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What is Organic Synthesis?

If Chemistry is the science of matter and of its transformations Synthetic chemistry is the
science of constructing molecules from atoms and/or simpler molecules.
The discipline may be divided, according to the molecules involved, into Synthetic Organic
Chemistry and Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry.
The term Organic Synthesis is often used may be incorrectly in strict terms to mean the
same as Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Nicolaou, K. C. Classics in Total Synthesis

... the intentional construction of molecules by means of chemical reactions

Cornforth, J. W. 1994

The most fundamental and lasting objective of synthesis is not production of new
compunds but production of properties
George S. Hammond
Norris Award Lecture, 1968

Introduction to chemical synthesis

Some concepts ...
Total synthesis is the chemical synthesis of a target molecule from relatively
simple starting materials
Formal total synthesis is the chemical synthesis of an intermediate that has
already been transformed into the desired target
Partial synthesis or semisynthesis designates the synthesis of a given molecule
from an advanced precursor related to it
Relay approach defines the process in which a key intermediate previously
synthetized is obtained by degradation from other product, including the final
target molecule

Introduction to chemical synthesis

How many organic compounds are known (in Chemical Abstracts)?

Chemical Abstracts contains today 88.000.000 of organic and inorganic

compounds. 15.000 new substances are added each day. More than 20.000.000
are small organic molecules.

Theoretical number of small organic molecules

(Daylight Chemical Information Systems)

Introduction to the analysis of synthetic problems

Chemical Synthesis
The preparation of a desired organic compound from readily available starting
materials can be defined as organic synthesis
Multistep Chemical Synthesis
The construction of a specific molecule by a single chemical step from
constituent fragments is only rarely possible, even for simple structures.
Efficient synthesis, therefore, requires multistep construction, using at each stage
chemical reactions that (ideally) lead specifically to a single structure.
Molecular complexity
Derives from different contributions such as:
Molecular size
Element and functional groups content
Cyclic connectivity
Stereocenter content
Chemical reactivity
Structural instability

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

!9th century: The Direct Associative Approach

Very little planning was needed in this relatively simple synthesis ...
Deliberate syntheses could be developed using associative mental processes ...
Associative thinking or thinking by analogy was sufficient ...
Corey, E. J. The Logic of Chemical Synthesis

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

!9th century: The Direct Associative Approach
In the direct associative approach the chemist directly recognizes within the
structure of the target molecule a number of readily available structural
subunits, which can be properly joined by using standard reactions with
which he is familiar

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

Pre-World War II Era

In contrast to the former syntheses, which were based on the availability of starting
materials that contained a major portion of the final atomic framework, these 20th
century syntheses depended on the knowledge of reactions suitable for forming
polycyclic molecules and on detailed planning to find a way to apply these methods.
Corey, E. J. The Logic of Chemical Synthesis

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

Post-World War II Era: the Woodward Era (19401970)

Robert B. Woodward was probably the first to integrate mechanistic organic chemistry
into his planning of syntheses in a consistent manner...
Woodward's real achievements is that he intellectualized synthetic organic chemistry...
Robert B. Woodward was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1965
for his outstanding achievements in the art of Organic Synthesis

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

The Corey Era (19601990)

Corey's pursuit of total synthesis was marked by two distinctive elements,

retrosynthetic analysis and the development of new synthetic methods as an integral part
of the endeavor, even though Woodward (consciously or unconsciously) must be engaged
in such practices
Nicolaou, K. C. ACIE 2000
Elias J. Corey was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1990
"... Corey has thus awarded with the Prize for three intimately connected contributions, which form a
whole. Through retrosynthetic analysis and introduction of new synthetic reactions, he has succeeded
in preparing biologically important natural products, previously thought impossible to achieve. Corey's
contributions have turned the art of synthesis into a science"

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

Chemical Synthesis is essentially entirely a creative activity, in which art, design, imagination, and
inspiration play a predominant rle...
The unique challenge which chemical synthesis provides for the creative imagination and the skilled
hand ensures that it will endure as long as men write books, paint pictures, and fashion things
which are beautiful, or practical, or both.
Woodward, R. B. Art and Science in the Synthesis of Organic Compounds: Retrospect and
Prospect. 1963

Like the artist, the chemist engraves into matter the products of creative imagination...
The essence of chemical science finds its full expression in the words of that epitome of the artistscientist Leonardo da Vinci:
"...dove la nature finisce di produrre le sue spezie, l'uomo quivi comincia con le cose naturali,
con l'aiutorio di essa natura a creare infinite spezie
Lehn, J. M. Supramolecular Chemistry. Concepts and Perspectives. VCH, 1995

