Jones and Stout - Nepotism

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Policing nepotism and cronyism without losing the value of social connection

Robert G. Jones
Tracy Stout
Missouri State University

Published in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and

Practice, January, 2015

Please address correspondence to:

Robert G. Jones
Department of Psychology
Missouri State University
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65897

Policing nepotism and cronyism without losing the value of social connection

Anti-nepotism policies are common in work organizations. Although cronyism appears
commonplace, as well, official policing of cronyism is less common. We argue that social
connection, sometimes in apparent nepotic and crony relationships, may add considerable
value to organizations. We also argue that policing of nepotic relationships can be a form
of unfair discrimination when the perception of inequity is being policed rather than its
reality. Finally we will consider effective approaches that simultaneously preserve the
value of social connection, avoid the actual ethical breaches associated with some social
connections, and avoid unfair discrimination on the basis of group memberships (in this
case family and friends).

Nepotism is defined as actual and perceived preference given by one family member to
another (Jones, 2012). Cronyism, its close relative, involves actual and perceived
preferences by one friend to another. For the sake of page space, these will be referred to
collectively as social connection preference (SCP). Most popular examples of SCP
describe preferences given by decision makers within an organization to their fellow
members of groups outside the organization (family, friends, club members, etc.).
Furthermore, and most important for the purposes of this paper, SCP is generally
assumed to be unethical and to reduce organizational effectiveness. That is, SCPs are
seen as unfair and ineffective (Simon, Clark & Tifft, 1966; Bellow, 2003; Mutlu, 2000).

SCP is a pervasive phenomenon (Bellow, 2003; Jones, 2012). Given this, it is remarkable
how little has been done to investigate SCP and the organizational practices that are used
to manage it. Furthermore, little of this research comes from applied psychology (see
Colarelli, 2003), despite the obvious social psychological nature of this problem set. This
paper will juxtapose the little we know about SCP with the somewhat larger literature on
the effects of social connectedness, more generally. This will lead to an evaluation of the
likely effectiveness of methods used to manage SCP. Discussion will center on the
various social and ethical dilemmas implicit in any attempts to manage the fundamental
human tendency to give preference to kin and friend.

Managing a social dilemma

Consider the plight of a Sam, who has been in a long and fruitful relationship with a life
partner, who we shall call Jan. Sam is chief of operations at Happy Place (HP), and

controls hiring for its many chocolate factory employees. Jan has asked Sam to hire a
favorite cousin Danny-- to fill a shop supervisor role.

Sam is already in a social dilemma, even before we consider Dannys competence for the
job or any policies that HP may have against family hiring. This dilemma in itself helps
to explain the enormity of the prevalence of SCP. Sam has obligations to both familial
and work groups. If Sam decides not to consider Danny, there is a risk that the longtime,
very important bond with Jan will be jeopardized. On the other hand, deciding to consider
Danny for the job costs very little, assuming that there is no obligation to hire. In the long
run, and given the likely power of family social groups over organizational social groups,
it should not be surprising that family often wins in decisions like this one.

Additional social dilemmas occur when Sam decides to consider Danny for the job.
Evaluations of Dannys competence and willingness to accept the opportunity of a job at
HP both lead to dilemmas. The first of these (competence) is the classic problem of
nepotism. If Danny is less competent than other available workers, Jan needs to decide
between Jans wishes and HPs interests: It again pits Jan against HP in Sams decision
making. Of course, if HP proscribes family hiring, Sam may risk loss of employment,
depending on the legal status of the Sam/Jan relationship.

However, when combined with Dannys willingness, it also pits Sams relationship with
Danny (a member of family) against Sams relationship with the organization. Suppose
that Danny is highly competent and the best available applicant for the position by all

criteria (performance, retention, citizenship). But, if Danny feels compelled to accept the
offer, against his own wishes, this constitutes coercion (Van Hooft & Stout, 2012). Even
though Danny would provide advantages to the organization, Sam is faced with weighing
the interests of HP against those of Danny. In the end, Danny may have problems with
both Sam and HP, and Sam has problems either way: By not agreeing to Jans wishes, by
choosing to undermine HPs interests, or by coercing Danny.

In order to avoid these problems and more (Muchinsky, 2012), organizations use
sweeping anti-nepotism policies (Jones, Stout, Harder, Levine, Levine, & Sanchez, 2008)
that prohibit hiring of close kin. Such policies are by definition policingthat is, the
use of coercion (penalties such as the loss of ones job) in an attempt to reduce or
eliminate targeted behaviors. Such policing is also by definition discriminatory on the
basis of our most basic social categoryour family membership. That is, it discriminates
between applicants who are and are not family members, and is thus a selection device.
This, in itself does not constitute unfair discrimination. It just singles out family
relationships (as opposed to other SCPs or group memberships) as a basis for excluding
people from the organization.

