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LNT 505 Operator's Manual: 1MRS751706-MUM

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LNT 505

Program rev.:
Doc. version:

Data subject to change without notice

Operators Manual

Operators Manual


LNT 505

Table of Contents

Legal notes .....................................................................................1


Trademarks..................................................................................... 1

Lon Network Tool overview ..........................................................3


About the Lon Network Tool version ............................................... 3


Getting help .................................................................................... 3


Lon Network Tool features .............................................................. 3


Application ...................................................................................... 4


General........................................................................................... 4


Device type maintaining .................................................................. 4


Network configuration (project) creation.......................................... 4


Network operations ......................................................................... 5

Using the Lon Network Tool .........................................................7


Start-up........................................................................................... 7


Managing networks....................................................................... 10


Creating a configuration ................................................................ 11


Configuring devices ...................................................................... 17


Creating connections .................................................................... 18


Managing device types ................................................................. 20


Transferring configuration to the Network ..................................... 24


Installing nodes ............................................................... 24


Downloading a configuration ........................................... 29


Documentation.............................................................................. 29


Utilities .......................................................................................... 31

3.10 LNT Server ................................................................................... 33

3.11 LON/SPA Gateway Configuration Tool ......................................... 34

ABB Automation


Overview ......................................................................... 34


Installation ....................................................................... 34


Using the LSG CFG Tool................................................. 34


Starting the LSG CFG Tool ............................................. 35


Working on Stand-Alone Mode........................................ 36


Working on Integrated Mode ........................................... 38


Configuration windows .................................................... 39

Operators Manual

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1MRS751706-MUM Unit list ............................................................... 39


Data definitions ................................................................ 40


Address table (Stand-Alone mode only)........................... 42

3.11.10 Network variable configuration table (Stand-Alone mode

only)................................................................................. 42
3.11.11 Status display windows (Stand-Alone mode only)............ 43
3.11.12 Uploading a configuration (Stand-Alone mode only) ........ 45 Uploading a single configuration ...................... 45 Uploading multiple configurations .................... 46
3.11.13 Modifying configuration (Stand-Alone mode only) ............ 47
3.11.14 Downloading a configuration (Stand-Alone mode only).... 47
3.11.15 Creating and transferring configurations (Stand-Alone
mode only)....................................................................... 48
3.11.16 SPA functions (Stand-Alone mode only) .......................... 48
3.11.17 Utilities (Stand-Alone mode only) ..................................... 50

Lon Network Tool function reference.........................................53


File menu ...................................................................................... 53


Configuration menu ....................................................................... 57


Connections menu ........................................................................ 58


Devices menu................................................................................ 60


Network menu ............................................................................... 61


Tools menu ................................................................................... 73


Window menu................................................................................ 80


Help menu..................................................................................... 80

Appendix 1: Extended address table .........................................83

Appendix 2: Address table timers ..............................................85

Appendix 3: Router configuration ..............................................87

Appendix 4: LNT 505 INI file settings .........................................89


Overview ....................................................................................... 89


File NETTOOLS.INI....................................................................... 89

Section [CHANNEL0]....................................................... 89


Section [NETAGENT] ...................................................... 90

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Section [TOOLS] ............................................................. 91


Section [LON].................................................................. 91

File LNT.INI................................................................................... 92

Section [LAYOUT] ........................................................... 92


Section [PROJECTS] ...................................................... 92


Section [TOOLS] ............................................................. 92


Section [NETAGENT] ...................................................... 92


Section [STATE].............................................................. 92

Other .INI files............................................................................... 92


Operators Manual


Legal notes



LNT 505

Echelon, LON, LonBuilder, LonManager, LonTalk, Neuron and 3150 are U.S.
registered trademarks of Echelon Corporation.
LonLink, LONMARK. LonSupport, LonUsers, LONWORKS, LonMaker and 3120 are
trademarks of Echelon Corporation.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.

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Operators Manual


Lon Network Tool overview


About the Lon Network Tool version

LNT 505

This is the version 1.1.1 of the LNT 505, Lon Network Tool. Whenever a program
version number should be indicated, the operator should specify this version


Getting help
The Lon Network Tool has a context-sensitive help utility: For most of the program
windows pressing F1 key brings up a help page for that window. The Help utility can
also be opened from the Help menu item on the program main menu.


Lon Network Tool features

LonWorks network configuration:
LonWorks node installation.
Connection creation and maintenance.
Configuration operations can be performed to a SURMHFW (network of several nodes)
or to a single LonWorks node.
On-line and off-line configuration: Network configuration can be created without a
physical network configuration and downloaded to the network later.
Configuration creation and upload features: A Lon Network Tool configuration can
be created by connecting to an existing network and uploading the structure of the
Network diagnostics: Predefined diagnostic queries can be defined and
Network documentation: Several reports each displaying information about the
network configuration can be created, stored on a hard disk and printed.
Internal Network database: Configuration information is stored on a database of the
Lon Network Tool.
Symbolic names for network nodes and connections.
Data transfer by exporting and importing network configurations or configurations
of a single LonWorks node.
A Device type concept allowing the creation of LonWorks nodes by using a
predefined device type as a template.
Separate communication utility (the Lon NETAgent).
SNVT support for network variable connection creation and value display.
LonTalk File Transfer support: Download, Upload, Directory Lookup.
Easy drag-and-drop -operations for node creation, installation, upload and
Graphical display of nodes with operator-selectable bitmaps.

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LNT 505

Operators Manual


Special support for LON/SPA Gateway device (LON/SPA Gateway Configuration

Tool, aka LSG CFG Tool).
Context-sensitive help utility.
A true Windows-application, developed following the Microsoft Windows
Interface Guidelines.


Lon Network Tool is a multi-purpose tool for LonWorks network configuration. All
the functions required for setting up and configuring a LonWorks network are easily
accessible on a single tool program.
Lon Network Tool provides an efficient way for connecting protective relays using
LonWorks network.


The Lon Network Tool (LNT 505) is a program for installing and configuring
different devices to the Echelon LONWorks network. 1HWZRUN&RQILJXUDWLRQV,
also called SURMHFWV,can be built using the Lon Network Tool. A network
configuration includes several GHYLFHV or /RQQRGHVconnected to the same physical
network. Each of these devices may have a configuration of its own. The Lon Network
Tool also processes these device-dependent configurations for some special devices.
The configurations can be created off-line, without a physical network connection,
and it can be transferred to another system that is on-line, i.e. connected to the
The following tasks are the main functions of the Lon Network Tool:


Device type maintaining

Practically all the possible network structures involve at least two kind of different
device types. Usually there are devices for collecting data and other devices for
processing the collected data. The Lon Network Tool has a flexible device definition
mechanism: Addition to the fixed system device types the operator can create new
types using several different definition mechanisms. Device type definitions can be
transferred from a Lon Network Tool system to another using any media suitable for
data transfer (H[SRUWand LPSRUW). Device type data, like any data processed by the Lon
Network Tool, could even be transferred by printing it and typing the information to
the 1HWZRUN'DWDEDVH of the other Lon Network Tool system. However, this method
is not recommended!


Network configuration (project) creation

Based on the device types created earlier a network configuration can be created by
selecting the desired devices and specifying their LONWorks -specific parameters.
Different connections can be created between the devices and/or the network objects
within the devices.
When the configuration is created it will be saved to the network database, a storage
system used by the Lon Network Tool. The configuration can anytime be reloaded

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Operators Manual

LNT 505

from the database and modified. An extension to this save/reload concept is the
possibility to export and import the configuration information, as can be done with the
device type information.


Network operations
A network configuration can be GRZQORDGHG to the physical network to carry out its
tasks. During the network operation the Lon Network Tool can be used to monitor the
status of the devices on the network. The Lon Network Tool can also be connected to
an unknown network and the structure of that network can be XSORDGHG to the Lon
Network Tool.
For most of the Lon Network Tool functions there exist several methods to perform
the function. For example, if the operator wishes to change the Domain id of a node he
has two alternative methods: If the node exists on a Lon Network Tool project, he can
select the node for edit and modify the domain id. The change will be saved to the
network database and it will take effect when the node is next time installed. The
alternative method is to use a direct modification: The operator specifies the
subnet/node address of the node and gets a dialog window displaying the current
contents of the domain table. Now the operator can modify the entries and by pressing
the OK button, the changes are immediately written to the node. No network database
is used or modified. This allows the modification of an arbitrary node, without the
need to create device types and device instances for the target node.
The third method available combines the methods described above. If the operator
loads a network configuration and selects so-called on-line mode, the changes will be
written to the network database and to the network node.

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Operators Manual



Using the Lon Network Tool



LNT 505

The Lon Network Tool can be recognised from the following icon on the Shell Folder
created by the LNT 505 installation program:

The program can be started from this icon as any Windows program.

After the program has finished its initialisation operations it will display the program
main window, as above. Since no network configuration is loaded, the program
window is quite featureless. Figure 3 illustrates a more active program main
window. Each of the windows displayed are described below.
From the top to the bottom the following items can be found on the main window:

The standard Windows program window caption, as illustrated in Figure 3, with text
Lon Network Tool

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Operators Manual

LNT 505


The program main menu containing the submenus. In addition to the standard File,
Window and Help items there are several items for the Lon Network Tool functions as
listed in Table 1:
Menu Item



Contains functions for selecting and creating projects.

Contains functions for processing the configurations on the
Network Database.
Through this menu the operator can create/remove
connections between the network objects.
Contains functions for modifying individual devices and the
device types.
Here are listed the functions for physical network operations.
Miscellaneous reporting and debugging utilities.
Contains frunctions for window management, as on any
Windows application.
Functions for browsing the Lon Network Tool help files.



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LNT 505

Client area
The main window area displays different subwindows. As Figure 3 illustrates, the
following subwindows are shown:
Sub Window / Icon

Device Type


Remove Icon

Install Icon
Download Icon
Upload Icon


A text/picture list of the available device types. For each type

the type name and bitmap, if specified, are shown.
This windows serves as a drag source for drag-and-drop
operations. Either the text label or the bitmap can be dragged.
The possible drag targets are listed on the following two items.
The window displaying a list of the devices on the currently
loaded network configuration. Each device is shown on a
single row. The subnet/node address of the network
management node can be seen as by keeping the mouse
pointer over the Address field for a short time.
An icon to be used as a drag source when removing (deleting)
a device type or a device instance. Fixed device types (with
blue names) can not be removed.
An icon to be used as a drag source when installing a device
instance to the Lon network.
An icon to be used as a drag source for downloading the
configuration of a single device.
An icon to be used as a drag source for uploading the
configuration of a single device.


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Operators Manual

LNT 505


Status and Message area

Below the main menu exists five panels, the first being a square-shaped and the others
filling the rest of the width of the window.

