Weld Proe

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Creo Simulate can be used to analyze the structural performance of welded parts and assemblies through finite element analysis.

Creo Simulate is finite element analysis software that can be used to analyze the mechanical performance of parts and assemblies, including welded structures.

Modeling techniques like using solid elements to model welds, shell elements, and beam elements as well as using measures and contacts are discussed.

Structural Analysis of Welded

Connections Using Creo Simulate

Jonathan Polom
Design Engineer, U.S. Army TARDEC

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07 APR 2014

Academic Report


02-01-2014 to 25-03-2014



Structural Analysis of Welded Structural Analysis of Welded





Jonathan Polom




U.S. Army TARDEC,6501 East Eleven Mile Rd,Warren,Mi,48397-5000




U.S. Army TARDEC, 6501 East Eleven Mile Rd, Warren, Mi, 48397-5000 TARDEC


Approved for public release; distribution unlimited


Creo Simulate (previously marketed as Pro/Mechanica) finite element analysis (FEA) software is part of
the Creo mechanical CAD software suite. Design engineers using the Creo Parametric modeling
environment often use this tool to quickly analyze the mechanical performance of parts and assemblies,
including welded structures. The rapid exchange of geometry data between the design and analysis tools
can substantially reduce the amount of time necessary for an engineer to complete an analysis when
compared to other commercially available products. This project will investigate the structural analysis
capabilities of Creo Simulate for weldments by examining several welded structure scenarios using
three-dimensional solid finite elements: a welded plate beam, tubular support member and sheet metal
frame. The methods documented and used to create and interrogate these models can serve as the basis of
recommended procedures for weldment analysis using this analytical tool.








Public Release


19a. NAME OF

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18



Creo Simulate (previously marketed as Pro/Mechanica) finite element analysis (FEA) software
is part of the Creo mechanical CAD software suite. Design engineers using the Creo
Parametric modeling environment often use this tool to quickly analyze the mechanical
performance of parts and assemblies, including welded structures. The rapid exchange of
geometry data between the design and analysis tools can substantially reduce the amount of
time necessary for an engineer to complete an analysis when compared to other commercially
available products. This project will investigate the structural analysis capabilities of Creo
Simulate for weldments by examining several welded structure scenarios using threedimensional solid finite elements: a welded plate beam, tubular support member and sheet
metal frame. The methods documented and used to create and interrogate these models can
serve as the basis of recommended procedures for weldment analysis using this analytical tool.

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Creo Simulate is a finite element analysis (FEA) tool and part of the Creo mechanical CAD
software suite. Creo Parametric is the design portion of the Creo suite with capabilities for
creating solid part geometries and multi-level assemblies of parts. A module system enables
additional features to be added to the design capabilities of Creo Parametric, such as rigid body
dynamics simulation and finite element analysis. Creo Simulate is accessed as an extension
module in the design program.
The close integration of Creo Simulate with the design environment often makes it an attractive
choice for analysis. Geometry information from parts and assemblies automatically transfers to
the FEA tool which eliminates any need to export geometry from a CAD tool and import it into a
separate FEA program. Additionally, the software uses polynomial finite elements so a coarser
mesh may be used without negatively affecting solution accuracy. Geometry meshing is mostly
an automated, hands-off process for the analyst. Hard curves, points and element size limits
can be used to refine a mesh, but are only required in special circumstances.
Using Creo Simulate to assess the mechanical performance of welded structures presents
specific difficulties not encountered when simulating solid parts (billet, castings, and forgings)
or bolted assemblies. This report will highlight approaches for analyzing primary and secondary
welds on built-up plate beams, tubular supports and sheet metal frames. Models documented
in this report employ one of two fundamental strategies using three-dimensional solid finite
elements: modeling the welded joint with solid fillers and contacts or a stress measurement
method. A discussion of benefits and drawbacks associated with each of these strategies will be

Welded Plate Tee

This section details assessing web-to-flange weld adequacy on a steel tee section. Problems 1
through 3 in section 2.6 of Design of Weldments (Blodgett) solve this problem using Bernoulli
beam equations. The section construction consists of a flange and web plate joined with
continuous fillet welds, shown in Figure 1. Loading and boundary conditions are depicted in
Figure 2. Length units are inches. Material properties for steel were assigned to all parts in the
analysis: Poissons ratio of 0.27 and Youngs modulus of 29,000,000 psi. However, in the context
of a theoretical (Bernoulli) beam, these material properties are only needed to estimate beam
deflection. Bending moments and stresses only depend on the geometry, boundary conditions
and loads.

