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ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1093

Reissued January 1, 2014

This report is subject to renewal March 1, 2015. | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ®

DIVISION: 05 00 00—METALS Continuity plates and doubler plates, as applicable in

Section: 05 12 00—Structural Steel Framing accordance with Section 4.0, are provided at the column
flanges and web as illustrated in Figure 1.
3.2 Material:
SEISMIC STRUCTURAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, INC. 3.2.1 Structural Steel Beams and Columns: Structural
791 EAST WASHINGTON BOULEVARD steel for beams and columns must conformto ASTM A992
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90021 Grade 50 for beams, and ASTM A913 Grade 65 or ASTM
(213) 494-0446 A992 Grade 50 for columns.
3.2.2 Plates: The steel plates must be fabricated from
EVALUATION SUBJECT: structural steel complying with ASTM A572 Grade 50.
3.2.3 Welds: All CJP groove welds are designated as
SLOTTED WEB™ BEAM-TO-COLUMN STEEL MOMENT demand critical welds, and must be made with a filler metal
FRAME CONNECTION complying with requirements of AWS D1.8: 2009, Clause
6.3, and capable of providing a minimum Charpy V-Notch
1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE (CVN) toughness of 20 ft-lb (27 J) at -20°F (-29°C) as
Compliance with the following codes: determined by the AWS A5.20 classification test method,
and 40 ft-lb (54 J) at 70°F (21°C) as determined by Annex
2012 and 2009 International Building Code® (IBC) A of AWS D1.8:2009 for the 2012 IBC (Appendix X of
Property evaluated: AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC). Weld filler metal must be
E70-T6 H8 for welds at beam top and bottom flanges, and
Structural design E71-T8 H8 for other CJP groove welds and fillet welds.
2.0 USES Fillet welds must be made with a filler metal complying with
requirements of AWS D1.8: 2009, Clause 6, capable of
The Seismic Structural Design Associates (SSDA) Slotted providing a minimum Charpy V-Notch (CVN) toughness of
Web™ Beam-to-Column Special Steel Moment Frame 20 ft-lb (27 J) at -20°F (-29°C) as determined by the AWS
(SMF) Connection (referred to hereafter as the SSDA A5.20 classification test method.
Slotted Web™ SMF connection) provides a beam-to-
column connection in structural steel moment frames. 3.2.4 Bolts, Washers and Nuts: Bolts, washers and
nuts must conform to Section A 3.3 of AISC 360 and AISC
3.0 DESCRIPTION 348. Bolts must comply with ASTM A325 or ASTM A490.
The SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF connection provides beam- 4.1 Structural Design and Prequalification Limits:
to-column moment resisting connections for use in steel
Special Moment Frame (SMF) systems. This proprietary The SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF connections are
moment connection satisfies all applicable requirements of prequalified for use in steel Special Moment Frames
the IBC and of ANSI/AISC 341-10, including Sections E3 (SMFs), within the limits noted in this report.
and K1 for the 2012 IBC (ANSI/AISC 341-05, including
The axial loading in beams is not part of the connection
Section 9 and Appendix P for the 2009 IBC). The system
prequalification requirements, which is consistent with
also meets the prequalification requirements of Sections
AISC 341 and AISC 358. However, all steel moment
3.1 and 3.4 of the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Steel
frame members and their connections must be designed to
Moment Frame Connection Systems (AC129). The
resist all applicable load combinations prescribed in IBC
connection system features wide flange (W-shape) steel
Section 1605, including those load combinations involving
beams with two slots in the web, parallel and adjacent to
axial tension and compression loading.
each flange. The beams are welded at the web and
flanges to flanges of wide flange (W-shape) steel columns The structural design procedures must be in accordance
with complete-joint-penetration (CJP) groove welds. The with Chapters 16 and 22 of the IBC as Load and
single shear plate is welded to the column flange with a Resistance Factor Design (LRFD). Steel moment frames
partial-joint-penetration or a CJP groove weld, as required using the SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF connection must be
for strength, and to the beam web with a fillet weld. designed using a capacity design approach as identified in

ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed
as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as
to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report.