Operation Target



Project Name


The first panel displays a colour background when the program

is executing a time-consuming function. The colour is red when
the program is executing a network operation (usually more
time-consuming) or green when internal database operations
or initializations are executed. A blue colour indicates that the
field next from the operation target panel displays information
about the current program item pointed by mouse cursor.
The field next to the coloured square displays a textual
information about the current operation. When processing
large tables (such as Nv Configuration table) the currently used
table index is displayed here. If the size of the table is known a
display with format 1/25, for example, is used, indicating that
the first entry of the 25 existing entries is processed.
The second panel displays the working mode of the program.
On Figure 3 the blue text OFF-LINE specifies that the
operator is working with the network database. Another
alternative is a red ON-LINE, which indicates that a
connection to the physical network has been created.
The third panel displays the name of the currently loaded
network configuration, which is TESTNET in Figure 3.
The last panel displays the project description given by the
operator when saving the project. Above the text A Test
Network has been given.

All these items are discussed in more detail later on this manual.


Managing networks
When starting to use the Lon Network Tool the operator must select the network to
work with. When the program is first started it creates the default network DEFPROJ.
When experimenting the Lon Network Tool features this project can be used as a
starting point. Other networks can be created by the operator as required.
The selection of the network is done through the menu selection )LOH_2SHQ. When the
operator executes this selection the dialog in Figure 4 is displayed. Each of the
networks existing on the Network Database have two identification attributes: Name
and Description. The name is a 1-8 characters long symbol, which will be used when
creating the directory structure for the network. The description can be up to 255
characters long and it is intended to give the reader more information about the
contents of the network. In addition to this a Perform fast open check box is shown
If the project is opened in fast mode the project is opened with all devices of the
project but no device or nv connection related data is loaded in the run-time database.
This information is loaded to the database on on demand basis whenever a device or
connection is edited


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Operators Manual

LNT 505

The project can be opened in fast mode in order to speed up the opening of the
When the dialog in Figure 4 is displayed the operator can select one of the existing
networks and press the OK button. All the operations are now targeted to the newly
selected network. Another menu selection, )LOH_1HZallows the operator to create a
new project.
The window used for project creation is quite similar to the window shown in Figure
4. It has some additional controls to allow the operator to specify name and
description for the new project. The projects already on the database are also listed on
that window to remind the operator of the existing projects.



Creating a configuration
When the target network has been selected the operator can create a configuration for
that network with the )LOH_1HZcommand mentioned above. Or, if a configuration has
already been created, it will be loaded to the program with )LOH_2SHQ menu selection.
In either case the Lon Network Tool loads couple of windows required for the network
creation operation. The following windows are involved:

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Operators Manual


)LJXUH. Device Types window

The Device Types window displays the different device types currently known by the
Lon Network Tool. This window also serves as a toolbox: A device type can be picked
up from the Device Types window and moved to the Devices window using standard
Windows drag-and-drop procedure. New devices can be added to the network using
this method. Naturally, also an alternative method for this operation exists, through the
'HYLFH menu.
If the number of device types is greater than eight the Device Types window displays
a scroll bar to allow the operator to browse the contents of the window.
When the Lon Network Tool is first started only the system device types, LSG and
Router are displayed on the Device Types window. The chapter Managing device
types below describes how to create new device types and how the existing types can
be modified.


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Operators Manual

LNT 505

)LJXUH. Devices window

The Devices window displays the existing devices which currently belong to the
network configuration. In Figure 6, the Devices window contains couple of devices.
The exact format of the Devices window will be discussed below.
The operation of adding devices to a project is called FUHDWLQJGHYLFHLQVWDQFHVAs
mentioned above, there exists a drag-and-drop -method for this function. The other
way to perform this operation is to use the 'HYLFHV_$GG menu selection. The window
shown in Figure 7 is used to specify the data for the new device:

The drop-down list labelled with Type lists all the available device types. The
subnet/node address and the location string are specified here. Description is an
information string the Lon Network Tool will display with the node identification data
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Operators Manual


on many situations. It is intended to be used to describe the device with more detail
than the 6 character long location string allows.
When editing a device, which has been installed to the physical network the Neuron id
will be shown on this window.
The button Structures allows the operator to specify information for the Neuron
Chip data structures. The dialog window used for these settings is introduced later
with the device installation procedure. The operator can review and modify these
settings also during the installation process.
The button Interface will display a device type specific dialog for entering
additional information about the device to be created. In Figure 8 is shown the
window for a LON/SPA Gateway device. The structure of the device can be specified
directly, or the desired device configuration can be imported with the Import button.
The LSG CFG Tool button, disabled during the device add operation but enabled
when the operator returns to edit this device using menu selection Device | Edit, can
be used to start The LON/SPA Gateway Configuration Tool to edit the configuration
of the device. When the operator presses the button, the LSG CFG Tool is started and
the configuration of the edited device is loaded. The configuration can be changed
using the standard LSG CFG Tool functions, and after the modified configuration has
been saved and the LSG CFG Tool closed the edited configuration is loaded back to
the Lon Network Tool. The address table and nv configuration table editing, however,
is not allowed when the LSG CFG Tool is started from the Lon Network Tool, since
these tables are maintained by the Lon Network Tool and changes to them would
cause invalid configuration data to be generated.


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Operators Manual

LNT 505

The current version of the Lon Network Tool allows the operator to specify the values
for the last three Nv Configuration table entries of a LSG device. These network
variables are the Clock warning message, the Clock message and LSG Gateway status.
New versions of the Lon Network Tool also support version 3 of the Lon/SPA
Gateway. The version of the LSG to be used should be specified with the option
buttons on the Version group of the dialog.

)LJXUH. Router additional data window

Figure 9 displays the corresponding dialog for a Router device. When adding a router
device the configuration PC is assumed to be connected to this side of the router,
and the other devices are usually connected to the far side of the router. The routing
algorithm Configured requires the specification of the routing tables. The default
value is to not to route any messages, i.e. all table entries are zero. In Figure 10 is
shown the dialog used both for group tables and subnet tables, with the suitable titles
for each of them. A check on a box indicates that the group/subnet should be
For defining additional data to the operator-defined device types, the device type
creation window, shown later in Figure 16, will be used. For those devices the
operator can also select a different bitmap. The default device types have fixed
bitmaps and they can not be changed. The Lon Network Tool creates a directory
named BITMAPS under the working directory, where it stores the operator-defined

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Operators Manual


When an instance of a device type is created the operator can modify the network
variable structure of the instance. For example, the device type may only contain
certain system network variables, which are known to be present of any device
created from that type (this fact may also be used as a guideline when creating the
device types). Depending on the purpose of the device instance the operator may add
more network variables. He can also remove some of the system nv:s, or do both.
These operations can be done through the Additional data button of the Edit
device window.
The decision between creating a new device type and modifying an existing type can
be made by the operator: If the operator wishes, he can create a separate device type
for each of the nodes to be added to the project. This may, however, lead to problems
with device types: Numerous device types are harder to manage. The experience of
managing device types after using the Lon Network Tool for some time should be
used as a guideline when deciding about the creation of a new device type.
As mentioned earlier, the Devices window will display information about the devices
added to the network configuration. In Figure 11 (and also in Figure 6) is shown a
Device window for a configuration with five devices: A LON/SPA Gateway, a Router
and three other devices with operator-defined device types. The data displayed, from
left to right, is:

Subnet/Node address
A three-digit - comma - three-digit format has been adopted for the Lon Network
Tool, mainly because filling the empty number positions with zeros makes it more
readable when using a proportional display font. The subnet is displayed first, since it
is assumed that the nodes will be grouped using the subnet value, which will cause the
nodes of a group being displayed together.

Program ID
A Neuron Chip program id is displayed next. When creating a new network this data
is not known, and a row of dots is displayed instead.


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Operators Manual

LNT 505

Location string
The next field is the location string the operator has specified when adding the device.

Device type
The type of the device is displayed after the location string.

The description string given by the operator is displayed at the end of the window.
Longer descriptions may not fit to the window, but enlarging the window will allow
more of the description string to be seen.

Devices being added to the network configuration can be edited by selecting the
device (as the REF device 001,010 in Figure 11) and using the menu selection 'HYLFH
_(GLW. On the Device menu there also exists functions for removing a device ('HYLFH_
'HOHWH) and removing the configuration of the device ('HYLFH_8QFRQILJXUH).


Configuring devices
The Lon Network Tool currently does not generally support changing the internal
structure (for example, the number of the network variables or the node applicationspecific features) of a device existing on the network configuration. It is assumed that
the structure of the devices is pre-defined and the information about this structure is
brought to the Lon Network Tool. This is done during the device instance creation, by
importing the configuration of the device, using one of the configuration importing
methods described above.
An exception is the LON/SPA Gateway device. The LSG CFG Tool configuration
program can be launched from the Lon Network Tool, allowing the configuration to
be modified. Figure 8 shows the LSG additional data window which contains a push
button for starting the LSG CFG Tool.

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Operators Manual


Detailed information on how to modify the configuration is provided starting from

page 34.


Creating connections
The program functions for connection creation can be found from the Connections
menu. Two menu selections exist for connection creation, Network variable
connections (or NV Connections) and LSG Event connections. The third menu
selection, View by Device allows the operator to examine the existing connections
by a selected device.

In Figure 12 is shown the dialog for object connection creation. The button New is
used to create new connections. The program prompts the operator for name to the
new connection, and displays the given name on the combo box labelled Name.
Now the Output selection combo boxes can be used to select the output device and
the output object within the selected device. Pressing Add moves the selection to the
Selected Nvs: list box. In Figure 12 the object with nv index 0 from the device
002,001 is selected as the output.
The input selection works similar to the output selection. One or more inputs can be
selected. Network variables can be removed by selecting a row of the list and pressing
The operator should note, that if the selected output or input is not added to the list
with the Add button it is not included to the connection.


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The button Delete All allows all the existing nv connections being removed with
just one command. A double confirmation question is asked before actually removing
all the connections.
The button Additional Information allows the operator to change the default values
of the connection parameter. In Figure 13 is the same window after the operator has
clicked the Additional Information button. Two combo boxes and three check boxes
are displayed, allowing the operator to change the default values. This additional
information remains visible to the user until Hide Additional Information button is
pressed. The Timer Values button invokes a special dialog window which allows
more advanced operators to define the address timer values for the connections. A set
of general-purpose values is used by default. Appendix 2 provides information on
these default values and how they can be changed.

The Lon Network Tool maintains information about the selectors. If the operator tries
to specify a selector which is already in use, the program will not accept the selector.
On some devices some network variables may have been marked as unused. Such
nv:s can be hidden by setting the Hide unused network variables check box on. All
nv:s which have the word unused (case-insensitive) included on their name will not
be displayed.
The connection will be added to the configuration when the Save button is pressed.
When multiple connections exist, the operator can view them by opening the Name
combo box and selecting the desired name.
When processing devices with large number of network variables (over 100), an
additional control appears on the output and input selections: A combo box. It can be
used to browse the network variables, a page of 100 nv:s can be shown at the time.
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The control displays the index of the page to be displayed. This allows the operator to
select any nv on the device and still keeps the size of the scroll list reasonable.
For LSG Event connections there exists another connection creation window. Figure
14 shows this window.
The Senders list box allows the operator to select one or more devices to be set send
events. Target 1 and Target 2 lists are used to select the corresponding targets,
one or more devices. The selections are not valid before the selected device is
transferred to the list by pressing the corresponding Add button. In Figure 14 the
operator have pressed the Add button of the group Target 1 and Target 2 in order to
select 001,010 and 001,007 as target devices.



