agitate for 10 min,
neutralize samples pH by adding 0.4 gram NaOH, then agitate again
for 10min. Add 100 ml Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O 100 ppm Fe),
then agitate again for 10 min and. leaved withstand for 15 min to
precipitate coagulant, then supernatant are taken for check the
considered pollutants.

Physical Treatment
The quality of the final industrial water effluent to the public sewer system results of
laboratory measurements shows that the CODcr amount are not comply with law no 93
for year 1962 and its decree no 44 for year 2000. The Physical treatment eliminates the
amount of CODcr from (13 to 22 %), BOD from (37 to57%) and oil and grease from (70

5.3 Chemical Treatment

The quality of the final industrial water effluent to the public sewer
system results of laboratory measurements shows that CODcr amount
are not comply with law no 93 for year 1962 and its decree no 44 for

year 2000. The Chemical treatment eliminates the amount of COD cr

from (45 to 81 %), BOD from (57 to85%) and oil and grease from (69
100%). This elimination recovery percent can be enhanced by studying
the pH value effect and studying the effect of adding cationic and
anionic polymer. Figure 2 shows comparison of the wastewater
pollutants before and after physical and chemical treatment

Remedial Solutions
5.5.1 Recycling of Retained Water Discharge in Filter Press
Proposed Measures:
To avoid spreading of the retained water on the floor, it is suggested to
have mobile collection containers underneath the filter press. These
containers will be specially manufactured to fit the dimensions of the
existing filter press and the available clearance.

Recycling of Washing Water of Reaction Vessels (reactors)

Proposed Measures:

To avoid disposal of the washing water on the floor, it is suggested to

recycle the washing water by discharging it to a special collection tank
of a total capacity equals 15 m3.
Recycling of Washing Water of Reaction Vessels (reactors)
Proposed Measures:
To avoid disposal of the washing water on the floor, it is suggested to
recycle the washing water by discharging it to a special collection tank
of a total capacity equals 15 m3.
Utilization of the Residual Product from the Solid Waste (Cake)
Proposed Measures:
To avoid a greet lose in the product due to daily discharge of the solid
waste (Cake) by car to a dumping site, it is suggested to utilize the
solid waste (Cake) using a special type of filter press (Chamber Press)
to separate the product from the waste sludge. The solid material
(CaSO4) after removal of the entrapped product can be utilized also,
and may be sell as a by-product.

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