However, it should be noted that Gutman (2012) describes adjudicated cases where such
policies have created de facto discrimination. One case is particularly illustrative of this
problem. The vast majority of applicants excluded from employment by one antinepotism policy were women (Gutman, 2012). Thus, this policy was struck down by the
court on the basis of unfair gender discrimination.

Naps and nepotism
From the organizational perspective, the social dilemmas of SCPs have an analogy in the
fundamental need for sleep. Like the preference for kin (Spranger, Colarelli, Dimotakis,
Jacob, & Arvey, 2012), sleep is a powerful motivator. Numerous studies have shown that
variables associated with sleep can have effects on work performance (Driskell &
Mullen, 2005; Wyatt & Bootzin, 1994). In particular, recent research has shown
consistently that napping at work can enhance productivity (Driskell & Mullen, 2005;
Davy & Gbel, 2013; Hayashi & Chikazawa, & Hori, 2004; Wyatt & Bootzin, 1994).
However, in some cultures, there appears to be a stigma of incompetence that accrues to
those who are caught napping (Mead, 2007). This may explain why, despite the
demonstrated advantages of napping, research on company policies that allow napping
is fairly recent (e.g. Bonnefond, Muzet, Winter-Dill, Bailloeuil, Bitouze, & Bonneau,
2001). Thus, the natural inclination for sleep (like the natural tendency toward kin
preference), is policed in organizations.

Now, suppose that a company polices against nappingagainst our natural inclination
for sleep. Since napping enhances productivity, the company policy is a counterproductive attempt to reduce the perception of incompetence, rather than the reality of
incompetence. Workplace prohibitions on social relationships in the interest of reducing
perceptions of unfair preference may be similarly counterproductive. Like discrimination
on the basis of other group memberships (i.e. gender, ethnicity, religious group
membership), there is a need for I-O psychology to do the sort of research on the effects
of SCP that Human Factor Engineering has done on naps.

The advantages of social connection to organizations
This is particularly so in light of other research related to social connection. Though
family and friends are constituted outside the organization (except in family firms), their
later inclusion in the organization may actually enhance organizational effectiveness. In
fact, research on social capital has demonstrated in fairly convincing fashion that social
connectedness in the workplace provides advantages to both individuals (Noe & Tews,
2012; Walton, Cohen, Cwir, & Spencer, 2012) and organizations (Andrews, 2010). It is
possible, in fact, that SCP may be a large part of the reason for positive effects of social
connections in organizations.

Research on career development supports this notion at the individual level. Van Hooft &
Stout (2012) provide a number of possibilities from the nepotee perspective, based on job
search and career choice literatures. First, since genetic offspring are likely to have
specific dispositions and abilities in common with their predecessors. This would tend to
enhance their fit with occupations similar to predecessors (Dickson, et al, 2012).
Second, motives and preferences that are influenced by families and friends may affect
career and job decisions. In particular, social cognitive theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett,
1994; Betz & Hackett, 1981) is based on self-efficacy beliefs that are developed through
family experiences. If offspring experience positive feedback for developing career
preferences and skills similar to their parents, then nepotic careers are more likely. This
same mechanism may proceed from the feedback received from friends.

A third possible reason for the advantages of SCP is human capital transfer. In career
theories, human capital transfer explains familial occupational choice as the result of
enhanced exposure. By exposing children to the knowledge and skills required for an
occupation, parents increase the chances that the child will choose the occupation. Like
genetic and cognitive explanations, the assumption here is that parents have a
fundamental effect on offsprings development and choices (Gway, Senecal, Gauthier &
Fernet, 2003). In this case, the effect occurs through sharing of occupation-specific
knowledge and skill (Whiston & Keller, 2004; Laband & Lentz, 1992).

In terms of broader SCP than family, human capital transfer may occur with friends, as
well. For example, friends from school have often learned job-relevant content from each
other and have learned to trust one anothers judgment and choices. Evidence is clear
that people learn effectively through social transfer (Konstantinou & Fincham, 2011).
The development of trust in nepotic relationships may also grant an important advantage
in SCP (Dickson, Nieminen, & Biermeier-Hanson, 2012). If people have relied on each
other for learning through their professional training, they may continue to do so after
leaving educational institutions.