Managing device types

Addition to the predefined fixed device types, LSG and Router, the Lon Network Tool
can also process operator-defined device types. The list of the currently available
device types can be obtained by using the menu selection 'HYLFHV_7\SHV. The
window shown in Figure 15 will appear:


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LNT 505

When a device type is selected from the list its bitmap, if one defined, will be
displayed on right, as in Figure 15. The Export and Import buttons execute the
corresponding operations. The selected device types will be exported when pressing
the Export button. The Export operation will produce a single file (with the
filename specified by the operator) which will contain all the exported types. The
Import function will read these files.
The Edit button allows the operator to modify the operator-defined device types. For
fixed types their structure can be viewed but it can not be modified.
The editing of the device types, as well as the creation of the new device types, is done
using the window shown in Figure 16. The button New on the device type list
window brings up this window. The same window is used when creating an instance
of a device type, but only some the settings shown here can be re-specified for a
device instance.
This dialog includes controls for importing a device type definition of several formats.
The Copy button allows another, already known device type, to be used as a
template. The button Import reads the information from a file. The following file
formats are supported:

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Operators Manual

LNT 505

File Extension





Configuration or device type definition exported from the Lon

Network Tool
Node SI/SD information read from a network node to the file, by
the Network
Tool (using menu selection Tools | Devices |
External interface file. The support for this file type has not been
fully tested.

The Read SI/SD -button allows the operator to directly read the SelfIdentification/Self-Documentation information of a network device. The result of this
method is equal to the process which first involves reading the SI/SD -information to a
.SID file and then importing the .SID file, as described above.
The option Extended Address allows the operator to specify if (and how) the device
type supports extended address table processing. Unless stated otherwise by the device
manufacturer the device type should be assumed to have No value, i.e. it does not
support extended address table. Some special devices may support the Yes or
Only options. Appendix 1 provides additional information on the subject.

As mentioned above, the bitmap for the device type can be selected by the operator.
The button Select Bitmap brings up a file dialog allowing the operator to select a

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LNT 505

suitable bitmap file. If the selected bitmap does not yet exist on the BITMAPS
directory under the LNT 505 installation directory, the bitmap is copied to that
New objects can be added using the button Add (on the NV structure group),
which brings up the dialog shown on .
This dialog is used to specify the attributes for an object. A special feature, Number of
copies, allows the creation of a set of objects. By setting 1-3 # -marks to the name of
the object and specifying a value larger than 1 to the Make Copies -field a set of
objects can be created with the #-marks replaced by a copy count. For example, the
settings used in will produce objects OBJ00000, OBJ00001, OBJ00002 and
OBJ00003. When using Number of copies the NV Index field specifies the index
of the first object. The following objects are assigned to consecutive nv indexes.
On the device type creation window (Figure 16) previously added objects can be
removed by selecting the object to remove and pressing Delete. Object definitions
can also be edited: Selecting the object and pressing Edit will bring up the window
shown in , allowing the values to be changed.
The Check control SI/SD Information provides no information to the program. The
purpose of the control is to allow the operator to set this information for further
If the SNVT type of the object(s) to be created is known, it can be selected from a
separate list by pressing the button labelled with ... on the SNVT type line.


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Operators Manual


The control button Additional Info allows the operator to specify default address
services for the device type. Two different values are specified: Default service for
connecting a device object to a single object on another node, and for connecting an
object to several object(s) on several other nodes.
Figure 18 shows the dialog window for this purpose:
The field Number of message tags allows the operator to specify the number of
message tags declared on the device of this type. The Lon Network Tool honours this
specification and does not use the address table entries reserved for the message tags.
If the device type has been created from SI/SD information this value is automatically
If the device supports NV Poll only for certain area of network variable indexes those
limits can be specified here. The LSG events defines the devices capability to send
LSG events.


Transferring configuration to the Network

When the network configuration has been created it should be transferred to the
network. This is divided to two phases: Installing the devices to the network and
downloading their configuration. The Install here means logical LonWorks
installation, i.e. assigning an unique subnet/node address to the device. The physical
installation of the device (connecting the wires) should have been made earlier.
Since these operations require network activity, a working Lon NETAgent connection
is required.


Installing nodes
The devices on the configuration currently loaded to the Lon Network Tool can be
installed anytime during the Lon Network Tool session. The install process is started
by using the menu selection &RQILJXUDWLRQ_,QVWDOO1RGHV.


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This selection brings up the installation selection window shown above. The devices
to be installed should be selected, like the LSG device 001,001 in Figure 19. Pressing
Start starts the installation. For each of the devices selected, the installation will be
confirmed by the program, i.e. the installation process is paused between the devices.
This was designed to allow the operator for example to install multiple devices by
connecting the devices one at the time to the network and installing the connected
The hash mark (#) at the beginning of the line indicates that the device has been
installed with the Lon Network Tool. If it has not, no such mark appears at the
beginning of the line.The Last installed field shows the date and time of the last
installation of the first of the selected devices. If the device has not been installed
earlier no data is shown. The button Select Uninstalled can be used for quickly
determining the uninstalled devices. When the button Select all is pressed all the
devices will be selected. At the same time the button caption is changed to Unselect
all and a new button click will cause all the device to become unselected.
The default method for installation is the Service Pin message. However, if the
Neuron Id of the device is known (given by the operator, or the device configuration
has been uploaded from the same device), the Lon Network Tool asks the operator
which installation method should be used: Service Pin message or the given Neuron
As mentioned above, the operator can change the device Neuron Chip configuration
structure settings and Neuron buffer settings during the installation operation. When
the operator selects Start from the window shown in Figure 19, the following
window appears:

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Here the operator can select between two different installation methods: %DVLF
LQVWDOODWLRQ and 'HWDLOHG,QVWDOODWLRQ, which will, in addition to updating the Neuron
Chip domain table, also set the configuration structure settings as specified on the
device structures.. The Detailed installation allows the operator also modify these
values before installation: When the operator selects the Detailed installation the
button Additional Information will be enabled and it can be used to enlarge the
view, as shown in Figure 21.
As a sample of the subwindows associated with this view the subwindow for the Bit
Rate function is shown.


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Here the operator can specify the configuration structure settings for the device, if
those values have not been given earlier with 'HYLFH_(GLWcommand and the
Structures -button from the Edit Node window (Figure 8). Currently a separate
window, Node Bit Rate, is used for specifying the bit rate settings. The factory
speed setting for the device can be used if the configuration interface supports the
changing of the speed of the network management node. For example, if the default
configuration bit rate is 1.250 Mb/s and the device to be installed is known to have
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625 Kb/s bit rate, the operator can specify the 626 Kb/s bit rate as the factory setting..
Now the Lon Network Tool will first change its own bit rate to 625 Kb/s, then it will
install the device to have the bit rate of 1.250 Mb/s, and finally it will restore the
configuration bit rate to the 1.250 Kb/s.
If the operator wishes to make no changes to the configuration structure and Neuron
Chip buffers, the checkbox Install without modifying Neuron structures can be set.
The reader should note that the Lon Network Tool can not know the memory structure
of the Neuron Chip and it can not check if there is enough memory for the buffer
setting specified the operator. Specifying too many of too large buffers may cause the
physical device to become inoperable!!! However, a function helping the operator to
avoid these situation has been implemented. Described in the menu selection 1HWZRUN
_6LQJOH1RGH_8SORDG1HXURQ6WUXFWXUHV later on this manual, page 61.
The Neuron Chip communication buffer sizes and counts can be specified with the
dialog shown in Figure 22.

When the service pin method is used, the installation selection window changes its
layout and informs the operator to generate the service pin message. Figure 23 shows
this state of the window:

When the service pin message is received, the installation process starts.
The Router devices are a special case: they should be installed and fully configured
before other nodes can be installed or configured. For this reason the router devices
selected for installation will always be installed first. However, if the operator does
not select the required router devices, the installation process may fail.


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Downloading a configuration
When the devices are installed to the network their configuration can be downloaded.
The process is quite similar to the installation process, menu selection &RQILJXUDWLRQ_
'RZQORDGWR1HWZRUN configuration brings up the same selection dialog which was
used during the installation, with a bit different caption text, of course (Figure 23).
The operator can select the devices to be downloaded, and Start begins the process.
The downloading version of the device selection dialog allows the operator to select
between Full download and Quick download. The quick download does not write
unused entries of the configuration tables to the network device. This method may
speed up the download operation considerably. However, if there may be wrong
configuration values present on the device the full download should be done. It will
clear the configuration entries which are not used by the connections known by the
Lon Network Tool. The function of the field Last Downloaded and the hash marks
at the beginning of the line are similar to those on the installation selection window.

On new versions of the Lon Network Tool the operator may also be able to select if
the unused network variables of a device are updated. By checking the appropriate
check box the operator can skip these network variables on download and upload
operations. An unused network variable is a network variable which has the word
UNUSED contained in its name. The nv name is transferred to uppercase letters
before comparing. The Upload and Download icons found on the main window
automatically skip unused nv:s.


The Lon Network Tool includes a function allowing the operator to generate, view and
print a set of reports about the contents of the network database. These reports are
called operator documentation. The report generation dialog can be invoked using
menu command 7RROV_'RFXPHQWDWLRQ_&UHDWHfrom the main menu. Figure 25
shows the dialog used for the report generation.

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Currently there exists five kind of documentation, as the figure above indicates. Each
of the documents are applied to the whole network configuration currently loaded. By
checking the View document now -check box the operator can instruct the Lon
Network Tool to display the document immediately. The Windows NOTEPAD.EXE
text editor is used for the display, or, if it is not found, the Lon Network Tool internal
log file display window is used. The use of the notepad.exe allows the report to be
immediately printed, edited or saved to another file.
Figure 26 above shows the report browsing window, accessed with the menu
command 7RROV_'RFXPHQWDWLRQ_%URZVH. This window allows the operator to
manage the existing documentation files. The file extension .NTD (Lon Network Tool

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Document) has been used for the files. The meaning of the different file names has
been explained on the window. The ???s are replaced with a counter when several
files of the same type are created, as for the OBJCON??.NTD above.


There exists several utility functions on the Lon Network Tool, some of them were
found useful during the program development, and some of them may even be
included to the final product: This subject is also discussed further in the chapter
describing The Tools menu on page 73.

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Network variable
Bind by hand

Selector utilities



A tool for defining and sending a set of network variable update

messages was added. This may be very useful when testing
the connections created to the network.
A function to allow the network variable configuration table /
address table to be modified directly by the operator.
Extremely dangerous for not-yet-so-advanced operator,
extremely useful for real-life advanced operator.
Any time during the program run a selector list can be
The list has the following layout:

)LJXUH. Selector list.

The green colour indicates the selector to be used for the next
connection. The operator can browse all the selectors from 0 to
12 287 (hex 2FFF) using the scroll bar displayed on the right
side of the selectors. This list can be shown by using the menu
selection Tools | Selectors | List. Another menu selection,
Tools | Selectors | Usage displays a list of the selectors used
by each device.
In Figure 27, the different types of selector usage are indicated
with colour. On a printed version of this document the reader
may not be able to distinguish between the different types.
However, on any graphical display where Windows can be run
(at least 16 shades of grey) this is not a problem!
The reserved selectors indicated by the yellow color are
defined on a file called STARTUP.INI. By default some
selectors at the end of the bindable selector area are reserved
for LonTalk File Transfer use. Such selectors can not be used
for connecting network variables.


