Utilization of Educational Media For Teaching of Physics at Higher Secondary Level

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The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015, Pp.

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Students learn science from a variety of sources. Some understand
science through the media like television programmers, computer
etc while others many like to visit museums and science centers.
Depending upon the interest and needs of the learners, the teacher
decides to use different types of teaching aids to facilitate class
rooms instruction. The overall purpose of study was Utilization of
educational media for teaching of physics at higher secondary level.
The study specifically analyzes the practices of educational media
in physics classroom. The survey research technique was adopted.
The questionnaire, interview and observation were the major
instruments. Triangulation approach was used to analyze the data.
Concrete recommendations were made on the basis of findings.
Keywords: Utilization, educational media, teaching of physics.

The progress of nation depends upon the education and research.
Curriculum changes are moving fast, education is changing fast
and followed by instructional methods. Dynamic, approaches are
being introduced day by day. The aim of this modern education is
to stir up the hidden curiosity and desire of thinking skills,
nourishing their behaviors, attitudes and believes in order to
develop basic and important. The freedom should be given to
students to ask, inquire, explore and be creative.

Ph.D Scholar, Hamdard Institute of Education and Social Sciences, Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan


Associate Professor, Visiting Faculty at Hamdard Institute of Education and Social Sciences, Hamdard University,
Karachi, Pakistan

The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015


Before the learner was passive and teacher was the main source of
knowledge only learning inception of modern instructional
methods. But in present years the both have equal challenges in the
endear ours. Use of technological tools enhance learning.
It is observed that learner focused on what is being taught by the
teacher in the classroom session. Audio visual aids have a good
impact upon student and teachers and make the lecture more
interesting. They play a vital role in focusing the attention of learner
towards the topic.
Five senses are the sources for effective learning, especially seeing,
hearing and touching brings maximum knowledge for the
individual. Bruner a psychologist at New York university
advocates, research has shown that people remember 10% of what
they hear, 20% of what they read, 80%of what they see and do
(lester,2012).Audio visual aids are the effective communicative
tools between the teachers and learners. These aids not only save
the time but also support to create the curiosity, creativity and
critical thinking. It emphasizes on the cognitive development of
learner and works on developing sound foundation for higher
studies (jadal, 2011).

Literature Review
Moeller, & Reitzes,. (2011) emphasized the improvising apparatus,
making charts and models, doing experiments, conducting
exhibitions and demonstrations, setting apparatus, they Provides
first-hand experience. These activities make the learning easy,
effective and fast, it saves a lot of student-teacher time and energy.
Improvised aids are useful because, it motivates the learners to
create his own teaching-learning material from objects which are
easily available to him. Improvised aids promote 'learning by doing
and also trigger creativity.
Bude Su. (2009), observed that learners do various things
themselves, students are actively involved when teaching aids are
used. Teacher can use teaching aids to arouse curiosity, to trigger


The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015

scientific thinking and to help learners identify the cause-effect

relationship and provides freedom of thought and actions.
The student can discuss their observations, work in groups, can talk
and analyze, comment and elaborate their viewpoints. Thus the
students feel free when teaching aids are used in the classroom.
According to Dahar and Faize (2011) charts are cheap, handy and
easy to use aids which can assist the teacher to help learners to
understand the concept in better way. For example, various
processes, flow diagrams etc. can be effectively explained using a
chart. They help to secure better attention of learners and arouse
their interest.
According to Nzewuihe (2011) blackboard should be used to
develop a summary of the content in which various concepts are
linked to each other properly. Colored chalks can be used to draw
flow charts, concept maps, diagrams etc. to highlight various
aspects. Flow diagrams, concept maps, figures, pie charts, bar
graphs and other pictorial forms have a high retention and should
be used to represent knowledge. Subject, date, topic and sub-topic
should be written on the blackboard and before leaving the class,
to clean the blackboard for the other teacher to use it. Whiteboards
may also be used as screens for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
projectors or OHP projectors. Greater reflectivity of whiteboard
results in brighter projected images.
Selvi (2007) discussed that a model is a three-dimensional
projection or representation of a real object. The interested and
colorful chart helps the learner to cocas within the boundaries on
the content and too many lines and pictures make it a complex aids
thus defeating the purpose. They help the learner to form better
perceptions because a three-dimensional view is available; they
give a notion of reality as they bear a close resemblance to the real
Brinkerhoff (2006) focuses the most common use of ICT in
education is to support teaching and learning. This approach
integrates ICT into existing educational practices, ranging from