It seems likely that individual success in the organization relies to some extent on such
previously successful relationships (Reiche, 2012). It makes sense that people would
prefer to perpetuate successful friend and family relationships formed outside of the
organization by establishing them inside the organization. If these relationships were

effective in other endeavors, why would they be assumed to create problems in the

In fact, this human capital transfer into organizations through SCP mechanisms may
explain the evidence about recruitment source effectiveness. Specifically, this research
has shown that individual referral is the best source for new employees (Zottoli &
Wanous, 2000). To date, there is no research that shows what percentages of such
referrals are familial, but it is almost certain that friends are a major part of any referral
group. The effectiveness of such SCP referrals has never been compared to the
effectiveness of referrals of other, non-friends in the available workforce. This may seem
a bit far-fetched, but it is just this sort of analysis that is used to evaluate the fairness of
hiring decisions with respect to other group memberships (esp. ethnicity and gender). So,
fairness has never been considered in understanding the value of referralsjust that they
tend to be a good source. Still, referral seems to be related to successful integration of
social connections across boundaries.

At the organizational level, research supporting SCP-effectiveness relationships is more

than suggestive. Walmart, OReilly Automotive, Ford Motors, and Walgreens are all
firms with integrated family relationships in critical roles; all started as family firms and
carry family names. During the great recession, these were some of the top performing
stocks in their sectors, suggesting that family connection is an advantage at the
organizational level.

Quantitative research also supports this. For example, Luo, Huang, and Wang (2012)
have demonstrated meta-analytically that quanxi-- a Chinese notion of social connection
and exchange relationships-- has positive relationships with different measures of
performance across a very large sample of organizations. Given how uncommon it is to
find firm-level evidence of the efficacy of social-psychological variables, this makes a
strong case for conserving and even enhancing SCP in organizations.

In addition to these advantages, there is little quantitative evidence showing that the
inclusion of family and friends in an organizations social connections is a problem.
Many people tell stories of incompetent offspring and corrupt cronies, but there is little
quantitative evidence supporting the negative effects of these sorts of relationships
(Harder, 2012). In fact, these stories may belie cultural stereotypes. Regardless, given the
tendency to seek confirming evidence to support stereotypes under some circumstances
(Snyder, Campbell, & Preston, 1982; Allen, Sherman, Conrey, & Stroessner, 2009), such
vivid anecdotes should be given little weight.

How to effectively police social connection preference

Effective policing needs to take into account the stakeholder dilemmas described earlier.
First, it should be clear that anti-nepotism policies are a form of unfair discrimination.
Because such policies do not take all stakeholder interests into account, using status as
family or friend of someone in the organization as a sole basis for hiring (or not hiring) is
unethical and unjust (Phillips, 2003). This is akin to the use of stereotypes to make
decisions: I have seen an example of dysfunctional crony or family relationship, so I

assume that all such relationships are bad. To the contrary, the evidence on recruitment
sources, social capital and career choice suggest the opposite.

What this means is that, if we wish to get the advantages of a family feel in an
organization, it means managing the common prejudices against SCP. Like the stigma
associated with napping, there are probably prejudices against SCP. And, just as SCPs are
not likely to go away, so the stereotype that SCP will always lead to unethical behavior
dies hard. In fact, it is not likely that we will ever get rid of either preferences or
prejudices. And, even though these prejudices do appear to differ across cultures (Wated
& Sanchez, 2012; Luo et al, 2012), they are pervasive enough to have practical
significance for organizational practices (i.e. anti-nepotism policies). At the same time,
because they do appear to differ across cultures, some of the same means that
organizations use to try to enhance cross-cultural understanding may therefore hold
promise as ways to manage the prejudice against SCP (Morley & Cerley, 2010).

Assuming that the many stories of dysfunctional SCP are true, however, we need to ask
another set of questions. Foremost among these is how organizations might effectively
manage dysfunctional relationships. One obvious way would be to try to stop them from
entering the organization in the first place: Hence common anti-nepotism policies. These
include everything from complete exclusion on the basis of family membership to simple
disclosures about dual relationships (Gutman, 2012; Wegman, 2007). Disclosure
requirements of course fit less comfortably under the heading of selection devices than do

stricter anti-nepotism policies. Nevertheless, most of the same ethical questions apply:
The idea is to reduce real or perceived conflicts of interest.