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NETAgent menu

Node menu

Logfile display

key update

LNT 505

Using the menu Tools | NETAgent the Lon NETAgent can be

started and closed. Also the configuration (subnet/node
address, communication speed, file versions) can be viewed
through this same menu.
From the menu Network | Node a set of operations targeted to
a physical network node can be found. These include Query
Status, Wink, installation (for nodes not in the current project,
for example), reset and displaying the read-only data structure
and the Configuration structure.
As widely known, the programs created by the author tend to
generate large amounts of log data when theyre running. A
menu selection Help | Display log files was added to allow
these files to be displayed without closing the program.
This function allows the operator to manually change the
authentication key of a node. For the project nodes this
function is available on the Node Edit, Neuron structures command button.
The authentication key increment is given as six hex-bytes, like
00 00 00 00 00 01
The increment appears to happen per byte -basis. For
example, when the increment shown above is added to the
existing authentication key of FF FF FF FF FF FF, the
result is FF FF FF FF FF 00.

There exist also other items on the program main menu. They will be described on the
final version of this documentation.


LNT Server
Some of the program functions that do not need any knowledge about the Network
Database have been moved to a separate application, /176HUYHU. This program is
automatically started by the Lon Network Tool and it can be seen as an icon on the
screen. This icon is shown in Figure 28.

The server application is normally invisible to the operator, the operator may not know
when a set of dialog windows is actually shown by the LNT Server. It can be also run
as a separate application, by starting the program LNTSRV.EXE. It contains several
menu selections for different LonWorks functions.
The only situation when the operator may get confused because of the LNT Server is
the processing of the windows actually shown by the LNT Server. The Read
Configuration Structure -window is one of such windows. When the operator has
viewed the window and selects another menu selection from the Lon Network Tool
application the configuration structure window may disappear behind the Lon

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Network Tool or some other application. It is not closed and it can be reviewed by
moving the other application windows.


LON/SPA Gateway Configuration Tool


LON/SPA Gateway Configuration Tool (aka LSG CFG Tool) is a Windows-based
application for viewing and modifying the configuration of a LON/SPA Gateway
device. This tool supports uploading, storing and modifying of multiple configurations
using a program database. This tool also supports the viewing of Neuron Chip
configuration information on any LON node connected to the network.


The LSG CFG Tool is currently delivered as a part of the Lon Network Tool. No
special installation procedure for LSG CFG Tool exists.


Using the LSG CFG Tool

There exist two different modes for using the LSG CFG Tool:
Integrated mode, where the LSG CFG Tool is invoked from Lon Network Tools
dialog for LSG configuration settings (Edit Node dialog, Interface button).
Stand-alone mode, where the LSG CFG Tool is invoked via Lon Network Tools
Tool | Others -menu.
In the first case the LSG CFG Tool can only be used for processing the configuration
of the selected LSG device. On the second case any LSG found on the network can be
specified as the target. On the Stand-alone mode the LSG CFG Tool program supports
the following main operations:
Viewing the configuration of a (running) LON/SPA Gateway.
Modifying the configuration loaded to the program database.
The program uses the same windows for data display and data editing. The layout of
the windows differs slightly depending on the current working mode. The basic
difference is, that in Stand-alone mode the operator may be able to immediatelly write
modified values to the device. In Integrated mode the values should be saved to Lon
Network Tool database and downloaded with Lon Network Tool.
The LSG CFG Tool supports both LSG version 3 and the earlier versions (2.x). The
differences between these two appears mainly on the unit list processing. For version
3 LSG only one unit list entry can be specified. Also the SNVT_alarm menu
command (described below) is not available when configuring LSG 2.x.
The operator should consult LON/SPA Gateway documentation for more information
on the meaning of the different configuration values.


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Starting the LSG CFG Tool

When the LSG CFG Tool is started on the Integrated mode it will automatically load
the configuration of the currently edited device. When started on Stand-alone mode it
displays an empty program PDLQZLQGRZ:

The main window displays the following items (from top to bottom):
Program title. The text "LON/SPA Gateway Configuration Tool" is displayed on
the program title bar.
Program main menu. The menu selections ")LOH", "&RQQHFW", "&RQILJXUDWLRQ",
":LQGRZV" and "+HOS" are available when the program has been started.
Child window area: Here are displayed all the child windows of the application
displaying different data. These child windows are described below.
Message area: The grey area below the main menu displays messages to the
operator. When the program communicates to the network a red square blinks on
the leftmost column of the message area.

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Status bar: The grey area at the bottom of the window displays information about
the current target node, if the program has been connected to a node.
When the program is started in Integrated mode the main window may look like on
Figure 31.


Working on Stand-Alone Mode

To view the configuration of a LON/SPA Gateway on the network, the &RQQHFW menu
should be used to establish a connection between the LSG and the program. Two
different connection modes exist: Read-Only and Edit On-Line. The Read-Only
mode allows the operator only to view configuration values. On the Edit On-Line
mode the values can also be modified.
When one of the connect modes is selected the program shows a dialog window that
asks the operator to specify the subnet and node address of the target device.

When the operator gives the subnet and node id:s and presses the OK button, the
program first starts the Lon NETAgent program, if it is not running, and then
establishes a connection to it. Messages about these processes appear on the message

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After creating connection to the network the program starts interacting with the target
LON/SPA Gateway. The program automatically reads the contents of the Read-Only
data structure of the LSG Neuron chip. Figure 32 shows the program when it has been
connected to a LSG.
Now the status bar contains information about the target device: Node and Subnet
specify the target LON address. ID String and Location String are displayed. The
configuration validity of the LSG is shown, "Valid" as in Figure 33, or "Invalid". The
last item, "Target" shows to the operator the origin of the data displayed on the
window. "LSG" as above indicates that the program is connected to a physical LSG
device. The other alternatives are "FILE", which indicates that the operator has opened
a configuration from the program database, and "NODE", which is displayed when the
operator has connected to a device that is not a LON/SPA Gateway. The program can
be used to display data from any Neuron Chip node. Naturally, the LON/SPA
Gateway and SPA -specific functions are not available when the target is "NODE".
The menus "LSG" and SPA are now enabled. They contain the following commands
for reading and displaying the LSG data structures:

Menu LSG:
Unit List
Data Definitions
Address Table
NV Config Table
Node and LSG Status
Configuration Structure
Set Configuration Validity
Clear Status

Menu SPA:
Send Spa Message
Set SPA Bus Parameters
Watch Messages

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The functionality of the most of these selections is quite similar on both Stand-alone
and Integrated mode, so below are given common instructions for both modes.
Some of the functions, such as Clear Status are available only in this Stand-alone
On On-Line editing mode the LSG configuration validity can be changed by using the
corresponding LSG menu item, but also clicking the text Valid or Invalid next
to the CV label on the main window.


Working on Integrated Mode

As mentioned above, on integrated mode the LSG CFG Tool is invoked via Lon
Network Tool. When editing a LSG device on Lon Network Tool the following
window is opened when the operator presses button Interface on the Lon Network
Tools Edit Node window:
The button LSG CFG Tool can be used to invoke the LSG CFG Tool. In this
working mode all on-line operations are disabled. On LSG and SPA menus the
following items are available:


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Menu LSG:
Unit List
Data Definitions

Menu SPA:
Set SPA Bus Parameters
When the operator has made the desired changes the menu command File | Save and
Exit should be used to return to Lon Network Tool. If the operator wishes not to save
the changes the menu command File | Exit can be used.
How the configuration information is modified is described below with more detail.


Configuration windows

Unit list
The menu command Unit List allows the operator to specify the contents of the Unit
List of the LSG. On LSG versions 2.x this could be done by specifying 1-8 entries,
each having separate Slave number and slave type. On LSG 3 the slave type is same
for all slaves and the first slave number and the number of the slaves are specified.
Below are shown the Integrated version (Figure 35) and the Stand-Alone version
(Figure 36) of the Unit List window. These two figures illustrate the main difference

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between these two versions. On Stand-alone version there exists buttons (Save,
Undo, Read) for directly modifying the LSG data structures. On Integrated mode
the download is done via Lon Network Tools Download function.


As with all the LSG CFG Tool windows, the data can be modified by selecting the
field to be modified (by clicking it with a mouse or moving the focus with <tab> key)
and just typing in the new data. <Backspace> key can be used for erasing existing
characters. For fields with only limited set of allowed values (Slave Type above)
pressing any key toggles between the allowed values.
On integrated mode the operator does not need to explicitly Save the data, the
current data is automatically read from the window and saved when the menu
selection File | Save and Exit is selected. On Stand-alone mode the modifications
can be written to the target with Save. Undo resets the display to the last read
form. Read can be used for re-reading the data from the target. If, however, the
operator has selected Read-Only connection in Stand-alone mode, the Save
buttons can not be used.
The figures above display the LSG 3 version of the Unit List window. For LSG 2.x the
window contains 8 rows (0-7), one for each possible Unit List entry. No Count
column is displayed on that version of the window.


Data definitions
The menu command "Data Definition" displays the window shown in Figure 37.
When the operator requests for the Data Definition window the program also loads
and displays the address table window, since the addressing information is also needed
for the Data Definition window.
On every line the following items are displayed:
,G[: Network variable index of the definitions
63$'HILQLWLRQ: The SPA definition associated with the nv index. This column
displays the DA AI, DA DI and DA DO definitions.
'LUHF: The direction of the network variable, ,1 or 287.


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6HOHFWRU: The nv selector of the network variable, in hex format. Does not contain
the direction bit.
3UL: Priority bit of the network variable, 1R or <HV.
6HUYLFH: The service type associated with the network variable: $&.', 81$&.'
or 81$&.'B537.
$GGUHVV: The address table data associated with the network variable. This field
includes several sub fields. The fields Type, Subnet and Node are set by the
program according to the (QWU\ field.

The editing and saving mechanisms for the different modes are equal to the Unit List
window. A more detailed view to the SPA Definition data can be obtained by
double-clicking the definition column, or by selecting a row and pressing the SPA
Edit button. The window shown in Figure 38 is displayed. The exact layout of this
window depends on the SPA Definition type (AI, DI, DO) being edited.

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Address table (Stand-Alone mode only)

The Address Table menu command displays the contents of the address table. This
window can not be accessed from the Integrated version of the tool, since the
addressing information is set by creating Lon Network Tool connections.
Due the different types of address there exist several captions for some of the columns
of the table. On some cases the unit of the value is also given.

Editing mechanisms on this window are analoguous to the ones described above.


Network variable configuration table (Stand-Alone mode only)

Figure 40 shows the network variable table. This dialog displays all the fields present
on a nv config table entry (the Data Definition window shows only some of them). To
this window apply the same restrictions as to the address table window: Since NV
config processing is made using Lon Network Tool, this window can not be displayed.