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Figure 1: Tee Section

Figure 2: Loading and Boundary Conditions

The plate beam is modeled as an assembly using four parts: a flange plate, web plate and two
fillers representing the deposited weld metal. A non-linear contact interface (highlighted red,
Figure 3) is placed at the contacting upper web surface and lower flange surface. The weld filler
is automatically bonded to the web and flange parts along its length. All degrees of freedom are
constrained for the lowest edge of the web on the first beam end (blue arrows, Figure 3), and
translation is allowed along the longitudinal beam direction at the opposing beam end (lower
blue arrows, Figure 4). Failure to constrain these degrees of freedom will prevent the solver
from running the model. The 10 kip load is shown in Figure 5 which is applied to a curve
between two points on the top of the flange. A Hard Curve AutoGEM mesh control integrates
the curve into the meshed geometry. These constraints realistically approximate the physical
geometry of a point loaded, simply supported welded plate tee without inadvertently
increasing stiffness of the member.

Figure 3: Beam End 1

Figure 4: Beam End 2

Figure 5: Load Application

Use of a contact interface requires using the non-linear solver and load histories. The software
automatically creates two load steps when this option is selected, with the second load step
containing results with contact effects. Adding additional load steps is possible and may

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increase solution accuracy, but was not necessary for this analysis. The single-pass adaptive
solver is the only available solver option for non-linear analyses.
Model results for the beam agree well with manual calculations shown in section 2.6 of Design
of Weldments (verified). The maximum longitudinal stress in the FEA model is 21,646 psi on the
bottom of the web, within 1% of the textbook value. Shear stresses are negligible at the bottom
of the web in this beam. Figure 6 shows the von Mises stress across the beam, and a stress of
no more than 4,500 psi in the fillet welds. Horizontal YZ-plane shear stress also agrees well with
textbook calculations near the fillet welds and some representative point value stresses are
shown in Figure 7. Some localized stress concentrations occur along the lower weld toes and
weld root (orange in figure). The mesh is visible in both figures.


A finite element model using 3D solids in Creo simulate may be a very efficient option for
assessing the adequacy of secondary welds on a fabricated plate structural section. Weldment
assemblies generally dont include solids for weld filler, so some time may be required to create
the respective filler geometries for the analyzed joints. Use of as-is part geometry leads to
minimal modeling overhead for this approach, with minor modifications (usually just defeaturing) if any. As the model grows in size, this approach may become impractical due to the
large demand on computational resources. This model required an elapsed time of 84 seconds
to solve, indicating developing a symmetrical model wouldnt have reduced total modeling
time. Larger models may benefit from the exploitation of symmetry or shell simplifications.

Figure 6: Mises Stress for Beam

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Figure 7: Horizontal Beam Shear

Tubular Support Arm

This section assesses primary fillet and v-groove welds in an arm support constructed from 1.50
inch O.D., 0.125 inch wall ASTM A513 DOM steel tube. The arm needs to resist a 127.75 lb.
vertical load at the end of the upper tube without yielding. Two sections of mandrel bent tube
are joined with CJP groove welds and attached via two slightly unequal leg fillet welds to a base
flange. The end of the top tube has a welded-in cap that provides female screw threads for an
attachment. An internal coupler provides backing and alignment for the groove welds.
As with the previous model, material properties of steel were assigned to all parts in the
assembly. A value of 0.27 for Poissons ratio was used, along with a Youngs modulus of
29,000,000 psi. Figure 8 depicts the loading and boundary conditions used for the analysis. The
groove and fillet welds analyzed in this study are depicted in Figure 9, highlighted in yellow.

Figure 9: Tube Welds

Figure 8: Loading and Boundary Conditions

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This model did not require use of non-linear contact interfaces due to the use of CJP groove
welds and clearances designed into the parts. The default bonded interface was used for this
analysis, and the model was solved with the linear single-pass adaptive solver. A volume region
4 inches deep defined at the end of the upper tube allowed use of a distributed bearing load.
This weldment is subject to the rules of the structural steel welding code (AWS D1.1) which sets
allowable stress limits for CJP groove welds and fillet welds. The base material being joined is
grade 1020 steel which has an approximate yield point of 42 ksi when annealed (note with
grade 1020 steel this value is not guaranteed by the material specification). Due to the
precision welding requirements in this part, the preferred welding process is manual GTAW
with a filler metal that produces 70 ksi ultimate strength weld metal. Fillers of this classification
tensile strength that are compliant with AWS A5.18 have a 58 ksi yield point, resulting in an
overmatched joint.

