Dynamics Unit - 3 Relative Motion With Solutions

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Unit 3
Relative Motion

MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Relative motion
Relative motion of two particles along a straight line (1-D)
Relative motion in 2-D
Relative motion of rigid links

MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Relative Motion

Section 2/8 M&K(D))

We have been describing particle motion using coordinates referred to fixed reference axes.
The particle displacements, velocities and accelerations so far determined have been absolute.
Examples of relative motion applications:

two cars

missile and a plane

fluid particles and a point on a turbine blade the analysis of the relative velocities of fluids
and mechanical systems are useful for the design of turbines, pumps, etc.

two parts of a mechanical linkage, eg. piston and crankshaft in a car engine the analysis of
the relative velocities and accelerations are useful for linkage design (see Kinematics of rigid
Relative motion of two particles along a straight line (1-D)
Consider two particles A and B eg. 2 cars on a road

x A is the position of particle A

xB is the position of particle B
xB / A is the position of particle B relative to particle A

Note: x A and xB are with respect to fixed (or absolute) axes. xB / A is with respect to a moving axis.

xB xA xB / A

xB / A xB xA

Note the order of the subscripts!

Differentiating with respect to time:

vB vA vB / A
aB aA aB / A

In 2-D and 3-D motion, the positions, velocities and accelerations of the particles need to be
described in terms of vectors.
MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Relative motion in 2-D

rB rA rB / A

rA rB rA / B

rA is the position of particle A

rB is the position of particle B
rB / A is the position of particle B relative to particle A
rA / B is the position of particle A relative to particle B


rB rA rB / A


rA rB rA / B ,

then rA / B rB / A

Differentiating with respect to time:

vB v A vB / A ,

v A / B vB / A

aB a A aB / A ,

a A / B aB / A

In relative motion, it is often convenient to draw a velocity vector diagram

MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Example 1: Relative motion

Two ships pass in the night

v A 2 m/s


v B 3 m/s
a A 0.5 m/s2 in the same direction of v A
aB 0.5 m/s2 in the direction of v B

Find the relative positions, velocities and accelerations of ship B relative to ship A.
Relative position

rB / A rB rA


rA 300i 200 j


rB 200i 300 j

rB / A 200i 300 j 300i 200 j

We add or subtract like terms only, that is, group the i terms and group the j terms

rB / A (200 300)i (300 200) j

rB / A 100i 100 j

Relative velocity
vB / A vB v A

v B 3i m / s
v A 2 cos 30i 2 sin 30 j
1.73i 1.0 j m / s
v B / A 3i 1.73i 1.0 j
= (3 1.73)i 1.0 j 1.27i 1.0 j

Check the answer against a velocity vector diagram (to see if it makes sense)


MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Relative acceleration
aB / A aB a A
a B 0.5i m / s 2
a A 0.5 cos 30i 0.5 sin 30 j
0.43i 0.25 j m / s
a B / A a B a A 0.5i 0.43i 0.25 j
= (0.5 0.43)i 0.25 j 0.93i 0.25 j

Check the answer against an acceleration vector diagram (to see if it makes sense)


MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Example 2: Relative motion

For the instant shown in Figure 1, car A is rounding the circular curve at a constant speed of 50km/h,
while car B with an instantaneous speed of 60km/h is slowing down at the rate of 8km/h per second
(i.e., 2.22 m/s2). Determine:
(a) the velocity of car A relative to car B,
(b) the acceleration that car A appears to have to an observer in car B.

MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Relative motion of rigid links

When examining the rotation of rigid links, and we want to examine the rotation of point B relative to
point A, imagine A is fixed and B is rotating about A. Hence, we are dealing with circular motion.

A rigid link AB is rotating with an angular velocity and an angular acceleration . Find v B / A and
aB / A .
Imagine A is fixed and B is rotating in circular motion about A.

Velocity is always tangential to the circular path, which is perpendicular to the link AB .

v r

v B / A AB e t

The acceleration will have both a normal and tangential component.

at v r AB
an 2r 2 AB

aB / A at e t ane n AB et 2 AB e n

aB / A



MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


Example 3: Relative motion

A rigid link AB is 225 mm long and has a roller at each end. The rollers are constrained to move in
the guides. The end A has a constant velocity of 2.2 m/s in the direction shown. At this instant
35o , find the angular velocity of AB .

MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics: Unit 3 Relative Motion


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