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On this Stand-alone version the )HWFKfunction allows the value of a network variable
to be fetched. The network variable index of the desired nv should be entered to the
,QGH[field. The result of the fetch operation is shown on the 5HVXOWfield. The
8SGDWHfunction can be used to modfiy nv values. In Figure 40 the network variable
with index 15 has been updated and fetched to check the result of the update.


Status display windows (Stand-Alone mode only)

As mentioned above, the Read-Only data structure -window is displayed during the
Stand-alone mode Connect operation.
Two additional status display windows exist:
Node/Gateway Status window
Configuration Structure window
These windows can be retrieved through the corresponding menu selections on the
/6*menu. The figures below illustrate the exact display format of the windows.

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The "AI error bits", "DI error bits" and "DO error bits" shown on the Node/Gateway
Status window are shown correctly only if the data definitions have been read earlier.
Otherwise a string of question marks ("???????????????") is displayed. Similarly the
Unit list error bits require the Unit list to be read earlier.
Since the status values may change during the program run the Node/Gateway status
can be updated from the LSG by double-clicking it with the mouse. If any of the
display windows is corrupted it can be refreshed with a single click. The Query button
at the top of the window allows the operator also to do this. The Clear button performs
a clear status operation to the target device and the Reset button resets the target node.


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Uploading a configuration (Stand-Alone mode only)

Uploading a single configuration

In order to modify a configuration the operator must first uploada configuration from
a LON/SPA Gateway to the program database. The menu selection
&RQILJXUDWLRQ_8SORDGIURP/6*should be selected. The program uses an upload
dialog (Figure 43) to ask a short specification for the configuration being uploaded.
The operator should give a short text that helps to identify the configuration. There is
no direct limit to the length of this text, but only up to 35 first characters of it are
displayed when the uploaded configurations are listed. On a printed or exported
configuration a longer string may be useful.

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A configuration is always saved under a project. There can be several configurations
under the same project. To specify which project is used the following dialog is used:

The dialog lists the existing projects and allows the operator to specify a new project
to be created. The project name will be used as a DOS directory name, so only the first
eight characters are significant. Project names are converted to upper case letters.
When the project has been selected the program starts the upload operation. The
message area on the main window displays the state of the upload operation.

Uploading multiple configurations

The LSG CFG Tool supports the loading of multiple configurations to the program
database by one selection. At the current version of the program this involves the use
of the 6FDQfunction to get a list of the nodes currently installed to the network. From
this list the operator can choose the nodes he wants to upload. See the section 6FDQon
how this operation is done.


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Modifying configuration (Stand-Alone mode only)

In order to modify a configuration of a LON/SPA Gateway the configuration must
first be uploaded to the program database. The section "Uploading a configuration
(Stand-Alone mode only)" provides information on how this subject.
When the configuration has been uploaded it should be opened by using the menu
selection )LOH_2SHQ, supposed it is to be modified. A Project List dialog window
(Figure 45) is displayed.
The list box on the left displays the projects currently on the program database. When
the operator selects a project, by mouse or by using the space key, the other list is
filled with the configurations saved to that project. The operator can select a
configuration from the list box on the right and press the OK buttonto open it.
Unnecessary configurations can also be deleted using the Deletebutton.

When a configuration has been opened the program acts almost as if it was connected
to a LSG, as described earlier. The operator can open the different display windows
with the menu selections. Not all the menu selections, however, are available on this
working mode.
The configuration can and should be saved after modifications by using the menu
selection )LOH_6DYH.


Downloading a configuration (Stand-Alone mode only)

To download a configuration from the program database to a LON/SPA Gateway
requires that a configuration has been uploaded from a LON/SPA Gateway. Usually,
also the uploaded configuration has been modified before the download operation. The
sections Uploading a configuration (Stand-Alone mode only) and "Modifying
configuration (Stand-Alone mode only)" provide information on how to perform these

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In order to download a configuration to a LON/SPA Gateway the operator should

select the menu item &RQILJXUDWLRQ_'RZQORDGWR/6*. The program displays the
Project List window (Figure 47) asking the opeartor to select the configuration to
transfer. After the operators selection the program starts to transfer the configuration.
The program uses the node information from the configuration file to determine the
target node. However, the operator is asked to confirm the target. This allows a
configuration to be downloaded to a LSG different from the device it was uploaded.
During the download operation the main window message field displays information
about the proceeding of the download operation.


Creating and transferring configurations (Stand-Alone mode only)

Addition to the 8SORDGIURP/6*and 'RZQORDGWR/6*menu selections described
above there exists three other functions for configuration processing. A configuration
can be created and it can be exported to a disk. The exported configuration can be
imported from disk to the database.
The following menu commands exist:

Configuration|Create New|Empty
Creates a new LSG configuration, with no data. All the SPA definitions as well
address/nv configuration table entries are empty. The operator should edit the
configuration before transferring it to a LSG, unless the purpose is to clear the
configuration of the LSG.

Configuration|Create New|Use Template

Creates a new LSG configuration using an existing configuration as a template. The
program asks the operator to select the template, and the contents of the new
configuration will be initialized with the values from the template configuration.

Allows the operator to transfer one or several configurations from the database to a
file, for example to a floppy disk. This function can be used to transfer configuration
files between different databases (=different computers). Even if several
configurations are exported, only one disk file is created.

Counterpart of the ([SRUW command. Allows the operator to read one or several
configurations from a file to the database.


SPA functions (Stand-Alone mode only)

The program offers some SPA-bus -specific features on the 63$ menu.

Sending SPA messages

A special dialog window can be used to send SPA messages to any LON/SPA
Gateway known to exist on the network, i.e. the operator does not need to be
connected to a particular LON/SPA Gateway in order to send SPA messages. In

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Figure 46 is shown the window for SPA message sending. The 6XEQHWand 1RGH
fields can be used to specify any node on the network. The default values for these
fields are the values for the LSG currently connected.

To the 0HVVDJHWRVHQGfield the operator can write the SPA message to be send, in
ASCII format, as in Figure 46. The response message is displayed on the 5HVSRQVH
control. The +LVWRU\list contains the messages sent earlier, along with the
subnet/node addresses used.

SPA Bus settings

A special dialog window for modifying the SPA bus settings can be retrieved through
the 63$_6HW63$%XV3DUDPHWHUVmenu selection. The window contain controls for
specifying the event mode of the device (LSG 3 only) and the SPA Bus
communication parameters. Pressing &DQFHO returns the operator back to the main
window without changing the SPA bus parameters. Two seldom-used parameters can
be displayed and modified by pressing the $GGLWLRQDObutton.

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The SPA Bus Settings is the only data item that can be modified while the program is
connected to a LON/SPA Gateway. And, when downloading a configuration to a
LON/SPA Gateway, also the SPA Bus Settings found from the program database are


Watch messages
The :DWFKPHVVDJHVmenu selection brings up a window which displays the
incoming LON messages with message codes 0x40, 0x41 and 0x43 (SPA messages).
The messages are listed to this window in addition to their normal processing, i.e. the
Watch messages window does not have any effect on the program functionality. The
newest message is always on the top of the window. The window has a check box
allowing the data to be displayed in ASCII format. The default format is hex dump.
The Figure 48 above, shows the watch message with some messages received. The
first message (on the third line) has been received with the "ASCII format" checked,
and the two other messages have been received with "ASCII format" off.


Utilities (Stand-Alone mode only)

The following discusses the utility functions of the LSG CFG Tool.

The 6FDQ function found on the )LOHmenu executes a network scan, using a Scanner
application (delivered as a part of the Lon Network Tool). The operation may take
several minutes to complete, depending on the size of the network (=number of
nodes). Rough approximation of the scanning speed is 12 nodes/minute.


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The )LOH_,QVWDOO utility allows the operator to install a node to the network by invoking
an Installer utility program. The installation involves modifying the subnet and node
numbers and the location string of the node.
There are two methods to install a node:
%\6HUYLFH3LQPHVVDJH. The program asks the operator for subnet and node id:s
and the location string, and starts waiting for a service pin message from the
%\1HXURQ,'. The program asks the target node Neuron ID, too, and executes the
installation immediately.

The )LOH_:LQNmenu command allows the operator to send a Wink message (LON
message code 0x70) to a node. The program asks for the subnet/node address. This
service can be very useful for identifying the target device, when there exist several
nodes which look identical to the human eye, for example.

This menu contains three functions for maintaining LSG devices.
The first function, 5HIUHVK, allows the configuration of a LSG device to be refreshed
with a single operation. LSG CFG Tool uploads the configuration of the target device,
writes boot id to the node, re-installs the node and downloads the configuration back
to the device
The second function, 8SGDWH, is intended to be used on situations where the software
of a LSG device should be updated. The functionality is quite similar to the Refresh
described above, except that the tool pauses the operation (by displaying a message
box) and allows the operator to go and change the EPROM of the device.
The third function, 5HSODFH, allows the whole LSG to be changed. On the above
functions the Neuron Chip and hence the Neuron id of the target device has not been
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changed. With the Replace functionality the operator may change the whole device.
The new device is identified by pressing the service pin switch.

The )LOH_+LVWRU\ function allows the operator to view the modification history of a
configuration stored on the program database. When the operator is modifying a
configuration (a configuration has been opened with )LOH_2SHQ) this menu selection
displays a history window.

Printing a configuration
The menu selection )LOH_3ULQW allows a configuration to be printed. What the 3ULQW
command actually prints depend on the working mode of the program. If the operator
is connected to a LON/SPA Gateway only the currently displayed parts of the
configuration are printed. If the operator has read a configuration from the program
database using the )LOH_2SHQmenu command, all the configuration data is printed.
Here is a sample of a printout of a configuration. Only part of the whole listing is
DESCRIPTION=Unmodified, first configuration
NEURON_ID=00 00 18 76 26 00
SP =0,9600,E,100,2,8,0,S
ENTRY0=01 72 63
ENTRY1=00 00 F0
ENTRY2=00 00 F0
ENTRY3=00 00 F0



UN 0=50,0
UN 1=
UN 2=
UN 3=
UN 4=
UN 5=
UN 6=
UN 7=
DA AI,0=50.0V50,0.10;41 75 00
DA AI,1=;41 76 00
DA AI,2=;41 77 00
DA AI,3=;41 78 00
DA AI,4=;00 00 00


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Lon Network Tool function reference

This section describes the Lon Network Tool functions in the order they appear on the
program menu. This section is intended to a operator who finds a menu selection and
wants to know more about it. Some of this information is also present on the
description of the flow of operation of some basic functions above.


File menu
This item can be used for creating a new project. The following window is used for
this purpose. The existing projects are also displayed.


This function can be used for opening (loading) an existing project. The window used
is similar to the one above, except that the Create New Project group is not displayed
and the list is enabled allowing the operator to select one of the existing projects.
There is also a Perform fast open check box. When this check box is checked, the
device information and nv connection information is not loaded into run-time database
when the project is opened. That information is loaded into run-time database on
demand on device basis when the device is accessed for the first time. Figure 4 above
shows the Open window.

This menu selection is used for reloading the current project from the database. This
function can be considered as a kind of Undo feature: The operator can go back to
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the configuration he started from and discard the changes made during the current
session. If any changes have been made Lon Network Tool confirms the operation.