The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015


teachers using presentation of software with interactive white

batches in face to face sessions, through the course delivered
completely on line, often taken at a distance, choice and control of
the technology are determined by the needs of the curriculum,
institutional policy and commitments, and the discretion of
Ling (2009) stresses ICT in some cases has been found to be good
motivator, pupils working on the computer showing high levels of
enthusiasm. ICT can clearly make difference to pupil presentation
of their ideas. At a super field level this can refer to the increased
attractiveness of presentations designed using the sophisticated
word-processing. Difficult ideas may often be made more readily
understandable by being made visible through ICT. A concept such
as the flow of electronic current can be drawn on a black board, and
animation on the computer cans pupils understanding.
Jadal (2011) discussed that in classrooms, teleconferencing is used
to allow the learners to avail of the experiences of the persons or
experts who are unable to come physically to interact with the
learners. Through this mode the students may ask their
doubts/questions to the concerned person and learn from him/her.
Gillani (2005) pointed out that important concepts and definitions
may be placed on transparencies/slides. Elaborate explanations
may be provided orally by the teacher. Diagrams, figures, pictures,
processes, flow diagrams and concept maps may be effectively
used to enhance understanding by using projected aids.
Teaching aid needs regular up gradation and evaluation. As time
passes the needs of our students also change, so the teacher needs
to adopt teaching aids regularly. Teachers are made aware of the
different experiences and their relative values by looking at the
positions they occupy.
The learning experiences are arranged in an increasing order of
abstractness from bottom to top. It shows that there is no perfect
learning experience; different experiences have different effects. It


The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015

is for the teacher to provide a combination of experiences for

effective concept comprehension.

Objectives of the study

Following objectives were formulated in this study.
1. To analyze the practices of educational media in physics
2. To assess the application of ICTs in teaching learning
3. To explore the students perception about the use of audiovisual aids in classroom.
4. To suggest the ways and means for effective use of
educational media in teaching learning process.

It was a survey type study. The population of the study consisted
of all the principals of colleges, physics teachers and science
students of public sector colleges of Sindh. The stratified random
sampling design was adopted.210 physics teachers, 75 principals
and 165 science students were drawn from 528 public sector
colleges in Sindh. Two questionnaires for teachers and students
were developed, interview was conducted for physics teachers and
observation checklist was developed for class observation. The
triangulation approach was adopted for data analysis.

The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015


Item analysis





I use different AV aids (charts, white

boards, picture) while teaching.






I use instructional technology during the







I use the computer lab for integrated







I use of instructional technology results in







I promote the students to maintain the soft

board in the class.





Referring the table of 2 we found that the tabulated value of 2 =

5.99 with df = 2 at = 0.05 is smaller than the calculated value of 2
= 74.39. Hence Ho was rejected and it was concluded that there was
significant difference in views regarding the use of different av
aids. From the inspection of the table it was clear that most of the
college teachers believed that teachers didnt use different av aids
(charts, white boards, picture) while teaching.
Referring the table of 2 we found that the tabulated value of 2=5.99
with df = 2 at = 0.05 is smaller than the calculated value of
2=194.98 Hence Ho was rejected and it was concluded that there
was significant difference in views regarding the use of
instructional technology. From the inspection of the table it was
clear that most of the college teachers believe that teachers didnt
use instructional technology during the lecture.
Referring the table of 2 we found that the tabulated value of 2 =
5.99 with df = 2 at = 0.05 is smaller than the calculated value of 2
= 259.98 Hence Ho was rejected and it was concluded that there
was significant difference in views regarding the use of the
computer lab. From the inspection of the table it was clear that most


The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015

of the college teachers believe that teachers didnt use the computer
lab for integrated lesson.
Referring the table of 2 we found that the tabulated value of 2 =
5.99 with df = 2 at = 0.05 is smaller than the calculated value of 2
= 210.87. Hence Ho was rejected and it was concluded that there
was significant difference in views regarding the use of
instructional technology. From the inspection of the table it was
clear that most of the college teacher strongly believe that teachers
didnt use of instructional technology results in learning.
Referring the table of 2 we found that the tabulated value of 2 =
5.99 with df = 2 at = 0.05 is smaller than the calculated value of 2
= 287.84. Hence Ho was rejected and it was concluded that there
was significant difference in views regarding the maintaining the
soft board in the class. From the inspection of the table it was clear
that most of the teachers believe that they didnt promote the
students to maintain the soft board in the class.