Copyright © 2014 Page 1 of 8

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Commentary to Section A3.2 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 Slot widths are 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) along the shear plate
IBC (Section 6.2 of AISC 341-05 and its commentary for and 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) for the remainder of the length, as
the 2009 IBC). Strength demands at the critical sections illustrated in Figure 1.
must be determined by calculation, applying statics that
4.1.2 Plastic Hinge Location: For calculation purposes,
consider the effects of the probable maximum bending
the web plastic hinge location, , on the beam or
moment and corresponding shear at the plastic hinge
location. CJP groove welds must be used between beam girder, must be determined as follows:
flanges and column flange, and between beam web and lhinge = lb -lp Zb -Zf / 3Zb
column flange. The shear plate must be connected to the
column flange using either a PJP or CJP welds, depending where:
on the strength requirements, and connected to the lhinge = Web plastic hinge length, measured from end of
beam web with fillet welds as illustrated in Figure 1. shear plate toward beam center, inches (mm).
For determining seismic loads, the system seismic
performance coefficients and factors for the IBC are to be Zb = Plastic section modulus of beam cross section,
as follows: in.3 (mm3).
RESPONSE SYSTEM DEFLECTION Zf = Plastic section modulus of beam flanges, in.3
Other terms are defined in Section 4.1.1 of this report.
Steel 1 The centroid of the beam plastic hinge region, that
8 3 5 /2
Moment consists of beam flanges from end of slots to column face,
Frames the shear plate, and the beam web region from end of slots
*Seismic force–resisting system as defined in ASCE 7-10 and to the column face, shall be taken at the end of the shear
ASCE 7-05, Table 12.2-1. plate.
In addition, compliance with the American Welding 4.1.3 Plastic Moment Capacity at Hinge(s): Plastic
Society (AWS) Structural Welding Code–Steel (ANSI/AWS moment capacity at the plastic hinge location, which does
D1.1:2010 for the 2012 IBC and D1.1:2004 for the 2009 not include the effects of strain hardening, must be
IBC), with modifications as set forth in AISC 360 Section calculated as follows:
J2, and Section 3.2.3 of this report, is required. The design
must also take into account requirements set forth in
Sections 4.1.1 through 4.1.17 of this report. where:
4.1.1 Beam Slot Dimensions: The beam slots must
terminate at 11/16-inch-diameter (27 mm) holes for beams Mp = Plastic moment capacity at hinge, kip-in.
24 inches (610 mm) deep and greater or 13/16-inch- (N-mm).
diameter (21 mm) holes for beams less than 25 inches Zb = as defined in Section 4.1.2 of this report.
(610 mm) deep. The beam slot length, ls, must meet the
least of the following equations (within ±10%): Fye = Ry Fy



ls = 1.5bf ls = 1.5bf Ry = ratio of the expected yield stress to the specified

= 102tf / (Fye)
= 268tf / (Fye)
1/2 minimum yield stress Fy.

d Fy = specified minimum yield stress of the type of
2 2
steel to be used in the yield element, ksi (MPa).
= lp + (lb-lp) / 10 = lp + (lb-lp) / 10
4.1.4 Probable Maximum Moment at Hinge(s):
where: Probable maximum moment at the beam plastic hinge
location, which includes the effects of strain hardening,
bf = Beam flange width, inches (mm). must be calculated using the following equation:
d = Beam depth, inches (mm).
Fye = Expected yield strength of steel beams, ksi
(MPa). where:
= Ry Fy Mpr = Probable maximum moment at hinge, kip-in.
ls = Beam slot length, inches (mm).
tf = Beam flange thickness, inches (mm). Cpr = Factor to account for the peak connection
strength, including strain hardening effect, must
lb = One-half clear span (between column flanges) equal to 1.1.
length of beam, inches (mm).
Zb = as defined in Section 4.1.2 of this report.
lp = Width (along the beam span direction) of shear
plate, inches (mm). Fye = as defined in Section 4.1.3 of this report.
Ry = Ratio of the expected yield stress to the 4.1.5 Moment at Colum Center Line(s): The moment
specified minimum yield stress, in accordance must be calculated as follows:
with Table A3.1 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012
IBC (Table I-6-1 of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 ∙
IBC), ksi (MPa). 2
Fy = Specified minimum yield stress of the type of the is the distance between the centroid of beam
steel to be used, ksi (MPa). plastic hinge and column center line.
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4.1.6 Adequacy of Connection Flexural Capacity: The e = eccentricity of shear plate (in. or mm)
connection must develop the full ductile capacity (Mpr) of
e = Mweld /Vweld
the beam.
Vbeam = Shear at face of column, kips (kN)
4.1.7 Required Shear Strength at Connection: The
required shear strength Vu of beam and beam web-to- .
column connection must be determined using the following
equation: where:
2Mpr tp = as defined in Section 4.1.9 of this report.
Vu = +Vgravity
Fye = as defined in Section 4.1.3 of this report.
D = Shear at column face resulting from unfactored
Vu = required shear strength of beam and beam-to- dead loads, kips (kN).
column connection, kips (N).
L = Shear at column face resulting from unfactored
L′ = distance between beam web plastic hinges, live loads, kips (kN).
inches (mm).
S = See Section 1605.2 of the IBC.
Mpr = maximum probable moment at hinge, kip-in
(N-mm). See Section 4.1.4. tw = Thickness of beam web, inches (mm).