Such anti-nepotism policies have the potential problems that we have discussed so far,
and there are other reasons to doubt their efficacy. First, strict anti-nepotism policies have
been successfully challenged on the basis of gender discrimination. In one case, almost
all of the job applicants excluded on the basis of an anti-nepotism policy were women
spouses of male workers (Gutman, 2012). The history of such policies also suggests
problems with which I-O psychologists are well-acquainted: The original selection tests
were devised partly to eliminate SCP in hiring in the Chinese Civil service (Wang, 1960).
These apparently did not entirely do the trick back in the first millenniumthe practice
of employing only eunuchs (men who were unable to have children) was also followed,
but also failed (Crawford, 1961; Menzies, 2004). If a lesson can be drawn from history
here, even the most draconian anti-nepotism policies may not work. And this is not even
mentioning the problem of policing cronyismsomething which is loosely policed in
laws that require disclosure of conflicts of interest (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley; Wegman, 2007).

One potential answer lies more readily at hand to I-O psychologists. While imperfect, the
use of validated measures for hiring decisions is the preferred tool of I-O psychologists-not sweeping, either/or anti-family policies. This is of course a fundamental argument for
the use of our services, however inadequate Chinese civil service testing may have been.
In fact, it is an argument that could be significantly bolstered by further research
evaluating both the predictors and the effects of dysfunctional SCPs.


But screening for competence alone may not account for problems of coercion. In the
case of Danny in our scenario, there are important questions for how to police the
tendency of senior family members to coerce even competent family members into
accepting jobs they do not want. Job preference measures and values inventories may
help to screen for the sorts of dysfunctions that can occur when family or friends are
being coerced into a job. Such career-relevant hiring systems may hold promise for
reducing potential problems with coercive SCP in organizations, as well.

In smaller organizations, I-O psychologists might even put our extensive experience with
measurement to work as a way to evaluate relationship characteristics. Such information
might help with both hiring processes and organizational training and development. In
hiring, for example, an initial realistic preview of likely future relationship problems
could both lead to self-selection and to successful adjustment. Additionally, empiricallybased weighing of the risk of dysfunction against the development of social capital would
be better informed. And this same sort of relationship information could serve as a
component of needs assessment and in the feedback component of individual and group
development. Taking such assessments to the level of standardization and validation held
by some famous selection measures could prove highly profitable, if the online dating
services are any indication.

Once dysfunctional relationships have entered the organization and begun to move
toward problems for the larger organization, things become more complicated (Becker,

2012; Wated & Sanchez, 2012). For a start, the common stereotype (and vivid,
confirmatory anecdotes) may have some merit, despite what we have seen so far about
the potential benefits of SCP to organizations as a whole. Evaluation research may in fact
find that decisions based on SCP may be more likely to yield more false positives,
leading to adverse effects on other stakeholders within the organization. There is some
evidence that SCP perceptions do relate to the satisfaction of other employees (Arasli &
Tumer, 2008; Khatri & Tsang, 2003). Although we have already seen that this may be a
result of prejudice, morale has been used as a legal argument for allowing no spouse
rules (Yuhas v Libby-Owens, 1977; Thorne v City of El Segundo, 1983). However, there
is no evidence to date demonstrating that policing enhances commitment, satisfaction,
fairness perceptions, or other morale variables.

If we follow the Danny problem a bit further, additional issues may develop for
management of SCP. For the incompetent SCP recipient, coerced employment runs the
risk of stunting the development of important knowledge and skills that might have been
gained in other circumstances.* More broadly, anecdotes suggest many dysfunctional
relationships that can develop as a result of SCP at work (Muchinsky, 2012). In order to
police (or at least manage) these, I-O psychologists will need to consider the
competencies usually associated with counseling and family therapy. Although many
current I-O psychologists lack training in these areas, many of us are intimately entwined
with such problem relationships at work. Future professional committees may choose to
consider the development and inclusion of this set of competencies.

Popular stereotypes about the nature and effects of social connections should not be the
basis for sweeping, pervasive organizational policies. In fact, given 1) the actual evidence
about the effectiveness of social connection preference, 2) the discriminatory effects of
sweeping policies, and 3) the cultural differences in perspectives and practice, I-O
psychologists have a professional responsibility to empirically evaluate both the nature of
SCPs and their actual risks and benefits. Science-based practice and ethics both demand
that we refrain from engineering such relationships in work organizations before we
have carefully surveyed them. Using the analogy of natural systems (e.g. rivers) and
engineering solutions (e.g. dams), trying to deliberately dam natural family and friend
systems without empirical evidence about their forms and contexts is likely to be at least
ineffective, and potentially catastrophic.

*Thanks to the Editor, Kevin Murphy, for this suggestion.

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