This menu selection allows the operator to close the configuration without ending the
program. This function can be used if the operator wishes to operate without Lon
Network Tool database functionality, to check the properties of the physical network,
for example.

This menu item saves the currently loaded configuration. The following window will
be displayed, allowing the operator to modify the description of the loaded


Save As
Saves the configuration to a new project. The same window as with the )LOH_1HZ
project -function is used. Also, the Save window (Figure 51) is used after the operator
has selected the project.

Print Setup
This menu selection can be used to set up the printer. The dialog window used here
and the number of options available depends on the particular system and what
printers have been installed. The Figure 52 shows one example of such dialog


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Previously loaded projects

The three last and the current project are also displayed on the File menu. Any of these
projects can be reloaded just by selecting the corresponding item.

Import | Project
This allows an exported configuration (containing nodes and connections) to be
imported to the database. The operator is asked to specify a directory from where the
import will happen. This should be a directory to where the Export | Project -function
(described below) has created a NETDB directory. The following window is used for
the directory selections:

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Import | Nodes
This allows the operator to import a (previously exported, see Export| Nodes below)
configuration of a single node. The standard Windows file dialog is used here:


Export | Project
This selection allows the whole project configuration, including devices and
connections, to be exported. The directory selection window (shown above on Import |
Project) is used for selecting the target directory (and the target drive!). The project is
exported to the NETDB directory under the selected directory. The function Import |
Project described above can be used to import the exported project.


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Export | Nodes
One or more nodes (devices) on the configuration can be exported using this function.
Each of the configurations is exported to a separate file, having the name of format
sssnnn.CFG, where sss is the device subnet and nnn is the device node id. The
operator is also asked for the directory where to export the files (using the directory
selection dialog shown above). The selection of the exported devices is done with the
window shown below:


This menu selection is used to close the application. If a modified project is loaded the
Lon Network Tool asks the operator if the configuration should be saved.


Configuration menu
This function will destroy the contents of the current configuration but preserve the
current project. The operator is asked if he wants to continue before destroying the

Upload from network

This function reads the configuration of the devices on the currently loaded project
from the network. The existing connections are discarded and a new set of connections
is created based on the selector and address values found. This function is also used
when a new configuration is created from an existing physical network. Upload
function also asks if the operator wants to verify the upload operation. This is
discussed also in the Verify menu item paragraph below.

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Download to network
This function is used to transfer an off-line created configuration to the physical
network, as shown in Figure 24 above. The Lon Network Tool writes configuration
tables of the devices on the current project. The operator can select if he wishes to
download all devices or just some of the devices. Also two different download
methods are available: Full download rewrites all address/nv config table entries.
Quick download writes only those entries which are non-empty (in Lon Network
Tools opinion). If the operator selects a single node the Last downloaded field
displays he date and time of the last download of that device. After a download
operation the program asks the operator if it should immediately execute a Verify
operation (described below). The Select All button toggles selection of all nodes.
The Undone button selects those devices which have not been downloaded earlier.
Like the Upload function, the Download function includes the possibility to
immediately verify the Download operation.

This function verifies the configuration, i.e. checks that the configuration of he
currently loaded configuration and the physical network are equal. This is done by
reading all the configuration entries and comparing them to the corresponding
database information. If differences are found a report is generated and the operator is
informed. After a download or upload operation the operator is asked if he wants
immediately execute this function.

Install Nodes
This function allows the operator to install the nodes to the network. Installation in
this case can be described as giving the Lon identity to a device. In practice this means
assigning a subnet/node address to a device. A selection window quite similar to the
Download selection window is used (there is no Quick and Full options and the
Last Installed is shown instead of Last Downloaded). The installation is usually
done using a service pin message. When the installation is started a window allowing
the operator to modify the Neuron chip configuration structures is shown. That
window is described later on the section describing device editing operations. After
the operator has finished the structure settings (which he can simply pass if he wishes
the structures not to be modified) the Lon Network Tool starts to wait for a service pin
message. The installation selection window layout during the service pin wait is
shown in Figure 23.


Connections menu
NV Connections
This function brings up the window for network variable connection processing. The
controls of this window are specified above on chapter 3.5, starting from page 18.

LSG Event connections

The LSG Event connection creation window can be invoked using this menu
selection. The controls of this window are specified above on chapter 3.5, starting
from page 18.


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View by device
This function allows the existing connections, both nv and LSG Event, to be viewed
by device. The window used here (shown below) allows the operator to select one of
the devices then displaying the connections the device belongs to. The operator can
select which type of connections he wants to be shown. Also by selecting a connection
and clicking the View -button the operator can go to the connection creation/edit
windows shown above. Each line begins with a id which specifies the type of the
connection. For the senders of the LSG Event connections the letter E is displayed.
For the receivers of the events, the letters E1 or E2 are displayed, depending on the
target index of the receiver node.


Download to network
This menu selection allows one or several connections to be downloaded. This
function may be considered to be the Quickest download function (when compared
to the Full and Quick download (Figure 24), since it will write to the network only
those nv config table / address table entries which are involved on the selected
connection(s). The operator can select/deselect all connections or the desired
connection type using the command buttons.

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Devices menu
This menu selection is the other of the two alternatives to add a new device to the
configuration (the other being dragging a device type icon to the Devices -window).
The windows used with this selection are described with the Add/Edit function, see
Figure 7). The first window involved with this function allows the operator to specify
device type, subnet/node address, location string and a description about the node. It
also provides access to the nodes network interface configuration and Neuron Chip
structure settings.

This menu selection can be used to modify an existing device. There exists several
windows associated with this function, which can be accessed by the same window
used on the Add function above. The available edit windows depend on the device
type of the selected device.

This function cleans the configuration of the device, i.e. empties address table
entries and modifies nv config table entries to have unbindable selectors. This function
can be used to make a device harmless without removing it from the configuration:
By unconfiguring a node and downloading the unconfiguration the physical node
becomes inactive in the sense of its Lon interface.


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As the name indicates, this function permanently removes the device from the
configuration. If the device belongs to any connections, it is removed from those

This function, like the next one, does apply to the device types instead of individual
devices (like the previous functions on this menu). It lists the existing device types,
allowing the operator to remove, export and import these types. The export/import function is quite similar to the one implemented with the individual nodes, except that
all the exported device types are stored to a single file. The following window is used
by the List types -function:

The New button on the Device Types window deserves special attention, since it
uses a window which is used also for device type editing and device instance creation
and editing is used here as it is shown in Figure 16


Network menu
This menu contains three different function groups. The first, Connect -group is used
when connecting to a physical network. The Project Nodes -group contains functions
which involve all the nodes on the currently loaded project. The last group, Single
Node, contains functions which can be performed to a single network device,
independently on any project currently loaded. Most of these Single Node -functions
use the dialog window shown below to ask the operator for the address of the target

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This window is also used by many other Lon Network Tool functions. The operator
should note that the Single Node functions can very effectively mess up an existing
network configuration, if not used with caution! However, the single node operations
do not effect to the database of the Lon Network Tool, unless the configuration
changed with these functions is uploaded to an existing project.

Connect | On-line
This selection turns the program to on-line editing mode. This means that every
operation made with the loaded project is immediately, without any operator action,
downloaded to the physical network. The Lon Network Tool asks the operator to
confirm this operation and verifies that all the devices can be reached. Where possible,
the Lon Network Tool also checks the types of the devices. For some operator-defined
types it may not be able to do this.

Connect | Create
This function can be used for creating a project from an unknown physical network.
This function first runs the Scanner application and then creates the device structure of
the network based on the results. After that the program asks the operator if the
configuration should be uploaded immediately. This upload is equal to the
Configuration | Upload from Network menu selection. Below is shown the Scanner



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Network | Scan
This function starts the Scanner application. It can be used to verify the current
network structure, for example.

Project nodes | Ping All

This function executes a so-called Ping operation with all the nodes on the project. In
practice this means sending Query Status to each of the nodes. If some of the nodes do
not answer the operator is notified. This function is a quick way to check the overall
status of the network. For more detailed information the Single Node | Query Status
(described below) can be used.

Project nodes | Reset

This function resets all the nodes on the currently loaded project. A selection dialog
similar to the File | Export | Node -function is used.

Project nodes | Clear Status

This function sends a Clear Status message to all nodes on the currently loaded
project. A selection dialog is also used with this function.

Project nodes | Set Priorities

This function can be used to set the Node priority and Channel priorities settings of
the project nodes. The project devices with their node_priority value are listed
on the window used for this function. The node_priority value of the selected
node can be changed. A separate text field for channel_priorities value is also
contained on the window.


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Project nodes | Increment authentication key

This function allows the authentication key of the project nodes to be incremented.
The initial value of this key should be set separately using the device instance edit
controls. A node should be selected for reference before this function can be executed.
The authentication key of only the selected node will be displayed, but the increment
operation will affect to all project nodes. The following window is used for this


Single Node | Query Status

This function can be used to execute a Query Status to a single node. The following
window is used to display the results. For an existing query status window the
information can be updated (read again from the target) by double-clicking the
window. Certain critical values are emphasized with red colour.


Single Node | Wink

This function can be used to send a Wink message (simple format) to a network
device. No special windows are associated with this function.

Single Node | Ping

This function is designed for allowing the operator to monitor a single node by
sending a query status message. Checking the Monitor check box causes the
message to be sent cyclically. If the node responds, a green label is shown. If no

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response is received the label is changed to red. Also, if the target node has transmit
errors the text XMIT and the number of the errors is shown on the label, as on the
rightmost picture below. When the Monitor function is active the number of
succeeded and failed messages are displayed on the smaller green and red labels. If the
Beep check is set the Lon Network Tool will give an audible indication for failed


Single Node | Domain Table

This function allows the Domain table of a single node to be modified. The
subnet/node address can not be changed from this dialog, but the domain id and
authentication key can be set using this function. The operator can select if he wishes
to use two domain table entries, if the physical device does have two domain table
entries. The domain id and authentication key can be viewed and entered using three
different formats, hexadecimal, decimal or ASCII.


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The operator should note that if he uses this window the change the Domain settings
of a network node the tool may not be able to communicate with the node any longer!
The operator should refer to LonWorks documentation on how the domain settings
affect to nodes ability to communicate with another nodes.

Single Node | NV Configuration Table

This function allows the Network Variable Configuration table to be modified.
Initially, the window does not display any entries. It is assumed that the operator
selects the index area to be viewed (either by entering the first and last index to read to
the From...to -text fields, or by painting the rows with the appropriate indexes) and
presses Read.
The data can be edited by selecting a cell (or several cells on a single column) and
typing the desired value. Backspace can be used to remove characters. For those
values which have only limited set of allowed values (like Yes and No) any key
pressed toggles through these values. The mode Standard should be used for Lon
devices which do not support extended address table processing. The options
Extended and Only Extended can be used for read and write operations with
devices which support extended address table. See Appendix 1 of this document for
more information. The Write button writes the modifications to the device. Only one
entry is written at the time, for example selecting multiple rows will only write the
first one. A single row can be selected by double-clicking the row with the mouse. By
selecting a single row and clicking the right mouse button the operator is able to view
the data of the entry, as well as fetch or poll the nv value.