History of Organic Synthesis at a glance

Such accomplishments prompt comments such as "given enough manpower and money, synthetic
chemists can make any complex molecule"; with such statements, attempts are made to criticize
research in this field by declaring it mature and even dead! How unwise these statements are, for one
only has to compare our synthetic power with that of nature in order to recognize the rather primitive
state of the art.
One message is clear: more expedient and economical processes are still needed to construct complex
molecules, and this status will not change for some time to come.
Asymmetric synthesis and catalysis are frontiers of enourmous potential.
Natural products provide wonderful opportunities for the development of new synthetic methodologies
and strategies for chemical synthesis
Nicolaou, K. C. Classics in Total Synthesis. VCH 1996

Serratosa defined Synthesis as a heuristic activity

"According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word heuristic derives from the Greek heurisko ("I find') and it
is used as an adjective to describe activities directed towards the act of discovering , including all those
reasonings and arguments that are persuasive and plausible without being logically rigorous...
The heuristic principles, in contrast with the mathematical theorems and the rules of proof,
do not pretend to be laws, an only suggest lines of activities
Serratosa, F. Organic Chemistry in Action.

Retrosynthetic analysis
Retrosynthetic analysis: the logical process of analyzing the structure of a target
molecule to transform the target to a sequence of progressively simpler structures along
a pathway which finally will lead to simple or commercially available starting materials.
This can be accomplished by the application of a transform, the exact reverse of a
synthetic reaction, to a target structure.
The transform is applied on a structural subunit contained into the target compound,
called retron.

B is a precursor of A. The arrow means can be made from


Disconnection approach
Kinds of transform: there are many thousands of transforms potentially useful in
retrosynthetic analysis. They can be classified as follows:
Functional group interconversion: FGI
Functional group addition: FGA
Functional group removal: FGR
Disconnection: the formal reverse of a bond forming reaction (cleavage of a bond to
break the target into two possible starting materials)
Synthon: An idealized (often charged) molecular fragment.
dn synthon: functionalized nucleophile (d, donor, n defines the distance between the FG
and the reactive center)
an synthon: functionalized electrophile (a, acceptor)
Reagent or synthetic equivalent: a chemical compound used in practice for a synthon

From a retrosynthetic analysis usually a tree of intermediate is produced, having chemical

structures as nodes and pathways from bottom to top corresponding to synthetic routes
to the target (TGT). Such trees called EXTGT (as they grow out from the target) can be
quite complex so strategies for control and guidance in rethrosynthetic analysis are of
extremely important so as to avoid explosive branching)

Disconnection approach
Some definitions
Target molecule
the molecule to be synthetized
Retrosynthetic analysis or retrosynthesis
the process of mentally breaking down a molecule into starting material

the exact reverse of a synthetic reaction
structural subunit on the target that enables a transform to operate

an imaginary bond cleavage corresponding to the reverse of a real reaction
idealized fragments resulting from a disconnection

a real chemical compound used as the equivalent of a synthon
Synthesis tree
set of all the possible disconnections and synthons leading from the target to the
starting materials of a synthesis

Disconnection approach
Synthons and reagents
dn synthon: functionalized nucleophile (d, donor)
an synthon: functionalized electrophile (a, acceptor)
Reagent or synthetic equivalent

Disconnection approach
Two types of useful general strategies:
Transform-based strategies rely on the application of powerfully simplifying
Structure-based strategies rely on the recognition of possible starting materials
or key intermediates for a synthesis.
Three other general strategies can be identified.
Functional group-based strategies identify functional groups as key structural subunits.
Topological-based strategies depend on the identification
of one or more individual bond disconnections or
correlated bond-pair disconnections as strategic.
Stereochemical-based strategies remove stereocenters and stereorelationships under
Corey, E. J. The Logic of Chemical Synthesis

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
Types of Transforms

1. Structurally simplifying transforms effect molecular simplification by

disconnecting molecular skeleton, and/or functional groups and/or stereocenters.

2. There are transforms which bring about no essentially no change in molecular

complexity, but which can be useful because they modify a TGT to allow the
application of simplifying transforms. They include rearrangements of molecular
skeleton, functional group interchange (FGI), and inversion/transfer of
3. Opposite to 1, structurally increasing complexity transforms includes addition of
rings or stereocenters and addition functional groups (FGA),.

Disconnection approach
Structurally simplifying transforms by disconnecting molecular skeleton.

Disconnection approach
Structurally simplifying transforms by disconnecting functional groups or stereocenters

Disconnection approach
Structurally increasing complexity transforms includes addition of rings, functional groups
(FGA), or stereocenters

Disconnection approach
Other guidelines for retrosynthesis are given below:
1. It is better to use convergent approach rather than divergent for many complex molecules.
2. Use only disconnections corresponding to disconnect CC bonds and CX bonds wherever possible.
3. Disconnect to readily recognizable synthons by using only known reactions (transform).
4. The synthesis must be short.
5. It is better to use those reactions which do not form mixtures.
6. The focus is on the removal of stereocentres under stereocontrol. Stereocontrol can be achieved
through either mechanistic control or substrate control.
Where should I choose to disconnect?
Disconnections very often take place immediately adjacent to, or very close to functional groups in
the target molecule (i.e. the one being disconnected). This is pretty much inevitable, given that
functionality almost invariably arises from the forward reaction.