Vgravity = beam shear force resulting from the following f1 & f2 = As defined in Equation (16-5) of the IBC.
factors 1.2 , as defined in Mp = as defined in Section 4.1.3 of this report.
Equation 16-5 of the IBC, kips (N).
lb = as defined in Section 4.1.1 of this report.
In addition, the design shear strength of the beam must
lp = as defined in Section 4.1.1 of this report.
be checked according to Chapter G of AISC 360, .
Zweb = Plastic section modulus of beam web, in3 (m3).
4.1.8 Column Panel Zone: The column panel zone must
comply with Section E3.6e of AISC 341-10 and Section = twT /4
J10.6(b) of AISC 360-10 for the 2012 IBC (Section 9.3b of
AISC 341-05 and Section J10.6(b) of AISC 360-05 for the
2009 IBC). The contribution of panel zone deformation to T = as defined in Section 4.1.9 of this report.
overall story drift must be considered in accordance with
4.1.11 Continuity Plate Requirements: Design of the
ASCE 7 Section 12.7.3.
continuity plates is the responsibility of the registered
4.1.9 Shear Plate Design: The width Ip is 4 to 6 inches design professional and must meet the requirements of
(102 to 152 mm). The height is determined as follows: Section E3.6f of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC (Section
7.5 of AISC 341-05 and Section 2.4.4 of AISC 358-05s1-09
hp = T - 2 inches SI: hp = T – 51 mm
for the 2009 IBC).
4.1.12 Beam Limitations: In accordance with
hp = Required shear plate height, inches (mm). requirements in AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC (AISC
341-05 for the 2009 IBC), beams must satisfy the following
T = Distance between web toes of fillets at top and limitations:
bottom of the beam web, inches (mm).
1. Beams must be rolled wide-flange shapes or built-up
The thickness, tp, must be determined using the following sections prescribed in Section 2.3 of ANSI/AISC
equation: 358-10 including AISC 358s1-11. Material for plates
6 and welds for built-up beams must conform to Section
3.2 of this report.
2. Beam depth is limited to the maximum allowed for a
where: W36.
tp = Required shear plate thickness, inches (mm). 3. Beam weight is limited to a maximum of 400 lbs/ft
Zb = Plastic section modulus of the beam, in.3 (mm3) (600 kg/m).
The thickness of the plate must be at least /8 inches 4. Beam flange width and thickness must comply with
(10 mm) or at least /3 of the beam web thickness, Sections E3.5 and D1.1 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012
whichever is greater. For other terms, see Section 4.1.1 of IBC (Section 9.4 of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC).
this report. Beam flange thickness is limited a maximum of
21/4 inches (57 mm).
4.1.10 Shear Plate Welding Design: The shear plate
must be welded to the beam web with a C-shaped fillet 5. Beams must be full length between Slotted Web™
weld that has been designed to resist Mweld, Vweld, and the Steel Moment Frame Connections.
resulting eccentricity, e. These values are determined 6. The ratio of the distance between beam hinge
using the following equations: centerlines over the beam depth must be limited to 6.5
Mweld = moment resisted by shear plate, lbf-in or greater.
(N-mm) 7. Lateral bracing of beams must be provided as follows:
= 1.1 The beam must be braced in conformance with
Sections E3.5 and D1.2 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012
Vweld = shear resisted by shear plate, lbf (N) IBC (Section 9.8 of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC),
where the length of the beam is defined as the distance
= / between the ends of the Slotted Web™ connections.
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As tested, and in conformance with AISC 341, no resistance factor provisions, to gross area of the
supplemental lateral bracing is required at or near the column (psi or Pa).
plastic hinge. ∑ ∗
= The sum of the projections of the expected
4.1.13 Lateral Bracing Requirements: Lateral bracing flexural strengths of the beams at the web
must comply with Sections E3.4b and E3.4c of AISC 341- plastic hinge locations to the column centerline.
10 for the 2012 IBC (Sections 9.7 and 9.8 of AISC 341-05 The location of the web plastic hinges in the
for the 2009 IBC), except that no beam end lateral bracing beam must be determined in accordance with
(at or near the plastic hinge) is required. Section 4.1.2 of the report. The expected
4.1.14 Panel Zone Deformation: The contribution of flexural strength of the beam may be computed