von Mises Stress


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(close up of CJP groove welds)

(close-up of fillet welds)

Figure 10: von Mises Stress Results

The von Mises stress results (Figure 10) look promising for this assembly, with a global
maximum stress of 32.9 ksi, which is less than the yield point of the base material. Stress is
concentrated on diametrically opposed surfaces of the vertical portion of the support, oriented
in the direction of the load which is creating a bending moment on this section of tube. The
fillet welds that attach the tube to the base are the most highly stressed welds and have a
maximum stress concentration of 15 ksi. The two v-groove welds shown in Figure 10 (bottom
left) have a max von Mises stress concentration of 7 ksi.
von Mises Stress

Figure 11: XY Plane Shear Stress

Figure 11 shows a top cross-section and bottom view of the shear stresses in the plane of the
two v-groove welds. AWS D1.1 sets the maximum shear stress magnitude for groove welds to
30% of the filler classification tensile strength (21 ksi). There is an additional limitation that the
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shear stress on the base metal cant exceed 40% of the materials yield strength (16.8 ksi).
Several stress measurements can be taken over the geometry of interest using the Dynamic
Query tool in Creo Simulate that can be RMS averaged to produce a representative estimate of
the nominal stresses in that plane. Nominal stress values are essential when assessing a
structure for AWS D1.1 compliance. For this tube weldment, shear stress values in the welded
regions were below AWS maximums in all places, so an average was unnecessary. Some
localized yielding may be seen in certain circumstances, however, an average estimate of the
nominal stress should be less than the AWS allowable stress.


Finite element modeling excels at calculating stress values for complex three-dimensional
loading scenarios, such as this tube support. Ensuring compliance with AWS D1.1
recommendations is a more complex task when using FEA to obtain stress estimates, due to the
use of nominal stress limits in the code. An averaging technique using the result query tools
allows nominal stress estimates to be calculated from the fine-grained FEA model results. FEA
also permits the engineer to examine stress components, such as the von Mises component,
that include shear and tensile/compressive stresses.

Aluminum Sheet Metal Shelf

This section describes a faster but less accurate way to extract the information necessary to size
secondary fillet welds using measure features in Creo Simulate. A shelf is fabricated out of .125
in. 5052-H32 aluminum plate with brake formed edges and supports. Four diagonal stiffeners
made out of the same material are to be welded onto the bottom of the shelf to increase
bending stiffness. This studys objective is determining the horizontal shear that the fillet welds
need to transmit. Elements of the structural aluminum welding code are followed (AWS D1.2).
The shelf has two loads each of 321.2 lbs. distributed over a rectangular region (Figure 12) on
the top of the shelf. The load represents a static approximation of a dynamic load that the shelf
must resist without yielding. The shelf is designed to be supported at two flanges with screws;
however this was simplified in the analysis by fixing all degrees of freedom of a surface on each
flange. All parts in the assembly were designed to contact when placed into the assembly
model, which allows use of the default bonded interface.

Figure 12: Loads and Boundary Conditions

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Youngs modulus was set to a value of 10,200,000 psi and the Poissons ratio was set to 0.33 for
all parts in the model.
A simulation measure is defined to measure the maximum horizontal (YZ-plane) shear at the
contacting upper surface of the rib and the bottom of the shelf surface. Vector stress
components are relative to a particular coordinate system, and since these ribs are installed at
an angle relative to the assemblys world coordinate system, a separate coordinate system
needs to be defined (Figure 13) with the proper orientation for the desired stresses.

Figure 13: Coordinate System Definition

A measure is created by accessing the Measures manager dialog box. The measurement is
configured as shown in Figure 14. Measures in have limited functionality, and its not possible
for Creo Simulate to average a measure over a region. In this case, the maximum value of the
measure over a selected geometric region (a surface in this case) is recorded. The surface
searched over for a maximum is shown in Figure 15 with a blue outline.
Note that the measure is not recording a nominal stress value. Since secondary welds are lowstress, chances are good that the calculated fillet weld size will be impractically small anyway.
The model was meshed and solved after defining the measure using the linear single-pass
adaptive solver. In addition to producing stress results that can be rendered in the results
viewer, a text summary of the solver execution is also generated. This log contains simulation
measure data points in the base units of the model.
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Figure 14: Measure Configuration

Figure 15: Selected Surface

The base units for this model are pounds (mass), inches and seconds. The maximum shear
stress at the rib to plate interface was reported as:
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= 8.268e5


= 2,139
in s 2 386.4 lbm
in s2

Since the rib plate is constant thickness, multiplying the shear stress value above by the plate
thickness (.125 inch) results in an estimate of shear force per unit length in the rib:
= 2,139 .125 . = 267.5 .