Single Node | Address Table

This function processes the address table quite similar way than the nv config table is
processed above. The mode Standard should be used for Lon devices which do not
support extended address table processing. The options Extended and Only
Extended can be used for read and write operations with devices which support


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extended address table. Appendix 1 of this manual provides more information on this

When clicking the right mouse button on the grid of the Address table the original
format of the selected address entry (row) can be seen.

Single Node | Neuron Buffers

This function allows the operator to specify the sizes and counts of the Neuron Chip
communication buffers. Pressing the OK button causes immediate write memory
message to the device, so the Checksum/Reset action can also be specified here.


Single Node | Read-Only data structure

This function displays the Read-Only data structure of the selected device, using the
following window:

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Single Node | Configuration Structure

As the name indicates, this function displays the Configuration structure of the target
device. For router devices the structure is displayed for both sides of the router.


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Single Node | Priority settings

This function basically uses the same window as the Project nodes priority settings,
but the node list contains only one target node:


Network | Single node| Fetch / Update Single NV

This function can be used for processing a single network variable. The value can be
fetched (by nv index), manually or cyclically with given interval. Also the NV Poll
(by selector) operation is supported. The Update function sends a NV update with the
given selector and given data. The target device address can be changed without
closing the window.

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Single node | Send NV Updates

This window can be used for sending network variable updates for multiple devices
from multiple nv:s. First the operator should set the selector, update interval, data
length and target address. Specifying zero node causes subnet broadcast to be used.
Specifying also zero subnet causes domain broadcast to be used. True/False data
causes zero data and data with all bits set to be sent after each other. After defining
these settings the definition should be added to the Active targets list by using
Add button.


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Definitions can be saved to a file or loaded from a file. The Start button starts the
processing. A circle left from the start button turns red whenever an update is being
sent. The sending can be stopped just by moving the mouse pointer over the Stop
button. Such feature was implemented since it sometimes was extremely hard to be
able to press the button when the program was busy sending nv updates.

Single node | Bind by Hand

This function is also called Manual Binding. It allows the operator to directly modify
address table and nv configuration table of a device. The window shown in Figure 74
is used.
The operator is able to select the support for extended address table: A Table mode
option group allows selection between the No, Yes and Only options. The
operator should refer to Address table and NV Configuration table windows above and
Appendix 1 for more information.
The operator should specify the subnet and node of the target device and press
connect. After that the Read Address table and Read NV Config table buttons can be
used to read the tables. The read operations are targeted to the indexes given on the
From ... to text fields. By selecting an item from the lists the item is displayed to the
appropriate control group for editing. After the edit process the Update buttons can be
used to write the modifications to the device.

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Single Node | Install Node

This function starts an utility program called Quick Installer. With this program a node
can be installed without creating a device instance and installing the instance from
Install Project nodes -menu selection. The figure below displays the current layout of
the installer. The Install menu provides functions for device installation, using Service
Pin message and Neuron Id.


Single Node | Reset node

This function resets the selected node. No windows except the target selection window
is associated with this function.

Single Node | Clear Status

Executes the clear status operation. User interface similar to the Reset function.
However, the Reset and Clear status function can be used together with Query Status
function: Using Query Status a status window is opened. Now Reset or Clear status
can be executed and the Query Status can be updated with a double-click.

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Single Node | Upload Neuron Structures

This function can be used to initialize the Read-Only structure and Configuration
Structure of a device instance using an existing device as source. When creating
device instances the operator may not know all the appropriate structure values. If a
device of the same type can be reached through network this function can be used to
retrieve suitable values.
It should be noted that the address on the target selection window defaults to the
address of the currently selected device, but a different address can be specified if the
source device has different address.
This function can be used to minimise the danger of damaging a device because of
invalid installation information. Only the target selection window is used by this
function, but the result of the Neuron structure upload can be viewed using the
Structures command button on the Node Edit window.

NM Authentication
This menu item can be used when an authenticated network management is required.
When the operator checks this item all the network management messages (upload
messages, download messages, etc...) are sent as authenticated.


Tools menu
Documentation | Create
This function is used for creating project documentation, i.e. reports about the
configuration. The window, in Figure 25, is used to select the type of the report to be
The format and structure of the reports is described below. By checking the checkbox
View document now the operator can immediately view the created document. The
button Go browse allows direct transition to the Document browse function
(described below).

Documentation | Browse
This allows the operator to view the previously generated reports. Reports are stored
on per project -basis, meaning that the operator can only view those reports that are
created from the currently loaded project. The window, in Figure 26) is used.
For each existing report the file name and creation time are displayed. The check
boxes below the list allow the operator to view only selected types of reports. They
also provide a key to translate the filenames to report types. Reports can be viewed,
printed and deleted. The report format is a standard ASCII file, so the files can be
viewed with any text editor.

Device | SI/SD -Information

This function can be used to display the Self-Identification / Self-Documentation
information of a device. A limited support for LonMark -formatted information is
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included. The operator should refer to the Lon documentation for details on the
subject. The following window is used for displaying the information:
Since the program does not know whether the target supports extended nv
configuration table or not, the program asks the operator if only the extended query nv
config table message is to be used. SI/SD information read using this method can be
reported to an ASCII text file or it can be exported to a Lon Network Tool -specific
file to be used for device type creation.

Diagnostics | Define
This function allows the operator to create definitions for querying several status
variables of network devices. The operator can select one or more devices (from the
devices on the currently loaded configuration) and assign to this node group several
statuses to be watched. The window, shown in Figure 76, is used for the purpose.
Here are listed the project nodes which can be added to the Selected devices -list. The
operator can also specify a subnet/node address not belonging to the project. The
combo box Available diagnostics contains three different selections, each displaying a
set of different variables below the selection box. In addition to the Statistics counters
shown on the figure above there exists a Query Status set containing the fields
present on a status query response. There also exists Derived statistics -class, but it
does not currently contain any variables. Once the operator has selected the desired
devices and statistic counters, pressing the OK button moves to the diagnostics query


Device | XIF file

This function allows the operator to view the information contained by a XIF
(eXternal InterFace) file. The SI/SD Information window (Figure 76) is used for
displaying the information.

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Diagnostics | Query
This menu selection allows the operator to use predefined diagnostic query
information without having use the previous menu item first. From this window the
operator can load and save query definitions.
The grid control displays the selected devices (columns) and the selected statistic
counters (rows). For each device a separate query interval can be given. Also the
query can be activated or deactivated for each device separately. On the figure above
the texts Off on the toggle buttons indicate that the queries are not active. When
pressed the button texts switch to On and the query is performed cyclically with
given interval. The Toggle all button can be used to change the state of all the
devices. The DEAD text indicates that the device has not answered. The Save and
Load buttons can be used to save the current definition and load a previously saved
query definition. The query results can be recorded to an ASCII file by using the
Rec/Pause/Stop -buttons.

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Monitoring | Network Variables

This menu selection provides access to the monitoring of the network variables. The
monitoring can be based on two alternatives: The operator can select a set of
individual nv:s from any project devices, or he can select an existing connection to be
monitored. On the window operator should set one connection from the Connections
list, or add one or more nv:s to the Selected NV:s -list. When a device is selected from
the Devices list, all the devices nvs are listed to the NV:s list.
When the selections are made, pressing the OK button witches to the nv monitoring
window. This window (below) contains tools for fetching, polling and updating a nv
selected from the list, or cyclically poll all the listed nv:s. If the nv is known to have a
SNVT type, the value is also shown in this SNVT format, like the SNVT_alarm
example below.


Selectors | List
This function lists the selector values and displays how they are used. The window
shown on Figure 27 is used.

Selectors | Usage
This function creates a report listing those network variables of each device which
contain a bindable selector value. The report is displayed immediately.
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File Operations
This menu selection starts the file transfer system. The file transfer window has a list
containing the file id:s. The operator can add new id:s or remove existing id:s. The
contents of the list is saved on exit and reloaded by the device subnet/node address.
The Lookup button can be used to view file id information. If no such file id exists,
a FS_LOOKUP_ERROR line is displayed. Or, if no lookup response is received at all,
the program notifies the operator that the target may not support File Transfer.
With the New and Delete buttons the operator can modify the listed file id:s. The
Selectors group will allow the operator to change the file transfer selectors in the
future versions of the program. Currently a set of fixed selector values are used.

On the previous versions of LNT there were two methods for sending and receiving
files: Fast and Standard. Currently only the Standard mode, which uses Lon
NETAgents file transfer capabilities, is supported. The Fast system is no longer
present with the LNT.
The standard Windows file selection dialog is used for selecting outgoing and
incoming file names. The system notifies the operator when an incoming file has
arrived, but there is no direct method to detect the end of an outgoing transfer. The
newest Lon NETAgent versions do make an audible signal (Beep) when a file
object is closed. On successful transfer it means that the transfer has finished.


ABB Automation


Operators Manual

LNT 505

LNT Options | NM Timers

This menu item can be used to specify the LonTalk timers used by the Lon Network
Tool network management messages. The window used for specifying the timers is
the same window which is used when giving the timer values for NV Connection.

LNT Options | Menu Structure

This menu item can be used to choose between Normal and Technical menu
structures. The Technical menu structure contains all menu items available. In Normal
menu structure some technical menu items are not visible to the user.

NETAgent | Start
This function starts the Lon NETAgent communication interface. If the Lon
NETAgent is already running this function has no effect.

NETAgent | Close
This function closes the Lon NETAgent. If the Lon NETAgent is not running this
function has no effect.

NETAgent | Configure
This function displays the Lon NETAgent configuration window. With this window
all the used Lon channels can be configured.

ABB Automation


LNT 505

Operators Manual


The Channel combo box is used for selecting the channel. For channel 0 the text
CONFIGURATION CHANNEL is displayed indicating that channel 0 is the only
channel fully supporting all the configuration messages (in practice this means that the
File Transfer works only on channel 0). The Lon device, subnet/node address, domain
id and communication speed for the channel can be specified. When the Lon
NETAgent is started each of the channels will be installed with these values. The Lon
NETAgent currently supports maximum of three channels.
In addition to these channel-specific values separate controls exist for settings values
common to all channels, such as the Default speed, log control value and Lon
NETAgent path.
The Lon NETAgent configuration information is stored on file NETTOOLS.INI found
on the Windows directory. More detailed information on this file and these settings is
provided in Appendix 4: LNT 505 INI file settings

NETAgent | Net Interface

The Net Interface Tool is invoked through this menu item. For detailed information on
the Net Interface Tool, the operator should refer to the LNT 505 Installation and
Commissioning Manual.

Other | LSG CFG Tool

This menu item is used for starting the LON/SPA Gateway Configuration Tool.

Other | Display Log files

Displays a list of the different .LOG files generated by the Lon Network Tool system.
Allows also the operator to view and print these files. A function mainly for
debugging purposes.


Window menu
This menu contains the list of the windows currently open. Also the following menu
selections are available:

This menu selection displays the (primitive) graphical window showing the structure
of the network. This window may be further developed in the near future. The
operator can select a background bitmap for the display, and, when once moved to
some location, the node icons remember their location. With suitable background
this feature can be used to illustrate the physical structure of the network.