panel zone deformations to overall story drift must be in accordance with Eq-4:
∑ ∗
determined so as to comply with ASCE 7, Section 12.7.3, ∑ 1.1 (Eq-4)
and AISC 360, Section J10.6.(b).
Ry = Adjustment coefficient for material over-
4.1.15 Column Limitations: Columns must satisfy the strength, in accordance with Table A3.1 of AISC
following limitations: 341-10 for the 2012 IBC (Table I-6-1 of
1. Columns must be rolled wide-flange shapes or built-up ANSI/AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC).
sections prescribed in Section 2.3 of AISC 358-10 Fyb = Specified minimum yield strength of the beam
including AISC 358s1-11. Materials for plates and (psi or Pa).
welds for built-up columns must conform to Section 3.2
of this report. Zb = Plastic modulus of the beam section (in.3 or m3).
2. The column depth is limited to a maximum W36 = Additional moment due to shear amplification
(W920). from the centroid of the beam hinge to the
column centerline (lb‐in. or N‐m). See Section
3. The column is limited to a maximum weight of 710 lb/ft E3.4a of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC (Section
(1057 kg/m). 9.6 of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC).
4. Column orientation: beam is connected to column
Strength demands at the critical load transfer locations
through the Slotted Web™ beam-to-column connection
5. Width-thickness ratios for the flanges and web of and column must be determined by superimposing M*pb
columns must conform to the limits of Sections E3.5a computed based on the known beam hinge centroid
and D1.1 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC (Section 9.4 location, and then ramping up the moment demand at each
of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC). critical section, based upon the span geometry.
6. Lateral bracing of the columns must be provided in 4.1.17 Protected Zones: The protected Zones consist of
accordance with Section E3.4c of AISC 341-10 for the (1) the portion of the beam web between the face of the
2012 IBC (Section 9.7 of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 column to the end of the slots plus one half the nominal
IBC). depth of the beam beyond the slot end, and (2) the beam
4.1.16 Column-Beam Relationship Limitations: flange from the face to the column to the end of the slot
plus one-half the nominal beam flange width. The
1. The design shear strength of the column web must be Protected Zones must meet the requirements set forth in
determined in accordance with Section E3.6e of AISC Section E3.5c of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC (Section
341-10 and Section J10.6b of AISC 360-10 for the 7.4 of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC). Field modification of
2012 IBC (Section 9.3 of AISC 341-05 and Section the moment connection within this zone is not permitted.
J10.6b of AISC 360-05 for the 2009 IBC).
4.2 Welding:
2. Column-beam ratios must be limited as follows:
Welding must be in accordance with Section E3.6a of
The column-beam ratio must be satisfied by applying Eq-2: AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC (Section 7.3 and
∑ ∗
Appendix W of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC). Welding
∑ ∗ 1.0 Eq-2)
must be performed in accordance with a welding
procedure specification (WPS) as required in AWS D1.1
and approved by the engineer of record. A WPS in
∑ ∗
= The sum of the projections of the nominal conformance with Clause 4 of AWS D1.1 must be
flexural strengths (Mpc) of the column above developed for fabrication of each and every different
and below the connection joint, at the welding application, with respect to position, welding
intersection of the beam and column process, electrode manufacturer, trade name of the filler
centerline with a reduction for the axial force metal for the selected electrode type, and welding
in the column. The nominal flexural strength parameters required to complete the fabrication. To apply
of the column may be computed in prequalified processes, the WPS must be in conformance
accordance with Eq-3: with Clause 3 of AWS D1.1 and Clause 6.1 of AWS
D1.8:2010 for the 2012 IBC (AWS D1.8:2005 for the 2009
∑ ∗
∑ (Eq-3) IBC). The WPS variables must be within the parameters
established by the filler metal manufacturer. A WPS that is
not in conformance with Clause 3 of AWS D1.1 must be
where: based on a documented Procedure Qualification Record
Zc = The plastic section modulus of the column (PQR), in accordance with Clause 4 of AWS D1.1, which is
