Concept Note On Signages

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Need of Hospital Signage: Hospital signage is necessary for imparting

information to the patients and their attendants and not merely only cosmetic
value. Standard Hospital Signage is one of the mandatory activities for the NABH
Accreditation. Bilingual and clear signage certainly adds value to the hospital
services and helps the already suffering patient and reduces the chaos in the
hospital and thereby improving the overall quality of the hospitals.
As per NABH Standard (4th Edition) hospital signage is a necessary part
of the quality assurance programme:
AAC 11 h: Imaging signage is prominently displayed in all appropriate locations.
PRE 1a: Patient and family rights and responsibilities are documented and
PRE 6b: The relevant tariff list is available to patients.
FMS 2c: There is internal and external sign postings in the organisation in a
language understood by the patient, families and community.
FMS 6b: The organisation has a documented safe-exit plan in case of fire and
non-fire emergencies.
As per national Quality Assurance standards (2016) hospital signage is a
necessary part of the quality assurance programme:
Standard B1 the facility provides the information to care seekers,
attendants & community about the available services and their
ME B1.1 The facility has uniform and user-friendly signage system.
ME B1.2 The facility displays the services and entitlements available in its
ME B1.3 The facility has established citizen charter, which is followed at all
ME B1.4 User charges are displayed and communicated to patients effectively.
ME B1.6 Information is available in local language and easy to understand.
Initiative of Govt. of U.P.: Concept of Hospital branding is one of the pioneer
work in Govt. healthcare sector in U.P State.
Contribution of UPHSSP: UPHSSP is committed to have NABH Accreditation in
51 district level hospitals of U.P. State. UPHSSP had selected 22 District level
Hospitals for the signage work (Phase II) according to the decision taken in the
meeting chaired by the Chief Secretary of U.P (dated 23.06.2015). QA Cell has
taken the initiative under supervision of Project Director and APD, UPHSSP. NA
Media, Lucknow has done this work.
Following major Signage has been designed and fixed in the hospital which
provide necessary information such as :

Citizens charter: for general information the services available in the

Scope of the services: exact information about the OPD/IPD services.
Mission vision and quality policy of the hospital.

Departmental Signage for OPD and IPD

Doctors name list and Emergency doctors list for the public view.
Hospital Tariff list of all chargeable hospital services.
Directional signage for easy and non-chaotic movement of patients and
their attendents.
Non Clinical Utility Signage (toilet, drinking water, rain basera etc.)
Cautionary signage (radiation hazard, PCPNDT, UP Med. Protection Act,
fire exit etc.)

Signage for the rest of the 26 Hospitals(Phase-I and III) will be completed in the
year 2016. BOQ is ready for the 26 hospitals. Two hospital; LBRN Lucknow and
Veerangana Avantibai has already been done by NHM, so we are not going for
these two hospitals.
Effect of signage: Uniform signages are now visible in the hospitals which
provides a better look and also a better source of information in vernacular
language. This will certainly improve the quality of the hospital functions and will
add value in NABH Accreditation.

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