Arrange Icons
This function arranges the minimized child windows.


Help menu
Displays the contents of the Lon Network Tool help.


ABB Automation


Operators Manual

LNT 505

About Lon Network Tool

Displays the program version and date. Also a kind of animation is provided, to bring
some light to the ordinary day of the operator.

ABB Automation




Operators Manual

LNT 505

Appendix 1: Extended address table

The number of address table entries (15) specified by LonWorks may prove to be
insufficient for some large applications. Hence, a set of special messages allowing a
host-based Lon device access a larger number of address table entries, usually up to
255, has been introduced by some Lon device manufacturers.
Depending on the structure of the device and the target environment, two alternatives
for extended address table support exists currently: Devices which support the
standard address table AND the extended address table. These devices are called
extended address table support Yes -devices in the Lon Network Tool. Another
class of devices support only the use of the extended address table. These are called
extended address table support Only -devices in the Lon Network Tool.
For both of these device classes the manufacturer of the device indicates that it should
be used with the corresponding Lon Network Tool value.
It should be noted that the term extended address table means that the network
variable configuration table of the device has also been extended: To be able to store
address indexes 15-255 a new method for storing nv configuration table has been
introduced. The details of these operations, however, are not visible to the operator,
Lon Network Tool is capable of processing each device appropriately, according to
the Extended address table setting of the device type information.

ABB Automation




Operators Manual

LNT 505

Appendix 2: Address table timers

When creating an address table entry for a nv connection a set of timer values should
be set. These timer values are:
Repeat timer (rpt_timer, default: 0 = 16 ms)
Retry count (retry, default = 1)
Receive timer (rcv_timer, default: 0 = 128 ms)
Transaction timer (tx_timer, default: 0 = 16 ms)
These default values are stored on the file LNT.INI found on the directory Lon
Network Tool was installed. On that file the following section should be found:

(If it is not found the lines shown above can be added by the operator with any text
editor.) Here the string 01 00 specifies these values, in hexadecimal. The first byte,
0, gives the repeat timer value, the second byte, 1, gives the retry count, etc. By
editing this file the default values used by the program can be changed. The number
values 0-F are interpreted as follows:








Values are given in milliseconds. The retry timer is directly the number of the retries.
For example if (for some reason) the timer values should be set as follows: rpt_timer
512 milliseconds, retry count 3, receive timer 2048 milliseconds and transaction timer
768 milliseconds, the result would be:

The operator is also able to define the timer values used by the network management
messages sent by the Lon Network Tool using this same method.

ABB Automation




Operators Manual

LNT 505

Appendix 3: Router configuration

To make Router configuration more user-friendly several additional features have
been added to the Lon Network Tool. When setting the Neuron Chip structure values
for a Router devices (Figure 21) a set of default values can be retrieved by changing
the FRPPBW\SH value. Changing the FRPPBW\SH of the Router near side also affects to
the far side parameters of the router.
When the Neuron Chip communication buffer sizes/counts for a Router device are
changed, the far side settings are always automatically set equal to the near side.
However, if far side buffer data is modified, the near side values are not changed.
When creating a configuration with one or more router devices, the user should note
the limitations the LonTalk protocol sets. Basically, nodes belonging to the same
subnet can not reside on different sides of a configured router. Violating this rule may
cause the devices to be unable to communicate. The operator should refer to the
LonWorks documentation for more information on this subject.

ABB Automation



Operators Manual

LNT 505


Appendix 4: LNT 505 INI file settings


The LNT 505 system utilizes several Windows .INI files for storing and retrieving
different LonWorks settings. The following .INI files are most closely associated with
the LNT 505 system. File keywords are shown below with their most common values


This file can be found on the Windows directory of the system. This file contains
settings which specify how the Lon Network Tool node (which is equivalent to the
Lon NETAgent communication interfaces node) should communicate with the
LonWorks network.
In addition to the LNT 505 system, this file may be used by some other tool using the
Lon NETAgent communication interface, for example CAP 505 Relay Product
Engineering Tool Box.


Section [CHANNEL0]

Specifies the device name which should be used for Lon communication. An
approriate device driver should be loaded to create the device.
The naming convention for the device name is as shown in the Table 5:
Device Name

Device Driver

Installed Board



Echelon driver
MiSCLONP driver


n >= 0
n >= 0


These settings specify the subnet/node address for the Lon Network Tool node. Lon
Network Tool network interface (Lon Network Tool node) appears as a LonWorks
node to the other devices on the same network.

This setting specifies the initial domain id where the Lon Network Tool node should
go to when the Lon NETAgent communication interface is started. The domain id is
given in hexdump string format, such as:
DOMAIN0=11 22 33 44 55 66


ABB Automation


LNT 505

Operators Manual


This setting specifies the authentication key for the Lon Network Tool node. The
default value recommended by Echelon is used here.

These settings specify the Lon Bit rate (communication speed) to be used. These
values are equal to LonWorks FRPPBFORFN (SPEED) and LQSXWBFORFN (FREQ) values.
SPEED can have any value which is legal to FRPPBFORFN.
FREQ can have any legal clock rate value. The MHz text is optional. The operator
should check the approriate LQSXWBFORFNvalue from the LonWorks network interface
Table 6. lists the mapping of the FRPPBFORFN to /RQ%LWUDWHvalues with LQSXWBFORFN
value of 10 Mhz:
Lon Bit rate









Table 7. lists the mapping of the FRPPBFORFN to /RQ%LWUDWHvalues with LQSXWBFORFN
value of 5 Mhz:
Lon Bit rate









For more information both on FRPPBFORFN and LQSXWBFORFNthe operator should refer
to the LonWorks documentation.

These settings specify if the ML10 Terminal Unit network variables should be set
authenticated. AUTH_INPUTS sets the authentication state of input and configuration
network variables. AUTH_TIME sets the state of the real-time network variable. A
zero value specifies that no authentication should be used. Any non-zero value causes
the authentication to be used.


Section [NETAGENT]

This setting specifies the Lon NETAgent communication interface home directory.
Tool programs requesting for the Lon NETAgent search for it under this directory.
This setting is set by the LNT 505 installation program and should not be modified by
the operator.


ABB Automation


Operators Manual

LNT 505

This setting specifies the Lon NETAgent program version. It is not used by the
application thus being only of informational value to the operator.

This setting specifies whether the Lon NETAgent should generate the log file
SYSLOG.LOG during program run. Value 0 specifies that no logfile should be
generated. Value 255 specifies that all incoming and outgoing messages should be
logged to the file. This setting is usually set to nonzero value only during Lon
NETAgent troubleshooting.

On some environments the Lon NETAgent startup may take quite a long time. If
communication errors are found and they may be caused by loosing messages which
are sent before the Lon NETAgent is ready, this setting may be specified. It increases
the Lon Network Tool delay before trying to perform Lon NETAgent communication.
Usually this field may be left out or set to have empty value.


Section [TOOLS]

This setting specifies the LNT 505 installation directory. Lon Network Tool database
is created under this directory.
This setting is set by the LNT 505 installation program and should not be modified by
the operator.

This setting specifies the Lon Network Tool version. It is not used by the application
thus being only of informational value to the operator.
This setting is set by the LNT 505 installation program and should not be modified by
the operator.


Section [LON]

This setting specifies the default Lon timer values used by Lon Network Tool when
creating network variable connections.

This setting specifies the default Lon timer values used by Lon Network Tool for
network management messages.

This setting specifies the default Lon timer values used for Lon File Transfer request

ABB Automation


Operators Manual

LNT 505



Section [LAYOUT]


No settings currently exist on this section and it may not appear on all .INI files.
Future versions of LNT 505 may use this for some purposes.


Section [PROJECTS]

These settings specify the three last loaded projects. The names of the projects appear
on the File menu of the program.

This setting specifies whether the last loaded project should automatically be reloaded when the program is started. Nonzero value causes the project to be loaded, a
zero value does not.


Section [TOOLS]

These items specify the names of the Scanner and Quick Installer utility applications.
Currently they do not have meaning, but, if during program development special
versions of these tools are created, these settings may be used to specify which version
should be used in a particular LNT 505 installation.


Section [NETAGENT]

This item specifies whether the Lon NETAgent communication interface should be
automatically started whenever the Lon Network Tool is started. A zero value
(default) causes the Lon NETAgent being started only when it is needed.


Section [STATE]
LOCATION= 4815, 10440
SIZE= 540, 540

These items specify the size and location of the Lon Network Tool window, in pixels.


Other .INI files

The Lon Network Tool system creates and updates also several other .INI files, which
are not visible to the operator. These files include:
SNVT.INI: This file contains information about the SNVT types known by the Lon
Network Tool system


ABB Automation


Operators Manual

LNT 505

STARTUP.INI: This file specifies LonWorks resource values which can not be
used by the Lon Network Tool. For example, the LonWorks file transfer selectors
are by default set here in order to not to allow Lon Network Tool to use them when
creating network variable connections.

ABB Automation



Operators Manual

LNT 505

adding devices........................................................................................................................... 13
adding objects ........................................................................................................................... 23
basic installation........................................................................................................................ 26
bitmap ....................................................................................................................................... 22
communication buffers.............................................................................................................. 28
connection creation ................................................................................................................... 18
description string....................................................................................................................... 17
detailed installation ................................................................................................................... 26
device type .................................................................................................................................. 4
device type creation................................................................................................................... 16
device type toolbox ............................................................................................................... 9, 10
Devices window........................................................................................................................ 13
displaying logfiles ..................................................................................................................... 33
downloading configuration ....................................................................................................... 29
Echelon ....................................................................................................................................... 4
edit device type ......................................................................................................................... 21
editing devices........................................................................................................................... 17
installing nodes ......................................................................................................................... 24
list of the devices......................................................................................................................... 9
LNT 505...................................................................................................................................... 4
LNT 505 installation directory.................................................................................................. 23
LNT 505 node ........................................................................................................................... 89
location string............................................................................................................................ 17
LON/SPA Gateway device ....................................................................................................... 14
LONWorks.................................................................................................................................. 4
LSG CFG Tool.......................................................................................................................... 14
LSG Event connection .............................................................................................................. 20
make copies............................................................................................................................... 23
message tags.............................................................................................................................. 24
Net Interface Tool ..................................................................................................................... 80
network database......................................................................................................................... 5
Nv Connections......................................................................................................................... 18
operator documentation............................................................................................................. 29
operator-defined device types ................................................................................................... 21
program id ................................................................................................................................. 17
ABB Automation

LNT 505

Operators Manual


program main menu.....................................................................................................................8

program main window.................................................................................................................7
Router device.............................................................................................................................15
Router installation......................................................................................................................28
senders .......................................................................................................................................20
service pin..................................................................................................................................28
subnet/node address ...................................................................................................................17
target 1 .......................................................................................................................................20
target 2 .......................................................................................................................................20
The Lon Network Tool ................................................................................................................4
unused network variables ..........................................................................................................29

ABB Automation

1MRS751706-MUM EN 2000.01

P.O. Box 699
Tel. +358 10 224 000
Fax. +358 10 224 1094

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