(in.3 or m3). subject to the approval of the engineer of record.
Fyc = The minimum specified yield strength of the 4.3 Fabrication:
column at the connection (psi or Pa).
All components of the SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF
Pu/Ag = Ratio of column axial compressive load, connection must be manufactured by an approved
computed in accordance with load and fabricator complying with Section 1704.2.5.2 of the 2012
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IBC (Section 1704.2.2 of the 2009 IBC). Compliance with 5. The beam top and bottom flanges are welded to the
the IAS Accreditation Criteria for Fabricator Inspection column flange with CJP groove welds.
Programs for Structural Steel (AC172) is deemed to equal
6. The beam web is welded to the column flange along
compliance with Section 1704.2.5.2 of the 2012 IBC
the full height of the shear plate with a CJP groove
(Section 1704.2.2 of the 2009 IBC). In addition to
complying with applicable codes such as the IBC, AISC
360, AISC 303, AISC 341, AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.8, the 7. Welds are inspected by Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
approved fabricator must demonstrate that the following in accordance with Section 4.5 of this report.
slot tolerances can be consistently maintained:
8. The shear plate is welded to the beam web with a fillet
/8-inch-wide (3.2 mm) slot: + 1/16 inch, - 0 inch (+ 2 mm, weld. The fillet weld is visually inspected in accordance
- 0 mm) to end of shear plate; with Section 4.5 of this report.
/4-inch-wide (6.4 mm) slot: + 1/8 inch - 0 inch (+ 3.2 mm, 9. The slots are completed by flame-cutting from “Y” to
0 mm) from end of shear plate to the slot determination the end of the beam web.
hole; 1 /16-inch-diameter (27 mm) termination hole:
1 3
+ /16 inch, - 0 inch (+ 1.6 mm, - 1.6 mm); /16-inch (21 mm) 10. The backup bar is removed at the bottom beam flange,
termination hole: + 1/16 inch, - 0 inch (+ 1.6 mm). and fillet weld reinforcement is provided with size equal
1 1
to /4 the beam flange thickness not less than /4 inch
Welding must be in accordance with Section 4.2 of this 3
(6 mm) nor more than /8 inch (10 mm). The weld is
report. inspected in accordance with Section 4.5 of this report.
The beam web slots shall be made using thermal cutting 11. If building erection can be accomplished by initially
to produce a surface roughness not exceeding 1000 micro- cutting the beam slot to full length, the staged cutting of
inches. Gouges and notches that may occur in the the slot is eliminated and fabrication is completed as
thermally cut slots may be repaired by grinding. The beam shop-only.
slots terminate at 1 /16-inch-diameter (27 mm) holes for
beams 24 inches (610 mm) deep or greater, or 13/16- inch 12. Visual welding inspection must be performed before
diameter (21 mm) holes for beams less than 24 inches welding, during welding, and after welding, and must
(610 mm) deep. Slot widths are nominally 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) be in compliance with Section J6.1 of AISC 341-10 for
along the shear plate and /4 inch (6.4 mm) for the the 2012 IBC (Appendix Q, Section Q5.1, of AISC
remainder of the length, with a 1:6 slope to make the 341-05 for the 2009 IBC).
transition. 13. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) of welds must comply
Refer to Figure 1 for an illustration of a typical SSDA with Section J6.2 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC
Slotted Web™ SMF Connection detail. (Appendix Q, Section Q5.2, of AISC 341-05 for the
2009 IBC).
4.4 Erection:
Erection of the SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF connection must Refer to Figure 1 for a typical SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF
conform with AISC 360-10 including Chapter N, AISC Connection detail.
303-10, AISC 341-10 including Chapters I and J, AWS 4.5 Quality Assurance:
D1.1:2010, and AWS D1.8:2009 for the 2012 IBC (AISC
360-05 including Chapter M, AISC 303-05, AISC 341-05 A plan for quality assurance conforming to Sections 1704
including Appendices Q and W, and AWS D1.1:2004, and and 1705 of the 2012 IBC (sections 1704 through 1707 of
AWS D1.8:2005 for the 2009 IBC); and must be consistent the 2009 IBC) must be included in the structural
with the requirements noted in Chapters 17 and 22 of design/construction document prepared by a registered
the IBC. design professional and approved by the code official.