Disconnection approach
How do I decide which synthon carries which charge?
A good trick here is to consider whether you can draw a resonance form of the
synthon which looks more like a real reactive intermediate If it does, youve
clearly made a good choice of polarity, and youve most likely gone a long way to
identifying the synthetic equivalent!

Disconnection approach
Basic Guidelines:
1. Use disconnections corresponding to known reliable reactions, choose
disconnection corresponding to the highest yielding reaction.
Diazonium salt and propargylic Grignard
Phenyl Grignard and propargylic halide



Benzyl halide and propyne Grignard

Benzyl Grignard and propyne halide.

Disconnection approach

2. Disconnect C-C bond according to the present FGs in the molecule:

Disconnection approach
3. Aim for simplification:
disconnect in the middle of the molecule

Disconnection approach
3. Aim for simplification:

disconnect at a branch point

use symmetry

disconnect rings from chain

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
A case: six-membered cyclic motif

Is it possible to envisage any simple transform in these cyclic structures?

The answer could be ... yes, but

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
In the case of tetrahydropyran a straightforward disconnection, based on SN2 or SN1 processes, can
be easily envisaged

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
However, it becomes more difficult to identify a similar transform in the cyclohexane case ...

... and FGA transforms are required

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
The powerful Diels-Alder reaction: a [4 + 2] cycloaddition

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
Regioselectivity: orto-para rule

Site selectivity

For a site selectivity analysis in unsymmetrical quinones, see Corey, E. J. JACS 2004, 4800

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
Relative stereochemistry: endo rule

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
There are Diels Alder reactions in which an heteroatom is part of the dienophile (or the
diene) systems, which gives access to heterocycles.
It is the called hetero Diels Alder

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
An intramolecular hetero Diels-Alder exploiting symmetry: carpanone by Chapman

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
Olefin Metathesis:
... olefin metathesis has come to the fore in recent years owing to the wide range of
transformations that are possible with commercially available and easily handled catalysts.
Consequently, olefin metathesis is now widely considered as one of the most powerful synthetic
tools in organic chemistry....

Features and mechanism

The process is catalytic (15 mol%)

High yields under mild conditions
High levels of chemo-, regio-,
and stereoselectivity
The reaction is reversible
The starting materials are easily
The olefinic products are suitable for
further structural elaboration

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
The power of RCM: laulimalide by Ghosh and Mulzer

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies

The retron for the cation -cyclization transform can be defined as a carbocation with charge to a
ring bond which is to be cleaved.

Radical -cyclization
In a similar way, the retron for the radical -cyclization transform can be defined
as a radical with electron to a ring bond which is to be cleaved, but ...

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
Baldwin rules

6 membered rings

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
Just a classic of cation -cyclization: progesterone by Johnson

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
A nice solution to a difficult problem: aspidophytine by Corey

Disconnection approach
Transform based strategies
Just two classics of radical -cyclization: hirsutene and 9(12)-capnellene by Curran

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
Corey classifies the functional groups, FG, in three families:
1st Level: the most important FG

2nd Level: less important FG

3rd Level: peripheral, which are associated with useful reagents providing activation or control in
chemical processes, or combination of more fundamental groups

They can also be associated into super-set or super-families depending on their electronic
behaviour: EWG: CO, CN, SOR, NO2 or EDG: OR, NR2

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
Furthermore, many retrons contain only a single FG, while others consist of a pair of FG's separated
by a specific path
Transforms involving a single FG
Removal of an appendage

FG interconversion


Transforms requiring a pair of FG

Through C C disconnection

Formation of a new path

Modification of functionality
without altering carbon path

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies

Functional group-based strategies

For a molecule contain ing n FG's there are n(n1)/2 possible pairs ...

The use of functional group to guide retrosynthetic reduction of molecular complexity.

Single FG's or pairs of FG's, and the interconnecting atom path,
can key directly the disconnection of a TGT skeleton to form simpler molecules
FGI is a commonly used tactic for generating from a TGT retrons which allow the application of
simplifying transforms.
FG's may key transforms which stereoselectively remove stereocenters, break strategic bonds or
join proximate atoms to form rings.

Disconnection approach

Disconnection of molecules according to the present FGs in

the molecule:

The potential of carbonyl functionality

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
Latent Polarity
Latent polarity is the imaginary pattern of alternating positive and negative charges used to assist in
the choice of disconnections and synthons. Sticking to latent polarity usually gives the best choice
of synthons. However, this is not always possible!