Standard fillet weld sizing equations can be used to calculate the required leg size of the weld.
Since this is a low-stress secondary weld, the calculated weld leg size will be very small. Instead,
we will use the calculated leg size to calculate parameters for an intermittent (skip) weld to
reduce heat inputted to the aluminum. Since the base material is AL5052-H32, the welding
process will use 5356 aluminum filler which has a minimum required tensile strength of 38 ksi,
and a fillet weld shear allowable of 11.4 ksi will be used (30%).

267.5 .

2 .707 . 11,400

= .0166 .

At less than two-hundredths of an inch the calculated leg size is impractically small. Itd be
unnecessarily difficult and time consuming for a welding fabricator to make a weld this size. A
better solution is to employ skip welding with a larger leg size (material thickness in this case).
The calculated leg size readily assists in determining an appropriate skip weld ratio:

. 0166 .
= 13.28%
. 125 .

The ratio between the weld length and pitch (center-to-center distance between welds) should
be 14% or greater. AWS D1.2 requires intermittent fillet welds be no shorter than 1.5 inches,
which means the pitch must be 11 inches or less for welds of that length. This strategy does not
fit the rib geometry well but would carry the required load. Intermittent fillets of 2 inch in
length and on a 7 inch pitch would fit the geometry much better. It places 2 inch fillets at the
end of each 16.6 in. long rib, along with a 2 inch weld at the center. The ratio of this strategy is
about 28.5%, or twice whats required, but still keeps welding heat input, time and difficulty
within practical bounds.


Measures can allow for quick extraction of necessary stress values from a structural model and
are useful for sizing secondary fillet welds. Using a measure that searches over a surface for a
maximum stress value yields a very conservative estimate of weld requirements, potentially
leading to excessive welding and reducing the value of the quick analysis technique. In such
cases where a designer requires a more reasonable estimate of the nominal forces that a weld
needs to transmit, measures can be taken at many points along the path where the weld will be
placed. Provisions exist in the software to quickly define measures along a pattern of points,
the values of which will be placed into the simulation log when solving the model. Plots and

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averages of the measures can be used to obtain further insight into the load a weld needs to


Several viable strategies exist for using Creo Simulate to perform structural FEA on complex
structures. The analysis becomes more complex when a welding code is involved that sets
nominal stress limits which the design must respect. Finite element codes produce point-stress
values which are by definition not nominal values, so extra work is required to estimate a
nominal stress.
Shell and ideal beam simplifications dont provide any method for explicitly modeling welds as
part of the geometry but may reduce computation time significantly over a model using 3D
solids. Thin-shell and slender beam elements also generally require that the largest outside
dimension of the part or span of the beam is no less than ten times the material thickness or
largest cross section dimension. These requirements may not always be met by a designs
geometry, leading to additional inaccuracies in the models results.
General guidelines to follow when developing FEA models for welded structures in Creo
Simulate are:
1. For extremely fast, but perhaps less reliable results, insert measures at points to extract
stress values. Measures can be rapidly placed at many points if the points are patterned
in the part. The output from a pattern of points can be graphed in a spreadsheet tool or
averaged and used to calculate a first-order estimate of welding requirements.
2. Remove all irrelevant geometry in an assembly by suppressing it or deactivating it in a
simplified representation. Idealizing part interfaces by carefully fixing degrees of
freedom on specific geometric features in an analysis with an isolated assembly model is
acceptable, unless the object of the analysis is the interface.
3. For small structures with a few welds, modeling the weld filler as a solid and inserting it
into an assembly model requires a manageable amount of extra time.
4. When modeling assemblies with fillet welds or other welds that do not completely
penetrate the base material, contacts should be placed at free part interfaces to
constraint deformation. Models with contacts must be solved with the non-linear solver
which increases solver execution time.
5. Rigid links should be avoided at all costs as a substitute for one of the methods
described here for modeling welds. Rigid links dont deform and can impart unrealistic
extra stiffness to a structure.
Like bolted joints, welded connections are often over-designed, either as a requirement of a
design code or to increase the fabrication practicality of a joint. The methods presented allow
an engineer to interrogate a design to ensure the welds can safely withstand applied loads.

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