Shear plates are attached to the beam web typically with Special inspection for steel construction must conform to
/4-inch-diameter (20 mm) or 7/8-inch-diameter (22 mm) A Sections 1704.2.5, 1705.2, and 1705.11.1 of the 2012 IBC,
325 or A 490 high-strength erection bolts at approximately and Chapter J of the AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC
6 inches (150 mm) on center that are fully tensioned in the (Sections 1704.2, 1704.3, and 1707.2 of the 2009 IBC, and
field as determined by the erector/contractor and then Part 1 Section 18 and Appendix Q of AISC 341-05 for the
welded using fillet welds. All welding must be in 2009 IBC), and must be included in the approved quality
accordance with Section 4.2 of this report. assurance plan. Special inspection must verify compliance
of steel with specifications; steel identification; material
Shop preparation and field erection of the system verifications and identifications of high-strength bolts, nuts
includes the following installation procedures: and washers; qualification of welders; use of appropriate
1. Termination holes are shop-drilled in the web of the welding materials; storage conditions for welding materials,
beam. Refer to Section 4.1.1 for dimensions. Automatic bolts, washers and nuts; welded joint preparation;
flame cutting may be utilized to produce the slot conformance of welding procedures with approved WPS
termination hole. and applicable provisions of AWS D1.1, AISC 360 and
AISC 341; fabrication tolerances; and steel frame joint
2. Slots are partially flame-cut in an approved fabricator’s details in conformance with approved construction
shop starting at “Y” distance (as shown on the documents. Inspections must include compliance with
connection detail Figure 1) from the end of the beam, Sections J6 through J8 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC
and the flame cut is continued to the slot termination (Section Q5, Appendix Q of AISC 341-05 for the
hole. No grinding of the flame-cut slots is required. The 2009 IBC); with the exception that those requirements for
slot at k-line must be tangent to the top of the slot Reduced Beam Section (RBS) must be replaced with
termination hole. corresponding requirements for the slots/termination holes.
3. The beam is installed and all bolts are fully tensioned in
In Seismic Design Categories C, D, E and F, visual
the field to the preinstalled shear plate.
inspection and nondestructive testing (NDT) in accordance
4. Preheating and post-heating must conform to the with Section 1705.12.2 of the 2012 IBC; Clause 4.9.2 of
requirements of AWS D1.1. AWS D1.1:2010 and Clause 7 of AWS D1.8:2009 for the
ESR-1093 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 8