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
Functional groups relationships
Taking into account that most common synthetic reactions are polar, a bond forming process (and the
corresponding transform) can be viewed as a combination of donor, d, and acceptor, a, synthons.
Then, it might be useful to consider the carbon framework of any molecule as an ionic aggregate,
whose origin relies on the presence of functional groups.

The symbol designations, + and , simply denote potentially electrophilic or nucleophilic site reactivity
(Attention: only the heteroatom is considered as the functional group)

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
According to these ideas, it is possible to identify difunctional relationships (consonant or
dissonant) among the functional groups in a TGT

1,2-difunctional dissonant relationship

1,3-difunctional consonant relationship

1,4-difunctional dissonant relationship

1,5-difunctional consonant relationship

Consonant relationships usually permit to devise easy disconnections.

However, dissonant relationships often require to introduce umpolung tactics, radical or perycyclic

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
Synthons identification
taking into account that most common synthetic reactions are polar, a bond forming process (and
the corresponding transform) can be viewed as a combination of donor, d, and acceptor, a, synthons.
Then,obvious rules can apply to arrangement of functionality in the product

These disconnections correspond to consonant relationships

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
Synthons identification

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
Synthons identification (1,2-Difunctional compounds, dissonant disconnection)

Solution. Masked acylanion: unpolung (German word used to describe cases in which a synthon of
opposite polarity to that normally associated with a required
functional group must be used)

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,2-Difunctional systems: a1 + d1 combination

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,3-Difunctional systems: a1 + d2 combination

d2 synthons: enol, enolate and synthetic equivalents

a1 synthons: aldehydes, ketones and esters

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,4-Difunctional systems: a2 + d2 combination

Forward synthesis

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,4-Difunctional systems: a3 + d1 combination

Nef reaction

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,4-Difunctional systems: a2 + d2 combination

Some umpolung acceptors

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,5-Difunctional systems: a3 + d2 combination


Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,6-Difunctional compounds: ozonolysis

Disconnection approach
Functional group based strategies
1,6-Difunctional compounds: ozonolysis

Disconnection approach
Structure based strategies
Chiron approach: synthesis of enantiomerically pure compounds
The chiron approach to synthesis involves disconnection of strategic bonds in a target molecule
with minimum pertubation of existing stereogenic centers.
This generates chirons with a maximum overlap of functional groups, of stereochemical features,
and of carbon framework with the target molecule (or a given substructure).
Such molecules normally contain one to five or six stereogenic centers and can originate from
Nature (terpenes, carbohydrates, -amino acids, -hydroxy acids,...), from asymmetric reactions on
achiral substrates, from resolution of racemates, and from enzymatic and related sources.
By relating a TGT to chiral starting materials as the outset, the scenario for a synthesis plan is
In the chiron approach, it is the type of chiral substructure present in the molecules that will
dictate the strategy.

The main issue now deal with proceeding in the forward direction using the inherent or newlycreated chirality and building from there.
Hanessian, S. Total Synthesis of Natural Products: The Chiron Approach
Pure & Appl. Chem. 1993, 1189

Disconnection approach
Structure based strategies
The power of sugars: thromboxane B2 by Hanessian

Disconnection approach
Structure based strategies
The power of sugars: thromboxane B2 by Hanessian

Disconnection approach
Retrosynthesis of cis-3-oxabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-7-one

Tetrahedron, 1984, 40, 761.

Disconnection approach
Retrosynthesis of an intermediate for carbaprostacycline

Disconnection approach
Retrosynthesis of Minaprine (antidepressant)

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Erythronolide B is the biosynthetic precursor of all of the Erythromycins.
The land mark total synthesis was performed by E.J Corey and his co-workers at
Harvard in the 1970s.
Erythronolide B : 14-membered lactone10 asymmetric carbon atoms

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B

Corey-Nicolaou Macrolactonization Strategy

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Retrosynthetic Analysis and Strategy

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Retrosynthetic Analysis and Strategy

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Retrosynthetic Analysis and Strategy

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Total synthesis

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Synthesis of compound 17

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Synthesis of intermediate 11

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Synthesis of intermediate 11

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Synthesis of intermediate (+)-12

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Synthesis of intermediate (+)-12

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Synthesis of intermediate 8

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Synthesis of intermediate 8

Mukaiyama ketone synthesis

Disconnection approach

Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B

Disconnection approach
Total Synthesis of Erythronolide B
Last steps

Corey, E.J.; Nicolaou, K.C.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1974, 96, 5614.
Nicolaou, K.C.; Sorenson, E. J. (1996). Classics in Total Synthesis; VCH Publishers. 167-184.

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