Interview protocol
Do you use ICT while teaching?










The above table shows that 95% teachers didnt use the ICT. Hence
it was concluded that most of teachers did not use of ICT while
teaching, due to lack of skill and training.

The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015


Do you use A.V aids while teaching?












The above table shows that 85% teachers didnt use the A.V aids
while teaching. Hence it was concluded that teachers did not use
A.V aids while teaching.

Classroom observation
Used the A.V aids during the lecture.











The above table indicates that 90% of the teachers did not using the
A.V aids during the lecture. The answer of teachers in
questionnaire and interview showed the same result because they
didnt have knowledge and skills. The management has not
provided the materials for A.V aids.

Positive trend of opinion was found in respect of the following
items of the questionnaire.

Competitive environment is promoted in the class.

Manage classroom activities smoothly.
Share the learning problems to teachers?
Promote work hard to inculcate the concepts?
Teaching styles impress.
Conducts the class properly.
Develops a command over the subject.
Create novel ideas about to the topic.


The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015

Ensures the classroom discipline.

Understands the learning problems of students.
Encourages you to ask relevant question.

Negative trends of opinion were also found in respect of the

following items of the questionnaire.
I use different teaching (lecture, lecture demonstration, problem
solving) method according to the content/context.
Use different strategies keeping in view the individual
differences in lesson Planning.
Develop lesson plan is developed for lecture.
Use ICT to clear the students concepts.
Use different av aids (charts, white boards, picture) while
Use instructional technology during the lecture.
Use the computer lab for integrated lesson.
Employ instructional technology and its feedback in
Use multiple question techniques.
Encourage the students to maintain the soft board in the
Test is conducted as per plan.
Different project are assigned to students.
The principals feedback included:
Teachers use the different methods according to the content.
Teachers usually use the different a.v aids while teaching.
Teachers give attention individually as far as possible.
Teachers use technology for delivering the lecture.
Teachers make the lesson plan. .
Students participate fully in group discussion.
Teachers provide the notes.
Teachers give the assignments.

The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015


Teachers give the small project related to the content.


Teacher pays attention to the students individually.

Teacher uses the instructional technology during lecture.
Teacher controls the whole class properly.
Teacher promotes the students to maintain the soft board in
the class.
Teacher manages the classroom activities (quiz, exp
projects) properly.

Analysis of the data led to the formulation of the following
The academically expert and, professionally competent physics
teachers may be appointed in the educational institutions.
Sufficient audio-visual aids may be provided to teachers in
order to enhance the effectiveness of the process.
Seminars workshops (related to teaching) may be arranged
time to time.
The selection of content at appropriate level may be based upon
the interest and needs for development of scientific skills, and
attitudes of students.
Research projects may be assigned to students according to
their mental approach. Latest software regarding the science
education and internet facilities be provided in the college.
It is vital to regulate science education in collaboration with
Pakistan Science and Research Council.
Counseling and guidance in the science (physics) may be
Internal evaluation system may be strengthened.
Teacher may promote the healthy questioning according to the
content application.
Teacher may join in service training or practical base short
course may be arranged periodically


The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015

Different learning technologies may be used to enhance the

learning of students.
Students may be encouraged to participate fully in activities
and projects.
The course of strategic academic planning and management
may be included in the training of teachers and principals.
Professional qualification may be compulsory for teaching
before joining the services.
Small project may be assigned to students according to the
content and mental approach.
Teacher, opinion may be given prime importance in the
development and implementation of physics curriculum.
Teachers may develop critical thinking and scientific behaviors
in the students.
Follow up study may be carried out by the management to
remove the problems in teaching.
Teachers may learn about content enrichment, technology of
learning, philosophy of education and vital models of learning
and principles of learning.

The purpose of physics teaching at higher secondary level is to
enable learners to grasp systematically the basic knowledge of
physics needed for the further study of modern science and
technology and to understand its applications. It should help them
to acquire experimental skills, develop the ability to think and
cultivate a dialectical materialist view point and make them aware
of need to struggle for the modernization. The primary purpose of
physics teaching is to develop the scientific culture and attitude in
students and to familiarize them with the important role played by
physics in their daily life.

The Sindh University Journal of Education Vol.44 No. 1, 2015


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