Mirror & Optics

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Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Telescopes and Optics

How do telescopes work?
How do astronomers utilize
Why do we move into space?

Principals of Optics
Figure 6-1

Light travels slower in dense materials.

c = 3x108 m s-1 (vacuum)
c = 2x108 m s-1 (glass)
Light passing from one medium to the
next (e.g. air to glass) can change the
direction of the light.
This is caused by the change in the
velocity of light.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Refraction and Lenses

Figure 6-2, 6-4
Refraction enables a lens to focus light
Light incident on lens is refracted by an
angle .
Light leaving the lens is refracted by an
angle -.
Curved lenses can focus or disperse light.

Convex lenses focus parallel rays of light
to a common focal point.
Concave lenses disperse parallel rays of
Focal length of a lens is the distance from
the lens to the point where the light from a
parallel beam is brought to a focus.
Focal plane is the plane onto which an
extended image will be brought to a
common focus.

Light from Galaxies and Stars is


Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Refracting Telescope
A Single Lens
As with a camera or your eye a single lens
will bring an image in to focus at the focal
plane (film or your retina).
To view the image (not a picture of the
image) you require a second lens (or
project onto a screen).

Double Lens System

Figure 6-5
Second lens magnifies the image.
Objective lens: larger lens, larger focal
length, forms the image.
Eyepiece lens: smaller lens, smaller focal
length, magnifies the image.

angular diameter through eyepiece

Magnification =
angular diameter by eye
focal length of the objective lens
focal length of the eyepiece lens

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Refracting Telescope
Magnification and light gathering
Most important aspect of a telescope is the
amount of light it can collect.

Light gathering power area of lens

diameter 2
More light: fainter object (e.g. eyes pupil)
Limit on magnification is the atmosphere.

Example: Refracting Telescope

Objective focal length = 120 cm
Eyepiece focal length = 4 cm

120 cm
Magnificat ion =
= 30 (30x)
4 cm
Magnification power is written as 30x
If an eyepiece of 2cm focal length is used
the magnification is 60x.
Shorter the focal length of the eye piece
(or longer the focal length of the objective
lens) the more magnification.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Chromatic aberration
Figure 6-7
The refraction of light by a lens depends
on its wavelength.
Different wavelengths are brought to
focus at different focal points.
Only one wavelength will be in focus and a
colored halo will result.
Combining layers of glass can resolve this.

Spherical Aberration
Figure 6-13
A spherical mirror does not bring light to
a common focus at the same point (a
curved focal plane). This results in a fuzzy
Parabolic mirrors solve this problem but
at the cost of field of view.
If the mirror does not have a common
focal length at all points the light is not
brought to focus at a common focal plane
(e.g. Hubble Space Telescope).

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Refracting vs Reflecting Telescopes

Early telescopes (<1900s)
Refracting telescopes using 2 lenses (e.g.
Larger the lens the fainter the objects we
can view.
Large lenses require large focal lengths
(short focal lengths are hard to make).
Large defect free lenses are hard to
manufacture - largest lens made (Yerkes)
is 102cm (19.5m focal length).
Lens are not very efficient.

Newer Telescopes (>1900s)

Use mirrors in place of lenses.

Largest mirrors are 8m in size.
Easy to construct short focal lengths.
Mirrors are very efficient (99%).
Easy to support.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Reflecting Telescopes
Figures 6-9, 6-10
Reflecting Surface
Light incident to a flat reflecting surface
at an angle to the perpendicular is
reflected at an angle .

A Reflecting Curved Surface

A concave reflecting surface will bring
light to a common focus.
Focal length of a mirror is the distance
from the mirror to the point where the
light from a parallel beam is brought to a
The objective mirror is called a primary
No chromatic aberration.
Light is focused in from of the mirror need to pick off the image.
Pick off mirror is called the secondary.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Types of Reflecting Telescopes

Figure 6-11
Beam is picked off by a 45o flat mirror.
Earliest reflecting telescope design.

Prime Focus
Detector is placed within the barrel of the
Limits the number of reflections.

Light is reflected back down by a concave
secondary mirror.
Light passes through the primary.
Most common design - short tube.

Light Reflects off the secondary.
Light is picked off by a tertiary mirror.
and reflected to the pivot point (Nasmyth)
of the telescope.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Reflecting Telescope
Image Scale
A telescopes focal length determines the
scale of an image formed.

Image brightness
The telescopes f-value or focal ratio (i.e.,
focal length divided by diameter)
determines image brightness.

Obscuration due to secondary

Secondary mirror blocks some of the light
from reaching the mirror.
Secondary does not block part of the
image (light from a source comes from all

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

How well can we see?

Image quality is limited by the
atmosphere (e.g. twinkling stars)
The atmosphere is turbulent.
Light passing through the atmosphere gets
refracted and the paths of photons are not
the same.
The size of a point source due to the
blurring of the atmosphere is called the
seeing disk (0.5 - 1 arcsec).

Telescope size limits resolution

How well we can separate two close
sources (angular resolution) depends on
telescope size.

: diffraction limit (arcseconds)
: wavelength (m)
D : primary mirror diameter (m)
= 2.5x105

Longer wavelength worse images.

Bigger telescopes better images.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Example: (1m telescope at 500nm)

= 2.5x10
= 2.5x105
= 0.15 arcsec

Even with a 1meter the atmosphere limits

how well we can resolve objects.

10m telescope
= 0.015 arcsec
Adaptive optics
We can correct for the turbulence by
deforming the primary/secondary
Equivalent to correcting the wavefront of
the light.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Photographic plates

Used for imaging from 1900s to 1980s.

Low sensitivity (2% efficiency).
Non-linear reaction (exposureT intensity).
Wide field (5 degrees).

Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs)

Used in imaging from 1980s.
High sensitivity (70-90%).
Linear relation between photons and
Similar to digital cameras (run at -90oC).
Large fields (1 degree mosaics).

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

New Wavelengths
Radio Telescopes
Stars, galaxies and gas emit at radio
frequencies - synchrotron radiation.
Easier to build - surface of telescope does
not need to be as accurate (1/10th of a
Dishes made of wire and metal.
Resolution poorer.

5 0.20
= 2.5x10
= 2.5x10
= 1.4 degrees

Use interferometry to improve resolution.

Resolution determined by the largest
distance between telescopes (i.e. their
Observe through cloud, day time, rain.

Telescopes and Optics

Introductory Astrophysics A113

Space-based Observatories
Figure 6-27
Transparency of the atmosphere is not a
problem (ultraviolet and far-infrared).
Atmospheric turbulence is not a problem
(diffraction limited images).
Sky background is lower.
NASAs Great Observatories Program
Hubble Space Telescope (UV, optical, and IR) 1990.
Gamma Ray Observatory [Compton] 1991.
Advanced X-Ray Astronomical Facility [Chandra] 1999.
Space Infrared Telescope Facility [SIRTF] 2003.

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