2012 IBC (Section 1708.3 of the 2009 IBC; Clause 4.8.2 of detail drawings. The bottom flange weld back-up bar
AWS D1.1:2004 and Clause 7 of AWS D1.8:2009 for the removal and repair must be in accordance with
2009 IBC) must be performed. Personnel for visual Section 3.3 of AISC 358-10 including AISC 358s1-11.
inspection and NDT testing must be qualified in
Bolts in the Web of SSDA Slotted Web™ connections
accordance with Section J4 of AISC 341-10.
are erection bolts and do not require special inspection.
In addition to the requirements set forth above, Bolts should be installed in accordance with Section J3
precautions for preventing the occurrence of delayed of AISC 360 so as to support erection loads. Surfaces
hydrogen cracking of completed welds, set forth below, of connections should be clean and burr-free to allow
must be followed. for fit-up.
The phenomenon of delayed cracking has been known 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE
to occur infrequently and is due to the presence of free
The SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF Connection described in
hydrogen in the weld zone. This hydrogen can have its
this report complies with, or is a suitable alternative to what
source in the base metal or weld filler metal, or can be
is specified in, the code indicated in Section 1.0 of this
introduced into the weld from atmospheric moisture
report, subject to the following conditions:
(rainwater) or organic contaminants. In order to limit the
frequency of these missteps, the following precautions 5.1 The SSDA Slotted Web™ SMF Connection must be
must be taken: designed by a registered design professional with
design procedure identified in Section 4.1 of this
1. Flux core weld filler metal of low hydrogen percentage,
report, and must be approved by the code official.
as required by Section 3.2.3 of this report, from
moisture-resistant sealed containers, must be utilized. 5.2 The steel SMF, utilizing the SSDA Slotted Web™
SMF Connection, must be normally enclosed and
2. After flux core weld filler metal has been withdrawn
maintained at a temperature of 50°F (10°C) or higher,
from the shipping wrapper and left exposed to the
as prescribed in Section A3.4 of AISC 341-10 and
atmosphere for more than four hours, at least 4 feet
AWS D1.8 subclause 6.3.6 for the 2012 IBC
(1219 mm) of wire prior to initiation of welding must be
(Section 7.3b of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC).
withdrawn and disposed of, to eliminate flux absorbed
moisture contamination. 5.3 The scope of prequalification of the SSDA Slotted
Web™ SMF Connection must be limited to the details
3. Prior to initiation of welding, the connection elements
provided in Sections 4.1.12, 4.1.15 and 4.1.16 of this
must be preheated per AWS D1.1 Table 3.2. To
accomplish a proper preheat, the column flange
backside and the girder flange underside are heated. 5.4 Structural design drawings and specifications, shop
After preheat is accomplished, welding commences. drawings and erection drawings must comply with
Interpass temperature must be maintained per AWS Sections A4 and I1 of AISC 341-10 for the 2012 IBC
D1.1 while welding. (Section 5 of AISC 341-05 for the 2009 IBC).
4. If temperature is below 50°F (10°C) or wind speed is 5.5 Fabrication must comply with Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of
more than 5 mph, the completed weld must be this report, and must be performed by an approved
wrapped with an insulating blanket to provide for a slow fabricator, as described in Section 1704.2.5.2 of the
cooling of the completed weldment. Heat application at 2012 IBC (1704.2.2 of the 2009 IBC), in the approved
a lower intensity than preheating methods may be used shop facility.
to effect a slow cooling of the weld.
5.6 Erection must be in accordance with Section 4.2 and
5. Ultrasonic testing (UT) for weld volumetric flaws may 4.4 of this report and the approved engineering plan,
proceed as soon as possible after welds are prepared by a registered design professional and
completed. A check for delayed cracking of welds from approved by the code official.
hydrogen embrittlement must be made after the
5.7 Quality assurance must be provided in accordance
building structure is substantially loaded. Only the
with Section 4.5 of this report.
lower flanges need be tested and at the rate of
25 percent of all SSDA Slotted Web™ connection 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED
welds, provided that this reduced percent of UT test is
Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria
not in conflict with Chapter J of AISC 341-10 for the
for Steel Moment Frame Connection Systems (AC129),
2012 IBC (Appendix Q of AISC 341-05 for the
dated October 2012.
2009 IBC). After concrete floors on the completed
frame are in place, the ultrasonic recheck for delayed 7.0 IDENTIFICATION
cracking may commence.
Material Identification must be in accordance with Section
6. Run-off Tabs (Weld Tabs)and Back-up Bars: Run-off 2203 of the IBC, and mill certificates must be provided for
tab may be left in place so long as the welds are slag- all steel plates, steel shapes, weld filler material and
free and the weld profile forms a smooth transition from fasteners.
the end of the tab to the beginning of the design weld
Steel must be marked or indent-stamped to demonstrate
compliance with design requirements.
7. Only the back-up bar of the bottom flange of the SSDA
Slotted Web™ Beam Connection need be removed
and the weld refinished per accompanying design
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